@Miami Heat

Believe in the Miami Heat? | The Athletic NBA Show

Believe in the Miami Heat? | The Athletic NBA Show

My resolution is going to be for you and Jay oh not for the players not for the team go it’s our team it’s for our team guys it’s a team legally a team you know uh I just want you guys to Sure smacked around a little bit last night just want you guys

To open your minds to the Miami Heat just open your minds to Miami Heat this is someone that you’re very reluctant to accept Jay denies them every year until it’s too late Josh I can sense the attitude with you you don’t like people believing in the Heat or you don’t like me believing

In the heat I’m just saying the ladder I’m just saying you could believe in the Celtics that I would I do believe in the Celtics I believe they’re going to lose the heat uh I think just you called them frauds moments before we started recording this show

That’s not fair no that’s not fair I said them versus the Thunder Knight is the fraud Bowl it’s bull I just said it to piss Josh Josh is so bad Josh is so mad that I that I had the the Thunder as a top five team in

The power rankings like he got mad at me for having them top five what are you talk when I don’t know you sent me some DM or something I don’t know I wasn’t really paying oh no no no no it was uh you ranked someone ahead of OKC after

They had just lost to OKC the night before the rank no the rankings had come out that morning right but then of the game but then OKC won yeah well the I mean the Pistons beat the the Raptors I’d still put the Raptors over the Pistons you’re a walk-in contradiction it’s not

True it’s not true we’ll see what they we’ll are we really going to say are we really going to say that the Pistons and the the Raptors is the same as comparing Minnesota for if you think the Pistons and the Thunder are on the same level

That’s up for you Josh I don’t know that’s not that’s not I’m not I’m not saying that one way or another okay you that’s a weird conversation for you want to get into I’m just saying open your hearts up here Butler to haime hakz to our hearts are open to Hae you don’t

Need jimy why don’t you like Jimmy Josh I never said I don’t like Jimmy I did not say I don’t like Jimmy you don’t think BS me about your the East I never these are all folks this is all things that I’ve never said that I did not say

My problem with you liking the Heat and I said this before we started recording is that the heat could go out and lose 10 games in a row and Zach will come on the next day and say see this is all part of their strategy they purposely

Lose these games to make everybody lose faith in them and now watch here they come what did you say no what I said is unimportant oh you you brought up what I said you know I’ll tell you what you said you said you won’t get a single

Person to back up that I actually Z is never wrong about the Heat this is zero I don’t remember I don’t remember that I hope that train set [ __ ] lives in that upstairs forever okay I hope it never stops we’re going to find what I’m gon

To I’m going to send a pallet of batteries to your house whatever that thing runs on I just want you guys to open up your hearts to the heat okay that’s all I just want you to recognize that they’re just because they were in the playin tournament last year doesn’t mean

They’re a playin team I I will say this the heat the heat are great haime hakz and what he’s done has changed the way I view them because I thought they they lost enough Talent off last year’s team that I was like you know what I’m not sure that they have

Enough this year they do hakz is very good hakz is super helpful SP I don’t really if I’m being honest about I don’t really like their guard rotation right now so they I think they need somebody

The Athletic NBA Show discuss the Miami Heat’s potential.


  1. Do you believe in the ecf champs hmmm yall just espn watchers like most fans IF you don’t believe in the heat

  2. "They" say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Every year people count us out and damn near every single one of those years we have gotten deep into the playoffs if not to the finals. Lol so to your two co-hosts go ahead disrespect us because they feed off of that. We have a better team this year than we did last year.

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