@Golden State Warriors

The Warriors Are FALLING APART…

The Warriors Are FALLING APART…

This has been a really rough season for the Golden State Warriors for a lot of different reasons the Draymond stuff trying to figure out what to do with the roster in terms of whether they should keep guys like Klay Thompson this has been probably the most difficult season

That they’ve had of this entire run when they’ve actually had their guys healthy but now we’re getting more information that makes this even more of a difficult situation and of course the guy that I’m talking about is someone I didn’t really expect to be talking a ton about at the

Beginning of the year unless it was like possible trade discussions um and that’s Jonathan kaminga so Golden State not too long ago they they blow this game to where they’re at home and they’re up you know double digits with 5 minutes to go they blow the game and Jonathan kaminga

Had an awesome game and played under 20 minutes and was not put back in the game in the fourth quarter and literally the next morning we get a report about how he’s not happy about that and he’s lost faith in Steve Curr is his head coach to

Try and help him you know reach his potential and kaminga has been a really interesting player so far in the NBA because when Golden State took him they took him ahead of someone like France Vagner that a lot of people expected Golden State to take and it was

Definitely like an upside kind of Swing for them and he’s been you know very up and down to begin his career but this year especially since Draymond got suspended kaminga is been really good he’s arguably been one of their best players yet it still feels like the Warriors as an organization and more

Importantly C’s head coach don’t fully trust him and they’re holding him back and it’s a weird you know mindset to have because it’s not like the Warriors are 10 games over 500 it’s not like there’s some kind of Championship contending team that can’t afford mistakes from you know a younger player

Like kaminga who still certainly is going to make mistakes and it’s also even weirder because he provides them an athleticism and and a boost on the wing that they just don’t have anywhere else on the roster and so you would think that they would be prioritizing him and

Obviously he thinks that should be the case which has now led us to the point where um this situation has to be resolved one way or the other and it’s kind of hard to figure out ways in which it can be resolved without Golden State Trading away Jonathan kaminga right

Because let’s say that you know Draymond comes back in a handful of games what does that mean for kaminga because you know unless you’re going to be playing Draymond at the five a ton you know Jackson Davis has been good Looney has been good or decent at least it it

Becomes really difficult to find minutes for kaminga in the spot that he’s been really good which is kind of replacing the Draymond Green uh you know not necessarily role but playing at the forward so playing a traditional Center alongside Draymond alongside kaminga is probably not going to work right so it

It does appear to be a situation where Draymond you know has done plenty of things wrong the season has been suspended from the team and then his impending return is going to potentially make this kaminga situation that much more difficult a guy that is has done a

Lot of good things this year hasn’t been suspended from the team and yes is currently frustrated and ideally that stuff wouldn’t come out through a Shams tweet but still it’s it’s a bit of a weird thing right because Draymond is foundational to this team but it feels like one of

These guys has to go because if not the other guy is going to be limited to 20 25 minutes to whatever kaminga played against Denver just because of of how many guys they have in the front court that need to play and kind of the overlapping skill sets of all those

Different players and it’s a really interesting kind of microcosm of the Warriors season because they continue to hold on to this past era clay and Draymond and guys like that despite clay not playing very well and Draymond getting suspended from the team they continue to prioritize those guys over

Some of the younger players on the roster like kaminga and at a certain point I don’t really blame kaminga for being frustrated by a lack of a role that he definitely feels like he is earned especially when the guy that he has basically replaced is suspended from

The team and did things wrong to get suspended from the team it’s not like you know Draymond just isn’t playing well and you want to just stick it out and make sure that see if he can kind of come out of it because it’s going to

Help you long term he’s away from the team and kaminga is still here doing all the right things and you’re still not prioritizing him enough now even with this recent stretch of play for kaminga I’m not entirely confident that he is going to be you you know some kind of

Future All-Star kind of player uh still plenty of holes in his game but for this Warriors team specifically it feels like a player that they can’t afford to lose unless they’re trading him for you know a a pascal seaka something something like that right some kind of star maybe

There’s a Donovan Mitchell move somewhere in there where they maybe move you know Chris Paul and kaminga to um to Cleveland there’s there’s some possibilities there right andless it’s a move like that I don’t think that Golden State can afford to trade him away he’s so valuable to them in terms of of

Adding youth to the roster and potentially a future trade asset as well but again I don’t really know how you resolve that unless you trade Draymond as well and that’s something that I’ve continued to keep an eye on the entire season ever since Draymond got suspended

And it was clear that kind of The Vibes of the team were a little bit better better when Draymond left and then some guys like kaminga started to play really well without him there I started to think about what what would have to happen for Golden State to decide to

Trade away Draymond maybe even clay as well and really reshape the roster we’ve gotten comments from their uh you know from their front office not too long ago about how they’re kind of G to evaluate the next couple of weeks and then make some decisions at the deadline and to me

That sounded like they were going to evaluate potentially trading Draymond or Klay Thompson now this is the Warriors and they have been potentially rightfully so depending on your opinion uh really strong in their belief of sticking with their core guys their veteran Guys these are Championship proven players Draymond clay and Steph

Have established the foundation of the most successful organization in the NBA of the last decade and I’m trying to pretend like it’s easy to just say that you need to get rid of one of those guys but it does feel like and we’ve talked about this in other videos it feels like

They’re holding on to a group that doesn’t need to be held on to that doesn’t need to be prioritized this much and to me if I was a Warriors fan that would be really really concerning because you want the the goal of the team to be to improve long term to to

Always be focused on what’s best for the Warriors not what’s best for the egos of Draymond Green and Klay Thompson but what’s best for the Golden State Warriors and right now it feels like the best thing for the Warriors is to to really really explore what draymond’s trade value would be and start

Prioritizing guys like kaminga and I don’t just mean in terms of you know trying to develop those guys and what they could possibly be for the future like kaminga has arguably been better than Draymond in that four spot this season not just in the future not even

Accounting for potential not any of that stuff but because it’s the Warriors more than likely what’s going to happen here is they’re going to maybe use Chris Paul and and some stuff to try and get you know another good starter on the team maybe move Wiggins uh probably trade

Kaminga for some stuff and and you know maybe try and get seak or Donovan Mitchell there’s certainly options for them out there um and given the track record of this front office they’re always going to prioritize those veteran guys even when Clay’s not playing particularly well he’s been a little

Better lately but the beginning of the year not so much even when Draymond gets suspended from the team they’re always going to prioritize those guys they’re not necessarily wrong for that but in terms of the the future outlook of the team um I personally it’s easy for me to

Say this because I don’t have any emotional investment in those three guys um it it seems pretty clear to me what the right decision for the future of the franchise is yet I don’t know that Golden State’s actually going to make that choice and look Maybe I’m Wrong

Maybe this kaminga thing is the wakeup call that the team needs to realize you know how good he’s been honestly I I think the the bigger point of the conversation I’ve just completely glossed over is what this means for Steve Curry’s head coach as well um there’s been a lot of negative stuff

About him from the Warriors fan base um and then it starting to kind of get into the The Wider NBA audience as well of you know is he a good coach he’s a good coach for this team when you do have younger guys and they’re constantly changing the lineups all the time that’s

Been a frustration for them and honestly a lot of teams around the league a lot of coaches feel like they are kind of moving some pieces around during the middle of the year way more than they ever have before and that is kind of you know we always talk about the

Foundational pieces of the roster Draymond clay and Steph but Steve Curr is also a foundational part of the organization Bob Myers is now gone in the front office and it makes me wonder if this is the maker break moment for Golden State and do they start evaluating Steve Curry’s head coach um

Just for a shakeup within the organization do they start evaluating the future Draymond and Clay on the roster this although you know kaminga isn’t necessarily like a a giant power within the Warriors organization what he represents in terms of the potential future and present of the of the team

And of the roster could be that final push that they needed to really make the kind of changes that it has been pretty clear since the Draymond suspension needed to be made

The Golden State Warriors are falling apart, and now players like Jonathan Kuminga are asking for a trade to get away from head coach Steve Kerr.

#warriors #kuminga #nba


  1. It’s starting to reach the point of maybe the warriors need to move in from Kerr.

    They aren’t going to have the core three after this year. Klay and Wiggins aren’t good enough ANYMORE.

    They have to start leaning in the youth and it’s BS they can’t get minutes regularly because Kerr isn’t willing to trust them or give them opportunities.

    That have been a .500 team for two years!

  2. That's why the commissioner is bringing Draymond Green back because the warriors are in desperate mode😂😂😂

  3. The Warriors played this all wrong. They should’ve taken a page from the Yankees playbook when the legendary Derek Jeter was up for free agency and was seeking one last huge contract, in spite of his advanced age and declining skills (still good on offense, but never great on defense). Cash an basically dared him to walk — there were a few teams that he might’ve been worth tickets, but fewer contenders willing to pony up $$$$ for a veteran with a less than A+ skill set; on the flip side, it would’ve been so strange to see Jeter in anything other than NY pinstripes and Yankees fans would be livid. But from a baseball standpoint, the management had the leverage and met Jeter in the middle of his demands and Jeter retired a Yankee.

    The Warriors are being way too sentimental (and fearful?) of both Draymond and Klay. There’s still a little bit of light for a championship this year, but GSW needs to start planning for the future now. The Punch should’ve ended Craymond’s career with the Warriors — no way in hell should he have gotten $100 extension. No way in hell, barring an incredible turnaround, can you reward Klay for his very obvious decline. GSW’s “Two Timelines” approach should’ve been genius: Poole and even Wiseman can still be productive in somebody’s system, someday. Letting Kuminga go would be a tragedy, and a rebuild will take much longer than it should have. The way the West is right now, and the way things are with the Warriors, 2023-24 might be Steph’s last shot in the postseason for a while, if not ever.

  4. Dog ass team. It was always just the splash brothers, now that Klay cant move like he did before its just a bunch of weights fucking old man Stephs back. Sad af. Everytime the backpack does some dirt shit or Kerr opens his mouth its all garbage.

  5. The only way this team gets the assets to start a legit rebuild is to trade Steph, but they won't do that, so they are going to suffer for a while.

  6. Although we don't want to rush into saying "trade Draymond" or "trade Klay", the reality is that the Warriors showed us last year and this year that they don't have a strong team. Two years being a weak team is clear evidence that both the stars and the coaches are not performing well, and that means you gotta deal with them directly. Trading young guys and bench players cannot fix the Warriors' problems.

    And I loved watching those championship runs. The team play was amazing. If they can keep that ball movement with a different roster in the future, please, basketball fans everywhere love watching a beautiful game being played.

  7. Just listening to this is so stupid. Fans are stupid and expect players to be faithful to there team but as soon as you have few bad games and your not on top of the nba lile in past decade after winning multiple championships. Fans are to turn there backs on player but forget that in order to win an nba title you need guys that can defend like Dremond Green. The playoffs is a defese game , not scoring game.

  8. This man tries so hard to trade Donovan Mitchell every video. It’s almost like he’s salty that his Nets blew up and Cleveland (another small market) is able to be successful with a big name.

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