@Chicago Bulls

Zach LaVine nearing return as Chicago Bulls battle Joel Embiiid, 76ers | CHGO Bulls Pregame

Zach LaVine nearing return as Chicago Bulls battle Joel Embiiid, 76ers | CHGO Bulls Pregame

[Applause] [Applause] He What’s going on bulls Nation happy New Year welcome in to chg Bulls pregame coming to live from our studios here in West Loop downtown Chicago I’m peek you can follow me on Twitter at borek joined in Studio by my guys big day B bwl Sports man I look good uh first time

With Us in studio for a while after that six-game home stand will the go goly is back in the house willor goly we are cuore bulls filling in for Joseph which parenthesis everyone send Joey some hugs right now through your mind through your Twitter DMS uh after that heartbreaking

Longhorns loss last night in the college football playoff it’s our Guy Greg Braggs filling in on controls brers what up braggers let’s go boys are you trying to put yourself on the camera I don’t know how to do this Joy get over here you know my favorite thing about you

Brags when you start doing this is the imediate focus you get and you don’t look away from the screen like everything is focused you’re sitting up straight hands right there on there you’re focused on the mouse I love it sir you’re enjy to watch this I’m just

Goingon to give you a heads up right now BRS be uh head on swivel for any potential ads that Dave throws at you for yes I’m ready something just want you to be just want you to be ready cuz it’s coming oh it’s coming we’re all on

Our toes because uh right before the show Dave got our boss to buy us a pizza and it was a really good bully technique I was excited for this it wasn’t bullying at all that was like that was like when you’re a kid and you are with

Your friends and you like ask your mom if they can sleep over in front of them so she can’t say no yeah then y’all didn’t grow up in my family that’s why I don’t do Bully stuff my no absolutely I don’t care your friends there no no it was bully but it

Was it was the full court press no I really I wanted it because I asked he could have said no yo Jake what’s up with this pizza Al he could have definitely said no I would bought one you know that Jake is a softy so he was

Gonna say yes well no I don’t call Jake a softy Jak is an awesome human being I would never do that no that’s not a bad thing yeah but softy is I no not the connotation saying he’s a people ple there’s a connotation that’s not the connotation I you what up coach black

Oles or green ol oh black Oles oh you’re talking about his p black black olives if there is a single Olive on my pizza I will walk out of here no but I promise you if he was Kevin I would have asked the same question like cuz I really wanted a

Pizza I haven’t had one in a year and yeah I was just like yeah let’s let’s do it it felt like tonight to do it Bulls playing the Sixers and be is back when they’re on ESPN national TV just brags is here just feels like the time do this

The Bulls one do they have is this their only like National TV game I think they had they had a couple of NBA TV games which count you mean tonight tonight they’re playing the Knicks on ABC tomorrow yeah I think they had oh tomorrow that’s what I’m thinking three

More after this yes so this one and I think two more uh after that they have so yeah that’s more than the usual one they a TNT game usually get down with so these are good things going on man well so speaking of the uh Pizza that you

Convinced Jake to order yes you know explain to people out there in Bulls Nation uh and thank y’all for joining us for pregame why that is a big deal because I have not had pizza in one year people I gave up because last year your New Year’s resolution was to give up I

Gave up Dairy and sugar insane for a year the only sugar I basically was G allowing myself was alcohol so the most important asterisk when giving something up is it an alcohol well then it doesn’t count yeah yeah yeah I gave it up I I

Did it for a year it got harder as it got closer cuz my body was like come on we did 10 months like what’s up like through the back half of December you would walk in here every night and be like x amount of days Matt like x

Amount of days I really want what do yeah man see I think about tany fiesta and those things now the good news about that was that by the time we went to Paris last year M you were back on the Alcohol that’s true and you could just

Down those bottles of wine I’m never going to give that up and notice I didn’t eat any cheese in Paris I didn’t that’s when it started remember I had no cheese and no dessert we were eating danishes and cheese like crazy I so many oh my God says no Dairy

No sugar no meat kill me now yeah is that you mat yeah uh no that is not me but that’s a smart person named babo I I could go without the sugar again same thing like notar and alcohol I’m not a sugar guy I can go without sugar easily

I am so painfully addicted to Sugar yeah that’s why I wanted to not do it cuz I eat dessert like I think about it it’s like a serious addiction it’s a problem I I really want a dessert so this year I told you I’m going be frugal

For you I’m you live like the goat for a year that so that’s this year’s goal yes and also I’m I added something else to it mm every day I’m going to make sure I drink a gallon of water I feel like you do that already no but not like every

Day some days I leave off and I don’t I guarantee you drink a gallon of water every day you just don’t measure it that was one of mine no I have a gallon jug like I I do measure it I have a gallon jug that I drink out of and I’m going to

Make sure I do it every single day wait will did you just say that that’s your goal too not a gallon I don’t know if I want to just like have a benchmark like that but drinking more water in general is definitely one of my resolutions this

Year what if I made my resolution to just drink a gallon of beer every day is that you do but you do that already man look on your face but that’s the question does it still count as a resolution it’s it’s just [ __ ] you do already brags you got any resolutions

Anything like that no why you looking at me like that what I do to you I got you some pizza you looking at me like I feel like you have to have a Bears fan related resolution of some kind something though no no no no Caleb William listen I’m not very disciplined

So you lost weight bro you went and worked out lost well and that’s what I mean so like I can’t make that a resolution because I’ve already I’m already like nine months into that okay and that’s about as much effort as I’m going to put into my life

So this is why I like you bra D says every day I should wear shorts no matter what close shorts in January is tough yeah yeah although I mean let’s be honest like there was a light dusting the other day it was the first snow we’ve gotten it was you know knock on

Wood but this has not been bad okay boabo really is Matt peek he says water is the main ingredient in beer Matt has literally said things how do you I mean I’ve literally said that word for word how do y’all think I stay so hydrated no

Meat no D no sugar kill me now he said that and what and what did I tell y’all a few minutes ago before we sat down to do pregame I made it one and 3/4 days of dry January did I had no alcoholic beverages yesterday and I cracked my first beer at

5:00 and I’m very proud of you check he did it for a a day and a half yeah all right I mean it wasn’t a goal I was setting for myself yeah you just did it yeah all right good job I dry January 1 I did see brags hanging out at the Bears

Game though with some people with no shirts on that’s right that was awesome that’s the whole my guy Ken sweet and sour baby sweet and sour that is seared into my brain unfortunately you’re welcome can’t unsee that one can’t do it it’s in your brain so just just real

Quick bre cuz like I try to keep up but I feel like yes sir it’s all over the place before we shift to this bull Sixers game tonight go what is the latest as far as how you feel about the future of Justin fields and the Chicago

Bears and whether or not they are the same path but different or different paths I I feel excited and then I also feel nauseous it is going to be the hardest decision for Ryan poles and it is the maybe the most divisive debate in the quarterback controversy that is the

Chicago Bears and we have been living this yeah how many years our entire lives is the answer yeah and somehow how we’ve we went from Orton versus Rex to very mediocre Rex is our quarterback to below average quarterbacks and now we’re arguing over Justin Fields versus Caleb Williams so we’ve

Upgraded but as things change things still stay the same because now they’re better options uhhuh but we’re still at each other’s throats about which one this is true should be the guy so you want FL back I think ebra flu will return Yes do I would I prefer Jim

Harbaugh yes yeah cuz I’m a meatball no because you’re smart and Jim Harbaugh would have a a first class ticket to meatball Island a first class ticket he would is it a bus or a plane it’s a plane it’s AJ didn’t even know the me Island had an airport that’s impressive

Seriously man yeah no for private jets only flexing on meatball Island I see go buy your meatball Island shirts ladies and gentlemen from C we’re going to have all off seon to fight off fight over the great debate but I am happy that Justin Fields is

Playing the way he has to make this a a tough decision for Ryan P great the final question for me about this will this game against Green Bay and how he plays swayed your opinion yeah I yes and I also think it has huge implications not just with my opinion but with Ryan

Poles oh well even better you’re right cuz he wants consistency right right so if he finishes the season winning three games in a row five of their last six five straight home games three straight divisional games teams trending in the right direction that’s some kind of consistency kind of consistency the

Bulls have been showing as it stands right now I just want to know as it stands right now are you team Justin or team Caleb I’m I’m team Justin okay there we go I look like a 5 did not sound convincing and I feel like I’ve seen you

Wavering on this and I don’t fault you for wavering it’s a tough decision I have flip flopped more than a fish out of water and I just I would standing behind Justin this whole time you’re team Caleb i’ I’ve noticed that there’s been a shift in you you’re team Cale now

Is shocking mat where are you landing on this keep Justin keep Justin build properly around Justin put the right structure around Justin if you can trade down and still get Marvin Harrison Jr ideal scenario whatever you do give me Marvin Harrison Jr for the love of God

Not mad at any of that at all and also give me another Elite offensive lineman to protect Justin Fields not mad at any of that if I get Marvin Harrison JR out of this I’m completely satisfied my issue is if Justin stays then flu stays

And I can’t be on board with dude cut flu loose baby uh Jeff Crook in the comments saying suck at Rogers don’t know where that came from but yes always why always suck at Rogers yeah sure um uh Anthony saying the fans were chanting we want Fields Mike drop and upset that

Is true like if the Bear’s Brain Trust it seems like and it’s not like every single person in Soldier Field was chanting that yeah but they W own it I mean thing is message message delivered my thing is like you’re you obviously have to like weigh the value

Of each option right it’s like whatever you can get for number one minus like the contract that you have to give Justin versus whatever you can get for Justin plus Caleb Williams and to me it’s like the idea of Maybe I’m Wrong about this to me a

Lot of fans just seem to like Justin a lot and want to keep him and I think that’s a bad approach like maybe Justin’s very good maybe cellb Williams is better maybe he’s not but like to me like quarterback is obviously the most important position and if you have a

Chance to get an elite quarterback you got to do it that’s like what the Bears have been missing forever I think you guys kind of sparked something in me that I’m going to pitch to Jake but I almost feel like because this is just such an electric conversation for all of

Chicago Bear fans are triggered right now maybe we need just for one week each team here at chdl sports to take over the Reigns at chgo Bears one show each of you guys get one show where you guys debate this because me Adam Mark Nick will we are talking about this every day

You’re talking in circles and people are threatening to throw me in Lake Michigan I’m threatening to throw myself has nothing to do with the debate I was going to say that that might be unrelated so maybe if we get some fresh voices fresh opinions on it okay maybe

We might find something there I that’s not a bad idea does that mean I get to pass off bulls spr and post to somebody else for a night yeah I’ll do it I know I know Mark Carmen will do it oh I know K would do it for sure what’s up go it’s

Just a great problem to have they got a couple of really good options it is and it’s hard for me to pass on Elite it’s difficult don’t let good get in the way of great yeah are just just really get really great at getting that number one pick

And then deciding what to do with it we’ll see but you know if only the Bulls were great number seven pick seven years in a row that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying welcome to a lottery ladies and gentlemen why the last decade of my life more or less has been nothing

But misery really uh yeah you met me Bing my sweet sweet boy uh we got to take a quick break Shout out some of our sponsors uh and then we’ll come back and actually shift our Focus to this bull Sixers game on deck tonight plus let’s go we here Dre interesting update about

Bulls uh Zack LaVine nearing a return uh shout out also to our guy shirtless wondering the comments wishing us a Happy New Year I saw flip side also wishing everyone in Bulls Nation a happy New Year happy New Year Bulls Nation Janu AR 2 Fresh Start only four games

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Time who see that shooter shoot no hesitation I’m in there proud of you bro [Laughter] yes bra shoot no no shoot the ball you guys just scare the [ __ ] out I said I’m proud of him he’s like I’m terrified I’m proud of you man looks clenched over

There uh shout out to Luke irach in the comments who threw us a Super Chat saying what’s up guys let’s beat the Sixers like we did last time why not uh the Bulls did beat the Sixers uh in their final game of 2023 yes they had

Some help from the lack of Joel embiid and the Sixers who did play shooting like a hot bag of trash um we will get back to the Sixers in a second but before that I wanted to touch on the news in Bulls Nation okay which is and

Uh go you had a couple of update tweets about this uh if you have those that you could throw up uh BRS um talking about Zach and the fact that his uh return is even more impending these days the Bulls assigned him to Wy City just for the

Sake of getting some contact practices in and you reported will that he’s expected to practice this Wy City during this little two game back-to-back road trip and that that could mean his return could be cleared as early as their game on Friday that’s right um they announced

The Bulls announced that he would be uh assigned to Wy City uh and basically what what’s happening there is Wy city is practicing at The Advocate Center so he’s just going to get some reps in with them this is the first like contact non-controlled contact that he’s going

To be taking so it’s a big step for him in terms of his ramp up and uh yeah Wy City plays on Friday obviously the Bulls play Tuesday Wednesday and Friday so I think I don’t want to say like the goal is to get him back on Friday but I think

That’s probably the earliest that they might see him so definitely uh return is coming imminently so non-controlled contact though like just out there playing basically exactly exactly got um and that’s and that’s what they needed to see from him that was like the final step in his uh like recovery process was

You know they get to the straight line running and then they do cutting and full speed sprinting and then they start to get him in practices and that’s what he’s going through now so we are now a month and a half basically removed from the first Zach and his people are now

Telling the Bulls that they are also open to a trade if that’s what the Bulls want to do and basically a quasi trade request from Zach mhm in that time that he’s been gone like around 15 games or so now the bulls start playing a little better string some wins together MH and

I I think a lot of people when that update about his sore foot injury and whatever it was a bone bruise in the foot uh extending from a week absence to multiple weeks a lot of bulls fans myself included thought I think we I think we’ve seen the last of Z LaVine

Playing in a Bulls jersey now it’s looking like that’s not the case and that his return is imminent trade has not come the reports locally and around the league uh recently have been there’s really not much of a market for Zack LaVine we still have a month and change

Before the February e8th hard trade deadline I mean I’m I’m curious how you feel about this will I mean like the latest from wge which by the way W is given like legit Intel on Instagram threads now can we can we cut the [ __ ] wge I have wge Twitter alerts don’t make

Me start using threads this is nonsense he gave a Zack LaVine trademarket update in a Q&A on Instagram threads cut the [ __ ] wge let’s see so AI C red Fred Instagram threads there too much of it all right anyway all in 30 W said the Zack LaVine Market is still Barren his

Word especially with him working his way back from an injury well he’s almost worked his way all the way back from that injury what the heck happens now will especially when you consider the emergence of Kobe White and the way that this team is playing offensively without

Zack LaVine I mean the best thing that happens is Zach comes back he looks healthy and he plays really well right I mean that helps the Bulls that helps the Bulls in the immediate future but it also yeah it boosts his trade value up because right now uh I mean For Better

Or For Worse like he just does not have any trade value Jake fiser also reported this um I think like a week and a half or two weeks ago now saying that there’s just no sweep Stakes for Zach right now um and obviously like the Bulls are

Motivated to try to move him Zach’s now open to a move but um if they can’t find a place for him then what happens and that’s kind of what I wrote about for the other day but it’s just like you know are they in a position where

They’re so desperate to move him that they dump him for nothing would they attach an asset to try to get off of his money um because that’s kind of what seems like the market is dictating right now so uh and all this is like in this vacuum of Zack lavine’s value but then

You look into the broader picture of like how does it fit into the Bulls cap sheet next year when you want to pay Demar D rozan and you want to pay Patrick Williams there’s not enough money to go around so they do have to make a decision they do or maybe they

Get off of lonzo’s contract and uh that’s certainly a possibility but like they’re up against not only the luxury tax but the first apron if they try to bring everybody back so I think there there is going to be a lot of motivation from a financial perspective to move

Zach and if that’s the case then I just don’t know what you’re looking at in terms of return so it’s just it’s a tough situation I think if he comes back and plays well that can open some doors let me ask you a question and this is a

Conspiracy theory I’ve kind of been working on love it so is do you think it’s possible that you know Wasteland is Barren nobody wants anything do you think that this is more so being put out so there’s basically only one team that can focus on Zach and that’s the Los

Angeles Lakers um I think it’s possible I think the Lakers are probably the only realistic possibility at this point but even there’s been posturing from them saying that they only want Caruso and D rozan so um one I just I don’t think that there are a lot of suitors and I

Don’t think that you know however Zach plays if like nobody else is interested then it might just be the Lakers because they’re the only team that’s interested um so I think that that could be a piece of it but also uh I just think that unfortunately this

Month has kind of like brought up all the bad narratives about Zack from his entire career and it’s just it’s played into everything that everybody has always said negative about him which is that he’s not a winning player he’s not helping the team win he doesn’t play

Defense um that you know his contract is too big that he’s an empty calor score all this stuff that I don’t think is true but that’s what it looks like when your team plays well without you true and yeah I mean if there’s already a limited market there’s already I mean

Forget like limited market but it’s not it’s not just like would this team love to have a guy like Zack LaVine it’s can you afford to have that contract on your books that’s a huge part of it too so um yeah I think when you factor all that

Stuff in maybe there is some like value suppression going on but if nobody wants them then nobody wants them yeah I I mean like and I agree with what you said the other day on Twitter which is that like the the collective narrative pendulum on Zack LaVine and who he is as

A player has swung um and I think it was our pal Eli over at Bleacher Nation Bulls Who quote tweeted that tweet of yours and pointed out uh a very real stat which is that in the past three seasons three players in the entire league have averaged 25 a

Game while shooting 48 from the field and 38 from three and Zack LaVine is one of those three players Kevin Durant and maybe Steph I think is the other one but like like Zack LaVine is skilled he is a two-time Allstar he has value in this

League and I like it seems like it’s becoming more about the well he wants out so he’s got he’s a clutch client so he’s gonna Force his way out and meanwhile nobody around the league is actually offering the Bulls anything of substantial value in return for him and

That’s the part that I’m concerned about and I I think probably a decent amount of bulls fans is concerned about is if this return happens whether it be Friday this week or Monday next week the version of Zach that we saw before he left early uh in that November 28th

Embarrassing loss against the Celtics was a version of Zach that looked checked out correct we saw many games where he barely took any shots he did not look at all like he was a part of the offense and maybe that was him trying to make a statement in some weird

Way like oh F like you don’t want me you don’t need meh here’s what happens when I’m not involved MH if he’s still here and not thrilled about the fact that he’s still here getting healthy from this injury what what you know what’s to say we

Don’t see that same version of Zach but even more frustrated and even more checked out than when he left with his injury I mean for me it’s like and obviously this is I haven’t talked to Zach um I haven’t heard anything like sourced on this but like for me this has

To be a hard time for Zach I mean I know he’s a prideful guy I know he believes in himself more than anybody else but to basically say I don’t want to be here I want to go to a different situation and for nobody to want you that’s got to

Hurt and not only that but then your team starts playing way better without you and now everybody in your fan base is kind of turning on you like that’s got to hurt and so I have to imagine that Zach is going to come back and understand at the very least that in

Order for him to help himself get moved he’s got to play to a certain style and that’s that’s my hope but I think it’s also what makes the most sense from his perspective to help himself and so uh like I said I mean if that if he comes

Back and he starts playing in that style and he’s moving the ball and he’s scoring well and efficiently he’s playing defense and the Bulls win one maybe it just looks a lot better and they want to hang on to him and make some other moves uh which is what Rich

Paul kind of hinted at in that column uh that he uh gave some quotes to from Sam am Sam Amic of the athletic um maybe they end up wanting to keep him because I think at the end of the day the best thing is for him to play well for the

Bulls yeah because that helps the Bulls and it helps him correct um but if that doesn’t work out then at least maybe that will open some doors for suitors I mean the injury part is definitely playing a role here fair or not like he has this injury-prone um tag about him which I

Totally disagree with but obviously him being hurt right now does not help that um so he’s just he’s got to come back and play yeah well and I think that’s going to help all parties involved yeah no I completely agree with that um he’s and when we were having these

Discussions previously I I would continue to say that this is not James Harden James Harden can do that stuff James Harden can pout he can he can take time off he can do those kind of things because that’s an MVP that’s an all NBA player you know that’s a guy who can

Carry your team and has carried your team sever it’s also an expiring contract correct correct but but I’m just saying in in terms of his skill yeah like he can he can do those things for that for that reason Houston wherever he went that’s that’s how he

Rode but Zach couldn’t do that because there was no cache there to back that up so you don’t want to play you want to pout what are you you’re not hurting my team like we were already losing team but we were more losing Team without you

So it doesn’t work that way it has to and I think he’s finding that out finding out your worth is humbling you know if you might think higher of yourself when people tell you exactly what you’re worth it can be really humbling you know what I mean so you can

Either come out and understand what people are trying to say about you taking that criticism or wherever your value is and and try to be better or you can come and stay the same and act like they’re wrong so Zach doesn’t seem like the kind of person that will keep

Beating himself in the head uh one way if you tell him something isn’t working again we’ve seen Zach byy in I saw him do it with Team USA I want exactly where I was going to go I watched him we we saw it we were like he said and he

Continued to say well they don’t need no scores on this team they just need somebody to play defense fine I’ll do that I’ll just play defense and guard whoever you want me to guard and I’ll do it that way a lot of people might say what a difference is you had elite

Players with you so he might feel like I’m the elite player here yeah so it’s this is what you need me to do and Zach is on a large contract usually given to players who are Elite scorers in this league cor correct and you know to

Borrow a quote from one of your favorite players of all time Jabari Parker they don’t pay me they don’t pay me to play defense they don’t they do not but they paid them in Team USA too and and he played his defense and he got his gold medal and and he earned the

Reputation that he wants for himself which is that he can be a winning player yes yes and I think that be that has to be on his radar at so I know he can do it he can buy in he can do those things

We saw him buy in when Lonzo was here he bought in then um so this is a different situation now because this is a different team now and so can he come back and that’s a very valid question you were asking Matt like he’s not being mean about like that’s a very valid

Question I saw you doing it this who’s to say you won’t come back and do it again valid I don’t think we’re going to see you know Zack LaVine in a bodysuit like James Harden style but I’m just I’m not sure what his attitude is going to

Look like out there on the floor what his body language is going to look like out there on the floor especially if his teammates are all aware of the fact yeah that he’s he’s ready to go yeah and he’s still here and frustrated about that and

I don’t know it just seems like a a recipe for a potentially ugly situation and his teammates like though that’s key too they do want him back playing um quickly before we are out of time shifting to tonight Sixers starting lineup after four game uh absence with a

Minorly sprained ankle and beat his back he was not playing on December 30th when the Bulls managed to get that win over the Sixers Batum Tobias Harris embiid UB and Maxi is the starting five for Philly tonight okay and I think most Bulls fans are sitting here thinking gee uh if

Drummond gets in early foul trouble try trying to slow down the freight train that is Joel embiid’s got problems even as someone who has been let’s say having his fun with the anti- Billy small ball you know Bulls fans out there recently and shouting out Terry Taylor for job well

Done recently shout out having to do that against an embiid sixer Squad it’s tough man it’s a little different you can’t you can’t it’s tough he’s what do you see Billy doing tonight will um I see him praying that uh Drummond doesn’t get in foul trouble uh number one and

Then I mean he’s not been like I don’t think Billy is like super pro small ball I think he’s doing it out of necessity I think he likes that he can do it um but it’s it’s a situational thing you know I asked him the other day like is this the

Kind of thing where you’re like putting your best lineup out there and making other teams address to you or are you reacting to what other teams are doing and kind of playing the matchup game and he said like both that that’s what they did the other night against the Sixers

When they went small they were going against Paul Reed um and mo Bamba and it worked but PA Reed and mo Bamba are not Joel embiid so no there’s test it’s gonna maybe we see some Adama sonogo tonight I don’t really see that going particularly well I mean First’s get

Work too yes first NBA minutes you’re coming in undrafted two-way guy playing against the MVP it’s tough good luck to you um but you do what it’s necessity right mb’s going to have the outside you know because Andre jum is not coming out there and MBI loves having the outside

The only saving grace is he could fall in love with that he could he could fall in love with just being out there shooting those jump shots instead of trying to come in the lane and draw those and I think he’s taken fewer of those outside shots this season than he

Was last season but you know he he hasn’t needed to like he’s putting up MVP numbers again so far this season um he’s going to come in flail having a better he’s having a better season yeah statistically yeah look I’m not rooting for the Sixers tonight but as a betting

Man did I take the over on embiid’s combin points rebounds and assists tonight I did I did I did he did cuz I see the matchup I see the short-headed Bulls front Court yeah and and I and I made a bet he just got it out uh Connor in the

Comments said I’m terrified understand understand this is this is a tough one and you know that the Sixers are probably pissed sure about that performance on December 30th uhhuh which they shot 39% from the field uhh they shot I think 28% from three yeah in a losing effort to the Bulls I’m pretty

Sure the Sixers want some payback sure and it be’s ready the other losing effort they had against the Bulls when the Bulls came to their house and whoop ass pick one which one you want which one you want brace yourselves for an ass whooping if it’s not that I’ll be

Pleasantly surprised come on get this W uh we will be back here for post game after poll Sixers before you head out of pregame do me a favor hit that thumbs up button do it for our Guy Greg Braggs Greg brgs he wants y’all’s thumbs here the upwards thumbs he’s awesome he needs

Him do you want to say something real quick yes I want to say for the first time ever I won my fantasy football league hey I won I am a champion the money League I won it congrat been talking copious amounts of [ __ ] and it’s been a lot of fun I’m just really

Enjoying I can’t wait to get my crystal trophy I’m bring it in here the best part is you now get to talk [ __ ] all the way through like mid August when your league starts getting ready to schedule its draft man I wrote a Manifesto are

You kidding me I’ll show it to you I’ve been ready for this for a while dog I’m getting in them already they already like Dave’s crazy can I pre can I pre-order it on Amazon or I’m ready read get for free I’m ready to read it the day this man writes an

Autobiography first in line uh enjoy bull Sixers we’ll see you all for post game for our producer brags will the goat willor goly Sports Bulls we CSU Bulls tip off see R be good peace we all sitting like the May

The CHGO Bulls crew preview Tuesday night’s matchup between the Chicago Bulls and Philadelphia 76ers. After a 9-5 December record revived a season that appeared to be circling the drain, can the Bulls keep the momentum going into 2024? It will be a challenging start to the new year, as Joel Embiid returns from a four-game absence – including the Bulls win over Philly on December 30th – tonight. With Nikola Vucevic still out, how will Andre Drummond handle the Embiid assignment? Meanwhile, Zach LaVine is getting very close to returning from his foot injury. What does it mean for him, the team, and his trade market? Matt, Big Dave and Will get you ready for tipoff!

An ALLCITY Network Production






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