@Dallas Mavericks

Should Dereck Lively II’s Injury be a Big Concern? + Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving Go Off

Should Dereck Lively II’s Injury be a Big Concern? + Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving Go Off

On today’s show we can’t just have nice things can we we can’t we just can’t have nice things Mavs get a win against the Blazers in a big way numbers-wise lose Derek Lively and Grant Williams to what are being called mild ankle sprains so we’ll talk about that the

Ramifications for the Mavericks and more on today’s locked on Mavs I’m luk and this is locked on Mavericks M NBA champions it’s good and the ever have won the game thank you if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you are locked on to

The Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member NBA channel manager for the lockdown podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lockedown Maps your first listen today where the best way you can help us grow the show is to

Listen every day leave a festar review like the video and comment anything below especially on Apple for for some reason our Apple score is going down so leave a five star review on Apple podcast yeah let me know in the comment section if drik lley is out for the

Entire rest of the home stand six more games what’s the map’s record in that homeand today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team

Wins visit lockon today to get started and joining me all we back baby the post game Prodigy what you got for me slightly biased we’re not letting it ride it’s I I I’m conflicted several of you tonight at the game told me to let it ride

So yeah I have the heating pad on right now cuz of blazers player came through my screen and dived at my ankle just Dove just Dove right through your kneecap yeah so I’m out it’s a cursed it’s a cursed match up so I’m conflicted because of the Derek Lively injury to

Let it ride but Andre Williams we riding it no I’m conflicted because of the drik Lively injury to let oh Grant Williams got hurt too yeah but I wouldn’t be conflicted if just sorry buddy sorry I am he’s he’s going to bounce back in a real way you guys are going talking

Smack to me on today’s show we’ll talk about the Mavs win Luca third 41 points in three quarters we’ll talk about the uh the Blazers tying the season high in the NBA for most fouls in a game 34 it’s the most any team has had in a game we’ll

Talk about that we’ll talk about what we saw from some of the other players but slightly biased we got to start here Derek Lively goes down with an injury and he was doing the thing where he gets the ball at the free throw line turns and

You know makes takes one big step and then decides to go to the rim and Scoot Henderson like kind of like ran through him but just just in front of him just so that no they made contact I’m almost 100% certain no I mean ran through him

Just so that he hit just the one leg it felt like knocked him out from under him basically undercut him on his way to the basket on his turn around to the basket like Lively was turning over his right shoulder and then scoot came from behind

Him from his blind spot didn’t even see him and at first I thought it was his knee CU Lively was really holding his knee when he went down but on review you can tell it was an ankle injury Jason kid after the game called it a mild

Ankle injury just a quick Google mild injury 3 to four weeks Oh yay depends how mild that is though depends how mild so maybe two yeah but I feel like a mild ankle sprain for an NBA athlete is different than a mild ankles sprain for you or I no this this was a

Study this was a study done on on professional basketball players oh okay it was like it was like one of those like peer-reviewed like really like big words and all that okay um thoughts let’s say Derek Lively misses let’s say let’s do really conservative and D let’s say he misses

Two weeks so if Derek livley misses two weeks that means he’s out for uh essentially the rest of this home stand they have six more games on this home stand they play Portland again cursed they play Minnesota Memphis New York and two games against New Orleans thoughts on those six games if Derrick

Lley doesn’t play not good thoughts I mean um I’m wondering because I’d have to imagine that trading for a center making a move for another big is in the cards for the Mavericks or at least it’s being discussed yeah before this injury I’m wondering if maybe this speeds up

The timeline because we’re we’re a month away from the deadline like this is around the time you start to see some trades trickle in teams that are like that’s basically true yeah I mean this is around the time you see tra teams like okay we needed to make a move and

Why wait another month let’s just let’s just bang one out I we saw a huge trade this past weekend so um February 8th the trade deadline yeah so we are getting close to a month away I I don’t know if this is if they just say all right you

Know we’ve been eyeballing Drummond let’s just do it now let’s just what what do we need to add in uh I mean if two weeks is conservative that’s really bad news because maybe Maxi’s back and they they just tested a little bit there I mean he’s been warming up pregame so

It appears that he is living the toe the toe I’ve heard no I’m just K this is this is a joke I can’t I can’t say that anymore I used to be able to say I’ve heard and it was a joke and everybody knew it and now I can’t um the toe is

Gone they couldn’t they couldn’t save it well put on a bionic toe and let’s get out there Maxi has been out for what like six week was it eight weeks if you told me Maxi actually hadn’t played this season I’d believe you he only played five games like if you’re like no the

Games you’re remembering were actually preseason I’d be like oh okay he’s played five he’s played five games he played that one random game in uh against Toronto on the eth so if we don’t count that one where he played 15 minutes didn’t look good obviously wasn’t wasn’t healthy so bizarre he’s

Been out since the beginning of November it’s literally been two months with a dislocated small toe I mean I just I just don’t understand it so like you but like you said if Lively misses time uh ran Holmes missed this game due to personal reason not sure what that is um

But if Lively misses time then it’s just Dwight and rashan Holmes as The Bigs because we don’t know we can’t trust Maxi I hate when someone misses for personal reasons and everyone says trade oh it people say trade no matter what I know but I really dislike

Personal reasons I I don’t even like joking about personal reason because you never know what it is never know you really never know someone’s like this has to be a trade it’s like when has this I would say 99.9% of the time that has never been the case yeah ask Harrison

Barnes playing in a game and got tra guys get traded no matter what so yeah no I wouldn’t read into it for sure um yeah especially personal reasons like that it the team would just put like rest put like some kind of dumb injury like a fake injury on there the thing

With me is I this stinks in a couple reason in a couple ways I went over yesterday things that the Mavericks need to do in this home stand to try and build up because they have this like their end of January and then basically like the first week of

February is brutal it’s at La at Golden State Boston Phoenix Atlanta Sacramento Orlando Minnesota Milwaukee Philly Brooklyn New York okay see that I mean that is a brutal that’s four of the top six teams in the NBA there’s a couple back-to-backs in there they’re traveling a bunch in there and I wanted the

Mavericks in this home stand to build up to a signature win can you get a win against a Boston can you get win against Minnesota Milwaukee now OKC can you get a win against one of those teams wild that OKC is could be a signature win but

They they needed to get some lineup continuity and all of a sudden it’s like all right Kyrie’s back he’s looking really good we’ll talk about how good he looked in this game but now if Lively’s out there like honestly there goes your continuity you’re getting continuity with Luca and Kyrie back together and

Some of the Wings but Lively is kind of what has made this team work like they’re bad on defense unless he’s on the court yeah and this is just just symbolic of this whole Luca era there’s been no no fiveman lineups that have carried over really at all from season

To season it’s always bouncing around and bouncing around is talk tweeted out something where you know there’s there’s teams in the league so far this season that have compiled you know huge numbers of possessions yeah like 500 600 possessions yeah and in the m in Luca’s career like last this season the most

Possessions he’s played with the lineup before tonight was 219 like that’s an incred incredibly small number at this point in the season for that’s if I’m not mistaken that’s a starting five with Grant Williams in it right yeah so and that’s been changed so right so that’s a

Lineup you probably won’t even really see much of anymore so it’s like it’s this whole season has been I think the Mavericks I saw have played the most fiveman lineups in the entire NBA um and again this has just been symptomatic of the Luca era and it’s what we talked

About earlier in the season in the show it’s like the Mavericks need to start doing some stuff for their building continuity not just from game to game but like season to season like these guys have have years of experience next to each other going to war with each

Other and God these just wrot these injuries where guys are just rotating in and out after every game is insane because ex exm missed tonight’s game like he wasn’t exom who has made his way to the starting five he didn’t even play tonight thank God who knows what would

Happened to him have we even SE we’ve only seen the Luca Kyrie exom Derrik Jones Jr Lively lineup just in the That Jazz game right yeah and XM didn’t even finish the game so it just it’s just not a positive injury in any sense of the

Word no matter how many weeks he misses honestly because of that because you wanted to build some continuity especially being home for seven games straight that would have been really good you know playing against some teams where you think he can take advantage you know New York doesn’t really have a

Center he tried you know you tried with jiren Jackson again uh they’ve played New Orleans already twice like you had some you had some opportunities there to get some continuity you had some opportunities to to get some wins there and it just it just is H it’s a brutal

One and uh we’ll see how they move forward with it but coming up let’s talk about this win though MBS win 126 to 97 Luca and Kyrie both go off in this one let’s talk about what it means and what we saw on in this game coming

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About dere gl’s injury already Luca donic goes off 41 points in 30 minutes he doesn’t have to play the fourth quarter in a Luca sense this is a very positive awesome game yeah no Luca was really good I mean that’s really it it was a Luca game got got a lot of

Calls went to the free throw line a bunch um there a lot of fouls in this game but left it there Luca was just aggressive they didn’t really double him as much as a lot of teams in the league have this season and he took advantage

Of it got to his spots with ease again 14 free throws in 31 minutes that that’s that’s a lot of free throws so uh it was a good finished he finished the first quarter with nine yeah I mean the first this game the first quarter of this game

Had to have the most fouls in a quarter in at least the first quarter in a game this NBA season like I would have to assume basketball reference took off took off the quarter finder for a for a team you could do it for a player now

But they took it off uh but for the for a game for a full game 34 was the most this season and they had they committed 34 so I’m I’m GNA guess I’m gonna guess that 11 in one quarter I mean that they’re starting sit baji I I I honestly

Never heard of him before this was his fourth game I think they said yeah it was and man this guy could have fou I’m being dead serious when I say this this guy could have fouled out in the first six plays of the game like he was he was

Fouling a lot I don’t think he they said he’s very raw it it showed kind of it didn’t look like he really he M someone wearing 41 in Dirk’s house right yeah I can don’t wear that number here no I’m just kidding yeah you know what they should do sorry

This is a tangent you know what they should do I’m for it if you retire if you’re retired a jersey a away players can’t wear that Jersey in your Arena that’s that’s right cuz you can’t like it’s retired right it’s retired all over the place so you you can’t wear 41 in

Dallas cuz D Dirk’s the only 41 so change one game for one game you got to wear something different you go to you go to you go to uh Chicago you can’t wear 23 or Miami they retired his number two go to the Lakers you can’t wear any

Numbers yeah that’s true or Boston and then guys would wear more unique numbers right like 77 like nobody’s retired 77 just yet I mean even 41 so would you know uh Dennis Roman when he was with the Mavs wanted to change his number after every

Game well he wanted to be 69 I know he wanted to be 69 but then he wanted a New Jersey he wanted his number to to be yeah I know he wanted his number to be 69 Stern said no then he said all right I want to change my jersey number after

Every game ST said no you’re not doing either of those things listen if I swap jerseys with somebody bu that Jersey is gone I need a new ones true very true yeah this game what no DeAndre Aon for the for the Blazers Rob Williams has been out for a

Long time they had no centers in this game no yeah and then du up breath who is kind of a center kind of more of like a four elbows Josh Green in the head some Boomer on Boomer crime there uh for from some 20-year-olds and and that he

Gets a flagrant too and he gets ejected from this game I mean they just had no s so it just felt like they had no teeth of their defense at all and yeah I don’t know what Chanty bips is doing with some of these lineups I mean they’re they

Don’t have a very good record so he’s obviously trying some stuff and Shaden sharp like didn’t start I’ve been surprised by that because he started most of the games this year right uh I asked Mike Richmond about it and he was like he was like uh you know chony just

Kind of doing stuff just kind of making it up and trying things and hey if you’re a bad team I guess you have to but like thel didn’t start sharp didn’t start you started you know Kamar and Scoot Henderson got a start like you’re just not going to be a good defensive

Team the Mavs really took advantage of that yeah this hasn’t been like a great Blazers defense but they’ have been good at forcing turnovers and stuff because they have a bunch of like pretty decent you know like Scrappy on ball guys like Thy but D’s been amazing yeah th’s

Minutes were weird tonight uh he hit four threes just you just you just wish that the MAV like they wouldn’t have matched it like he’s just wasting away up there in the Pacific Northwest yeah he’s been good for them and he would have been like he’s been knocking down

Threes I think he’s around 40% so far this season I mean it’s just it’s on top of the defense defense so yeah that would have been great if he was here I know there’s some people who still are like happy that that contract didn’t get matched I think it would have worked out

Pretty well here um let’s not forget like they would have still gotten maybe they don’t get Derrick Jones Jr if that goes through but um you know they still would have gotten like Grant and stuff but Derrick Jones Jor basically a minimum to me to me it would have been

Like what were the minutes there for Derrick Jones Jr to want to come here that that was yeah that’s I I just not like contractually more so like is the need there anymore to go out and get a guy like derck Jones Jr if you brought

In thall but uh yeah I mean they they were without again bajgi fouls out he only plays 15 minutes and he’s he was big like he’s big he’s 71 looked like he had a freak wingspan again this is the first I’ve ever seen of him but uh he’s

At least a big dude and then D breath gets that that was honestly admittedly a very weak flakron 2 in my opinion definitely I didn’t I didn’t think it was gonna be a flager 2 either yeah that was shocking but I don’t know if there was maybe something before the game they

Got tipped off to I have no idea but I I highly doubt it they were kind of drawing back and forth at each other before but I don’t know they play on the Australian national team together that’s why I joke Jed about the Boomer thing

Yeah before the other thing is it was an elbow straight to the head like straight to the head I mean that I can’t believe his nose didn’t break like that looked like that hit him directly like in the bridge of the nose maybe I it was a

Weird angle I think he turned just just quick enough to yeah avoid that but yeah this is just not a good defensive Blazers team so the Mavs really took advantage and we had to talk about Kyrie was aggressive early like this is the Kyrie that we’ve wanted to see 10 of 19

From the field 29 Points five assists nine rebounds led the Mavs in rebounding the four Kyrie Irving the power forward like he told us on media day his rebounding has been shockingly good this season I mean it it’s like two he’s like in there with the trees and he just

Comes away with the ball sometimes and you’re like wait what Kyrie got that but no yeah Kyrie aggressive immediately it was nice to hear him in the postgame interview too where he was basically like yeah I need to be assertive that’s that’s who I am like I’m not an

Unassertive player so he knows and uh I can chalk up I can chalk up the game against the Jazz a couple nights ago as just uh first game back weird game New Year’s New Year’s Day for him yeah for him I can I can for him everyone else

I’m not giving a pass to anybody because I could give Kyrie a pass for that one yeah and uh I do think there’s some psychological thing where Kyrie’s back all right Kyrie here we go like Kyrie’s gonna go off and do crazy Kyrie kid said

It kid said it after the game like y Kyrie was back so we just assumed that we were going to and I was like yeah that’s exactly what they did they thought Kyrie was going to just lead him to a victory and then Kyrie didn’t have

It and all of a sudden it was like oh God we got to play this game yeah and he came out tonight and scored early and often the Mavericks went on a 90 run to start the game that’s exactly what they need to do that’s what makes games like

The Jazz game so frustrating because it’s just like you that’s not who you are like you’ve shown you can come out against the teams you’re supposed to be and great the Jazz have been playing much better basketball lately but the Blazers yeah especially much better basketball than the Blazers but uh you

Can come out you punch these teams like this in the mouth who are younger and not very good and you can just kind of assert dominance IM immediately which is exactly what they did tonight and that started with Kyrie Irving being aggressive immediately shooting threes off screens luuka had a back screen on

One of them Kyrie got a wide open step stepped into a wide open three you see little plays like that and I’m just like why can’t they just be creative on stuff like that more often right like try something different and instead it’s just Pound The Rock Pound The Rock Kyrie

Had 17 Kyrie had 17 points by the eight minute Mark in the second quarter that I mean aggressive early on and usually we see him kind of bite his time like you said he needs to be more aggressive a little earlier because the Mavs don’t the Mavs are weird where they have a

Bunch of scores but they don’t have a lot of like go-to ball creators like especially if exam’s going to be out you just don’t have another guy like that and so Kyrie has to be aggressive because that’s just what the offense is I i’ I’ve bemon and talked about the the

Lack of uh variety I’ll say in the Mavs offense so far this season and in The Season’s past but yeah so Luca Kyrie both had great games LED this team let’s talk about uh are the Blazers a cursed matchup because we’ve seen we’ve seen some injuries now multiple injuries

We’ve played the Blazers three times there have been three injuries let’s talk about that and talk about what else we saw from everybody else uh and more coming up today’s episode brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel Sports we has all kinds of odds and lines and spreads and all

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The NFL Take all right slly let’s talk about this Mavs team we’ve talked about drik livley missing time Luca and Kyrie got got going we scoring together what did you see from let’s start with Josh Green he got put in the starting lineup what did you see from Josh Green

In this one yeah Josh Green I don’t know I mean the box score I don’t know if will do Josh Ken that much Justice I mean eight points four rebounds some hustle plays here and there I thought he was really good like I thought his energy tonight was tremendous uh

Especially I actually liked his addition to the starting lineup especially with xam out considering the Blazers not that great of a team but they do have some athletic guards who uh you need somebody you know somewhat athletic to stick and Josh Green’s one of the few somewhat

Athletic guards the Mavericks do have on their roster so I I like that decision from kid and I thought he played a really strong game really I did I thought he pushed the pace well I mean the Mavericks got out in transition 20% of the time I mean that’s a huge number

For them that’s big for the Mavs 13% of the time normally yeah so I mean that’s a huge number so I I I think that Josh Green was a big reason for that and again I I liked his energy so this type of stuff from Josh Green again the stats

Don’t like jump out of you and and grab your attention but in games where like Luca and you’re both cooking and you don’t really need the scoring punch the energy that Josh Green brings is really important I think I’ll give you a stat that jumps off the page first two games

Against the Mavericks this season Anthony Simons 33 points and 30 points he shot 13 of 22 in the first game 10 of 21 in the second game and in this one he finished the game five of 16 he had 15 points I’ll give Josh Green some credit

He only played 27 minutes so we’ll just say that Anthony Simons didn’t play a ton but I’ll give Josh Green credit for that that he was running around with him following him around chasing down just making his life hard and if you’re doing that and there’s nobody else to kind of

Create I don’t remember a single thing Malcolm brogon did in this game he played 16 minutes and it was like I didn’t even like remember that he played this game but he didn’t start he didn’t play a lot and so to have uh you know nobody really setting Anthony Simons up

In this game uh it was kind of balling him to create some shots and he had a couple tough shots but Josh Green made it tough for him yeah know I mean anony Simons has he’s had some great games against the MS not tonight but man he’s

A he’s a good player I like him I like him a good amount yeah Josh Green did a really good job on him so I liked what he brought to the table like this is a josh green that I really really like just a high energy does winning stuff

But doesn’t need to score it becomes a problem when the responsibilities grow a little bit for for Josh well it’s it’s it’s like it’s such a top down thing for the Mavericks if your two stars are scoring then everything else falls into place if you’re one of your two stars is

Not scoring for whatever reason like against the Jazz Kyrie was not scoring for whatever reason Luca wasn’t really SC all of a sudden everything falls apart it just all starts on the top and that’s why I’ve been so frustrated with how the offense runs because it’s just

So dependent on Luka and Kyrie being really really good like really excellent and good which I don’t know maybe that’s just what the NBA is now yeah I mean you watch teams like the Thunder where there like yeah Denver to where the balls just pop in and everybody knows their role

And everybody can do at least something with the ball yeah that’s that’s just not who the Mavericks are and we know that and it’s just it’s not going to change at least not this season I don’t see a world where it magically changes so uh you know if if Josh Green can play

Like he did tonight consistently yeah he’ll he’ll be a pretty big piece for the Mavericks moving forward or somebody else and like you have you have to or or somebody else I had a couple I had a couple people talk to me about at a game

One guy came up to me and was like I was like what do you think they need to do next and he goes you’ve got to trade Josh Green I was that’s the that’s the first thing you want to do how about Aire player if you ask if

You ask KY Maverick’s f they have a different player they need to trade Everybody’s Got Somebody they’re like I’m I’m just done with them uh but Josh Green people talk about his contract he’s making 11 million next year that’s that’s not that much anymore and so for

Him to give you solid role player minutes score eight points play solid defense on you know the opposing team’s best guard like that’s what you that’s all you can ask in that spot maybe hit maybe hit one of the two threes if he gets a couple more like but they weren’t

Really they weren’t really taking a ton of Threes like through the first what three quar of this they didn’t really take a ton of Threes in this game they took nine in the fourth quarter so that means they took what 21 through the first three that’s not a lot for the

Mavericks no yeah they really didn’t shoot that many threes tonight and it sounds stupid but like just being the guy who runs out and gets the ball in a transition opportunity even if he passes out of that or just slows the Mavericks just slow it down entirely like that

Sounds so dumb and just such like an elementary level thing but it is important the Mavericks don’t really have a lot of those guys like they’re really kind of forcing the issue running out and training transition otherwise like exm is really good at it Josh Green’s really good at it must be an

Australian thing um because Kyrie’s like half good at it and he’s partially Australian as well he was born good at it yes he was born good at it he was born good at it let’s just say that so uh Seth Curry was a plus 28 in 15

Minutes tonight in this this game I can’t quite say I remember a Seth Curry moment to be fair no I mean he just was in there at the right place at the right time I just thought it was funny his M have really been weird to me

They they have been weird but it’s that Log Jam that they have they’ve got this Tim Hardway Jr I mean luuka and Kyrie obviously taking a ton of guard minutes and so it’s just the rest of their role players have been These Wings and then the big spot is just a disaster like

Trying to think besides Derrick Lively like trying to figure out there’s a there’s there’s something there with I pal that hasn’t been tapped into yet and like it like it’s almost there right like like there’s there is something like how would you use them though I wrote it down 530 left in the

Second quarter yeah Dwight pal High post Luca a great a great back cut Dwight pal a beautiful bounce pass Luca lays it up and in so Luca is not having to do much Dwight pal showcases his passing skills now I I thought I remembered a Scouting

Report from when DWI pal was coming out comparing him to arvus sabonis passing wise but maybe I’m just misremembering that because everyone yells at me when I say it well Stanford he he was used like that like he was used as the guy that was like a the nail and would just like

Pass around to like he had a ton of Shooters around hisam like around him and like I I see what you’re saying where they can use him as like like Draymond on offense right where he’s like the Hub and you’ve got like Luca and Kyrie then would be the clay and

Steph like I want Luca running around like that so that he can get wide open and there was a play in the second half Dwight pal had two assists in this game uh in how many minutes did he have not enough yeah exactly not enough minutes

Dwight pal had two assists in 13 minutes per 36 that’s about six assists which you compare that to some of the other cers in the league and we’re getting to yic level I don’t want to say I don’t want to compare that but a high post offense where guys are running around

And Dwight Pal’s just diing them up there’s a world where that’s a thing there there are people there are going to be people out there that turn this show off before we get well I’m being dead serious before we get to the part where this is a joke and they’re like these

Guys are so dumb well I got bad news guys Derrick lley miss his time I got bad news for who’s gonna be playing all right I’m just tell and this isn’t me saying what I think should happen I’m just telling you right now I have bad news for you as

To who’s gonna be playing I just went off on Dwight po the other day and now like he’s there doing the Princess Leia help me Dwight pal you’re my only hope it’s either going to be Dwight or they’re either just going to be you know what we’re going crazy small the problem

Is yeah Grant Williams is out now with the ankle injury too so I mean it’s it’s Mark it’s omx’s music right like you know he’s he plays with such good energy man I know if he just developed one one legit NBA skill between now and a few

Months from now uh he he could be a guy who plays a good amount for you I think his skill is getting fouled I think that’s it is throws in eight minutes it’s a very impressive skill to have like honestly God being that serious it really is like get getting to the rim

And not being scared at all of going to the rim is like a legit skill set to have if his three-point shot could be I mean that’s a hard thing a three-point shot is a hard thing to develop period but yeah just magically in the course of a season it’s almost SE

Impossible I mean they could at least throw him out there and he be wide open on every three and then he could just yeah I don’t know yeah I think it is his music though coming up but they didn’t they didn’t play him a lot in this game

They threw Mariee out there before him um but but yeah we also we’ve also said that ear in the season that like at least I thought omx could be somebody that by March is like kind of ticking up in the rotation and it’s like oh hold on

A second yeah I went through a bunch of like I went through a bunch of what was it I guess this was the centers that I looked at the rookie centers and they all kind of tick like the ones that played late all ticked up around January

Were like if they didn’t start the season when did they start really getting a big role and it was around January I just don’t know if he’s played enough like because he had he’s only played that one g-league game gets in in garbage time you know so it’s just the

Game just looks a little too fast at times for him sometimes and that’s that’s a tough one that’s a tough one it still does there you go let us know in the comments section what you think about this game let you let us know what you think about Derek livley missing

Some time and uh we’ll be back tomorrow uh tomorrow I should be on with Mike Richmond we’ll talk about the Blazers game I’ll talk about how cursed this matchup is we’ll talk about some Jeremy Grant maybe some trade talk month away from the trade deadline and then

Slightly and I will be back on Friday with this other Trailblazers game just just holding our f just holding our fingers crossed that no more injuries happen to a starter because it’s been three matchups and three starters have been injured now Derrick Lively is two of those but still can you forfeit a

Game I don’t think so so there you go guys thanks much for listening to lock down Mavs peace out Boom

Dallas Mavericks vs Portland Trail Blazers Postgame. Dereck Lively II & Grant Williams both go down with unfortunate ankle sprains. How do their injuries affect the Mavs next stretch of games?

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA & Slightly Biased @SlightlyBiased react to Dereck Lively II’s injury, the Mavs win over the Blazers, Luka Doncic’s 41 points in 3 quarters, and Kyrie Irving being aggressive.

0:00 Dereck Lively II Injury Concern?
10:00 Luka & Kyrie Go OFF vs Portland
19:50 Mavs vs Blazers Game Notes: Green, O-Max?

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  1. Mavs need another 3 and D wing and another Big and they can be a real threat barring health of course

  2. Mavs will end up as a play in team… the roster is too sensitive to injuries.
    A wing and and a backup center needs to be acquired. And that can only happen during next offseason.

  3. Grant Williams seems very confused on the floor. He just can not get anything going. I hope he regains his focus.

  4. I think over the next week or so until Dlive gets back, we’re going to blessed with some Dwight Powell specials

  5. Man, Blazers was my favorite regular season opponent. Always such a blast, even when Dame was on the bench.. but now.. ugh.

  6. Usually when this Cinderella team get a win they wait until the next game to crush my hopes and dreams. Oh,And without D-lie we'r winning only one game at home. Our season is over. That's play-ins at best for us.

  7. Im so sick Dlive got hurt again. 😢🤬 Our record without him is terrible. Relying on DP is just ugh….

  8. I think it was fragrant 2 foul because it was with the second elbow .
    Just like green of the warriors .
    You can excuse the first pass ,but not the second one .

  9. Grant Williams needs to stop dribbling. Everytime he puts the ball on the ground it’s a turnover or a horrible shot when he drives

  10. With this latest Lively injury, can you do a trade talk episode on who would be a good back-up Centre who's also realistic for a trade for the Mavs? Because that feels like a massive priority right now. Powell is just untenable and Holmes doesn't seem to have the reliability we need. The big move for a 3rd star like Siakam (as you said before), is something that can be left to the summer when we have more assets to trade.

  11. I can't believe we still haven't addressed the backup center situation. As if the Wood and McGee debacle has the brass traumatized. I would call up Tony Bradley from the Legends. He's playing well.

  12. How damn hard is it to get a decent backup center??? Powell is literally out there like one of those car dealership noodles.

  13. Mavs issue is that they don't build around Luka. They are buying. When they were in EC finals their team was build at least partially. Today the only continuity is Powell🤣 Because they can't trade him 🤣🤣🤣

  14. Our only hope is that Powell gets injured, so let's cross fingers. And at this point I don't even feel bad of saying it. I'm sooooooo done with him, he is not an nba player as simple as that, the organization is just straight up stupid

  15. How hard is it to go to europe and throw a few million dollars at a large center and have them come play here?

  16. Definitely worried about Lively. Still hopeful the Mavs can go at least 5-2 on this homestand. Gotta take care of business at home even with some injuries.

  17. They could pickup an undrafted defensive center from college make it work, there are more than just the 60 centers in the NBA that exist in 7 billion people of the world, it cant be that hard. They dont need that much offensive skill just roll to the basket

  18. Jason Kidd back on his bullsh*t giving Holmes the Christian Wood treatment… I'm surprised yall didn't even mention Holmes while talking about Lively missing time LOL. So not only does Luka & Ky got to carry a bottom 5 talent roster, but they gotta do it while playing for one of the most toxic head coaches! Basketball Gods why?!

  19. Brian Dameris mentioned ligaments for Maxi on this week’s podcast. Makes sense why it’s taking so long.

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