@Los Angeles Lakers

Postgame Lakers | “We’re in huge trouble.” – LeBron James after Lakers 126-115 loss to Celtics

Postgame Lakers | “We’re in huge trouble.” – LeBron James after Lakers 126-115 loss to Celtics

It a little bit too much did it take so too much out of you I mean versus a team like this yeah um you know we got down early in the game I think it was 10 nothing that you know to start the game

And I mean we worked our way back to at the half um and played some good ball in the third for like the first uh four or five minutes and then they was able to pull away um you know and then took control in the fourth for sure and of

Course you gave everybody a scare yourself as well when you went down it it seemed like it was just something that just came and went at in this amount of seconds no no I mean it’s still here I mean my knee is a little sore right now um and the best thing

Finally the the the schedule was kind of in our favor with two days before we have to play again so um but just a just a freak play right there between me and uh and and Jaylen Brown I’m happy I was able to walk over them all power but

Definitely a little sore right now you played in a lot of these Christmas games I know they’re special you don’t winning is it how much of a bummer is it on this day CU it’s tomorrow game for the league uh I w’t look at it as a bummer I mean

You win some games and you going to lose some games I mean you can’t you’re not going to guarantee um you know wins and losses but you know definitely I’m excited and happy that we was able to to go out here and play on our Marquee day

You know in our league it’s it’s a big day for our league and happy to be a part of it you guys just played three of the better teams in the league in a row um went one and two coming out of it where do you think you guys are as a

Group compared to the League’s best um I think the League’s best teams right now so far is uh since we you know in Minnesota they pretty much healthy OKC was pretty much healthy besides giddy um and Boston is is like they’re fully healthy um I don’t think we’re

Healthy right now I don’t think we’re where we want to be to compete versus the the top teams until we continue to get better and better continue to work our habits and uh you know for us we still trying to you know figure our situation out as far as um how we want

To continue to attack each game so um you know but we’ll be better suppose this is related to that but you know with the lack of complete heal so far a lot of different units right this this recent scheme or just recent change with it going bigger uh where where do you

Fall though in in starting to see some things coming together and see how things could work as you start to get bodies back um I don’t know I think I mean we play some good ball today um you know I thought 80 was obviously 80 was phenomenal 80’s just been on a terror

Lately so um and I thought offensively we’re pretty good we got some really really really good looks that we just wenten able to knock it down um you know they did a good job of trying to use porzingis as a RoR you know take away the paint uh Force us to

Shoot some threes um and we got some great looks uh from some of our better um three-point Shooters we just weren’t able to knock them down but um I thought defensively we were pretty good at times um the one thing that hurt us versus a

Team like that you can’t put them on a free throw line and you give Tatum those type of free throws he’s just he’s just too Elite uh you can’t put him on a free throw line and that third quarter I believe we was in the penalty against us

Probably like the six-minute mark you know so um you know that was challenging for us one of the things D mentioned about was the details and the process and we know we’ve talked about a bunch of what you guys have gone through over this last 30 days but when you’re

Playing from behind and you’re tired and stuff like that how how mentally draining is it to to catch up from 18 down um and to be in a hole like that and be kind of forced to dig yourself out of um I think like I agree with

Coach ham as far as the details um you know when you don’t have much room for era you have to be detailed oriented you have to understand um you know each possession you know and and when you’re able to execute that um to close as as Perfection then you going to give

Yourself even a better chance to be successful so you know when we um we play defense for 24 seconds whatever and we give up offensive rebound or second chance points or we don’t get back in transition we give them you know early transition points whoever it is don’t

Matter if it’s a Celtics or any other team you know that’s that’s not a it’s not a good U recipe for us U for our success a challenge today where it was a foul called on you on on Tatum they reviewed it they said it wasn’t a fou on

You but they moved it to torian prince instead what do you think about the the mechanism of that um that it was able to be a successful challenge but they end up moving the foul uh I mean I’m kind of on the fense about that kind that rule

Um you know because if if you call a foul on on on me then it shouldn’t if you know shouldn’t be able to go back and say okay well the foul was on somebody else um you know even if you do win the champ I think you

Know I I told the referee I was like well if you call a foul on toan then we probably don’t review it you know so um but you know it is what it is um but that’s the rule and we live with it big game I’ll let you kind of share

Your takeaways from what LeBron talked about you know his knee be definitely sore a lot of travel um he’s coming off that 40-point game but uh he also said listen we did some good things out there we played some good ball we’ll be better he talked about the health of the team

How they’re kind of in and out of getting guys yeah you know rearing to go and and you know it’s a long season game a lot of things that we’ve been talking about the last um you know few few games uh particularly since they came out of

Vegas that that that uh that that mid-season in tournament it’s uh you know it’s it’s somewhat of a distraction a little bit a little bit you have to really play more games knockout tournament go into Vegas uh so if you’re not mentally locked in but he has the

Pulse of this team you know you you might listen to any other players who might be coming up with you know a why but LeBron has the pulse on the team we’ve been talking about the travel they’ve been involved in uh Christmas Day the you know the lack of synergy you

Know players coming in and out it’s no excuse but other teams are experiencing it but it’s just the fact of the matter when you’re playing a Boston Celtic team or you know good teams uh those things you know matter so he said they’ll be okay they’ll get a chance to regroup get

Some get some home cooking at home and uh we’ll see still December so yeah you can always kind of tell what LeBron is feeling after a game you know there’s times where LeBron is like irritated to be talking to the media there’s times where he’s kind of

Grousing steam coming out of his ears talking to the media at his locker and James I didn’t get that feeling tonight that he’s upset about what happened out there you know you don’t get the feeling that he does he dislikes this team or anything like that what he said is kind

Of what we have been talking about it’s a very tired team they’re still a team trying to figure out exactly what they are more lineup changes came in the last game in OKC and that bore pretty good fruit that was a really good H win for

Them in OKC but G you know this I’m not saying LeBron is happy they lost but he wasn’t you can tell he’s like it’s early there’s there’s some pieces there that we can work with there’s some there’s some there’s some positivity from this game even even though they lost this

Hated Celtics by 11 at home on Christmas you know LeBron’s thinking right now there’s stuff we can do with this team yep yeah lost six of eight games too so they’ve been how did you feel like that impacted the rest of the game as you

Guys were trying to chase back into it I mean you know we came back a little lethargic you know just coming off a long trip and then the whole Christmas circumstances of the holiday or whatever um early game took us a little bit of time to get going uh

But what we you know we had some great looks early a couple bad turnovers but for the most part I mean you go back and look at the shots we got you know theirs went in and ours didn’t but we had some really terrific looks at The Rim

Um and you know our guys kept fighting it was a tough tough start but you know second quarter we really made up some ground Clos the first quarter out good made up some ground in the second quarter uh made it the game third quarter come out and then uh

We put them on the free throw line you know 14 free throws for them in the third after holding them to nine for the entire first half uh I think it hurt us hurt us big time it really puts your defense in Jeopardy and it causes you to

Kind of play on your heels when you know you getting the penalty that quickly and especially against a good team like that you know they’re going to make you pay for any and every mistake you make we fell asleep in transition D at times they were able to get behind us get

Layups dunks then you there’s a miscommunication about our matchups so they get open a huge out hit a huge open three in front of their bench so a lot of work to do um you know I told the team after the game that it’s not so much I don’t think our

Talent uh our T our level of talent or um our competition you know it’s got a lot of great teams there no nights off in this league anymore but we can’t skip the details we can’t get bored with the details you know sprinting back each and every time no matter how difficult it

May be fatigue what what have you got to Sprint back transition D and allow your chance to have uh the offense in front of you and not be scattered or have them behind you um and then you know not filing getting the defensive rebound not turning the ball over having uh being

Organized and and playing with Force offensively so coach what is your your level of appointment because you had to expend so much energy just to get back into this thing because of the way everything started I mean we’ve been zipping and zagging across the country man back and forth across the country so

And then again you know everybody everyone has family in town for this uh Christmas Day and it’s it’s you know you’re disappointed but you’re not discouraged you know we dropped what 16 and 15 I believe we got 51 games left to play um so it’s you just know what work

You have cut out for you um we’ll take a day off tomorrow let the guys kind of recalibrate um and then Wednesday you know we’ll focus on us we’ll watch film watch a lot of this and some stuff from some previous games and see if we can

Get better it’s an ongoing process um you know I’m not distraught or not seeing it for what it is you know what I mean it’s just it’s the NBA season you’re going to go through your abs and flows you got teams that have been together that’s going to be

Clicking and you got some teams that are struggling especially coming into what’s the second and third quarters of the 82 Game season you know that those dog days are going to set in pretty quickly after this H these holidays over with and the biggest thing is to see what we can get

Better at day in and day out to make our team uh not just stronger but more consistent night in and Night Out Darin what ways if any do you feel like LeBron’s performance was affective Ed after that Collision that he had with Jaylen Brown n it’s tough man you know

He’s a soldier so he he jumped up you know once we made sure he was okay he pushed through um he’s a guy that’s going to try to lay it on the line for his teammates and uh for his team so you know we go back and look at it it was

Some bunnies he he missed and he normally makes but you know so goes an NBA game sometimes you know you going to have different things different adversities that you got to try to navigate through um but you know he continued on and tried to be there for us and that’s all

You can ask for out of him after all that he’s done and continues to do for our ball club that early a tough stretch and just got to get to January G I mean only one game ahead of about 500 right now so yeah I know where they’re at yeah the

Deal is look you got to you got to be at Charlotte here in a few days then they do have three days off till they play it on Thursday that’s good tough final two Road games to close out the year At for Spee I Dr something on V fore spee to falling first May May hey hey dragon and SL our Dragon Lane Tower is under attack exy an ally has been defeated an ally has defeated it’s py our Dragon Lane Tower is under attack an enemy has been defeated hey our Middle Lane Tower is under attack

An enemy has been defeated an ally has been defeated an ally has defeated the iron defense line has disappeared send in the ballista an ally has been defeated hey

Postgame Lakers | “We’re in huge trouble.” – LeBron James after Lakers 126-115 loss to Celtics


  1. The fact lebron cant even answer a question the media loterally brings uo and asks him about injuries without yall saying hes making excuses. Hes loterally being asked the question 🤣 kebron is the only player in the nba that isnt allowed to answrr the medias questions without being shit on lmfao

  2. Lakers defense really sizzles out sometime originally i thought it was just teams getting hot, but as much as it happens its definitely the defense, ever time the lakers make a run they allow the other team wise open shots, can't tell you how many times I've seen the lakers break down after a couple passes and a drive to the rim, and bam. Wise open on the perimeter or poor rim protection. Ad is either hot on offense or hot on defense, you never get both. Need ad protection the paint better same with lebron just gives up on plays on d and sits there and strugs his shoulders I don't like that

  3. Fire Darvin Ham that's number one. The lakers need a seven footer to play along side of AD" who is a powerfoward number two. Stop shooting dumb ass threes number three. inside out inside out. Darvin Ham is not a great strategy coach.

  4. The Celtics are that team nothing to be shamed about 😂 lakers aren't a top team in the league but they won The Cup 🏆 😭

  5. Get rid of Ham when are they going to understand that that he's part of the problem. We need at least one other stud player like a Trae young or someone like that. I don't think we're that bad on defense I just don't think we put the effort into it at times

  6. I don't think Lakers need Vando as at all. If you're in my starting 5 i expect at leat 10 points from you, i can remember since when this guy scores 8 points. Now Dlo let's trade him for a xmas 🎄, while we give Austin Reaves more play time

  7. You did win the challenge this year. But the foul was on another player. I love seeing you jump up and down .Like a baby

  8. Go for broke on a superstar. Their competition demands it! At the trade deadline get a superstar. AKA Curry, Giannis, Mitchell, Maxey, Edwards, Shai Gilgeous, Lillard, Booker, and the like. They need to get what they need to win! I cant say it is to early. Can they trade well enough to play catch up?

  9. Everybody over reacting , let’s get some consistency in these lineups from Ham , get Rui some more minutes get cam hitting some corner 3s and cam and vando stopping dribble penetration and watch the wins stack up , see the glass half full we have played some good ball when we are fresh and wanted to

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