@Miami Heat

Barry Jackson : Unless some tantalizing trade suddenly surfaces, they very well could play season out with this roster, then decide plan next summer. Riley sounds like this will be judgment year. ”We’re in the fifth year,” he said in Oct. “You get to a point where, does it run its course?”

Barry Jackson : Unless some tantalizing trade suddenly surfaces, they very well could play season out with this roster, then decide plan next summer. Riley sounds like this will be judgment year. ”We’re in the fifth year,” he said in Oct. “You get to a point where, does it run its course?”

by jbenson255


  1. OblivionNA

    I honestly think we’d be like 22-11 at the very very worst if we were healthy this year. I mean our main core have played like 5 total games together, it’s been so damn unlucky.

  2. just4kix_305

    Doomer Barry back just in time for the New Year lol

  3. prince___dakkar

    Pretty meaningless statement.

    Bam is obviously untouchable.

    Herro has always been available for a star and will always be available for a star.

    The implication of the statement is that it might be a referendum on 34 year old Jimmy Butler, but they value him way more highly than any other team in the NBA. They couldn’t get close to equal value – they could maybe dump him to a trash team with cap space and dump the rest of the team to sign a third player to play with Bam and Herro, but there is no third superstar who could make that happen in the 2024 free agency. Just lateral retreads like Leonard or Paul George, or Tyrese Maxey is the best younger option.

  4. oneofone305

    They aren’t making any moves. They are content with deep playoff runs and not finishing the job. It is what it is. Unfortunate Jimmy probably retires ringless

  5. At this point, it’s more about who is a buy out candidate that we can pick up.

  6. It’s not like an actual difference maker is available.

    Mitchell will cost too much for a player that has a chance of bolting and doesn’t play D. Lavine isn’t worth it. Embiid isn’t asking out.

    Maybe getting Roizer if the hornets sell low, but that’s a big if.


    I think it’s clear that the rules have changed so things like what we pulled off with the big 3 aren’t as feasible anymore. Big time free agency has all but dried up and instead players are signing big extensions and then demanding trades.

    Even with the trade game though, teams want a ton of return for guys locked into long term deals and even if you have enough, with the new CBA everyone is waiting to see what a dumpster fire the Suns will be when all of the second apron restrictions hit.

    That plus exploding luxury tax costs has basically turned us — along with 15 other teams — into tax avoiders. Though obviously we’ll be forced to be a tax team this year baring something crazy.

    Our path towards contention is much more like what the Nuggets did last year — organic growth coupled with value signings and a trade for a solid rotation guy in Aaron Gordon — than it is like the big splashy stuff we’ve grown accustomed to.

    Even if this core runs its course, I’d imagine the big shake up will be replacing Lowry after his deal expires. I don’t think Jimmy/Bam/Herro/Duncan are going anywhere, even if we flame out early in the playoffs.

  8. walldorfy

    Injuries in 2021 following the finals run in 2020 left the team with nothing in the tank when they faced Milwaukee in the playoffs. Feels somewhat similar despite this time around we had a full offseason to get healthy. If we get to mid March and the core of the team hasn’t played more than 20 games together I’m not sure the chemistry will be good enough to make another deep run.

  9. realudonishaslem

    Maybe it’s just me but Barry’s credibility as the “Heat mouthpiece” took a huge hit this summer IMO. Way too many emotional tweets without providing actual news. Anthony Chiang is the most reliable at this point along with Tim Reynolds.

  10. nschaef93

    Just asking. Any stars free agents next year we could potentially sign?

  11. julstar23

    It’s not just about making any move its about making to one that makes sense .The team is down 3 perimeter defenders right now .That’s tough for any tram to overcome especially when the other team is healthy .

  12. avinash240

    They’re going to keep lying to the public about their chances at a chip while they sell jerseys and tickets to help the owners get through the hit to their cruise business.

    It’s been obvious for quite some time. There is always a chance we could hit some injury luck and still win it, so there is always hope but it’s very slim.

  13. If we do make a trade it should be a smaller one for size or guard depth. I love Jimmy but I keep seeing people talking about an extension and I just don’t think we should do it.

    Why waste part of Bams prime right after we wasted Jimmy’s prime?

  14. Proof-Research-6466

    All I know is two games ago when we beat the warriors everyone was singing praises to all of our guys. Now people talking about trades. Like clockwork 😂

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