@Dallas Mavericks

The Best In The World

The Best In The World

All right Little Johnny tell Santa Claus what you want for Christmas um I think I want a new Xbox oh an Xbox okay I’m sure we can make that work all right come on up next one up in line please who the hell even is this man come on up here he

Doesn’t even have a Santa hat on no who who is he he is he’s scaring the children okay little Timothy why don’t you tell me what you want for Christmas see if Santa can bring I’m a Phoenix Suns fan and all I want is Luca donic to

Not embarrass the Suns on national TV uh why don’t we ask for something a little bit more realistic so Santa Claus can can bring it for you okay buddy no I’m a Suns fan all I want is Luca Don to not embarrass us okay listen here Timothy you little torp kid that shit’s

Not happening okay do you even watch the NBA it’s never going to happen you casual fan you don’t even watch do you you’re such a casual no why’ you ask for something that’s not he’s the best player in the world I’m ready to go there I’m ready to defend it I’m ready

To die on that hill in the past I’ve been a little bit cautious of putting Luca in that conversation right I’ve had him in the top three maybe I’ve had him as the MVP just because I thought that he embodied that award this year I’m

Ready to just flat out go there I don’t think there’s been a person in the league playing better than LCA donic and what he did on Christmas night was almost like a coming out party in a way for him I know that he’s been great he’s

Four time all NBA first team player in five seasons in the league top five finishes in the MVP voting almost every single year but what he did last night showed the world on National Television probably one of the most watched NBA games of the season right the prime time

Late night Christmas Day game Lucas showed the world I’m at a different level this year you know I’m good you know what I can do you’ve seen what I can do but I’m doing it at a whole another level this year that’s exactly what Luca is doing in the first quarter

Luca reached 10,000 career points he becomes the sixth youngest to do it the seventh fastest in NBA history to do it he does it while dropping 50 points six rebounds and 15 assists it’s only the second 50. 15 plus assist game in NBA history it’s only the 39th 50 and 10

Game in the history of the league and with four Steals and three blocks in this game as well Defensive Player of the Year Luca really came out to play Four steals in three blocks it’s the only 50 and 10 game ever with more than five stocks a 52.5 game score which is

The best Christmas Day game ever the 17th best game in NBA history by game score again a stat I have no clue I have got no idea what the hell goes into that stat all right but again if it if it benefits my argument I’m using it I

Don’t care and since becoming a dad really since the start of December Luca donic 37.3 points per game 9.2 rebounds per game 11 and a half assists on 49% from the field 39% from deep and 80% from the free throw line just playing at a level that I have never seen him play

At he is in such complete and total control of the game he scores if you’re not going to double team him he’s going to score his shooting he’s been the second best shooter in the NBA this season behind Steph Curry like that’s just I think a fact and the problem for

Teams if you are going to double team him so he doesn’t destroy you in one-on ones he is completely mastered passing out of double teams it does not matter what what you do it does not matter if you send size at him it doesn’t matter

Where you trap him at on the court he’s going to pass out of it and the Mavericks have been tremendous this season playing four on three basketball Derrik livley has been great Derrick Jones Jr’s been great Tim Hardway Jr’s been great dare I say Dwight Pal’s even

Been pretty good in that role teams are willingly choosing to play Four Onre basketball against a team very capable of playing fouron threee basketball and generating Great Looks then they are letting Luca beat them one-on-one think about that think about the level of attention that Luca draws on night

Toight basis and think about the stats that he still drops let’s just get to some of the clips from this game man you got to see it to believe it sometimes again as I said teams are just willing to play four on three basketball and guys like Derrik Lively have been

Punishing them Derrik Lively had 20110 in this game he’s a rookie this was his first Christmas night game Christmas Day game as a rookie 20 and 10 I think his career high Duke was 13 or something like that I don’t know somebody correct me if I’m wrong here but again the the

Suns elect to double off of this pick and roll roll on LCA and there’s Derrick Lively rolling to the rim Booker on him you’re too tiny that’s a dunk first basket of the game for the Mavericks next offensive trip for the Mavericks why not tap back into it a little drag

Screen here from Derek Lively going to slip here comes the double KD you’re even too small I know you’re a seven-footer I don’t care I’m 19 years old I don’t care about anything again just the attention that LCA donic generates right air Gordon’s just sitting at the nail waiting for luuka

Donic Kevin Durant’s basically guarding two players here with Derrick Jones Jr and Lively in the dunker spot he doesn’t even need to set a screen Luca still going to find him KD you’re 7 feet tall I don’t care I’m throwing that pass anyway that’s a foul my name is Luca

Donic I love playing the Phoenix Suns hi dribble pickup where’s the help did easy basket nice entry pass here from Timmy gets luuka to his spot KD’s coming oh he does have a he he does have a freakishly long wingspan I’m just gonna get a little floater here over him if that’s

Okay with you before the help comes I’m Luka DOD I watched this game live obvious viously I went back and watched this game for this video I honestly have to say Luka donic is a player who has the ball in his hands pretty much every single time down the floor I don’t know

How many possessions he is directly responsible for whether that’s a shot for him or a shot for others I don’t know if he made two or three mistakes in this entire game like he was that great in this game his decision- making was so good it might have been one of the

Greatest playmaking performances we’ve seen in quite some time 15 assist for Luka could have easily been 20 plus really it could have and it’s stuff like this you see the helps here Grayson Allen little behind the back pass to Grant Williams Deon Booker’s guarding two guys Grant Williams does miss the

Shot and Deon Booker probably makes the right choice here I’m not going to close out too hard on on Grant Williams I’m gonna let Grayson Allen get back into the play because I don’t want to leave Tim Hardway wide open Grant Williams misses but again it’s just the attention

He he generates I mean that’s a lengthy defender in KD and a pretty solid defender in Grayson Allen little behind the back pass to an open shooter Grant please you play NBA 2K franchise you know this man Luka donic always gets an all-nba second team or first team nomination and you know what

He might just deserve it maybe he really is that guy on defense transition opportunity no Lucas playing free safety and now I’m trailing the play and I’m stepping into a catch and shoot three it’s sort of fitting that Luca’s 10,000th Point happened against the Suns wait I mean his first NBA points happen

Against the Sun that was his career debut I mean hold on a second that’s actually a wild pass but whatever just another day at the office for Luca Derrick Jones Jr gets it poked loose again Luca catch and shoot uh that’s a bomb Boom the patience here from Luca to not

Overreact and panic against this double team right here bu enough time for Grayson Allen to shuffle his feet a little bit towards Jaden Hardy which means he’s not going to recover in time on this skip pass to xam and XOM can just jab and go that’s a

Dunk mate and if you’re going to trap these high picking rolls I mean it’s got to be much better ball pressure than this Luc is passing out of this 10 times out of 10 now the Mavs are in four on three XM gets to wide open three doesn’t

Hit but I mean those are super high percentage of plays right there for the Mavericks help defense doesn’t come okay let me have this dance on Christmas night too much space too easy I mean it’s it’s scary how easy it is Luca getting doubled Derek Lely in the dunker

Spot this is an easy lob 10 times out of 10 oh yeah don’t catch it bring it back down in order to stat pad and get fouled and won that’s a that’s a 10,000 IQ play from Derrick gler right there get your stats up this there’s no way this kid’s

Something I love from broadcast companies yes let’s take up half the screen with something we don’t want to see in the middle of the game yeah great job ESPN great job sounds of the game you want to know what the sounds of the game was it was Luka

Running up down the floor wo wo sounded like Mario I’m being dead serious that’s what he sounded like anyways again you’re going to Blitz this High screen you’re going a double it’s got to be better than this Lively on a short roll misses this little jump hook but that’s

A shot we like we like that shot I mean a playmaking master class ladies and gentlemen this pass to Jaden Hardy in the corner to close out the first quarter stuff of Legends I mean really it is really it is look at this lookoff he knows Eric Eric Gordon is guarding

Two players here basically Luca looks at AJ Lawson long enough for Eric Gordon to step towards Lawson which means this skip pass to the corner to jayen Hardy which is not open right now but the moment Luca releases the ball there’s going to be a sliver of space

That allows janen Hardy to be wide open for a catch and shoot three I mean the the court Vision that’s just unbelievable I don’t think this pass got talked about enough that’s one of the craziest Drew Eubanks please God please God somebody come help please Mavericks gonna play four on

Three this possession once again a very soft double with barely any ball pressure I mean come on that’s so easy Tim harway junor an extra pass wait what the hell’s going on Tim in A Christmas giving spirit usually Tim’s chunking that thing great look for the Mavericks

Ex missed it but again you love those looks yeah and and Lucas hitting these shots your I mean there’s just no toys around it dribble hand off on the Move I’m pulling out with a center’s hand in my face I’m Luka donic unblocked me on Twitter Luka I love you brother so

It does kind of make sense you want to Blitz this pick and roll with your Center put some length on Luca make it difficult but again he’s just such he’s in such control of the game he’s passing out of that every single time and Lively’s been so incredible in these

Short rolles man smaller Devon Booker on him he’s finishing right over him he wasn’t doing that at the start of the Season he was passing out of those every single time it’s crazy how quickly he’s picking up the game Yan helps got to be better than this low dribble pickup easy

Finish at The Rim that’s just that’s a joke yeah look at the defense by Luca stay in front Booker can’t get past him yeah stay in front move your feet great job gets hit in the face way to recover get down there get on you Banks yeah

Good job rotate out we live with a metsu shot we live with a metu three I’m going to turn up the volume here for this clip cuz I need you guys to hear this horrible trash ass defense chant that the Phoenix Suns pump into the arena

Every single time on defense it it makes these games almost impossible to watch it is a horrible viewing experience s so terrible pass though knock that down Dante talk in Australian how many backup quarterbacks are we at in the NFL now like 14 15 16 how many guys I think I got

Called to play quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings last week look at this pass by Luca tell me right now he couldn’t be I don’t know what the 1th best quarterback in the NFL something along those lines defense name is LCA donic I play defense now metu lazy ass dribble

Handoff steel easy finish Devon Booker on the on the hot mic after this you can hear him say you’re just going to turn the ball over and not get back now that’s probably said on the court a trillion times during a game obviously but given where the suns are at it’s

Kind of interesting again all eyes on Luca here ktie slides over to help meu is basically guarding two players and Luca just waits to to read where metu is going at this moment in time this pass can go anywhere metu takes one step to the corner and Luca then rifles this

Pass to Derrick Jones Jr on the wing beautiful job by Derrick Jones Jr way to attack that close out right there guys like Luca and yic have made these like crosscourt skip passes just look so normal that a pass like that it’s just like yeah another day at the office for

Luca that’s really a crazy ass pass no double team comes and I have this duns KD forces the drible pick up doesn’t matter I’m fading Luc is just a stone cold killer man knows when the Mavericks need a basket Sun’s making a big run aogi you’re going to pick me up the full

Length of the floor like that I’m just going to generate a tiny little bit of space on the step back and shoot over you because I’m him Luca is just like a killer man he’s a killer it’s like Luca’s seen so many double teams at this

Point in his career he knows exactly how to pass out of him not just that but he knows how long he needs to wait he knows he can be patient he knows he has the size to pass over these easily so he doesn’t have to p he doesn’t have to

Rush it he can just wait to see where the defense goes and find the open guy like right here right they’re going to Blitz this dribble hand off again Luca just Waits long enough for Booker to commit out to Tim Hardway Jr leaving Derrick Lively open in the middle of the

Floor again great job by Lively way to be aggressive Rook Luca could throw a 99 mph fastb I’m convinced of it I think he could what do you think again cold blooded Stone Cold Mavericks need baskets need points luuka with a block on one end on the other end you’re

Not going to send help all right step back three we needed a shot you got a shot he’s a killer man he’s venomous we’re trying to work on a nickname kind of like venomous like a snake I’m kind of thinking like black mamba what about Black Mamba for Luca I want something

Kind of unique and and interesting Maverick’s down by four this game kind of felt like it was slipping a little bit Luca at his spot on the wing no help comes knock down down four again nice little high screen here from exm where where the is the defense um hello hey

Guys hey guys he shoots over double teams and makes them hey guys you might want to cover him this is actually a great double team from chimi metu how does Luca not lose this ball like how is that not a steal that feels like that should be a steal almost

Every single time but again this is what teams choose they want to play 4 on three we’d rather Play 4 on three have XM hit an extra pass to the corner drick Jones Jr boom as I’m getting a little bit older age I I I feel Jason kid here

Really I do let’s examine this yo go over there yeah yeah get up there oh my shoulder I threw up my shoulder pointing hey I get it yeah playing four on three Yan Luca I’m passing over this every time this is easy this is easy for

Me I’m LCA donic that’s easy for me great job by Eric Jor Jr and there’s just levels to it I mean Kevin Durant’s a great playmaker in his own right he’s a very good and capable playmaker but look Kevin Durant gets doubled this skip pass is here right now Luca has his feet

Going towards this dude exam’s on Booker this skip pass is here and Eric Gordon would have an open three or he’d be able to rip and go or whatever the case may be but instead this pass comes so late or doesn’t come at all from KD and it

Allows the Mavericks to get to rotate and get a stop here’s another example ear earlier in this game I mean Kevin Durant makes this pass so late like that that pass needs to come like right here if you’re going to skip this to Devon Booker right exom is already committed

He’s moving his feet it’s going to be impossible for him to recover instead exm reads them like a book just again there’s just it’s just levels here’s luuka going for 50 it looked like he was content to just dribble out the shot clock and just stick at 48 but then Grayson

Allen comes and plays defense Eric Gordon comes a double I might as well I might as well get 50 points it’s enough to bring tears to your eyes man you know how horrible last year was it’s so nice to see that this guy currently embodies everything the MVP awards should be

About on a night toight basis how does this player will their team to victories how does this player stand out how does this player take over games and do what MVP level players should do the super mega star players should do which is will their team to a victory I don’t

Know how you can watch any Dallas Mavericks games I don’t know how you can watch games from across the NBA and not think Luka donic has been the best player in the world so far this season I know other guys are doing great I know other guys are grifting their way

To huge monstrous stat lines I get all of that I watch a lot of basketball I don’t see people doing what Luka NAIC does on a nightly basis I don’t see it anywhere else in the association there is no funny outro for this video you think this is funny

You think this is a joke we’re watching a grown man go out there and systematically murder NBA teams on a night toight basis you think this is funny have you seen the Phoenix Sun subreddit it’s pretty funny it’s actually it’s actually pretty funny

Luka Doncic does it again. 50 points and 15 assists on Christmas night to take down the Phoenix Suns. He has been the best player in the world this season.

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  1. The NBA is biased against Luka. They will do anything to keep him from being the best player in the world. Missed calls against him. Unnecessary techs. Silver and his crew obviously hates Luka.

  2. If Luka was only doublednthe most instead of twice as much as the next guy and got the Lillard SGA whistle 40 a game with ease.

  3. Wait a second.
    The gamescore-stat…
    You're telling me 7 of the 20th best recorded gamescores of all time happened within the last year?!

    Gamescore is obviously not a super-old stat but common. That's crazy.

  4. The fact they chant defense like it works against a European player is laughable. Americans go for entertainment. Europeans go to war with their team.

  5. Keep up with those intros bro. I like it when you point out plays that is great even on a miss shot. Those are not seen on any highlight clips on the media.

  6. you are a pathetic casual if you can't recognize the best player in the world – head band luka is a force of nature

  7. It’s wild how the media decides what they want eveything to be.

    ESPN barely spoke or posted about Luka and the mavs on their YouTube channel if at all today. They speak about ja all the time, embid, wemby, the pistons losing streak, Greek freak but they’re never taking about Luka.

    How he isn’t ranked 2 in mvp is fucking wild for what he’s doing when rotation has been hurt most of the year

  8. Yet he's not even in the top 5 mvp voting or ladder wherever I look. Thats a crime. So what more should he do to even get in the top 5 let alone win it

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