@Orlando Magic

EP. 381 – Houstan – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 381 – Houstan – Orlando Magic Podcast

This is the Sixth Man Show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go Magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six-man show today is January 8th 2024 Jonathan Jonathan Osborne here I forgot my own name for a moment there as always joined by my co-host Luke Sylvia Luke what is going on man how are we

Doing I am I’m great I’m I’m better than I was on what Thursday’s episode winners of two straight winning heals everything so I I couldn’t I can’t complain at all we the the freaking emergence of of of cayb Houston cayb that’s I think you gota you

Know you got to have fun with it oh man Caleb Houston will talk a lot about him and um yeah I man I I am great I just great indeed we shall talk about Caleb Houston because some of us around here we we I don’t I didn’t know he was ever

Going to be as good as he was tonight or as good as now I think he might be able to be at some point but it was like if he can figure out how to shoot the ball at like a a high clip we we’ll talk

About Caleb in a bit but he was he was awesome in in the win tonight we will talk about Caleb and but first Jonathan we got a couple things we need to talk about all right couple things we need to get out there six fan show Tuesday our

Boy Ben will be outside of the Kia Center on Tuesday after the game against the Minnesota Timberwolves so be there that’s weather permitting right now forecast doesn’t look favorable we might end up having to bot you know just put the kabash on it there towards the end

Of the game we’ll put out a tweet Instagram we’ll put it everywhere you’ll know then this Friday 7:30 at Hagen O’Reilly’s game tips off at 8 against the dirty stinking heat starts at 7:30 at Hagen O’Reilly’s and it’s 16112 Marsh Road in Winter Garden Florida

34787 is the address so we hope to see you guys there we will likely on Wednesday get it on Thursday’s episode I should say get into the menu at Hagen O’Reilly’s because there’s some bangers on there and we we owe it as always tradition to go through that menu so

We’re going to do that I’m super excited about that night and then Jonathan we’ll get into the state of the magic here so this week the magic went two and two with losses to the Warriors and the Kings and the wins at Denver against the nuggets and

At the Kia Center against the Hawks as we record this the magic sit at 4th in the Eastern Conference with a record of 21 and 15 and as of Sunday afternoon The Magik or 21st in the league in offensive rating at 13.2 and they are fourth in defensive rating at

111.1 um honestly uh net rating which we always do I didn’t find it didn’t look didn’t really look if I’m being honest with you if you uh if you’re sick Bro you know I don’t know if you want to find that rating you can it’s it’s good all

Right the give me a minute I’ll keep going I I’ll I’ll catch you on the the back end here perfect the magic are are fourth in the East it’s going to be good Jonathan’s going to look that up while he does that I’ll get into the injury

Report it’s lengthy so we got time Jonathan take your time we’re 12 at 2.1 12th at 2.1 so well not awesome but middle of the pack will take it injury report though Gary Harris right calf strain Joe Eng Les that left ankle sprain still sideline Jonathan Isaac the

Right hamstring strain wend Carter Jr uh right knee tendon nidus and fron Vagner as we know went out this week uh the right ankle Sprint of I believe that was against the Kings yep on Wednesday so that is your injur report thankfully tonight um coming into tonight’s game

The magic got some bodies back Anthony black who was out briefly there with that uh stomach sickness we’ll talk about that we think it was a sumach sickness I’m assuming um we got him back we got Goa back and then who else did we get back we got fultz obviously the return of

Marquel fultz on that minute restriction tonight as well so all exciting honestly we had going into the game tonight we had four players questionable including Wendell Carter Jr who didn’t go but I was like when’s the last time we had that many guys questionable and 75% of them were a go a

Blessing so then we got we have to talk about this Jonathan we called it Shaq we talked about it a few weeks ago Shaq alludes on a podcast I’m going to be the first jersey retire for the magic you and I were both like I you know we’ll see

But I was you know more on the fence of like on the side of I don’t think Shaq would just say this he just says a lot but I don’t think he would just say that he he wouldn’t say that without fact because he he knows he’d be clowned if

It didn’t end up happening so it comes out the magic announced it this week that on February 13th which we were right about as well the Sha Jersey retirement that game that we are going out to for basically the six-man show Night February 13th against

OKC TNT crew I guess will will all be there I’m interested to see where they set up I wonder if they’re going to is there a spot for them yeah I really don’t know to be honest like if there would be anywhere it would be like I haven’t even paid

Attention to this spot that I’m about to refer to in the Kia Center in some time but across from like the away tunnel where they literally used to have a Kia there I don’t know if if that is still a thing I just even though we’re there all

The time I haven’t looked but I would assume like that would be the spot to to do it but I really don’t know I I don’t I’m not even convinced that the whole TNT team is going to be there because they’re not even gonna like televise the Jersey retirement ceremony because the

You know 7 or 7:30 like TNT game is going to end and then they’re going to go right to the West Coast for the the other game you know so I’m not sure how all that’s going to work I have no idea do we know if the team if it’s the a

Team that night for TNT or no that’s the other part I genuinely have no clue I can’t remember I feel like I heard maybe Kevin say something we haven’t been on TNT in a long time and when I watch TNT I’m not like oh wait it’s Tuesday it’s

These guys or it’s Thursday Kevin thing Kevin know Kevin would know I think but anyway Shaq will be in the building we can confirm that and following the game also just as another important announcement there will be Shaq replica jerseys is what they called it on every

Seat that’s another incentive to go I’m sure it will be packed out that night it has to be got to be sold out it might be one of the it is now it is now sold out I have confirmation from a from a contact within the organization that

They have no inventory left for that game any ticket that you find is going to be on like the secondary like Marketplace and it’s going to like yeah it’s it great call by us are probably going crazy great call by us just super fortunate like we just got really lucky that we’re like

Hey let’s do an event that night and the matter like yeah six-man shows doing an event that night you know what we should also do we should retire Sha’s Jersey that I wonder when that was decided when it was decided was it when something about far in

Advance yeah I can tell you what that game is not getting flexed now I don’t care what happens that game is not getting flexed out it can’t so now that we’ve gotten that out of the way Jonathan what are your thoughts your initial reac actions to Shaquille O’Neil

Getting his jersey retired officially we talked a little bit about it recently but officially what are your thoughts yeah so Thursday night um live on Inside the NBA on TNT they played a video from Alex Martins they made it seem like he was calling in but you could you know it

Wasn’t live but Alex like telling Shaq he already knew but like telling Shaq and the rest of the world that on that night February 13th the Magic in a a postgame ceremony are going to retire Sha Jersey and he’s going to be the the first you know Jersey to to be

Retired we should go through like first like initial reaction and then then we can talk about like some of the other stuff that has come out since in terms of like the criteria right because you and I talked about this a couple of weeks ago the if the magic are retiring

Somebody’s Jersey they’re changing the criteria that we we’ve always heard because if you were going to retire Shaq’s Jersey you like without with like with this criteria IA he he should have been inducted you know years ago already you know so initial reaction is I’m I think it’s a massive step that the

Franchise is changing the criteria in general I think it’s awesome that we are now going to have sha jersey retired but I still stand by the fact that it should have been Nick Anderson first yeah can for for people that maybe don’t agree or don’t understand understand why why Nick Anderson first

What why is that important to you it’s important to me because Nick Anderson was the first draft pick ever in the history of the Orlando Magic he’s our all-time leader in games played y he played for one of the best teams he was an integral part of one of the best

Teams in franchise history the team that made the 1995 finals played 10 seasons for the Orlando Magic again franchise leader in in games played and he’s been an ambassador the last last like 16 years I think it is like some like 16 or 18 years he’s been a community

Ambassador for the magic and he’s at every single game he comes out to Fan events he comes out to watch parties he’s always super approachable I’ve never seen him turn anybody away for a conversation or a picture or whatever like kids comeing to the games and he’s

There to to meet fans and to talk with fans and is always so friendly and so cordial like I remember the first time that I met Nick Anderson it was when the magic played um the Indiana Pacers at home it was the game after the Tobias Harris game-winning dunk against the

Thunder so we were playing the Pacers I was at that next game and I remember meeting Nick Anderson like I still have the the photo with you know my my brother-in-law and and us and and Nick Anderson and I waved him down from like almost 100 yards away like screaming

Nick Nick Nick and like waved him down and he stopped what he was doing and walked over to us and that’s not a experience that’s unique to myself there are thousands of magic fans that have stories exactly like that and for so long really since the 1995 finals Nick

Anderson’s I’m I’m putting this in air quotes because it’s not really his legacy but what people remember him for is missing the free throws in the 95 finals and the fact that that is as of right now largely for a lot of people that’s how he’s remembered when the

Reality is like people should come into the building they should be able to look up of the rafters c25 and if they don’t know who he is somebody should tell them all the things that I just said about Nick Anderson and the free throws are are completely irrelevant in my opinion

When it comes to Nick Anderson and his legacy not only on the team but the organization and the the community of Orlando another thing I’ll say if you go through like on basketball reference look at Nick Anderson and switch over from the regular seasonal playoffs magic

Would have would love a guy like Nick Anderson right about now when it comes to shoo was a fantastic player and in that that run to the finals Nick Anderson was shooting five a game five threes a game 38% 38.3 magick would love a guy to shoot five threes a

Game and shoot that percentage as well so man I I totally agree with you I wanted you to to you know acknowledge the reasons why because I there’s going to be people out there that are like well you guys you know have even noted yourself that Shaq

Helped keep Orlando he keep the Magic in Orlando and we a huge part all of those things are true but preferences chronologically like it’s Nick Anderson gotta started right like 10 seasons with the Orlando Magic and a great career and a lot of success in the postseason Nick Anderson

Has like been directly tied to the magic for like 25 or 26 of their 35 Seasons mhm right like he is Mr Orlando Magic yeah like and the magic don’t make the finals by the way in 1995 without Nick Anderson like yeah you can point to game

One he didn’t lose them that game it wasn’t it wasn’t only Nick Anderson’s fault that the magic were only up three you know in the the final minute of of that game and he certainly wasn’t the reason they lost the the next three games as well right like could could you

Know everybody could have played better in that series but that that’s one of the things that bothers me the most is that like when you bring up the name Nick Anderson oh those four free throws in 1995 it’s like yeah it sucks it happened but that’s not that’s not how

We should remember Nick Anderson but but I mean we we’ve sort of talked about like our initial reactions like to this and how we feel about Shaq like being retired Luke what do you think of like the people that are saying we shouldn’t be retiring Sha’s Jersey at

All it’s stupid those are the guys those are the people that that still hate Dwight Howard too you know what I mean like just the people that that can’t remember the success that they brought to this organization to the city they can’t remember it and then you know they

Want to just remember how it ended and sure like unfortunate how it ended but no just like no player is perfect no organization is perfect the exits could have been handled differently in both occasions right by the organization themselves so that’s how I listen there’s things like Shaq pissed me off

Today he was talking about something with uh young his favorite young stars or something like that or young future stars and he didn’t name Pao anywhere nowhere he he he named haime hawz didn’t even know how to pronounce the dude’s name when he said it by the

Way he had to have help from Stephen A Smith on the appearance so that type of stuff pisses me off that type of stuff is like where I’m just like come on man I understand he doesn’t really like he’s a he’s a personality now he’s not like supposed

To be this knower of basketball anymore he knows depending who you ask he knows the game right obviously he’s freaking Shaquille O’Neal but when it comes to you know keeping up with the league listen man he entertains that’s what Shaquille O’Neal does Stephen A Smith was helping him with haime hz’s name

Because he saw him struggling and knows and was talking to Shaq I’m surprised Stephen A knows how to say that dude’s name yeah well you you you have to he’s on the TV way more than Shaq but yeah so that you know like I said there’s things

That are going to piss me off but at the end of the day and the comments about Dennis Scott how he and 3D still run this organization it’s like no you don’t we all know that so little things yes nobody’s perfect Shaquille O’Neil is not perfect but what I do know Shaquille

O’Neal helped the magic quite a lot helped keep them in or in Orlando and on top of that he’s a good dude like all in all what we have seen he is a great dude so I’m I’m happy it’s going to be an exciting night like it the energy in the

Room in the arena will be palpable I’m interested to see how it goes if the magic lose it’ll still be a great reception of it and whatever fans will still do whatever but there’s might not be as many in the arena if the Thunder blow the magic out not saying

It’ll happen but the Thunder are a great team as well so we will see it’s going to have a lot of moving parts to it I’m interested to see the presentation the magic have been on on their game recently on the production side of things and uh I think they’re going to

Have a lot of fun stuff in store for us what I’ll say is that night I don’t care if we’re getting blown out if you’re coming with us please do not leave that game early yeah if you’re leaving I will never look at you the same I will I can

Promise you that right now we have been begging this organization for years now to start retiring jerseys they’re finally doing it this is the first one we we canot be there we we need to we need to show up and and show out for that event I want to talk just a little

Bit because I think a lot of people have forgotten like the circumstances of Sha’s departure and I don’t think either party is blameless in this right right as we were getting ready to you know prepare for this pod we knew we were going to have this conversation I went

Back and and did a bit of research so going back to the 96 free agency right the magic had the opportunity to offer Shaquille O’Neal you know more money more years than anybody else uh you know there there was no Max salary at the time there was a salary

Cap that each team had to fall into but bird rights still very much existed so the magic could have exceeded the salary cap to pay Shack basically whatever he wanted like if they they just gave him a blank check there was no you know Max

Salary at at the time just had to be underneath the the salary cap and you know uh different like tax implications you know would have uh you know been prevalent had they just given them a blank check but they didn’t do that the magic essentially lowball Shaquille O’Neil I gave him like a

Laughable offer to start um and then as other teams came into play and started offering Shaq more money you know like the I think the Hawks were involved I think the Lakers were involved obviously ends up going to the Lakers but the magic started to to bring that you know

Price like higher and higher to to what the other offers were and Shaq free agency occurred in the only I think it was a two or threeyear window in the history of the NBA collective bargaining agreement where restricted free agency for a guy coming off of his first

Contract did not exist during this time it was the only window in the history of the CBA where every free agent was an unrestricted free agent so right now let’s say Cole Anthony didn’t sign his extension this year and he went into restricted free agency sign an offer

Sheet with another team the magic could match that at any moment and said nope we’re going to pay you that but you’re going to come back and play with us the magic did not have that opportunity during Shacks free agency you you match that with the the lowball offer from the

Magic there are some rumors that the magic were also like criticizing like his rebounding numbers that you know oh you’re not rebounding as much as this guy or whatever we need to get those numbers up you know we’re offering you this money so on and so forth but we all

Know about the now Infamous Orlando Sentinel poll where uh the Orlando Sentinel asked fans in in Orlando is Shaquille O’Neil worth you what was it like $15 million at the time and the results to that poll were overwhelmingly no at the same time that that poll is

Coming out the USA dream team is practicing in Orlando so you have the Dream Team there and there were reports of his dream team comments like giving him a hard time about this poll that came out and you put all of that together with the fact that I do believe

Shaq probably always wanted to end up in La like let’s just he always wanted to be a movie star and have these other business opportunities and so on and so forth you gave him every opportunity to leave and essentially that’s what has H what happened and since then has he

Taken unnecessary shots at the magic stord like what you just alluded to that is absolutely true but there are some people that beyond the the the personal you know vandetta that some magic fans still have against Shaq and with him leaving and so on and so forth some

People will say oh well he he was only here for Four Seasons I just want to remind people lovingly what Shaq did in His Four Seasons here the dude has not played for the franchise in almost 30 years he is still sixth all time in Magic history in points third in

Rebounds second in blocks third in free throws made and fourth in Wind shares the dude played Four Seasons hasn’t been here in almost 30 years is still fourth in win shares that by itself is absolutely incredible when you take a look at his League accolades during the

Time he was a four-time All-Star was a rookie H was a was a All-Star his rookie year led the league in scoring once was a three-time all NBA guy four consecutive years of finishing top 10 in MVP MVP voting Luke he finished seventh in MVP voting his rookie year that is

How dominant Shaq was from day one and then in 1995 leads the magic to the NBA finals at 22 years old like there’s not a question and then not even when you talk about his his Global impact in elevating the Orlando Magic as a brand

And his his impact on the growth of the city of Orlando like to me there is no question that personal stuff aside I just think you have to get over that at some point you have to recognize what the dude did for the city for the team for the

Organization and he just absolutely deserves to have his jersey retired I just don’t believe he should have been the first guy to have it retired I will give one more thing before we move on CU after this we will obviously get into the Nuggets game from Wednesday we’ll

Get into you know our Jam of the week and and the Hawks game all that kind of stuff the week ahead but first one more just for context right you talk about Shaq being an All-Star rookie year the the magic obviously get the number one pick you know Shaquille

O’Neal the year before that the the year before to get you the first pick overall you were 21 and 61 putrid not good not expected to be you were only a couple years old at that point then comes Shaq and the magic of 41 and 41 that

Year and Shaq is an Allstar right like you think about just the fact that you know when when you think about like poo B Carroll coming in as the number one overall pick to the magic you talk about how great his rookie year was how it was

The probably the best one since Blake Griffin’s rookie year and you know maybe LeBron’s right but Shaquille O’Neal in that first season 23 and a half points 14 rebounds like nobody was was killing like that and Shaquille O’Neal asserted himself the first day there the first season there in Orlando finishes his

Regular season with Orlando in Four Seasons 27 points per game and 12 1 12 rebounds and let’s see how many blocks he had 2.8 almost three blocks a game it’s a monster four years all of them and as an All-Star leads your team to Wild success very quickly comes in as

A rookie can you imagine if poo banero were to do the things that Shaq did in terms of the postseason success in just four years I can’t help but think no matter how poo like if that were to happen in the same situation at this point you see how in

Love this fan base is with Palo banero and he hasn’t even gotten us there if you were to ever leave the fan base there’s no reason that you can be mad at that point like ever and that’s the same thing that I feel with Shaq four years the success he brought

Putting Orlando really on the map welld deserved so we will be there on February 13th I want I do I know we wanted to move on but there I do feel like there’s another like really important question to ask here so Alex Martins was on Brandon

Kravitz’s show oh 969 the the game this week you know in in the zone with Brandon Kravitz and was talking about Shaquille O’Neal you know his jersey being retired what that means and was talking about like the criteria and he mentioned that you talking about Shaquille O’Neal’s impact he mentioned

That being a pro Basketball Hall of Famer is a key criteria amongst other pieces of criteria for a Jersey to be retired which I don’t think he was saying like oh if you’re a Basketball Hall of Famer will sort of that’ll that’ll add to your

Resume the the the way that I read it and the way that I listen to it was like that’s part of like the bar like if you’re not that your jersey is not getting retired which right now Penny Hardaway we’re going to find out in about a month if

Whether or not he is a Hall of Fame uh you know finalist you know to make it into the Hall of Fame Penny you know has has been out of the game for some time like five years after you retire you’re eligible for the Hall of Fame Penny

Hardway has been eligible for the Hall of Fame for some time and has not gotten in you’re not telling me that if Penny Hardaway doesn’t end up getting in that he’s not a Hall of Famer Nick Anderson is not getting into the pro Basketball Hall of Fame MH so you’re telling me if

That’s the criteria that we’re going by We Are Forever excluding Nick Anderson from having his jersey retired by the Orlando Magic to me that is a massive mistake and that is that is tragic and that is not acceptable in my eyes yeah like to to me like the organization shouldn’t be

The ones that say like we’re we’re retiring the Jersey like it it is it’s a thing for fans like at the end of the day like it it’s what these guys meant to fans yes to the organization maybe my wording of that wasn’t great at the beginning of of that last sentence

Obviously the organization has a large say in it but it’s like you I cannot think of a guy more deserving than Nick Anderson to have his jersey retired and if you’re saying like this is the criteria we’re setting and we’re not changing it and Nick Anderson is never

Going to have his jersey retired that is absolutely crazy to me and that would also most likely rule out niika vuich from having his jersey retired someday which I also would say would be a mistake yeah I yeah it is um wildly insane that that would be a criteria because my first thought

Was let me find the list of you know players with retired jerseys that uh essentially you know weren’t weren’t going to be in the Hall of Fame weren’t ever the list is long like there’s quite a few players in the league that their Jersey is retired and they’re not making the Hall of

Fame like Nick Collison in in in OKC like that’s the dude played there forever I think he averaged like you know three points a game or something like that mhm yeah so I I don’t agree with it at all but we’ll move on here Jonathan let’s get into that Denver

Nuggets game from Friday night and we’ll start out with just setting the scene this is what I’ll spend a decent amount of the time on here on the front end but I’ll read this piece from Dan Savage he he wrote this as far as like the injuries where it was at this was

Probably written a few hours prior updated a few hours prior to tip off maybe that just that day but he says along with fron Vagner Marquel fultz Gary Harris uh Joe Les and Jonathan Isaac Wendall Carter Jr is also questionable well then 30 minutes before tip off we get an update from Orlando

Magic PR that centers goo Paz illness and wend Carter Jr righty tendonitis will not play tonight at Denver we heard in the pregame post uh press conference Jamal Mosley says essentially we’ve got some guys under of the weather and he goes on to list Goa and Anthony black mainly for

Those for the the sickness and then we’ll go ahead and I’ll go ahead and say four five minutes into the game Anthony black goes out goes out because of the sickness so I don’t know what these guys ate I don’t know what if it was like a food poisoning thing or if

It was just like a stomach bug whatever but it must have been nasty so these guys have that the shorthanded magic get even more short-handed in this game and just to give you guys frame of reference again who starts the game Anthony black ho again only plays about 5 minutes sugs

Palo bankera bankera banero chuma OK and mo Vagner that was your starting five and then all of a sudden very quickly your available players dwindles to eight Anthony black po beo says in the post game maybe just wanted to give it a go because he knew we needed bodies

And just could not go so the magic had eight bodies to work with the entire rest of the night the gut performance of the year but I will take you we talk about Anthony black in that first quarter the magic get off to a great star poo benero

Was lighting it up early in that game takes us to 340 left in the first Jonathan it is this week’s Jam of the week palab Ben Carroll gets the ball he has cavius Caldwell Pope on him puts cavius calwell Pope in the spin cycle nikolic makes a business decision steps

Away Palo benero with that left hand that Gilbert Arena says Palo benero doesn’t have jams it with the offand that is your jam of the week Jonathan poo benero he would go on that night to have a great game we’re going to talk about it a historic

Game but that is your jam of the week do you have anything before I move on to talk about our our friends over at Jam Hot Chicken to add to that to that first quarter to because the magic Unfortunately they unravel in that first quarter and they go down 37 to to

28 but had a great promising start to the game but uh hope was coming that’s for sure in that Denver game yeah I would say uh I didn’t have any hope uh as that first quarter came to an end you knew it was going to be rough um it got this

Game got rougher like especially into the beginning of the second half but we’ll talk about that in a couple of minutes yeah so so mention the jam of the week brings me to talk about what Jam Hot Chicken actually has coming up uh they’re having what is called jam

Fest 2 where they’re celebrating two years at Hannibal Square they’re bringing Hot Chicken jams and culture the only way that they know how with hot chicken and waffles and live hip-hop music from various artists that are listed and they’re advertising this obviously on their Instagram so go check

That out but it is Saturday January 13th uh is when it’ll be it doesn’t specify time but oh yes okay approximate they’ve got times on there for the artist that’ll come but from the looks of it okay it starts at 11:00 a.m. and it ends at 700 p.m. so this is an all

Day jam fest man I wish I was in Orlando on Saturday because I would be interested in some of those waffles too I know that’s going to be incredible so anyway go check them out let them know especially if you go to jamfest 2 let

Them know um that you will uh that you heard about it from our show and uh have some chicken and waffles for me cuz I’m going to be missing out have fomo for sure yeah Andrew uh that that runs a jam hot chicken over there he said tons of

Magic fans there this weekend so so many people like came through an appearance by Austin Rivers and Austin Rivers boys came through uh came through Jam HOT this weekend uh they sold out of chicken this weekend like they were just so much busier than they ever could have anticipated so just appreciate everybody

That listens to the show that is like going and trying I tell everybody if you go once you will be a customer for life that’s my favorite thing like we just need to get the people there once and then our friends over at jamot sort of

Take care of the rest so I’ll be there Friday I’m going to try to swing by before the watch party but yeah I’m I’m a little bit sad that I’m I’m GNA have to miss the the jam fest there it is unfortunate so here we will get back to this

Game I mean honestly first half was nothing to write home about it was actually just it it was pretty awful and at that point like you said like you’re down 13 and a half you’re down to eight rotation guys and at some point you’re thinking Pao is going to have to have an

Incredible game for the match to have a chance we saw it happen in that game against Sacramento where Pao just puts the team on his back in that second that third quarter you’re so you’re down 13 and a half you outscore them in the third by 10 you

Have 41 points to their 31 the magic played incredible basketball there in that third quarter and if you look at it Mo Vagner had 11 points in that third quarter four rebounds an offensive rebound to go with it five of six from the field he was absolutely awesome Cole

Anthony was great in that really the entire second half Cole Anthony was awesome in that game so you go into the fourth this is the point Jonathan where I’m like The Magik run out of gas you’re down by three entering that fourth quarter at that like you’ve already kind

Of you’ve got the sum of emotion that you’re probably going to have for this game which is like I’m so proud of this team all these guys out they did the best they could you can’t ask for more no matter how the fourth quarter goes you’re playing against the freaking Champs

And they’re pretty much fully healthy right they’ve got Jamal Murray who they didn’t have the last time when the magic beat him and they have obviously joic so going in that fourth quarter you you didn’t have super high hopes but the magic had different plans to start the fourth quarter you

Needed to have a blazing hot start I thought that’s when you fall apart Cole Anthony first five points in the fourth quarter puts the magic up by two and the magic at that point just keep going back and forth with the Champs then you get down to the final

Minute poo Ben Carol with four clutch free throws he goes to line and both times he goes to the line I’m thinking in my head he’s I won’t be shocked if he splits these both times and shame on me cuz he hits all of them he hits all of them puts the Magic

In great position Jamal Murray misses the the game tying two-pointer the magic out scor Denver 68 to 53 in that second half go on to win this one 122 to 120 I could not believe what I was watching a historic night for really the magic to

Be honest like this is a win that we are going to look back on and think fondly of and just kind of Night and Day difference between this year and last year when it came to injuries eight guys against Denver and you somehow pull it out that doesn’t

Happen last last year that’s how you go 5 and 20 to start the year and poo benero has his first career triple double yeah down 18 like a few minutes into the third and I I made myself a little cocktail I’m like this game is not going well I’m sitting there I got

My drink I’m like this I’m like this this is this game is now going the way that I figured it would go and then like to your point Mo varder and Cole Anthony just took over down 13 at the half I tweeted out like the the other like good

Guys like you know jayen Paulo those guys are only going to be able to do so much in this game they need somebody else to step up and Cole Anthony just went crazy uh he has an 18-point second half shooting seven of nine from the floor adding a rebound and

Two assists and then Mo Vagner 11 and five in the second half and we talk about the the the triple double from Pao banero 32 points 10 rebounds 11 assists just this kid we’ve been talking about this the last couple of shows this kid is just doing Superstar stuff on a

Regular basis a like you had a a superstar performance the you 43 points against Sacramento on Wednesday you go into this game you’ve got basically eight healthy guys and you have your first ever career triple double beating the defending champs on the road super impressive and not to mention

Our guy Jaylen Suggs s threes 27 points a career high for jayen Suggs they were never going to be anywhere near this game without Jaylen Suggs having a performance like that and again a guy who is like perpetually injured always seems to be hobbling just doing whatever he can for this team and

To have his career night in a win like that and then after the game like talking about how he’s been struggling with mental health and everything like I just I cannot help but like up and down this roster love these freaking guys so much and again just so proud of them the

Sacramento game was super proud even though it came in a loss when they made it close against Denver was going to be proud of them if that ended up in a loss but it just felt like we don’t deserve to have this happen to us again after

The way that the Sacramento game went and yeah Jamal Murray misses that shot at the end all of Central Florida goes crazy super super proud of this team it was it was awesome it was I told Carmen Carmen went to bed in like the third quarter I said you’re going to miss a

Historic night I just I that’s I flat out said that because it always happens she goes to bed early in the middle of a game something crazy just always tends to happen you’re going to miss a historic night and we woke up the next morning I said I told you cban Caro’s

First career triple double you beat the defending champs on the road with the Skeleton Crew it was it was incredible you heard you heard season wins of all every night yeah yeah Carmen has to go to bed before the end of every game now I think that’s

The rules I I told her I said you’ve got to break this curse at some point because the magic going to be in playoff games you know this year you you can’t be just oh I got to go to bed so the Magic win you you got to figure this out

We can’t have this yeah so man and the Magic win this game they’re just a totally different team like with all the injuries they have to be they have to adapt and Coach Mosley on the Fly this dude is just proving himself night after night because the Magic in this one

Jonathan shoot 36 threes over their average and they definitely make over their average shooting 47% from three in this game against Denver 17 of 36 I and you didn’t even make your free throws by the way shot 34 of them things and you made 23 you could have won this

Game in a more handly fashion but I what else can you ask for 50% from the Field Denver shot 13 more field goal attempts in this game they shoot 95 to the Magic’s 82 ridiculous when was the last time the Magic by the way get outscored by almost 30 in the paint and

Win Denver scores 66 points in the paint the magic shoot 38 because the identity shifted completely because you had to you didn’t have are we ready are we like really ready to say that that the identity has shifted or the magic just crazy hot right now from behind the arc they’re

Shooting 48% from three the last three games of course the identity what I mean is that the identity while injured has shifted because it has to being you have to have Shooters in there because you don’t have your stars like besides Pao and Jaylen right like you’re you’re down

Frond you’re down at that in this game eight other rotation guys you have got to change what you’re doing or else you’re going to get your doors blown off and that’s what I mean Jamal Mosley like a freaking chameleon just does exactly what he has to do blends in with

The surroundings of what he needs to do this team all of a sudden is like high volume 3es and hit them you’re open take it knock them down they did it stupid you think about just like the coones on Jamal Mosley to to be able to to just it’s one thing to to

Think and strategize it’s another thing to be like on an NBA stage where everything that we’ve been talking about throw it out the window yes still play defense you don’t have to worry as much about paint touches anymore we’re putting three-point Shooters out there because that’s what’s been buried on the

Bench is guys who solely provide three-point shooting and not a ton outs right but the one thing that you know about this team is they’re going to sit down and try to guard regardless of their talents and that’s and they’re going to try that

Is all you need to do at that point if you can shoot the basketball try defensively and bust your butt on the effort side of things and they do it because that’s what the magic do Jaylen sugs like you said seven of n from three ridiculous poo benero another

Ridiculous stat 15 of 19 from the free throw line I just Caleb Houston two5 like 40% from three the dogs I think there’s something to like the fact that they’re basically like in a no lose situation like cuz if they win oh my gosh what a gutsy performance that everybody played so

Great if they lose hey everybody’s hurt like no like nobody’s going to nobody’s pointing the finger like oh we lost because of this this this it’s like no we lost because we’ve got even to this point like five six guys out of the rotation so everybody’s able to just

Play with with freedom and it’s like hey what do we we don’t have anything to lose we’re we’re you know a long like the magic were you know underdogs tonight at home against the Atlanta Hawks who have been atrocious for most of the year so like when when you don’t have

Anything to lose you can just go out and play free and how however you need to get it done get it done and that’s what the magic are doing to their credit in the words of Pao banero and previously Glenn Big Baby Davis we all we got that hit me that hit

Me like a ton of bricks Pao benero says that to the team before this game I was like you don’t even know what you just said my boy but I love you for it and this this team like I get what you’re saying about like it’s it’s a win-win situation because you can’t

Fault them cuz they’re injured but you just know that how competitive guys like Pao like for pao to not lay down in this game and he could easily have said like I just played double overtime in Sacramento I tried 43 points I tried that everyone will forgive me if I take the KN

Off instead he makes history again first career triple devil that’s Palo B Caro man that’s your leader that’s your guy and he’s GNA make sure that he can do everything in his power to make this team succeed if you have had like any doubts about Paulo like the last three games

Should cement it in your mind that this kid is a superstar last three games 36.7 points per game 45% from the floor 55% from behind the arc eight rebounds six assists almost seven assists and two Steals and in the last three games without everybody a almost 40 a freaking

Game I was going to save this until after the Hawks game but because you bring it up and this is a great point a great segue to this producer Kevin sent us a text from NBA history on Twitter which is the official NBA account with almost 2 million followers so if they’re wrong

That’s on them but they said poo banero is the first player in Magic franchise history to average 32 plus points per game nine plus rebounds per game and six plus rebounds per game over they mean assist per game over a six game span yeah they meant six plus

Assists per game over a six game span the first player in Magic history to average 329 and six over those six games there you go that’s your your reigning Rookie of the Year future Allstar Pao banero and I I mean he’s got to win like he’s

Got to win player of the week right yeah andless those are just absurd numbers I mean the magic went two and two but with the lack of like national love that he’s gotten I really think it’s the least they could do last four games so four games this week 34.3

Points per game 44% from the floor 50% from behind the arc nine rebounds six and a half assists two steals 50% behind the arc jonan on seven attempts too it’s not like he shoo two attempts a game like because that was the case superstar that was the case in the

Beginning of the Season he was shooting great from three but he was shooting like two and a half three attempts a game dude just shot freaking 50% on seven attempts in a week four games and you could have been three in one this week so with that loss against

Sacramento anyway for time Sak s we’ll move on here Jonathan let’s get into the Hawks game you want to talk a little patreon first before we get into that oh that’s such a great call yes we should actually talk talk a little bit about our patrons uh they’re the folks that help financially

Support the show help us do everything that we do here at the six-man show um our whole mission here is to help cultivate this magic fan base help maybe more casual fans be able to you know be a little bit more knowledgeable I wasn’t able to catch the game last night let me

Listen to the guys at the six-man show and see what they thought about it or hey I haven’t been paying attention you know during the summer what’s going on with free agency let me see what those guys over at the six-man show think and we do our best to provide you know

Information like give our takes from obviously a fan biased perspective uh but we just want to see more diard Orlando Magic fans at the end of the day that’s really what we want so if you want to help support us in that mission because that’s ultimately what we’re

Doing each and every week here that is literally our mission statement you can join our patreon at theix Man Show whenever we have brand new patrons we always give them a very special shout out this episode we have four brand new patrons a big shout out

To Matthew Harmon who joined at our $ five All-Star tier level a big shout out to dead air who joined annual at our Hall of Fame tier level rasby who joined at the All-Star level and then T magical who joined at our All-Star tier as well

A big shout out to all of you and then we give a special shout out to all of our Hall of Fame and Elite tier patrons each and every episode so I’ll start with the court cousins Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe gains Whiffle

Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch day Pao and Fran’s warmth Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Ardo Sanchez danal doto 15 Bobby Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia Eric Lopez fuchsia Bill fton Edmond lone josea squeen Caleb Pete cannibalism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior

Bruce half Rin shahan won 177 bulby the dawn him Ben hro ROV 221 Magic Kid 714 spanking season soft taco Victor cologne Irish Magic Mike Austin lampy random hustle Eddie House’s burner Maria Keith Wallace Fritz currency K BR sty Cas green Santi Leon Kane Eckler the distract Amad timsa chantu Tom Gadson

And dead air a big thank you to all of our patrons again you can find us at the6ix man show big shout out once again to you guys that help support us now let’s talk about the Atlanta Hawks game Jonathan Atlanta Hawks game again you come into tonight’s game four guys

Questionable and surprisingly to me three of them get named active Anthony black goo Paz both back from their sicknesses and the biggest one of the night Marquel folz Marco folz is back I believe coach Mosley said that he was going to be on like what was it 12 to 16 minutes m

Restriction and he came off the bench the other thing that was kind of a heads scratcher was AB came off the bench along with Marquel folz AB only plays 12 minutes tonight so you have to think sickness maybe had him on a little bit of a minute

Restriction some would say or is AB just kind of getting moved a little bit but traveling Queen got minutes tonight like he played 6 minutes makes no because he he didn’t I don’t think he played the whole game until the start of the fourth I want to say yeah so anyway

Magic like you alluded to earlier were underdogs in this one I believe they’re like one and a half point two point underdogs in this because of the injuries Atlanta Hawks can’t seem to really get too much going they find themselves really near the bottom of the uh the Eastern Conference

Standings and I was wondering how this team would come come out of the gate because your starters in this one you know were were not the usual you Jaylen Suggs Caleb Houston chuma okk Palo benero and goo pataz but the magic start off awesome 16 to3

Jonathan at that point I was like oh man this is going to be an easy night but then you have to always remember there’s always runs that happen in the game of basketball Deonte Murray made sure that the Run would happen they only Trail by four at the end of

The first despite the magic being up 13 very early in the game you’re outscored 32 to 19 in the second quarter and then once again the third quarter magic who once gave us aneurysms in the third quarter are now now it’s and and now uh what’ you say I said now

They give us anisms in the first quarter yeah no they they absolutely do so but the third quarter the Magic win the third quarter 34 to 19 tonight incredible response from that first half which was lackluster one of my clown friends that I allude to a lot

On the show text me because I said something I put like the Hawks are stinky in our group chat right with the score being 16 to3 and then he replies conveniently when the M when the Hawks are up at halftime he was like you’ve been outscored whatever it was to

Whatever it was since this text magic or stinky I was like man I’m not worried about and it and it the magic like I said they have that huge third quarter and then end of regulation Caleb hits Caleb Houston who was incredible we’ll absolutely talk about him hits a three with about a

Minute left to put the magic up by four Trey young hits a layup with 48 seconds left other way Cole Anthony goes the other way turns the ball over sadique Bay gets a dunk to tie the game and then the final play of Regulation I thought for sure Caleb Houston is

Destined destined to make this three and and win the magic this ball game you always feel good when you’ve got the ball when it’s you know when it tied that that’s when I’m like okay this is great we either win or we go to overtime

Right when when win to an extent but at the same time with how injured we are I didn’t really care to go overtime with the Hawks in general but Caleb Houston poo drives dishes it to Caleb Houston Caleb Houston misses the three to win the game

I just thought for sure dude I would have bet anything in the world that that was going in he just was had made so many clutch shots down the stretch and just throughout the game and big moments and big swings from three and it didn’t matter if he was open or not

Contested he was just is is dribbling the ball and winding the clock down and my house we have like the the vinyl like EVP like hardwood looking floor M and I know that if we win this game I’m going to go crazy and I was wearing socks if you

Ever try to run or jump on this type of floor on socks like you just slide all over the place so he’s dribbling the ball down I’m ripping my socks off dude and I’m I’m behind the couch we have a sectional in our living room and I run

Around this way and I’m doing the Jaylen sugs Caleb in front of the TV as he’s shooting that and I would have bet anything in the world that that was going to go in I wanted that so bad for him and you know Caleb it it killed him

Not to hit that with the night that he had had that would have just been the cherry on top well Dante said in the the time uh like the period before the overtime started you Caleb was like you know you could tell he was upset that he

Didn’t hit that he didn’t hit the shot and Jamal mosy went over to him and stared Dante said it exactly like this stared a hole into him and said I don’t care I want you taking the the next five threes if you’ve got him yeah I freaking

Love Jamal and I love that that that Caleb was upset that he missed that shot obviously yeah absolutely so then comes a time where poo benero if you’re the star that you’ve been this whole week you do it again would I have faulted him for not and coming up short

Probably not because he has done incredible things this past week but Pao B Caro doesn’t care puts the team on his back Pao scores eight of the 12 in overtime and then Cole Anthony ises the game with 17 seconds left on two made free throws you there was I I couldn’t

Believe how the magic played in overtime just easy easy and it and it and it plays a lot back into how I thought throughout this game we talk about the games where we’ve said it before but when the magic are in games against teams and you’re just not

Worried I genuinely meant it when I said to my buddy that I wasn’t worried about it when we were down at halftime because the magic are good I don’t know what like you say it all the time Jonathan the magic are good I don’t know what to tell

You but that I was worried because it was the Hawks right in the last you know couple of Seasons we’ve had absolute Heartbreakers from Dante Murray last second of games making plays happen in the magic losing because it was the Hawks and because I hate them so I

Cannot stand watching Trey Young play basketball it is it is the most painful ex like viewing experience of watching any guy in the league play if he’s playing against your team I’m sure that has a lot to do with it but the the constant crying and the way that he’s

Officiated is one of the most frustrating viewing experiences in the league so I did not want to lose to that yet again so I was very very very nervous poo banero rattling off five straight points to start overtime sort of put me at ease because I feel like

You do that like you just always win overtime if you score five straight to start the period yeah you can put teams away pretty easily in overtime I’m just not used to the magic being the team that can put other teams away but now the have pal Beno that changes the one

Thing I will say the magic missed their free throws tonight terribly but you’re very fortunate because Hawks did the same thing the Hawks shoot 17 of 29 like they they just I don’t know they got to a point where they stepped to the line I was

Like there’s a 50-50 chance of this is going in and normally you don’t feel that way about anybody stepping to the line unless it’s a center or whatever but like it was the whole team whole team SW to the free throw line I was like H you might miss

Oku 0 of two from the free throw line Clint capella ow of two from the free throw line Trey young and Deonte Murray they don’t shoot well from the free throw line tonight Deonte six of 10 no he’s not happy about that Trey young misses three seven of 10 he’s not happy

About that sadique bay was the only one who shot free throws well tonight four or five the magic like I said they don’t shoot well they get you know unfortunately how the season goes they get to the free throw line a decent out tonight 22 times a little bit under the

Average we only make 14 of them ya rebound him 13 offensive boards was huge goo was awesome tonight it he will get over he had he had some uh some rough stretches there he did but the big the boards were huge he had was was was uh making him uh earn

That that check tonight he was but goo baz has seven offensive rebounds and that makes me forgive him to that extent because it just felt like down the stretch like big rebound oh I bet it was goo Paz and it was he was awesome and that respect two blocks as

Well so he was great but the story of tonight Palo B Caro it’s it’s funny 35 10 and four can fly under the radar because of people might be getting used to it Pao benero man 35 points three weeks ago we probably would have done a whole segment on pal Caro scoring 35

Points but here we are he also was the leader on the team and plus minus plus 18 that’s what you want from your Superstar and uh Caleb Houston 7 of 14 from three 25 points a career high for him Jaylen Suggs six of 13 four of seven

From three poo Panero also 47 from three Jaylen ends the night 16 points the entire starting lineup just severely outplayed Atlanta tonight bench unit struggled a little bit some of those staggered rotations struggled a little bit Cole Anthony struggled three of 13 four turnovers and it just seemed like the

Turnovers were just the most inopportune times for him tonight but still able to pull it out and that’s what good teams do I I can’t complain winners have two straight with the interview report as long as anything I’ve ever seen couldn’t be prouder of this team uh three of Paulo’s top six scoring

Games of the Season came this week MH League should be incredibly concerned about what he is quickly evolving into because he’s doing it every night now I’m not having any like I’m not going to say that some people anyone listen to this should not mean that this is a slight at fron

Vagner fron Vagner goes out and Palo Ben Caro can this week becomes the clearcut number one give me the ball right don’t get me wrong I love having two 6′ 10 ball handlers that can get a bucket I love it more than anything but Palo banero got to be the man this

Week and he’s going to continue being the man until fron Vagner returns and it goes back up to a 1 a1b thing which I’m so fine with by the way well of course but it just was like it’s so fun to see Pao B Caro get in the zone and not feel

Like he has to pass the ball because he’s clear-cut option over everybody on the court at that point but when it’s Ian fronds I think that there’s got to be a little bit of like I’ve gotta pass the ball get touches not take over maybe I

Don’t want to make a bad shot or like take a bad shot whatever but I think that it’s good for the growth of Pao I think he’s going to learn more so of like weal I talked about it with Jaylen sugs now that Jaylen s is a three-point

Shooter he needs to learn I think he is when he is in the zone and it is his turn poo Banker’s got to do the same and uh I think that he’s been able to learn a little bit about himself because to that point he and fron were

Both the iron men who didn’t miss games Pao doesn’t know life without frons in a magic uniform so it’s been super interesting and he has answered the call No Doubt all right I want to show some love to our our boy Caleb Houston yeah everybody knows Caleb I’ve been a big

Caleb guy since day we’ve all been big Caleb guys you know from from day one I just have like like a a very you weird affinity for not okay not weird Affinity I just I like Caleb Caleb’s my guy I’ve always I’ve always been really optimistic about his development and and

How he could fit into this Magic roster and the way that he has been playing recently has been super impressive but tonight 25 points hit seven threes also had four assists by the way like had some absolute laser passes for uh for makes tonight the fir this is from

Orlando Muse on Twitter the first magic second round pick to score 25 plus points for the magic since 1990 which led me to be like where is Caleb already in terms of like best second round picks in Magic history if you go through the list it’s it’s a short list of guys that

Actually you know ended up playing significant minutes for the magic but like Marchin Gortat is the clear number one after that it it like there’s a good chance that pretty soon here we’re going to be like oh no it’s Caleb h Houston is the second best you know second round

Pick in Orlando Magic history and if if you you said this before we started recording if the magic have an 09 like finals run and Caleb is a part of that that would catapult Caleb into being the best second round pick in the history of the Orlando Magic like

The kid is actually good I tweeted I don’t know two weeks ago like we’re not that far from Caleb Houston being legitimately good and people were like no he’s not good like we’re not watching the same thing here this kid is a flamethrower and he showed playmaking

Chops tonight that I had no idea he had yeah and as he gets more opportunity I think sort of this is where the conversation is probably going to lead but as he gets more of an opportunity I think we talked about this to lead the show actually as he gets more of an

Opportunity I think he’s just going to get better finding him the opportunity is going to be the tricky part you know Caleb Houston there’s going to be people laughing hearing you say that because they’re like bro at the end of the day like he’s averaging like three

Points a game right now and uh in like two and a half for his career right like this is an early conversation but I think it’s appropriate because of the performance tonight like there is no better time to have a Caleb Houston segment than after a performance like

This and it doesn’t feel like it was some crazy thing like I would not be shocked if Caleb does this two more times this year he’s it it’s crazy because and especially when you do have a fron Vagner back if you can somehow get just the more star power on the court with

Caleb Houston is going to take attention away from him get him these opportunities to shoot wide openen threes and guess what if they start to do things like face guard Caleb Houston it’s going to free up guys like Pao and fron and Jaylen to get to the bucket so

It’s a win-win scenario for the magic and I can’t help but when I think of like just day dream about Caleb Houston in a finals run what does that look like I know another 6’10 small forward who shot a lot of Threes his name was Rashard Lewis

Right okay I thought I was getting ahead of myself you relax listen you need a cold shower I listen Caleb Houston made me feel things tonight all right last three games 50% from behind the Ark on eight attempts 52% on excuse me and and it’s not like obviously tonight

Was crazy in terms of volume and percentage efficiency but against Sacramento four of six 31 minutes Denver plays 24 minutes two of five still 40% for the total of 13 for 25 insane insane run by Caleb Houston this past week regardless of the rest of the

Season I am thankful for it for what the beginning of my opin I I agree listen I just compared the man to Rashard Lewis they’re both 610 they both shoot that thing and uh I think is Caleb 610 I I feel like he’s like 68 he might be 68 68

610 at that point What’s the difference um I guess but yeah so incredible wanted we wanted to give Caleb a shout out because if there was ever a week that he deserves one it was a pass one how mad was would you be or or would you be mad at

All trade deadline comes and goes you know like an hour before the trade deadline the magic have moved Gary Harris for whatever and Jeff welman comes out and says you know we thank Gary blah blah he was great here he wishing the best we wanted to find a way

To get Caleb Houston more minutes I what’s your instant reaction to that listen as everybody knows over the past year and a half season and a half couple Seasons I have been one of the biggest if not the biggest Gary Harris the Gary Harris guy yeah I have been the Gary Harris

Guy I won’t mind if Gary Harris now I do want to see Caleb Houston do this some more and thankfully we got about a month right I don’t know how much longer before fron is back and more people are back and Caleb’s minutes dwindle once again is he’s Ely not going

To start you can’t do that unless you’re going to have jayen sugs we on the point entirely different conversation yeah I am my instant reaction is that I’m cool with it again this also you have to understand this goes into the frame of mind of I trust this front

Office with practically my life like they could do whatever all right this run office at this point can do whatever and I’ll be like yeah that’s fine you think it’s fine that’s great you know what way more than me and you haven’t burned me yet so I’m on board and that’s the

Truth the I think this deadline is going to be a little bit more active than maybe people think but maybe after tonight people are having the same realization as me where it’s like I knew we had guys that deserve minutes but if you got Caleb Houston buried on the

Bench and in the playing games in Oola or anything like that and he’s shooting seven of 14 from three what are we doing you have to carve minutes he’s a draft pick of yours you made it recently you you kept your second round pick you clearly cared enough to draft the guy because

Otherwise you would have traded the pick like you do every other year and they signed him to a fouryear $8 million deal like right off the bat yeah he’s a Michigan boy so there’s that you put it perfectly earlier tonight in our text you said we have too many guys now yeah

We got too many like it’s a good problem to have but like we like Anthony black the dude needs minutes Caleb Houston the dude needs minutes yep I I mean listen I’ve been banging this drum since last season honestly the Magics have too many guys and eventually players are going to separate

Themselves or or players are going to make themselves known we’ve had players separate themselves and we’ve also had players make themselves known Caleb Houston has done that already like I I’m sure it has felt like a long journey already for him because he was buried on the bench and

Has been past couple Seasons but that is the the drum I have been Bing absolutely is that we’ve got too many guys and tonight just once again reiterating my point the magic have to make moves and it’s going to hurt people play with their emotions but it’s going to be all right

Because the end of the day the magiker have too many guys they got to get some you know deal some away get some great things in return some shooting maybe another vet I don’t know but the magic are ahead right now before we do the week ahead I I where I’m at

Like I would not be shocked if the magic just St Pat at the deadline like let’s just get healthy and we’re everything’s going well let’s do that but when if you have a real opportunity to not only set the magic up for this year but for the

Future to come I think you got to make a move I don’t know if that’s the the tus Jones deal I don’t know if it’s just moving guys to make room for Anthony and Caleb Houston I don’t know what that looks like but I’m not saying make a

Move to like sell out for this season but if there’s a move that makes sense for this season and for the next three four five years I think you have to do it the crazy thing is is that I texted you guys uh earlier last week maybe after our Thursday

Episode came out I was like hey on the next episode I want to try to do a segment about if we think the magic should be active at the deadline and if we think the front office will do it wholeheartedly my stance was going to

Be I don’t think they should do it and I don’t think the front office is going to do it but now what we have seen the last couple games because really what I was coming to the point of like the magic of had all the success and so fans are

Clamoring for like we want to win now and which we are but like to the compe like we want to compete for a Easter Conference Finals whatever we want to set ourselves up so the magic like we we’re closer than we realized is what it felt like the fans were saying and I

Think as a result we need we need to make a big splash we need to make a big trade there was a lot of that talk this past week on on Twitter but as I and as I sat back in that moment I was like uh I don’t I

Don’t know that I agree with that I don’t think I think this is an evaluation season still and like you said you won’t be shocked if they don’t make a move I won’t be shocked either but as the days went by and we see performances like Caleb

Houston it’s like okay how many guys do we have do we have too many still and is it urgent enough to make trades and get active I don’t know I I think my gut says realistically this team pretty much stays Pat Sans Pat but

I will not be shocked if this if if we make a couple different trades at the deadline in order to free up minutes I don’t know that you’re going to get a great player in return but you’re going to see rotation guys out the door because the writing is on the wall

I know I said last thing I have a quick nugget and then we there’s a major thing that we haven’t talked about yet Palo Bano the last three games like being surrounded by a ton of shooters for the first time ever yep 36.7 points 45% 55% 77% splits eight rebounds 6.7 assists

And two Steals and and that’s what you throw shooters around him and the kid just going scorched Earth and that’s what I said as well like on Twitter at the really the beginning first 10 minutes of the game I said I’m not saying truma and Caleb Houston are the

Answer to being the starting group however there is a small this is a small glimpse into what this team can be with Shooters around guys like Paulo France and Jaylen really about Pao around Palo and France because Jaylen is the shooter so yeah there’s that okay

Marel it’s not time to hit the panic button I don’t want but I think it is a legitimate concern that the hitch is back it is all the way back it’s in the mid-range it’s in the free throws the hitch is back yeah it’s not great and it

Rust whatever I don’t know but the guy’s been shoot like he’s been shooting and uh he was 0 of2 tonight 04 from the free throw line and the hitch was incredibly obvious each free throw attempt like like there’s like two of those free throw attempts that were nowhere close

It looked painful to going in it looked like he was trying to avoid the pain by his motion so yeah I I think we we probably it’s not time to hit the panic button on Marquel FS like I’m not saying like oh we need to move Marquel

At the deadline not saying anything like that but if we haven’t extended him you drafted Anthony black if you already have it in your mind that you’re not bringing Marquel back next season you do move him at the deadline and I’m I am officially at the point I probably

Should have been here a long time ago not with a three-point shooting but just like we we’ve seen the best of marquel’s jump shot like it is it is not ever going to get better and the fact that the hitches back is a major concern he’s worked that out before and been good

From mid-range and from the free throw line but like I don’t ever think that he’s going to be like a a great jump shooter even if his range never makes it to like behind the arc and if he’s not able to be proficient in the mid-range

And at the free throw line then then teams are just going to be like we we’ll we’ll we’ll let you run all the way to the rim we’ll be here waiting for you and that’s that’s not what Pao and fr need at all but I felt we we needed to to mention

That yeah unfortunate now less depressing conversation the week ahead or more depressing depending on how you look at it the magic this week Jonathan Tuesday at home against the Wolves uh in Miami against the heat on Friday don’t forget about that watch party and also with that woles game on this Tuesday don’t

Forget Ben will be out there weather permitting and then the magic are back toback this week they got that Miami game against the Heat on Friday and then they’ve got the game against OKC at OKC where our boy pisan May will be covering the game which is exciting so Jonathan

Looking at that what is your prediction for the weekend I think you go one and two I think you lose to Minnesota at home Minnesota’s great they’ve been great all season I think you you win on Friday one we have a great winning percentage at these watch parties folks

And you owe you owe the heat heat came into our building roughed us up a bit a few weeks ago I don’t feel like they’re that much better than us I know they they’ve been dealing with injuries as well they’re really really close in in the standings I think they might also be

21 and 15 right now if not they’re Incredibly Close and then Oklahoma City Thunder are just fantastic this year they’re really really good and we’re still missing a ton of bodies and on a back to back so and the second night of a back toback yes so I’m going one and

Two one and two okay I unfortunately I’m going 0 and three oh I don’t like that I don’t like it either but I I I can’t say that you don’t have you know good reason to believe you had you had a lot of magic upon antenna this past week going

Two and two was a a literal Miracle could have been three in one would have been nicer but is what it is I that being said I would not be shocked if this team just doesn’t make sense to me again this week and they shoot cover

Off the ball and they go two- one what if you go three and 0 and then all of a sudden you’re 24 and 15 halfway through January that would be crazy not going to happen probably not going to happen but it would be cool if you I am I am not

Kidding you if you go three and0 this week with wins against the number one team in the west last I checked the Minnesota Timberwolves and and the number two team in the west the W Oklahoma City Thunder and the heat who yeah whatever if you go

That be five wins in a row by the way and you will have to have your shirt off o you’re so right yeah the stars are aligning yeah so if that happens I’m I’m not kidding you I’ll just ask for everybody in the injury report stay put and much like Hey listen man

Listen hey the last time we were on that win streak we didn’t want anybody to come back until that streak was over let’s be honest here I’ll be feeling much the same with the magic and ripoff three St and they’re just all of a sudden one of the best three they’re

Really helping the three-point numbers right now in terms of around the league hopefully the magic can continue to do that so I am saying 0 and three as you guys know I’m I’m All Aboard for three and 0 the magic want to blast us this week that would be great but anyway

Jonathan do you have anything else to add no I just feel bad now that we’ve uh just hyped everybody up like the last 90 seconds and then you know it’s not going to go the way that we just you know fantasized it but I think that’s it

Let’s wrap it up what do you say all right let’s WRA it up let’s do it for Luke Sylvia this has been Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six man show we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth

Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to give us a five-star rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook @ 6man

Show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic let go magic go go

Markelle returns, Caleb Houstan has the game of his career, Paolo continues the superstar performances, and the Magic are retiring Shaq’s jersey. Luke & Jonathan break it all down.

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

0:00 – Intro
2:38 – State of the Magic
4:46 – Shaq jersey retirement
28:26 – Magic at Nuggets
30:41 – JAM of the Week
33:56 – Magic at Nuggets
48:00 – Patron Shoutout
50:24 – Magic vs Hawks
1:03:42 – Caleb Houstan
1:14:41 – Markelle Fultz
1:17:31 – The Week Ahead

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  1. Jonathan working hella OT with the post game show and then recording this episode… 🐐🐐🐐!

  2. Remember when we got Chuma in draft. He was a defensive star on his college team. We just never saw it because he was injured in his last college game. So Chuma knows how to play defense!!

  3. dude you sound like the biggest Magic homer ever lol. Penny Hardaway will never be voted into the hall of fame. Wasn't good for long enough at all. Nick Anderson and Vucevic aren't the type of guys you just retire their jersey either.. Like come on.. It's a bad take period. Retired jerseys are for the best of the best. Not just good

  4. Dwight howard should've been the first jersey retired, a perfect blend of stardom and tenure on the team. But we all know shaq wouldn't want his retired after Dwight's

  5. Penny in the same class a DRose. His peak was great but he wasn’t on the floor nearly enough for the hall. Orlando should’ve definitely retired his jersey already along with Shaq and Dwight. 3 all nba caliber players drafted by the team that bought success. Nick was a good role player. A lot our best players can say that. The only one outside of that top 3 whose jersey should be debated is TMac. Wasn’t drafted by us and didn’t play for us long but was a demon in the O and being from FL, I’d do it.

    Outta them top 4 for Magic history, Shaq the only one with the resume for the hall. Because of the rings.

  6. Definitely agree with the Nick Anderson legacy! Raise that jersey to the rafters first! My first time meeting Nick Anderson was not how I imagined it. I went swimming at my hotel pool before the game and my eyes were stinging for hours after. I got tickets to do the VIP experience and met Nick in the hallway. The photo I have with him, I could barely see! My eyes were watering and red. I was absolutely gutted. Hope to return to Orlando in the near future.

  7. Mental illness is the fight for your life the fact that Jalen being a Dawg in life and the court and giving glory to God love you brother prayers keep up the good fight!

  8. We got this thing we've been doing all season where every time Caleb Houstan checks in we're like "Houstan we have a problem"
    He's been consistently coming in for 1 or 2 threes and back to the bench
    So happy to see Caleb ball out and have a career high night
    Happy to see Markelle back out there also

    Go Magic 🔥

  9. Just because you like Nick Anderson doesn’t change the facts. Those missed free throws were a HUGE factor in that young Magic team losing that series. Keep it real guys

  10. Man I’m sooooo upset I can’t make that TNT game smh!!!!! Have tickets, but I have to travel for work that week 😡

  11. Dwight should’ve been the first player retired but I guess Magic wanted to wait until he officially retired.

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