@Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics get hard-fought win behind Jayson Tatum & Jaylen Brown

Boston Celtics get hard-fought win behind Jayson Tatum & Jaylen Brown

Boston Celtics get a hard fought win behind their defense behind Jason Tatum who was awesome behind Jaylen Brown alsoo awesome Al Horford we’re going to talk about it all right now on the locked on Celtics podcast ever ready recognize the city of champ Boston baby we do what you can’t

Locked on number 18 tatm and brown J team step back we going to wet that and slay teams of course the Celtics who else could it be screaming like kg with the lario B Coralis above average assessing the team status best daily pod no cap salary matching clutch like B the

DJ keep John on replay Prime Time dapping up the truth on the sideline ring JS how we started raising B how we finish locked on Celtics pod home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lock on Celtics podcast right here in the lock on podcast Network where your

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Get yourself a new podcast you can also watch a show on YouTube hop into the comments section there let me know what you’re thinking about this game or whatever I’m saying I’m John corales if you don’t know me I used to play a long time ago and now I’m covering the

Celtics 4 Boston Sports journal and today I’m talking about the Celtics 118 101 win over the Indiana Pacers uh later on I’ll get into some of the other performances like OA brassette Al Horford uh but let’s just start out with this there’s a hardfought win a weird game where they lost Chris thops

Porzingis in the first quarter and the whole kind of game plan goes out the window at that point you they have to play O’Shea brasset they have to find some contributions from somewhere else and and it it looked good at first like the Celtics come out to uh a big early

Lead uh first quarter they were up by what like 12 uh 297 and then porzingis is out there’s foul trouble it’s a weird foul game weird weirdly officiated game where the Celtics didn’t get free throws in the first half which is bizarre they they got to the rim they they got to the

Paint plenty uh usually when a team is attacking like that some fouls somewhere present themselves but they didn’t and so the Celtics went the whole first half without a free throw but they still managed to finish the the the half up up nine uh they had a ton of turnovers in

The second quarter which was not great that’s allowed the Indiana Pacers to kind of hang around the Pacers made a bunch of runs but the Celtics kept answering and I think that’s like one big takeaway number one once again the Celtics were able to withstand another team’s

Runs and you could say look from the Pacers perspective they shot eight of 42 eight of 42 from the three-point line which is a ridiculous number 19% that’s that’s not something that the Pacers normally do they’re not going to do that on Monday night so they can sit there and

Say look we made our runs but we also shot like crap if you shoot normally then that this could be a Pacers win fair enough it’s fair enough that that’s entirely possible uh but look the Celtics didn’t have porzingis and they they not only did they not

Shoot free throws in the beginning they they couldn’t hit free throws once they started shooting them 10 of 19 from the line at one point they were below 30% uh but look weirdness happens in NBA games especially at this time of year the Pacers couldn’t hit anything yet they

Still made their runs and the bottom line is they never the Celtics never allowed these runs to get past uh getting the the Pacers a lead they never allowed the runs to extend so long that the Pacers got a lead and you know how it goes we’ve seen the Celtics

Play plenty of these games you fight fight fight and then once you get the lead all of a sudden you’re it takes off you know you’re behind the whole game you finally take a lead next thing you know you’re on a a 20 to five run and it’s it’s over

Right and and the Pacers kind of felt like maybe they were going to do that in the third quarter I thought when they were making a run I said if they get if they take a lead here this could be a wrap for the Celtics but Boston never

Allowed them to do do that they never allowed the Pacers to get over that hump and that’s super super important that’s contributions from Jaylen Brown who has really important stretch there at the end of the third quarter to not allow this to happen from Al Horford from just different guys Jason Tatum

Obviously that that was super important the Celtics defense they came in I think playing strong defense and attacking the rim and that’s how they they kind of set the tone the Celtics got to the rim kind of whenever they wanted they were playing good defense even though some of

These misses are certainly the Pacers just missing just flat out missing uh some of it is good defense the signature play of this game I thought was there probably two of them but one of them was the the double block on buddy heeld who was three of 10 like

He’s not going to shoot three of 10 for so he’s not going to do that again uh you Aaron nemith 0 of seven that’s not going to happen again but on buddy heeld Jaylen Brown comes down swats the shot blocks it it ends up back in buty heels

Hands OA Bret comes from behind smacks it out uh blocks that shot that’s a a a real uh critical stretch there for the Celtics they they really came to play defensively now it wasn’t always perfect defensively but they they the the half court defense was really really good so

Good for the Celtics for um bringing that kind of energy and and keeping that kind of energy uh Tatum and brown were were really really good combined 69 points 38 for Tatum 31 for Jaylen Brown jayen 10 points in the first quarter uh nine points in the third he kind of

Spread it out and like I said the end of the third quarter stretch from Jaylen was really important he sets the tone early a as usual and in the fourth quarter he hit a couple of shots uh the dunk at the end like a couple of dunks

At the end where uh one of them was the other signature play Al Horford getting the like the the high hands jumping up and uh like a linebacker intercepting a quarterback you ever see those plays where a linebacker is just uh right behind the line of scrimmage quarterback’s trying

To dump something off over the and and he just doesn’t see and boom jumps up grabs it goes the other way that’s Al Horford comes down Alo to Jaylen Brown so Jaylen Jaylen made the contributions when he needed to and had a very very good game Jason Tatum dominant fourth

Quarter I mean dominating that fourth quarter 15 points to go along with five rebounds and assists the steel uh perfect three of three from three got to the line a couple of times the th this was absolute dominant Jason Tatum and in this level of domination it’s not

Something we’ve seen a ton of this year right like and and maybe it’s just coming maybe it’s just coming around the corner January February March like that stretch is is Jason Tatum time we’ve seen him kind of take off at this time of year uh he has historically started a little slow

So uh maybe this is just him kind of the beginning of the breakout um but also Tatum said after the game like it’s about making the right plays like this year he swears like I’m he said I’m truly just focused on the winning I’m focused on helping my team win and

That’s all I’m focused on and that’s that’s an important distinction right because this is about the time where like he’s he’s gotten paid he knows he’s going to get paid he’s made two First Team all NBA so he knows he’s going to get the supermax when he’s up for his his

Extension that’s all set the money is not going to be an issue so this is he’s proven what he’s got to prove and now the only thing left to prove is that he can win and so in a lot of these fourth quarters that’s what he’s doing right he’s not um he’s not

Just trying to dominate the fourth quarters with his shooting we’ve seen Derek white Chris Ops porzingis other guys Jaylen has had big fourth quarter Drew holiday has stepped up every once in a while like we’ve seen Tatum kind of be the hey I’m going to distribute guy

And he said after the game this might not win me the MVP but I just care I just want this team to be the best that it can be it’s an interesting kind of departure for him to to say that kind of stuff because we know that awards are

They mean something to him and they mean something to everybody like let’s not let’s not make it something like oh Tay only cares about the awards or anything like that if anybody thinks that like no um all these guys like if I were playing and I I had the stats I’d want First

Team all NBA I’d want an all NBA spot that’s meaningful stuff on top of it meaning money like that’s that’s Legacy stuff you want Awards I I wanted Awards but you still also want to win and and playing a certain way if he’s playing a certain way and it’s leading to the wins

Then you can’t argue because at this point the Championships are the the piece that are going to get that’s going to get Tatum to that next level of perception I guess right like he can win a couple of MVPs and not win a championship and people be like okay

They treat him like Charles Barkley who’s an absolute Legend but we’ve seen how Charles gets treated on Inside the NBA because he doesn’t have any rings you go out there and you win a few rings hell people talk about Robert Ory because he’s got what is it seven um and

He hit a few big shots he hit a few big shots but like people are talking about well he should be in the Hall of Fame because of the the shots and the Rings like like that’s how people treat you it’s a ridiculous argument it’s an absolute ridiculous argument but people

Will make that argument if you win some rings and so is he ever going to win an MVP I don’t know maybe he might win it this year for all I know but it’s more important at this point for Tatum to win a Finals MVP than a regular season

MVP that’s you win a couple of finals MVPs that means you’ve got a couple of rings and who gives a damn if you’ve won regular season MVPs Jason Tatum’s gonna go to the Hall of Fame at this rate he’s he’s one of the the best Celtics ever he

Might go down as the best Celtic ever he’s only in his mid 20s who knows what the next five six years will bring it’s entirely possible that he finishes his career as in the argument for best Celtic ever people will be like well is it Russ is it Larry or is it

Tatum he’s not there yet but he could be there now he won’t be there if he wins a couple of MVPs and no rings he will be there if he wins a couple of rings and no MVPs now maybe he won’t be considered the top because guys like Larry Bird and

Bill Russell have both but regardless that’s how you get into the conversation that’s how you bust that door down and so Tatum yeah he’s gonna have these dominant games the bottom line is you got to do both you got to have this 15o fourth quarter you have to have 38

Points 13 rebounds and six assists you have to be able to do that and sometimes you also have to to be 22 points uh nine assists 14 rebounds and a plus 30 in a game right like you got to have that too and so what if somebody else is doing

The closing as far as scoring the points if you’re out there doing the important things then yeah you’re you’re making the positive impact and the winds the winds are everything so interesting comments from him I wrote about it on Boston Sports Journal if you

Care to go read it uh go check that out but yeah Tatum he’s going to have to be this dominant self and he’s gonna have to be the other guy that sets his team up from time to time and if he’s both if he has the capability of being both then

The Celtics are gonna be unstoppable it’s the bottom line because if you play off of him he’ll Tor you if you double him he’ll Tor you and that’s exactly where the Celtics need him to be uh Al Horford was amazing in this game flirted with a triple double 10 points eight

Assists seven rebounds now he didn’t he didn’t get close to the triple double he he didn’t just miss a triple double but when one of your stats is seven you are flirting with the triple double that that’s flirting level not that I know what flirting is I’m 50 years old and

Married I don’t I I don’t need to know what flirting is anymore outside of 108 and seven is flirting with a triple double but Horford was great that defensive play that I said before where you know that led to the uh Jaylen Brown aloop was amazing he had another block shot

That was you know a just amazing hustle that was earlier in the game coming over out of nowhere he’s been doing that a lot lately the helps side block shots Horford is just an amazing basketball player he’s this this team is not the same without Al Horford what a like what

A well constructed team this is uh Horford just every once in a while you look at this team you’re like wow man like that guy’s coming off the bench for this team that is an amazing guy to come off the bench what an amazing sixthman

He is he probably should win six man of the year he won’t because of the stats but he very easily is you know he could be considered the best six-man in the league one of the most important six men in the league for sure but Tatum was amazing in this game OA brassette

Fantastic game from OA brette the energy now Brad Stevens said the other day he’s looking for a big wing and that big Wing could be on the team already and OA Bret’s like I’m a big Wing I’m on the team with no Al Horford against the the

Jazz the Celtics turn to him make some great hustle plays porzingis goes out with the scratched eyeball he comes in and makes some great hustle plays side note Aaron nouth didn’t do it on purpose can we I hope I hope nobody’s bringing that noise to the comments

Because he didn’t you can say well he was Reckless well okay yeah that’s that’s who Aaron nouth he’s just they call him crash they haven’t watched the game yet where Aaron nouth played where I I haven’t held my breath and be like oh my God he’s going to die like that’s

How Aaron nouth is but you can say well he was Reckless okay maybe but wasn’t wasn’t coming from a bad place he didn’t do it on purpose he wasn’t like oh let me go injure uh christops brazing it’s like no it just it happens so anyway O’Shea Bret gets his opportunity

Makes the most of it five offensive rebounds tons of energy uh saving balls going from out of bounds uh all that stuff hits a three-pointer gets a couple of shots to to fall that’s important stuff and hey if OA brette can give the Celtics 20 minutes a game for the next

Month and a half until March where they start to ramp up for the playoffs if OA Bret can be another guy that Missoula can trust and maybe give Jaylen a night off maybe give Jason a night off maybe give somebody a night off somebody else Derek white somebody just to preserve them if

He can give Missoula an option to do that then that’s that’s huge that would be huge so great great hustle plays from him great energy I think he definitely um earned more time and that’s important I don’t think I I don’t think Brad Stevens is going to

Make a move at the deadline if it is it’s a minor one I don’t think he’s going to make a big one unless some weird thing happens but I I don’t see them making a move and so o sha Bret’s gonna have to be the guy and so far pass

Couple of games pretty good pretty good uh shout out to the Utah Jazz and the Houston Rockets for beating the Philadelphia 76ers and the Milwaukee Bucks it’s early it’s you know January this is January 7th now it’s still early to be looking at standings but I tell you what a night like

This this is where you can look back if the Celtics win the east by one this is a night where you can look back and be like hey remember that hard flought win against the Pacers on the same night night that the Bucks lost to Houston and the Sixers lost to the

Jazz if if it’s a onepoint if it’s a onepoint SW a one game margin this is the night you can look back and be like that’s where they they got that game this is this is a differen maker type of night so shout out to them for that Boston Celtics are still your

NBA belt champions I didn’t mention this in yesterday’s thing yesterday’s podcast this is my own thing and I forgot to mention it yesterday but the Champs every year Denver Nuggets this year came into the season they have the NBA belt quote unquote it’s a fictional belt you

Got to defend it every night so the the Nuggets had it made its way through the league Minnesota Indie had it for a little bit uh the Lakers had it after the inseason tournament so on and so forth Celtics have it now they won it from Utah they still have it after this

Celtics are the NBA belt champions I want the NBA to make this a thing I would love it we’ve talked about on the podcast before I would love to see on the broadcast as they’re running back and forth the belt sitting at the scores table just front and center and the

Winning team comes off the floor at the end and grabs the belt captain or whomever throws it over his shoulder and takes it into the locker room bring it to the next arena with you and we’ll put it up for the next uh the next game it

Will not have to go to the next Arena now because the subs play the Pacers again on Monday it’s gonna be a much different game don’t know how christops porzingis is but he according to people who saw him coming out of the locker room he said he’s fine so hopefully it’s

Nothing they didn’t need him but saw early on how much they could use him so hopefully he’s back and he plays a full game against the Indiana Pacers it’s going to be a tough one it’s tough to win two in the same against the same team I know the Boston Celtics just did

It against Cleveland and Orlando got to do it again now it’s not easy this is a tough stretch another game against Indie then home for a a Wednesday Thursday Home Road Minesota Milwaukee backto back if they can win if they can beat the Pacers and then win those two games this

Is this is a team that it’s almost Unstoppable if you if that’s the case and honestly look I I don’t think the Celtics can win a championship this year I think they will win a championship this year I think this is a champ chip team think this this Celtics team is a championship

Team so those of you who are paying attention on a like on a regular basis if you’re here listening to this podcast or watching this podcast that means you are paying attention to it on a regular basis prepare yourself for something special I swear this team is winning a

Championship this year I believe that deeply and I don’t believe in jinxes so I can say this without jinxing anything because jinxes aren’t real Celtics are winning a championship this year they’re that good they continue to find ways to win they don’t let losses linger they

Still have only lost twice in a row once this season they don’t let runs linger they they sustained a bunch of runs against the Pacers here and fired back each time every time they fired back and they ended up winning this game it’s an amazing Celtics team to watch enjoy it

Enjoy it uh and enjoy the podcast just after you watch a game or listening on the Sirius XM app if you want to listen to Grandy and Max come here afterwards and just going to more often than not celebrate wins so if you’re in every dayer if you’re with me every Monday

Through Friday and then on these bonus podcasts share the podcast spread the word tell everybody they should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast here on the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day

The Celtics played a weird game in Indiana where they couldn’t put the Pacers away until the very end, didn’t shoot a free throw until the third quarter, and had to play without Kristaps Porzingis for all but six minutes. But they were able to withstand the Pacers runs and, thanks to Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown, were able to run away with it. John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal discusses all that, the great game from Al Horford, Oshae Brissett’s energy plays, and more.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

#BostonCeltics #Celtics #NBA #JaysonTatum #JaylenBrown


  1. Jenna Schroeder had one of the worst nights officiating I've ever seen in the league. I hope that's what it was…worried about all this sports betting.

  2. The defense made Indiana work today. Another good win. Now, this team is reaching that level where you expect them to win no matter who it is against.

  3. Our last roster spot needs to go to an enforcer type player who has the back of our starters. Nesmith poked KP in the eyes and stood over and stare taunted Holiday. He also tried to get under Tatums skin. Would be nice to have someone who could non dirty hard fouls and push around guys who disrespect our starters. A Charles Oakley/Ron Artest type player.

  4. What’s up with Aaron Nesmith when he’s up against the Celtics, Tatum in particular? What’s he gonna do next wait for him in the alley? Yeah they traded him but they did him a favor what’s his problem? Seems beyond just hard play to me, anyone else getting that sense?

  5. JB and JT lead but this was a team effort. I was shocked JB went after Tyrese Haliburton so well, he really took it too him. Love Tatum on the boards and his passing is getting better slowly. Loved Al and the bench energy

  6. Cs are so lethal because they have so many outstanding weapons, namely all 5 starters plus Al and some bench guys. Cs are the only team with all 5 starters named in the top 10 for All Stars voting. Kudos to Brad.

  7. Good win! let's get another next game and beat the pacers! my 5 takeaways:

    1. my heart stopped with KPs injury. I hope he's ok. Rest him next game if needed.

    2. with KP out, i expected luke or queta to step up. luke was meh outside of 2 clutch FTs. Mazzula didnt give queta a chance. Luke has come back down to earth after that good game.

    3. brissett hustled and made a couple of shots. nice to see him step up. even with him playing well, with luke/queta off, al resting and KP injuries, it still makes sense for Brad to get a swing/big wing. that player can play alongside brissett and hauser when luke/queta arent playing well.

    4. We were terrible from the FT line. everybody should be practicing FTs. some questionable calls/non-calls by the refs so in a game like this, we need to make the ones we get. we let them back in the 3rd because we missed 8 FTs?!

    5. This was a throwback game. both Js played great. KP was out and both Jrue and d.white were terrible on offense. with those 2 having an off-night it's nice to see the Js looking like top 10 players again. JT looking like an mvp candidate. he's such a different player when his 3s are falling. past 2 games, i've been liking JTs reads. he's looking like the best player on the celtics again.

    BONUS: loved JBs aggression this game and how he just kept taking haliburton on the block, i bet he drained haliburton's energy for offense and imo this is how we should play the pacers. make haliburton play defense and tire him out on that end. JB made the right reads again. I'm glad he had it tonight as we needed him to start us off strong.

    Nesmith has become public enemy #1 to me. on to the next! lets get another win streak going. this is a tough stretch but the Cs are different this year. Let's go Cs!

  8. I really wasn't impressed with Indiana, but that also speaks to Boston's defense. And it seemed liked we were in control most of the game, other than an 8-0 run by the Pacers and a few other spurts Indy never led. I mean we missed I think 9 FTs, had 17 turnovers AND were without KP-this could've easily been another blowout win for us. Tatum's comments after the game about just wanting to help the team win a championship were genuine & refreshing. I've been hard on him the last couple of years but he's really grown. Great night as Milwaukee & Philly both lost. Thank you John.☘🔒

  9. I love the championship belt idea John 👍👍

    Idea, get Rasheed Wallace to design it 🤣

  10. He didn’t do it on purpose but the way he plays is reckless. How do u scratch a 7’3” guy above the eye ball without flailing your arms recklessly. Also trim your nasty ass nails

  11. LA 🇺🇲 the 🏀 mecca in the world
    Lakers 17 Championships + 1 In season tournament + UCLA 11 National titles = 29 titles 🖕🏻😎

  12. John, I’d be interested in hearing your take on what’s really going on with officiating these days. How is it different now than when you played? Do you think sports betting has an impact? I watched PP get mugged in the Utah game with no foul, but it seemed quite lopsided.

  13. They poked KP in the eye. I am withholding my expletives here, but it’s a good thing you didn’t hear me when it happened.

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