@Houston Rockets

“Let’s Talk Houston Rockets” – Could the Rockets be 20-10 instead of 15-15?

“Let’s Talk Houston Rockets” – Could the Rockets be 20-10 instead of 15-15?

Hey Happy New Year to those who are already celebrating it like a man Terry in New Zealand and the members of the family in um Poland and Germany and Bavaria and London I guess all those other International places Happy New Year to you welcome to this edition of the

Houston round bar riew presents let’s talk Houston Rockets brought to you by my man Byron Riley Byron Riley CPA thanks to him for sponsoring the show this month and next month and hopefully future months if not Byron someone else but yes we’re going to talk Rockets we’re going to talk what coach

Udoka said today at practice after practice but visit Barony or give him a call 832 303 3995 get right into it kudos to H Town’s finest but for bringing it up on the edition of episode 119 of folks talking Sports because I hadn’t I was all in

Cougar mode earlier today with men’s women’s basketball from yesterday but apparently coach udoka said these words after practice he said the Rockets could easily be 20 and 10 instead of 15 and 15 quote a lot of mental preparation for us and emphasis on who we want to be going

Forward it doesn’t feel good to be 500 that means you’re on Pace for 40 4141 that would be an accomplishment in most people’s eyes but we don’t like the feeling of that we’re not comparing ourselves to past teams here we want to set a new standard for

Ourselves we could be 20 and 10 very easily it’s not a good feeling to be 15 and 15 yeah we’re bringing it up to show the games we’ve given away and where we have it executed down the stretch or game planwise and where we could be mentally

Locking in and preparing to a different level is where we need to get to much more than anything physical right now is a lot of mental work that needs to be done what we really talked about is where we’re at right now we’re at 500 which is average not a great feeling and

Where we want to get to what y think about that what do yall think about that solo Justin so let me say hi to the family but I mean you know I got a few more quotes from him but what do you think about what you’ve if you haven’t heard it seen

Clips from other places what I just read but solo says coach em is Aiming High love it WK I love the thought of playing potential versus just being better than before Tony M says that’s real talk Justin I knew they weren’t going to beat Philly said that the last stream

Because for some reason the defense has declined Justin well done segue I think the effort competitiveness has been there since day one so it’s not a physical thing it’s lock Lo in in on the details that’s what we really focused on in film session when you give up 131 one guy

Y’all know it Tyrese Maxi scores 42 that’s still 90ish points left we really broke down how they got those us scoring 127 is obviously enough for us to win but our defense the last three games has been last in League we’re six overall we want to see we can get back to number

Two and they’re going to face a Monumental challenge Monday night New Year’s night first day of 2024 when they face the red red red hot Detroit Pistons who are coming off one win to end their 28 game losing streak they scor 129 against the Toronto Raptors and Rockets are winless when opponents score

120 or more this season I’d be very shocked if Detroit scores 120 or more Monday night against the rockets and if that happens y’all better be worried y’ y’all better be worried if Detroit can score 120 on the Rockets tomorrow that’s a problem w k says Jabari and D are are

The reason for the decline in defense how so please elaborate because like I said they were been out what last one or two games the Rockets are 0 and 10 so they done it 10 times this year when the opponent has scored 120 or more 10 they played 30 games that’s a

Third of the games so it’s not just these last three it’s been an issue just saying space say Ty you too much standing around when alpi has the ball why do you say the problem is the offense that’s interesting very interesting based on what coach said after practice Jon says according to point

Differentials on cleaning the glass rocket should be 18 and 12 solo coming in from the top rope Jo candale has to go by the way has got to go by the way but why do you think it is why do y’all think the Rockets defense

Has declined is it we touched on it in previous shows most recent few shows the Rockets haven’t had a lot of practice time these day off Saturday Sunday give them time to watch film study look over things that they have not been doing well communication physicality things of that

Sort is it part of opponent’s scouting better exploting mismatches exploting weaknesses in the Rockets Personnel solo says our schedule is pretty bad aan just joined I just literally read over coach’s comments so yes touch on it with with a few slides to uh bring everyone up to speed who may

Not have heard the comments but yes I did read thank you for the and I gave you a shout out as well for bringing to my attention from FTS earlier today and this she happened to see the earlier episode of folks talking Sports it was cut short because my my co-host and colleague

Willie Gibson received an emergency phone call during that show he did receive some bad news familywise so just if you are religious keep him and his family in your prayers so that’s why he basically had to take step away from the camera and take that phone call so it’s

Very important was not great news so just keep him in your prayers but what do you think about it Rockets defense you know Fred said after the game Friday we couldn’t get stops they scored 127 127 should be enough to win so what what is the issue and 131

Against Philly without Joel embiid that’s a lot I mean that’s a lot so what is it space stes offense is too basic in what in in what way I mean to me offense basic offense effective offense is involves a low post game to command double teams effective ball movement and effective player

Movement and you do those things you can do all the other kind of stuff with play design but you have that core you’ll have a successful offense and natur you need to have outside Shooters you know clearly but uh but that core low post game passing cutting effectively somebody who can attack off

The dribble all that but there’s not a whole lot into an effective offense in my opinion space a says I man should have been on Maxi I’m not sure I’m curious to see because I said it before doesn’t make me right but this is what I believe well that’s part of that’s one

Thing Rock these Rockets do miss but that’s to me that’s that’s basic offense right there couldn’t to the basket effective movement if you have the right Personnel to run pick and roll middle of the floor left right side can’t stop it you can you can hopefully make the opponent take a tougher

Shot things like that but an effective pick and roll with the right Personnel can’t stop it that’s why it’s the one of the if not the oldest play in basketball it’s because it works because it’s hard to stop you know especially now you got guys who have learned The Art of

Keeping their defender on their hip once they get in front you try to force them to go left or right to where the teammate is on the screen and they get that person that defender on their hip that that person’s dead so then got to rotate over hedge force him back out but

If they already got that person their initial defender on their hip they have the advantage so it’s that’s why pick and roll is one of the hardest place to defend because you got to decide you want to hedge it you want to trap it you want to force all those

Different things then you got effective ball passers then it opens up everything else so perimeter defense it’s one-on-one one-on-one defense keeping your man in front of you period And when y’all watch tomorrow’s game you will see the piston for the most part do a piss poor job of

Of keeping their man in front of them when they’re on defense from Kate Cunningham Jay iy Killian Hayes also also does a pretty good job but everybody else nearly everybody else awful awful awful so the Rockets should not have problems scoring ing Monday against Detroit they better not have problems defending

Detroit because if they do I looked at this before started tonight’s show after the remaining four games this week on the hom stand that’ll be 34 games played for the Rockets 34 games 20 one of them will be would be home games 13 Road games 2113 that’s that’s we all know

Even doubt over the season yes but 21 home games through the first 34 after Detroit it’s Brooklyn Minnesota and the Milwaukee that’s that’s a tough that’s a tall tough task if your defense has had slippage WK says landelle was supposed to kick to the corner teammate was

Open I don’t know if he Jo I don’t know what ja was thinking he didn’t hang around for us to talk to him I’m not sure why he rush to take three but he did try to get contact and maybe get an n one didn’t work and he missed a shot too

So space a says not worried about the Rockets defense once DB and Jabari get back interesting because didn’t the Hawks carve them up with those two there and slipping screens W weren’t they playing that game right Justin says with coach’s comments he is essentially calling out his

Players and so let me refresh go back to it after practice today coach DOA said this a lot of mental preparation for us and emphasis on who we want to be going forward it doesn’t feel good to be 500 that means you’re 41 and 41 that would be an accomplishment in

Most people’s eyes but we don’t like the feeling of that we’re not I love this right here we’re not comparing ourselves to past teams here y’all love that y’all gotta love that we want to set a new standard for ourselves we could be 20110 very easily

It’s not a good feeling to be 15 15 yeah we’re bringing it up to show the gamees we’ve given away and where we haven’t executed down the stretch or game planwise and where we could be mentally locking in and preparing to a different level is where we need to get

To much more than anything physical right now is a lot of mental work that needs to be done what we really talked about is where we’re at right now we’re at 500 which is average not a great feeling and where we want to get to I think the effort competitiveness

Has been there since day one so it’s not a physical thing it’s locking in on the details that’s what we really focused on in film session uh let’s see Jon says I fear we reached the limits in terms of Talent on the roster in order to keep a playing or better

Spot a trade needs to happen jmon is going to die on this hill he wants forell Stone to make a move he wants forell to make a move Rockets jmon says the Rockets should be in the play in G out the playoffs top six seed this season salute jmon for your consistency your

Diligence Hawks were hitting every three n they weren’t not when they were getting that that dunk Fest that first four minutes of the fourth quarter no they weren’t that stroll to the hoop question is where I wanted to go right here bringing this up thank you space a for bringing this up as

Well were y’all surprised that cam did not get any minutes Friday when you knew that Jabari and Dylan weren’t going to play what I think about that what do you think about jayen these past two games y’all tell me many of y’all here many of y’all many relatives

Supporters Watchers viewers of Le talk Houston Rockets wanted Jaylen out of here weren’t willing to give him the benefit of the doubt wanted him gone want to trade him some are calling him a bust last two games offensively he’s been much better I forget who it was it was it

Jmon who said he has not impacted winning in the last two games well they’ve lost the two games he scored better no you know I mean from that perspective you can’t argue with that H Town’s finest does not think the rockets need to make a trade

Yet space a says coach has to realize this isn’t that Celtic team H okay all right that’s interesting Justin says Jaylen has been pretty efficient htown says jayen really letting the game come to him on Friday night WK if defense is the issue cam hasn’t demonstrated that he can make you better there

So no he should not have gotten minutes good point that’s a good point because I am not high on cam defensively at all not at all e has high standards that’s what you want Tony M says better leave jayen alone okay Jon I think I’ve asked you before I keep asking you who

Do you want Rell to trade to get an impact player in return and of course who is that impact player so who and anybody want to chime in for those who don’t believe the Rockets should make a trade right now but who do you think if you do think the

Rockets should make a trade right now who should they trade who do you think teams would want and then give you something someone in return who would help the Rockets this season I I I don’t know about the video I heard one of my colleagues talk about

The woman he’s dating the Old Woman whatever leave left it alone whatever space a says he wants lar marketing but no he’s not coming well I mean right trade is there right landelle for a washing machine oh Tony oh y’all know what that means y’all know what that gets right there I gotta

Go oh [Applause] man [Applause] and to keep it simple correct I knew I knew that landel for the love your blue cor colors back WK says too soon to make trades whether the Nicks and Raptor disagree thank you to the Knicks for making that trade to help improve the

Choice chances for winning Saturday and they did finally let this two cook see what you have prepared and be prepared to do something in the offseason oh so you you don’t want to trade even in February I don’t know about that I think they’ll do something in February

Jmon says I would be active in trying to trade for a guard like Alex kuso or another big like Clint capella by trading some of our draft Capital H to’s finest we need a backup five I’d be willing to give up jock and Tate and maybe a second round pick for a

Rim running shot blocking big yeah surprise some folks Nick fans yeah but hey sipping out of my round barie mug Nick Claxton I like Daniel Gafford I like that suggestion from was it Thursday show I like that and previous shows as well active big man block shots finish around the rim

Justin says folks are forgetting about Victor so B5 jock and Tate can go with a pick for who Justin who do you want to return who who is your ideal person that makes sense based on that Victor jock Tate and a pick who would you want to return for

That w k says the Knicks are are competing for a championship Raptors are starting a rebuild Rockets are not competing for a top playoff spot at this point so giving up assets doesn’t make sense to me at this point let your talent develop oh it’s not a question of

Everybody knows Victor’s injured it’s the salary get that salary off the books that’s all that is nobody you know Victor doesn’t want to yeah we all know that it’s the it’s the set in his contract to make the numbers match that’s all that would be oh yeah Rock he’s not in Rockets

Plans at all none whatsoever but for salary purposes salary matching his contract would be included and reminder thank you you see that upper right corner of the screen Byron Riley CPA is a sponsor of this show I’m happy to say so as always visit Byron Raleigh as well as give him a

Call at 832 303 3995 once again website Byron Raleigh or call 83230 33995 Ellen and of course like I said Byron sponsoring this show for December this over now few hours and January so if you want to sponsor yourself be a sponsor of the show email me at karder atth this show FTS the Takeover show that streams on Roku so that’s more eyeballs potentially for you email me at yes yes I do yes I do think the Bulls would be hell are willing probably to let Andre drumman go yes w k how would Rafel be graded if old

Depo oh my gosh had signed that extension yeah yeah that could have been disastrous space a says to counter WK Rockets will not make the plan if moves aren’t made guarantee it this is the West all right space a in honor that I guarantee according to space a 713

Guarante space Aid says if the Rockets don’t make moves they’re not making a play in I think that’s going to happen the Raptors will build around Scotty Barnes we’ll see if that works pakum will be a free agent in the summer of 2024 but we shall see so far the gunshots and stuff

Haven’t been too bad over here in fifth War Texas but the fireworks are are starting to increase but what do y’all want to oh yes forgot this even though the Rockets aren’t paying me to do this tomorrow bobblehead theme night for am man and oser Thompson rocket and detto

Are collaborating to host dual Twin Night themes for the game on January 1st in E toown and the game on January 12th in detto Rockets will give away away 5,000 bobbleheads for the game against the Pistons on January 1st who’s going to the game tomorrow who will be in the

Place I’ll be there obviously looking forward to to uh hopefully uh talking with Marcus Sasser before or after the game just touch base with him I hope his family will be in town as well haven’t seen his dad or or grandmother since couger days so hopefully we’ll be there but

Yeah yeah it’s a lot of lot of condos popping up over here I’m trying to get to that level of where I can afford a condo not say buy one but I can afford one but yeah neighborhood is changing gunshots Galore and fireworks here in Spring that’s right that’s right

Tomorrow is Margarita M yes that is right yeah H well media can’t take partake in that well at least not supposed to but H wonder if they’ll allow that to be different for New Year’s we can do that tomorrow I’m have to see if I can do that just putting that out

There if anyone from Rockets is listening let me know set set a a margarita aside for me and say this is for you Chris this is for you thank you for everything you do for covering us whatever what whatever happened to Willie colly Stein just just wasn’t a fit here it

Yeah it just wasn’t a I’ll just leave it at that you know there’s other stuff that I was told not sure if it was factual so I just leave it alone but what are you predicting tomorrow yes I’m hoping to uh have the the margarita in the mug so I can do

That so I could have it in my at my seat and no one knows what’s in it you know but predictions tomorrow what are you expecting to see from the Rockets today’s film session they should be more locked in on fixing their mistakes on defense my colleague jonath Fagan said with Dylan Brooks

Out kind of surprised he said Jan Tate would get the defensive assignment on K Cunningham I guess minute wise don’t want you can’t have t on K too much but um we’ll see because because h j iy is going to cause somebody problems for the Rockets with with his

Quickness he’s not a good Defender but he’s gonna blow by some folks and he can do it a lot if they let him Jon says predicting a close win for the Rockets space eight says a rim protector and a shooter and we’re good take and go with whatever package they have just too

Small before see Friday after Friday’s game we were me and some folks just chopping it up in the media room and one person did say of course this before Saturday Detroit win one person did say this exact phrase Silas Silas Revenge game yes oh Justin he’s his

Defense is I think better than you’re giving him credit for but with Dylan here now he’s he’s not being asked to defend the the quicker Wings especially now sometime he has to go against fives and he’s not big enough yet to bang with the big boys down low

On the Block but I think he’s he’s he’s better than I think your he’s not Elite yet but you know very few Young young players are Elite in the NBA just yet Detroit’s coming to play they’re playing better offensively their defense is just so bad

So bad and as a fan of defense and as a Detroit Pistons fan for so long to see how poor the defense is just eats in my soul oh it’s just awful awful if he if Jaylen Duran can avoid foul trouble double double but Alp and those pump fakes and that

Footwork Jayla might get two fouls in the first five minutes and and sit down for a lot of the first half so I am not no no no I am not at wheelie Wildcat I am in wall trip ram my mom makes you rest in peace is a wheatly

Wild cat my dad is a Jack Yates lion so I am HD through and through but yes so we’re talking about fifth W here man my auntie would love that so she was the first person to to tell me to refer to that I heard refer

To it as the Buddy nickel so and she always when I was younger she could could never she would have to go home to so return to Fifth Ward from my grandparents house to drive anywhere else in the city she she could go anywhere else in the city from Fifth

Ward I don’t know what it is her bearings weren’t great directions weren’t great but you tell her how to get back to her house then she can go from there so hey but Ma you rest in peace too man do I think LP gets all are

Not the coaches have a say and Reserve so that helps that does help it fan vote y’all know fan vote just leave it at that the fan vote and it’s International all that kind of stuff y’all know but yes uh my colleague Jerry Woodley Jr is a proud weekly

Graduate in fact he bought a Houston round bar of VI hoodie the purple one he bought the purple hoodie because it’s purple like his wheatly wild cats so yes I’m all I’m surrounded by wheatly people so like half our family is wheatly other half is Jack Yates though

It’s all is all good in the hood space a says want to see The Rook jayen green he had more fire inside I don’t the rookie jayen I was on Coach Silas it’s a new coaching town that stuff ain’t gonna work the rookie jayen the aggressiveness coach Oka does want

Jaylen to be aggressive and he wants to Rocket to shoot more threes and not pass up open shots because more often than not when you’re open that first time you’re open might be the only time in my possession you’re that open take the shot so he wants that

But yeah Justin said what I said he had the fire because silus let him do what he wanted yes that is not happening now no no no and jayen you know has a chip he and Cade had issues before I think he’s kind of pass that you know whatever by now I

Know Kate is but Jaylen is too passive to athletic to be this passive he’s trying to he’s trying to balance it out coach wants him to be aggressive but he also wants him to be smart and play Within the system and keep his teammates involved and not be

Selfish so he’s trying to balance it out and it and before the last two games I think he was too much in his head so give me predictions I’ll be surprised but y’all give me predictions on a score I’m pretty sure all of y’all are going to pick the Rockets win tomorrow

Objectively I will too the fan of me go Pistons but objectively Rockets Rockets boy they need this win they need this win and it’s going to be great the twins family’s going to be will be at the game Marcus sasser’s family I think will be at the game

Probably I’m not sure but maybe coach Samson and some of the U people will as well so could be old home week for for a lot of folks you know so that could be good Jon says 121 whoops 121 116 oh new name new question Aaron thank you a different different kind of

Players jayen offensively is way way way way behind Alpine in terms of offense defensively Jay Jay is more athletic but he’s he’s not a student of the game on either side of the ball like like Alp is alp’s ahead of of Jaylen because of his experience internationally so Alp he may not

Have as much of a higher ceiling to get better like Jaylen does but Alp is a better Prospect I’ll PE I won’t go as far as I know some folks have said MVP of the league at some point Jaylen won’t be that never be that if he is that

Detroit Pistons organization the fans will be thrilled and shocked to death if D evolves into that kind of player Justin says it will be a scoring Fest the Pistons don’t play defense they that is correct and the rockets are starting not to either it will come come down to who has the most

Rebounds uh well I don’t know I I doubt it unless it’s on a switch but but but direct call up I doubt it kind of curious to see who a is going to defend as well because I think if they do the the last two games starting five Detroit had Ivy Cade

Bogdanovic oser and Jaylen I think and that that with that five bogdanovic is hutin pick on because his defense is the worst of all of them he gets buckets he gives up buckets so w k with alpie will have a beast of a game on the inside 125 106 Rockets yeah

If the game is close I think Detroit would win I think it’s gonna be a route I think the Rockets will win by at least 12 hope I’m wrong but as a fan of the Pistons but no I don’t see that happening just you know coach coach doesn’t care

About this you’re you’re rationale it’s sound but coach doesn’t care about that especially as as fried up at he was today no he wants to win if that means less minutes for I’m in so be it that’s not going to be the issue at all all right everybody the noise is is increasing

Over here in the hood hey you see there you go exactly you said it right there the noise is increasing here in the hood so that by noise I mean the gunshots yes the fireworks and the what’s it called what are those booming fireworks what you know whatever those

Are that’s starting to come up like across the street kind of stuff but uh so so yeah I don’t I I think rockets by at least 12 oh no doubt a time you know that already for sure if and to me it’d be a sports Miracle well I know well I don’t know

Because Rockets defense has really has deteriorated lately so it wouldn’t be a big shock it’d be a disappointment if the Rockets lose to Detroit tomorrow but if that does happen yes most deaf y’all will hear me talk about it on this show oh no question no question no

Question I doubt that’s going to happen though but if it does for sure y’all will hear from me it won’t it be like I’ll be I’ll do it during the show I won’t do a specific video you know for no don’t worry about that but yes during the next edition of

Let talk uson rockets in 2024 oh yeah oh yeah y’all would hear he that for sure no question no question maybe after the game on the 12 maybe but no I am not expecting it to happen tomorrow no but everybody have a safe happy if you haven’t if you’re

Going out to a party if you haven’t already gone out be safe be smart have a good time end 2023 safely so you can celebrate and enjoy 2024 so thank you very much as always for spending time with me on this edition of Le talk Houston Rockets gotta

Plug my man one more time because he sponsoring the show for December and January Byron Ry give him a call 8 32303 3995 one more time call him 832 303 3995 but but yes enjoy tonight be smart be safe let’s have fun this week and the rockets should end their

Skid tomorrow Monday night against Detroit because the remaining three home games woo boy but as always thank you for your comments your questions thank you for taking time to watch the show and participate in the discussion on YouTube for watching on Facebook and on musk tell your friends

About the Houston roundie tell your friends about let’s talk Houston Rockets support the show spread the word about the show 7,000 subscribers now on the YouTube channel thank you very much for that keep that going more and more click that Bell to receive notifications about when shows are posted when new videos are

Posted got more ideas in store for 2024 if you’re going to the game get there early so you can get you a bobblehead enjoy it enjoy the game tomorrow and we will talk soon the Houston round bar review listen to what I’m about to say the Houston round bar review since 1994

2024 it’s 30 years people 30 years of the Houston round barv View and Counting let’s keep it going spread the word the Houston round ball review local name Global Perspective y’all take care peace game over

Houston Rockets’ fans! Join me — Kris Gardner (KG) owner of The Houston Roundball Review — “Local name, global Perspective — discusses the Rockets’ current skid; 3 straight losses at home; slippage defensively; and more.

Sponsored by Byron Riley, CPA.

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