@Oklahoma City Thunder

New York Knicks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Game Highlights | Dec 27 | 2024 NBA Season

New York Knicks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Game Highlights | Dec 27 | 2024 NBA Season

Across the Baseline set it up for dor and it’s jayd from the outside picking up where he left off last for more points last night that big victory against one of the toughest teams in their Western Conference and there is classic jayen Brunson CU they know what

That guy can do he’s going downhill the basketball J once again this time stops on a dive pulls up and connects yet again for the last two Randall takes his move and the help defense from H not enough to slow him down and Rand he’s one of those guys

That that’s his game can also shoot the [Applause] three long finish put it on the deck Bronson pulls up just short of Homen missed the shot Dort couldn’t Coral that’s beautiful beautiful body control even Jinzo knocked down to three so the veteran trying to check up on

SJ open shooter it’s Dort and he’s been hot from the outside and he continues to be hot as L slow up L Dort and D’s wild shot there leads to this break out here for the Knicks stenzo went right through kri Williams and scores is Joe comes off

The bench D Brun dis PL some heavy minutes and how about SGA once again hardstein getting his fourth consecutive start got to think that Shay when he gets around the basket is going to have an advantage at Julius Randall on the step back three got it right back from

Kase Wallace now it’s Wiggins just into the game and AAR in Wiggins here with the Pelicans outside it’s quickly he’ll let it fly from three Gibson the offensive rebound inside and the turn around with the left hand Shay willing to make that extra pass as Randle with the help defense had

It Stripped Away over to to Joe he’ll step into it from Deep the three on the way and he drops it in trying to bleed out this clock matched up on Grimes went left now to bton open three and there’s another one down the lane contested home Gren forc

The initial Miss but there is Hartstein and Home Green somehow scooped it up and in Qui jum and knocked it away Barry good player in the post and that’s what he does he gold 10 call but he got the two free throws and now he’s got the steel took it right out of the

Possession of quickley now he goes right to the cup and scores and he thought he got fouled again but J remarkable because of the athleticism but Grimes quickly back the other way with that corner three hardstein drives Baseline open man it’s Jay will missed it wide left no good

Looked like hren had the rebound NOP put it up and season but nowhere to go with the basketball under defense has been strong and Barrett just fights his way through a couple of offensive players and got you lose or one of those guys is out for

A game or two me Julius Randle and Jaya Brunson Boy Tough shot there from J dub the Nick’s very patient on the offensive end there not a high-paced team one of the slowest teams in the NBA a tough shot from Barrett fading away and he was able to Bank it in shoot 50

Almost 57% on the field now you got to you know you got to string together a couple of stops oppent defensive an is just not going to happen on that possession don’t mind RJ Barrett taking that three from the outside giddy hard charging right back the other way Josh

Giney goes right to the cup And Barrett again fires it back up Brunson from the outside that is good and jayen Brunson Shay this time with Brunson battling outside Isaiah Joe with time for the three and he’s not going to miss that one Isaiah Joe to allow that guy to get time to get that shot

Off Shay walks the step back three that one’s going to rattle in Nick’s got it down to four OKC’s been able to push it back up to 13 that’s just he is such a professional score and Randall gets in that little sweet spot we talked about mid-range Shooters

Last night he’s a great mid-range shooter with SGA that one pops up in there right off to get it over to him hen likes that spin move and he’s still got it up over hartstein who’s not a great shot blocker him on the board I

That guy’s a big time player you watch a lot of highlights going up about the NBA there is nenzo he’s not going to miss two in a row just start getting into 80s basketball k up D bar Dr J you just don’t see a lot boy J that’s the way

It’s been going for him shooting the basketball over the last couple of games from since it is popping well he’s got 19 points matches SGA brunon gets loose there for that bucket he’s got 13 right just that’s a hard stop to guard and I guess we’re pointing that out Mike because most players

As but Randall comes right back the other way and Mark dagnal Takes Two Steps out on the floor and burns a timeout you see Shay deciding what he wants to do spinning on Randall got inside and then he Scopes it up and in off the glass

What a move it pops out H they have some Defenders back canri Williams but Josh har somehow squeezes right through to tie the game at eight he’s in the game after a solid first half and Randle caught it and it’s almost automatic with the mismatch there with Wallace

Def seeing that house in the mouse action Shay stops pulls up and drills it from the mid-range right on that left elbow gotten a lot closer as homr on the Fly by from Taj Gibson pulls up in the free throw line and buries it and hit the

Mini he has been so impressive in this rookie campaign quickly though with the quick three than that in this second half keep the mix off that three off that freeto line biggest urgency for the Thunder and J Wallace got to the Baseline pulls up for the shot and the rookie with a New

York rmes will let it go quickly and Grimes Off the Bench both of his shots have been stroke to bring the Knicks within one now job that step back three even with Taj Gibson all over him and he can see [Applause] Gibson contact there and it look like ched H went into the body of Gibson no whis I can’t give him that title yet but man I tell you one thing he’s scratching at the door seeing more and more as he plays more and more there’s the three

From the outside wasting no time catch the slow offense in the third quarter the Knicks get to the free throw line how about JB slicing and diing his way through the Knicks defense that’s an n one say the ched hen is shown enough already on the defensive end to build up

A reputation as being a clean blocker around the rim boyan quickly right now chance to reset your offense on a set piece here CH takes a breather kenri Williams in J Williams what a performance here not only just tonight as Brunson is return quickly off the three-point line hardenstein gets the easy d

Especially here in the fourth quarter Shay also returned doing his move boy he just completely broke down Josh har Brunson got it right back to Randall Randall kicks it out it’s quickly from the Baseline the push shot is good with 440 left to go in the

Fourth Brunson got around D you can just see to keep you there J pulls up for the shot and that one’s going to Rattle home you can up and ched on the back side came over for yet another block just incredible defense on the other end Jaylen Williams buries the

Three and CAD holr defense Brunson inside and he’s going to get the roll that’s doing work on Josh har througho the course of the game they leave Jaylen Williams open yet again let’s add to that career high and make it 35 hren from the corner and there’s another

Three mark it’s been all OKC is Randall out of the timeout get at 81 it was all OKC and fitting that Jaylen Williams going to be able to dribble out this clock and that’s how the Thunder close out this five game home stand over the Christmas holiday a backto back Sweep Sh


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