@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs REFUSE To START a Point Guard!? San Antonio Spurs News

Spurs REFUSE To START a Point Guard!? San Antonio Spurs News

Spurs fans if this year is an experiment then why oh why do we refuse to start a point guard no I don’t take I got no love for the Fess if you want to play tough and want to hate this I show up and make a what is up San Antonio Spurs fans

Welcome to TSR Sports as of this video the Spurs are 4 and 24 and 28 games in we’ve had zero games with a starting point guard it’s been Jeremy soan Mal guy brandom your mom whatever it’s been it has not been an actual point guard I got to thinking about this this morning

Wanted to talk about a few things with you guys and get your thoughts why this refusal to start a natural point guard on our San Antonio Spurs let me know the comments down below you think pop stubborn is trying to prove a point maybe just thinks all our point guards

Suck I don’t know hit the thumbs up you like support the channel and subscribe to become part of our wonderful community so here are three point guards on the team from your left to right Devonte Graham Tre Jones and Blake Wesley covered up a little B me sorry

Blake here we’ll show Blake real quick because it’s rude to cover him up hey Blake I’m back all right so got some stats here for you Trey Jones has played 24 games this year has started zero he’s averaging 23 minutes a game which is L down from last game last year his

Contract is almost $10 million this year and he’s under contract next year for 9 million so why pay this guy so much money just to be a backup point guard and I’m not the biggest Trey Jones fan I think he’s undersized he’s a terrible three-point shooter but he is without a

Doubt the best point guard that we have infinitely better than jery at point guard so why why are we not starting Trey I do get why we did the gery S point guard experiment totally get it it was a failure so be it why is he not getting the

Start we talked about this numerous times I don’t get it but not only is he not getting the start but our backup point guards are barely playing at all Devonte Graham maybe he’s in the doghouse because of the DWI that he had to serve the two game suspension for I

Don’t believe that happened with the Spurs it was with when he was with the pelons that being said he’s only played six games this year and he’s averaging only 10 minutes a game he’s getting paid $12 million to pretty much do nothing this year and next year is’s under

Contract not fully guaranteed but he’s under contract for just around 12 a half million I don’t know why we have Devonte Graham on this roster if we can trade him might as well because he’s not playing so go help another team instead of just being a benchwarmer with the

Spurs last but not least Blake wesling I’ve been critical of Blake play out of control plays too fast gets blocked all the time in the paint that makes an he has looked better as of late but he’s only played eight games this year and he’s full on garbage time averaging just

Over five minutes per game not getting any opportunities at all if we’re experimenting why not give him some minutes I mean you look at the added up minutes and these guys have not all played together in the same game I’m sure numerous times has not happened if

You add up the minutes first fans that is 38 minutes so even if we add up all our natural point guards there together we’re still not having a point guard on the floor for the whole game I don’t know what this experiment is I don’t I

Don’t know Blake’s only 20 I’m not ready to give up on him I know some spurs fans are I am absolutely not ready to give up on him one other thing I think is first I want to talk to you about is we’re not starting a point guard in the first half

You know when the game starts we’re not starting a point guard Why not start a point guard in the second half other teams are clearly making some sort of adjustment because the Spurs are the worst third quarter team in the NBA the other night we got blown up what 45 to

20 in the third quarter it it seems like if the games were only two quarters long just the first half then hey we probably have a winning record but the third quarter comes along it’s we forgot how to play basketball a Justin should be made at halftime Why not start Trey

Jones in the second half it’s throwing it out there because we’re getting Crush in the third quarter so let’s let’s change something and this is on Pop I know some folks don’t like it when I call it pop these days so more more of you seem to like it but this is Pop

Making I don’t know what the other teams are doing but something’s not getting adjusted with the Spurs at halftime for us to suck so much on the third quarter so why not make a change you showed pop you can make a change with the starting lineup numerous times you put kelon on

The bench against the Mavericks and started Julian champany for I don’t know why the hell we’re starting Julian Champion games he’s given us very little rooting for him to succeed but so far he’s clearly not the guy we thought he was going to be based on a summer league

Performance if you’re going to have Kellen be a six-man type rle why not just put a point guard in the starting lineup That being said Spurs fans we’ll be back live tonight for the game against the Utah Jazz that is maybe a winable game depending if some other

Starters are out that being said let me close the video out with this Spurs fans will we go all season without starting a point guard it’s looking that way I mean we’re 28 games in we’re a third of the way in and it hasn’t happened yet let me say

This as well don’t be surprised if it’s some point you don’t hear Point Wy it could happen that’s all I got hopefully have a wonderful holiday hopefully the Spurs can get back in the win column this week with the jazz tonight back to games against back to backers against Portland Thursday and

Friday night oh my gosh those are 10:00 games for me on the East Coast that’s going to be rough we can win a game this week maybe even two maybe we can even get a three game winning streak a little Christmas going into the new year Spurs

Revitalized wheny back I don’t know but I’m tired of seeing the team lose I’m tired of seeing the team getting blown out in the third quarter and for the love of First Nation I know none of these guys are Tony Parker but why the hell at this point have we not tried

Starting a point guard yet I don’t know I don’t know if you got something let me because seriously I just I think Pop’s being stubborn and wants to show the world we can win without a point guard starting well we can’t we probably can’t win with the point guard starting a lot

Of our games but we can be better than four and 24 that’s all I got thank you for watching and as always ghost first go when I feel like this I’m imortal when I feel like this I’m imortal when I feel like [Applause] this

28 games in, the Spurs hve yet to start a PG…

#spurs #gospursgo #sanantoniospurs #victorwembanyama #wemby

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  1. The real question is why isn't Blake Wesley playing if we're 4-24? Like even 6 minutes, and if they're productive minutes you give him 8, 10, 12 minutes… He plays the right way even when it's garbage time, finding cutters, open shooters etc. yeah he makes mistakes but why is it okay for everyone else but Blake? He deserves it.

  2. Pop isn't as good a coach as ppl think… He also has a massive ego and wants to prove to the world he is this coaching savant… So he tried Sohan and everyone was telling him it's not working… That makes him double down on his dumb decisions because he doesn't want to look like non-coaching ppl are providing him wrong

  3. …pop is not starting a true pg…cause that will help wemby and pop wants wemby to fail and have a hard time this season… he's trying to break wemby…so next season wemby does whatever pop says… he'll just remind wemby about this season when he tries to do something pop doesn't like…pop is a very manipulative coach…I don't believe a word pop says…pop wants to take the credit for wemby's success… so having him fail this season plays right into popovich plans…there shouldn't even be competition for roty but I think wemby is not going to win or be an all star…I said this before the season if wemby is not roty or an all star it's cause of pop…I think wemby could easily average 23+ppg 12-13rpg 4bpg…but pop won't let it…

  4. Now we don’t need to play a point guard…. Toronto is at 7th with Memphis at 6th so it’s looking more and more like Toronto’s pick won’t convey. So tanking is the only way to assure ourselves of a competent superstar (🤞🏾) to pair w/ Wemby…. Hopefully a point guard to grow w/ Wemby..

  5. I’ve been off pop for a long time , I’ve been trying to be positive over the last few years thinking it would be worth it with a good pick , we get number 1 and still terrible rotations, starting lineups, all round coaching seems to be terrible, people need to stop worshiping pop henestly it’s getting silly. I feel sorry for the players

  6. Listen the Spurs point guard of the future is in the future not in the present.. I can give you the solution to our problem and for words: ALEX SARR, ROBERT DILLINGHAM !! The Spurs will have TWO PICKS in the 24 draft TWO!! I hope they don't mess it up and select some Austin bown player or players

  7. Why don't we start a regular pg?
    Because when we get the starting point, they have to bench him and possibly get butt hurt feelings for being replaced.
    We still rebuilding…

  8. His trying his best to land another 1st round pick. There is some great talent coming out at point guard this upcoming draft

  9. I know we're tanking for a point guard, but we need a vet and a point guard with (some) experience to ease the team in. I personally think we should go for Quickley and Kawhi or Siakam in free agency. Do what the Rockets did last summer. Give some of these dudes a bag and stop being cheap. Help out the development for our number 1 draft pick. And have our point guard draft pick gain experience from the bench and maybe eventually replace Quickley once his contract is up. Everyone honestly needs to go except for Wemby, Vassell, and Sochan (im giving Sochan one more season to prove himself).

  10. I don’t mind the tanking because we can snag Procter, Wagner or collier next draft. But start these three point guards to at least set up the team

  11. Low key Blake Wesley has shown in really limited minutes much more confidence and poise. I want him to get a few minutes on this team and it sucks him and Barlow can't get any. If the team is losing do we really need Zach Collins playing 30 minutes? Do we need Keldon/Sochan playing 35? Can't we give a few minutes a game to the young guns to encourage them a bit?

  12. I don't like the idea of Wemby dribbling too much, but I was thinking, maybe we can use him as a sort of Draymon, give him the ball on top of the key and move around him so he shares the ball with his teammates. Just a thought.

  13. At this point I have to assume the spurs know something about the next draft that nobody else knows l o l

  14. Wemby at point guard would b cool if just for 1 game just too C what happens It will at least eliminate the fact that no passes to him since he have the ball most of the time. Also D.Graham not pure pg more of swing guard that depending on matchups play both more of shooter than a passer. Blake is supposedly doing well in Austin N may take over Josh Primo role if he can stop turning ball over. Way C it we must draft not 1 but 2 true point guards in 2024 draft n have them battle it out with TRE like NFL team making their 3 QB fight it out for the starting job. N I am also getting sick n tired of fans making excuses for WOKE POP N his absolute failure. He clearly should win WORST COACH Of the year in not NBA but all sports!

  15. At this point I’m more a fan of Wemby than the Spurs. I hardly watch Spurs games anymore but I do watch all the Wemby highlights because he does stuff that no one else has before. This is probably offensive to true Spurs fans but I had to say it. I’d rather watch spectacular moves from Wemby than to be depressed watching Spurs lose.

  16. This no pg stuff is starting to get old and like you said we have to look at Pop for this. Only thing I can think of is them trying to develop Sochan to boost his trade value. I know that makes no sense, but neither does this not playing a PG nonsense. #Frustrated 😔


  18. Play Tre 28 minutes, Graham 20. You may lose, but you'll at least look like a Basketball team.

  19. You can see Pop's "Great PG-less experiment" 2 ways — either this is the worst mistake of all (this current group on track for having the worst record in Spurs history, players asked to do different roles and break their confidence, team running blind unable to pass to Wemby a generational talent and risk his ROTY) OR this is Pop's way to develop everyone (team realizes they need each other to win, everyone develops facilitation, a leader rises on the floor, everyone takes this experience and have long careers in the league). Having no PGs is not the issue, the team lacked a leaderr. Even in the corporate world, a great floor "experienced" leader is key to drive a young inexperienced team, some rises to the occasion, who will it be for the Spurs?

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