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This is MASSIVE… – Multiple TRADE Suitors REVEALED | Chicago Bulls News

This is MASSIVE… – Multiple TRADE Suitors REVEALED | Chicago Bulls News

As we all know by now it’s no secret that the Chicago Bulls have been featured heavily in the trade rumor mill and as the trade deadline is just a month away I want to talk about this article I came across on USA Today citing all the players that could be or

Should be available on every single team and a lot of them featured were on the Chicago bolts this is your host Joey Mercer and this is another episode of bulls digest and before we get into it there today I just want to say that about 88% of you that watch these videos

Are not subscribed so if you aren’t already subscribed to the channel make sure to go down below hit the Subscribe button turn on the bell for notifications and you’ll be notified every time we upload and you’ll be able to stay up toate with your Chicago Bulls so without further Ado buckle up get

Ready there’s a lot to talk about there today and let’s get into the topic at hand which is trade suor Bonanza so yes not only are we going to talk about the players that the Chicago Bulls should have up on the block or already do but we’re going to talk about other teams

And who they have available to see what players could be available for the Chicago Bulls to acquire maybe at a lesser value because they haven’t been performing well or on bigger contracts or just aren’t very happy with their situation so the article I’m sighting I

Did say at the top was from USA Today but it is by Jeff zilet says as NBA trade rumors start to swirl here is who could get moved before the the 2024 deadline this really pequ my interest because of course we’ve been doing a lot of talking about this on this channel

When it comes to the Chicago Bulls and even a few other teams being involved with the bulls the first player of course was Chicago Bulls guard Zack LaVine there’s the picture of them right there of course he has to be a headliner on this because who has been talked more

Than Zack LaVine that’s nobody he’s been the most talked about uh trade asset in the league right now and it’s no shocker to see him right here at the top it’s what they have had to say teams looking for offense that include the Lakers are interested in Zack LaVine and his

Availability LaVine averages 21 points five rebounds and three assists and shoots 44% from the field and about 34% on three-pointers and 87% on free throws a talented scorer he has played in just 18 games this season out since November 28th with right foot inflammation LaVine

Is in the second year of a f year $ 215. one million contract so that’s the biggest thing there is the health and the contract it’s not the defense I mean we have talked about the defense but I think teams would be able to get over

That hump if they really needed a spark plug to come in and score a lot of baskets in their starting lineup the def defense is not that much if you’re looking for that sort of a guy on offense the contract however in just the second year and it’s a lot of money for

Zack LaVine I will even agree as a big bulls fan but on top of that the injuries he hasn’t been able to stay healthy he came in injured actually to the Bulls in that Jimmy Butler trade and he’s been kind of up and down with that

He seems to stay healthy for a good period of time and then the injury bug comes and Strikes him again so that’s been the biggest knock on Zack LaVine although he still does have a good trade value in my opinion next player was Chicago Bulls gar Demar de Roan at 34

Dear de rozan can still score posting 22 points per game on 46% shooting from the field and 33 on threes add his five assists four rebounds in the steal and nearly one block per game and Rosen his value he had 27 points on 12 for 16 shooting nine assists and seven rebounds

In Chicago’s December 20th Victory against the Lakers he was in the final season of a three-year $81 million contract and is a free agent in the summer so that’s something if you’re looking for a team that needs to make that extra push demer could be a player

To suit them just fine the last year of the contract you do it this year you have no you know negotiations to make him the offseason unless you really want to keep him and you’re going to think that’s going to be an a lesser deal where he is 34 years old however with

The negotiations and extension talks with the Chicago Bulls talks have kind of stopped because dear thinks that he’s worth more than what the Bulls are willing to give him we still don’t know the exact number there though so I’m hoping that at the very least the Bulls

Can get value for him now if they can’t come to an agreement on the extension terms very soon next player we saw in this was Chicago Bulls guard Alex Caruso Caruso’s per 36 minute stats are solid 15 points per game while shooting 52% from the field and 44 on three-pointers

Plus five rebounds four assists two Steals and a block a game he provides an impact defensively with the bulls allowing just 10 19.8 points per 100 possessions when he is on the court kuso’s in the third season of a 4-year $ 36.9 million contract a valuable deal

Say that contracts won the best in the league if not the best value in the league when you come to think he’s making as much as some guys that don’t even hardly play and he’s such a valuable player on the defensive end the Bulls management has come out and said

That Caruso would not be dealt almost under any circumstances but if the right trade was there and they had to add him in and it could really make this team a whole lot better then I think they might just have to pounce at that however I would not just move Caruso for anything

It would have to be a very high value right now next player we saw was Chicago Bull Center Nia vuvi the bull saw Nia vuvi to a threeyear $60 million deal in the off season so it’s not an honorous deal and a team would have vvi for two

More seasons after this one though this isn’t his best scoring season at 17 points per game on 45% from the field and 28 on three vvi does provide offense and that’s easy enough to see with him out of the lineup right now the Bulls have most definitely struggled it’s

Really easy when he’s out there on offense just allowing the center to get out of the paint have to chase him out there even if he isn’t hitting his shots on a consistent rate this year he is still a threat cuz On Any Given night he

Can go out there and knock down some perimeter shots and that adds a lot of value to him on the offensive end to go along with his playmaking which isn’t talked about enough he does get a good few assists for a big and seems to have

A good feel for the open floor and Cutters running behind him just not utilized enough in that aspect in my opinion next player we saw was Cleveland Cavaliers guard Donovan Mitchell if the Cavs decide to trade All-Star guard Donovan Mitchell will be a major move for the Cavs and the team acquiring him

Perhaps Brooklyn New York or Miami the he’ have been looking for a combo guard and have long had their eyes on Mitchell the Cavs traded for Mitchell with the hopes he would resign with them but he has not signed extension he is under contract for 20242 at 34.8 million and

Has a player option in 2025 26 allowing him to become a free agent in the summer of 2025 if he chooses to do so that’s another player that has been mentioned for the Bulls CU a lot of people think that the Bulls are going for a rebuild

The head office has actually been kind of up and down on that but it seems as if the way that we’ve looked at them over the past few seasons that they don’t want to go for a rebuild it seems like the team right now doesn’t want to

Have to do that it seems like they want to just retool and try to build some more it may be a stubborn take from the front office but if that’s the route they want to go Donovan Mitchell could be a good player to try to acquire that

Would be where I would think Alex carusa would have to be used for the value of if you were to use LaVine and Caruso some other things in there on maybe either side or just one side and I think we could land it Don V Mitchell does

That make the team better I’m not so sure but it just might it might be the move that they want to do so that would be the value there would I make it personally no but he is a very good player in this league a top talent and

That’s somebody to look at for sure next player we saw was Washington Wizards forward K kusma the Wizards are in the initial stage of what looks like a long with deliberate rebuild it’s unlikely many players on the roster now will be on the roster in two three seasons kma’s

Championship with 2010 Lakers uh that’s not accurate and I’m going to stop him right there now it was the 2020 bubble not the 2010 Lakers and is averaging a career high 23 points and shooting a career best 47% from the field while getting six rebounds and four assist per

Game he’s in the first season of a four-year $90 million contract so some things to talk about there kma obviously won that title in the bubble in 2020 he wasn’t in 2010 he wasn’t even in the league not even really high school for that matter in 2010 and he

Was actually picked by the Brooklyn Nets uh and then traded for uh Brook Lopez that whole thing uh he was with the Brook Lopez trade there where DLo went over to the Nets and that happened on draft and I believe kozman was the 30th pick in the draft year that he was

Drafted but kman kind of a jack of all trades master of none sometimes he’s okay on defense sometimes he’s good ball handler sometimes he can score the ball sometimes he can shoot the ball really well sometimes he’s really good at driving it it really all depends with

Him he’s not a master at anything he’s a jack of all trades master it non 69 guy that can play the three or the four that’s what you’re getting there it’s kind of up in the air what the value I believe would be on him with that and I

Don’t really want to put a value on on him right now because I feel like I would definitely be underestimating the value because I don’t really know what he excels at that great it’s just he’s okay at everything which is how I feel about kma next player we saw was

Washington Wizards guard Jordan P for the right team in the right situation Jordan P can be a valuable contributor his 41% shooting from the field 31 on threes and uninspired play is not compelling teams to call the Wizards give up significant assets very true Jordan P still pretty

Young has that champion ionship resume with the Golden State Warriors however I do believe the year before this year last year when he was on the Warriors of course putting up 20 a game it was one of the worst 20 points per game I’ve seen if anybody looks at a value over

Replacement player the vorp uh you can actually see that he’s hovering right around zero although he’s putting up 20 points per game that’s hardly ever happened in NBA history and usually when it does it kind of cites that a player isn’t contributing to winning whatsoever and he’s just out there chucking up

Shots and doing that on a solid team is not a good look and now he’s doing it on a really bad team and shooting even worse was it the players around him on Golden State I’d like to think yes next player that we were looking at is was

Wizards guard tus Jones in the final year of a 2-year 29 million doll contract T Jones is putting together a solid season 12.6 points and about six assists per game and shooting 54% from the field and 43 on threes a team looking for depth the point guard will

Do well by acquiring Jones so he’s about the same player as he was last year he never turns the ball over that’s who he’s known as he’s not a great defender but he is still a solid backup in the league the problem is he’s starting and

Still putting up the same numbers as if he was a backup he would be a good option to get off the bench what the value would be in return for him I’m not sure but maybe he can make a push on a different team I think out the three

Players just mentioned he would be the player that the Bulls should go for the most although we could use some size and kozma so in terms of Team need a straight up this is the only player we’re requiring I would go after kozma but if we were able to make other moves

And move on from different players then maybe tus Jones could be the right backup point guard for us depending on the value of course next player we looked at was charlott Hornet Ford Gordon Hayward Gordon Hayward is sidelined with a strained left calf and is out for at least eight more days but

With Charlotte struggling in Hayward in the final season of his four-year $120 million contract he could be on his way to a playoff team seeking depth he averages 14.5 points about five rebounds five assists and shoots 47 from the field 36 from three those are all very

Solid numbers but with his Advanced age and the injuries just coming and coming and coming it doesn’t make any sense for a team to put a lot of value into him and I don’t know if he’d be the right fit on the Chicago Bulls unless we were

Looking to literally rebuild and I don’t know why Gordon Hayward would want to be in that situation I talked about the Bulls acquiring him before when I heard that he might be available in order for LaVine to go to Charlotte but that would require us to get Terry roer or maybe

Some other young assets as well it wouldn’t just be a one for one trade as Gordon Hayward would have to almost be a throwin and just a veteran presence he wouldn’t be a big factor to the Chicago Bulls right now as I think that wouldn’t be the right direction to go with his

Injury history and his age the next player we looked at was Atlanta Hawks scar deante Murray he has a 4-year $114 million extension that begins next season and while Atlanta thought Murray and Trey young could be its backourt for years to come and may be willing to

Listen to offers for Murray he averages 21 points as shooting 38% on threes his highest percentage since shooting 39% on just6 attempts per game in his rookie season in 20167 so it’s no secret there that de jonte Murray has been shooting lights out of the ball he’s actually been a

Better shooter than Trey young for the most part although Trey is starting to pick it up again Trey is a guy that shoots a lot of desperation or deep three-pointers whether you like that or not not he shoots around 35% of them for his career it’s not a high percentage

But people say where he’s shooting them so deep it’s harder to guard and maybe it’s a solid shot where he’s taking about eight or 10 a game it’s kind of up and down how I feel about that but it’s not to say that dejonte Murray is a very good three-point shooter takes really

Good attempts is a solid Defender and is kind of degress in that area but could still be solid given on a different team like the Bulls if they were in a defensive minded system like them with the hustle I believe Deonte Murray would fit in just fine still a very solid

Scorer an okay playmaker he could definitely fit into the Bulls roster if there were LaVine de Jon Murray plus whatever it would have to be trade I think that would be very solid for the Bulls no matter which direction they’re going in because it doesn’t look like

Dejonte Murray wants to stay in Atlanta and you heard what he said about Tony Parker if you hadn’t look up for that he wanted him to Mentor him more in San Antonio so Deonte Murray maybe not the nicest guy behind the scenes but maybe you can turn things around with the

Bulls and all I care about is on court play when it comes to that as long as it’s not making the other players pissed at him it doesn’t matter we’ll go on to the next player there today and that is Detroit Pistons for buan bogdanovic buan bogdanovic has played in just 14 games

Since returning from a strained right calf he averages 19 points and is shooting 45% from the field and 38% on three-pointers for team looking for a three-point shooter bogdanovich and his contract are attracted he’s do 19 million next season but just 2 million of it is guaranteed he’s another guy

That if the Bulls were looking to do just a rebuild buan obviously doesn’t seem like he Minds losing being on the Pistons of course and he could be a good guy to come in just fun put up some points and maybe be a veteran to the younger guys not sure how that’s working

Over in Detroit however so he wouldn’t be the first guy to look at for something like that or a guy to look at really at all his defense is about the worst in the League this year and it’s not really that great on offense consistently for you to be like Oh I’m

Gonna get bu on to be a top scor and we can make the playoffs or even like the third or fourth option I’d be a bit weary of that and I don’t know how much I would trust it so I wouldn’t be wanting to Target him if I were the

Bulls next thing we saw was Portland Trailblazers forward Jeremy Grant Jeremy Grant wanted a team where he could showcase his offensive skills and he’s accomplished that with the Blazers this season he’s averaging career highs in points at 22 and three-point shooting at 47% and is shooting better than 80% from

The foul line for the fourth consecutive season in the offseason Grant signed a 5year $160 million contract and a team has his rights through 2026-27 he has a player option for the 2027 28 season I think what they were trying to say there was that the team being the Portland

Trailblazers Has Its Right until the 2027 28 season but Jeremy Grant a very solid guys well he’s been linked to the Bulls in the past few seasons in trade rumors and he’d be a guy that i’ really want to have on the team I think he’s a great basketball player very

Multifaceted really good at a lot of different things I really like Jeremy Grant if we were able to get him in here that would definitely be worth it could definitely help out this team right now he’s the top or second best guy on Portland I just think it’s a really bad

System for him you saw how he flourish as like the third or fourth guy on the Denver Nuggets and I think right now his offense is even better he could be the second or third option on a good team and he could be great for the Chicago

Bulls so I like that a lot next player that we’re looking at is Toronto Raptors forward passcal cacam so yes we’ve talked about him a good bit but one thing that I want to say is I don’t think the Raptors are going to make a move on Pascal just yet and I don’t

Think they’re going to be as aggressive at shopping him after they just made a move with ogn and noi I think that was plan a pascal was Plan B and now they got RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickly in there and I think they’re going to see

How that works cuz so far over the past two games they’ve won both of them they look solid in those contests and uh for sure I think it’s looking like a better fit there in Toronto whether they move on from Pascal is a little bit unknown

But I’d say it’s not as much of a guarantee as some of the other guys uh that we’ve listed so far what they had to say on him was that he’s turned into a two-time Allstar and two-time all-nba selection with the Raptors he’s in the final season of his 4year

$36.97 contract and is seeking one more big deal that leaves Toronto with a decision to make trade him now or get value in return or lose him in free agency for little or nothing cakam at 22 points seven rebounds and five assists on 52% shooting despite 29% from three

Is the kind of two-way player who can help a contender and I’d have to agree I mean Pascal’s been a great player in the NBA able to do a little bit of everything his off the dribble work is really just spins to the rim uh attacks

At The Rim he’s not really an off the dribble shooter guy he’s done it occasionally but that’s not really his game that’s where he struggles the most he’s better with Playmakers around him and that really I showed the season I his three-point shooting without Fred Van Ved on the

Team now the last guy that we have to talk about today is none other than Utah Jazz forward Center Lowry marinin so yes an Allstar for the first time last season and he’s having another strong season but a slow start as the Jazz at 15 and 19 which promps the prospect of

The Jazz moving him for a hall and return similar to what they got for Rudy gobear when they trade him to Minnesota however marinin likes playing for the Jazz and isn’t a free agent until 2025 American in trade seems unlikely though not impossible and I would have to agree

We’ve seen stranger things happen if Lowry isn’t happy in Utah I could definitely see him move to a contender however the Chicago Bulls move not very likely he didn’t like how things ended off there but it’s good to note that we do have a little bit of a different

Ownership now would he feel a little bit more comfortable with our tourists than he did before with gar packs probably so he might be able to indulge that a little bit more and if he was traded back I’d welcome him back with open arms that’s for sure he’s a great player in

The league right now he really shown that and can be the best player on the team I think for sure on a playoff roster the next player that we got to see here is Philadelphia 76ers Ford Tobias Harris so this isn’t the first time Tobias Harris name has popped up in

Trade deadline chatter and the strong veteran is having another solid season at 17 points six rebounds three assists in a steal per game and shooting a career best 51% from the field in the end it may just make sense for the Sixers to keep Harris whose contract

Expires after the season probably so I mean it doesn’t seem like the Philadelphia 76ers have many options right now with all the trades they’ve made like the James Harden they don’t have have as much going for them right now but maybe they could get a player

For Tobias I don’t know he’s on a big contract right now but like they said it ends at the end of the season is a team going to want to take on Tobias Harris probably not I I don’t really see many people lined up to look to get him it

Seems like he’s kind of stuck in Philly right now unless he was the add in piece for another trade but I feel like that trade is already there and done when it came to James Harden and uh I think they’re just going to keep on to him

Right now and I can’t see the Bulls pursuing him either he would be a good fit on the Bulls but I just don’t think that’s the player that they’re going to go off to which is why I wanted to mention him for sure the next player

That we have to talk about is Charlotte Hornet guard Terry roer I talked about him a little bit when we went over Gordon Hayward and said that he would have to be added in if it was for Zack LaVine ter roier is putting up points at

24 a game on 47% shooting and he’s under contract through 2025 26 giving a team acquiring him security against the assets they give up in a potential trade for roer and that’s fair to mention there for sure Terry roer very good scoring guard it’s just he’s a bit small

He always plays the one or the two they played him a lot at the two which I think is out of position because he seemed like a solid playmaker at the one known as scary Terry he is not afraid to take big shots and that’s been proven

Throughout his whole career I think he is another great player that if we were looking to shake things up in the backourt positions I think he would be a very solid guy to bring in would it stunt Kobe’s growth maybe so that’s what I’d be a little worried about but it

Might even just work out if we had Terry at the one Kobe at the two and Kobe able to take more shots off the catch as opposed to creating some more for himself that would be something to look into although not as high on the radar

As some of the other trades that we’ve gone over the next guy that we’re going to talk about is Charlotte Hornets forward miles Bridges miles Bridges becomes a free agent after the season and because he signed his qualifying offer he can veto any trade since returning from a suspension related to a

Domestic violence plea Bridges averaged 20 points seven rebounds and a steal so nobody’s ever questions miles Bridges play on the court it’s always been the offc court thing the domestic violence I mean there was issues with a pool ball and a car I’m not really sure what’s

Going on with him outside of basketball but he’s a very good basketball player I wouldn’t want that kind of drama on my team however so it all causes if I were the Chicago Bulls stay away from Miles Bridges I would not want to be anywhere near him I think he brings too much

Drama to the team and you want to leave that outside of basketball this has been your host Joy Mercer I hope you enjoyed the longer episode there today as we had a lot of things to talk about when it comes to trades I hope you can find that

All these related to the Bulls because I feel like a lot of these guys the Bulls could actually sneakily go out and acquire at lower value if teams aren’t so happy with them or the players themselves stranger things have happened in the NBA so you never know what will

Happen but I do hope you enjoy en the video so make sure to go down below hit the like button comment on the video I want to hear from all you guys your takes and all these trade uh possibilities want to hear some mock trades from you guys if you’d like and

Uh yeah make sure to subscribe to the channel and as always I’ll see you in the next one

In this video your host, Joey Mercer, discusses the recent rumours of many players being eligible for trades for various reasons. A good majority of the Bulls roster is included which leaves much to discuss in this episode.

0:00 Bulls news
0:53 Trade suitor bonanza

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumours on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


  1. Only a matter of time. Zach is a pure twenty plus pure scorer. Who is going to turn their nose up on that? Only a smoke screen that there is no market for Zach. So, with that out of the way bring on the offers for Zach. If there aren't realistic offers Bulls can wait and deal him in the off season.

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