@Minnesota Timberwolves



by Odogonmc


  1. He’s back…and maybe even better, with the three ball.

    If nothing else he’s always been a catalyst for better ball movement, pushing the tempo and crafty defense.

  2. Admirable-acK1-bRson

    You Tyus shits need to give it a rest. Adding him to that graphic…can’t stand the minnesota passive agressive idiocy in that graphic. “9 points – season high” gtfo

    If I had owned the Timberwolves all this time Tyus would have gotten a full year of starts back when he was here to see if he could have had a future here and stayed – or not. There was so much opportunity for it. Of course they never let that happen. But he at least got a good number of injury fill-in starts during his time. But I never met a Timberwolves fan back then that would have ever given Tyus a shot at a season of starting. Not a one. Listening to people chatter now on him is just sickening. The common take back then was the same as now “must get new backup PG figured out pronto!” Maybe ran across 5 to 8 people pushing for the team to retain him at like 9 million or less offer to remain a backup PG here at best. If it was going to need more they wanted nothing to do with him.

    The same offer a year test from me would have been given to McLaughlin by now with all the jokes and nonfits they’ve brought in since he’s been here.

    Right now 8 of his 11 games have been 4 minutes or less. Most of them 1 minute of play. 10 of 11 games are all under 10 minutes, I think 9 under 6 minutes. What good is that for anyone? Not for him or the team. He’s not some rookie.

    I think the only player on this team in the last 15 years to ever do much of anything with 1 to 5 minutes of court time would be Luka Garza and he still can’t get anything more then a minute of garbage time after the coach quits on a game.

    No one needs to read any more of your ignorant takes about being small or can’t shoot based on his epic average chances to shoot of 1 or 2 shots per game in his career 3rd backup depth role. Right now our best point guard maybe of the last 15-20 years is a 6 foot nuthin absolute stud at like 36 years old. Must be too much of a stretch in your minds to think we have another one of those on the team already that simply needs more then 1 to 12 minutes to develop into another Conley type and perfect fit here. Imagine if he could learn to be an echo of Conley before McLaughlin reaches the age of 27/28. It would be like this team getting Conley 8 to 10 years ago! Apparently takes too much imagination to see it.

  3. Admirable-acK1-bRson

    This graphic points out 9pts as “season high” like it’s some kind of joke. Juxtaposed by a Tyus image added and some snarky scoreboard remarks. Like we are supposed to compare JMac’s season high on 12 minutes to Tyus’ game highs this year starting and averaging 28 minutes and playing no defense on the 6-26 Wizards?

    Tyus has had 15 games from 28 to 38 minutes each. Starting all 32 games he’s played for Wizards. Meanwhile JMac has 2 games that reached 12 minutes.

    It’s bad shitposting, and horrific suggestions by some that Tyus is going to somehow come here and shoot 14 times a game and be allowed to keep playing at a 122 def rating level like he has been for Wizards.

    If anyone remembers Tyus’ first stint in MN. People would cheer his assist to TOV ratio and asst/steal stats. Because there was nothing else to cheer for. That was his only real role. And JMac has done much of the same in his time here with similar role even if with less time to play.

    This season JMac has appeared to have brought a more prepared/practiced 3pt shot to the season. It was a shame Naz Reid fell back on his knee and injured him early in season. But he’s back and the fans and Finch should both be itching to play him more. Not dog the idea of him and trade for his replacement. Not wait until the team is down by 20 with 4 minutes left in 3rd to try using him. Let’s see all Tyus Jone’s 20 pt games this season happen when he first enters the game when there is only 16 minutes total left in the game.

  4. I’d not expect his impact every game to be just like this, but the gist of what he does is the same as ever – he pushes the tempo, brings energy and sets up his teammates. That’s a good guy to have on your team! I’m glad he finally got a real chance to show he’s still himself yesterday. I also loved how long Finch kept him in when he was obviously the catalyst for our run.

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