@Toronto Raptors

The OG Anunoby Trade Is AWESOME!

The OG Anunoby Trade Is AWESOME!

We have something very rare happening in the NBA and that is a December midseason trade ogn anobi is headed to the New York Knicks in exchange for Emanuel quickley RJ Barrett and a second round pick and for a ton of different reasons this is an extremely interesting deal

For both sides New York clearly wants to get better it’s very clear that Toronto wants to break things down potentially move into a new era of Toronto Raptors basketball and this particular exchange of assets given where each of these teams are given their future plans is very very very enlightening in terms of

What the future looks like for both of these teams now first things first for New York I understand why they made the deal I understand the concept of adding someone like ogan and Obi to the roster that they have Jaylen Brunson has been unbelievable this year Julius Randle is

A pretty good second option on a team and they figured out some stuff with their rotation with you know Grimes with with hartenstein in the front Court Dante venzo has been good Josh Hart has been good and it did feel like they had a few too many backcourt guys guys and

They needed to have like a true Wing a true perimeter guy that you can stick on some of the best perimeter players in the league on a night toight basis and that guy is OG anobi ogan anobi is a very good player he’s going to help the Knicks

However I I’m a little bit confused about what exactly the Knicks are doing here because OG is extremely valuable he’s going to sign for a massive contract presumably with the Knicks and guys like him that not only are three andd players but have a little bit more

Extra stuff offensively to them and are not just good at defending but extremely good one of the better perimeter defenders in the league those guys are valuable but this trade package draft compensation plus quickly plus RJ Barrett that’s like that’s like the Don of a Mitchell trade package you know

Like when when they were potentially in talks to get Mitchell when he was still in Utah uh or potentially this season if if Cleveland moved on from him that was kind of what they were going to trade in exchange for Mitchell and OG and and Obi

Is very good and I think more and more teams are thinking differently about roster construction and about not just having tons of stars and having role players uh that work really well together high level role players which OG and and Obi certainly is teams are definitely thinking differently about

That but to me this feels like a lot for ogn and Obi in addition to the opportunity cost for the Knicks of not having these Assets Now to go and get another player and really what it means to me is the Knicks are obviously all in on the Jaylen Brunson thing and don’t

Think that they need another star they don’t think that they need any more help offensively Randall and Brunson is good enough for them and adding not OFA Mitchell to that group doesn’t really raise their ceiling any further and someone like ogan anobi could because he is additive to the group he’s not

Redundant to the skill set of Brunson and Randall rather he is someone that helps round out the team and I can understand that mindset but for some issues that we’re going to talk about later in the video I don’t love the deal for New York for Toronto on the other

Hand thank goodness good job MSU jiri they finally came to their senses and realized one ogn and Obi is a valuable trade piece and someone that they should look to trade not try to get too much for them but they should look to trade and two they’re re realizing that this

Year’s team isn’t going anywhere and it’s time to move some things around and some stuff we’re going to talk about later in the video as well I think this will not be the last of the players that we see get traded from the Toronto Raptors this season potentially even

Before the trade deadline um I love this deal for Toronto not just because of the concept of breaking the team down and moving on from guys like anob potentially SE yakum later in the year that’s something that I talked about just a handful of days ago something

That needed to happen in Toronto but also this is awesome value like you get some picks you get quickley who’s really good I was really surprised that quickley was in this deal he’s like one of the best bench guards in the entire league he can guard he can create

Offense for you he’ll probably honestly start at times for Toronto depending on how they want to deal with the shrewder situation and then RJ Barrett is is someone that has his value is very weird and it’s hard to figure out exactly you know what he was worth but for a team

Like Toronto that you know wants to build around like the Scotty Barnes era potentially he works perfectly on that timeline he’s going to have plenty of space to to grow and figure out his role beyond what it was in New York and he’s locked into a long-term contract it

Might not be a fantastic contract if he doesn’t continue to grow and develop but he’s going to be there and he’s going to be someone that they’re going to have on an okay deal at least I love this deal for Toronto I should say by the way I

Said some picks it’s one second round pick from the Knicks which brings me back to New York here because in theory they still have a ton of assets to go out and get another star from a draft pick perspective right like they still have multiple uh picks from other teams

This season they have their own picks moving forward into the future so maybe they view this move as a stepping stone to continue to create an environment in which they can add another star along side Brunson and now OG and then Randle and they have all those picks but the

Problem is like if they had kept one of Barrett or quickly I would have understood it a little bit more but like most teams that are trading away ad not of a Mitchell or whatever they’re going to want like not just picks they’re going to want a player along with it and

To me this feels restrictive in a couple of ways for New York it takes away those future trade assets even though they still have future draft picks and also OG’s gonna need an extension it’s part of the reason why Toronto traded him he’s a free agent this off season so you

Have to pay him which limits your salary cap space when you also have Randle and Brunson and some other guys so if they’re going to continue to add it has to be via trade which means it has to be with those picks and it will not be through cap space I understand the

Concept of having OG and anobi on the team I just would have preferred that they you know I I personally would have rather done you know RJ in a first or quickly in a first rather than both of those guys in a second that’s that’s just where I’m at with where the Knicks

Uh you know land with this trade and for Toronto this definitely signals their long-term intentions I I’m really curious now how far they’re going to go with breaking everything down I think SE yakum is squarely on the trade market you could view this as just Toronto

Shaking up the roster trying to get more perimeter Talent they have you know too many guys like OG and Barnes and seakan that all kind of occupy the same space on the floor and so this is just a roster shakeup rather than breaking things down but quickly and Barett are

Good assets moving forward and in terms of young guys and then they can get some stuff for SE yakum as well I’m just glad that Serrano finally made this decision moving forward for each of these teams I’m really interested to see how an anobi looks in New York if you know his

Role maybe gets expanded a little bit more offensively especially in units in which Rand Brunson aren’t on the floor um and then just continue to look and see if even at the deadline maybe new yor New York wants to use these picks to continue to add it’s clear that they

Feel like this Brunson group is has the chance to potentially be you know top four team in the East and they really want to try and capitalize on that and again as a player OG and Omi makes a ton of sense for them I’m just curious how much it limits and restricts their

Future options and now for Toronto this is a huge move for them I mean they they don’t do this they haven’t done this they lost Fred Van Fleet in free agency because they chose not to trade him um that was a possibility for both an anobi

As well as sakim this offseason and it’s clear that they wanted to make sure that didn’t happen and I I find it hard to believe that in an immediate sense Toronto is going to be a better team now and the in the in the wake of this trade

Uh even though I like both Barrett and quickley and so if they start to lose more games they’re playing tonight by the way as well so that’s always a weird Factor um they’re playing in Detroit tonight to hopefully not lose the losing streak that Detroit has going and it it

I find hard to believe that they’re going to not be worse in the immediate aftermath of this which makes me think that a SE yakum trade could potentially be in the works here for Toronto as well this is a super interesting deal this doesn’t happen like if we have trade in

The NBA leading up to the deadline it’s typically the last week or you know second to last week in January or right up leading to the trade deadline like random December trades don’t really happen that often in the NBA and I’m super super excited to see how both of

These teams you know move forward after this deal

OG Anunoby has been traded from the Toronto Raptors to the New York Knicks for RJ Barrett, Immanuel Quickley, and a 2nd round pick.

#oganunoby #anunobytrade #nbatrade


  1. As a knicks fan me and my dad where legit on the phone for an hour after the game talking about how everyone on the team is 6'3 and it isnt gonna work and IQ we love him but hes gonna walk. Then boom my thoughts come to life, hard to lose barret but i love the idea of sending him home! This fixes our size issue a bit now call Washington and figure out what Kuzma is gonna cost and get it done to fill the 6th man hole and give us more size that slots in 2 through 4!!!!!!

  2. This is not an A level trade bc of lack of draft capital. Still a good trade B- at the worst

  3. Not only OG gets a max extension. Quickley is also on an expiring deal and will have to get paid the max to keep him in Toronto. I still think Toronto stays mediocre

  4. "Thats like the Donovan Mitchell package"

    Like, no its not mate. Not even close.

    This isn't the last move the Knicks make in the next 8 months.

  5. Mitchell has become a low efficiency shot chucker who does a poor job of getting his teammates involved. He also is a cone on defense. This was the right move for the knicks. The only mistake I think the Knicks made is giving up Quigley. They should have found a way around that unless it was a deal breaker

  6. The Knicks are coming out way ahead here. It's ridiculous to compare this to a Mitchell package. Barrett is mid, and the reason they never traded him for Mitchell is because the Barrett package was laughed out of the room by their potential trade partners. Both teams win because Anunoby was gone in Toronto, and Barrett might end up not being terrible, but it's probably only like 30% for him to be a positive asset on that contract. He'll sell tickets in Canada too. Raptors got an upside player for nothing, because they were missing playoffs this year anyways. That's good, but Barrett is probably not going to work out imo. He's clearly better than cap space over the next 3 seasons though, because his upside is like a secondary scorer on a playoff team. They can develop him and potentially flip the last year of Anunoby's contract into an above average starter within 2 years.

    Knicks are lucky to get a good player back for Barrett, Quickly is replaceable, he's just a scoring 6th man, those guys are dime a dozen. They got a backup center until they get Robinson back. They CLEARLY won the trade in the short term, and this trade working out for them is based around whether they become contenders and retain Anunoby. Barrett was near worthless to them because he's bad now and their championship window will be closed by the time he hits his potential. They were in a tough spot because they had to pay him that outrageous salary for 4 years when he's basically a project player on a team that has no championship window with their current roster. Now the Knicks have a roster that can get lucky against Boston and Milwaukee, and assuming they can retain OG, they probably have a solid 3 or 4 years of free agency to sign vets and take shots at a title. Win-win trade, but the Raptors are way more likely to fail, because the Knicks don't get worse by losing Barrett for nothing, and the Raptors are now committed to 4 years on a 2 guard that can't shoot. At the end of the day, Barrett was near worthless to the Knicks for the next 2 or 3 years, so unless they were planning to ditch their core and rebuild around him, they are better off replacing him for nearly any rotation player, let alone one of the top 3 and D players in the league. They have a much better roster now.

  7. At first glance this does not look good for the Knicks…but I'm glad they didnt send way more to Cleveland for a worse fit than OG. Also this leaves some room for another trade. Next season Quickley is probably gonna make 22/23 mil+26 for RJ and 2 mil for the 31st pick in the draft, a total of 50mil. OG's new deal is probably gonna start at 34/35 mil. The Knicks still have 3 first rounders from other teams, 5 of their own, Grimes on a cheap deal, and 19mil expiring of Fournier.

  8. Terrible trade for raps. And if this is what they offered for Mitchell no wonder they didn;t get him. This is A+ for NY and D for TO you are backwards.

  9. Great analysis. Having followed OG you are getting probably a 1st (not 2nd) team defender, a great guy/team mate, clutch guy, no drama, but need to be mindful of his very extensive injury history and limited scoring upside. Happy for and grateful to OG.

  10. I always thought OG was too arrogant for what his production often was.

    Not even slightly upset he's gone.

    And it's nice to get another Canadian on the squad, hopefully playing on his home court will motivate RJ to reach his full potential

  11. OG is so damn overrated. Why people talk about him as if he is on the level of a Jalen Brown. His offensive game is limited and he isn't a great 3point shooter. He is very athletic and a very good defender. But to max him out, hell naw. As a sixer fan I'm happy to not hear his name as a trade target anymore.

  12. OG is too good of a fit for NY. You could come up with theory and all this better trade analysis, but some people are meant for specific team. And this is up there with how Brunson fits in NY despite all the “better” analysis that they should have gone for Mitchell, etc.

  13. I'm sorry, but you're take that this trade means the Knicks don't think they need another star or more offensive talent is off. Nothing about this trade signifies they are done on the trade market. They still have a lot of picks, a few team friendly contracts and a Fournier for salary matching. IQ was expiring and RJ is overpaid so they're not losing all that much imo

  14. 2024 pistons second rounder so pick 31-33. NYK gets Precious A and M Flynn for C and PG depth. PA can be a good defender and some Offense off bench. Flynn is just 3rd emergency PG.

  15. I'm not completely sure how to feel about this trade as a raps fan. They needed to do something and I'm hyped that they did, but I don't feel like they really get much better or worse from this deal. IQ is a far better fit next to Scottie than Dennis is and I assume he'll become the new starter. RJ is a solid shooter and can help their often stagnated offense. But even with all that I still just feel like we're stuck in the middle. They're not gonna fall any further in the standings but likely won't climb a ton either. Either way, it's a step in the right direction

  16. I think it's important to realize that despite OG being the centerpiece for the Knicks, and a defensive-minded wing they desperately needed, this trade also gives them a solid back-up PF in Achiuwa. The Knicks had Randle, Randle…and Randle to be a legit PF. The team was small and it hurt them defensively (especially when starting C Mitch Robinson got hurt). I'll miss Quickley, not so much RJ, but I think this makes the Knicks a more well-rounded team.

  17. Tell me raptor fans can OG shoot the 3 or handle the ball ??? And I bet y’all RJ gonna play better for the raptors than he did for the Knicks since there no julius randle on Toronto begging for the ball every play

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