@Brooklyn Nets

Spencer Dinwiddie discusses what Brooklyn Nets are working on

Spencer Dinwiddie discusses what Brooklyn Nets are working on

You uh when you look at the defense obviously ongo you’re comfortable when you look at the defense have you noticed uh I guess any similarities in the struggles that you guys have had or are you just taking each game as its own entity um I mean obviously we have a base defense but

Every game has its own wrinkles um we understand that our effort and and focus has to be there just with the Scout and also uh just rotating and scrambling around out there um but but yeah like we’re we’re we’re noticing some similarities and then also obviously some differences of the similarities I

Mean what have been constant issues that you guys are looking to work on and Sh up I me when I’ve talked to people like I you know I hear the word trust coming up which is you know obviously helping the helper is a huge part of yeah I mean

I think that goes into just the rotations of it all um you know I think we have a great group of guys I think the guys genuinely like each other um just got to you know you know be out there making every every sacrifice play that we possibly can with a high level

Of focus and intensity with you guys switching as much how much is that maybe affecting some of the trust Oh you mean not switching as much not switching but I mean like switching different coverages oh switching coverages oh okay um no I mean I I don’t think that uh

Necessarily messes up the the trust that you have in in a human being right you just understand it obviously you know with with every new wrinkle everybody has to be that much sharper that much on point and so you know sometimes people make mistakes and you know it’s a it’s a

It’s a human game there there there’s error out there um as much as we’d like to play Perfect uh you know unfortunately we’re not able to I guess more like trust like I was saying more I meant more like the trust in new scheme trusting everyone’s going to be in a

Certain position things that it’s still kind of new yeah no it’s it’s new but I think you know uh JV and our coaching staff have put in long hours of you know analyzing different schemes both offensively and defensively and they’re trying to put us all in the best

Position to succeed and and so we have a a great great amount of faith in that and then you know like I said there’s a certain level of human error that that happens in you know what’s effectively real reality uh Television right I me

Keeping it a buck I mean you guys have a lot of really good accomplished defensive players on this roster I mean guys that are either whatever DP y candidates or you know plus Defenders are you surprised that we’re this deep into the season and that end of the court hasn’t really

Um I mean I guess you know but uh if anything it bolds well that it that it will um at some point jail together um again you have male CJ Nick doe Roy Dennis Smith um the the big bulk of our rotation that are phenomenal Defenders

So you know uh we’ll we we’ll figure it out um I have confidence they’ll figure it out and you know uh it it’ll all it’ll all work out how do you how do you tap into the mental wherewithal you guys have all been through different things throughout

The course of your career but like during this tame stretch how do you do that against obviously a challenging New Orleans team that’s been playing really well well I mean right now every opponent’s challenging uh with the way we’re playing uh and the points we’re

Giving up so you know we we have to stay focused locked in committed we understand it’s a tough stretch just in terms of the density of games um the back to backs and things because of the Paris trip and having in that week so um

We we we can’t afford to uh take any opponent lightly and I think there’s just a constant level of uh uh Focus that we need to have on a different note Jaylen obviously been playing a little bit on that the previous road trip and got more chances the back just what have

You seen from him as terms of Readiness and just how he’s able to kind of like fit in a little more seamlessly with his experience yeah I mean he’s he’s a mature guy spent you know what four years in college um obviously very accomplished um kind of comes in already

With a clear identity of how he can help the group in terms of the offensive rebounding and the hustle plays and stuff like that so it makes it a more seamless transition when you already have a a kind of defined skill um uh that you’re coming in to do every night

Versus figuring it out so you know credit to him and his maturity and his growth both in college and uh you know in the early parts of his NBA career

Spencer Dinwiddie meets with the media and discusses what the Brooklyn Nets are working on, switching coverages, why the team hasn’t gelled together yet, and so much more. Subscribe for daily sports videos!

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