@Chicago Bulls

Philadelphia 76ers vs Chicago Bulls Watchalong!!!

Philadelphia 76ers vs Chicago Bulls Watchalong!!!

Okay hello everybody my name is Aiden and welcome back to another stream ladies and gentlemen this is a Chicago Bulls in Philadelphia 76ers I guess watch along we’re going to be diving into the watch along I guess to this game seeing what ends up happening and all together hopeful that

We could walk away with a big victory here but before we get any further if you enjoy the stream at any point and you’d like to see more from me feel free to like And subscribe to the Aiden Bulls Show YouTube channel um and let me know

In the comments in the chat what you guys thoughts are on this game thus far the Bulls and the 76ers are going to be going at it for the last time this season we have versed them twice we have also won twice um obviously in different circumstances the first one was a pretty

Legitimate Victory uh we’re dwell and Bea in the crew no real injuries for Philly no problems for the Bulls we walked away with a win there the second Second Time Around uh no Joel embiid on the end of a road trip a tough road trip I would say for Philadelphia they looked

Like they were struggling throughout that road trip and the Bulls handled business at home and now we’re going to battle one more time the return to Philly for Philadelphia Dell and beid back in the game um we’ll see how it goes I’m feeling I’m feeling nervous for

This game I can’t lie again I think there’s going to be big problems coming around for the Chicago Bulls I’ll be honest um just because you know dwell embiid is very good at getting guys into foul trouble and Andre dmid is our only starting center that we actually have

So you know if he gets into foul trouble it’s going to look it’s going to feel like it’s already game over for the Bulls so let’s hope that that’s not what we see let’s hope that we actually get the Dub here um against Philadelphia we’ve already got a couple of people in

The chat Tyler says hey hello uh let’s go Bulls let’s go Bulls it’s good to see the support right and bright and early in Australia but of course assuming it’s different time frames for you guys time zones Daniel says yo what’s going on uh I’m excited

Man I am pumped for this I just woke up though so it might not sound like it but I am very excited I cannot lie okay so it seems like my earphones aren’t working that’s good to know So very interesting there we go all right Kelly UB starts off the game with the first buckets for the Philadelphia 76ers walks right into a mid-range opportunity and finds it oh okay am I going to stream the no I’m not streaming streaming the game if I stream the game bro you can

Kiss goodbye the channel man I’m doing a watchalong you you you know if you’re able to watch the game yourself and you know you want to watch it with someone that’s kind of the goals of these watch alongs Kobe with the pump fake Kobe drives to the basket kicks it to AC in

The corner oh and it’s in and out for AC rebound to Tobias Harris there’s a lot of Philly I expect to step up in this game and Tobias Harris is one of those guys and be step back mid-range in and out they’re going to get a long rebound

Here and Maxi makes the three for a 5 start for Philly dear Rosen gets wide open in the pain they all left him everybody trying to rotate to the perimeter demard Rosen just Wales in for a layup trying to again trying to stay in the game here it’s been a good start for

Philly joid in the post high and in he gets his first bucket of the game again it’s important for the Bulls to not land in foul trouble here is that 3 seconds a defensive 3 second violation for jelam beid that is going to be a demand rosan

Free throw right here let’s hope he can make it Keep Us Alive hey bro let’s go Bulls let’s go Bulls that’s what I like to see Bulls nation is here ready to go all right AC passes from an inbound and Kelly UB reaches and Pat reaches back

And it looks like there’s going to be a foul on Patrick Williams on the drive Kelly ubber having an amazing start to this one KY ub’s going to shoot too it’s been a great start for them let’s get this win tonight this would be a massive win for the Bulls if

We could get it a massive win again Philly’s going to play with a little bit of extra energy they’ve just returned home from a long long trip Joel and be is back for the 76ers and they’re going to play with extra energy being at home so this will be a tough game

Without a shadow of a doubt but if we could get it it would be massively important as Kelly ubo makes two Philly lead by six points already to start off the game only a couple minutes being played and they’ve come out to a great start D rozen with all three points for

The Bulls here in the post with tyres Maxi kicks it to White W in a pick a roll they try to Blitz him Patrick Williams is going to shoot a three that’s off rebound embiid embiid gets the runs by Harris with a transition three that’s a Miss rebound to Drummond not feeling too

Confident today but let’s go Bulls hey look if we beat Philly three times that’s something to be proud of if we could do it and Maxi Maxi commits the foul onto M Rose and that is number two on tarus Maxi early on so now they have a decision to make

So early in the game will Philadelphia trust tyes Maxi to not commit that third foul I mean again some of these fouls that he has um given has been very physical fouls here the foul on AC at the very beginning very physical the foul on D rozan just a little bit over

Eager that could be the 76 is down for one of the key guys just gets out of here with a foul with foul trouble dear makes the makes the first and makes the second dear Ros has all five points for the Bulls keep going at Maxi get him

Out of here he’s out of here get get that referee out there we we got a Banning from the arena Batum F Joell and bead joela beid to Maxi Maxi drives floaters it up that’s off and a rebound for D rozan AC on the Run finds Kobe white for

Three it is off that bounced everywhere except in and that’s a rebound for Maxi and Tobias Harris gets the easy layup in transition for Philadelphia 5 to1 start for Philly they need to shoot the three points to to get going D ID gets tagged with a foul

Here what’s up from Chicago hello from Chicago is thear dear’s about here going to score all our points man it’s dear Rosa versus the rest right now oh and he misses the free throw I may have jinxed him I may have jinxed him I think for I think for the Bulls if

Their three-point shot isn’t falling early which I still think it’s too early to tell but you know Kobe’s missed a three and Pat’s missed a three uh getting to the free throw line is exactly what we should do and that’s what we have done to start the game d

Rozan has had a lot of free throws so we’re doing the right things I would say just to stay in the game thus far dear’s going for 30 plus 30 plus free throws I agree he’s already off to a good start in that regard I coming back in I in the game early

Here Maxi to Kelly urre for three it looks like k u is in for one of those classic no one can guard me type of games he has some of them every now and then AC a floater gets it to go over joal and B Jo and B didn’t want to commit that

Second we’re still fighting in this one Tobias Harris he makes a three Philly has come out hot from the three-point line Tobias Harris makes one Kelly uo made the other two Drummond floer rebound to Kelly U batum’s going to shoot one oh it’s one of those games isn’t

It heavily contested three from Nicholas B but no problem for them as they get going from the three-point line and it’s timeout Chicago here 20 to8 start Philly has come out all guns blazing as they return home that’s a tough one to see it’s a tough pill to swallow there that’s a

Shot I think nine times out of 10 you don’t expect people to make but still it’s still it’s still a corner shot it’s still a good three-point shot I would say you just don’t expect stuff like that to go in man that’s tough we’re going to have to

Win more we’re going to have to hit more more than 10 plus threes to uh to win today the last few games is not sustainable yeah look it’s been a again it feels like our three-point shot isn’t falling I I don’t think we’ve made a

Three thus far there not to say that we can’t make the three you know later on in 2023 you have to live and die by the three I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t go that far um but still you know you do have to start making threes you can’t have every

Single game the ball struggle from three you’re going to have to start making some you know at a high level there but again when the three-point shot isn’t working the best thing to do is to get to the foul line get some easier ones to fall uh but yeah when Philly when

Philly’s out here making threes like that I mean they didn’t make they didn’t make threes like that last game or the game before when we played them really so it’s going to be a tough one man there’s no denying that I hope the Bulls could come back and win this game I gave

A like on your channel thank you very much look it’s still very early days we haven’t seen the bench for Philly really come out to play here um we haven’t really seen you know we haven’t seen the Bulls or we have we’ve seen IO come in but

Other than that our betch hasn’t really come out to play yet so there’s still a lot of answers in this game that we don’t know let’s just hope that this is not a 20 point defeat and we’re going to be down 20 points the entire game and

This watch along is going to become you know a bit of a moody one if you know what I mean 20 I what you met Jordan 2024 it’s all the same it’s we’re at that stage of our um of our season you know January 2024 is here and everybody’s going to keep on

Forgetting 2024 like we’re going to keep on saying 2023 because we spent 365 days in 2023 so yeah it is what it is I hate this I hate the stagnant offense um that’s it is stagnant offense right now I can’t lie again there’s some good defense being played by Philadelphia they’re

High on the pick and rolls they are very high on their pick and rolls um they you know they they’re guarding they’re guarding our perimeter very very well so it does force the Bulls to kind of look inwards a little bit we’ll see we’ll see how it goes we’ll see how

Sustainable this is a very bad inbound but Kobe white manages to save it Kobe a pick a roll to Dear D rozan dear Ros is going to drive inwards he loses the ball off a jump shot Maxi in transition gets it to go a very bad start for the Bulls here what’s

Up bro how’s it going my friend how are you Chuck these Eon back in 22 to8 Philly have come out with a strong message here Patrick Williams to iio I’s going to make this one in and out rebound to Tobias Harris balls with an awful star from the three-point

Line Tobias Harris finds Kelly UB in the corner that’s not the guy you want to leave open today he’s already made a few of them 25 to8 they already up big here 6 minutes into the game and they already up this big we are 0 from five

From three and now five from six you can tell the difference in the game thus far all right Kobe step back through that’s off rebound to Pat someone’s got to do something here Patrick Williams fakes the three drives kicks it to the corner IO for three

That’s off that’s 0 from Seven from the three-point line my M Joan be bringing the ball up he’s going to shoot a three and he’s got it it is officially 20 points to start this game we’ve given up 28 points in half of a quarter

And Demar D roen passes it out of bounds but it looks like Tobias Harris tipped that it will remain Bull’s ball we have to try and expose Philadelphia Zone a little bit more but man 20 points already I don’t think anyone wanted to see this to start the game Patrick Williams

Uh mid-range that’s off Terry Taylor with an offensive rebound he’s in the game I with a floater we can’t make anything right now we’re getting some open shots iOS had at least three open shots since he’s come in Patrick Williams took a contested one man we’re not making anything Kelly

UB misses the corner three rebound for Terry Taylor he’s had a strong two rebound um impact as soon as he comes in Kobe finally gets something to go from the mid-range we’re going to have to start exposing that zone man Joel embiid’s out here playing 24 seconds in the keys so

You got you got to try and expose that a little bit double team Joel embiid kicks it to Tobias Harris to Harris gets an easy layup Javon Carter just basically flopped out there trying to take a charge Kobe another side stepping three that’s off so we’re instantly double teaming as

Soon as Andre jond out of the game is that Patrick Beverly yes it is he makes the three their entire team right now can not miss from the three-point line I find a floater he’s missed another easy one I’s hurting us right now more than he’s helping but this whole team is

Hurting us more than they’re helping Batum gets an easy layup and one Kobe white fouls yikes what do we do about this I think we need another timeout Billy we’re down bad right now 15 points already no more than 15 points 25 points we’re down and there is a timeout I believe I

Don’t know who it’s by but uh we needed that oh my goodness oh my goodness I’ve never seen a look bulls have had bad starts to games don’t think I’ve ever seen the Bulls down by 25 with about 5 minutes left in the quarter you know I’ve seen

20 I’ve SE 21 we came back from a 21 Point deficit against Miami it was like 21 to1 but 25 points down in the first quarter might be the worst we have seen this season I cannot tell a lie maybe I am telling a lie but not not not

Knowingly I’m sure we’ve had bad bad quarters but Ah that’s painful disgusting this is ridiculous it’s a ridiculous start again Demar Ros has six out of about 10 points I think and Philly can’t miss from three I think they’re seven from nine and at the end of that quarter some

Of those threes were just open you know it wasn’t like the patum one where there was two people on him he just shot over them you know there’s nothing you can really do about that but the joal and B3 wide open ain’t nobody near him they

Want him to shoot that shot and he shot it he shot it well and then obviously Patrick Beverly open in the corner as well not a prolific score Patrick Beverly but I think everybody can make open ones you just you got to you got to put a

Hand out at least make the extra effort there look this Bulls team they are very defensive focused man they have been all season they’re still a top defensive team I mean at some point pride has to come into the situation here you you cannot let some other team destroy you in this

Way they’re destroying you in situations that you pride yourself in you know there’s got to be some there’s going to be some something’s got to give here this is an unacceptable start for the Bulls we can’t see I guess everybody just fly from the three-point line and

Expect us to you know to walk away with a win it’s a bad start I you know some might even say this start is insurmountable to begin um to begin the game I don’t know I don’t know this is ugly this is is actually crazy this is a terrible

Start I feel like both I feel like we’re shocked a little bit you know what I mean we’re a little bit stunned out here they’ it’s this is like they’ve come in round one of a boxing fight and they’ve went for the final blow already you know they’re going for The Knockout

In round one they’re trying to Jake Paul us man this is this is ridiculous they were showing highlights of Mo Cheeks there mauce cheeks not too shabby all right patum makes his free throw 26 points here Javon Carter gets blocks from the three-point line man joa be picked that up you can’t just

Block him that’s number two on Joel embiid B literally just trying to shepher um I away from the ball you simply just can’t do that you got to accept a turnover my friends this man’s using hip action to get I away from the ball okay joal and beid and Tes Maxi

Both on two fouls but let’s be honest they’re not the two that are really hurting us right now they’re going to trust Joan beid out here to play with his two Max is on the bench this is an ugly start a bad first quarter from the Bulls this is the worst

First quarter I’ve seen DeMar rosen makes the mid-range he seems to be the only one that can really shoot consistently right now sobi Harris finds Joel and B Drummond hasn’t got a foul yet I believe this is a good start for Drummond KY UB to Patrick Beverly Patrick Beverly finds Cy UB

And that’s a foul on D Roan KY U gets a wide open dunk again this is something we expected we expected Philly to come out Hots we expected Philly to play well at home they’re going to be excited to be back in Philadelphia we had to match the

Energy so far we’re not matching anything in terms of maybe fouls were matching them but that’s about it we have been awful to start this game Kelly makes the free throw bulls have scored 12 points with 3 minutes to go in the quarter D rozan out here in the post

Kicks it to Javon Carter to Drummond we need to see some movement of that ball here D rozan gets the ball passes to I I’s going to drive in find Drummond Drummond post hook not even a post hook it’s a jump hook and he misses and damid gets another rebound brings it

Down the floor trying to post up Andre Drummond a double team he shoots over it oh my goodness Joel and be shoots over the double team that’s insane 27-4 start bro that’s a 24-7 run my apologies the actual starts been even worse good defense by calub Caruso fakes

The three drives to the paint Fade Away got it ha why they keep trying for Drummond knowing he he can’t shoot cuz duel is kind of playing a mini Zone in that paint so the the jump Hook is there for Drummond he does have to make it though

Dell and be shoots the three that’s off rebound Caruso 41 points we’ve given up Kelly UB gets tagged with a foul there on Alex Caruso I don’t know if that’s free throws or not Kobe white back in the game Javon Carter sits out this is a this is a root

Or I don’t I don’t even know what that means um but Bulls are not NBA level look they’ve not had a good start but look we’ve beat Philadelphia the game before we’re winning more and we’re losing still I wouldn’t say we’re not NBA level but we’re not on Phillies

Level we all know that D rozan mid-range got it DeMar rosen the only consistent here for the Chicago Bulls hopefully trying to get a spark from somebody else D’s got 10 of our 16 Patrick Beverly Morris misses the fade away rebound for Drummond but he loses it and house gets the

Slam we lost even even the rebounds we can’t do well that’s usually what Drummond does Kobe white trying to find his way into the paint gets swatted and it’s an offensive foul by Kobe white J and B got the clean block anyway but Kobe white gets tagged with that foul

Yeah he runs right into him and joal and B says no so rough start here two fouls for Kobe Patrick Beverly house misses the three rebound for Drummond AC trying to dribble his way into the paint misses the layup Drummond with an offensive rebound he wants to go up he gets the layup

Ha Morris brings the ball up this is a weird situation here and Demar rosan gets another foul called on him is that number three on dear dear’s got two everybody’s got two fouls man hi Pat coming back into the game DeMar rosen coming out of the game

I don’t know if that’s the right idea if arm dear I’m staying ready just in case on the offensive end here don’t sit down dear we need you buddy Joel and beid trying to dple past Drummond a tough shot for Jo and beid good defense by Drummond in the end a

Little bit of a push off that wasn’t called AC wants to run 1 second left air ball three and that’s the first quarter the first quarter has come to an end smacked punched sucker punched first round knockout the Bulls are down 43- 18 this is insane to talk about at

The beginning of a quarter I don’t think I’ve seen this bad of a qu well to be fair this is the worst quarter I’ve seen from the Chicago Bulls in general but something remotely close to this I’ve not seen in a very long time we’re talking Orlando Magic 33. half time

Before performances that’s the route that we’re going down at this point that’s how bad these quarters have been or this quarter has been for the Chicago Bulls and look this is a bad start to an away trip right now we got another game after this against the Knicks and you started off

This mini road trip it’s only two games but you started off this mini road trip horribly and that does not set a good Tempo um when we have an opportunity to face the Knicks next game and the Knicks are looking they’re looking solid with ogan and Obi out there as well so you

Have to start this game off right look I think we could all agree as Bulls fans or I’m going to say if you guys agree or not that’s really up to you I never expected at the beginning of the season to beat Philadelphia three times and coming into this game I I I’ve

Said it for a while it’s so important if we could beat Philly it’s a massive um it’s a massive massive massive game for the Bulls if we could beat Philly three times cuz there’s not a lot of teams out there in the NBA that are going to beat

The Philadelphia 76s three times if we could have done it that would have been massive for our season advancing us into the standings but yeah so far Philly have just kind of sent a message here showing their true quality against the Chicago Bulls and we’re just sitting here taking it right

Now and that does set the tempo really really poorly for this game for the next game against the Knicks we have to step it up you have to come back in this game you know you cannot let a road trip start like this this is the worst way to

Start a road trip right here really really really bad start Bulls are not NBA level we are NBA level but we’re not an Elite basketball team the Bulls are not Elite yeah I mean this game they’re not playing Elite basketball that’s for sure this is one of the worst starts I’ve

Seen in a while there is no offense being run just ISO ball every possession look I don’t think ISO ball has been played every possession but I think you’re noticing ISO ball cuz that’s the only thing that’s actually working right now I mean the ball movement that we’re

Showing and the three that we’ve had some open open shots in this game I had so many open um open floaters that he’s missed Kobe’s had some step backs that he’s missed you know Javon Carter got blocked from a three-point shot it’s not isolation that’s really hurting us right

Now demard Rosen has all of our points because he’s the only one making a shot no one else is making a shot the shot selection I I would assume outside of D Roa maybe having like six shots it’s very well spread at the moment I think the Bulls need to the

Bulls need to stop living at the three-point line if it’s not falling that’s what I think this is the worst team in the league I wouldn’t go that far there’s a couple teams worse than us um it’s the Boston game all over again let’s hope not let’s hope that there’s a comeback

In here for the Bulls a side stepping three fores Maxi that was missed rebound M Roan as the second quarter begins Kobe white attacks the paint high off the glass gets it to go balls down by 23 points in the second quarter here all right Morris to read oh

My Stacy King just said something very interesting as Reed makes the midi um this is the largest deficit we’ve had in the first quarter since the Golden State Warriors two years ago I believe where we were down by 26 points I believe if I’m not mistaken I think that was the

Game that Lonzo got hurt correct me if I’m wrong I think it was either that or Boston one of those games Lonzo got hurt in I could be wrong though but that was the last time we went down this badly in the first quarter so that goes to show

The factual evidence is there this is our worst quarter of the entire season that first quarter I mean there’s no surprises there but we’ve had a lot of bad starts to games this is officially the worst one there you go fun facts with Aiden not so fun I

Guess because this is not a fact that we want to have D rozan at the fre throw line makes the first we’re going to need a big quarter here makes the second all right 22 to 45 here Maxi trying to get that ball to Marcus Morris Dal Terry guarding this is not a

Matchup I like Morris working in the post and there is a foul call to zon D and Terry gets called for the foul I personally think that’s a bad call but let’s take a look at the replay here there’s a little bit of body contact again veteran move there but

There’s not a lot in that that’s definitely because D ter is a young guy if that was somebody else if that was a vet I don’t think they get that call but Morris misses the first free throw I believe so that’s a good sign but don’t lie and a second was made 24

Points we’re going to have to keep trying to get stops with dwell and beat out of the game right now now all right ball and Terry Taylor’s hands right now to d rozan d rozan ISO got the mid-range my my now it does feel like we’re playing a lot of iso ball

Maxi to Morris Morris midrange that’s off rebound Kobe white Kobe drives and there a foul on Philly and that’s on Springer the youngster from Philly or not from Philly I don’t really know much about this him to be honest it’s a bad pass from Kobe but that is saved by Terry Taylor

Kobe in the pick a roll Reed tries to block Kobe high off that not off the glass but a high floater goes in balls down by 20 is there a mini run incoming here we’re going to need a big run to be honest Maxi with the step back good

Defense by Javon Carter better offense by Maxi makes a step back three in our faces and the Run look it was a mini run anyway it’s over the boards have yet to make a three Javon Carter oh wow D and Terry air balls the three and Terry Taylor saves it to no man’s

Land and that’s 0 from 11 my favorite number 11 but this is not the way I want to see those numbers man I want to see 11 from 11 we have not made a three in a quarter and quarter and a third something like that quarter and a quarter I I don’t know

Man all right Springer wants the drive Reed to Maxi is Maxi going to make another one Maxi siing up Javon Carter moves to his spot he misses the shot though rebound Dal and Terry good effort on the glass there Kobe white can some offense oh we need some offense Javon Carter in the

Corner he misses the three we are 0 from 12 a Morris he works in the post misses the mid-range rebound to D ter again I on the Run IO going for the layup he gets absolutely swatted by Springer oh the energy levels just setting here for the Bulls right now and

He’s going to shoot it as well that would have been a game-changing sequence there for Springer if he was to make that Kobe white wants to drive and he gets the n one again our shot selection has not been bad man but we’re not making a single thing right now you know when

They say when you make shots the baset feels like an ocean it’s so hard to miss you know when you’re in one of those modes I’m sure most of you guys know what I’m talking about even if we play just basic um basketball you know with your friends and stuff like like that

You get in those moments where you don’t miss shots it’s the complete opposite for the balls it feels like there’s a lid on the basket right now it feels like there is no threes allowed for the Chicago Bulls you know we put a setting on WE we’ve turned the sliders up we

Just can’t make a shot right now Kobe white by the way seals the n one he makes the free throw ball still back still down by 20 points here Maxi and there’s a foul on Terry Taylor here ah this is really bad hope we can come

Back that comeback is going to take all game to complete if we’re going to do it it’s not impossible it’s not impossible I’ll say that but it’s not impossible but it ain’t going to be easy it’s going to take all game and we’re going to have to start making some

Changes here some open threes we can’t be missing them these are open shots that we’re missing here when you can’t hit 1 three the paint will never open up for you exactly this is the problem we had last season I’m sure you guys all remember this Miami were the absolute

Best at doing this as well I remember Miami doing it well but every team did this when the Bulls couldn’t make their threes every team at some point went into a zone for a couple of possessions and forced the Bulls to shoot threes that’s the only way it’s going to work

They’re going to cram the paint deard Ros is eventually going to get very very quiet in the game because they’re going to start playing zones or box and one to get Demar rosan off that ball because no one else is really beating them here Kobe white gets another layup and

It looks like he’s down on the floor he’s fine he’s getting back up but another Philadelphia 76 is foul I don’t know who that’s on I wasn’t looking um there is a replay here looks like that fouls on Reed Kobe white almost gets the Anan but yeah look you have you have to

Start making these threes are open the this is nothing fundamental wrong with the bulls offense right now except we can’t make the shots the ball movement is there the right play is there the right shots are there but they’re not being converted I don’t care who you are you

Could be Golden State you could be the Philadelphia 76ers I mean Philly had a game like this last night or last time we played them they couldn’t buy a three-point bucket to save their life not one person could make a three for Philly when we played them the last time

Out doesn’t matter who you are if you can’t make open shots you never going to win basketball games ah I hope we don’t break the Rockets missing record we’re on the trajectory you know is that the playoff record they miss like 403s or something like that 413s that’s crazy let’s hope it doesn’t

Get that bad what they are they checking for a flager foul here all right they were calling for a flr and foul but it’s only a common foul here so Kobe white will go to the line for Two Shots no flagrant on Reed which I think is the right call never really

Thought in the first place that that was a flagrant just looked like a hard play you got a piece of the ball as well so yeah don’t think there was a flagrant necess necessarily there for the the 76ers so Reed’s going to go to the line

Here to shoot two not Reed sorry Kobe white going to the line to shoot to he makes the first Joel and beid back in the game that’s not what you want to see that’s not what you want to see all right Kobe Si off that second free throw gets it to

Go all right Maxi bringing the ball up Kobe White’s got 11 points he scored nine of them this quarter only two plays of double figures for the Bulls right now and Kobe’s taking a lot of shots to get there joela beat in the post double team straight away Tobias Harris is going to

Drive into the pain Fade Away mid-range got it again the contested shot for Tobias Harris but it falls Dal and Terry goes up for a layup Terry Taylor with the offensive rebounds I is going to get another one what’s the call here I don’t know what happened there

But it’s going to be Philadelphia ball I don’t know if if there’s a foul oh it’s a kick ball by Terry Taylor when he tries to go for the offensive rebound and there’s a timeout here for the Bulls anyway so 21 points the Bulls have managed to bring it back a little

Bit I mean we’re down by 26 or at one point we’re now down by 21 so Five Points we manag to you know cut off of that lead that’s still it’s not going to be enough we’re not going to cut five points every quarter and win the game so

We have to go on a bigger run here that’s the only way and I don’t see how you going want a bigger run which wab beid in the picture I really don’t this ain’t going to be an easy game man we should have never let them get out to

This lead in the first place I was about hold on this balls team is terrible they’re playing very terrible basketball I agree Brian um I was about to say did Austin Reeves get traded to the Bulls already like I missed something I don’t know what you’re

Talking about man if AAR re got traded to the Bulls where is he bro we need him we need someone to make a shot at least Austin Rees can uh create his own shot we need someone to do something bring Austin Reeves here right now I’ll take DLo right now I’m joking

I’m Jo I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking great work from Kobe in Demas time off the court get it uh I’ll cut it from 29 but we can’t seem to get lower than 19 that seems to be yeah around about there again we’re not going to cut

Nothing if Dell and Beads coming into the game bro like it it’d be crazy oh I’m you kept saying Reeves I met Reed from the 76ers Reed Paul Reed my apologies if I said Reeves but I met Reed he was uh you know foul trouble whatnot but we need again where is

Austin Reeves bro we need him tell the Lakers to hurry up man stop wasting our time ah the Bulls are having a first bad having a bad sorry the blls are having a bad first half uh yes they are they are having a very bad first half a very look

They’re playing well in the second quarter but when you’re down 29 does like again it just feels like it’s insurmountable you know you could have a good quarter but it won’t mean anything when you’re down 29 um so no name then yeah well I think Reed is a respectable player but other

Than that yeah it’s not Austin Reeds BR we need Austin re right now like get that guy on a flight right now and tell him to make it by the fourth quarter that that’s how badly we need Austin Reed right now anyway all jokes aside Drummond’s back in the game here

So it looks like we’re going to try and match up with Joel and be with Drummond Drummond look on the bright side the thing that I was worried about drum in foul trouble has not happened so that’s good to see but again we’re looking at positives in a overall massive negative

Here Drummond gets a steal on Joel and b d rozan in transition and it’s a bad pass he tries to pass the drum and turns it over and Joel on B cherry picking on the other side of the cor gets an easy layup man I’s going to get an easy layup

That’s a good uh that’s a that’s a good take right there from I we need some of those easier ones I take I had to take a break to clap some cheeks and look at the score I ain’t ever clapping ah it’s so lucky man that’s tough and that’s a turnover who turned

That over D Terry turns it over oh my goodness it’s 20 it’s still 23 points that’s rough I don’t know how you turn that over all right the ball’s in dell and be hands in the post double team comes doesn’t matter he shoots over both AC comes with the

Double teams just shoots over him AC to Pat Pat sizes up Pump fakes moves it to Caruso Caruso misses the three is that o from 13 Patrick Williams shoots a three that’s the first one made Patrick Williams who would have thought Patrick Williams makes the first three to be

Honest I thought that but still one from 14 from three that’s crazy Philly misses there three rebound to IO to Patrick Williams Pat in the pick a roll finds his way to the mid-range kicks it to Drummond Drummond almost turns it over resets it to Io Io to Drummond Drummond with the spin

Move kicks it to AC 43 in and out one from 15 wow Batum to Jalan beid back to patum for three oh he almost got the roll that would have been a heat check moment for Batum there IO in the pick a roll tries to find AC AC with the

Fake in the paint misses the hook Drummond with the offensive rebounds and he gets joal and bid to commit to the pump fake joal ID with three fouls best case scenario there for Andre Drummond forc joal ID to jump oh man again it was it it’s not

Going to matter if we fou out Joel embiid if we’re still down by 23 but I guess the best thing we can do is to get Joel and beid out of the game as Andre dond misses a free throw this game is sad to watch it’s

Very sad to watch this team is playing like butt cheeks they are playing like butt cheeks you think AK could work out a trade with Denver for Jamal Murray no no you know we missed both anyway um no Denver’s not going to walk away from a championship team one

Season after winning it um I don’t think we’re going to get anybody from the Denver Nuggets that’s just my opinion I’d love a Jamal Mari on this team I think he’s a solid player but uh I don’t think we could get a Jamal Mari I don’t think Zack leavine makes

Sense for Denver when they’ve got a guy like Michael Porter Jr it just doesn’t make sense Kobe W almost shoots that three he fakes it kicks it to dear dear fights I I to Kobe Kobe another Miss three is that one from 16 am I keeping track

Right Kelly UB he sits I feel like he’s he’s made like four threes Kelly UB and it’s a timeout BS down once again big this is it’s literally 20 27 points I believe right now the Rockets missed 27 three-pointers that’s the record well we’re well on our

Way we are literally where we are one from 16 man we are down down down bad I don’t even how to respond to this yeah just wave the White Flag we are down down down bad um striking out from the three my homie Lil rookie at the bar on ladies night fair

Enough who would pay to see this unfortunately we pay to see this no disrespect but that’s what we do I I paid money to watch this game I apologize for everybody that did pay money to watch this game if you’re just watching the watch along or not actually watching this game well at

Least you’re getting some free um you know free content out here I guess some Bulls Bulls fans misery right now you actually paid to watch this game like me fortunately that’s uh that’s a sacrifice you have to make man when you’re a bulls content creator you

Have to pay to watch the games if you’re just a bulls fan that has money to pay for league pass you have to watch this stuff man well to be fair you don’t have to watch it but uh I have to watch it unfortunately you

Know if this gets to like 40 or 50 points what I’m going to do I’m going to go on 2K and I’m I’m going to put it on rookie mode and we’re going to have a bulls vers 76ers rematch I reckon on 2K that that’s that’s what I think we should

Do by 40 points forget the game bro anyway I’m just playing around we could do that but I don’t know man it’s it’s sus out here man it’s tough it’s tough out here all right timeout done ah Stacy King just said Kobe white in the last five games shooting three from

30 from the three-point line that is brutal it represents everything that’s going wrong for the Bulls right now AC to D rozan Kobe fakes the shot drives to the paint finds iio in the corner iio won’t shoot that finds AC someone’s got to shoot the ball AC does shoot it Drummond

Gets the put back good work Andre Drummond again Drummond has not been bad man he’s he’s been solid on Joel ID he’s as solid as you can be on Joel ID there’s no stopping a guy like him but he’s the best that we’ve got right now and he’s doing well speaking of Joel

ID and that is a foul and that that foul is on demard De rozan so Joel ID is going to go to the line here to shoot his two free throws what some com passwords I borrowed my homie’s laptop and I’ve tried to break in 72 times I think it’s

About to lock me out 72 times they should have locked you out already my friend I don’t know any common passwords bro I don’t know Joel ID makes the first and the second has been made 17 points for Mr Jal and beid thus far Kobe white finds I in the corner if

This doesn’t fall I makes the three port Phillips in I’d like to see Julian Phillips right now some positive in this big negative Maxi in the pick a roll with embiid Tobias Harris in the corner in and out for Tobias Harris rebound for Drummond oh kicks it to D Roa D roza

Mid-range that’s off rebound to B Harris philia running against slow it down Tobias Harris in the post jel ID sizes up the three shoots it gets it to go Joel embiid with two threes on the nine as he he’s made the same out of Threes is the Bulls Kobe white mid-range

That’s off and Kelly U just can’t get the rebound it’s going to stay Bulls ball Brak felicio back felicio bro Billy dman would love felicio I’m not going to lie bro this man loves that small ball Center could have used him all right it looks like there’s a

Foul on Kelly UB here so the Bulls are going to go to the line I don’t know who we fouled but someone’s going to the free thr a line it’s Alex kuso at the line felicio was supposed to be the next Shar man that’s a typical Bulls mistake

That they make bro a guy had one good season signed him on for multi multiple years but no one could trade him oh man bringing me good bringing me back to the good old days I might watch some Bulls games with felicio in them just for a

Laugh all right Alex cuso makes both I think he made both 68 to 42 seem to be around the margin that has always been we’ve not really made a dent in this lead at all in this quarter Jo and beid makes the midi oh Drummond Drummond turns it over he goes

For a shot slips out of his hands and turns it over man I woke up for this come on man one minute to go all right AC tips it out of bounds felicio was the t- version of Shaq man I I even think that’s that’s a bit of a compliment I reckon that’s

Still a compliment for him I would say I would fight cancer then be forced to watch this don’t say that come on Blake cancer is a very serious thing man I’d rather watch this and have cancer all right one good season averaging 51 and F yeah man hey it’s solid solid stats

Man solid stats this is ugly Patrick bevly transition Tobias Harris gets the layup and won Kobe white fouls what do I even do at this point man like I I I really if this was me if I did not do watchalong or I didn’t have

A YouTube channel I’m not going to lie I would have turn the game off by now I don’t really know what to do in this situation like I could get really really mad I could throw Tantrums I could say some really bad stuff about these players but

But I don’t feel like doing that i’ I never usually feel like doing that like before it gets to those types of moments I just turned the game off I don’t know what to do here this is an ugly start for the Bulls this is probably the worst start we’ve had all

Season at least we’ve been in the 33 point mark but we’ve given up almost 75 points in a quarter in a half that’s bad man theas three-point shot that’s off dellan B just running shoots the three almost bounces in that’s halim balls down by 31 points and look

At Joan be just skipping to the locker room Philly are absolutely balling out at the moment oh my goodness 73 to 42 that is the score you are not the your eyes are not deceiving you you just if you’ve just waken up and you you know your eyes

Are all blurry you’re looking at the score that is the correct score 73 to 43 right now the B 42 it’s even worse the balls are down by 31 points in the half and there’s so much that’s gone wrong for the balls I can’t even I can’t

Even describe it to you but I guess the number one thing that everybody’s going to take away from this game is the three-point shot we can’t make a three I think we’ve made two threes in the half that is last season Bulls written right all over it

Not being able to make a three-point shot here’s the thing right here’s the thing that’s so surprising our shot selection has not been bad you would think with making two threes only in the game that our shot selection would be the worst thing I’ve ever seen it’s not

Been like that man all of our threes are open shots they are open threes but we can’t make any of them like literally any of them I I just don’t know what to say like bro did our shooting coach take a week off or something you know this past

Week we’ve not shot the ball well I don’t know what the goal is there I really don’t I really really don’t this hurts but that’s the biggest difference in the game I think our defense has not been great again we’ve given up 73 points in

A half so to say our defense has been good is just wrong as well Um but man we’re getting our ass is handed to us and we just have to take it I guess and to think there’s another game oh we got a backto back man we we got a game tomorrow all right switch to the Celtics the Thunder later why not 50 point loss

Coming 50 points yeah it’s possible that’s the saddest thing like what you’re saying he not Out Of Reach the balls got their asses cooked yes they did Brian yes they did this is unacceptable again we have had open shots I I’m not even going to give Philadelphia Credit for their defense

I’m not because we’ve had open shots I would to say we’re losing to ourselves here because Philly are cooking on the other end and we can’t defend and save our lives but it’s as simple as this if you don’t make open shots how do you expect to win a game you

Can’t I’m sure Billy Donovan is going to be saying the same things in the locker room how can you expect to come back how can you expect to make a game competitive how can you expect to win a game send it to OT whatever your goals

Are in this game if you can’t make open shots we’ve had some open ones I’ve not been impressed with Philly’s defense today I’ve been very impressed with their offense their offense has crushed us in a nutshell but we’re not doing well at all man one two from 16 two from 17 from the

Three-point line they ain’t going to cut it at any game anyway let’s see what you guys are saying um final 50 to 104 uh look at this rate Philly’s going to drop 140 points on us um you know if they have the exact same quarter they exact same

Half as they had in the first half it’s 140 points that’s that’s how bad this could be I’m concerned with Kobe being three from 30 how can he be so cold the thing about Kobe is he’s cold from the three but everywhere else is not doing badly man he’s got double

Digit points for the Bulls I believe he’s getting to the foul line he’s making layups and mid-rangers but from the three-point line the guy just forgot how to shoot bro like I don’t know what to say like it’s all like Kobe White’s doing everything wrong but the one thing

That he is doing wrong is just stands out so much in a game like this it’s it’s hard it’s hard to cope with it’s hard to understand man like I just don’t get it I don’t get it three from 30 is a lot anyway what can we do let’s look at the

Stats I don’t want to look at the stats man I don’t want to look at the stats all right so Demar Rosen has 14 points two rebounds and one assist four from Seven from the field I think he’s the only one with anything of remote good efficiency

No one else has been efficient for the Bulls Demar Rosen has been a standout in what has been a very miserable game to watch ‘s shooting over 57% from the field it is what it is Patrick Williams only three points one from three from the from the field Patrick Williams

Needs more shots simple as that um the guy’s been locked up he he needs to this this is again reminding me of the old Patrick Williams and the old CH cargo balls he has to have more shots in the game Andre dond four points and 10 rebounds again I I don’t think Andre

Drummond’s been that bad efficiency wise and scoring wise he’s been bad but that’s always been the case with Drummond he’s never really had strong efficiency but um I don’t think he’s been bad on Joel embiid but Joel embiid’s just too good man it’s as simple as that Kuro Five

Points one rebound and one assist two from nine again we’re talking about everybody else efficiency AC has been super inefficient today um technically he’s the most inefficient player our starting lineup so there you go Kobe’s got 11 points two rebounds and to is four from nine from the field but 0 from

Four from the three-point line wow is that so literally Kobe white has missed he’s missed five shots in total and four of them are from the three-point line so he’s only missed one shot from inside the three-point line if I’m Kobe I think you just got to keep

Attacking bro like don’t don’t don’t settle for the three no more man like it’s getting bad out here and then I has the only bench points for the Chicago Bulls I has five points our bench not been here not been here at all our bench has been disappearing um I’m

Looking at Javon Carter I’m looking at Terry Taylor I’m looking at dalen Terry those are the only guys that we played outside of IO we miss Tory Craig man that’s all I’m going to say that off of about bch we miss some Tory Craig cuz no one else can

Find a bucket yet and I’m going to go out on limia call me stupid call me bias call me whatever you like a game like this we miss Zack LaVine I’ll say it no one else will say it everybody thinks we play better without Zack LaVine and look we have

Been I’m not going to sit here and say everybody’s wrong haha look you know we play we play we need Zack LaVine or anything like that but we miss Zack LaVine in this type of game when we need a bucket Zack LaVine can provide a bucket and he’ll provide an extra threat

Out here that we need cuz no one else is stepping up to the plate man but everybody wants to just blame Zack for every problem that we have I mean this is a wakeup call for a lot of people here to think Zack LaVine is the

Only problem that we have this is a wake up call and vusic as well but with vvi I think with vich nothing really makes a diff maybe offensively would be better but vovi would have got cooked defensively as well but with Zack LaVine again it’s a wakeup call don’t

Ever assume that there’s only one problem for the Chicago Bulls and that’s the only problem that we have don’t ever assume that there’s always multiple problems with a losing team whether it’s Detroit whether it’s the Bulls whether it’s who it’s the Spurs whether whether it’s any team even teams on neutral

Records like the Lakers I think the Lakers are 7 are 17 and 17 right now they’ve gone from winning the inseason tournament to having a really bad stretch of basketball there’s always more than one reason you can’t just blame one person and say that is it you are the

Reason I think the bull showed some sparks without Zack LaVine But ultimately as we’re starting to come down from that high of how good we’re playing we see more problems come along I like the fact that we’re playing Team Basketball it’s the only thing that I

Like when Zack LaVine is out of the lineup but there are still problems here that have not been really targeted if you know what I mean we could use Zach in a game like this yep I did read your mind again when we’re down by 31 points and we need

Buckets we could have used Zack LaVine in this game but we could also we to play I guess both sides here we could have used a trade by now again where’s Austin ree man we’re waiting for you buddy where are you come on down man we don’t got all

Day here bro if we’re going to lose like this until January this is bad ah is it time for a rebuild yet technically this is supposed to be our rebuild if we’re not playing Zach it depends on what we trade if we trade Zack for young guys I would consider

This a rebuild of a retour but I don’t know we need a game like this we miss Javonte green and Derrick Jones Jr too bro Dereck Jones Jr for the Mavericks versus Derrick Jones Jr for the Bulls is night and day Dereck Jones Jr for the Mavericks is

Gone insane bro I don’t know what’s happened to him but this guy is turned into a menace Derek Jones Jr for the Bulls I like Derek Jones Jr but what what we’ll just put him at backup center that’s what we would have done done today and

He would not have helped there I’m sorry he wouldn’t have we would we would have just played him at backup center cuz we don’t have rusovich and we would have sucked I don’t think D Jr does much for the game today javante green I like javante green I just don’t

Know when you’re down 31 there’s a guy that averages 10 points per game really help that much I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know man I don’t even want to look at Philadelphia stats but look we want we have to play Both Sides here this is a

Philadelphia versus Chicago Bulls watch along I think it’s an injustice to not look at Philadelphia stats even though it’s going to hurt um so let’s take a look look at how well spread the scoring has been for Philadelphia by the way uh Batum has nine points very efficient

From the field he’s shooting 66% from the field uh tobbi Harris has 12 points at five rebounds 71% from the field Jo B 22 points and 10 re eight rebounds um 9 for 14 from the field at 64% Kelly UB 16 points and three assists three Steals and two

Rebounds 83% for Kelly UB man these guys are getting eight pluses out here Tyrese Maxi has nine points one rebound and four assist he has been the most inefficient starter at 42% the only player that has more efficiency on our team compared to tyus

Maxi is dear R Roa no one else has been that efficient um which is shocking Patrick Beverly three points he’s 100% from the field I believe um and house has two points he’s 50% from the field Reed has two points he’s 100% from the field so efficiency Galore out here for the Philadelphia

76ers that hurt I can’t lie that hurt all right so someone said to watch the Celtics and Thunder game why not we got nothing to lose this is a sorry rebuild well technically if we’re trying to rebuild a loss like this would actually help us

It’s just no one wants to lose in this way but a loss would always help in a rebuild but in a rebuild as well your super your young players have to show some signs here the only signs I’ve seen is that Kobe should doing everything but making the three-point shots Patrick

Williams has gone quiet passive p in this game and I’s missed a lot of easy ones as well but he has five points I think you know our young guys have to start stepping up it looks like I’ve caught the no let’s skip skip ahead you guys might

Have to let me know when the game’s back on so wait didn’t the Celtics play last night do they have a back toback why do I remember them playing last night I don’t know some I think they played lot I don’t know I don’t know looks like they’re on their West

Coast trip it seems out here in OKC all right at least we’re going to see some two good teams go at it here Jaylen Brown takes a miserable shot but Al Horford with the rebound it’s turned over Shay gildas Alexander wants the Run D for three that’s a

Miss bro I feel like it’s me every every team I watch play miss your shots Shay gets the layup he’s complaining about the foul call there’s no foul there for Shay and it looks like there’s some blood oh my goodness I am watching WWE put the world rumble on right now

Let’s watch some WWE oh they just headbutted each other okay blood for both individuals shees that looks rough that looks rough Zach is going to be he’s going to be on demon time when he comes back I look I’m not going to say Zack LaVine is going to come back and make everything

Better like a you know like he’s going to come in Pat everybody on the back it’s all right boys I got this let’s go let’s go win let’s go on a seven 8 n game win I’m not going to say that cuz we know Zack LaVine is part of the

Problem we all know that that but to think Zack line is the only problem we have I mean what’s the excuse today to go down 31 points in the game tell me tell tell me the excuse you can’t put it on Zack LaVine today you can’t just say what’s the you going to

Put it on Zack oh Zack didn’t travel to Philadelphia that’s why we’re losing like what what can we do we can’t keep putting blame on one person there’s blame that goes to multiple people for a game like this we can’t just assume it’s all one person’s fault change it at the right

Time we got Josh giddy in the post kicks it to D for three that’s off rebound to Giddy and that’s a turnover for the OKC Thunder I just hope that when Zach comes back cuz he’s going to come back he’s going to return before January 15th if

He even gets traded to the Lakers assuming that happens on January 15th he’s going to come back before then so he’s going to play at least one or two games in those one or two games adjust with the team get us some wins and then go on your way bro that’s

That’s how I feel when it comes to Zack LaVine come in and get us some wins and then go do what you do bro go to the Lakers and enjoy your time and we’ll move on as well okay it looks like the game’s back on thank you for letting me know Tyler

Let’s put the G let’s put the Bulls and enough of this nonsense Boston who wants to watch close games bro Boston and OK yuck yuck disgusting okay and all the way to live who wants to watch a Blog apparently me bro apparently me it says game break the they are we already

On a timeout bro ain’t no way we timed out this early what’s up you’ve you’ve come to the worst game my friend you’ve come to the worst game I’m not going to lie apparently the G apparently we timed out bro there’s no way we we timed out

This early hold on how long has the quarter been has the quarter started we’re only a minute in bro maybe Philly timed out I don’t know I don’t know anyway we’ll wait for the timeout oh man and to think I could have just you know skipped the game got some

Sleep you know just have a regular day it was a challenge call Thank You Blake um CWI the mall it’s been worse than that if you were here for the entire watch along I feel like uh the mood goes all the way down honestly the mood has definitely

Taken a drop we can’t win them all sign Tobias right now Zach for Tobias question mark Tobias has struggled against us I know he’s had a good game today but the guy the guy doesn’t always play well that’s my problem with Tobias to me he seems inconsistent this bad Chicago Bulls

Looking very hurtful I’m hurt man but you can always put effort effort you know makes make your threes I don’t feel like make open 3 should be that difficult for guys in the NBA maybe in 2012 or something would be hard but in 2024 if you have open threes and you

Miss them like this just bad bro Drummond gets the layup there got to be the worst blowout by uh the Sixers again LaVine for Jo no no no no I definitely don’t want that I don’t think there’s a one and one for Zach I’d be interested I want picks or

Talents we need we need some Talent here Drummond just trying to do something in the psty air balls I don’t know how they didn’t call that there it is they did call it a traveling violation by Andre Drummond he airballs and got his own Miss can’t do that Ball’s got to hit the

Rim Yeah that’s bad that is bad when you’re when you’re trying to get post talks on D and beid is your main source of offense that’s when you know things have really gone bad speaking of Joel embiid wants to try and isolate Drummond he kicks it to KY

UB Ki UB goes for the layup he misses and patum gets the offensive rebound and it’s a back or violation for Philly I was going to ask who’s doing well for the Bulls but who’s doing well for the Bulls is basically just demard Rosen right now I don’t think anybody

Else is actually doing well for the Bulls Drummond’s doing okay against Joel embiid but Joel ID has like 27 and six right now so I mean you’re not going to stop Joel and beid AC makes a three Aiden is there a one for one you do for Zack I’d still like Pascal

Sakkam but I don’t think we’re going to do that now considering the Raptor traded for a shooting guard but other than that not really I like the Austin Reeves deal I don’t know that’s not going to be one for one cuz the money we’re going to

Have to get other people in return but the reason why I like Austin Reeves is because he’s on a very cheap deal so you could potentially get roughly an 18 to 20 point per game scorer on well 12 million a year you have some cap space to kind of

Move around pieces that’s why I like Austin Reeves if we get if we get like DLo Reeves or DLo you know Reef hamura whatever deal we’re going to get with the Lakers if we get one hachimura I’m happy with but haimura is a guy that we could trade if we don’t

Want him as well he’s a very tradable asset DLo is on an expiring contract so fine have him for a season move him on you know what I mean and you can use that money to go and sign someone else and bolster up this team depthwise cuz our bench

Today bro it’s just I no one else have scored off of our bench we need some bench depth man and if you get Reeves you’re going to have someone move to the bench so that will improve your depth so again it’s one of those situations man where like just the contract makes

Sense for the balls you’re getting a 20 point per game scorer roughly around there on a a contract that’s why I like Austin Reeves I definitely want Reeves don’t want Reeves LOL and that’s weird um well there’s a lot of things I’ve missed here to be fair ID is averaging like 33 he’s

Going to get there man don’t you worry about that Kobe white misses the midi drumond gets an offensive rebound drumond goes up and gets the layup nice um but LaVine could be shipped off to the Pistons or something for a salary dump um WS wouldn’t mind

Picks I don’t think we’re going to get I don’t think he’s going to go to the Raptors man why sign RJ Barrett trade for RJ Barrett if you’re going to pick up LaVine as well I don’t find a world where LaVine and RJ Barett play together you know what I

Mean just don’t see it anyway not DLo but the thing about DLo is I think DLo has to be part of it just to match salaries like D I feel like dor is the absolute thing we are going to get from the Lakers whether we get Reeves or not the

One thing we’re going to probably get is DLo I would take DLo for a season to move him on to clear out the cap space and sign a very good player like Reeves if that’s the possibility I’m happy with that they have Hayes as well I’m not

Necessarily that high on Hayes I feel like Hayes gets bullied too much he’s very athletic but I feel like he gets bullied I don’t know if I’m not a big fan of Hayes i’ take him if he’s in the deal but I’m not necessarily looking for

Him um um let’s clear the bench and get ready for the Knicks on national TV tomorrow we’re getting to that point man we’re not coming back from this this game is basically over yes Tyler LaVine to the Hornets I would love to do a deal with the Hornets um they’ve

Got picks and I don’t think they’re going to get any better with LaVine to be honest that’s why do we deal with the Pistons if we could get the Detroit Pistons 2024 pick in a deal I’m doing that in a heartbeat bro that’s prote the first pick even if they get Zack LaVine

Bro they’re not going to get out of the situation that they’re in they’ve got two wins on their season three wins on their season I would take that in a heartbeat man the Detroit the Kings the Charlotte Hornet the Indiana Pacers these are the teams are looking at to do deals with huh

I just want to see the rookies play I didn’t want him to leave till it got toxic and he really wanted to leave if you’re talking about LaVine LaVine is um are we’re talking about Larry Market in here okay Larry wanted to leave I don’t see Larry ever coming back to the

Bulls Larry’s the same thing I do Larry’s the same way I I kind of feel with LaVine they both didn’t want to be here like we changed our whole front office our whole organization for Lowry and then we just sat him on the bench and he didn’t want to be on the

Bench so I I doubt Larry would want to come back here I agree on Hayes I was thinking we could get a pair of him with a big that would that um could be good for us Hazen V hayen Drummond I don’t know every time I watch hazy he gets

Bullied he can catch a lob he can run run he’s very athletic so he could help in that department you know the Bulls love to run get a center that can run but um every time I watch Hayes even against small ball centers the guy just gets

Shoved constantly pushed out of the way I feel like for a center you need a physical presence in there like he gets he gets bullied more than V does in my eyes and V gets bullied anyway on a positive know I guess um we have reached a double digit

Like goal we did that quite early in the Stream but I never really paid attention to it um we have 15 likes on the stream so yeah I I appreciate you guys for liking the stream even though the Bulls are down bad at the moment and it’s not looking any better I don’t

Think I’ve even watched any of the third quarter but it looks like we’ve made some dent in the lead kind of 28 points is the lead right now for Philly um I appreciate you guys for stopping by if you are still new to the channel and you want to see more watch alongs

Hopefully with a little bit more Tempo and actually competitive Spirit um feel free to subscribe that should hope and turn notifications on by the way I don’t say this enough but if you want to know every time I go live or every time I post a video the best thing for you to

Do is to turn the notifications on that’s when you know when I’m going live that’s when you know uh when I’m going I guess to post a video stuff like that that’s always helpful if you want to do you know anything in between when it comes

To that but yeah feel free to like it subscribe if you haven’t already I appreciate you guys all for stopping by hopefully the next game against the Knicks it’ll be more competitive than this so we can actually watch the game and enjoy it because right now I 10

Times more focused on the chat than I am on the game I don’t really want to watch this um yeah but I’ve noticed Andre J’s having a very good quarter so good for him let’s take a look Dennis one LaVine two Barrett 3 Scotty four nah that goes against everything that

They used to be though like they were team length if you’re going to go and put RJ Barrett as more forward you’re basically no I don’t like that I don’t think the Raptors win games like that Zack LaVine to the Kings yeah I would love Zack LaVine to

Go to the Kings I think the Kings have very good role plays we could we could use I just want to see the rookies play I think we’ve said that um yeah bring Julian Phillips in this game man let’s let’s do it okay Pacers they defo don’t need

LaVine they could score uh Allstar stats every game but also concede all that H I don’t know I don’t think the pace is what LaVine but you know I want buddy heill that’s who I want from the Pacers man like we’ll see you I don’t think the

P I feel like the paces at the beginning of the Season wanted LaVine but I don’t think they want LaVine anymore it’s one of those situations all right minus two points in the deficit yeah same with Miles Bridges I don’t want miles Bridges anywhere near

This team um I’m so glad I didn’t bet on the game yeah save some money man don’t bet bro don’t bet don’t bet on the Bulls man like they just too unpredictable uh Trey Jones Aiden I mean he is a God but he’s having a um a contractual wow I just learned a

New word today contractual issue with the Spurs I have heard about trade he TR Jon’s played well against us um both games we versed the Spurs one more time I don’t know why how that’s possible but we do um yeah I mean I’m not really interested in

Another guard unless it’s an off ball guard I kind of want the reason why I like buddy heeld is because he doesn’t need the ball in his hands to make a difference in the game Jordan Phillips is coming into the game ladies and gentlemen the rookies are out

Here let’s bring dalon Terry in as well let’s just let’s just get all the rookies in 80 to 55 is the score by the way if you’re actually watching um yeah look I I want an off ball guard I want a guard that can move without the

Ball I want a JJ ready type of guy someone that could you know maybe like a I’m trying to think of a guy that you know could play that JJ ra Tope like again buddy held I feel like is a good example of it maybe like a Devon chenzo even though

He kind of is a ball handzo a little bit as well these days with the Knicks guys like that guys that can make a difference without Josh Hart maybe um you know guys that can shoot the three-point shot well a Grimes you know those are the type of guys I would

Want as if we’re going to get another guard you know guys that don’t need the ball in their hands to make the biggest difference anyway that’s just me um my 2k 24 CPU could play better than this I mean again if you play the CPU on Hall of Fame you’re not winning the

Games bro like uh my I have a gaming channel and I try to play my career on Hall of Fame good luck bro if you’re forward bro you you ain’t you ain’t getting open bro like you have to be a guard or Center to be good in my career in 2K 24

Um what about Terry Rosia Scary Terry I feel like it’s the same issue with scary Terry he needs the ball in his hands to be effective but to be fair Scary Terry plays with lamelo ball and lamelo ball is has the ball in his hands

A lot but with scary Terry as well he’s a bit undersized as well for an off guard I don’t know I don’t think that works for the Bulls but it’s I think that’s a it’s a it’s an option that I can live with if we get some picks with

You know alongside of it you know what I mean because if we’re trading with Charlotte I want picks because they are not a good team and I don’t think Zack LaVine takes them to the next level you know Zack lavine’s not going to make the Charlotte Hornets I

Guess a playing Team a playoff team maybe a playing team but not a playoff team and we could use their pick so I would sacrifice Zack LaVine for Scary Terry and some picks Josh Hart isn’t bad he’s definitely isn’t bad I like Josh Hart by the way did you guys see OG Anon

Noi’s first game with the Knicks they beat the Timol did they not I don’t know if they actually I was watching the game but I didn’t finish it I don’t know if they won the game or not but I’m pretty sure they won the game they played well against the top Western

Conference team that’s who we have tomorrow ladies and gentlemen we’ve got the Knicks tomorrow on TV apparently I don’t have that schedule cuz I’m from Australia so doesn’t really matter to me but um yeah interesting Aidan how insane would it be if our rookies won the

Game pretty insane I mean look I’m watch I’m looking at the game right now the Bulls are only down by 22 they’ve uh stormed their way back not back they haven’t stormed their way to any but um they made a big dent into the lead I guess just won’t be enough Joan

Be’s at the line and he makes the first yeah keep the chats coming in bro I don’t want to watch this game I I don’t make me commentate on this game bro I need chats coming in keep talking about LaVine or something keep talking about trades it’s been today’s game’s been a nightmare

All right Dal and Terry drives Julian Phillips I feel like Julian Phillips has made a three so that’s good demard Rosen he shoots a three that is off rebound Joel embiid and tyus Max is shooting a transition three and he got it one of them ones

Hi I’m also watching the cricket look as an Australian Cricket’s meant to be you know my type of sport and I don’t necessarily like Cricket I like playing Cricket I don’t like watching it I’d rather watch the cricket because this is just uh I don’t know honestly you know I’ve planned for

Moments like this but I just don’t want to do it I’ve literally planned well like if the Bulls are down bad in a game and you know they’re down by like 30 points I’d like go and actually play some PlayStation and stream it in the watch along while

Um while the game is on but I feel like it’s disrespectful to do that you know like get a whole bunch of us to go join an Among Us game or something you know until the game is over I was thinking of stuff like that but uh I don’t know I don’t

Know it feels a bit disrespectful cuz you know the blls have been doing well I don’t want to disrespect them but at the same time this is a pretty disrespectful performance to be honest so I don’t know what to do I really don’t want to commentate

This game like usually when you see me there’s a lot of energy in the commentary you know I’m literally describing everything that happens there’s excitement as D and Terry shoots and air balls are three there’s excitement there when the balls playing I’m excited to call it but I’m not excited for this

Man watch Windy City Bulls g- League teams I don’t even think I have access to that I’m from Australia where do we get access to that do I have to pay like a a windy city Bulls League Pass I’m not paying for the windy city Bulls league

Pass if there is one bro like I’m I’m just not doing that hey aidah what’s your 2K thing so I can add you I don’t play 2K that often but it’s um my PlayStation tag it’s the bull show and because that’s what my former name was it’s the

Bull show but underscore for under every word except for the last one I think you should find me there that’s that’s that’s that’s my uh that’s my PlayStation tag at least my 2k character looks like Kobe white you know I’m one of them ones got the whole Kobe white you know Jersey

Kobe white shorts Kobe white tats I did Zack I did one with Zack LaVine um a year ago made my guy look like Zack LaVine I made my guy look like I like making my guy look like other you know NBA players I made my guy look like D Rose a couple

Years ago my friends called it alcoholic D Rose it was funny it was good but I’m also from Australia so like unless you’re you know wanting to play in my server you’re going to lag out every game man 2K servers ain’t great all right what’s the score I feel

Like the 76 is went on a bit of a run here 89 to 67 H same score 22 points ah can I if I hold if I switch scenes my PlayStation is on right now if I switch scenes a that turned it off wow that’s embarrassing that’s that’s embarrassing

Right there my PlayStation is on I’d have to reset my elato just to actually stream a game so I I don’t want to do that drun D Ros yeah that’s what they called him it bro my D Ros look good bro I need to F I need to remember which

Game that was on so I could download it and show you my D Ros bro my D look good at the time bro I’m telling you maybe not the tats I feel like d has a lot of tats but the tats weren’t right VI face look good bro I don’t care

What anyone says I refuse to believe my D look like an alcoholic deros anyway so far in the game I don’t even know Javon Carter Derek I was gonna say Derek R Javon Carter Kobe white dalon Terry Julian Phillips yeah we’ve taken bro we’ve literally put our bench in the game

Our whole rookie lineup is out here yikes it is what it is how many chips would we have W if D Rose didn’t get hurt I would say at least one at least one I feel like we would have been better than the Caps team I think Miami

Just for that time frame Miami were too good you know D way LeBron and Bosch for that style of basketball I think they were just better than the Bulls unfortunately but when LeBron went to the Cavs I think we would we would have been better than the Cavs

That Cavs team if D never got hurt so I would say at least one the Warriors Dynasty kind of came after that D Rose era as well I don’t know if we’d be beating the Warriors Dynasty but um yeah at least one surely I feel confident we could have got

One maybe the 2014 one where the one the Spurs won we could have beat the Mavs yeah we could have beat the Mavs maybe yeah yeah but yeah I agree we we had a team that could have matched up with that Mavs team better in all honesty as

Well like ain’t nobody on that Miami Heat team was stopping Durk but I feel like we had enough bodies in there to stop Durk not stop Durk but contain him that’s just me though maybe two then because I think we could have beat the Cavs team you know that if we all right

I’m going to say 20 the 2012 team could have won the championship and the 2014 season where the heat lost to the Spurs we could have won both of those championships I don’t think we beat the Warriors at all the Warriors team is just too

Good but we could have got to a couple of finals Javon Carter transition three that’s off 92 to 70 still 22 points all right let’s put some commentary in it let’s put some effort I’ll put some effort in there could the blls to stop JJ Bera

Though good question man JJ bar what a guy I feel like to be fair Charlie vill and noer would have been a tough matchup if you know you know all right Kobe white running in transition Patrick Beverly reaches and Patrick Beverly gets tagged with a foul there all

Right deardo Rosen ball in his hands it looks like we’ve got some of our experienced players back in the game dear with the fade away mid-range that’s off rebound jell embiid to Bas Harris wants to run again there’s no effort really on the defensive end for the Bulls here stopping durk’s

Mavs I think we match I’m not going to say we would have stopped Durk I think we have enough bodies in there to make it more tougher for Durk compared to the heat the heat never really had a true Center Chris Bosch was their Center that had um what’s his name the

Birdman Anderson they had him Udonis Haslam was good but I feel like their weakest position was always the bigs so that’s why Durk had the playoff series that he had I feel like the Bulls could have done better to be honest I do believe we could have won that

Championship if we made the Finals over the heat I’m not going to turn turn my back on that statement why is Patrick Williams not in the game no idea I have bro I haven’t been watching I apologize I really haven’t been watching um Patrick Williams how many

Minutes has he even played I I you’re right I haven’t seen him more game really box score um Patrick Williams has only played 10 minutes yeah I don’t know what’s happened with Pat wow we could have uh eight if Mike ain’t leave those two seasons

Yeah we could have we could of but again that’s hypo these are all hypotheticals man it’s like we never really know we’ll never know we’ll never know how much championships zos could have won if he didn’t get hurt unfortunately I cannot believe and against Philly as well he got

Hurt it’s just all Philly it’s all Philly’s fault man Philly’s fault for everything man getting ridiculous out here it looks like Kobe White’s hurt now actually Kobe white slipped in the paint and Kobe’s holding his ankle I can’t deal with this bro not only are we getting absolutely smacked

And punched in the mouth now Kobe White’s hurt it’s always Philly bro it’s always Philly nothing can go right in in the City of Brotherly Love bro where’s the love for the Bulls here in Philly man every time we come here something bad happens let’s hope Kobe White’s okay let’s hope

It’s a minor ankle sprain minimum and it’s nothing really bad but Kobe white hurt his ankle I doubt he’s coming back in this game drama with the putback slam oh man I need a drink bro I’m getting a headache I’m getting a headache all right I have returned you’ll never know how many

Championships if Rondo Wade and Jimmy worked you know what I don’t even care what anybody says that time frame is one of my favorite as a bulls fan because you don’t often get to see your favorite player join your favorite team and Dwayne Wade look I love the

Bulls but even when I first started watching basketball I was always a fan of Dwayne Wade from the Miami Heats even even the Rivalry I get it there was a big rivalry you’re not supposed to like any Miami Heat players but I like Dwayne Wade bro I like Dwayne

Wade and when you see your favorite player join your favorite team I don’t care how bad they are you enjoy those moments you enjoy those moments because it’s very rare if your favorite player is Luca Dage for example Luca will never come to Chicago most likely you never say never

But most likely 9 99.9% he would never come to Chicago but on that one occasion even if he’s washed old sucks if he comes to Chicago and you’ve been watching him for the LA last 10 years of your life 15 years of your life and then he comes to Chicago enjoy those

Moments man if D Rose ever comes back to Chicago to end his career I don’t care how bad the Bulls are or how good the balls are if he’s having one last hurah in Chicago you better enjoy those moments enjoy them don’t let them go to waste I enjoyed that season even though

It sucked because I got to see D dwade in the Bull’s uniform even Rondo I love Rondo I love Rondo you know me I love true point guards I love playmaking point guards man I love them unless you give him the Slovenian team to play in Chicago I don’t know

What that means what does that mean is that I’m not really sure what that means the real tragedy is that um dum dum in La who wants everybody to say he’s better than Jordan could have joined the Bulls and he’d been the oldest guy of the team with D Rose and the

Rest look no disrespect if we could have got LeBron with Derek Rose the Bulls again G packs fire gu packs would have never happened if you could have got LeBron in Chicago with Derek Rose even Dwayne Wade as well if we got that to work wow wow that’s all I’m saying

Wow but not meant to be but I would have loved LeBron here no look I get it people there’s LeBron haters out there people will always always try to disprove you know LeBron I could not care less about this goat debate by the way who’s better Michael

Jord I don’t care bro they don’t play in the same era MJ retired in 20 2003 LeBron debuted in 2003 it’s done bro who cares I don’t care I will always say MJ is the goat but I’ll be honest I don’t care about this debate I I never have

Um but I would have loved to have seen LeBron join the balls LeBron and D way there was a whole conversation about those two guys coming to the Bulls um but they went to the heat instead and they signed Chris Bosch if they could have got dwade and LeBron

To the bulls with Derek Rose po crazy um that would have been a dynasty I agree I really think bro we would have won more than two championships with that team assuming LeBron stayed for longer than he did though the goat debate means the world to LeBron and his stands I could not

Care less about the goat debate I don’t care if you think LeBron is the goat I really don’t I don’t hate LeBron like I feel like if you’re a bulls fan it’s like you have to sign a contract you have to talk badly about LeBron at all

Times you have to hate LeBron with all your heart he’s the worst player in the NBA I don’t feel that way about LeBron I really don’t I think LeBron’s a heck of a player I think of course in in modern day basketball he’s dropped off no disrespect he has dropped off the guy

Doesn’t play anywhere near as good as a defense as he used to but offensively LeBron’s LeBron he’s still at it at his age I have nothing but respect for LeBron James Um I wish there was a different debate that’s why it matters to me LOL it doesn’t matter to me man it really doesn’t for Luca to play in Chicago the whole Slovenia national team must okay I get it now uh you know what it’s like what we tried to do we

Tried to sign janis’s brother just to bring jannis to the Bulls that was funny but yeah man enjoy the moments if I’m telling you now if D Royce ever comes back to Chicago for a oneyear Thing One Last Hurrah hey this is my goodbye I

Want to I want to retire in Chicago and by the way with d Roose I don’t want none of this nonsense that let’s sign a one-day contract then retire like Joe kimoa lalan did sign a one-day contract I’m retiring in Chicago I get it they couldn’t play no more D

Rose is still in the league if I I want D Rose to come and have one last season just one season in Chicago have his send off get standing ovations at the United stand at every game no matter win or lose and you know get that respect that

He deserves for being an MVP for this Chicago Bulls team I want d r Ro back for one more season whenever his last season is I want him for that season that’s just just me though that’s just me and I want to enjoy that last season with him whether we win 80 games

Or we lose 80 games is he getting valuable minutes in Memphis um last I heard he was injured uh he had a couple of games starting but look I’m not bringing Derrick Rose in because he’s going to change the Chicago balls like you you don’t bring Derrick

Rose in at his age of 35 years old and expect him to revolutionize this Bull’s team like that’s not that’s not the purpose of bringing him in if you’re trying to fix this Bulls team and make it a competitive team you don’t bring Derrick Rose back into the team you just

Don’t um he was a starter for Memphis at the beginning of the Season there was second last in the Western Conference no disrespect to D Rose I’m not trying to say he’s a bad player or anything but I don’t think he impacts winning anymore but I if you want to

Bring D Rose back you bring him in for the moment of this is his last season he could be on the way out let’s sell you know like the Paul not Paul Pier the Kobe Bryant treatment I know Kobe Bryant won five championships stayed with the Lakers his whole career it’s completely different

But I don’t know I like that sentiment D Rose was an MVP caliber player in Chicago he won the MVP here he did a lot for his balls team in the small amount of years that he was healthy he never really wanted to leave Chicago the Bulls got rid of him it’s

Not the other way around just bring him in let him play some garbage time minutes maybe come off the bench and just you know see it out for a bit you know what I mean by the way my phone is ringing I’m not answering that if you can hear it I apologize

Um the ud Ro exactly exactly coming in for some leadership speaking to guys like Kobe and IO you know IO probably looks after D Rose as that Mentor type of role in in the basketball sense so trust me I would Thrive with drose in here just giving him some

Pointers stuff like that I that’s that’s exactly what I mean he doesn’t have to play every game but just like that last send off it’s something I wish you know Paul pce had for the Celtics when he retired I think he retired with the Clippers I know it doesn’t always happen

And you can’t expect it to happen but I would love it to happen just get him like on a a minimum deal you know get that 15th roster spot it would be nice it would be nice just remember Jimmy Butler said he wanted to retire here as well so yeah

We’re not a retirement home out here I I don’t want to you know put that sentiment on the balls but I want to respect the players that have played and given everything to this team in our success and D Rose was a big part of that anyway there’s still n minutes man

Oh my there’s 9 Minutes in the fourth quarter I have not looked at this game whatsoever but there’s an Adamas sonogo appearance Adamas sonogo is coming into the game wearing the number 21 that looks weird on someone that’s not Jimmy Butler that’s suspicious that’s suspicious Scotty’s looking for a new

Job he might be interested in the Bulls but I don’t know what uh what’s gone into Scotty Scotty Pippen look man B bball is a soap opera just as much as a soap opera is a soap opera there is controversy there is toxicity there is arguments there is disagreements there’s backstabbing the

NBA the NBA is filled with drama and Scotty Pippen adds fuel to the fire on that claim well I and I hate that but I hate that there’s drama when it comes to the Bulls and Scotty Pippen I don’t want to be you know I don’t want to be the LA

Type of Team where there’s drama every day it’s like you’re keeping up with the Kardashians in a basketball game you know like I don’t want none of that with the bulls I want the Bulls just to handle their business but you know it is what it

Is Scotty just doesn’t seem to like MJ very much these days ah man this game’s on the ropes just don’t call another timeout please just let this game go by let’s let the8 minutes fly away let me just live it down in peace this game reaction is literally going to be like a

Two-minute video I ain’t making a whole or maybe I I say that now but I’m tired man I woke up I wouldn’t say fairly early but I didn’t get much sleep for this game I’m just think thinking what my bed feels like right now and how I’d love to just take a nap

Man it’s also very hot in Australia as well that doesn’t help anyway what time is it in New Zealand I’m not in New Zealand I’m in Australia and right now it’s 100 p.m. it’s 109 I woke up at 10:30 to watch this game 10:30 it’s a good time to be fair

And 10:30 is a very reasonable time but just lack of sleep that’s what it is isn’t it 1: p.m. over there and you want to sleep again just lack of sleep beforehand you you know me I’m streaming at 3:00 a.m. in the morning bro like I I I I’m weird I’m just

Weird you know it’s it’s the New Year season that’s okay it is 1 p.m here you are right that’s okay New Zealand ain’t too far away I feel like the time zone is a couple hours different um like where a cup technically New Zealand New Zealand is from the future

If you’re if you’re talking about Melbourne or Australia being from the future or Sydney whatever whatever city in Australia is from the future New Zealand’s ahead of us Nets are down bad on the Pelicans let’s take a look at what’s going on around the NBA let’s take a look

So we didn’t even do that at Hal time obviously the balls are down bad the Thunder are losing to the Celtics in a close game at halim 62 to 58 that’s a fun game like you said the Pelicans are destroying the Brooklyn Nets that that

They seem to be on the Bulls and Philly type of vibe right now Grizzly’s up by seven over the Spurs that’s what’s going on around the NBA Mel Bridges are you keen on him I would be very keen on Mel Bridges but I am 99% sure Brooklyn won’t trade him for

LaVine when it comes to these types of deals you have to look at both teams like maau Bridges would work so well for us he’s a forward a defensive player he could shoot create his own shot efficient he’s all the balls could want from that trade for f LaVine but that’s

Brooklyn’s number one option ain’t no way they’re going to trade him for LaVine no way that’s one of those ones where if we did that deal like I’d be dancing on the street what about cam Thomas though ah I feel like that’s more likely but I

Don’t think they want to give up on him either Thomas and LaVine would Clash though both scorers potentially I mean they’re both primary ball handlers as well for the most part I think that’s the biggest clash it’s not the fact that they’re both scorers is that they both want the ball in their

Hands they they both want to use the pick a roll to score they both want to size up their own shots if LaVine could become a catch and shoot player for this team we would be so much better you know how good Zack LaVine is from the catch and

Shoot but the problem is he wants the ball in his hands and he wants to do pick and rolls every possession that’s what his game is but if he could just sit in the corner and shoot the ball we’ be a different team man time for Ben Redemption with the bulls Ben

Simmons look I’m an Australian I say this all the time with Ben Simmons I’m an Australian I will always support my fellow Australian man you know I’ve played on the courts that Ben Simmons has played on before not on a competitive spirit in any way my team’s

Always sucked and I suck but still I’ve played on the same courts Ben Simmons has played on I don’t want Ben Simmons here I don’t want Ben Simmons here I think Ben Simmons makes no sense for the Bulls we can’t shoot threes and the what we can’t shoot I

Mean look at today how many threes have the Bulls made by the way let’s take a look at that the Bulls have made where’s the threes seven from 33 we’ made Seven threes today very poor efficiency 73s in a whole game is abysmal you know what I mean Ben Simmons

Won’t help that at all he won’t shoot the three and he’s going to be passing to Shooters that can’t shoot the three so I think Ben Simmons is stay away if we had four prolific three-point Shooters and Ben Simmons that would make me happy I’d be so happy with

That but if Ben Simmons is going a pass to Kobe iio Demar D rozan from the three-point line and none of them make it that’s a problem like Ben Simmons becomes useless then and then traffic cones under the rim with drumad and V offensive wise I

Mean V is having a v used to be a very good three-point shooter the guy was at least in the 30% tile when it comes to the three-point range you know 33% sometimes I think he had 37% at one season this season he’s shooting like

26% from the three so again no one can shoot the three on his Bull’s team man Kobe White had a fantastic stretch but that stretch has gone downhill quickly again that guy’s been horrible from the three-point line in this stretch the only consistent three-point shooter we truly have is Patrick

Williams simple as that simple as that D Terry drives to the rim Adamas nogu with the layer Flex on him and one that’s his first career points congratulations to dhasu on scoring your first NBA points and there’re in and one that’s a pretty good way to introduce yourself to the

League and if he makes the free throw as well that’d be 10 times sweeter he missed it unlucky still a good way to introduce yourself comes in scores his buckets getting rebounds that’s another rebound for him I’m just we’re just watching the D no show right now can we get C

Cg43 there to the Bulls why do I not know who that is I’m going to search that up I feel like I should know that CG 43 who is that I don’t even know who that is bro why does his name sound so familiar does he play in Australia okay okay interesting there

You go does play for Australia plays in Australia yeah I’m not I don’t really keep up with the NBL to be honest um Chris Golding there you go well from the photo I’ve seen he’s on an expiring contract maybe everything’s possible I guess what’s up everybody so what happened

With Kobe white did something happen he hurt his ankle unfortunately all he does is shoot threes as long as he’s making them uh welcome to the team bro 340 to go again like this this is I I I apologize man like this is obviously not my best effort in terms of a watch

Along like I feel like I could do more I feel like I could still keep the energy up I still I still feel like I could you know just I guess be a better host for a watch along but it’s just so hard to do something like that when you’re tired

The 76ers are killing us you know like it’s it’s hard bro like what am I supposed to do Lofton Jr didn’t this man plays for Philly bro this guy cooked Us in the summer league if you guys know this guy’s a menace in the post you’re having an off night it

Happens I just feel like it’s not by Design though like if this game was close I’d be hon it it’s just that the game is too far from gone and I just don’t know what to do like again in normal circumstances I wouldn’t even want watch I wouldn’t be watching the

Game right now like who wants to see this like I know there are many bulls content creators out there but I could guarantee you not all of them are watching this game to the very end like it is what it is like I’m watching it but I just don’t want to

Talk about it who wants to talk about this it’s all good these blowouts are just yeah you you know you know you know DT’s at the line he makes the first Lon Jr is a guy I would absolutely love on the balls by the way he’s more of a old school type of

Guy in the post you know can bully centers Sonu Al Lon Junior would be a good matchup both of them are very very physical players this is kind of cool to see I’m not going to lie so with another rebound how many bro I bet you this guy has more rebounds

Than everybody on the team except for Drummond bro how many rebounds does sonogo have right now only two never mind my bad I feel like every time I look I look up it’s sooga getting a rebound but speaking of Sonu gets fouled he’s going to go to the line again he’s

Delaying the game at this point you know I’m happy to see him Thrive out there but bro why you delaying the game man speed speedrun these free throws bro and it’s a timeout oh my goodness bro who called that timeout man why why why just why doesn’t Mak

Sense ah well anyway guys we are one like from the 20 likes uh on the on the watch along look all I’m going to say I’m not even going to ask for for likes any anymore I’m just going to say the fact that the balls got smoked

In this game down 30 plus most of the game and there is 19 likes on this stream one like away from 20 that’s that means a lot because it means that through thick and thin through the ups and the Downs through the wins and the blowouts you guys still enjoying the

Streams regardless of what happens maybe next time maybe next time if you guys want if the balls are down by 30 again we’ll all join an Among Us game and we’ll just play some Among Us for a while you know if you want I feel like that could

Be fun cuz let’s be honest who wants to watch the balls down by 30 I feel like that could be something very interactive that we can all do you know what I mean be fun anyway it is what it is let me know if you guys like that idea that

Was the idea I had from the very beginning of the season if the Bulls got cooked we all join an Among Us game just have some fun and you know take the pain away a little bit but um if you guys are not on board with that

Idea it is what it is we have a Swiss bucket shooter on the on the heat um he is in the G league but don’t take him away from us his name is co how I don’t know how to say his last name Cole swier swier Cole

Swier I’m not going to lie I don’t know who he is again I don’t look at the G League to be honest um I don’t have unless I think I have to pay an extra subscription fee to watch g-league games and I’m just not doing that ain’t no way I’m doing

That I never played that how much is it you never played among us before I’m pretty sure it’s free you can play it on your phone you can play it on your phone you can play it on a PlayStation you can play it on your

PC I think on consoles and PC it costs but I think on your phone it’s free I could be wrong though again just something to take the pain away cuz I don’t want to watch the Bulls down 40 again like I’d rather I’d rather have the game on but do something

Else that’s that’s kind of what I’m getting at like I could even technically just you know play some 2K and rebuild the Bulls right here if I wanted to just go on 2K and do a bulls rebuild you know we could do anything I I think it’s like $4 on the

Phone bro you actually have to pay for it on the phone that’s so bad bro when did you have to pay for it I have it on the phone but I guess at one point it was free on the phone cuz I I never paid for Among Us on the

Phone I I could become a fortnite streamer for 20 minutes we can or jum a game of fortnite bro we could do anything man it could be anything you want I don’t care I just don’t want to watch the Bulls go down by 40 every game I’d rather do something else and

Just get mad and scream and stuff like that bull sneaking back it’s done bro 76 to stopped trying ages ago it’s nice to see the Bulls young guys get a run out though Julian Phillips looked like he had a solid game Adamas sonoga doing well you

Know it’s it’s it is what it is and we at bro there’s Bulls play no no no no no I’m not having this I’m not having this I’m not having this what I just saw is ridiculous I I haven’t been looking for a while but this Bulls team’s been down

By 30 all game this Bulls team has been down by 30 all game and the audacity on the bench our starters are smiling and joking as we’re getting this as this team’s getting blown out I hate that that is something I dislike with a passion the fact that you’re getting

Smoked you’ve been smoked all game you got cooked by Philly all game yet there’s there is videos of you smiling and joking on the bench like it doesn’t even mean anything that’s a joke that’s a joke shame on you I think that was Drummond and Kobe shame on both of of

You no I’m not H I’m not happy with that the last thing you should be doing is joking and smiling when you’re getting your I’m not going to say it I’m not going to say it I need to have self-control but it’s disrespectful that is very disrespectful

Get mad I’m look I I’m mad that made me mad I’m not going to lie that made me Furious but I’m not going to I’m not going to swear at this Bull’s team I’m not going to lower myself to that level to to swear and and cuss out a Bull’s

Team it’s just not me it’s not me I can’t do it but that is mad disrespectful the audacity to be laughing when you got clapped the entire game you got destroyed the entire game all four quarters ain’t one quarter one there was no one good quarter for the Bulls and

The bull starters the leaders of this team the guys that you need to rely on to bounce back from moments like this a laughing and joking about it on the bench is ridiculously disrespectful ion care if that’s a normal thing or not no team should be seeing their starters getting destroyed

Like that and laughing about it on the bench if I saw Janis do that I’m having to go at yanis but Kobe white and Drummond are the ones doing that I hate that that should be something in the NBA we should never see you should never you

Should never ever ever get the like that and just be happy about it and smile it off I don’t like that remember earlier you were saying it was disrespectful to switch to something while the Bulls were getting blown out you’re right I should have you know

What if next next game next game we get blown out like this we’re down by 30 plus if they’re going to disrespect Bulls fans like that smile and think it’s just all big game a big joke not taking a seriously then I’ll do the same to them that’s fine

That I’m going to end the stream uh I’m I’m getting I’m getting heated and I just don’t want to I don’t want to be in the Stream no more I don’t like that at all all right the Bulls is such an embarrassment that’s a joke I’ll be I’ll

Be sure to mention that in the watch along I feel like I’m a bad influence on you I was getting mad regardless like I got mad before you even said get mad but I think what triggered me is that we’re down by 40 this bulls the bulls young guys are giving everything they

Have on the court to try and Salvage a respectable score Line This score line ain’t terrible 110 to 97 it’s bad but it’s not the worst thing you’ll ever see that fourth quarter our young guys did absolutely everything to try and make that a salvageable score line and you have the starters sitting

There knowing that they got destroyed let Bulls fans across the world down for this game came out with no energy to begin made no shots and they’re just going to sit there and joke about it like it’s nothing like this doesn’t mean anything to them and then you look at why the Bulls

At a negative record or why everybody’s saying there problems with the balls and we should rebuild it’s stuff like that that makes it a rebuild I’ll even give you a do you think that the Detroit Pistons when they have 27 28 29 game losing streaks whatever it is

You think they’re laughing like that on the bench the Detroit Pistons the team that is the absolute worst in the NBA by far and I don’t see them laughing like that on the bench on their losing streaks or when they get destroyed like that and that’s a team that loses on a regular

Basis that’s a team that people are saying are tanking or are too bad to tank even they’re trying to win and they’re losing and I don’t see them disrespecting their fans by laughing on the bench yeah their performance is a disrespectful but they’re a bad team and they’re playing bad

Basketball Alec Burks laugh at the end of games well he should be traded simple as that Alec Burks ain’t good enough to be laughing on the bench for the Detroit Pistons but you look at guys like Cade and he’s miserable I’m not saying you shouldn’t be look I’m not saying be miserable I’m

Not saying you know this should you mean the world to you I’m not saying you should lose sleep over a game like this even though some of the greats do lose sleep after games like this but the least you could do is be respectful and not joke

About the situation on in the fourth quarter do not joke about getting destroyed by the Philadelphia 76ers in a game it’s just common decency here I’m not asking you to you know treat this like the world is going to end it’s just a basketball game I I understand that

But you should not be laughing like it’s a big joke either I don’t I didn’t like that I didn’t like that I didn’t like that that’s just not this is not it I don’t know if I’m making a big deal out of it or not I I this happens a lot

Around the NBA it’s not just the Bulls but the Bulls that did it today and I didn’t like it but there are some teams that do this and I don’t like it one bit what is there to smile about bro you got 21 likes thank you very much

Um but what is there to smile about about this loss are you smiling because I don’t know man bro you play the game to see if you got a game why so are you saying why am I so you’re so serious dude it’s just no look look look look I’m not

Saying that you should throw tantrum I’m not saying punch chairs I’m not saying rip jerseys I’m not saying you know go to the media and you know say that this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you but bro why don’t tell me you’re you’re fine with seeing this Bulls team

Smiling and joking like it’s a big you know it doesn’t mean anything to them like it’s a big joke that’s not acceptable like okay one one way you know you you feel it’s like feeling too much one way and feeling too much the other way it’s not funny that you’re

Getting blown out but you shouldn’t be throwing Tantrums either bro at least leave it into the locker room that is very disrespectful in my opinion A lot of people won’t find that funny it’s not funny I don’t think it’s a joke man it’s not funny funnily enough if you’re a

Competitive basketball player this is your job to take this seriously if anything it should be the fans laughing not not the players do you want to win championships one day go back to the Glory Days um this was this was about these guys I joke Jing around that’s bad it’s the

Modern NBA it’s the modern NBA it’s not just again I’m I’m saying it because the Bulls did it but this is a thing around the league I have a problem with stuff like that you’re getting paid hundreds of millions of dollars to try and compete in games and when you get blown

Out that should mean something it should not be a joke to you you know it’s one of those ones I am serious about it cuz it’s a big problem I miss the day when we have Rivals and um rivalries against the Knicks against the Miami Heat against the bad boys I

Like those days again you know we’re comparing uh older teams I ain’t never see D Rose life like that after a loss we’re talking about D Rose out here before I a never see D Rose laugh like that after a loss not that bad of a loss something’s got to change there

That that can’t happen man but again modern NBA apparently everything’s a big joke for everybody it is what it is I’m going to end the stream I’m going to end the stream thank you for watching um if you are new you know and you want to see more streams

Feel free to subscribe if you are new to you know to this uh Channel let’s hope the next game I don’t get that heated cuz I again you know I think even I I overreacted a little bit you know I just thought it was very disrespectful and I don’t like being disrespected like

That what’s worse than I guess us laughing at ourselves is if the 76ers were laughing at us that’s the only thing that could be worse but it is what it is um hopefully I can keep my composure next time I think everybody loses it

Every now and then but it is what it is hopefully I can be better in the next stream hopefully the the Bulls could be more competitive so we can actually make this a fun and engaging stream and not just a Pity Fest and whatever but we’ll move on

It’s because they have easy lives um it’s pretty annoying cuz it’s a waste of it’s a waste of time for us they can leave grab a paycheck and dozens of millions of dollars it’s not funny look I’m not going to go that far I’m not going to say they have easy

Lives they they’re athletes athletes don’t have easy lives athletes by the time that they’re 70 80 years old they they’re going to have a worse than a lot of us um because of the the pain that they put their bodies through I’m not going to say that easy lives but it’s not funny

It is not funny to get paid millions of dollars to get blown out in a game and then laugh about it like it’s just not that’s just not it’s not something I would do but again that’s modern NBA I I I didn’t see that happen in the

2010s I didn’t see that happen in the 80s and 90s I wasn’t around but by judging by what most people say that never happened in the 80s and ’90s that seems to be a very modern thing where you get blown out and you just laugh it off like it’s nothing so we’ll see

Actually speak louder than words we’ll see what happens against the Knicks we need a response this is a bad start to the road trip it’s a mini road trip we’ll see if they can pick it up against the Knicks Um yeah we’ll see what happens I wonder how the league would be if players lost money for winning enough for not winning enough games in a season ra outrage they’ be they’ be on strike I’ll tell you that much true doctors died from Co saving people that didn’t believe in

Science um athletes have a simple life they should at least take it seriously on the court I agree they should take it seriously it looks bad on them that they’re laughing it off like it’s nothing but yeah I’ll see you in the next one I apologize for my Outburst

Hopefully I could be better tomorrow stay safe stay healthy and stay tuned for more God bless take care and peace

Come Chill as we see the Bulls take on the 76ers!!!

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