@Indiana Pacers



Hey guys what is up it is the fast break report here bringing you guys another Vlog Happy New Year I hope everybody enjoyed their New Year’s I enjoyed mine um I want to talk about the Kevin Durant situation because I think it’s very interesting um and there’s going to be a

Lot of people who don’t like this video and that’s perfectly fine um but um we’re going to talk about some things in this video because uh if you saw the the thumbnail on the video I I think you’re going to understand where I’m going with

This but I want to talk about it because I think it’s intriguing enough and honestly in a way I feel like it’s almost realistic enough to to happen so here’s the thing right um sources close to the Phoenix Suns say that it’s very obvious that Kevin Durant

Is visibly F uh frustrated with the the team and the direction that they’re going in uh right now the Phoenix Suns are 17- 15 which is good enough for eighth in the west and when the season started I think we all projected this team to be like the the top seed in the

West um it’s you know uh I I think U it’s not not shocking to anybody that the Phoenix Suns are underperforming for what we thought they would do in the off season then they traded DeAndre Aton for uh ysf nurkic they traded you know Chris Paul and ended up getting uh Bradley

Beel back which isn’t which isn’t bad return on your investment the problem is though they traded for Bradley Beal and it felt like they really didn’t need to it felt like a forced trade to try and like you know put the league on notice that like hey Phoenix is here right and

Since then Bradley Beal has been injured Uh Kevin Durant’s been balling out of his mind he’s been good on both ends of the floor uh offense and defense and you know I I get it like the the trade they made like honestly I wasn’t a huge fan of them giving up eighton to

Get back ysf nurkic in some depth um like I understand why they did it but I just don’t think ysf nurkic is on the same level as DeAndre Aton like in a way I feel like DeAndre Aton has way more upside I feel like DeAndre Aton in some

Instances is way better player um so it just for me I was kind of like okay you got weaker in your starting position but you got stronger in your bench depth and really they got a lot of one-dimensional guys now SE Little’s pretty much a Defender Grayson Allen’s a guy that is

Pretty much three and D which it was a nice player to get um you know they got Keon Johnson who really Keon Johnson wasn’t anything super special anyway but I think you see that you know what I’m saying like they they they they traded away a star to get back a weaker starter

In a bunch of bench depth right and the thing is now we’re hearing Rumblings that like Kevin Durant’s not happy in Phoenix and we’re looking at a similar situation now where where that he was in over in Brooklyn where he might just force a trade out and if he

Forces a trade out I have a lot of reason to believe that if he forces a trade out of Phoenix he’s going to want to go to the Indiana Pacers um or it’s it’s either going to be Indiana or back to Oklahoma City um and the reason I say that is

Because I I I I’ll I’ll do the Pacers perspective I’m not going to do OKC’s perspective I think that’s kind of obvious um but the thing is the reason I say Indiana is because it would be kind of similar to the Golden State situation right where what what Kev Durant has

Longed for since he left golden state is to be the guy you know what I’m saying be the guy on a team that leads a team to a championship right he he’s tired of hearing that you know Stephen Curry is the reason he won rings and stuff like

That and he even went to Golden State before they you know uh after they had already won a ring or two right so uh or after they won their first ring but it’s just the idea like Kevin Durant has always been the ass hat of that joke

Right like he’s always been the ass of oh you know Kevin Kevin Durant got carried by Steph even though that’s really not the case but he’s tired of hearing that he wants to put that narrative to bet and you know he tried it with uh you

Know he he left Golden State he went to Brooklyn Brooklyn didn’t work now he’s in Phoenix and Phoenix is not working uh in Oklahoma City he was the guy it didn’t work in Oklahoma City um and the thing is though if Kevin Durant for whatever reason forces his way out of

Phoenix and says hey I want to go play for the Indiana Pacers right and the reason I say this is because you get to play with a guy in Tyrese halberton who has a game obviously not on the level of Stephen Curry but similar to Stephen

Curry in a sense that he’s a willing distributor he can shoot the ball from pretty much anywhere on the Court the dude’s putting up almost 50 40 90 numbers right like and if you’re Kevin Durant like you get to go play in Indiana where they’ve never won a

Championship you get to be like the Kawai Leonard of the Indiana Pacers you know what I’m saying like kawh what kawh Leonard was for to the Toronto Raptors bringing them a champion ship for I think the first time ever Kevin Durant gets to do that for Indiana for the

First time since the NBA ABA merger you know what I’m saying and if you’re the crazy part about this is if you’re the Indiana Pacers right you’re going to have to give up a lot to get him you know what I’m saying or or maybe like maybe not

Four first round picks uh because obviously his trade value diminishes every time he forces his way out of a team because you got to figure to yourself like okay you know I got maybe a year and a half with Kevin Durant to make this work before he gets

Really really frustrated but the fact of the matter is the Indiana Pacers are going to be going into this off season with a bunch of like some expiring contracts I don’t think Bruce Brown’s coming back because if Bruce Brown is brought back we can’t sign anybody in

Free agency let’s see OG let’s say oan and noi just declines a contract extension with the New York Knicks or Pascal seaka MERS unrestricted free agency if we bring back Bruce Brown none of that is possible okay and Buddy hee is Guy a guy who’s got a a cap

Hold that’s ridiculous it’s like 20 million or something 23 I think it’s like 21 or anywhere from 21 to $23 million which is insane right so if you’re the Pacers a potential trade that you could do would be like Bruce Brown buddy heeld Benedict mathine our 2024 first round and a 2029 first

Rounder for Kevin Durant now before everybody loses their minds in the comment section because I I know that’s what’s going to happen I I know it’s going to happen it just it happens with every video I make like CU nobody watches the entire video they hear Benedict ma Andrew nard and

And get to typing okay here’s the thing right Kevin Durant is 35 years old he’s going to play till he’s 38 easily he’s making $ 47.6 million this year and he’s got two years left on his deal after that right Kevin Durant is a guy that is a legitimate Superstar

Player right and Tyrese halberton I would argue is a superstar player at this point like from from what he’s been doing I mean the dude’s been putting up 2020s now like it seems like Tyrese halberton is capable of anything if you let him do it right but the thing

Is with Kevin Durant you get to play with a star that is similar to Stephen Curry obviously he’s not Stephen Curry but he’s pretty close to the Mark you know what I’m saying whereas you know you can’t play with Damen Lillard because Damen Lillard plays for Milwaukee and Milwaukee is not going to

Really be able to come up with the salary cap I think to make a move like that work for Kevin Durant even if they did it’s kind of like you know I don’t think it’s a great fit to be honest but here’s the thing right the Pacers have a

Bunch of expiring deals are looking to get rid of and in some ways it would free up cap space for Phoenix as well because they’re going to want to add depth and you get Benedict Maan who’s a young guy who you can you can uh you know develop a little you get buddy

Heeld who’s one of the best three-point Shooters in the league um you know and you get the two first round picks buddy heeld is maybe not the most uh attractive thing in the world because I doubt Fenix is going to pay him what he wants um but you also get Bruce Brown

Who’s on a team option and Bruce Brown has been on a championship team he’s a point guard and that’s that’s something that the Phoenix Suns have been looking for right is a a point point guard that would Championship experience or you know is capable Bruce Brown is

Definitely capable um so that’s why I think a trade like this would work because you’re giving them like the 2029 first rounder Kevin Durant’s going to be gone by then he’ll be retired by then and then the 2024 first rounder it’s like honestly the draft this year

There’s not a lot of crazy like even the guys that are good in the draft are not guys that we can move up and get like the like all the really good Wing players that are like in the top five top 10 I don’t think the Pacers are

Going to have a top 10 pick we’ll have maybe a lottery pick or maybe a a you know a late first round pick uh anywhere from like you know maybe you know late teens early 20s but we’re not going to get like you know a top five top 10 pick

Unless we trade up to get a pick like that right so and on top of it it’s like once you put tyres Halbert and Kevin Durant together then you can build around that and with this trade you’re keeping Miles Turner as as much as I despise that you’re keeping

Miles Turner you get to keep jarus Walker who’s been balling his ass off in the G League it looks like um you know and you’re only giving up two first round picks and one of them is way out and the other one’s this year in the draft and honestly like the draft this

Year doesn’t look like it’s super crazy promising outside of the top 10 and honestly I don’t know a whole much a whole lot about the dudes in the top 10 this year but it’s just the idea like Kevin Duran’s 35 he’s going to play till he’s 38 the dude’s having one of the

Best years of his career career as far as efficiency wise shooting the ball and stuff like that and I feel like if you put Kevin Durant next to a guy like Tyrese halberton regardless of his age okay you’re getting a playoff run out of that um now I

Understand from an attitude perspective that people would say like we don’t want Kevin Durant and I would agree with you I I’m going to be honest like I completely agree with you on that like Kevin Durant attitude wise is not really a guy you probably want on your team but

If it’s a matter of like bringing your first championship ever to to a roster or or to a team it’s it’s probably a move worth making considering free agency isn’t super crazy this year anyway I mean the Clippers look like they’re turning it around I feel like

James Harden’s going to go back Paul George and kawh are probably going to pick up their player options because when are they ever going to make $47 million ever again in their careers probably never um when you look at um LeBron James LeBron is probably going to go back to the Lakers or

Wherever bronnie James goes so he’s off the table so really it’s like it’s Pascal cakam is the guy that you’re going to be going after OG anobi and Kevin Durant is better than both of them so you know I feel like if if Kevin Durant does force his way out of Phoenix

It it will probably be to a team like Oklahoma City or the Indiana Pacers where they’re established and honestly it’s a pretty good narrative for Kevin Durant as well you know what I’m saying if Kevin Durant says he wants to go to the Pacers suddenly you get to go to a

Team where you have Tyreek halberton who is a lot like Stephen Curry and you get to potentially bring the first ever Championship to a team in like the modern NBA era you know like I don’t know I think it’s a little ridiculous that we haven’t won a

Championship since the NBA ABA merger and like it that’s the thing that bothers me the most about the team and the fan base it’s like we have not won a championship since the NBA ABA merger and people want to come out here and act we can’t have that guy we can’t do this

We can’t do that that guy’s too old that guy’s this that guy’s that like we’re not really in a position to be like you know you know being a beggar and you know Beggars can’t be choosers you know I say this all the time but like it’s

Just amazing to me that like we have a team that has never won a championship and we still are like the the bougiest fan base in the in in the NBA team n we can’t do that no we don’t want to do that like all I’m saying is Kevin

Durant with Tyrese halberton would give you a legit star pairing and and it would be a legit star pairing for at the very least the next two years and you know we already see how how like DeAndre Aton wanted to come play with Tyrese halberton you know what I’m saying like

You can’t tell me guys in the offseason aren’t going to want to come play with Tyrese halberton and the idea that you now have Kevin Durant like at that point I like I think to myself you can get anybody in free agency at that point you

Know what I’m saying so I don’t know man we’ll have to wait and see the only thing I really worry about with that is like Kevin Durant’s attitude and honestly like you know they say winning cure is all winning cures all issues it usually does unless you’re sha and Kobe

So um anyway tell me what you guys think about this down below in the comment section below a like helps me out subscribe if you guys want to see more on The Fast Break report and I’m out of this peace guys

So the Kevin Durant situation in Phoenix is heating up and sources close to the Phoenix Suns say that Kevin Durant is frustrated with the team and how the roster is constructed. Which means that Kevin Durant could be on the move much sooner than we think.

#kevindurant #indianapacers #phoenixsuns

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  1. I’d be surprised but not opposed. Feels like he’d have to demand a trade specifically to Indiana and that feels less than likely, but again not 100% impossible.

  2. No. What has he done since leaving the greatest team of all time? Nothing. He’s agong, he’s injury prone, and he’s an under achiever. He also tends to give up on teams quickly… fuck no.

  3. No doubt I think it could work with Kevin Durant and Haliburton. I mean if it worked with Steph then it can work with Haliburton. I just don't think this is something the Pacers would actually consider. The Pacers are looking to get everyone in or close to the same age group. I actually like the core group the Pacers have right now. I just think they need to figure out how to play against matchup nightmares. Once the Pacers figure out how to play good team defense, this team will excel. I mean Haliburton is already a superstar. How many players in the league are constantly setting records? Look what Denver did to win the Championship. That is the blueprint.

  4. Getting KD doesn’t make us a contender. We still can’t defend. Would our PPG go up? Not much room for improvement there. OKC is honestly a piece away and they have the assets, that move makes more sense. I’m really shocked if he tries to force his way out of Phoenix already.

  5. Happy New Year! Agree about KD. With the way Haliburton is playing, it's just a matter of time before stars consider coming to Indy. Though I wouldn't want to give up the farm for a 35 year old.

  6. As amazing as sounds I don't see KD saying Indiana that being said I'd trade anything and anyone not named Tyresse Haliburton for Kevin fucking Durant

  7. Wtf would KD wanna come to Indiana stupid!!! KD plays with his friends he don't have no friends on that team!

  8. You know if KD was underperforming and bitching i would have problem with him wanting out. Should you really wanna fault the man for wanting to ball at a high level? He's honestly just had bad luck in teammates since the warriors. Everytime he picks it's some bullshit

  9. The Pacers need defensive role players. KD could make a lot of squads better but in order to get him you'd have to give up pieces that are younger and cheaper than KD, you risk messing with whats already a winning formula on offense, and you aren't making a big enough improvement on D to be a real contender and justify the assets you had to give up. Maybe it will make sense to pursue KD if the off-season gives the pacers a chance to make some strong defensive signings without losing the assets to go after a big fish like KD, but I definitely feel like defense is the priority that the pacers need to address through new signings before they pursue another all star scorer.

  10. Nahhhhhhhh. Don't need him. Why would the front office bring him in and break up the chemistry that's obviously working?

  11. Absolutely not. I’d take B. Mathirin any day over Durant. B.Brown, Hield, J.Walker, & 2nd round draft pick.

  12. I totally agree with you except for trading Mathurin. I would give up Nemhard instead because he is a true point guard. I think Durant would love the Indiana hoop history and fans

  13. Brothers gotta be joking right😂 KD literally came out and said the reports that he was frustrated were a lie

  14. Everyone is making videos about KD trades when KD himself said that the frustration news was BS. Plus they are on a winning streak right now. Everyone is so late on these videos and quick to take any announcement as fact.

  15. the Pacers are playing good lately and going the right direction. They do not need a overrated, Kevin Just-Rants! KD proved hes not a difference maker like that.

  16. If we trade Mathurin we would regret it worse then when we traded away Kawhi cause we did draft Kawhi but Mathurin is gonna be a future All Star did is a absolute star

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