@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks 4th Qtr Full Highlights| Dec. 30 | NBA Highlights 2023

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks 4th Qtr Full Highlights| Dec. 30 | NBA Highlights 2023

Mean a little bit yeah those psky 3es help where is there a scrappy team and they sto turn the ball over donic will begin the fourth on the bench Tim Hardaway Jr hitting the jumper I mean Dallas’s shooting has just been Sublime tonight 58% as a

Team it’s not layups and dcks it is jumpers Thompson is one of 10 as he misses that Wing jumper on exm Hardaway Jr with Grant Williams Dereck Lively Derek Jones conects him finally Maverick missed a jump shot Trace Jackson Davis stepped out and contested perfectly charge three the Warriors threes come around

And Dallas comes back to Earth Jones flipping it up and tipping in his own Miss how many times do that happen where the m just Counterattack off guard it’s part of their plan on a made bucket throwing it ahead yeah made bucket Jason kids got him speeding into the front

Court jsky finds trace and Lely met him up top altered that shot deric livley is a great addition for the Mavs he’s great defensively Hardway Jr ticked out front iron got to make your push with Luca dones sitting right now these next several minutes are important Luka come

Back in when does Steph come back in don’t play round it out he just can’t buy one tonight frustrating for him [Applause] struggle I holding up top with a shot clock at seven Hardway junr show and go little midrange pole TR Jackson Davis played him very well there

Jsky has two Defenders jump at him shich Grace Jackson Davis banging bumping bullying his way in he had one defender in there basically to guard two they took advantage of it these non step minutes the non Luca minutes who wins out here six Warriors and double figures Steph Leading The Way with 19

[Applause] Exom put this in that finish he’s so much more decisive aggressive assertive this time around they just keep getting the Warriors centers and switches guards getting down hill Chris Paul 15 for Chris Paul tonight the tempo’s good the back and forth is good can you dig in on this end

Six you can tell Luka can’t wait to get back in the game this game was really opened up with a 13 nothing Dallas run when Don sat in the second quarter away Juni there’s no hesitation exactly a quick drive they do exactly what they need to do to make the Warriors pay down

12 Kinga back in St rewards kaminga roll now when they blew the 20-point lead to Cleveland they went through a stretch where they went three of 22 on threes they kept launching threes and they hit a cold spell that Lo well play by kaminga he saw it Curry running the

Floor Wiggins with the show and go the skip pass to step for three miss a corner three that last step one was tough though he would have made that that would been pretty impressive MinGa triple got it his first three of the night that’s exactly what the doctor ordered closest they’ve been in the second half is right now at Six coming from 16 down oh face Jackson Davis with a hand check will pick up a foul that’s what happens when keep switching the big on

To Luca donic he’s just going to pull out all his tricks draw fouls you lunge at him while he’s going he’s kind of stepping back makes you fall asleep and then he just brings into action kaminga will take a turn kaminga stays with them they don’t switch it do Fade Away got an

Any what an incredible player at age 24 showed you the list the quickest to get to 10,000 points in the Le history Ming dened by Lively to three and dropped in and cut it to six and Alice has just had an answer every time and Jaden Hardy 3 was his first of the night that’s just been the way it’s been two men stay with Steph that’s how you have to make him

Got it to trace for the DP and their offense has been pretty good for the most part even when they get to the basket sometimes they missed their opportunities they made it there you got to get stops on this end though d l that left side Anga forc the

Miss one a half left we have a miracle finish here this Paul had picked up the dribble gra went to step to give him the ball shot clock at seven see two men stay with curry all the time he’s going to get wide open looks wiggin missed that Three here it is again get it out of Don’s hand exom flipping it up and out but dwip how the rebound rash green is human finally missed to three step deep three and the rebound doic headed the other way Jason Ken’s going to use the timeout

Wife too tried to watch one of those players need to trust the force here down the stretch and they’re going to see Dallas three more times they’re not going to play dones the same way three more times there’s some adjustments to be made I would say great Jackson Davis that ball

Kick need a perfect three minutes here behind the back oh man how good is that Curry’s got 25 M dod’s dance rough first half great second half for Steph worked himself oh steel loudly never saw him waiting for curry Chris Paul warm up three got hey they’re all the way back in it

Now anything can happen closest they’ve been to within five see if they double team hereas staying with doic just automatic from outside he knew when the Warriors cut it to five like hey put it on my shoulders and I’ll bring it home free throws down back to a seven-point

Game exom doing his best to stay with Steph at three on front iron Chris Paul smartly lets it go out of bounds we’ll get another shot at it 14 to work with now coaches have two timeouts left there’s 218 left see if Jones Jr checks in see if they get something going to

The basket here maybe use step as a decoy again and 50 points in the paint Tonight knocked away beautiful steal steep one behind his back and it was knocked away Luka sold out to save that one only 10 Warrior turnovers tonight Jones with a big step Hardway Jun nice catch shot clock at seven and every role player for the maps has been amazing as Hardway junor now with

14 just incredible Dallas shooting all night there’s Paul back to trace that’s going to the basket now kaminga foul he’s trying to pick up his intensity pick up 94 feet just can’t get over aggressive there make sure you’re under control having a little talk with donic

Now Don sold out yeah Derrik Jones Jr that long reach as Steph went behind the back knocked it away and then donic saved it it’s pretty good reaction time from donic Warriors are over the limit so donic free throws I mean the headline will be Luca

At 36 points and 10 assists but exom 17 Hardaway Jor 14 Josh Green 18 Grant Williams 10 you got to give them credit a lot of times you have a guy dominating a game like donic everybody else can get caught watching they stayed active they kept

Moving they were there to give Don an out Outlet when he needed one when he was getting double team they drove it at the right time stayed aggressive he has been just superlative tonight Warrior said cut it to five and

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks 4th Qtr Full Highlights| Dec. 30 | NBA Highlights 2023


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