@Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors Can STILL Win

The Golden State Warriors Can STILL Win

It is the new year and the Golden State Warriors have started off with a bang again this new lineup is proving to be lethal when used in the right dosage hey what’s happening everyone this is Swiss culture as the warrior saga continues the team has been enduring some major

Ups and downs one minute it seems the only option is to trade the next minute they’re blowing a team out of the water so what does this really mean this and More in today’s video so without further delay let’s get to [Applause] It the trade deadline is fast approaching and only a little over a month away officially ending on February 8th 2024 the problem the team currently has is the lack of consistency something which some have concluded could be resolved by adding some veteran two-way players one such two-way player was OG

An anobi while the warriors were in fact interested in the trade it turns out that the price they were asking for the 26-year-old wing was a bit too steep for Golden State in conversations between reps from both teams masiu jery wanted no less than Jonathan kaminga plus three

First round picks the warriors on the other hand were not even remotely interested in entertaining A Jonathan kaminga trade and rightfully so there have been plenty of nights when the young 21-year-old third-year player was the second best player on a team that won a championship two seasons ago not

That any of that matters at this point considering the Raptors just traded OG to the Knicks for RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickley it does go to show you however that the team is very much invested in Jonathan kaminga and believes he could take that next step given the right opportunity alternatively there have

Been trade talks surrounding the Raptor’s All-Star Pascal cakam although the 6’8 former All-Star has struggled from three this season he seems to be reverting back to the norm over his last few games while this may matter for his trade value it may not matter for his future with the Raptors SE yakum wants

To enter free agency to give himself more control over his future but the Raptors if interested in competing in the near future would be doing more harm than good to their franchise if they don’t trade him by the deadline and let another team sign him in free agency he

Doesn’t exactly fit the timeline of the emergence of Scotty Barnes and is more valuable to Toronto as a trade piece the next few weeks however do give Toronto a look at how well he plays next to these young players as sakam is still only 29 and if they don’t get good trade offers

Now would probably like to know what they should offer him if they don’t want him to walk at the end of the season and get nothing in return so what does this mean for the Warriors well the Warriors have a bit of a strange depth issue the team doesn’t currently have five players

That stand out so much Above the Rest as deserving of consistent playing time this hasn’t always been the case the Warriors started this season with a fiveman lineup that had the best overall rating from the prior year despite the team losing in the second round of the

The Lakers the quick start this season with the team going six and two in their first eight games gave hope that this was a continuation of last season in terms of starters with an improved bench that could hold on to and in some cases even improve what was usually a Warriors

Lead when Steph Curry would go to the bench what they currently have however is a group of 12 to 13 players who all could provide quality starter minutes given the opportunity so does the team stick with underperforming vets who might just be in a funk or try to cook

Up a new formula based around the younger and at times seemingly better players a lineup that knows what it takes to win a championship but looks terrible or one with no Championship experience that looks better but might ultimately not really be a contender here in lies the conundrum of the Golden

State Warriors when you get into the details however things start to clear up although these sample sizes are small one thing is becoming obvious let me see if you guys can figure it out first up the team’s record the Warriors record when Klay Thompson starts is 15 and 17

Their record when Wiggins starts is 9 and 12 when Draymond starts it’s 7- 8 interestingly enough when Kavon Looney starts the record is 15 and 13 this I believe is the only one that might not pass the ey test but after his game against the magic it’s obvious Looney

Can still play it’s just when he chooses to bring it when Steph Curry starts the team record is 16 and 15 so out of the main lineup three players have a losing record when they’re in the starting lineup Wiggins clay and Draymond Green Draymond seemed to have been doing fine

But was this because he had Looney in the front court so what about our young players after losing to the Phoenix Suns with Draymond Green getting an indefinite suspension and falling to 10 and 14 on the season it was clear something wasn’t working and Steve C was

Forced to make a change to the starting lineup along with Draymond Wiggins was removed from the starting lineup and replaced by Jonathan kaminga and Brandon psky the Warriors record with Jonathan kaminga in the starting lineup this season is 6 and five with psky that that number is 5 and three with Moses Moody

That number is 3 and one it’s a rather small sample size for Moody but over his entire career his record is a starter with golden state is still 11- s now although there’s some overlap let’s simplify this for a big picture look with Draymond Wiggins and Clay’s individual records added up the Warriors

Have a cumulative record of 31 and 37 that’s a below 500 Squad coming in at 460 which is slightly worse than the current 485 they still land in same spot but closer to the bottom than the top with kaminga Moody and pods that record is 14 and9 this means that extrapolating

The record data theoretically a team of Steph pods Moody kaminga and Looney would give the Warriors a 60.9% win rate placing them fifth in the Western Conference we’ve also seen how well the Warriors play with Trace Jackson Davis however this impact is not immediately apparent the Warriors record with him is

11 and 12 and without him it’s 5 and five this is possible ible due to Looney at times playing very minimal minutes despite starting their record with him as a starter is too minuscule to really discuss as they’ve only played two games lost one and won the other for the last

Win loss record Edition Chris Paul is three and six with the Warriors as a starter although there could be variants this data is telling me one thing and one thing only the Warriors play better when they have a younger lineup next to Steph Curry whether or not that leads to

Them winning a championship is yet to be determined but if the team sticks to the veterans getting these Lions share of the minutes during the regular season they won’t need to worry about winning a championship what I can also tell you is that the Warriors versus the magic was

Also one of the better defensive games the team has played so far this season some unlikely matchups yielded the team some of the best out of their players and one player specifically Klay Thompson commented on what might have impacted his play in that game um well Steve and I had actually a great

Conversation yesterday that helped me relax a lot sometimes I forget just how successful and how lucky I’ve been to be a part of championship teams and Allstar games and gold medals you want to get back to that level so badly could kind of get in your own

Way and rather than forcing it we had a conversation about just enjoying this last chapter of my career and how lucky I truly am to still be playing this game doing it at a high level and being a better Mentor for these young guys Lean by example having my energy right every

Game and he helped me realize I do have negative energy how that affects the team in a poor manner so that just helped me change my whole mindset and forget about shooting splits or points per game or Allstar games just to enjoy being in his Warriors uniform and appreciate what we built

Because it’s such a rare opportunity for any professional athlete to be a part of Summer success and to try and pass that towards the young guys and keep this thing going Klay Thompson was a completely different player in that game on both ends of the floor one of the

Things I’ve mentioned is the pressure clay has been putting on himself this being a contract year he rejected the Warriors offer on a 2-year $48 million deal and I’ve heard rumors he was looking for something around 4 years 168 million now that isn’t confirmed but if

True it makes sense with the way clay has been playing as well as why he’s so far from the owners at the negotiating table that 2-year 48 million option is no longer on the table by the way which came after what has been an atrocious season for clay that added pressure only

Got worse as his level of play got worse which perpetuated this vicious cycle where he would go out to try to prove himself every night but ended up decreasing his value as a player if he continues to play like he did against Orlando he’d be better able to allow the

Natural progression of his career from a high level role player to a lower level role player and possibly even Off the Bench considering how well the young guys performed by comparison the warriors were expected to lose the matchup versus Orlando for a number of reasons as one of the hottest teams in

The Eastern Conference featuring Paulo banero France Vagner and jayen Suggs among others the leap these young players took between last season and this season has the entire league watching considering they’re a top five seat team in the Eastern Conference this makes all the sense in the world that

They lost to the Warriors who gave their young guys JK tjd and pods 34 24 and 28 minutes respectively their track record as I mentioned earlier says this team is better than a 576 record when these young guys get minutes unfortunately most Moody hasn’t been getting much

Plain time due to the rotations but with Payton II recently going down with a hamstring injury for a few weeks this might be another law of unintended consequences with him more than likely returning to the lineup to absorb JP 2’s minutes one thing we all got to see a

Bit more of is on ball Steph Curry I was actually surprised they didn’t double team Curry as he brought the ball into the half court offensively this was one of the reasons the Warriors offense was clicking Steve cerr had injected Chris Paul into the starting lineup but it was

Less motion offense and more of the the ball in Curry’s hands I was actually expecting Steve Curry to put the ball in CP 3’s hands and try to get Steph Curry going but what happened was the opposite at least in part due to what happened in the prior game against Dallas where

Chris won off for 24 points going 6 for9 from three his addition next to Curry gives the team more versatility on offense as far as spacing the floor and additional ball handling and facilitating while allowing Curry more freedom to play on or off ball adding tjd into the mix ensured the Warriors

Have that vertical spacing and rim protection that’s often been missing this then runs into the tandem of tjd and kaminga in the front Court which provides a defensive deterrent with athletic guys something vastly different from the typical Draymond Green Kevan Looney combo JK picking up four assists

On just getting quick passes to Shooters is also a big development that showed the improved connectivity within the group this works because he’s such a big offensive threat teams can’t really sell out as he has No Reservations on dropping the hammer or in tougher situations hit a tough turnaround

Baseline fade you can see in the consistent minutes he’s been getting that he’s developing in real time and that blessing and disguise the Warriors received in the form of a Draymond suspension is paying dividends this will likely keep the trade room quiet as far as kaminga is concerned however it now

Opens the door for a lot of conversations regarding Draymond his permanent place with the team and that potential trait I mentioned above with Pascal cakam while Toronto likely sees Draymond as too much of an overlap with Barnes an option for the Warriors forward might help them open a ton of

Salary cap room to trade him in the offseason or even later on in the beginning of the season if a deal happens to come through a little bit late something they wouldn’t have if they go into the offseason with sakam adding Moses Moody to the deal would surely have the Raptors salivating and

Gp2 would fill up the rest of the salary cap I added Moody to this trade because he’s simply not getting enough playing time due to the roster depth and he’ likely be in a better situation starting next to Emanuel quickley RJ Barrett and Scotty Barnes his old teammate from high

High School the Raptors now have a talented team for a rebuild and the Warriors get a chance to compete this year this would benefit the Warriors by giving them an opportunity to play any combination of nasty lineups with kaminga cakam and tjd anchoring the team’s defense they could go with Steph

And Clay to maximize shooting Steph and Chris Paul to maximize offensive versatility or Steph and Wiggins to fortify with lockdown defense none of these options come with any drama and the versatility on this team if they had three wing players would create havoc on mismatches should the Warriors move on

From Draymond would you entertain a trade for SE yakum around Draymond that includes Moses Moody and Gary Payton II what changes would you make to the Trade Post your thoughts in the comments below and thanks for watching till next Time h

This is a roller Coaster


  1. For anyone wondering, a lack of consistency in player performance is NOT a coaching issue. Seriously. Who draws conclusions like that? Players aren't maintaining a consistent performance from game to game, so it has to be the coach's fault and not the fault of the players for not bringing the same level of energy or maintaining their on-court work ethic night after night which is only part of their job description? Sweet jeezus. I'm a Dubs fan for life. But sometimes other Dubs fans embarrass the shit out of me with their whackalooney conclusions. The mental gymnastics are astonishing. And not in a good way.

  2. Watching the Detroit game – why on earth is Corey Joseph playing!!!!!!!!!!! You have too many good players and can't play all of them and you're playing Corey $%#!@ Joseph while Mosses Moody is on the bench. Don't care if CPIII is out. Don't have to replace him with a "point gaurd!!!!!!" WTF – Mosses Moody should be playing so much more. Looney should be a reserve and TJD or Saric should be starting and the other on the second 5 – not even close. Wiggins definitely needs to be traded and should have little playing time at this point. Damn – KT shot selection is still questionable. And for goodness sack can we get some discipline in our passes. How many damn turnovers – it is nauseating. We should be winning by 20 against Detroit for most of the game. Kerr needs to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So Kerr gave Kuminga minutes in the Pistons game. I guess he will be benching him in one the two next games. Kerr thinks the fans are not able to see through his shenanigans.

  4. They do good aginast team that are under 500 the line up should be curry dray klay kuminga and trace with moody switching between dray and klay.

  5. Dude, your entire video is discussing offence. The Warriors don't have a problem on offence. Their misery lies in their defence. More accurately, their misery lies in the stupid lineups Steve Kerr is putting out onto the floor. Steve Kerr has a fetish with playing Curry and CP3 together. This HAS NOT worked all season on the defensive end. EVERY ONE of those leads were blown because the Warriors were weak defensively at the point of attack. Curry and CP3 are too small defensively to play together for extended periods. Also, Every player on the roster, besides CP3 is playing in a non-natural position. Steph at the 2, Klay at the 3, Saric at the 5, Kuminga at the 4, Wiggins at the 4, Moody at the 4 etc, etc, etc. Kerr needs to be fired and a coach who understands lineups and defence needs to be brought in to fix this team.

    The Warriors don't have a roster problem, they have a coaching problem.

    EDIT – Steve Kerr today against the Pistons played Corey Joseph instead of Moses Moody. If not for the crowd doing Kerrs job and chanting for Moody to enter the game, Moody would have suffered another DNP at the hand of the con man known as Steve Kerr. What a gem of a coaching job. Also, with Joseph on the floor, the double digit lead the Warriors enjoyed was replaced with a 2 point deficit until Joseph was subbed out. Kerr Must Go. NOW!!!

  6. If we lose, JK because of Kerrs inability to get over this small ball veteran only state of mind.. I’m going to be livid. This is coming from a fan of the Warriors since 2006. I love our core, but even I can recognize what needs to happen. We are not a shooting team anymore. That is no longer our identity so coming to terms with finding a new identity needs to happen fast. I’m not even asking to find a new identity right now. I’m asking for acceptance of not being a part of our identity and that starts with the head coach

  7. Great, great analysis Swish! The various combination break downs are insightful.. The dynasty of the Warriors has been in decline but they do have a nucleus of young players that can help stem the tide if their management team truly know whom to keep, whom to trade and, if the current coaching staff is appropriate to manage change.
    Love the disaggregation of the data man! Easier to see what the situation is when we eliminate the noise.
    Happy New Year and looking🎉 forward to your future commentary!

  8. To the point, Kuminga is a BIG CRY BABY! Is he a good to very good player? Yes. Is he patient No! In the mist of a possible storm, here comes another cry baby! He goes in when the COACH SAYS SO. Is Kuminga talented? Yes! The team is in mist of correcting the ship with the parts he now has, & Jonathan, NOW TAKE NOTE: is apart of the team! Yes apart of the TEAM. When cry babies start crying for more time, the possibility for implosion starts with someone being wanting more than what's needed! What do I mean??? Coach : being under the duress that he's in, with attempting to find the right combination to hold the team together, coupled with Draymonds possible return, now we have third year (CRY BABY) screams about miss trust and his playing time! No the coach has a GREAT DEAL of confidence in Kuminga! Example: hasn't his playing time increased up to this point compared from the same point from last year? Yes! Is he NOT Kuminga playing more than last year up to this point? yes! Is it his time to be the the 3rd or 4th option? He's coming close? Yes! Well breath little " grasshopper", Be supportive of the coach "little grasshopper". No matter the talent you may poses, he's the coach and you're still the grasshopper! Coach still has more rings that YOU DO! So fall in line and just shut up and wait until your number CALLED! To get to the point: He's still calling YOUR number. Mr. Hop…

  9. They should also trade cp3 if they decide to trade one of the core vets. Straight up green for paskal is enough sijnce paschal can walk out on free agency while green is a servicable utility vet under contract.

  10. Losing JP was giving up on their future. The fact that they did that for Draymond, so he can continue punching people, and get an "indefinite" suspension, is an extra slap in the face. What a foolish organization!

  11. What I can tell you is that Steve Kerr is an idiot and he is about to demolish the confidence of our young core only because of his stubbornness of not letting the young guns develop. Idiot coach who needs to be fired now before it is too late.

  12. Exactly 👍and who did say Warriors can't win whitout him(Drey)and offers him absolute more money than his earned🤔Steve Kerr😭

  13. in the last 12 games when kuminga has been inserted into the starting lineup after green's suspension

    he's averaging 14.3 pts 5.5 reb 2.4 ast on 57/27/75 shooting in only 26 minutes

    per 36 : 19.8 pts 7.6 reb 3.3 ast ; remember kuminga is 21 and was one of the youngest players from the 2021 draft, he's just one month older than 2023 draft picks miller (#2 pick) and four months older than the thompson twins who were picked at #4 and #5 overall

  14. The problem with the warriors is that its no longer capable of what made them deadly in the dynasty run, the ability to shoot the ball with player and quick ball movement plus the bench personnel to go along with it, the young guys while they are pretty good have not subscribed to how the core warriors play which is why you see the frustration with Klay and the veteran players and Steve Kerr, the warriors are actually now gravitating more to the way Chris Paul plays with the pick and roll and more hero iso ball and standing around, I really miss the days when the Kerr motion offense baffled defenses because of its constant motion and everyone was locked in on moving the ball and finding the open man and feeding the person with the hot hand, now its a lot more Steph and Chris pick and roll and the young guys doing just doing their own thing rather than supporting the OG warriors motion offense.

  15. The problem with Steph and CP3 is that there IS NO DEFENCE! Klay provides the same offense as Podz or Moody every 3-4 games and PLAYS NO DEFENCE! I would be (barely) ok with keeping Klay as a bench player but in that case CP3 needs to go to allow the younger players playing time. They need a starting 4 of which they have none. Saric is passable as a bench 4 – also, never, ever play him at center.

    1st unit 1. Curry 2. Moody/Podz 3.Whoever of Kuminga/Wiggins/Green you won't trade 4. Siakam 5. TJD unless there is a trade for Allen/Capela – in which case TJD becomes a bench 5.
    2nd unit. 1. Podz 2. Moody or Klay 3. Whoever remains after this mess at the 3 position 4 Saric 5. Looney

    edit: Forgot GP2 – yeah, Klay should be traded

  16. We're going to mess around and lose Moody and Kuminga.. Kerr seems to favor Brandon P a little too much, although I think he should get some playing time.. He has to play Moody and Kuminga…. I told people that our biggest loss was Mike Brown…. we're missing him….

  17. I don't remember the Warriors ever blowing anyone out of the water, you're thinking of last season maybe.
    They need Siakam and Poetl or they're done

  18. I swear if the dubs loose gp2, moody and kuminga the whole staff needs to go hahaha. You can't waste a second overall pick and the third splash brother for the sake of keeping kerr, klay and draymon forever then loosing both cores …
    Like just imagine this starting lu : curry, kuminga, podz, wiggins and tjd/saric and then your next 5 is : cp3, gp2, klay, moody and green/looney … How are you supposed to win a serie against that ? But nah it's too obvious for Kerr he has to do things HIS way even if that cost them a year xD.

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