@San Antonio Spurs

DRAMA Between Wemby and Keldon?

DRAMA Between Wemby and Keldon?

A look at it again um cuz I don’t want to just like I don’t want to be naive here we we let’s see let me let me go back a little bit again so once again like we talk about soan he’s so used to being a uh

Pole scorer that he instantly gets his position which is a mismatch um and yeah he turns his back to the basket not a point guard nor are the Spurs even having him run point guard anymore and he does that he instantly passes out to Perimeter which to to wimy and then he

Immediately gets position on on um is that is that Cody white that’s white right um and then wimy he asked I’m pretty sure he’s asking for a screen here Kell Kellin might be asking for the ball wm’s asking for a screen Kellin says okay gives him the

Screen and this is beautiful right here by the way like I said if the defender doesn’t come over maybe like a split second quicker it would have been even better that’s a good pass it’s just really good defense there bullet too misses him and then instantly after this Kellin Johnson and

Wimy begins to talk like right after this they’re instantly talking about it like what’s going on and I I don’t think that’s that big a deal and I did see the extended version of it unfortunately like we can’t find it but it seems like it’s just uh maybe some miscommunication I don’t know

Um but I don’t know like I said I think it’s good to see that type of fire you know like I said those two they they go back and forth all the time we’ve seen in games that even game that they won they they they’re talking amongst each

Other but I don’t think that this is uh like an issue or anything like that I don’t think so I think it’s fine it’ll be all right let’s see Mana says it’s not even about soan at this point we’re missing simple simple Cuts wide open shots also

Some of the sets we run are terrible and have a low conversion rate uh I definitely agree with you as far as like missing Cuts missing wide open shots it is a lot of that I noticed that too um everyone’s missing wimy too by the way and here’s the thing unfortunately I

Don’t know how many of these guys are capable of making some of these passes like some of them it’s like yeah it’s obvious but others it’s like o o it takes quite a bit of anticipation especially when people say just lob it it takes some anticipation go go look at

Trey Trey young like he’s probably the best in the business as far as lobs and there’s there’s a lot of anticipation he’s a master at it and I just think a lot of these guys on our team like a lot of people brought up the Julian champeny um missing wimy and even

Trey young saying himself like that’s a easy lob definitely for him and I think with Julian it was like a half second too late by the time he wanted to make that that pass you know we’re running the simplest sets you can run cuz this is Swit Shield by the way we’re running

The simplest sets you can run cuz most of the team can’t make Advance uh reads to run more complex ones we can’t change sets because of our inability to pass well that’s true everything about this team right now speaks uh fundamentals everything about this team it’s like do the fundament and that’s

The problem a lot of the guys they’re not even getting the fundamentals down yet you know the right Closeouts the right switches the right rotations it’s just still still learning learning each other too and I guarantee you that they’re not going to they’re not going

To figure it out in in 20 games that that’s not that’s not not going to happen that’s not going to happen exactly they need to trade the Gatorade guy because the Gatorade he’s given them is not working at all exactly trade everyone everyone needs to be

Traded if we tra look if soan gets traded if if if we can trade soan in his second year in a new position I say trade everybody is he switch sale we’ll we’ll end it on this note for this segment switch said Zack even said in an interview the other

Day that they’ll play and feel like they’re getting wimy when he’s open and then they’ll watch film and find like five instances where they missed them there you go it’s much it’s much different here’s the thing we’re accustomed to watching like most of us only watch Spurs games right like for me

Personally I watch other teams here and there big chunk of what I watch are Spurs games like what that’s the time that I’m spending is watching Spurs games I’m getting more into college but for the most part I watch Spurs games and over the years we’ve gotten so

Accustomed to quick reads beautiful gam understanding each other this just perfect pinpoint basketball just beautiful lovely basketball and unfortunately you know you kind of realize and if you look around the league you realize this too a lot of teams that are very young that haven’t played together a lot like I know people

Bring up OKC but they have played with each other but if you think of teams that haven’t played with one another quite often at all this is kind of what you see you see a lot of these Mysteries you see a lot of um um ugly

Play the only time I really get angry with this team at this point is if it’s not effort that’s it but you do see it and I think that we’ve come accustomed to that so you’re seeing this you’re like oh my God this is a dumpster fire

Well like welcome to reality most teams most teams don’t um have as much success have the Spurs had over the years and it t it’s a process and and it is it is it is getting better you know there you go Swit Shield they are improving though not as fast as people

Would like but they’d have lost a game like this by 40 um at the start of November there you go exactly they’re bet they’re better than what what people say I mean we just went over um uh defensive efficiency and how crazy they’ve improved and you look

At another team like the Wizards who didn’t improve at all like you look at us we’ve improved tremend now we’re kind of like middle of the pack maybe slightly above average as far as a defensive efficiency team and you look at the bottom of the barrel the Wizards

Were there at the beginning with us they’re still there so the Spurs are improving now unfortunately our offense has gotten worse but you know baby steps we beat the defending Champion Lakers and became the new in season Champions uh with our new D pause I see Improvement there you go we

Lost by 36 to the Pelicans though we’re not a good team no one ever said we were a good team Clan just tell me everything will be fine in five years I don’t even think I wouldn’t even go that far I think everything will be fine and two I’ll give the Spurs two

Years two years they’re going to be a much more improved team maybe not Championship winners but they’ll be much better give them just give them a couple years we get a chip in five in five years I think we’re true competitors I think we’re true competitors in five years maybe four I

Think we’re really good competitors but right now yeah yeah I’ll give them two yes give me a reasonable time frame so I can calm down two two years let let the Spurs get them a a legitimate point guard okay let them get a legitimate point guard and then allow him to have a

Season and you’re good they just need a wing Defender they need a point guard and then you start filling in in the in the spots and we if already been known it’s already been said by many of different people that they want to play with wimy there’s there’s been many people

Being open and saying they want to play with wimy we’ll be fine you’ll be able to get those veterans okay everything does have to be absolute perfect for you to win you know not well for you win championship you do need to be pretty dog on good but um wait who uh

Shoot ah who who was the last person that said it it wasn’t Trey young who’s the last person that said it switch we just talked about it who was the last person that said they wanted to uh play with the Spurs or that they were open to playing with

Wimy there God I’m I’m drawing a blank it was quite a few players players pretty open about it uh but who was the latest one Trey he said that he grew up a Spurs fan it was someone else though wasn’t it Damen Lillard I think it was Dame L yes

Dame Lillard was probably the last one whereas the Spurs were on his list for wimy on where he would want to go yeah Dame L was on list Trey said he was a Spurs fan but that was like that article is from like three years ago which is definitely something to

Bring up but which we can look at that in a minute LaVine yep LaVine said it too yeah I don’t think Dame had bucks on his list there’s going to be a lot more to say it yeah I mean you got Trey young sitting there like posting uh comments

On how wow you missed wimy right there like in other words eludin too I would have hit him you know I I would have got that so yeah so we’ll be fine it’ll be plenty if vets wanted to come to play with with wimy it’s fun I mean wouldn’t you want

To no I would Spurs get Kobe white and Julian Phillips and Chicago receives Trey Jones Malachi brandham their 2025 first round pick returned plus first round pick no dude I don’t want to do that that’s too much that’s too much like Malachi brandom could legitimately be like a really good

Scorer in the future and then we got to give them two first round picks one of their first a dude I like Kobe white don’t get me wrong but I’m not doing that we don’t have to do that go ahead and grab us a um a point guard in this

Draft if that’s the case switch said weirdly enough I think us being bad has made other players attract to play with Vic they see how easy it could be he makes it very easy I mean the team just looks like a completely different beast when he gets

Hot late in games I mean they you could just see the energy they they you feel you feel like Superman when he’s making plays on both ends of the courts like both ends of the Court like he does two first for Kobe white is a lot exactly I love Kobe he’s

An incredible player wouldn’t be against him but not at that price yeah two the two first is where you lost me even the Malachi brandom I feel like I mean I know in in the league right now he doesn’t have a lot of value right like if you were to trade him

You’re not going to get much but I oh man I will wait I would wait if you’re going to trade Malachi give him some give him some time see if you feel the same way in a couple years you know his value will only increase there

There’s no there’s no no reason to rush it two seconds for Kobe and we got a deal so what you saying two seconds and Malachi brandham and Trey Jones for Kobe no I don’t want to give up Malachi like like Malachi is one of those guys

Where he has a lot of potential I I just don’t want to give up malach that’s that’s where you’re losing me I wouldn’t want to leave I wouldn’t want to give up Malachi no not Malachi yeah that that’s where I’m at July like that that’s that’s where I’m hung

Up on like I I I don’t know about that if you can get Kobe for two seconds I mean that that’s a done deal yes but I don’t know if that’s possible Sally if they would take two seconds we better be on the phone with the league before they can change their

Mind yeah cuz that’s that’s that’s rough Emanuel quickly trade what the heck happened with that that was weird yeah that was like news for like a day and then we haven’t heard anything else maybe we should look some up


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  1. Wemby is like the nicest most dedicated well spoken prospect ever. I have to believe the character flaws are with his teammates

  2. You know what would make your channel even more better clan? Is you calling out certain players like ya boy sochan for his lack production this year for a 9th overall pick….I see you always defending him on twitter, but instead you make a almost useless video on keldon and Wemby exchanging simple dialogue on a miscommunication play 🤦🏽‍♂️ or how about Devin vasselll mediocre play being paid the highest on the team??

  3. Thank you for being level headed. People losing their minds. these guys havent played any games together. This isn't the Clippers roster full of vets.

  4. When Wemby was drafted to the spurs I think everyone collectively thought this is a dream scenario for him. Through a third of the NBA season I think this was one of the worst tbh. Only worse teams for him would be Charlotte, Detroit, Washington and Portland. The coaching, lineups, rotations have been nothing but a let down for him and his development. Imagine Wemby with Idoka and the Rockets, imagine him with the Orlando Magic. There wouldnt be any talk of Wemby vs Chet. It would be Wemby by himself, as it should be. This spurs team is a disgrace to the game of basketball. Everything about this team is dogshit head to toe. From the coaching to the personnel, to the lineups, to the playcall, just everything is bad

  5. I say this fully aware of this teams age and time Together on court. Sochan needs to be moved on from in offseason. Keldon either needs get benched or trades as well or part of a package where spurs trade up w raptors pick. That will level out the team enough and send the message. I don’t think Sochan can coexist with Wemby at this point and Keldon is so selfish or obvious he’s not going to help Victor get better and is a bench role player at best

  6. The team is fine regardless of the loees, they just need a point guard that cam run the offense, the play shows sochan, keldon wemby getting confuse and 2 shooters just waiting for something.

  7. This team needs a whole new look next year … Build around wenby .. The math ain't mathing …

  8. Sochan never has a mismatch, you need to get that out your head. And Keldon is just telling Vic that his the only who can force sht here and turn the ball over. To get his sht straight!

  9. They have to fight and argue, and not just sugar coat everything! That’s the only way they’ll grown together

  10. They need to start thinking about Pops replacement! I know they’re all young but they should be better than this

  11. the tragedy is that if Victor had played with Victor in this game, he would have had more than 10 assists…

    he played 22 minutes, he has more assists than any player on the team, who played between 5 and 10 minutes more than him…including some superb assists, as if he wanted to send a message to his teammates: even sea lions are better ball handlers than you guys! 😂


  12. I'd give up the Toronto 1st this year, Tre Jones, the Spurs 2nd round pick in 2025 for a second bite at Amen Thompson who's languishing in Houston right now.

  13. It's not complicated. We thought the team would be much better than they are. Their record clearly says THEY ARE NOT, and fans are angry at being so WRONG.

  14. Why the hell does the spurs not pass to Wemby but can easily find Zach Collin’s. We need a trade and they need to be told by coaching that Wemby needs to have touches and stop trying to charge the basket and not passing with two defenders on them.

  15. Kj,mcdermott,Jones, for d-lo haichmura, and /or 2 of their future 1sts.(lakers gonna be ass in five years)

    What do you think?
    Ps apologies if you mentioned a similar scenario previously/rejected one.

  16. theres a difference between being positive about things and being delusional lol. this team is okay? its ayt? lol K. 😂🤣

  17. This channel is just a good example of a delusional spurs fan. There is no way that wemby will stay on spurs. His goal when drafted by the spurs is to grow and obviously, he is not getting that, and popovich is no help. Wemby is Kawhi 2.0 and obviously it is popovich's fault again.

  18. The thing is for a big wemby has amazing vision. Maybe not as spot on as jokic since hes a rookie but international players always had good vision. Honestly i think wemby could be a point center/forward

  19. “Maybe some miscommunication?”
    Like there hasn’t been all season long so far 😅😭💀

  20. They're not playing for each other. Idk if they will. Wemby, vassell and tre stay, maybe collins. Everyone else dont fit or have the right attitude.

  21. I’ve been saying since before we got wemby’s time to move on from Johnson..dude has hit his ceiling and has a hero complex

  22. I feel it's more of every one wants to win but they need to lose this year to get more peaces…but the team feels there ready but there not for championship

  23. It is probably a culture clash. Imagine coming from France and going to play with guys from tougher areas and American urban culture. It can be unforgiving. Yannis and others had to go through the same thing. When Tony Parker played, he had other international guys, Tim, the Admiral, Sean Elliot and Pop all great players too.

  24. Keep Jones and Wemby. Everyone else might need to go. This is Wembys team. This is an audition year. Gotta be able to play w Wemby or else you’re not a Spur in the future.

  25. i don't think this was anything, but id be lying if i wasn't starting to be a little concerned about this teams chemistry. It is really embarrassing how much we miss getting wemby the ball. I wonder how this team is hindering the rookie year of a potential great

  26. Victor keldon vessel , safe players. But we all have to remember , it’s their first year playing together, very very young team. Victor is not gonna always make the shot , and if they keep passing him the ball they risk his stock falling , people would start calling him a bust n stuff. There actually protecting him by him not having the ball as much in his hand.

  27. I can't tell if I feel delusional or if I really do have this much faith in Wemby, Pop and the organization. Because things just like always work out for the Spurs?….right?

  28. I personally believe Keldon Johnson is secretly jealous of Victor Wembanyama. He does not like the fact that the Spurs have now become Victor Wembanyama's team, and given how well Victor Wembanyama has played and how talented he is, the Spurs should not entertain this circus. I believe the problem lies in Keldon Johnson here, not Victor Wembanyama.

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