@Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr’s Poor Judgment Results in 4th Qtr Golden State Warriors Collapse to Reigning Champions

Steve Kerr’s Poor Judgment Results in 4th Qtr Golden State Warriors Collapse to Reigning Champions

Dub Nation audience viewers listeners I’m sick to my stomach uh if you’re watching the live version of this show I I literally couldnot get myself going I apologize for those of you waiting if you’re wa if you’re watching or listening to the recorded version yeah

I’m sick I’m as sick as you are that was disgusting in a metaphorical sense relating to sports and you’ve been hearing me say it time and time and again there is poor leadership running this organization and I don’t think any game exemplified that more than tonight we’ve heard the phrase gut punch

A lot yeah it’s a it’s a good way to describe how I think dub nation is feeling this was wrong it was revolting and I’m gonna defer to the chat a little bit tonight I want to hear misery loves company I want to hear from you as well

Let’s break down what went wrong because there’s a lot of that and it all starts with the head coach of the Golden State War Warriors Steve Kerr who needs to go in my humble opinion this is locked on Warriors you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part

Of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube We’re part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn and more specifically LinkedIn jobs which can help you find the

Qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply I’m sarus sa as your host for the evening you can follow me on threads at dog wild I

Apologize for those who uh still want my content on the other platform but the man’s literally a racist I just don’t have any to to help him so threads it is uh and this game tonight was utterly disgusting let’s start first and foremost with uh the head coach of the

Golden State Warriors Steve Kerr because I’m really thankful he was asked what a lot of people were thinking where the hell was Jonathan kaminga I this was tonight was the first time all season where I missed any part of a game visually uh the soffell bridge for

Eberry locals had some issue uh they had to do some repair work the bridge was shut down for a small while one lane was open anyway so it took me forever to get home I listened to the first first half instead of watching and all I could hear

Was great things I was I was constantly looking at my phone safely to see stats everything looked fine I watched the second half I saw this team have an 18-point lead and then in the fourth quarter I kept thinking where is kaminga I I double checked I triple checked the

Stats they look good all I kept thinking was where is kaminga never mind the questions I have about the starting lineup last I checked Steve K said he’s going to stick with that for a while and then before this game Trace Jackson Davis is pulled for kabon Looney a

Player who to the best of my recollection has never never literally never defended Nicola yic successfully case in point the 2022 NBA playoffs the first round more specifically when the Warriors and the Nuggets played each other Kabal Looney was out of the rotation entirely by the

End of that series because he was worth lless so what does Steve Kerr do tonight he starts cavon Looney and we didn’t see Jonathan Kinga for the final 18 minutes of this game before we listen to Steve Kerr real fast how did kaminga do tonight what was what were his numbers

For the game in the 18 minutes 57 seconds he played he was five for seven from the field three rebounds four assists one turnover he ended up leading the team in net rating with a plus six 16 points he also unlike most of the other players on this team can get to

The free throw line he had seven free throw attempts yet we didn’t see him for the final 18 minutes of this game so let’s hear from Steve Kerr a man I’m tired of and unfortunately we have to keep putting up with this crap and here he is talking about why Jonathan kaminga did

Not play the final 18 minutes of a game to the Warriors blue thanks to a Nicola yic 40f footer As Time expired uh Kingo it looked like he was giving you a good scoring boost in the first half what went into the decision not to have him

Play in this yeah he was playing great and and um you know his normal time to go back in would have been around the um you know five six minute Mark and uh wigs was was playing great we were rolling we’re up 18 19 whatever it was

And so we just stayed with them and then at that point um it didn’t feel you know um like it was the right thing to do he’d been sitting for a while so I stayed with the group that was out there and um obviously um you know we couldn’t couldn’t close it

Out oh my god I’ve been muted for a while and I just got a text message because of that all right that is a massive flaw here and that’s part of the reason why me doing this live can be an issue sometimes kylin Mills texted me that thank you I’m gonna start over

Again one more time my God so that means I was muted for I’m sorry folks this is what Warriors game does let’s go through this sound one more time kylin thank you for the heads up on that let’s go through the Sound by one more time I

Just wasted like how many minutes of myself breaking this down Jesus uh Kingo it looked like he was giving you a good scoring boost in the first half what went into the decision not to have him playing this yeah he was playing great and and um you know his normal time to

Go back in would have been around the um you know five six minute Mark all right I got to repeat everything I’ve been saying while I was muted damn it um here was the first problem with that kylin thank you again this is a huge

Issue with Steve Kerr and by the way for the recorded version I’m going to edit that whole muted part out so I apologize for the to the the live audience for dealing with that this has been a fundamental issue with Steve Kerr when it comes to his rotations when it comes

To his substitution patterns there’s no question that professional athletes are creatures of routine they love it all right professional athletes especially more so than any other level of athlete they like structure they don’t like surprises they love knowing what to expect so to a certain extent these routines these structured minutes

They’re okay to a certain extent but they they could also come bite you in the total ass and this is why oftentimes fans will get frustrated if let’s say Stephen Curry is on a heater and all of a sudden you see him get pulled out Klay Thompson tonight in the second quarter was

Raging I was listening to the game I I I this was the first time all season where I did not watch this game beginning to end visually I missed the first half because here in the Bay Area one of our major Bridges the sandfeld bridge had

Some sort of issue I don’t I still don’t know what happened but uh so I’m stuck in traffic forever I have to get directed and rerouted and and took this one and a half hour detour to get home so I’m listening to the first half of

This game uh and listening to Tim Roy the legend one of the greatest ever do it if you’ve never listened to a Warriors game on the radio he’s the voice of the Golden State Warriors Tim Roy so I’m listening to his call and I’m hearing the crowd going crazy over Klay

Thompson having this RoR of a second quarter like Earth shaking performance right and and and Klay Thompson in the second quarter just to give you perspective on just how good he was playing and I don’t know what happened here like Tim Roy never explained it I was guessing maybe he was injured I’m

Going on social media to see if there’s any news nothing Klay Thompson in the second quarter was three of five from Deep had nine points but he got yanked I still don’t know what why the what the reason was I don’t know if it was because of Steve Kerr’s rigid structure

Of of substitutions where at a specific moment you have to take someone out you’ve seen Stephen Curry get pulled for these reasons you’ve seen Jonathan kaminga get pulled for these very reasons it makes no damn sense there’s nothing organic there’s nothing spontaneous about his substitutions and then when he does

Does implement some sort of spontaneity it backfires because his judgment is poor so that part of it right there I had to call out and I I do sincerely apologize again for the five minutes of the program being muted let’s continue on and wigs was was playing great we

Were rolling we’re up was Wiggins playing great are we sure about that I’m not saying he was playing bad but and never mind the fact that I I see no good reason for Wiggins and kaminga to not play together makes no damn sense that is an imaginary rule that is in

Steve Kerr’s head I can’t play kaminga and Wiggins together why there these are two athletically freakish individuals who together can cause pure Havoc now look I I know there’s a stat out there that says that that uh the net rating of these two combined the the is

Not good I think it’s likeus 19.9 entering tonight but the net rating of any duo with Andrew wigin sucks okay it might be the worst with Jonathan Kingo but it’s bad across the board all right I don’t think there’s any player on this roster that has a positive net rating with Andrew Wiggins

And in terms of Andrew Wiggins playing great tonight and yeah I know he defensively I thought he was playing good basketball but again this whole imaginary rule that Steve Kerr has where he cannot play these two together and you’re going to hear him mention that in just a minute but Andrew Wiggins tonight

Five of 10 from the field good not as good as five of seven from the field which is what Jonathan kaminga had Andrew Wiggins plays 27 minutes 16 seconds in this game over eight minutes more than kaminga he’s only one for four from Deep for someone who had developed

A prowess when it comes to rebounding only grabbed three tonight finished the game with 11 points which for a 27-minute outing not good especially for a team that’s constantly searching for scoring help for Stephen Curry and oh Andrew Wiggins was also the team leader in negative net rating with minus

14 let’s continue on 18 19 whatever it was and so we just stayed with him and then at that point um it didn’t feel you know um like it was the right thing to do’ and this is where this is the ultimate problem this is and again the evidence is piling up

That what Steve Kerr feels is the problem whether it’s his intuition whether he just sees the game in terms of his favorites he loves surrounding himself with people he likes not necessarily who is the best Jerry West a former consultant with the Golden State Warriors currently in a similar role

With the LA Clippers legendary GM of the LA Lakers some credit him for drafting Klay Thompson and Draymond Green his philosophy isi want the best players period Steve Kerr’s philosophy apparently isi want people that I like and then I’ll worry about whether or not they’re good as a secondary thing you

Heard the Boogie cousin sound from from yesterday’s show where he blamed Kerr for Team USA I totally agree with that Austin Reeves was his guy he’s the focus of Team USA not Anthony Edwards not Paulo benero not and certainly not The Bigs against and if I remember correctly Lithuania much bigger team pounded

Them I’m I’m just I don’t like what Steve Kerr feels anymore my trust is gone with Steve Kerr when it comes to his feelings been sitting for a while so I stayed with the group that was out there and um obviously um you know we couldn’t couldn’t close it out you

Obviously and I do apologize here for the muting I’m I’m genuinely embarrassed about that um I I want to I want to I want to Res resort to the chat in just a minute and uh and again I don’t know what what was muted I try to hopefully

Cover everything that I said the first time that’s embarrassing um we’ll have a lot more to discuss we got some sponsors for tonight’s show though Nicol yokich again a 40f footer with time expiring to complete a comeback for the Denver Nuggets who are down 18 points in this

Game and I I honestly don’t know anymore if if this is still a contending team what I do know is that if this is going to work kaminga has to play He Is arguably the second best player on this team and for kured to not feel like he

Should play that’s just a joke that is a joke um what isn’t a joke though is the job market and look your livelihood is important in this world right I think it goes without saying so when it comes to your livelihood when it comes to finding work one of the best

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Hire oh and but oh this is good by the way you know what I don’t mean to interrupt an ad read but I just got I just heard from one of my inside sources with the Warriors I’ll tell you what he said in just a minute that was a nice

Little tease within an advertisement uh so anyways LinkedIn what I always tell my students is this because besides hosting the show I’m also a professor I LinkedIn is the place to go to find work recruiters are there the network is there it is if you’re looking for the

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Post your job for free terms and conditions apply today’s episode is also brought to you by better help matad on if there is a game where you want to seek professional help tonight was it and all kidding aside look tonight’s show tonight’s episode is brought to you

By better help give online therapy a try at lockon NBA and get on your way to being your best self and this world can be hard we all have just crap to deal with some of us care so much about the Warriors a game like this makes you

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First time around better help will will will hold your hand in that process celebrate the progress you’ve already made visit lockon NBA today to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp locked on NB hey you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part

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Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering every league go to locked on sports today on YouTube and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel I want to go to the I want to go to the chat because I don’t know if stats are going to really answer

Anything I mean one more time just to cover this again Stephen Curry that costly turnover at the end a lot of people are going to focus on that and maybe rightfully so this was a tie game you only needed a two and for some reason lately the Warriors have been

Putting themselves in these situations where instead of going for the easy bucket they’re going for I don’t know if if if razzled Dazzle the right way to to to articulate this I don’t know if they’re just but you don’t need a three all you need is the easiest basket

Imaginable and Steph at the worst possible time M I thought was a fantastic game he had another 30-point night his 15th game of the season scoring 30 or more points he was 11 of 23 from the field just shy of 50% for a point guard that’s a good number five of

12 from Deep that’s that’s a great number that’s just shy of 50% from Deep had six assists and only had two turnovers but that one at the end was very costly Klay Thompson I thought also had a good game 24 points for him he was nine of 18 from the field still don’t

Understand why he got pulled in that second quarter right when he was on a heater four of 10 from Deep one trip to the free throw line the Splash Brothers were were doing fine I’m going to I’m going to go my to To My Grave saying

That the fault tonight lied in a few things one is Steve Kerr just I don’t know if he just doesn’t like his two lottery picks I haven’t figured out what the what the the reasoning is and warriors media unfortunately the folks who cover this team just there outside

Of maybe Anthony Slater he’s earned so much good will I guess with the local media that no one wants to challenge him no one wants to ask you know hard questions no one wants to follow follow up but at a certain point you got to get

A specific reason from Steve CES to why what is going on with you in your two lottery picks you blew it with James wisman All right but to blow it with another set of two more lottery picks like what is it about them he doesn’t like I I just I’m

I it’s just man that’s ignorant it’s ignorant it is absolutely ignorant go Javier fire cerr certified mangon says coach Rivers For Hire I don’t know I don’t know if Doc is is the right I I’ve been advocating for Brent Barry you know similar path to the Warriors as

Steve ker had only he actually is having acre some additional experience with the Spurs Joe writes Kerr must have been forced kaminga and Moody well what I’ve heard behind the scenes is those two players word lob liked him Joe lob really wanted Chris DTE with the with

The 14th pick this much we do know and but here’s what I here’s what I by the way I heard I got a text message from my this is look you can aggregate this if you want all right inside source of the Golden State Warriors telling me Jonathan kaminga is

Pissed Jonathan kaminga is literally fuming in the locker room could you blame him could you blame him if I’m Jonathan kaminga 21 years old I have all the talent in the world all I need is a coach who’s going to support me a coach who’s gonna guide me and instead you get

Steve Kerr who prefers his favorites who nurtures an environment of yes men and women I don’t mean to make that gender specific the point is it’s a toxic environment the sooner change comes the better in my humble opinion yeah and and crazy booa chicken who writes curb back to TNT confirmed

That would be my strong guess I do not see Steve Cur going back to coaching after this yeah uh RAR Hernandez the media are not asking hard questions you’re absolutely right Bree CS writes kaminga is the only player we have that can get Buckets in the paint and get to the free

Throw line absolutely correct in case uh I was muted in saying this and again I sincerely apologize for that that’s really bugging me that I did that he had he had a seven free throw attempts tonight next up on the Warriors Stephen Curry with three how are you ever going

To get opposing players in foul trouble if you’re not attacking the paint how are you getting how are you limiting transition points for the opposition if you’re not routinely getting to the free throw line how are you getting the easiest points imaginable getting to the free throw line the only players on this

Roster who routinely consistently get to the free throw line are Stephen Curry who leads the team in free throw attempts Jonathan kaminga who’s second on the team in free throw attempts and once upon a time it was Andrew Wiggins who tonight had zero free throw attempts kaminga had seven you’re absolutely correct

One backbone right Kur said lead the lead was blown because they couldn’t penetrate but bring back the only player that can attack a will with kaminga no way you’re absolutely right uh Greg Gordon I need to correct this real fast this is not true Greg Gordon writes that

Kerr is coaching the national team for a few more years he’s not quitting not true Steve Kerr is actually uh Calling it Quits with the national team after uh this Summer’s Olympics uh he and he said so let’s get some love to another sponsor and then uh I’m going to

Continue with the chat this is going to be your show tonight I’m going to read everything I’ll respond to it because what good is it for me to tell you that the Warriors lost the points in the paint battle again 60 to 56 they lost the battle of Second Chance points

1514 they’re the worst team the NBA in Fast Break points guess how many this scor tonight four um well I’m going to get I’m going to go to the chat because what what there’s we all you all saw the game if you’ve seen the highlights and you’re

Coming here you’ve seen what needs to be seen it was you literally had the Warriors quite possibly their second best player just sitting there for the last 18 minutes of this game just makes no sense if it it makes it just makes no sense and and Moses

Moody by the way another dnp like where is the launching in that could someone in the chat tell me if uh Moses Moody if anyone asked Steve Kerr about Moses Moody because obviously we’re doing a live show here I cannot check that and Joe I agree with you as well

Uh that Chris Paul playing next to Steph it’s not efficient these two need to be you know back and forth they need to be St like they need to be staggered they should not be playing together I totally agree with you um real fast we got a new sponsor

Here let’s let’s let’s take a quick break and talk about our our brand new sponsor and that is hungry root which is all about food how many of you going to be depressed eating after this that is a thing folks I’ll say this look I’m a bachelor right now in life don’t

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State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day all right one final segment of locked on Warriors thank you for listening for the every dayers out there we’re back at this tomorrow night if there is a reprieve if there is any good news from

This game is that the Warriors are playing the Pistons tomorrow that they have to win that right I hope um let’s get to the chat because I just want to make these final 10 minutes about you Tommy McMahon writes where is Joe lob on this curse situation that is a great question I’ve

Been wondering that myself it would be nice if he came out and spoke publicly do not be surprised if a trade happen soon all right don’t be surprised by that the two players most likely to be moved will be Wiggins and or Draymond Green Steve ker by the way pushing back

On the reports that Draymond is set to come back to the facility soon yada mean writes CER would probably advocate for Corey Joseph [Laughter] minutes oh my God all right let’s let’s see what’s going on here in the chat I’m trying to I’m trying to catch with everyone here let’s see what’s going

On uh Jeff Z cool says trade cerr Craig Ross writes you think Mo Cheeks as the coach I’ve already I’ve already said it’s Brent Barry is my pick and we’re gonna have a show soon dedicated one of our our really loyal every dayers uh Nick frensky I think

You’re in the chat you suggested a name who’s an assistant on the Sacramento Kings if you’re in the chat right now please throw that idea in the chat and I will repeat it um because your idea was solid is I forgot I don’t know the individual’s name off top of my head

He’s an assistant with the Sacramento Kings I do agree Adrien Smith who writes the team is good it’s just Kerr I wholeheartedly agree with you I have faith in Moses Moody I think he’s going to be and is a fantastic basketball player folks 18 19 20 months ago when

This team was in the middle of a world championship season they went into the postseason starting Moses moody in games for a world championship team a year and a half later for inexplicable reasons he’s getting dnp night after night Gary Payne II is injured he was still dnpd

Why oh and there Nick you’re here okay and Nick your suggestion is Jordy Fernandez of the Sacramento Kings so far so good I did a little research on him not bad not bad at all would not hate it Tanner D writes is there a trade that

I want to happen I’ve said Pascal SE AUM repeatedly I don’t like the idea of trading kaminga for him I would be bummed trading Moody for him this is in addition to say Andrew Wiggins but Pascal seum would be a Difference Maker obviously the issue this is all

Predicated on the premise that Steve Kerr gets out of the way like if they make a trade and Steve Kerr somehow stops fumbling all these important decisions Pascal seakan wouldn’t be the worst and then a buddy of mine I was speaking with with today one of my closest friends suggested Jared Allen of

Clevel Cavaliers and the more I think about that the more I love it the kid the dude can pass he gives you defense he could actually hold his own against a Nicola yic so he would bring tremendous value tonight so those are two players off the top of my

Head Andrew s30 writes why do you think Draymond will be traded Myriad of reasons uh the language from Steve Kerr being nonsupportive of Draymond Green those Boogie cousins sound bites that you heard on yesterday’s show which for some reason have not been have not blown up yet I’m a little surprised by that

Honestly um bookie cousins and Draymond Green are very close friends very close and it would not surprise me if a lot of Boogie cousins words and I’m repeating my that same close friend who suggested Jared Allen he he actually inspired this and I wholeheartedly agree it would not surprise me if what

Boogie was saying yesterday was simply him repeating what Draymond is saying behind the scenes I’ve said this on this show repeatedly Steve kerb puts up with Draymond Green Steve Kerr and Draymond Green are not close there are two players on this roster who love Steve Kerr Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson

Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson also loved Mark Jackson though and Rachel Nichols actually brought that up in the same clip I don’t know if it was in the clip or I don’t know if we played it on the show but if you listen to the whole eight nine minute thing uh Rachel

Nichols added that on top of Boogie cousins words that this organization has in the past made changes at the head coaching position when things were not terrible I mean when Mark Jackson was fired even though the Warriors lost in seven games in that series against the Clippers they things were looking up

This team obviously had a phenomenal bright future ahead of them and Steve Kerr at that time was right for this job just he’s not right now he’s never proven he can develop Talent he clearly has tremendously poor judgment in terms of who to play so if the GM doesn’t give

Him a perfect roster we’re he’s going to do what we’re seeing right now which is play the wrong players at the wrong times and when it comes to Draymond I think a huge reason why he might be traded is because the Warriors just might be done with this that this last

Incident might have been enough and again you’re not hearing supportive words he hasn’t been around the team he still in my humble opinion has value around the league the Lakers obviously are the top of the list for who hypothetically would want Draymond Green right I could see the Dallas Mavericks

Wanting him I’m sure they’re salivating over the idea of Luca donic having Draymond Green covering his back he still has value in terms of a trade and so when you ask me why do I think he’s going to be traded I’m not I’m not saying this emphatically like I think

It’s going to happen this is all conjecture but if you’re reading the tea leaves it’s possible is what I’m trying to say all right let’s C catch up on the chat here we’ll go over for five more minutes uh Patrick Singh writes Lori Markin in the only downside to that if the reports

Are true that he’s available is report reportedly it’s going to cost five firstr draft picks now a lot of teams around the NBA look at the Warriors future first round picks and they see a lot of value there and the reason why is because a lot of teams in the NBA see

The Golden State Warriors two three years from now as a non-playoff team hell they’re a non-playoff team now but two to three years from now teams do not look at the warrior situation and envy it and so they they find Value in those first round picks those first round

Picks in 2026 789 those have a lot of value to them you can make deals and get something back so I don’t know if I don’t know if if the reports are true that five first rounders is gonna is what will convince the Utah Jazz to trade Lori Markin in but supposedly

That’s that’s the uh that’s the cost horse mcra rights the scouting report for the Warriors No matter how bad they’re beating you don’t panic they will somehow give you an opportunity to get back into the game by turnovers bad shots and no defense hybrid Nick wholeheartedly agree with you play

Kaminga over pajami down the stretch that would have been the best decision Uncle Chef thinks that they’re not going to make any significant uh uh changes this season I don’t I don’t buy that I so far for Mike dely Jr so very good you have to give him his credit for

These two draft picks Brandon psky Bravo dude the Golden State Warriors uh they have their own algorithm for draft picks they they revamped their analytics department and Brandon pky was very high on their draft board and in hindsight Bravo your algorithm worked your scouting worked got to give credit where

Credits du and Mike Dy Jr who granted we can’t really trust what he says because he said Jordan P wasn’t going anywhere and then like three days later he’s gone but he did say that by the time Draymond Green comes back if this team is not 500 or better

Better he I think he actually said over 500 um there’s going to be some decisions to be made they’re two games below 500 right now do not be surprised if a trade happens if it yeah I I the Warriors right now in the standings by the way 16 and 18

A half game behind the Lakers for the playin and they’re currently four and a half games behind the Pelicans and the Kings for the six seed and that is trouble four and a half games is a lot Joseph bie wres Steph Steve cerr is afraid of Draymond Green Greg Gordon

Writes Steve Kerr won’t play SE AUM he’s too tall oh my God uh Kade Jackson uh I I don’t know if this is true Kade wres that if Draymond Green got Trad as Steph would ask out Steph’s been playing a lot of games without Draymond Green and I think he’s

Learning he can live without Drey and Ste Stephen Curry’s never been a high drama dude I I I wouldn’t see that happening I just would not see that happening um yeah twister duck makes a good point that Stephan Curry just might need to step up be a leader and tell

Ownership it’s time to move on from Kerr you might be right jigy Ooa writes that here she can coach better than Kerr skybound writes hopefully kaminga is gone are you are you writing that because he’s being mistreated here or are you one of the holdouts who just doesn’t like him

Yeah Billy 415 Andrew Wiggins did look lost guarding Aaron Gordon Aaron Gordon ate up the Warriors tonight he did hybrid Nick 12 agree with you playing kaminga over psky down the stretch would have been the best decision probably all right this was brutal this was absolutely

Brutal God damn it you know I always tell my students like I like they if they if they give me an F paper that means I’m spending like an hour plus on it grading it right and it’s a pain in the ass I’m giving him all sorts of feedback and the same goes

With this program when and if it’s an aaper I can in a minute I know it’s an AER there’s little to grade I give them the props the same goes for this show when the Warriors are are kicking ass this is fun this is a good ride we’re all having a party but

When they’re playing like this Kate I teach uh I teach journalism um Carlo Gans writes that Chris Paul is such a liability on defense and you’d rather trade him than Wiggins I want to the only argument I’m making for for for Chris Paul is he has been a huge help

For for kaminga and for Trace Jackson Davis I don’t know if if psky is thriving under him I don’t know if py is being is being rewarded for Chris Paul’s tutelage but certainly in in the case of of kaminga and Trace Jackson Davis it’s it’s almost like they’re being coached

By by Chris Paul more than the real coaches are and um so that’s my one argument for keeping Chris Paul Nick fensky writes that trades will not help the coach is the problem yeah very possible very possible uh Jay Boogie writes all the top teams have at least two impact

Players on the roster the dubs only have one who’s the second impact player for the nuggets are is Jamal Murray I mean and it’s not like the Warriors team that won the title in 2022 had this second quote unquote impact player I mean that guy was Andrew Wiggins so I

Mean I know Wiggins had a a great game but Mark Medina I still I’m forever curious if this is the mark Medina who’s who’s a journalist or if you just have the same name uh right it’s Steve K’s proving the haters right like Chuck and big perk I know yeah yeah right all

Right see if there’s anything else that’s new that we haven’t touched on yeah and and y y mean I don’t mean to respect Jamal Murray in saying that but it’s just when he comes to like Jamal Murray’s never made an All-Star team and there’s there is a reason for that um I

Don’t mean to disrespect him though he is a very good player I do agree um yeah I’m just seeing if there’s anything else here I need to address uh super frustrated SF Giants fan talking about Larry KR Krueger’s been busy with the Niners I don’t think he’s

Him and I are going to be doing shows together I promise you it’s just that the Niners have really taken his attention uh I know he’s going to be doing Warriors shows and like I said him and I he’s one of my closest friends so we we’ll be we’ll be doing plenty work

Together I should bring him on this show soon actually he might he might go on a nice little tangent you know I’ll work on that I’ll see if Krueger will actually be available for tomorrow night’s show um oh now this is a good good one rixing right should they keep kabon lony this

One hurts cavon Looney to me is one of the hardest players to uh be negative about out because of just how good of a dut he is but bottom line is this I don’t and this is my opinion but I don’t think the Warriors win a title

If cavon Looney’s part of this rotation I like Trace Jackson Davis because he’s taller he’s bigger he’s he’s offensively I think it brings more to the table he’s a better shot blocker um he’s more athletic and Looney for some reason where he’s regressed the part of his game that’s

Regressed that’s hurt the team the most is his inability to be a switch Defender Looney in the past you could count on him to at least play adequate defense on a really quick guard this season that has not proven true he’s become a huge liability defensively in general he’s

Become a huge liability and so if you make a trade let’s say for Pascal seum for Lori Lori marinan even for Jared Allen whoever the player is in these hypothetical discussions cavon Looney whether he’s traded or not if you’re thinking the Warriors are still a champion Contender he’s got to be an odd

Man out he’s got to be at the end of the bench um if he’s not traded so if he ends up being traded it would suck because he’s a good dude I you know but I mean this is a business ultimately you know I mean this is I grew up and this

Is my philosophy and you know in terms of discussing the Warriors as a dynasty and they’re at the tail end of this thing right now maybe it’s over I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area watching a San Francisco 49ers team that lady a blueprint down for how to sustain a

Dynasty for 18 years and one thing I learned from that is sentimentality cannot exist in Personnel decisions meaning cavon Looney if you keep him you’re keeping him for sentimental reasons he’s not that guy anymore Andrew Wiggins if you keep him you’re keeping him for sentimental reasons he’s a massive liability offensively now

Still I think is a good Defender but kaminga is better in my humble opinion the Klay Thompson thing is really tricky and I won’t even touch that one because a lot of people get bummed but the point is you got to make these changes while these assets still have value the 49ers

Traded Joe Montana they leted go of Roger Craig they LED go of Ronnie lot they LED go of of John Taylor all right like like they they they in they they moved on when the timing was right and the Warriors still have a Stephen Curry

Who’s in his prime and they do have some damn good assets on this team you can make a deal and get pieces back and still be a contender let’s not forget they almost won this game if they had competency at the top in terms of leadership they do win this game so it’s

Not like they’re like a a light years no pun intended you know distant from the the top tier teams they beat the Celtics a couple weeks ago side note by the way all those people that were that were calling the Krista’s porzingis Edition for the Celtics overrated overblown are

You still saying that because I was one of the only voices saying okay what are the Warriors going to do in terms of size because I was envious of the Celtics for doing that so and the point is with cavon Looney um I just I think that the the

The time is up for him I do I hate saying that I mean look this team cut ties with Andre Iguodala if they can do that why can’t they do that with kabon Looney why can’t they do that with Andrew Wiggins this is a business these are adults who are making millions upon

Millions of dollars all right they will survive these decisions but yeah they’re yeah and Hyper Nick 12 yeah who writes kaming is mad because pods a rookie is playing instead of them I I don’t know if the the psky part of it has anything to do with it my

Understanding is those two actually like each other a lot I think it’s just ultimately sitting there for 18 minutes and looking at his head coach thinking what have I ever done to you to make you to for you to punish me like this his decision C’s decisions are not resulting

In success if they’re not successful decisions you how do you justify them you know this is a sub 500 team over the last five years all right Samuel uh quu benel writes uh this lost by The Warriors is a turning point of the season if things remain the same

No plan correct they’re out of it right now the Grizzlies could rise up above the Warriors very true uh Fang you SFU writes seaka means kaminga will never play I don’t agree with that seaka would be your your quote unquote Center they they would they could easily play

Alongside each other they don’t play the same position seum is by Warrior standards a center okay so he they w’t that’s not going to cause problems for uh for kaminga um all right oh look at this someone actually look finding the positive uh in the Warrior

Situation you go by the handle I AO XTL who writes Kur sits kaminga to give Wiggins and Looney trade value before they’re shipped for a major contributor Bravo and the positivity all right let’s hope you’re right let’s hope you’re right all right folks yeah Pino reformat writing seum is

Not stopping yic no one stops yic you just got to slow him down a little bit you just gota you just got to at least match the points you gotta you just gotta narrow that difference um thank you Ken Moma you are you’re the best all right folks we’re done this was

Brutal thanks for making me feel a little better I hope I hope the feeling is mutual in that regard um yeah Kate Jackson’s in love with uh Lori Markin and I don’t blame you he’s a good player I just think that the price is going to

Be too high I I just don’t want to give people Hope on that one um thank thanks everyone yeah this was brutal we’re back at this tomorrow night I’m gonna try to get lry Krueger on whoever I forgot already SF Giants fan I think you

Inspired me to do that I’ll ask kruer if he’s available for tomorrow night um they got to beat the Pistons right right right oh let’s lose our minds together folks have a great evening we’ll be back at this tomorrow [Applause] byebye

Cyrus Saatsaz went solo for a Thursday Night Live postgame episode following yet another monumental collapse by the Golden State Warriors as the team blew an 18 point late game lead to extend their losing streak to the Denver Nuggets to 6 games while raising evey more questions about the acument of Head Coach Steve Kerr, who continues making questionable decisions that are costing the team games.

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  1. Steve Kerr is the king of imaginary rules. He has no gut instinct to coach. He is so stiff. His closing lineups always sucks!

  2. Steve kerrs favoritism for the Vets over the younger players makes him unfit to coach this team. He will stick with the Vets no matter how bad they are playing. When the younger players have proven to be far more consistent to the Vets the entire year!

  3. Curry has to take this loss on himself . That turnover was dumb but when GS gets up big he starts taking dumb shots n the team starts dribbling out the shot clock instead of doing what was working . That loss was the straw that broke my back . GS is a play in team at best .

  4. Kerr trying to get back at Kuminga about the remarks he's been making about his minutes. Basically Kerr benched him!!! Worst coach for young talents!

  5. At this point, I want the warriors to lose to the pistons tonight just to embarrass Kerr and the organization. And force Mike Dunn to make drastic changes

  6. I hope they fire him today. Its just too much man. So stupid and lame losing again and again despite having an 18-20 point lead. Maybe he's worst than monty williams. Detroit Fuck Kerr and Draymond let them leave!!

  7. I’ve never heard poor leadership with the warriors ever. Bad take. Warriors are just old. The leadership is just guilty of being faithful to the players that created the dynasty.

    This is just bad fandom

  8. NO team should be losing a game with a 16 point lead with 6 minutes left on the clock. Their is NO need to shoot 3 points at this point in a game. for each 2 pointer made they have to match with a 3 pointer 16 times to tie. This is ridiculously bad for Kerr. He should be replaced. Yes he was considered great while they had the right players and won championships. But this team as we speak is losing because of Kerr. He's a good man and was a great ball player but his coaching is sub standard.When you have that kind of lead which they have had many times this yr only to blow it, you no longer need the 3 point play. You let the time clock run down and use the inside to make 2 pointers, Even if you miss, your running the clock down. In other words PROTECT THE LEAD>

  9. Kerr made bad decisions, Wiggs is awful, Klay is on and off, Steph as great as he is he made the worst last minute pass ever.

  10. What I love about L-O-W is that they are brutally honest when the team make mistakes. we can’t continue to defend kerr, the lack of consistency, etc. other biased channels (don’t wanna say which one exactly) but they always say “oh by the vets are the reason we won🤓”, “dray is out so that’s why we’re not that good”. even when dray comes back, it doesn’t give us a huge leap. the warriors need to make moves ASAP and kerr needs to stop giving these vets more minutes when they play bad.

  11. as a clipper fan i love watchihg the Dub melt down but we have 1 thing in common your head coach is doing the same thing as our head coach. Like Kerr he does not develop young players and has guys on the roster that never see the floor when he could use them situationaly this causes really bad chemistry.

  12. Steve Kerr is a lazy coach. His whole basis for not playing Kuminga and Wiggins together is because the numbers and analytics tell him they are a bad combo together. But why is he so pigeonholed and obsessed with numbers when it's his poor decision making that got them those numbers in the first place? His job is suppose to bring out the best in players by playing the right combo and having the right pieces alongside to compensate each other during each and every game based on the specifics of his opponents, but this idiot doesn't do that. Instead he constantly compromises his players by not setting them up right for success because he thinks the game should be played a certain way. Basketball is mock warfare, and you know what they do in wars? They figure out the landscape and the tactics of their opponents to determine warring formations and counter attacks. This guy has his plans on paper and that's the only thing he would stick with without considering real time situations. Kerr is never innovative either, he's just a lucky bastard. I knew this idiot would get outcoached and smoked by Spoel in that game against the Heat. This guy needs to go, he's compromising Steph's legacy and destroying young players' careers. As far as Kuminga's concerned, Barkley was right during last night's halftime show. Kuminga should have been incorporated into his rotations the past 2 years and getting experience, but he's only being incorporated now into the rotation and that's only because of injuries and suspensions to GP2 and Donkey Kong. And now Kuminga is under a microscope because he's plugged into the rotation to be a superstar when he never had time to even practice, and you are expecting a 21 year old to save the season and help with a championship run????!!!!! And!!! If Kuminga doesn't do that he's yanked!!!! Kerr you are one motherfucking all time frauds!!! I've never seen anyone as lucky as you to be coattail riding Michael Jordan, Tim Duncan, and now Steph Curry! Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. “Stephen curry getting heater and get pulled out? “ Kerr literally does that all the time 😂😂😂

  14. And Steph is to be blamed as well. What's with all the hero ball? If you are that frustrated and know the situation ain't right, can you please be more like Lebron James and demand changes to happen! It doesn't even have to be drastic trades, you just need to voice up that you need more screens and pick and rolls! To hell with this stupid motion offense bullshit! Stop being the nice guy who your legacy is on the line! All your fans are rooting for you, do it for the fans!!! Now you are just disappointing us!

  15. that 39 foot buzzer beater shot by the joker was of epic proportions! the nuggets were throwing down hard in the paint! SMH

  16. Where are the owners of gsw? Kerr needs to go. Fans has been saying that the league is now big. We need big guys. Help, Help, Help

  17. Wiggins and some olds must go- Green, CP3, even Looney. But first order of the day is to fire Kerr. This very last game exposed Kerr's poor decision in end-game

  18. Why is it thst ehen dtrph pulld games out for us all the callers say he is too ten all time or he is the goat greatest shooter etc he makes a bad pass only two turnovers in thirty five minutes u people are nothing but hypocrites

  19. Hey tony clark check nba stats curry first in clutch scoring in league in fourth qtr first in clutch olayer award get off his back would u lije to imagine what theirvrecord would be without his late game heroics

  20. love coming to you Cy to bask in post game misery! it's kerr's after game remarks that are so infuriating. the guy just doesn't get it.

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