@Miami Heat

[Charania] After sitting the final 18 minutes of Nuggets loss, Warriors forward Jonathan Kuminga has lost faith in Steve Kerr and no longer believes that Kerr will allow him to reach his full potential, sources say.


What are yalls thoughts on this and would you trade for him. if so whats the most you’d give for him (i don’t even know what he does don’t shoot the messenger)

by Adraf45


  1. I would love the Heat to call up Kerr because I think Kuminga and Moody (who has equally been frustrated with Kerr and his lack of minutes) would be perfect fits for us.

    Martin and Dru Smith (and/or Highsmith) for Moody and Kuminga on the Warriors. Shoot could even do a pick swap or something if they wanted a few more assets. You could maybe twist my arm and give up a FRP if we got some seconds because I am very high on Moody.

    Imo Moody is being hilariously underutilized by Kerr (mainly because he refuses to cut Klay’s minutes) and would be a perfect PG to play behind Lowry and learn/grow. He impressed me a lot when we played the warriors a few weeks ago.

    Kuminga is another rangy wing that I think can grow in the heat system. Like Moody would be a rfa that the Heat could retain.

    Warriors would value the defense and vet presence of Martin (because Kerr hates rookies)

  2. Esjay_954

    Would be a great youth building block to add.

    Not sure what I would cost from a heat angle. Feel like if they were offloading Kuminga they could get something better than heat have to offer

    I’ve always liked his potential. One of those dudes that in the right situation could just breakout.

  3. Aggravating-Lack608

    Not worth it for us to sacrifice any legit assets. Not the type of high IQ players we look for. Would rather just keep using our picks on hand selected Heat culture guys.

  4. Muted_Dog7317

    Based on the rumors today I’d say look at Dejounte Murray as a starter or Davion Mitchell as a backup.

    Kuminga is a high upside forward but I like what we have with Jaquez and Jovic, what we’re missing is a point guard.

  5. GrogRhodes

    I’d definitely be trying to move Caleb Martin for a controllable asset. There’s no way were gonna resign him on a reasonable contract given all the factors and our cap situation.

  6. BagelFury

    Awwwww, too bad. I guess those smarmy, silicon valley mopes can get back to sucking while they insufferably monologue about “disrupting” this and that.

  7. no i wouldnt trade for kuminga but if the warriors do fall apart i would want chris paul on a buyout

  8. julstar23

    Oh here we ho trying to save a player from another team regardless of fit lol .Whoose minutes are these guys taking ?Would moody play over jrich,jamie or even Highsmith?Probably not and Kaminga probably won’t play over Highsmith. Kerr is an over rated coach but we run some of the same sets that they do and how is Wiseman and Poole doing on other teams ?

  9. Bompetition

    The potential for Kuminga is there but I don’t know where he’d fit in splitting minutes with our other forwards if he’s complaining about playing time and his role.

    Whose minutes out of Jimmy, JJJ, Caleb, Highsmith, Jovic, and Love (assuming they’re all healthy) is he taking if we take this gamble? He’d be better off on a team that’s thinner at the position if he wants to make an immediate impact.

  10. Ozymandias12

    Highly doubt we target a guy like Kuminga. We have a lot of 6’7 wings already and we’re about 236K away from the 2nd apron so if I had to bet, I’d say Miami does absolutely nothing at the trade deadline and rides the season out with this group then waits to see what happens in the playoffs.

  11. KayRay1994

    Nah – I like Kuminga but it feels like he would be too redundant for this roster, and anyone we trade for him will either mean we lose something for this redundancy or we trade away someone who’ll fulfill the exact same role. I’m all for taking a gamble, but i’m gonna need a potential higher reward than full potential peak Kuminga to be enticed

  12. Significant-Rate2385

    At this point I don’t expect the Heat to trade anyone (we’re certainly not trading Lowry), but the only other player we might trade is Caleb Martin who is also expiring in order bring back a point guard which we lack + future talent.

    As someone else said, Kuminga and Moody makes sense for Caleb although the heat would likely need to add a FRP swap at least.

    Either way, these scenarios are highly doubtful given the cap/assets and competitive state of the team.

  13. kakabakaba

    I’m not interested in Kuminga when we have a lot of wings already even though I think he’s a great talent. This just shows the gap between Spo as the best coach in the NBA and the rest of them.

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