@Oklahoma City Thunder

The OKC Thunder need to make a trade if they want to beat Nikola Jokic | The Athletic NBA Show

The OKC Thunder need to make a trade if they want to beat Nikola Jokic | The Athletic NBA Show

New Year’s resolution for a player or a team Jay what do you got I want OKC to go out and get an upgrade I want them to go out and be super aggressive they got tons of pieces they don’t have to wait for another year they’re ready to win in the playoffs

Right now if they get an upgrade and so I’m looking at Lowry marinan I I love I want them to get a four not just an upgrade I want them to get like a power forward type where cat can still be the center they can still play small they can still prioritize

Being athletic getting to the Cup being having gu a lot of guys who can do a lot of things put the ball on the floor score I tell you that Danny a is demanding no fewer than five first round picks for Lowry Mark okay okay so if if

Lowry marketing does not work out hold on no no I’m I’m saying I’m saying Danny a says it’s G to take five picks we know OKC has the picks right like they’ve got a thousand picks the next six drafts I’m not giv I’m not giving five picks for L

What if some of them are protected some of you know some of them might turn moving on to the next Target it should be on OKC’s terms this should not be like where they’re just getting their held hostage for this no no they don’t have to be super duper aggressive right

Now and sell out I Dave just dropped this in the chat I agree with Dave I think they need more of like a traditional five and move CET to the four agree I don’t think I think it’s hard to play five out like L’s not

A he’s not a he’s not a big like that and Chad wants to play on the perimeter more so like small forward right that five out I think is a little crowded I think they need a guy who can live in the dunker spots or the high post like a Jared

Allen you get chat downhill Shay down like you get these guys downhill and you got him for a little drop off right and Jarrett’s mobile enough that they can still it doesn’t hurt their like small ball Speedy way they typ try to play they don’t need a big lumbering big they

Need somebody athletic that can keep up with the pace of the game but not take up another spot on the perim what about what if I tell you Clint capella is available for two first round picks that’s some crazy Rim protection that’s some crazy Rim protection but two

First round picks is a lot what if one of those first round picks is protected and likely becomes two seconds maybe then you’re in maybe because think about that you get downhill like look at you see you see Clint capella and Chad in the paint I like Jarrett Allen better of

Course the listeners select this in the chat H select is in on this deal completely I haven’t seen somebody so excited about a deal ever God look at this guy yeah what about going after OKO forget Cella well that I think it takes a lot of picks yeah they have

Tons okay what about pasak what about pasak same issue same issue you’re still looking at five out really there’s a certain point look I know they’ve had success in the last couple of weeks in the regular season against Denver it’s going to be different like you can’t go no bulk

Against joic in a playoff series they need a big body that can take the beating for seven games he’ll foul he’ll foul Chad doesn’t matter how good Chad is right he’ll foul ched out so quickly in that in that series he just will like it’s it’s just going to be a different

Animal than what we see in the regular season and I think that they have the talent level to compete with Denver in a playoff series but you do need someone just to lean on jic for 18 20 minutes of that game every time yeah that’s a like that’s a dude that’s going to

Punish I love that we disagree entirely here on how to move the Thunder forward what’s interesting is all this all my none none of this is fueled by how good Shay is or how good Jaylen Williams is none of this is fueled by that it’s fueled by something

Else for Jay what huh it’s fed by this is simply you loving Chad it’s not believing in sh or anybody else it’s simply you sh’s amazing sh Shay is amazing he I I think he was number two on my MVP ballot when I had to do it for bont’s thing Shay was number

Two he’s amazing weird I don’t this is because Shay this is because Shay is ready to win right now this is why I would give them more pieces why I would be aggressive going after to somebody

The Athletic NBA Show discuss what the Oklahoma City Thunder need to do to beat the Denver Nuggets.


  1. Bro what the hell is this guy talking about.. OKC has a million picks and every team in the NBA knows they can't make all of those picks so any asking price is going to be very high just because of this fact. Go and get a guy that you believe in and stop hoarding the picks for some fantasy trade that probably isn't going to happen.

  2. I don’t know what you guys are talking about….they just blew out the nuggets in Denver I was at that game trust me they don’t need anything when they’re firing at all cylinders

  3. OKC don’t need to make a trade… go into the playoffs and see what you needed and make a trade in the offseason

  4. Its hilarious how yall think yall know whats best for okc 😂 theyre 22-9 i think theyre good rn

  5. why would you want a traditional big for a dunkers spot for a team who plays by getting to the rim lmao y'all are some casuals. Also floating chet to the perimeter guarding opposite 4s removes his presence from the rim.

  6. See here is the problem with a trade right now for a big piece. First idk how good they are in the playoffs yet. I think the second problem is specifically Chet and jalen Williams I believe still have another level to go to. And I would want them to have more shots and freedom and not have that congested with another big piece.

  7. If you are going to talk okc at least watch the games and understand their team building strategy. They won’t play a tradicional center. They play point (guard/forward/center) and shooters.

  8. It is amazing how many internet personalities offer an opinion that has been repeated ad-nauseam by every other internet personality, while pretending it was some profound thought that came to them while they were deep in meditation on the John. Sure, OKC; a team that has not put a foot wrong in 15 years; has the most promosing young roster in the nba; has significant depth and untapped potential throughout the lineup; is contiuing to develop game after game; and is already one of the best teams in the nba – needs to make a trade that will upend the entire franchise's trajectory; and is not guarunteed to succeed…. Genius.

  9. No no no no. All the non OKC Fans are delusional and obviously don’t understand what OKC is building 😂

  10. I lost brain cells listening to this 😂 Chet at the 5 is ideal as not only is he a shot blocker but no other 5 can guard him, make a trade for someone like Capella and it limits the teams success offensively and kills the spacing for Shai drives

  11. I just don’t see it I think they go for someone like Kelly Olynyk & then get a 3&D type piece like DFS or Cam Johnson…… Bringing in another centerpiece type could do more harm than good with how elite the chemistry is

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