@Brooklyn Nets

PISTONS defensive mistakes vs. NETS | December 23, 2023

PISTONS defensive mistakes vs. NETS | December 23, 2023

So AAR Thompson is planning on Switching this screen then what is Isaiah Stewart doing get up look at AAR Thompson switches where’s Isaiah Stewart get up and guard so now Kate Cunningham’s gonna come help and there’s gonna be no one to box up Mike H Bridges piston switch this screen if

You’re switching a screen azard Thompson must get underneath the screener and battle Nick Claxton you’re going over the top so Nick Claxton just Bing right into the paint by the way why is Steven Silas on this coaching staff how is he in basketball so the Pistons are icing

The screen first of all Isaiah Stewart’s got to get up when you’re icing the screen you’re keeping the ball handler to the sideline when you ice the screen Isaiah Stewart’s just backpedaling so he’s coming to the middle of the floor so aard Thompson does step up and backside help but now Isaiah Stewart’s

Back so asard Thompson’s got to be sprinting back to the corner I don’t need to be in backside help anymore AAR Thompson just stays though for an hour how’s Steven Silas here what does Steven Silas do the Pistons end up switching this screen anyways so why is Isaiah

Stewart not up and we’re switching this right now why is it everybody we do this stupid drop coverage and then say n let’s switch now well Mel bridg is in the paint how is Steven Silas in basketball it’s an awful sequence from Joe Harris first of all no I’m not

Guarding above the three-point line my back can’t be to the ball I’m in the gaps I’m seeing ball I’m seeing man so you’re coming out beyond the three-point line for no reason easily beat back door so now Joe Harris that Forest is a switch if I’m Joe Harris I’m getting

Right over to Dr Ron sharp I’m battling for position oh let’s see if Joe Harris does that uh not even close sealed catch bucket Stephen silus get him out of the sport so the Pistons I don’t know why you have to switch this flare screen I mean Kade Cunningham can be calling out

Flare flare flare and bogdanovich can get up and over the top but if you switch bogdanovic has to get underneath the screener on the switch what does bogdanovich not do that how is stepen Silas on any coaching staff in any basketball team look at how disgraceful this pick and roll defense this is

Disgusting Isaiah Stewart can easily hedge where is sharp rolling to bonovich just standing in backside help so let’s take a look at how many people are open so you just casually Spencer Den we could just casually have a layup if he wants to but Harris now steps up and

Backside help so now this skip pass is easy to make to Dorian fny Smith rip and go bucket Stephen Silas this is $78 million of crap of garbage look at this pick and roll defense why am I not up hedging so I can have a backside Defender for Dron sharp you run drop

Coverage look at how easy this is you can’t be real with this how is stepen silus employed get him out so AAR Thompson’s guarding the ball here when this screen gets set I can start defending the screen aard Thompson’s already anticipating a screen well there

Is no screen Sharp’s going to slip it so now Marvin bagley’s got to stay and guard the ball here and can’t guard this down screen right here so cam Thomas is going to be able to curl right off it into the lane for two Stephen Silas get

Him out of basketball the Pistons are in their stupid idiot drop coverage but if buan bogdanovich who’s going to play the gaps wants to get in the gaps I got to be there now with my feet set so I can recover to Royce O’Neal look at that

You’re not up the line in the gaps now see now you’re moving your feet towards the ball not getting out to Royce O’Neal pump fake in the lane Steven Silas get him out of here let’s just casually ignore the Pistons don’t defend this down screen at all Isaiah Stewart’s not

Attached and showing off of this so Bridges is able to curl but here comes a ball screen we got to defend this screen it’s sng to Wi Kevin Knox can switch Jaden ivy can switch what if the Pistons do absolutely nothing look at that this

Is an NBA team sort of paid $78 million for garbage utter garbage again Mikel Bridges is going to set a screen again the Pistons are going to switch you must get underneath the screener on the switch guess what Isaiah Stewart doesn’t do that Stephen silus is here somehow if

You’re Alec Burks you let Mikel Bridges catch this ball literally on the Block Jaden Ivy’s rotating all the way down to help you Mikel Bridges is on the Block right now I have got to get up and guard I have help in the middle of the floor

Force him there how are you playing off Mike Kel Bridges he’s on the look at this how are you playing off him just I can’t do it anymore it is not right Monty Williams and Steven Silas bad for the sport of basketball bad for the league terrible for the league it’s

Another switch get underneath the screener Asar Thompson you go over the top again so now Joe haris has to step up in backside help on a switch skip pass to jayen Wilson RI and go two is this the quitting stage for Cade Cunningham like how Cameron Johnson’s

About to lift above the three-point line why are we not seeing ball and man and lifting with them look at this how does this space get created so you go under that you’re not going to be able to go under both of these screens here obviously you’re late getting under the

First one this has got to be a switch right it’s got to be a switch right Isaiah Stewart’s one roll is being a tough rebounder down low box out Nick Claxton turn your body use the lower half to get him out of the paint you’re

Boxing him out with one arm and then not boxing him out at all real tough right there cam to Thomas gets another crack this is just mindboggling this is seconds off of a make the Nets just brought the ball up the floor off an inbounds if you’re Cade Cunningham what

Jaden Ivy’s overh helping there’s no one in the frame he has nobody else to guard of him to help you get up Force Mikel Bridges to the help how is this real how does this happen like so you’re playing off you have no help now good night BG donovic right here you’re

Guarding the ball my only focus is the ball look at bogdanovich’s eyes right here looking for a screen a teammate will let you know if the screen’s coming so now Spencer didn’t what you’re not even paying attention easy Blow by this completely incompetent coaching staff does not understand that you have

To have backside help I am icing this screen right here keeping Mikel Bridges towards the sideline jayen Ivy’s right in backside help on Dron sharp you run your idiot drop coverage where’s your backside help nowhere pocket pass bucket Stephen Silas is employed in basketball let that sink in this shot goes up not

Aard Thompson should not be going for this offensive rebound you got four other Pistons players going for the board get back okay or Kevin Knox back or Burks who just took the shot back five Pistons players standing and staring no one getting back at the shot rebound hit ahead two bogdanovic off

This flare screen I don’t know why you feel the need to go over the top of the flare screen cam Thomas is at the logo I could easily just slide underneath and meet him on the other side but if you’re going over the top I’m up now up now so

I’m over the top what does bogdanovich do stand and go Clank right into the flare screen catch and go bonov is just not interested in guarding cam Thomas that’s fine he’s giving him the middle of the floor so why is Isaiah Stewart here not up up the

Line that’s where my help is that’s what I’m I’m get stopping the ball right there why is Isaiah Stewart backpedaling to the paint what is this accomplishing so now the help doesn’t even get what this is off of a cross screen this is very basic but when you have the most

Incompetent coaching staff ever with Steven silus on it this happens Isaiah Stewart has got to jam Dennis Smith J as he comes through so Jade ivy can get on the other side if you don’t do that this will happen every single time the Pistons AAR Thompson and bogdanovich

Just switched a screen before this so you’re obviously just going to switch again so if you’re bogdanovich I’m attached to cam Johnson so I’m ready to switch and also now look at this attached to cam Johnson I’m switching so but now if he slips this screen I’m

Right with him what are you doing so he slips it

Nets 126 – Pistons 115
#nba #basketball #detroitpistons #brooklynnets


  1. As a Houstonian, I must say that Stephen Silas is a terrorist of a coach. All he does is ruin the development and value of young talent.

  2. I love how he changed it up and has more distain for Stephen Silas while still acknowledging Monty Williams’s contract πŸ˜‚

  3. @FilmSession Do you think a modern NBA team can ever get away with drop coverage unless they have a generational big man defender? Also, could you do a session on the Timberwolves as an example of a team playing good defense? Thanks!

  4. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I watch the Pistons play basketball and it reminds me that my life isn't too bad compared to these soul-less athletes on the court.

  5. Anyone know if Dan Burke is back? Supposedly he's the smart guy on the pistons coaching staff and he's like not with the team for some reason

  6. The random Steven Silas shoutoutz are money!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ In hindsight, him being hired had to mean Pistons were tanking all along, at least in the interim.

    "Drop Coverage" is literally the biggest excuse/cop-out in the world for "Bad Defense".

  7. Please use an equalizer or something like that to fix the static during your obnoxious and over the top shouting.

  8. We need this guy to have a meeting with everyone associated with the pistons and keep this same energy and force them to only listen until he’s finished and before every game the whole association must watch this video before playing πŸ˜‚

  9. i did not expect him to be so mad while he watches this but it jus makes it even better 😭

  10. Stephen Silas is the fat guy in the back seat trying to figure out what he did wrong. I thought he was in charge of the offense,

  11. They may need to bring in somebody like Draymond Green just to get everybody in their right places. I had hopes for Rasheed Wallace as an assistant coach for this same reason. There has to be a solution.

  12. They aren’t switching they are in drop coverage to a veer

    Stewart needs to be up so he can’t get down hill as fast and they dont have to switch

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