@Phoenix Suns

The Phoenix Suns do NOT have the right coaches leading Devin Booker, Kevin Durant and company

The Phoenix Suns do NOT have the right coaches leading Devin Booker, Kevin Durant and company

This isn’t a positive situation I’m sorry this this should be the final straw changes need to be made I I it’s gonna have to be the coaching staff because there’s not some trade that’s magically Gonna Make You better and just because Bradley Beal’s GNA come back

From an ankle injury in the next week or two isn’t GNA magically make everything better it’s time to shake things up uh and I think it’s got to start on the bench whether it’s Kevin young or it’s Frank vogle or both it’s time to make a

Change this team has far too much talent they’re far uh too good for it to be this bad and without chimi metu and Grayson Allen tonight this is a complete ass whooping uh and it’s just it can’t continue like this something needs to change I just watch the team just

Absolutely get dismantled by one dude and for this whole this whole 2 four I’m sorry 28 now 29 game stretch all we’ve been hearing and making excuses about are oh just wait till the big three all get on this well they can’t find the chemistry well they got a bunch of new

Guys well Luca has a has half his damn team is is new too and he just absolutely dismantled You by himself like our Stars didn’t step up their star their star did they have Kyrie sitting on the bench we have Bradley Beal but we have two of our stars and they didn’t

Step up at all they didn’t meet the challenge we talked about that in pregame and they just disappeared and the coaching staff can can they they have plenty of blame for sure I’m choosing to go in the other direction for the people that actually have an

Impact on the court and the two main guys and Kevin Durant and Devon Booker that just absolutely the bed tonight they got outplayed by a mile by Luca dones it wasn’t even close and if it weren’t like you said if it weren’t for Grayson Allen and metu and most

Mostly Grayson Allen in that third period uh I mean this game would have been ugly it would have been bad it would have been terrible yeah I mean I I don’t know how to follow that up that’s all facts I mean it’s like Jael and Hyde this

Basketball team you know when the Stars play the bench don’t show up when the bench shows up the Stars don’t play and it’s like I I don’t I don’t know there’s no wiggle room here there’s no margin for error you can’t have one or the

Other we have not seen this team put it all together uh starters in bench and yeah tonight Luca came in and played like the best player in the world and two guys look nonexistent like I didn’t even I didn’t even recognize kti and book out there today like it was almost like they

Weren’t on the court and so yeah I mean uh espo you’re right something needs to be discussed on the bench because in every level of basketball that I’ve been involved in my my entire life the teams are usually a reflection of their leaders and their coaches and I don’t I

Don’t I mean I looked at the Mavericks tonight they look like Jason kid I looked at the Suns tonight who the do they look like I don’t know I I I’ve never seen Frank vogle play basketball but it looks like they’re reflection of their coach and so something needs to

Get done there and KD and book gotta own this I mean this this man came to their house and took their lunch money their their their dinner uh their dog and the car I mean it is what it is I’m pissed off I didn’t put the Plus at 3500 on

Luca to get uh 75 PA p uh PSR P tonight because it’s insane it’s bad basketball and there’s no Marg for error so something got to get done yeah and I think the unfortunate part of this game too was that like yeah Grayson Allen and Chi metu had great games especially

Grayson in that third quarter but a lot of it was the Mavs missing shots too that allowed the Suns to get back into this like if they had knocked down some of those shots we wouldn’t even had an opportunity to stay in this game or get

Back into this game and it would have been far worse than what this outcome was and so it’s like sure we took advantage of the fact that they missed some shots but at the same time like had they not this would have been even more embarrassing yeah Ian Miss I’m sorry I

Just say you said you know the team takes on a reflection of who their coaches and right now this looks like a team that doesn’t know who they are like they’re pretending to be something that they aren’t and I feel like that’s really Frank vogle right now right I

Mean yeah this guy we heard defensive Savant we haven’t seen it on defense Kevin young was supposed to be the offensive Mastermind we haven’t seen it they feel like two guys pretending playing a role that they were cast into that they’re not you know capable of doing right now with this group and

Quite frankly tonight felt like KD and Booker having lost faith in in the guys that are trying to coach them these are otherw World talents playing on the biggest stage in the NBA they’ve both talked about how much Christmas day is important and neither of them came out

With a sense of urgency and to me that screams I don’t I I don’t believe in these guys that are trying to put this game plan together I don’t believe in this offense that I keep getting run out on and not that they did it on purpose

But I just mean in that subconscious I feel like you kind of just get to that point and and Luca I had said it the the other night I didn’t want him to come in here and and let let him be the Grinch and you’re right he came in he took the

Christmas tree he took the ornaments he took the gifts and he said peace out thanks thanks this is my house now I appreciate you guys and and that can’t happen that’s exactly why you got rid of Monty is because he couldn’t you know that they couldn’t handle it when

That guy came in your house and he did it again yeah I I mean this is tough because you know I’m wa I was watching a game here with some people that I would consider to be casuals they don’t watch as much basketball as us and one person in

Particular looked at me and said it looks like the players are coaching themselves from afar and I and I literally digested what they were saying and I’m I’m looking at them like you might be right like it looks like this team’s identity they don’t believe in what the coaches are selling and tonight

Some KD did something tonight that is really alarming to me and and i’ I’d be remiss if I didn’t speak on this KD looked like he gave up in the fourth quarter I mean he damn sure looked like okay I’m this I’m packing this in I mean

Look at it the amount of shots he took he just didn’t look like KD and I remember I remember vividly a game seven where we played against the Lakers and Kobe Bryant back in the Nash era and there was a lot of talk before the game

About how Kobe had to pass more and how Kobe had to get his his teammates involved more and if you go back and you look at that game and you go back and look at history many people would tell you that Kobe lost that game because he

He listened to he said you know what you don’t need you can do it here you go do it uh uh kwami Brown do it smush Parker do it let me see y’all I don’t know why but I got that feeling from Kevin and Knight I got that feeling like there’s

Something wrong with this basketball team and it’s starting to get to the point where if they don’t fix it quick it’s going to get cancerous and I it could be the bench it could be higher up something got to change this was alarm

After another embarrassing loss to the Dallas Mavericks, the PHNX Suns crew dissects why they think coaching could be the culprit for Phoenix’s slow start.




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  1. The bench is weak. They don’t have many NBA level players. Bol, Watanabe, Goodwin, Eubanks, Azubuke, Bates-Diop, are all borderline NBA level players. The offense is terrible, but the defense is worse. Durant isn't a leader and neither is Booker, or even Beal. They were never going to compete for a title, but now it looks like they might not even be a playoff team!

  2. Watching your meltdown is so funny. You aren't bothering to say what needs to be said, neither KD and Booker are #1s because they are mentally weak. Nuggets are good because Jokic and Murray are straight up killers when it matters

  3. You mean to tell me the Suns dont have enough money to bring in. Kemba Walker or Demarcus Cousins for cheap? Thats bs and they are better than our current bench guys and they won't cost a lot to bring in.

  4. Why anybody is surprised about the Suns this year is the real mystery. This train wreck was obviously going to happen.

  5. If the NY and Wizzards games were not a wake up call for them, the Dallas game won’t be either. If CP3 was still here the players only meeting would probably have already taken place by now. Hopefully some type of change is in the works behind the scenes

  6. kd 11 shots? something s wrong and Kevin Durant’s body language has been awful . If you want something to change speak up and say it or move on, ohh wait.. u cant move on

  7. Their harder to watch than the cardinals. And they are tanking big time. Just look at cannons demeanor on sideline.The guy has no fricken emotion. He doesn't care to win. He has a job next yr.

  8. Man you guys are really overreacting u sun's fans are terrible get rid of frank Vogel to get who trade the pieces we got for who the problem is u sun's fans are to impatient the sun's just missed shots they can clean up the turnovers and just a little more effort on defense we easily win that game calm down 🤨

  9. i feel bad for book and KD, i saw their frustration all over their faces last night on the loss… luka scored 50 on us!! 4 straight losses it’s frustrating…

  10. The coaching staff isn't the problem. It's the ideology and uncompromising attitude of james jones. The idea of positionless basketball where no player understands what their role is because nothing can really be defined without a position. Also fielding a team of 90 percent wings, just because it was his position when he played. Also selling away the team's future over the next decade because as the last of the sarver front office he still adopts the idea that getting young talent and actually developing them is a waste of time. Who knows what ayton could of become if we spent the money and time to actually develop him? Too late now. This team was the exact roster james jones wanted. He needs to go, he's the problem. Vogel can only work with the players he's given. Also, Booker and beal aren't being payed the ridiculous amounts of money they collect to sit on their asses in street clothes. They either play and compete or sit out the season and forfeit all that money. Bryant would've played through injury. Booker is so physically and mentally soft now that he's been paid, it's pretty pathetic
    Refund the money the season ticket holders paid for this mirage of a team. Fire james jones and start develop an identity of ruining other teams playoff chances. If we can' t win it all and we can't even find the guts to compete, then i want to see us move players in order to get thugs and be the dirtiest team in basketball. I want everyone to fear the suns regardless of outcome.

  11. "Flex" from Jersey should have keep his trap shut….he pushed the Suns into a terrible trade..Old man KD for Cam Bridges and 4 …4 first round picks for a dud that has not won sh@@ without the Dubs…KD is weak mentally always has been..This team will pay for this trade for the next decade…

  12. Sorry ass franchise that has NEVER won a chip deluded themselves into thinking they're gonna win with 35 yo KD & Booker, injury prone Beal and and a bunch of minimums lol

  13. scapegoating a championship coach who has amazing years with Paul George instead of looking at the sorry ass team is hilarious.

  14. You cant make a change. It's the culture of the team and the fans. You idolize Booker like he is some 1A player when he is 2nd tier… At the very best. He's a frontrunner and has a long history of proving he folds under pressure… Just look at his elimination game stats.

    He's cocky, barks up the wrong trees and probably singlehandedly set the franchise back a decade by giving Luka motivation to dominate you every time he sees you. You got embarassed in that playoff series and that led to a cascade of panic based decisions.

    Luka hasn't just cooked The Sons, he is smoking the entire city low and slow to promote tenderness.

    The Sons deserve this for their arrogance having never achieved anything. Chanting "Suns in 4" in the first half of game 1 vs rhe Mavs in the playoffs… Absolute clown show that decided to give up the farm in return for a player who has zero self confidence, pure narcissism embodied by burner accounts and expects everything to he handed to him.

    Boggles my mind people people talk about KD as a top 20 player when he has proven nothing… He will retire as the biggest joke of a superstar in Nba history

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