@Los Angeles Lakers

investigate tony brothers

investigate tony brothers

by Michvito


  1. reezyvelli

    yeah that was a 3 but its lebron so the league isn’t gonna give him a good call🤷‍♂️

  2. Consistent_Owl4593

    I do believe he was at that game against those green fucks last January, the spirit of Eric Lewis continues to flow through him. The whole officiating crew missed multiple calls tonight shameful performance on their part

  3. TheGreatLake

    It’s insane it was called a 2 in real time. That initial call is even worse than the reviewed call

  4. sosabatman35

    Watch it be on the last 2 minute report that it should be a three🙄

  5. Dumbo_Mutombo

    His foot slides forward after this. But, while his shoe is over the line, it looks like his toe is behind still. Idk I think either way it was called would’ve standed

  6. camlawson24

    Roll forward the footage half a second and his foot touches the line. It depends when the ball is out of his hand. It’s insanely close either way

  7. mikergsmith

    I haven’t been this pissed at a game in a min

  8. Gradschoolmaybe3

    Anyone posting just a single frame on this call is being dishonest. Show the entire shot and let us see if it ever crosses the line. If it really is a 3 there shouldn’t be an issue doing that.

  9. originalgeorge

    This wasn’t the final movement though, he ends up creeping past it

  10. Suspicious-Row-4248

    Show the angle where he released the ball. Toe was in the line

  11. canderson18181

    Replay literally showed that he hadn’t released the ball yet, his foot continued to turn and hit the line as he released.

  12. Imaginary_Bicycle_14

    I came here for this. The internet did not fail me.

  13. ColeHoops

    “lAkErS gEt AlL tHe CaLls 🤓🤓🤓” fuck outta here, fucking trash league to accept this shit level of officiating

  14. MoassThanYoass

    What’s touching the line is the shadow. Blind refs.

  15. CooperHouseDeals

    Happy New Year Rob! Could 2024 be much worse than what the Lakers have showed us so far in the new season. And you have nothing to deal with. Absolutely no role players anybody wants.

  16. Wonderwhatsnext4

    His foot is closer to the line before he releases. The question was his toe. But this photo is a misrepresentation of what happens. Nonetheless go ahead and vote me down Lakers fans.

  17. You have to watch the video. He starts at your picture but moves slightly forward as he jumps up to make the shot. He hits the line before he releases the ball.

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