@Brooklyn Nets

Cam Johnson on what Nets’ need to improve on

Cam Johnson on what Nets’ need to improve on

I mean defense has kind of been a topic for a while now have you noticed the similarities in your struggles from game to game defensively as a team or do you just look at each game as a separate distinct we notic some similarities but I think um overall you know the problems

Do evolve and as you saw something maybe something else comes up so it’s just constantly a Chase of of addressing you know what needs to be better and what we can improve upon and in your mind in addressing that what have been the thing things that you guys most need to

Improve upon it’s kind of like a a connectivity um having each other’s back um you know forcing them to take the shots that we want them to take uh and and and being in gaps and you know presenting a picture that you know makes it a lot more difficult to score when

You guys are switching coverages so much how much of that is also part of the challenge because obviously it’s not just switching but it’s switching ing game learning where guys are going to be how much of that is part of the challenge a little bit but I think that

Can be the strength of our team uh have versatile guys defensively that can guard lots of positions lots of different areas of the floor I think that that’s a strength so I think as we continue to play that style and and be able to change coverages you know we

Gradually get better at each of them and gradually get better at that changing process when you have as many versatile guys as you do and guys that are accomplished individual Defenders You Know M and Nick Roy Etc yourself is it surprising shocking I don’t want to put

Words in your mouth how would you describe your feeling that we’re this deep into the season and you guys still haven’t quite got the connectivity on defense you know sometimes it’s it’s not a matter of uh having an emotional response to it as much as a matter of

Kind of just understanding that we do have the ability and locking in for the next game um locking in and and in an effort to to figure it out and to fix it I I don’t think there’s any lack of hope I don’t think there’s any lack of um you

Know care to fix it to turn it around but I do think we have pretty good individual Defenders so as you know we know that that the potential on that side of the ball is prettyy high and it’s just a matter of getting there now when you guys are switching you

Mentioned like how it plays to your strengths like as Brian said how much is having those versatile Defenders help with the switching coverages in game because obviously it can be challenging going from like say Zone to drop or what but how does the skill set help you guys

With that it helps a lot it helps a lot and I think the result of it is is overall good I think there’s just a couple things that we need to clean up you know if you if you do the process 90% correct defensively that 10% you

Know still leaves room for them to score the ball so I think it’s it’s just small margins that we just need to clean up that will result in a lot more stops on on another note uh Jaylen got some minutes on the last road trip he played

In that Bucks game what have you seen from just his Readiness coming in as someone who’s played four years in college and can fit in really well with he competes he competes every play and he did he did exactly what he’s been doing his whole time with us just play

Hard crash the glass be in the right spots um and so in in a sense he deserved you know those minutes and he deserved to to have an opportunity to showcase what he’s been working on for a long time you know experienced player came in and and and started to grasp the

Concepts of of NBA basketball pretty quickly and um I thought he had a really good game against Milwaukee and he’s been giving us good minutes when he gets in so for you when you came in you were an older player too did you feel like a different set of like okay when you’re

In there’s a difference than maybe if you were maybe first year second year college play was there a different difference for you in that it was definitely an advantage for me um I was older and had played a lot of you know college basketball and so I think I

Understood the I think it’s it’s really first and foremost an understanding of the concept of being solid of being Dependable reliable being in the right spots um and I think Jaylen has those things and I think when I first came into the league it was a big reason I

Was able to get on the floor just because you know I’m I’m going to be reliable in the game plan and in defensive positioning and all that stuff how would you characterize your comfort level now at all three levels just how you’re reading the defense I mean we’ve

Seen you not just where you’re shooting from three but getting to the basket facilitating all it’s a process though it’s improving I go watch the games watch the process of it and I think I still have a lot of room for improvement so um you know I think it’s come away so

Far and I think you know I’ve I’ve made some personal strides in in areas but I’m far from where I want to be

Cam Johnson meets with the media and discusses what the Nets need to improve on, changing coverages, defensive connectivity, and so much more. Subscribe for daily sports videos!

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