@National Basketball Association

Aaron Gordon explains dog bite injury: ‘I probably had a little bit too much eggnog’

“I guess it’s a little bit embarrassing, but not too embarrassing to where I can’t talk about it,” he said. “I don’t drink a lot during the season. I probably had a little bit too much eggnog. I was kind of roughhousing with my dog, and I think my dog got a little excited and just basically chomped down. Gave me a bite. And I was basically wrestling him off of me, and then he bit my hand.”

“For lack of better words, I was (messing) around with my dog, and when you (mess) around, you find out.”

“He’s a good boy. He’s a good dog,” Gordon said. “… Very attached. Very sweet. Very strong. Great dog.”


by Knightbear49


  1. DynamixRo

    Doggo was just trying to encourage responsible drinking.

  2. costcobathroom

    waiter! waiter! more aaron gordon please!

  3. Otherwise-Tale9671

    This is no different than domestic violence in the home. Partners, too often, deflect the harm caused by the other partner by saying, “they are really a good person.” This seems in line with that…

  4. Juniper41

    He’s victim blaming himself lmao

    But for real, dude was probably drunk and antagonizing/egging on the dog as a lot of grown men do for some reason and the dog snapped. Dog’s should never bite, especially the face, but it definitely feels like he was antagonizing the dog “I was (messing) around with my dog”. From other stories, it appears that it is only his dog in name, the dog lives with a relative, so the dog probably doesn’t have the attachment to Gordon at all.

  5. ___213___

    It’s good he made a public statement

    Too often dogs get blamed for shitty human behavior

  6. TheBeardedInfidel

    Just like some dog owners who tell other people “aw don’t be scared, he’s a sweet dog. Won’t even harm a fly.” Next thing you know their dog ends up biting someone. This is like the opposite, he said it after the dog showed signs of how dangerous it could be.

  7. This_Week_On_SHADs

    Dogs have teeth. They play with their teeth. Shit happens, I’m glad AG is good. If me and AGs dog were in the same room you better believe I’m giving that dog love still. Fuck all these hating ass people who know absolutely NOTHING about dogs but love to pontificate from their high non-dog owning throne about what the rest of us should do.

  8. Alive_Economist_2162

    His dog? You mean *not* a pitbull like everyone was screaming about? Wow, who would have thought?

  9. GreatestJabaitest

    I don’t think a single person in these thread here has ever owned a dog bruh.

    Bites happen, but y’all acting like it’s the end of the world and the dog is the incarnation of Satan or that AG is a shitty dog owner lol. Especially with big dogs that get into playing.

  10. offcourtissues

    > “He’s a good boy. He’s a good dog,” Gordon said. “… Very attached. Very sweet. Very strong. Great dog.”

    Read this in Trump’s voice

  11. Smellmyhand

    That’s great Aaron, but I want to hear from the internet strangers who weren’t anywhere near you when this happened and up until 48 hours ago, largely assumed it was a pitbull that needed to be put down.

  12. He should probably stop talking about this before someone asks the right questions

  13. CanEatADozenEggs

    Man I’ve gotten nicked a few times and drawn a little blood but I’ve never even gotten anywhere close to that level of damage from my dogs.

  14. StarWarsMonopoly

    Thank you for censoring the bad words so it would be suitable for this Christian forum

  15. Crisis_Averted

    >Very attached. Very strong.

    LMAO you don’t say

  16. jakefromadventurtime

    “He’s a good boy. He’s a good dog, … Very attached. Very sweet. Very strong. Great dog.”


    This man working on his trump impression at the same time lol

  17. ICanAnswerThatFriend

    That’s the kind of teammate I want on my team.

  18. illmatic2112

    New years countdown just finished, I go over to hug someone who was lookin after a german shepherd (they were standing/dancing, he was chilling on his bed steps away). Gave me a few harsh bites on the leg and ran off, spent most of new year day waiting for treatment in hospital.

    Cannot imagine AG’s injuries cause im limpin around like a mf right now

  19. Beginning-Sundae8760

    Can someone explain to me how strong eggnog actually is, or just what it tastes like in general? I’ve seen it referenced in American movies and TV for years, but never actually tried it.

  20. 1337-Sylens

    Never understood what kind of a relationship NBA athlete can build with a dog. I assume it spends most of the time with someone paid to care for it?

  21. elliott9_oward5

    Maybe Aaron Gordon needs to train his dog? I don’t blame the dog either, dude is a dumbass.

  22. rumblegod

    Nah guy is just protecting his dog and Rottweilers.
    That’s obviously what’s going on. In what world does your dog bite you when you’re drunk lol

  23. NuclearJacuzzi240

    ‘I had too much eggnog, he had too much peanut butter…’

  24. The last part reads like the dog was growling at him as he typed it.

  25. penis_pockets

    I’ll take his word on it. Known of us were there to determine if he’s lying or not. Not all dogs that are a certain breed are the incarnation of Satan. There’s nuance to things. Something this sub and reddit in general fails to understand.

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