@Miami Heat

X-Rays came back negative for Jimmy

X-Rays came back negative for Jimmy

by DMD612


  1. Kuni_Nino

    Well until he comes back imma just assume the worse

  2. TheRatchetTrombone

    MRI is what’s more important. Xrays only show fractures mainly.

  3. stilloriginal

    X-rays are always negative, thats how they work. You have to invert the colors to see the picture.

  4. fototosreddit

    So he no longer has feet now?

    Dang that’s rough

  5. Global_Lion2261

    I feel like it’s gonna be a foot tendon sprain or something

  6. Atypicallymphocyte

    XRays do not provide optimal evaluation of muscles, ligament or tendons.

  7. Ethangains07

    I love what Jimmy has brought to this organization and he will forever be a Heat legend. But the wheels are starting to fall off. Giving Jimmy a max extension that would kick in after next year would be brutal. Oh well. We really only need him 100% for the playoffs every year. But being a lower seed every year because of it is gonna be tough too.

  8. TheShadowOverBayside

    50% chance he faked it if you ask me. He clearly did not give a fuck about that game and has shown no interest in playing so far this season.

  9. I don’t like that they felt a need to xray tbh, scares me a bit

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