@National Basketball Association

[Dubin] Don’t think we really need to speculate on whether the Knicks know they can re-sign OG. His agent is the Knicks president’s son. I’m pretty sure they know.

Looks like the Knicks probably have a pretty good idea on what OG wants because his agent Sam Rose is the Knicks President Leon Rose’s son. This isn’t the first time NYK did this either, Brunson’s agent was also Sam Rose when the Knicks managed to sway him away from Dallas. Interesting coincidence?


by mastermind208


  1. Sparrow_Wilson

    Last time we tampered it worked out great

  2. Such_Maintenance4720

    I love OG.

    but once you watch his shot creating and dribbling, that 40m/yr is gonna look like a lot of money.

  3. I_Set_3_Alarms

    This is important context lol. Makes the trade better

  4. Anal_Iverson

    This is actually a great deal for the Knicks if they’re confident they can re-sign him. Knicks have been making great moves

  5. Into_Intoxication

    There is no way they gave up 2 of their top 5 for a 6 month non-superstar rental. Of course they know.

  6. The fact that i don’t have to listen to more stupid Knicks trades for Mitchell is worth millions alone.

  7. AccomplishedFront563

    Seems like a huge conflict of interest Mr Silver

  8. This… kinda sounds like a huge conflict of interest?

    I’m sure there was a discussion on re-signing, but lots can happen in 6 months. Definitely leaning that was though -main question is if he takes a discount.

  9. angel2timez

    I wonder if the raptors knew that. I’m sure most teams were trying to offer low because of the risk and I wonder if Knicks mention he’s a FA lol

  10. rumblegod

    Oh wow this makes more sense lol. I just don’t think OG is that good ?

  11. EmrysMyrdin

    It is such a huge conflict of interests, that it shouldn’t be legal. NBA should definitely look into this.

  12. Brilliant-Hornet103

    Do the Knicks still have the assets to go for Mitchell?

  13. PeterDaPinapple

    I really don’t understand how this trade makes the Knicks better. OG and IQ seem to be about the same player with IQ having an insanely higher ceiling. Add on RJ who is not just a salary match and a second round pick, this trade just makes zero sense to me.

  14. PewpyDewpdyPantz

    OG is the prototypical 3&D wing in today’s NBA. He can also bully smaller defenders with his back to the basket. Aside from that, he’s helpless off the dribble and can’t finish in traffic. If he accepts his limitations, he’ll be a great piece for the Knicks.

  15. youblewwit

    Sounds like the Knicks got their man for a max of 4yrs/$182mil (~$45mil average)

  16. batdogfoxhound

    lots of salty Mavs fans in these comments

  17. qwertyuiopsucks

    Nepotism in sports is something people don’t talk about much

  18. NoWayNotThisAgain

    I want to know what the Knicks roster will look like in 2025. Who else does Sam Rose represent?

  19. edwardsscreenname

    Isn’t Sam Rose the one who was supposed to pull Embiid away from the Sixers, too? 🙄

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