@Minnesota Timberwolves

“We’ll Do Better As We Go Forward.” | Mike Conley Practice Sound | 12.27.23

“We’ll Do Better As We Go Forward.” | Mike Conley Practice Sound | 12.27.23

Mike you guess bad so few losses this year when something like La last night is it easy to kind of chock it up just one of those nights in the NBA or do you come out of a game like that with any little concerns about you know how you guys

Played or or what what happened there um you know I think it you’re going to have nights like that you know guys have bad nights teams have bad nights um but you know there’s always lessons to be learned for our team I mean a lot of it is self-inflicted stuff so uh concerned

I wouldn’t you know there’s no panic but there’s stuff that we definitely need to address and work on within our team um cuz we do lose games kind of in similar manner to similar Styles um and things certain things hurt us and we got to you

Know be better at U you know attacking those on both ends seems like turnovers obviously have been something for you guys all year how do you guys go about kind of cleaning that up a little bit more so you’re not giving opponents extra possessions yeah I I think uh uh

One thing we can do is just our spacing has to be better um we find our ourselves driving into to crowds and you know having to make miraculous passes um and you know with our spacing being correct I think it it it makes those Lanes a little bit easier things you

Know the passes are easier to be seen and um you don’t fall into those you know turnovers so hopefully uh we continue to work on that and we had a little bit of time to do that today but um you know that’s that’s one thing I

Think we do and and guys just taking care of the ball you know just dumb decisions here and there that that we shouldn’t be making and um those are all like I said self self-inflicted your defense is designed to encourage mid-rangers when you run into guys like embiid and SGA who are

Arguably two like the five best mid-range Shooters in the game especially in terms of their usage how do you split the baby on that in terms of figuring out when to encourage those shots and and trying to limit that type of yeah um well you we still encourage

It cuz that’s our our defense but uh we don’t want to give up easy uncontested mid-range shots we want to contest them we want to you know make their night tough but some point we have to you know whether we have to adjust in a certain

Way or whether we have to switch a pick and roll or um we have a lot in our back that we can do I think uh you know not a lot of teams in the league are going to beat us from that from that mid-range you’ll run into those teams every now

And then and we don’t want to like I said panic and change what we do and our you know the guts of our defense but um I think it is important to have multiple ways to attack that and that’s something that we’re still kind of going through

As a team and going through those growing pains and is that the same thing in terms of Rudy I mean he’s been so much better at expanding his range but you don’t want to get too far out something yeah yeah you don’t you don’t need to you know reinvent the will too

Crazy with what what we have on our team our Personnel Rudy especially uh what he provides for us his friend protection and uh his ability to to clog up that pain and and Jaden and a and everybody on the perimeter like we just uh individually have to be better

Certain games last night was one of those games and uh you know I think we’ll we’ll do better as we go forward

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