@Sacramento Kings

Kings destroyed by Pels AGAIN & will be happen BEFORE deadline day?

Kings destroyed by Pels AGAIN & will be happen BEFORE deadline day?

A N Oh You O O Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh He De and de and more do more they do it for do do it for when it come to the king my favorite show do it for do do it for do some more when it come to the Kings big hopes and dreams as we cover our Kings never cover the kingdom but we

Loving our Kings and we covered your prayers as we doing our thing big dece with the part little more on the screen solo together still do it for team never switch up for a dollar a revenue stream so we always got each other balance out

The beam do some more and that’s the end of the thing do it for I didn’t even mean to do that we are live That’s like rubbing it in huh like here rubbing it in we’re live hey King screwed up so bad tonight we’re going to also screw up just very on brand we are live up hey hey what’s up man hey Morgan hi the only other thing that needs to happen what is Carlin taking a

Right now that would be Jake in the chest is the king didn’t show up so why should you show up you know why you should show up because we’ve been doing this for 4 years I’m battle tested I’ve been a Kings fan for the most most of my life this tonight

This is nothing and if we’re going to be live with here’s the thing oh here’s a thing no no here’s the thing before we get started tonight okay should we only do podcast when they win you know lame of that of that’s lame we show up winers or lose you think I

Want to come on tonight and talk about a 50o lead at one point by the Pelicans no without Zion you think I I take joy and coming in going let’s talk about this one you know what I’d much rather do right now I’d rather go sit on my couch

Watch the Raptors destroy the Warriors and drink some wine and not talk about this but no this is what we do because ball is life and we talk about the good and the bad and you’re such a liar because even you saying I would rather be saying my you’re so full of

Because you’re like yeah he’s like he has a problem he is addicted to all of you so thank you for encouraging this problem and here we are everybody here we are and I need to show off you know how I looked at that man I was looking

Smooth dud it’s very strange like do you do you do you love yourself every night and if so what is that like that’s very Malik monk of you yeah I’m a lot like Malik oh okay how are you guys doing tonight how are you guys feeling in the chat uh it was

Interesting being at a game where it was just like hearing booze it’s been a while since we heard booze multiple times deserve boo on kids day oh my God hey kids come on let’s all the it’s kids day we’ll go to our game it’s going to

Be so fun the kids were crying yeah they were arresting a parent parents after the game arrest in them for child abuse for taking their kids to the game no yeah yeah like I just saw it was crazy will Z was getting arrested bringing his new like we see you’re you’re arrested

Sorry child child abuse you let your kids child and danger danger M for watching this you let them watch that type of basketball you sick sick parent God yeah man well well we appreciate you guys being with us on a Sunday night um you know one of the best

Things about tonight early game imagine if we had to talk about this at 11:00 at night you know oh yeah no that would be awful remember the other night too when we were like all right hopefully we get a fog the dog and use the fog machine if

If the Kings beat the Pelicans well Carlin you live another night beat the Pelicans imagine you can’t beat the Pelicans it is wild it is how let’s talk let’s know I know that’s so much of the conversation is a lot of this stuff so hold on I just

Want to get a couple of tweets ready to go that I needed for tonight sorry I should have done this you know in the 10 minutes I was sitting here waiting to start the show what what what bite your tongue Morgan I don’t need you to give

Me grief tonight I got enough from the Kings and yeah all right um I’m going to give some love real fast before we start to the hardcore of Hardcore people who are here right now because if you’re here you care even if you’re upset you care because you’re are

Watching a king’s post game night chat after your team got absolutely abused so thank you Johnny thank you Jake even though you annoy the hell of me live and proove hey Patrick Daniel and Jess timekeeper appreciate you and Martin Scout recycler Shane thank you so much Sydney I’m scrolling up and down brother

Fabs appreciate you being here churro Joseph Flatline thank you and make sure you hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe thank you all right uh anything else you how was your day I haven’t washed my hair in like how many days what what day was The Last Kings

Game that I did FR oh I I don’t know either what day is it you work Friday I don’t know did I work Friday yeah I think I worked Friday yeah I worked Friday so I haven’t washed my hair since Friday um so yeah I’m good I’m thriving

Poll question tonight how concerned are you after this loss we we’ll monitor this throughout but the options are very make a trade mildly concerned too many blowouts one game need a trade win or loss wow I mean those each option has like multiple things to it yeah like it

I feel like no matter what you pick I’m making you think no it’s a lot more than thinking all right all right do some all we’re coming down three two one hit my music and they tell you what they know and mo mo the pocket that you know

Hey welcome in to the juice and mo podcast recording this on a Sunday evening after the Kings took on a Pelicans team that really had their number the kings were looking for Revenge they didn’t get it at all tonight in fact the Pelicans were short-handed no Zion Williamson that’s a blow no Jose

Alvarado that’s a blow but it did not matter in fact it was so bad tonight at one point the Pelicans led by 50 points in the game boo birds were out on Kids Day at Golden One Center and the Kings lose at home to the Pelicans 133 to 100

They are 0 and4 against the Pelicans this year and the stats get even more depressing Morgan Reagan the Kings have been down 30 plus in a game five times this year they’ve been down 40 plus in a game three times this year we have a lot

To go over as the Kings fall to 21 and 14 I’m juice Mason that’s Morgan Reagan each and every one of our podcast presented by our friends we at Northwest Exteriors check out Northwest Morgan Reagan how are you digesting this is it like digesting um I

Don’t know what what go back to when you’re like 20 and you’re digesting a whole bunch of Taco Bell after drinking is that what it’s like I was fine when I was 20 though okay um but if I did that now it would be a different life a different story um that

Was one of those games where it was you just were like watching and going ew e e ew God ew again everything was ew I mean everything from Dyson Daniels knocking down his threes when he’s like what a 28% three-point shooter something like that and then I mean You’ CJ who again

Is a very good player but was just not missing in that first half and um on top of all that it just never felt like anyone’s presence on the Sacramento Kings team was ever being felt except when they came out really strong in the first minute and a half or two out of

The half yeah and it was like then they couldn’t continue that they couldn’t score at that point they actually got some stops early in that quarter you’re like oh if you if you score here and they could not get anything going yeah let’s be honest this Pelicans team owns

The Sacramento Kings there’s no other way to put it if these two teams play in the playoffs it’s probably a four game series maybe the Kings get to a five game series this team with Zion without Zion is a matchup nightmare for this current King’s roster and it exposes

Their greatest weaknesses now even with the Kings weaknesses tonight this doesn’t mean you should be losing by 40 plus points or whatever they end up losing by 33 but they were down 50 at you’re down 50 at at home and my frustration lies in this I’m if I’m on

That team coming into today and I don’t know what their mindset was but like I’m coming in like fired up like this is a playoff game this team has embarrassed us this year and the last thing I’m doing is getting embarrassed on my home floor so not only did they lose today to

A team that’s had their number they got obliterated Fox was bad on both ends he finished with three points in the game and it’s not just all about him I mean the guys carry the Kings this year but when your best player has three points and is not moving well just doesn’t look

Right that’s going to kill you but when I’m looking throughout the game I let’s go back to some of my notes Morgan at one point at the 734 Mark I made a note excuse me at the 209 Mark I made a note 143 rebound Advantage huh in the first

Quarter in the first quarter 14 to three rebound advantage that’s not good good at the end of the first it was 154 rebounding Advantage at halftime 29 to9 the Sacramento Kings have a player on their team deonis abones who leads the league in rebounding and the kings were being outrebounded

29-9 at the end of the game it was 51-25 well what well and what I will say this had a lot to do with things Sacramento Kings missing a lot of shots but why were they missing a lot of shots because the Pelicans defense was just so

Dominant out there uh these long arms up in their face contesting shots those hands getting deflections in passing Lane slowing them down so then the shot clock is just winding down everything the Pelicans were doing was just so locked in and perfect so then when the shots were being missed the Pelicans

Were grabbing that defensive rebound and then on the other end what were the the Pelicans doing oh going up against a king’s defense that was at times invisible and making all of their shots so the efficiency there the Kings couldn’t even grab a rebound if they

Wanted to try but you would just hope on the other end of the floor there was a little bit more and yeah I’ll say it effort there because that is really quick too because and this is fun and we’ll talk about it more but um I sat down with domas sabonis yesterday and

That will be coming out on a king Central coming up soon we’ll have more information oh is this why the Kings lost because you’re spending time talking to you yesterday asked him I asked him about the you know how what is it about rebounding why is he so good at

It you know is it the mechanics is it timing and just the word effort with rebounding came out of his mouth so many times and he’s like and that’s like for so many people and he’s like sure you can understand the Personnel of a player

And if it’s a corner three and if it’s going to go off the rim here here and here all those things you’re going to position yourself in the right way but at the same time there’s so much effort in there and the Pelicans they played with so much effort tonight and the

Kings could not match it so they start hitting shots Kings defense was a mess and then on offense I felt like the Kings too yes give credit to the Pelicans defense I give them a lot of love they are seventh coming in tonight in defensive rating they’re like second

In steals they present a lot of problems for many teams in the league but it seems like it impacts Sacramento more than anybody correct but also Mike Brown has been talking about the controllables a lot well one thing I feel like you can control is just your pace and I’m not

Just saying like pushing the pace I’m talking about the pace in which you’re playing on offense and I just felt like the kings were slow tonight now some of that might be the Pelicans they do a great job with their long arms protecting the paint the king’s struggle

Dealing with that length finishing over length then on the other end they can’t defend L like I I’m watching that first quarter I’m like all right Harrison Barnes is on Brandon Ingram that’s tough and you go we put Keegan on him okay that’s fine you can

Put Keegan on him but Harrison Barnes go be on Trey Murph and that’s like the challenge with this is they have so much length and bi was like cool you could even throw your hand up it doesn’t matter because I’m longer than you I’m taller than you I’m

Shooting over you and I’m scoring and that’s H happened so many times tonight yeah the way that he would Elevate absolutely and you saw that being such a disadvantage for the Kings but you talk about the pace for the Kings and you’re like just didn’t feel like they were

Pushing the ball up whatever it’s I give so much credit to the Pelicans just like you did give so much credit to the Pelicans but I think the number one thing I take away from that is it really pointing out the serious flaws of this King team that can absolutely play fast

But you can’t play Fast against a long team or you can’t play Fast against a good defensive team that just shows like okay you’re capable but why aren’t you getting past that hump and it’s because there’s tweaks that need to be made but we can get more into that later we’re

Definitely going to get into that because this is the type of game that has Monty and west probably picking up the phone at halftime going all right we got some stuff to do like it has to be that yeah um so we talk about the defense but the Pelicans took 82 Shots

Tonight 82 the Kings took 91 so the Kings had nine more shots and scored 33 fewer points the Pelicans shot 61% they were 19 of 35 from Beyond The Arc CJ McCollum I thought we were back in Portland days when he’s playing with Dame in like his fourth year this guy

Got whatever he wanted he was knocking down shots left and right the Kings pick and roll defense was a mess there was not a lot of good here and I I you know we always talking about off nights happen in the NBA okay Morgan we saw an

Off night against Charlotte they lost we saw an off night in Portland they lost then the rest of their losses they’re getting destroyed in these games it’s been four times to the Pelicans they’ve lost now we’ve seen them get destroyed by the Rockets a couple of times like how do we

Explain when they lose why is it why does it have to be a blood bath like what in multiple in multiple because I go that happens in the NBA this hey hey this happens in the NBA you’re going to see that every season sure but this

Has happened so many times and like you said a blood bath so many times where the kings are not coming out on the positive end of things Frankie Celli from sack toown Sports had this Sacramento Kings have lost 14 games this year right they are now 21- 14 seven of

Their losses seven of their 14 losses have been by 15 plus points they’ve lost by 17 by 18 what by 20 what by 25 what by 25 by 33 and by 36 I know in this league we get more blowouts and ever because of 30o and

Blah blah blah you don’t have half your losses be like half your losses can’t be like this and this is where you go into like the larger issue okay like when you’re down early and when like I’m noticing the rebounding deficiency at a break in that time you

Were texting me every I was texting Morgan in the first quarter D 143 Advantage like they got to wake up this is not where you go your coach has to wake you up right and this is falls on some leadership right you you have to have some accountability on the

Floor and you can’t just have a whole bunch of slump shoulders walking down the bench waiting for Mike Brown to tell him what to do or Jordy or the coaching staff to get on him it’s like who is going to be the voice that on the floor

Is kind of getting on guys or like rallying cry because this is a theme this year against this Pelicans team it’s a theme in losses that if I’m a player in that locker room I am pissed and I you can’t just sit there and be silent and if you have all those guys

Just sitting there and being silent that’s a problem like you and look you can’t just have guys one guy who just talks a lot you know and yells we saw that with Tristan Thompson you know people don’t buy into that cuz it feels corny and phony you need to have someone

That has the respect of the team team to do that but they miss that yeah you know there has to be some Prof Professional Pride there and and that’s why I mean if you really want to talk about it it’s like someone like Draymond Green where

You look at him with the Golden State Warriors at times and you see it help and rally them back into things I feel like it’s channeled into more of a negative direction for them as they keep seeing um um adversity for themselves and Clay is not the same or their young

Guys aren’t getting time blah blah and then Draymond all of a sudden trying to rip some guys head off or punch someone in the face it was like okay well that took a turn how can you find that balance of of having someone that’s going to to yell at their teammates and

Hold them accountable like a Draymond Green but Al also not take it to the next level and you talked about it Tristan Thompson was someone that could be that and I even think someone like javelle McGee could be that but he’s not on the floor and he’s making mistakes

When he is on the floor and it’s like that person I guess what we’re try it’s why I’m mentioning Draymond Green because he’s a starter and he’s yelling at his guys whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing that’s what the Kings they need something like that and

Morgan this is where I have a tough time like relating right because like we literally and I’m not just I’m not kidding here we have podcasts sometimes where we get off the air and I’m just like what are we doing like what are we doing like or she’ll get on me about

Something there has to be that right we have to have some accountability like the standards have to be high and there there’s disagreement sometimes but there’s also times where you know what one of us is actually right like hey Deuce you got to close better here like

What are you doing me in the middle like you communicate through but you know what it can’t be it can’t be like mic’s off and you just turn off and just go and you don’t talk about it that so it’s the same thing when it comes I mean life and basketball whatever communication

Has to be there someone’s got the hard conversations have to be there and not everyone has that in them to have that and I okay fine but you know what you guys get paid a lot of money like I I need you guys to bring that I need you

Guys to call out or just gather rally the troops right it doesn’t have to be a yell it needs to be in the timeout like hey we need to wake the up on these boards you know like whatever it has to get hot sometimes the approach also is

Not going to be delivered the right way and it’s not going to be received the right way um for example there’s so many times where I feel good after a show and dece is coming off throwing his headphones going we have to be better well look when you have the Mamba metal

Like me I’m kind of like Kobe get out of here so my point is though but where but where I know that’s coming from is a passionate soul that just wants to be great and so I don’t I receive it differently and I try and translate it

Differently for him and my point to this is there’s got to be those moments and those people this team they are good at communicating we know that we know that they sign an all-in sheet at the beginning of year they’re grown men and they they buy into this but why

Aren’t they able to communicate that and make those adjustments when the is really flying and falling bad bad bad to the ground man they don’t look like they’re all into me they look like they got their toes dipping in the water seeing what the temperature is no it’s

Like their foots in there seriously though I think the other thing with this specific team too is just like we talk about like the vocal leadership but like they don’t have enough nasty out there do you know what I mean like I know Fox can get upset and get into guys but when

They get punched when they get punched hard it does feel like this team cowers a little bit well you’re missing Trey Lyles tonight too and that and that is the that is a lot of of the nasty but here’s my other thing to that though Deuce because I go right now and this

Happens after most losses especially because most losses like Frankie’s tweet are by a lot it’s the Kings getting demolished throughout the game and I go I look at I reflect and I look at how we are approaching this loss and we’re like well they’re missing this and they’re

Missing this and they’re missing this and a lot of the flaws do come out in losses and I would feel like last year what happened in some of their losses it wasn’t flaws like they need to trade so and so and they need to get rid of this

Person and fire this person it was more like oh they just need to get better at this as a team and this and I feel like because they’ve gotten better at these things and the flaws are just Amplified and now we’re in a place where it’s like

Okay it needs to be solution based with tweaks not just tweaks internally also I need to make something clear what I would feel this way win or lose like we have been very transparent like about this team’s weaknesses like we’re talking look this team’s good enough to

Be a playoff team without doing it but if you really want to raise the standards and be a better team and get further like you you got to make some tweaks another stat that my guy Travis put out there and I just double checked it excuse me um looking at the Kings

Losses this year Morgan yeah um wow they are one in 10 in games against the Warriors Rockets pelicans and Clippers the one win was the they beat the Warriors once after being down by 24 points after being down by 24 points so that’s the one wi one and 10 against the

Pelicans Warriors rockets and Clippers that’s such a weird little thing with this schedule is like you’re talking about four teams are responsible for 10 of their losses this year and so like those those are it’s concerning like we can acknowledge they’re 21 to 14 they’re schedule they’re their record is better

Than it was at this time last year but it doesn’t cover up like hey like we’ve seen too many of this and now you start throwing in these type of losses throwing in there a loss against Portland a loss against Charlotte you go okay there there’s something off with

This team that has to be addressed it’s not just oh this happens this happens and especially with a team I don’t think the expectations are just high from the outside the expectations are high from within and within themselves though as as players and and understanding what they are capable of achieving

Together oh my goodness Morgan Reagan I I thought and to give the Pelicans some more credit the one thing I did notice early in the first quarter man they were so good at blowing up dribble handoffs by the Kings they stay attached to their guy they are presenting any they are

Preventing any dribble handoffs go ahead this is why just so I don’t forget my point this is why Mike Brown Try is trying to do so many things that don’t have to do with the dho because he knows that this is the that happens in the postseason that you can’t just worry

About as you get closer to the postseason he’s trying to make this team better at all the other things go on yeah and I I thought they they came out and just played you know they got they kind of played like the desperate team they kind of played like the team that

Has gotten beat three times coming into this game right like they they were they looked really really strong at the end of the night CJ McCollum had 30 points valent junis man I’ll tell you what he and sabonis are close friends both on the Lithuanian national team but if

There’s one guy that can just go at sabonis it’s valent junis yeah he does a great job I mean they battle each other but valent junis had a double double 15 and 12 sabonis finished was 17 10 and six in this one um the two leading scores tonight 17 from sabonis 17 from

Kevin herder Off the Bench dearen Fox scored three points points on one of 10 shooting Harrison Barnes got to 10 Keegan had eight points one rebound on two of nine one of six from three Chris dwarte the other starter one point 0 for three shooting in 14 minutes so that’s

Obviously not ideal when you’re starting lineup does not give you much at all I want to start with dearn Fox ye uh yes okay what’s going on it’s been a few games now is this just a slump Steph Curry’s going through a slump right now is this just what what is happening out

There I think I I think I I personally think that yes that is what happen throughout the season right and you saw the 14-point game and then the little bit of a bounceback last game with 24 points or whatever it was um in that win

On Friday and then you had this game and I really feel like this is the second flop game of the year and they’re so close together right and in this little span of games it’s last game wasn’t even one of his best games sure but they

Pulled out the win I I’m not sure what’s going on with him but I’m also very much not concerned at all even if this were to go on for on and off for another week or so I just I well I hope it doesn’t go that long because this road trip you

Know you don’t want to dig yourself a hole here but you’re right they are going to be times throughout the season where you struggle it just when F Fox is you don’t want Fox’s you want Fox’s struggles to be a game where he has 15 points and seven rebound or seven assist four

Rebounds against the magic and they win versus three points in 26 minutes you know like that is the number where you’re going wa wait you’re a guy that gets almost 30 at night we can’t have you at three and so you just hope he’s okay I know there’s one sequence in the

Game tonight where they went with a horn set he drove to the basket missed the shot looked like he was grabbing his left hip a little bit and I went all right I I hope he’s okay he he kept playing but you you know when when someone of his caliber starts to

Struggle a little bit you go okay is there anything going on like is there more to this or is there an injury is he just off what’s happening yeah and I I think when you look at this situation you look at last season to and this team likes to play through some right

They get banged up and they like to play through it I think what’s tough about someone’s game like dearen Fox’s game is that so much of his game um is dependent on his health and him basically his speed his explosiveness um the the team’s identity revolves around him all of those things

Right I know that he is becoming a shooter and his range is hitting different this season everything but it’s not like you’re going okay well he can rely on that part of his game it’s good no because him still being that quick Threat all the time opens up so

Many other things for so many other players and himself so yeah um just hoping that it’s not too much but I’m sure he’s banged up I’m sure it’s contributing to this little bit of a slump or whatever you want to call it but I’m sure he’s going to be fine the

Other thing I want to talk about before we get into some of the other players Morgan is what happened post game one player went to the podium tonight oh Keon Ellis yep Keon Ellis who has been out of the rotation who came in Off the Bench tonight and played for

Sacramento and had some solid minutes during his time coming off the bench he’s on a two-way contract with this team he ends up playing 12 minutes at 13 points on five of six shooting he went out to the podium to talk to the media after the game and then it was Mike

Brown traditionally you you hear from a couple of players and then you go in the locker room and there’s a little more at this point the only thing we have seen is the one player to come out and talk to the media is a second-year player on

A two-way contract Keon Ellis yeah hey man gotta put put put your big boy pants on it would have been better if I said that smoother hold let me try again hold the only player to come out Keon Ellis your two-way player who’s on in the second year of his NBA

Contract who’s been in out of the rotation oh I’m sorry if you’re going to take the podium and go up there all happy and talk about a win if you’re going to go up there and spend 10 minutes talking to the media after a win

You got to do it after a loss it’s what hey guess we do a podcast after a loss these fans who are here watching us or listening to us later or here after L you got to show up it’s part of your job and you’re going oh it’s just a media

Who cares about the media no no no it’s not about the media it’s about the fans wanting to the fans want to hear from you after a game like this Mike Brown came out after the game and said I wish we can give the fans their money back right like

That so when you get down by 50 points at home to a team that’s dominated this year you this year you got to come out and a answer some questions from the media and explain like what’s happening and to send out just the young guy I

Don’t think that’s cool and that goes to the leadership thing right like you want guys to hold each other accountable but the other part of being is going out there and explaining like hey what happened you know what I wouldn’t want to talk to the media either I get it but

Guess what it’s part of your job you make a lot of money so if you’re one of the best guys on the team if you’re dearen fox demon sabonis you got to come out and talk especially after a game like this you would do it in a win I

Yeah no I get it I I get it I I have no excuses but it’s it’s very funny because the entire time that you were yeah talking about that I just kept thinking about like where my mental state is now and like I am not good we’ll get to that

In a second I’m not good I’m not okay um with a lot of things just going on in but I’m but I’m great with a lot of things but I’m just not okay with a lot of things okay that are just going on in my life right now and I think about when

There’s one extra thing that triggers me I can’t handle it and I’m just saying my my mental state is more important than giving someone an answer sometimes if that happened all the time I am with you but this is one time so here’s the difference though Morgan what you may

Have stuff going on in your life yes you’re going to work and you’re going on air and going on camera you’re coming on and doing a podcast after the game you’re doing your job this is part of their job now we just found out that deonis sabonis did talk to the media in

The locker room after the game you want to hear a portion of it to see what he had to say after this game Let’s Hear What deis sabonis said doas Mike talked about how you know you guys have had kind of a lack of fight in some of these

Games like this I I mean you know I I think you feel like you’re a good team but but on days like this where where how do you generate that fight where does that have to come you know I I I don’t know you know um it’s a team that

Beat us three times you know so it sucks you know I I expected everyone to come out with with with more energy you know and um I mean I don’t even know how to answer that question you know I mean someone’s beat you three times you got

To come out and just show some kind of fight is that something you can demand is the does the coaching staff need to do I mean we can talk about it all we want but we got to show it on the court you know and um we just all got to find

It you know um basketball is a team a team game and uh you know especially us when we’re when we’re all locked in together we’re we’re we’re we’re a really dangerous team so we just got to generate that unbelievable is it to see at half time you guys only had like nine

Boards you yourself usually have way more than that and as a team to have that few how what does that kind of say about what I mean if you don’t get stops there’s no boards if the ball is going through the net you can’t really get it

So does a lot of that have to do with their length also just the way they kind of play and now for the rebounds you think I mean if the ball’s going in there’s no rebound so I mean there’s I don’t know how tose answer trying to end

It or change to a little bit of a positive note but the the group in the fourth quarter that you that you guys saw end up getting to Triple digits but with Keon and Kesler and all them just what did you see from your perspective it’s great you know um they have

Opportunities to come out and you know um get some minutes or get some experience out there try things out you know and um it’s it’s it’s great for them you know they all came out and I feel like they found a rhythm so like I said the these guys are professionals

They’re they they always stay ready devontes uh only six fast break points tonight for the Kings uh what was the uh what was the Pelicans doing defensively to stop that um they were making buckets and we had to take it out under under the rim you know we can uh no rebounds

You know we get rebounds we run they’re scoring that means we take the ball out of bounds can’t run as fast in your opinion what does accountability look like uh we we just got to call um call it call it like it is you know if if

There’s there’s no fight we got to call each other out coach got to call us out you know there’s got to be some kind of fire that’s going to light you up to go out there and play hard could you did you notice the fans frustration I mean

There’s some booing there uh of course you know I mean it’s it sucks we’re we’re a good team we had two great um home games the day before you know with a lot of energy and fight and tonight we didn’t show that so I mean it’s it’s

Normal it sucks as players you know you’re in your home courp but um you definitely understand them it was not our best performance sry know to kind of end on but two and two home stand before the road is that kind of the big picture as you

Kind of go out on this uh no you know at home you know the more we can win the better you know and two and two I would say isn’t a great thing you does this team have a little bit of a psychological barrier against maybe this team specifically but but in more

General terms like teams with size and length uh I don’t think so I I don’t think we think that you know I mean I don’t think it goes through anyone’s mind at least isn’t through mine you know and um we just got to go out and compete you know there’s there’s no

Other excuse domas what do you make of the let Downs you guys are I mean your records fine but it’s the losses how bad the losses are they really stand out is there something you’re you feel in those games uh no just sucks cuz like you said

We’re having a good great season you know better than last year it’s just the losses we do have are usually really high you know so they definitely hurt more and um they’re definitely concerning you know but um yeah I don’t know how to answer that yet there’s de

Sabonis talking to the media after the game I don’t know like I said The only person who went to the podium was Keon Ellis maybe after we’re done recording this we find out that the media was able to talk to more players after but usually after games like this you get to

The locker room and guys dip out pretty fast because they don’t want to deal with the media um what did you make of what damus sabonis had to say I mean anything jump out to you no I I thought I I mean nothing was wrong with what he

Said and you know when asking why um they couldn’t push the ball off the floor he’s like you know they’re making shots and we’re not and it’s like yes but also and they’re making shots because you’re defense was dog you know and that’s and that’s part of it

And when I say dog it’s not even like they weren’t trying out there it was they needed to play at a different level against the Pelicans they just like that is the thing against some of these teams that it’s not you can’t just play your defense and it works out because they

Missed a few shots the Pelicans needed to feel something and there was nothing that was being felt on that end of the floor for the Pelican so they it made it look effortless for them I saw Professor Oak who I really enjoy on Twitter and I

Sent this to you Morgan he had this to say and I think it’s absolutely just perfect yep if you’re small beating a bigger team means you have to turn up the pressure the Pelicans don’t feel the Kings at all they’re running their actions with minimal resistance have to

Crank up the physicality on defense to have a shot they’re taller and longer than you but you’re quicker than them get into their jerseys and and that’s it like the Pelicans do play physical they’re long they’ll bump you around but you can control your physicality too and

We’ve seen it and I think that’s where I go back to where the Kings at times I feel like this year’s team they get punched a little bit they go okay I’ll stop I’ll stop and you can’t you got to play with force and that just has to be

Like a mindset you cannot just come out soft and that goes with everybody and then you go into some of the defensive mistakes yeah it’s getting in the guys but there was one play where there’s a on the floor and Mike took Keegan aside for a good minute and a half walking him

Through the mistake I went back and watched it and was pick and roll coverage with dwarte and sabonis and Keegan did not come over to help on the roll at all you know and it those are the little things where you’re paying too much attention to your guy and not

Realizing there’s this action here this has to be a team defense and there’s going to be things that aren’t perfect you’re going to make mistakes but that it’s that though that that is a big mistake that is that is a brain fart that is something where it’s like like you said

Controllables and that right there alone just needs to be automatic it needs to be part of your DNA like you know where to be in that pick and roll coverage when you’re there to help with your teammates and I mentioned this earlier Deuce how they came out of the half and

They were like all right let’s suck it to them or whatever and you saw Chris dwarte up in their faces ke picking up bi full loved it loved it that needed to happen the rest of the game that needed to happen to start qu 12 minutes on the

Clock that you but my point is it didn’t you do it when you’re down 25 but why why couldn’t it continue and it’s like you said you’re already down 25 or whatever it is at that point it becomes even more deflating and that’s why it does you’re exactly right that needs to

Be the tone that it starts with and guess what if you get tired Mike Brown will go to someone else that can that can be in there and figure it out and give that same sort of defensive intensity great example Davon Mitchell okay mhm devvon Mitchell is the most

Nights the smallest guy on the floor he’ll get scored on because guys are bigger than him and you know you wish he was 6’5 and oh my God all NBA Defensive Player right yeah smallest guy on the floor what does he who gets into guys

The Kings as a team have to have that type of mindset right the switch of we have to be into guys I don’t care if you’re picking up fouls tiing you can’t play soft you can’t play soft on both ends and I know saon is like well you

Can’t get rebounds if they’re going in yeah that’s that’s partly true you can’t get offensive rebounds cuz I’ll tell you what you’re missing a ton on offense go get an offensive rebound like but and that and that’s the other thing it’s because of how the Pelicans were

Rebounding it was just they were the more physical team they were the team that had more effort out there tonight and it was and it didn’t seem like it it didn’t come it wasn’t hard for the Pelicans to show up like that you know it really came off as has an uh very

Very like common effort for them you know like it was just there and it was this is how we play this is what we do and for the Kings if I’m looking at that team and I’m looking at how many times you’ve lost them and you’re about you

Also have to play them one more time usually you’re only playing a team four times but you’re playing them one more time because of the inseason tournament that you know did with schedules it’s like with that game alone that should be your Championship if you want to look at it like that

Because they have your number and you have to figure out how to beat them if you want to be a better team you know sometimes you know you want to have your teammates back during a game too right this is where I’m having my back my teammates back hey Jeremy in the chat

Who says Morgan’s always sugar coating it it’s amazing sugar Morgan gets the most crap ever for being negative all the time than yeah you’re going to come here and say she’s sugar coating it why because we’re not yelling like skip Bess and Stephen A Smith you you know the

Other thing we’re not going to do we don’t just come on here kick scream and yell you know what we’re doing we’re being our authentic selves we come on here we tell you what’s going on we haven’t Su sugarcoated anything tonight this team was down by 50 at home that’s

Usually reserved for bad teams the kings are a bad team they shouldn’t be down 50 at home so I don’t know what you want do you want us to throw a box SC act like we’re upset no no we’re going to be real about how we feel talk about it so if

You want people are just going to yell and scream then go some somewhere else Jeremy because we actually like to tell you what’s going on how it went down and how to fix it not just scream and yell that’s not Us Jeremy oh sweet Jeremy

Just one more thing I that is fine if you don’t like my opinion that is totally fine but here’s my thing like you don’t have to be a dick about about it one you can disagree with whatever I say absolutely but it is authentic it is coming from my experience my knowledge

Of watching the game and sometimes just like how I feel about a certain situation and I’m sorry that you don’t feel the same way but like be cool okay don’t be so like uncool anyone know that you’re sugarcoating Lan real house in New York and by the way you can’t

Sugarcoat a turd can you go go outside can I can I can I’m gonna tell you this if you go outside and pick out pick up a piece of Carlin’s poop and you dip it in sugar and eat it it’s still not going to taste why the would you eat it why

Would you eat a sugarcoated tur tonight was a sugarcoated turd you can’t sugarcoat it it wouldn’t matter anyway shove a few of those in Jeremy’s mouth golly choke on some turds you dick um Morgan making more excuses for the team about not going to Podium a bad day

You’re sounding more more like someone like me go hey so Jeremy no no just leave him okay he’s fine Jeremy it’s no he doesn’t like me just we we just move on we’re not going to let Jeremy bait us into stupid things she didn’t make an

Excuse for them she was just saying I some sugarcoated yeah yeah son of a god Jeremy that out loud Jeremy if I see you what are you gonna do I’m going to make sure I have a sugarcoated piece of Carlin poop and guess what you’re going to do you’re

Going to eat it you’re going to open your mouth I’m going to shove it in your mouth I’m going to close your mouth you like that Jeremy oh I sugarcoat here you go eat [Laughter] it oh um okay so we talked about Fox we talked about not going to the podium all

That stuff why that wasn’t good we talked about the physicality the mentality um also like Keegan Murray I like what he did defensively tonight I just need him in these moments and I’m we’re putting pressure on a young guy right 31 games into his second year but

For him to take steps it’s to do it consistently like I want him to have that Focus all the time they’re asking him to do a lot defensively especially as like the only Wing Defender they have on this team who’s capable of playing you got to go out there and be

Consistent even on offense like I felt like he was bringing it rotating well defensively he’s putting some bad spots out there but I want him to look for his more during games like this don’t get rattled because you’re missing it’s like you just had two straight double doubles

You can’t have a game where you get one rebound go go in there and get nasty a little bit yep even if it’s the Pelican’s point of emphasis to put a body on you and box you out find a way find a way and I say find

A way I mean push a guy down put this is this is where we’re talking about being more physical sometimes it’s not about hurting somebody but when you’re sick of somebody pushing through in the pain for example was that Pacer Celtics game last night yes okay just just for example Tyrese

Hal Jaylen Brown went in on Tyrese halberton so many different times like he was just like he wanted to scout him out boom go at him because he was the stronger player Tyrese wasn’t strong enough if I was Tyrese in that situation alone I would have done something a

Little bit more on the nasty side not on the dirty side but the nasty side to make sure that he couldn’t push me down or I would have tried to manipulate the call get the refs on my side done something you have to make sure that you

Are altering your game if they are doing something to alter yours I’m with you I’m with you so Keegan that’s my point with Keegan is just like he should have like find a way to to fake it like someone was boxing you out and fouling you if if you

Couldn’t be the more physical one and get in there and get a rebound but at the same time like sabonis said a lot of their shots were being made anyway more talking about the offensive boards um Morgan what else jumps out to you about this game we rebounding Miss shot they shot just

Under 42% Deuce it it was I mean there’s not there’s even before we started this podcast I said to you I said with this game we could go and break down what went so wrong but this is what’s very interesting about this game it’s the fourth one against the

Pelicans the fourth game against the Pelicans play in in April and they’ve almost all looked the same but this was without Zion or Alvarado and I just I’m not scared for the Sacramento Kings because of their losses against the Pelicans but I think it is more apparent

Than ever it’s ah it is time for some tweak if we want to get to a different level all right we’re going to talk more about that coming up I do want to play what Mike Brown had to say in his postgame presser though here’s what Mike

Said to open up the post game hey hey flat out kicked her behind uh one thing I do say I feel feel sorry for the fans that spent their money uh coming and watch the game today um for us to perform that way and the lack of fight to you know to

Whether get back in the game stay in the game however you want to call it um was not non-existent um and it’s going to be tough uh scoring when you know you have Keegan Fox and Mite Go combine uh five for 29 uh it’s going to be a tough night so give give

No Orleans a lot of credit they came in here and they just Flatout kicked our ass and did it for four quarters uh and at the end of the day like I see give them all credit and I’m sorry Sacramento fans for coming and spending your money

Mone today it is wild to look at the Pelicans because every time they play the Kings if if I didn’t know any better and I was like a casual fan and just watch Kings Pelicans you’d be oh the Pelicans must be like 30 and two and the kings

Are like 2 and 28 correct right correct and the Pelicans after this win are they’re 22 and 15 the kings are 21 and 14 this Pelicans team they have a lot of things you like I feel like if you went back and listen to our previous podcast

About the Pelicans we’d be saying the same things Dyson Daniels a good young player he who’s long gets after it defensively herb Jones long gets after defensively Brandon Ingram tough cover he’s long good luck Trey Murphy he is long good luck it’s just talk about a challenge then you got valent chunis up

Front Zion in the mix Alvarado they just got got size everywhere yeah and and I mean the Pelicans it’s so interesting at the beginning of this year we were talking about team we like what are they going to be you have a star player that wants out all these things are going on

In this team is still showing up y showing o like not just showing up they’re showing that they can be a good team with the pieces that they do have and the pieces that they do have when I say it like that they have some damn good pieces and they have some really

Good pieces that are good for this modern-day NBA right the length uh youth hustle guys and than just some freak athletes like a Zion who when healthy is fantastic Sacramento Kings had 25 rebounds tonight Morgan yes the Pelicans bench had 22 cute the Pelicans bench had 22 the

Kings is a team had 25 I mean it it again miss shots an effort it’s it’s a combination of both combo um wow we have to come up with a moment of the the game a player of the game well I already know the player of

The game we got to look ahead to this road trip okay because on one hand you’re going hey you know what’s next what the Pistons but then on the other hand you’re going yep you play like you did tonight you might lose to the Piston you do not want to lose to the

Pistons well and this is this Pistons Hornets back to back what oh god and could you imagine what we have seen from the Kings what game was it it was after the Hawks game was that the Grizzlies yes and they came out and they gave it

To them right it was like okay we went down big in the Hawks game we rallied back found a way to win but in the Grizzlies game they took care of business I’m hoping you have a little bit more of that angry Kings team going into the Pistons game and then hopefully

Even the Hornets game to really just take care of business I don’t trust right now that that’s what you’re going to get but I also believe that obviously they’re very capable of doing what we saw on New Year’s Eve you you guys are going to love dece Mason’s moment of the

Game why it’s pretty good I I’m really proud of what I came up with tonight we’ll get to that in just a second and we got to talk some trade stuff because I think it’s time right we should mention that tonight’s podcast presented by our friends we at Northwest Exteriors

Morgan Reagan if you need Windows why should you go to Northwest well they’re local one they’re all Kings fans to and three it’s changed the this entire house it’s changed the energy bill saving lots of money and on top of all that it’s keeping out all the

Cold and it’s probably going to be the coldest week of the entire freaking year well it’s good that right now it’s our energy saving Sales Event you purchase new energy efficient windows and Northwest Exteriors will pay your energy bill receive up to $1,000 credit toward your energy bill and the best part is

You’ll save money after that they are local they have been in the business a long time they don’t subcontract they have amazing showroom in Rancho Cordova you got to check them out they do amazing work and they will make your home look good feel good and increase the value of your home too

So check out Northwest because should be the best trust Northwest the Kings may have lost tonight and it really sucks but maybe if they had okay I’m done I lost my conf morning no dude give me affirmation come on oh you’re so good I am good do it

Again am I you would say I’m simply the best or no yeah bestwest all right Morgan Reagan M who’s your rock and so player of the game oh I got mine right now and ready who is it CJ McCollum go CJ go CJ go CJ

Well yeah CJ mccum is your rock and so player of the game Morgan Reagan he was spectacular 30 points7 rebounds four assists uh and here’s what he had to say after this game tonight against the Sacramento Kings for certain gyms where you just feel better you have a better

Rhythm just shot just feels better is this one of those gyms in places for you yeah Sacramento was supposed to draft me they had me come back for a second workout um actually told me they were going to take me a seven and they didn’t so person I enjoy I enjoy playing here

So CJ call him you’re Rock and Soul player of the game 30 points seven rebounds four assists 11 to 16 shoting 710 from three good for him good there’s one thing that can make you feel better after a game like this going to rock and soul or Morgan Reagan yes and so many

People went the other night because this month in January Friday and Saturday nights after Kings games you go to rockn Soul Diner and you can get 50% off your entire bill I had so many people text me send me photos uh DM me so make sure you are taking advantage of that whether

Whether it’s a win or loss and you can just go watch any Kings games there and during the Kings games uh you can get 50% off apps and 50% off drinks while the game is going on and who doesn’t love breakfast all day they have more than breakfast they’ve got drinks

They’ve got lunch and dinner but I love I can go get an eggs benad day at 800 pm. n Nom n n let me tell you about their hash browns too best hash browns ever it’s like a brick of has it’s a brick and it’s there’s the they perfect

It’s perfectly cooked this crunch uh they’re at 10th and s in downtown Sacramento just six blocks away from gold one Center check out Rock and Soul Morgan or Sharie Jeweler’s moment of the game I feel like I have the moment well I have the moment I was

Gonna say too you could also go make yourself feel better and go buy yourself some jewelry A J Jewel true after any Kings loss make sure to go buy yourself something it will make yourself feel better what would be your moment of the game I’m just curious and I want the

Chat if you had to pick one moment from tonight’s game to put in the moment jar that we put in after every game win or lose it’s filling up we’re up to our 35th one tonight what would be your moment of the game I don’t I I don’t

Know I don’t I don’t have I don’t have a moment at all okay yeah what you you sound like you had one I do what what is that moment my moment Cody Zeller hit a three tonight oh it’s the first three he has made in a game since April

2021 I looked that up it was the first three of the season and I went you know I wonder like when’s the last time he hit a three you have to go back to April of 2021 the last time that Cody Zeller made a three he made a three tonight

We’ll also note the fact that the kings were down 50 at home at one point damn it this is a loss you won’t forget yeah yeah yeah I mean I will forget it because that’s what happens with my poor memory put look at that put that in

There there you go oh don’t knock over anything over there yep don’t let them but don’t knock over all right Morgan so next up for the Sacramento Kings is a road trip believe it or not the Kings play 15 of their next 19 games on the road before the

All-Star break how do that make you feel how when you hear that what do you think about that huh uh this road trip by the way figure it out it’s a similar setup to what just went down this week where you got a lot of games coming up so if

You’re tired you better figure it out fast this is the point of the year that you got to be mentally tough this road trip for the Sacramento Kings features the Pistons coming up on Tuesday and then Wednesday they play against the Hornets they’re off a couple of days and

They go go to Philly Sunday at Milwaukee then they end the road trip Tuesday at Phoenix before returning home to take on Tyrese halberton in the Indiana Pacers they come home for two games and then they hit the road again Morgan it’s insane Golden State Dallas Memphis Miami

Indiana Chicago Cleveland come home for two and then they go on the road again with OKC Phoenix and Denver that’s a lot of road games coming up I know I just s a lie at you but first things first the Pistons come or excuse me you go to

Detroit to take on the Pistons so look if this team um can be the team we think they could be it’s this the next two games could be a good opportunity you go handle the Pistons because they’re awful and you go that Hornets team just embarrassed us on

Our home floor we’re going to go embarrass them on their home floor and then you get ready for Friday a tough matchup against the Sixers yeah I mean that’s pretty much what it’s going to look like what do what are you guys expecting coming up against the Pistons because I mean I

Could sit here right now and I feel like I can’t predict I know what I want but I can’t predict what’s going to happen and that that scares me a little bit because I wouldn’t care if this was last year and saying I can’t predict what’s going

To happen next game but that’s okay because they’re learning and growing and they’re still learning and growing but I just expect more especially against a very bad team like the Detroit Pistons but I expected more tonight even against a better team like the New Orleans Pelicans that were short-handed yeah a

Good team on a against the Pistons will like go out and send a serious message like okay this is how we respond because we are pissed off and we need to start playing Angry um but the question is will we get that Morgan trades are going to be a big

Topic over the next month right the trade deadline is coming com up wow we’re an hour in and you’re just getting to it I know I know but I do feel like when you have games like this and I have felt this way for a while I feel this

Way after a win this team needs a jolt it needs a change I think there are too many times you see the Kings take on a team and you go oh that team’s longer than the Kings that’s a problem I think that needs to change it has to be

Addressed and you know they they decided last trade deadline to not really make any moves a move with Kessler Edwards take a swing at that see if it pays off Kesler not really a part of things at this point in his King’s career last year although I was a little

Disappointed they didn’t make a trade at the deadline I understood it because it was like you know what let’s just kind of see what this team is sure well now we have that 82 game sample size we have a seven game playoff series against the Golden State Warriors and now we have a

31 game sample size I mean this is a lot of games now right over a 100 plus games with this pretty much core I think we all understand that this team needs some moves I’m not surprised at all if we start hearing that phone’s being picked up and the SE

Yakum thing is being talked about yeah no that’s why even when when the Tweet went went out um talks are off the table and everything I’m like okay for how long and then you see a really bad game like tonight and you go I would be so surprised if if the talks weren’t

Happening again but I mean either way even if those talks weren’t happening again it’s like other talks need to be have and I think that’s going no that’s going to happen with this crew I keep thinking more and more about the SE yakum deal because obviously the Kings

Have shown interest in him that has been reported but they’re not the only team The Warriors have been brought up the Hawks have been brought up they are going to be a lot of teams interested in a guy who is 29 years old old has been

An All-Star in this league an all NBA caliber player who’s a really good player by the way the Raptors taking on the Warriors tonight as we’re recording this right now the Raptors are destroying the Warriors they’re winning 124 to 99 RJ Barrett has 37 sakam is

Resting the rest of the night he had 16 points seven rebounds six assists on seven of 11 shooting this was Draymond Green’s first game back on the bench oh hanging out with the team and must have inspired them to be down 25 on the home floor they have been as as 2 anyway

There I I personally feel like there’s got to be a little bit of an urgency to make a move for the Sacramento Kings I don’t know that they can wait until the deadline well you can’t wait until the deadline and I mean you can but here’s the thing people like Pascal are going

To be off the table and that’s that’s where the issue lies because you go if you if you’re looking ahead and you’re like we can make under the radar tweaks and we think we can be a better team go in that direction wait until the trade

Deadline do what you got to do but if you know if you are inside that organization and you know you cannot be a better team without a major tweak then make the major tweak doesn’t Ma I mean does matter what it takes but make it happen I think SE yakum is getable for

The Sacramento Kings okay the question is how concerned are they about making the trade without knowing that he’ll resign with them now with that said if they were to trade for SE yakum they could pay him more than any other team would SE yakum go you know what I

Don’t care about getting paid a lot more money and just go test free agency or would he go oh this isn’t too bad it goes back to what I was talking to you last podcast about yeah I think there is maybe a perspective from Sacramento that they should think about it’s all right

We get him in our building even if he’s questioning what we’re about because we’re Sacramento we have not been good for more than one year if we get him inside our walls and show him our facilities our coaching staff what our front office is about sabonis and fox

And this kind of core that we have and then we win and we make a nice push maybe he’s like I’ll take that money winning is going to be the number one thing that convinces any player if you’re trying to resign them right like that is going especially a player like

In the tier of Pascal cakam winning winning is the number one thing not even money let’s just put winning first then then money has got to be pretty but then you’re exactly right Deuce I think there are so many players around this league especially nowadays where you’re still

Going to have players and and personalities that are like let’s rage on the road and be hung over while playing let’s you know Club all night do what we need to do whatever but there’s so many players these days that are focused on getting that money going to

Work and doing their thing and some even like enjoy their this is so F some even enjoy their family life and their kids but seriously like that is another reason why I know a lot of players like being in Sacramento because they do enjoy that life and they feel like

There’s stability here in this city um and on top of that Pascal seak put him on a scooter behind me while iide if anyone that goes on a scooter ride with me I sell the out of this place who think I work for visit Sacramento we could sell him for

Sure give us a cut and we’ll go ahead and convince him to stay in Sacramento I see a couple people in the chat mentioning oh but dece I don’t think you’re the Kings can get Pas gal yakum without giving up Keegan I thought that at one point too um I think Messi knows

At this point Keegan’s off the table off the table like so the talks would not be coming back up potentially if it was involving Keegan that is known that is known I think that was known a couple of days ago and if you start hearing stuff

In the next couple of days it’s not because all of a sudden Keegan’s on the table I’d be shocked I’d be shocked I think what’s going to end up happening is messiah’s like fine you don’t want to give me Keegan then you know what I need

I need some picks I need two picks I need three first round picks are you willing to give up three first round picks and I a lot and I don’t want pick swaps and Messiah I don’t want pick swaps Messi is a wild wild it’s a tough

Guy to deal with he’s I mean he’s good at what he does he’s done it he’s so good he literally has forced people to give up their first born to make a trade so do you that’s true people don’t realize that that’s happened before you um and because I see someone saying what

About two and a pick swap maybe they could get there or something like like that but I do feel like he’s going to want multiple picks and now you think about from Sacramento’s perspective okay getting seum to Sacramento adding him to this and if you had you could keep

Keegan you got Keegan you got sabonis Fox and SE yakum that’s pretty nice but are you willing to be like hey we just gave up three first round picks we get bounced in the second round and seak goes you know excuse me oh he calls I’m going Test free agency and

Then he walks yep he goes you know what not only am I leaving I’m going to Detroit’s got cap space I’m going to the Pistons I I don’t know I I’m just throwing something out there like I want to be the guy somewhere or I want to be

The two here I’m not the two well then you just gave up three picks three first round picks in some pieces to get a guy rental for three months a rental that’s the challenge right you have to have some level of confidence that you can

Keep him I think the next thing too is can you live with it though too if you didn’t get a keep that’s another but that is another part of it the other thing I want to get back to though is something you said about I think they

Need to make one before the deadline here’s the other reason I think it’s important to make one before the deadline if you wait until the deadline there’s like 25ish games left if you make a deal sooner it just allows you more time to get whoever you acquire implemented and more comfortable and

That’s kind of what the the Clippers did right they didn’t wait till the deadline to trade for James Harden they did it like early early to get him in the fold and they went through the time they they went through a tough time and now

What do you know it’s clicking a bit for them and what if they also traded enough away where it they had to and then there was more cap space right and then there was other moves and tweaks that little ones the under the radar ones that we’re

Talking about what that could be made um after a trade like that is made and no and you’re exactly right being impl mented and working out all the tweaks playing some crappy basketball together and then figuring it out is definitely something you want to do before it’s too

Late and I I just think seum we know we saw it the other night I’ve said it for I mean I I told Morgan a little bit ago I’m like God I remember talking about the Kings trying to get seak three years ago like this guy is a very versatile

Player he is long athletic he can go get a bucket it gives you some more side at the Wing Spot all of a sudden you’ve got Keegan and cakam on the wing things change a little bit you know and of course there are going to be some things

To Iron Out offensively but I start thinking about the potential of SE yakum bringing up the ball little SE yakum sabonis pick and roll you got Fox still you got monk you got Keegan that’s a pretty potent lineup with more size and I think you get better and who knows

What else the deal could be like could you get a Dennis shrer back in the deal could that look is it involving more than one team I I don’t know I think there are going to be options out there but I think a game like tonight probably makes you pick up the

Phone you know I it has to Ryan says DNM do we need a captain or a third star and I think when you I mean here’s the thing in this league too when you are looking at that caliber of player no matter what next to sabonis and fox it’s going to be

Interchangeable at times and that’s what you want you don’t want this whole team to look so different when Fox is on the court um because it’s it’s just you know domos is your big he’s the Hub of the offense but who else is really that Force well adding someone like Pascal

Sakam you wouldn’t just go downhill your identity wouldn’t be completely lost because you’re building a new identity with someone in that same tier of play and David and chess says we don’t need offense no I think the Kings do need some offense they need another guy who

Can go create and get a bucket but I also think SE yakum is a capable Defender that I think could play some good defense in Sacramento too um his length alone I also you know the other thing too is from his standpoint and I’m repeating myself from

The other night but just to reiterate it is you know the pecking order right like Fox and sabonis are going to take a lot right they are okay he’s not even if you go well he could be the number two in Sacramento okay but how long is he the

Number two is Keegan Rising you know is he the number three is he comfortable being with the number three some nights being the number two some nights being the number one or does he want to go to a team where it’s like hey I’m like two

Or one be if you mean if you have the right personality combination it doesn’t matter again I’ll give you this one little nugget I had with my oneon-one with domas sabonis yesterday he he mentioned at one point he goes Fox and I we’re we both are not too we are we are

Neither one of us care about the spotlight neither one of us care we don’t care who has the spotlight that’s good so I mean that alone dce your one and two guy on this team they don’t care about that so it’s like they just care about playing good basketball and

Wherever that means that they’re playing good basketball you know domas if he had a game where he had 20 assists and 20 rebounds and zero points somehow he’d be like great I mean we would all be like great of course but my point is there are a lot of those personalities on this

Team especially when you look at Keegan dearen sabonis and then you add someone like Pascal I don’t know what his personality is like I don’t know if he is like craving something else after Toronto that is more in the spotlight or wanting to be that one one B type guy I

Just don’t know let’s get to some super chats including a familiar phase some Kings fans love him Many Many Kings fans hate him Kevin oconor donates $10 saying loving the try talk winky face he’s like winky face I told you they need a move

He says this is the year to go for it the title window is open next year may not be king should feel urg urgency look at you K K thank you so much um thanks yeah I I think his point about the window is super dead on Denver’s got floss yep

I’m watching him the other night I’m going do you trust their bench at right they don’t have the same pieces they had last year they got the same core but are those young guys ready there’s flaws there right flaws I’ll say I’ll just say flaws but that’s the point is there’s

Flaws go up and down the West okay OKC I’m sorry they’re flawed I like them longterm I don’t think this is the year for them and I think they’re patient enough to go let’s just see how this group works together I don’t view them as a legit Contender because I don’t

Like their size Golden State Wars flaw beond flaw the you got Steph Curry Warriors have the King’s number flawed okay Minnesota they’re looking pretty solid they’re looking really solid right now I don’t completely trust it yet but it’s hard to deny that they defend ant a problem go

Bear has been playing incredible defense he looks spectacular this year the cat dynamics’s always weird but they’ve got depth they got size they defend okay the the Pelicans flawed Zion’s the biggest fla they’re flawed but against the Kings I’m not talk but it doesn’t you may not have

To play You’re just talking about in the west I get it usually there’s a team like dude there’s like two teams that for sure they are the okay flawed Dallas come on I don’t Dallas not even in the picture for me fla Galore the Clippers okay I mean they’ve they’ve

Been playing some pretty good basketball I think partly with the Clippers you’re going track record a bit like do you trust it they’re playing well right now do you trust Kawai staying healthy do you trust that Harden’s going to show up in accounts do you trust all that Paul

George right yeah do you trust it okay that’s it you don’t trust the Suns I know you don’t trust the Lakers we just named all the true people the true teams in the west there is a window weird things happen things break right you can with the right move be in that Contender

Category in the Western Conference this is a year where you can do it yeah um yeah it’s it it it it is it is but I love that we are saying that after a game where the Kings looked sure more than it doesn’t look like one player is

Going to fix the flaws yeah but you know what though you say that when one player makes a defensive mistake out there on the floor for the Sacramento Kings it messes everything up sure one player that gets targeted or two players that changes everything so yes I do think one player can shift

Things especially when you’re talking about someone one as dynamic as Pascal seaka well and even I look at I I look at the way that the Pelicans were blowing up the dhos tonight and I go okay you add someone like Pascal SE yakum that automatically right there

Mike Brown’s not having to run a whole bunch of dhos he I mean you still can and you can try different things different actions out of the pick and roll you can do so there’s just he’s so versatile and there’s so many more things that you are capable of doing and

Then you’re adding that length to the defensive end yeah it’s um it sounds cute right now thanks so much to KOC thanks also to dash who donated two bucks saying the Kings got me feeling like chugging wine too shake my head cheers uh Maddie also donates two bucks

Saying James ham just drilled Coach Brown about that talking about the players not coming out and discussing Elmer donates five bucks saying at least the Warriors are getting their asses handed to them too Top Ramen donates two bucks how many new faces are needed will

Only one suffice no I mean I I think God if you could add I I I brought up a name like matis thel too you know another Wing Defender you’re I’m getting greedy yes yeah you are but you realize how greedy you have to if you if you still

Picture this Pascal cakam stuff going down how greedy Messiah Jerry’s going to be with getting Pascal SE yakum so then what else are you going to have to make any other tweet you you say how greedy he’s going to be okay but teams are also

Reluctant to give up a ton for a guy who’s on an expiring contract there’s negotiations that have to be here and that that’s one that goes against him now teams could get desperate and maybe go that direction in the chat the Matt man says Kings would have to trade

Herder Barnes Mitchell for seaka and Toronto will not accept that um well one you can involve another team two you can involve draft picks yeah I mean you’re going to have to enhance it right especially when there could be other teams in the mix we’ve heard as I

Mentioned Atlanta in the mix golden state in the mix so I don’t know I I there could be multiple moves that have to be made you know there’s a lot of candidates out there but there’s also as I mentioned the title window being open I think for the west where you look

At well this team’s got flaws this team well those teams may be inspired to make moves too so that creates a climate where there are a lot of buyers and not a lot of sellers so what’s that mean a fight to get it it’s going to be

Expensive and are you willing to take the risks necessary to do it to maybe get to that point it makes it tough and that’s why also we’re not NBA general managers I wish you luck Monty and West yeah have fun with this tough it’s tough It’s Not Easy it’s not easy trying

To build a championship team right it’s not easy to make tweaks it’s a hard thing to deal with but well and not only is it it’s a hard thing to realize too especially when you are trying to to trade for a rental yeah you have to live

With you have to sleep at night somehow if for some reason he decided that he wanted to go somewhere else after the rest of this season in Sacramento and then let’s say you lose a whole bunch of first round picks and you lose some other pie some some some depth to your

Team you then have to somehow pick up these pieces and you see how difficult it can be picking up these pieces and adding that depth I mean we thought alone Sasha venkov was going to be so much more than what he is right now and I don’t think that’s all necessarily on

Him in his game I also think he is that very short leash the NBA Pace um is he’s not up to speed with it all these different things about him in his game and I think he’s a great guy you know you talk about a locker room guy always

Positive all those things that this culture wants he is all those things but they still need need the nasty guys they still need the guys that can contribute um when some of your starters are having their off nights you know you you need that sort of

Depth you do and I I was just looking up as you’re talking about that with yakum you know that the Kings would have his bird rights if they traded for him and that means they could pay him far more than any other team and even if SE yakum was throwing out like

Well hey I may not resign there you talk about gambles being made the Kings have done it before ironically enough in a trade with the Toronto Raptors involving Rudy Gay they convinced him to sign even if you want to go way back you talk about the gamble of all gambles

They traded Mitch Richmond who may have been may have been declining but he was their franchise player for a 20 like three 24 year old Chris Weber who is on his second team who literally said after being traded I’m not showing up to to Sacramento guy ends up signing you know

A seven-year deal with the Kings sometimes you have to take those risks and Trust what your the infrastructure you have in place and even if SE yakum saying that now we don’t know if he is but let’s just say he is like I don’t I’m not going to commit to signing with

Sacramento fine but when it comes to signing time are you going to pass up more money Millions upon Millions upon Millions upon millions of dollars to go somewhere else or are you going to be in a good spot and get paid a lot more money and your mindset could even

Be get paid more money and make that money and then ask for a trade when you really need it when you’re like just being a dick and you need to get out of here or something that’s true you can we’ve seen that many times in the L hey

Just sign and ask for a trade after well you look at someone even like Zion though how many times have we talked about when is he going to be out when is he going to be out well you’re seeing things seemed to be going well for the Pelicans for now he’s wasn’t healthy

Tonight but he’s been healthy for the most part and their team has a little bit more of this identity with them and I mean sure winning basketball is very is is a great way to convince players to stick around um but we haven’t heard those Rumblings since we heard those

Rumblings in the beginning of the Season or was that in the offseason I forget it I think it happened a little bit ear early in the season 2 I don’t know I feel like the Zion stuff happens like every other week like you just don’t know one other thing with super

Chats I want to apologize to those who sent super chats the last couple of games because I saw them and I totally forgot to get back to them and there’s so many people who take the time to give us Super Chat so if you have given us

Super chats in the past and we did not acknowledge the last couple of games 100% of the blame is on Morgan Reagan oh and for not reminding me to get to them so go ahead are you Jeremy what is happened apologize he hates me for everything this is what you’re doing um

Anyway that’s my bad it’s my bad and uh we thank you and I’m no I’m not actually mention your name but thank you so so so much for the support and thanks to everyone for hanging out with us if you have not yet hit the Thumbs Up And

Subscribe obviously SE aum’s a name that a lot of people are talking about because it was the name that was in the news just a couple of days ago but there are other candidates out there and I think it’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out I think we’re both

On the same page that it waiting till the deadline is probably not ideal and I and I I understand why they looked at last year and they did what they did last year and they really believed in keeping their core continuity all those things and I love that now not just because of

A loss that it was Amplified that they have all these flaws but I think it was going into this season we knew that some guys would be in some trade talks and um to make this this team take the next step and you hope that’s where this can

Go what other thoughts do you have tonight give me anything big picture tonight’s game um it bums me out here in booze at the AR and not and by the way when I say that I’m not saying the fans shouldn’t boo I was totally fine with it

I just it’s over the years there have been bad teams who’ve gotten booed yeah you deserve it you know and you’re just like man this team like d this is how frustrated fans are with you guys you are one of the best Kings teams in a long time and they’re booing you because

Of these losses like it just sucks that it has to happen yeah no and I mean it’s like sometimes you you hope that it would also like light their ass on fire a little bit Inspire them do whatever and other times it’s just it is what it

Is and on a Sunday at 3:00 you would hope that both teams were kind of playing um sluggish or it’s weird to have a 3:00 start on a Sunday but nope the Pelicans played like it was any other day that’s was going to bring up I

I arrived at the arena the same time as the Pelicans today yeah they got off the bus I I wish I would have text you this what but they got off the bus I’m like oh I like they’re losing tonight they look so tired to me they

Got off the bus they had you know hoods on it just you know everyone just looking tired I was like oh I wish you I wish they are sleepwalking tonight oh my God they are coming I’m like and I was looking at like I didn’t see Zion in

There I’m like oh I some fan asked me for what do you think about tonight I’m like oh King’s win tonight why were you and you were really that confident I feel like yeah you don’t say you know what it was because and this is the Trap

I need to stop doing this I’m going to freely ad I need to stop doing this I was listening to post game pressers from last game and it seemed like everyone understood like the mission like hey like this team punked us we got to show

Up this is a game you show up for we owe them one I’m like okay they’re going to come out with the right Focus like they’re going to play well if you would have told me they were down 50 tonight I’d be like that’s cute that’s funny

You’re you’re hilarious good hot take I would never have thought they were going to be down 50 to a team that’s Domina the whole year and they did then they were and it was bad it was bad I wasn’t I wasn’t expecting it to be that bad and when we

Saw that bad in the beginning of the game I even had a weird thought like okay good good this is going to be one of those games that they don’t come out strong but they finish strong oh they’re going to make a run here and you know

What I thought was going to here’s what I thought was going to happen they were down big at the half and the way they started I’m like they’re going to make it like a 12-point game in the third and they’re going to make it a game in the

Fourth and we’re going to come on here and be like M they lost and this is why you can’t dig yourself a hole because you got to play perfect basketball after that they end up letting it get to 50 I text Deuce at the end or toward the end

Of the game I said can I call him sick tonight chat man called me a coward I would never by the way even if I really was sick yeah there only two of us here we always show up man we we always show up man we always do always hey and no

Carlin Carlin has not pooped I appreciate him doing that hope he’s okay um what was the other thing I was going to mention tonight oh speaking of teams who look a little messy right now the Golden State Warriors lost again on the home floor it’s official they lost to

The Toronto Raptors tonight if I’m not mistaken they’re yeah is that right they’re man 17 and 19 is that correct they the right box score in front of me I mean you have it close right they’re they’re 17 and they’re 17 and 19 they are 17 and 19 Curry tonight two of 14

In 30 minutes he was 0 of n from downtown in this game Klay Thompson yeah so Ste one of 10 C went two of 14 yeah no no you said Steph went one of 10 that’s what I meant there you go Daren went one of 10 Steph went two of 14

Interesting both guys are kind of struggling right now uh but the Raptors won 133 to8 in this game RJ Barrett had 37 points Draymond Green’s been reinstated this makes me laugh and he was on the bench tonight all this I don’t know what the appropriate amount was when they said indefinite

Suspension correct but we went over all the issues that Draymond Green has had from in a year span the sub the Jordan pool punch the sabonis stump what was the other one he had the issue with Donovan Mitchell that was a little mixup that he got ined goar choke

Rudy goar choke and then the nage and then so he’s inde definitely spend so between that game and now mind you Christmas was during that time New Year’s Eve he got enough help to be back be away from the team and be ready to go

He’s going to be good all I know is this this situation with the Warriors is an absolute mess right now and I you know you had kaminga come out the other day you know with the report that was like he has lost faith in Steve Kerr after he

Played like you know minimal minutes in a game where he was really effective yeah Andrew Wiggins has not been the same at all this year for them it seems for this year last year really since they won a title what do they do and that’s another team that has been

Mentioned with the seak St right and that that you go Chris Paul fractured hand out 68 weeks after surgery that’s so sad because I just I I don’t I I don’t know if a lot of people even like Chris Paul most don’t most don’t let’s be real but I just never want anyone’s

Like end of their career toward the last chapter of their career to end with like just a whole bunch of injuries oh he was what he was at the end and it’s like no I want him to be able to play and um still show up so

Yeah that sucks that sucks for the Warriors but you look at all their their other issues and that’s where I just go great I love that love them having drama I think that’s fun you do but you don’t why right because they’re a good example of a team

That needs some maximize the years that Steph Curry has left they’re spending a lot of money on that team right a ton of money it’s ironic enough they they ironically enough they saved like $10 million on luxury tax because Draymond was suspended for that time they actually save some money okay when when

He was gone but they’re a team that there’s some pressure on dun leevy to make some moves sure and as he should you know we talk about Wiggins but who wants to touch that at this point I mean maybe someone goes oh we can get the most out of him I

Think some teams would like Moody kaminga but the report was they don’t want to give up Jonathan kaminga where I’m going go Warriors you’re me right I like Jonathan kaminga I actually still think he could be a good player in this league but if you’re talking about maximizing Steph’s window and you’re GNA

Be like hey sorry we could talk SE yakum kaminga off the table you are literally insane like if that’s going to be the deal breaker for the Warriors my point is I don’t know that’s really a deal breaker that’s a team that’s a threat because they’ve got Chris Paul’s massive

Deal they can throw in a kaminga moody I mean who knows but J who wants a broken Chris Paul it’s not about the broken Chris Paul it’s about the fact that his contract goes bye bye you can buy him out and say byebye go sign with a contender it’s just the money savings

You know what I mean okay yeah I yeah no I sure that’s it’s still fun that they have drama not going to lie you know it’s just it’s great I love and I love NBA drama as long as it’s not around the sacona Kings what about

Kozma for the Kings but think about it part of the reason why he didn’t end up coming here reports were basically saying that he wanted to be the guy or one of the two guys that mentality alone D yeah but then you know you get the

Chance to be the guy do you really want to be the guy on like a seven win team like is that fun well he’s experiencing that now he’s like the grass ain’t always greener C it’s not always greener well the grass is really green in California California it is it is so

Green my man green yeah I also want to call I hope weird zakum comes to the Kings because we can call it Pascal fornia also stupid you like it no Pascal fornia no there’s a no okay what why I don’t know yeah that is really bad like that you know you’re not going

To win them all we’re alive it’s not like I I I didn’t like plan this out I’m just coming up with stuff Karo past California actually makes sense I know but my whole point is that neither one of them makes sense it’s stupid and you should have never said it and also yes when you look at Kyle kumma his Contra like 25 25 mil around that

Mark yeah and it goes down and it and it goes down down down down down I mean yeah good contract probably the amount that the kings were going to have to pay for him if they really wanted him anyway um yeah it’s not doesn’t it’s more of the the he would be

An upgrade my you what he would be an upgrade on the team he would he would be an upgrade but but you have to be careful with the type of personalities you put in this culture because you Deuce they all sign a freaking contract that says all all in and one more thing

I did ask the bonus about the all-in contract I’m like you guys are a whole bunch of grown men signing a piece of paper that is like basically saying all in like what is that buy and he goes and he just basically talked about it being

This this thing that you know you could joke about with some guys if they’re not all in but then there’s something about it where you want to you want to buy in because why’d you sign it then Morgan if I took a shot every time that I talk

About sa bonus but there are so many bonus interview I would be blocked out right now okay well then it wasn’t my interview someone else’s and I’m just mentioning little quotes from it like every single quote has something I know you are but still it felt weird

Mentioning it every time but truly every single thing he was saying or with those nuggets I just thought were really interesting with how this team’s culture is and why the type of guy that the Kings need to bring in and trade for is very important uh in the chat someone

Was mentioning Dorian finny Smith as a potential trade Target for the Kings so Dorian fny Smith makes 13.9 this year 14.9 the year after that 15.3 player option in 2526 I like Oran finy Smith a lot and like it that wouldn’t be the sexiest move for the Kings I think the Casual F

Who’s Doran finny Smith right but you think yeah I mean he’s not like a house I mean he’s not a bucket right like but the guy’s long and can defend and he would help this team yeah I would love a situation where you get like God maybe I’m Dreaming I’m whatever what’s your

Dream can you get like SE yakum and finy Smith you know like be aggressive like you need Wing oh I’m sorry the Pelicans have 800 Wings the Kings can’t get some just you’re acting like you’re acting like the Kings have just all these pcks and people in the world to just trade

Away and make all this happen like you can’t live in dream world Bud uh I know that marinin keeps getting mentioned in the chat too look the marinin thing I just don’t think the Jazz are going to move him I just think he is a player

That is entering the prime of his career on an affordable deal and if anything they’re going to give him an extension now if you have a chance to get him sure but I just don’t think that’s feasible and do you want to deal with Danny a that’s a tough one

Too he marketing’s not going to be cheap um people mention Caruso and Dao too yeah I think the same names are out there yeah it’s going to be fun could be it’s fun for us to talk about I mean for players it sucks you know you don’t know where

Your life’s going to take you so that’s yeah that’s always the the weirdest part it’s more fun talking about it with other team it’s it’s fun when it happens too because you get a feel the thrill and the excitement but then you think of the other side of things and you’re like

Oh God like everyone’s life is just turned upside down I’ve got my alerts on I don’t you always have them on not all the time oh wow during this time of year I I officially have my alerts on because I am ready if a trade goes down at 2

A.m. deice Mason will be here is Morgan Spotlight up in the air the DM DMM SP look up in the juice and mo beam in the air and it’s Let’s Go 2 am trade happens we’re live talking about it unless it’s like a trade that’s like really Petrus is coming back

Again don’t be mean that’s well uh another roster thing we should mention too before we wind down the Kings waved Juan Tuscano Anderson he was on a partially guaranteed deal James ham reporting that the kings are likely bring him back once he clears waivers on a 10day contract okay they’re trying to

Keep some flexibility with a roster spot especially this time of year when trades could be happening yeah so no that’s good I mean yeah because you think about the big old moment that he went in against the Orlando Magic to defend pal B Caro and then all of a

Sudden wait it’s like yeah I mean there’s something there Mike Brown likes about him so makes sense well we appreciate you guys so much for hanging out with us tonight uh if you have any ideas about what you want to see or thoughts on tonight’s game drop us a

Comment on our YouTube page also we appreciate you guys so much for hanging out with us all the time even during the tough times like tonight tonight was not fun and you guys were here hanging out you made it fun for us it wasn’t too bad

Huh no we got emotional we laughed you got emotional talk some TRS I had fun thanks guys appreciate you guys so much we love you guys but we got to go you all have a wonderful rest of your night see You new and the podcast that

Deuce and Mo discuss what went wrong in the Kings ugly home loss to the Zion-less Pelicans, why the Pels are such a tough matchup for this Kings roster, they look ahead to the long road trip and discuss if the Kings will make a move sooner than deadline day in February.

0:00-LIVE stream starts
10:55-Pre-show starts
16:50-Podcast starts with reaction to loss
20:00-What went wrong for the Kings?
27:25-Who is the voice to on the floor?
34:38-Some love for the Pelicans defense
36:18-Is De’Aaron OK or is it just a funk?
39:12-Who talked to the media after the game?
42:55-What Sabonis said after the game
46:45-Reaction to Sabonis comments
47:30-The Kings mindset with physicality against longer teams
51:40-Sugarcoating dog poop
54:39-Keegan Murray’s night
58:03-Mike Brown’s postgame message
58:56-The Pelicans look like champs vs. Kings
1:03:40-CJ McCollum on why he plays well vs. Kings
1:05:35-What is the moment of this game?
1:07:24-A look at the road trip
1:09:54-Do the Kings need a move sooner than deadline day?
1:11:48-Is gambling on Siakam the move for the Kings? More trade talk!
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  1. I think in this game we couldve used a 3 out with trey and fox doing pic pop with trey instead of domas targeting valanciunas🥲

  2. I already know other Kings fans are gonna hate this and I might too but what if we need to focus on resigning Siakam to keep our potential big 3 does that mean we even have a chance at keeping Monk? If we don’t feel confident in resigning both, Monk could move the needle for the Raptors to pull the trigger on a trade

  3. DeAaron Fox is lucky he isn'y playing in NY or LA. Sacramento media is soft compared to those places. I've said this for years, as someone who has watched every game since DeAaron was drafted, there is a very fragile nature to his confidence and mental fortitude. His leadership isn't up to par but that is a conversation that Kings fans are not ready to have. As much as we try to convince ourselves otherwise, we wish Fox carried himself the way Haliburton does. I'm referring to body language and everything that comes with elevating your teammates. The only time you will hear Fox be vocal is when he is complaining to the referees. I could care less if the media relations team didn't designate or ask him to step up to the podium, a good leader would have stepped up and took accountability himself, rather than sending Keon freaking Ellis.

  4. This is the first game I missed in about a 10 months. I saw the score at halftime and I knew this was gonna be a bad day for us😢

  5. With all due respect , when I look at fox and how he looks he’s wither , 1. Sick or injured 2. Exhausted from spending to much time with his girlfriend , if you know what I mean👀… usually athletes take a break from this for stamina reasons and for the long season reasons … just a though . Fox looks fatigued ? Why ?

  6. In response to Sabonis wanting to go somewhere he can be first or second…if he wanted that he'd probably take more than 10 shots a game right now.

  7. I think it would help everybody to stop calling Aaron Fox the best player on the Kings, and just look at what he does besides scoring from mid range relatively cosistent…. spoiler alarm: its not a lot !

  8. I finally got my league pass working this year and I watch this disaster. I put this on Mike Brown. With his unneeded change to the offense over training camp and his quick player pulls. He has destroyed the confidence of players like Huerter and Mitchell. Browns inconsistent delegating of minutes has also destroyed all rhythm

  9. Eh, Fox had a little one. I don’t think he even likes doing media after wins, hard to blame him. Not like y’all won’t ask about it next time. Zero to explain, NO ONE showed up. In any way shape or form.

  10. Kings “Kids Day” child abuse line was 🤌🏼. This game was a “tragesty.” 🤣 Another entertaining look back at a Kings disaster. Down 50 at home is a cause to pause.

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