@Chicago Bulls

Go ahead and fill it out Bulls nation

Go ahead and fill it out Bulls nation

by sufferchicago


  1. milkmypepperoni

    99.9% of this subreddit. And yes, me too lol

  2. guerillalegume

    A lot less talk about Billy ever since Zach went down.

  3. Worldly_Eye_1636

    I really hope Lavine doesn’t come back, and we immediately start doing worse cause that’s gonna ruin the entire mood for the rest of the season. Hopefully, we send him off to another team, preferably a team in the West, or he comes back and only adds to this team rather than take away

  4. Consistent_Cash_6666

    I’m not filling this shit out lol

  5. My theory is he is actually a good coach, but when he has multiple all star players he gets too comfortable just letting them play how they please. Kinda like he basically realizes “oh shit, now I’ve actually gotta coach.” He gets too complacent.

  6. I wouldn’t sign since I liked him even when the whole sub turned on him. And I will still support him even when this sub inevitably turn on him again.

  7. MissingTheTrees

    He’s a mid ass coach who gets mid ass results. I hope to eat crow on that statement but I said it the moment we hired him.

    Lavine sitting is not some magical move by him. Players are stepping up with the opportunity they’ve been given. We see Vouch out tonight and Drummond going off. It’s been available all season. Not some great move by him.

    Sure he creates a fairly good defense… in one of the most offensive minded eras of the NBA. Can anyone really see him taking a team to the ECF in back to back years?

    No apology necessary. Never shit on the guy. Never expected greatness.

  8. ClaymoresRevenge

    I’m just not the biggest Billy fan and while we’re winning games now. Nothing this season or last convinces me he’s the guy to develop our team going forward. We’re 14-18 we’ve been down this road before. Only 1 playoff win during his tenure

  9. HidanNofumetsu

    I didn’t catch the game but wth was happening? Andre with 20 and 20 is crazy

  10. Medical_Nectarine_33

    Never, I still don’t trust him. He’s riding a wave

  11. skullcandy541

    Umm why are we apologizing to Billy again? What am I filling this form out for lmao

  12. skullcandy541

    This apology form for be for Drummond and all the people who hated on his bad fouls and silly turnovers. Saying he isn’t a starting quality center. He did everything he was supposed to do tonight as a starting center and then more. Apologize to him people not Billy lmao tf did he do? Once Vuc comes back Drummonds minutes will prob only increase by like 3 lol

  13. DreadPirateNot

    So he’s been underplaying Coby, ayo, pat, and markenaan for his entire tenure. And you think he’s doing a good job?

  14. Lol nah. Limpdick hire then and limpdick hire still

  15. andreasmiles23

    He’s the one not giving Drummond, our actual superstar, more minutes so the corpse of Vuc can flail his arms and drop passes.

  16. Disconnected_NPC

    This sub is a peak on how owners like Jerry get away with the shit they get away with.

  17. donspider1221

    Not really limited to this post in particular, and I give OP credit for at least putting in some rudimentary photo edit effort, but I could really do without these “apologize” posts on this sub. There was an irritatingly lazy one the other week regarding Coby White as well.

    I love how we’re playing these days, like everyone else on this sub. It has been awesome. Coby, Pat and Ayo all seem to be taking major leaps. It’s super encouraging. But let’s also not act like this team hasn’t been mostly dogshit for 2 years straight.

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