@New York Knicks

Something to think about šŸ’­

As we can all see, the Suns have decided to go all-in on their KD-Booker-Beal super team trio. And so far, itā€™s been a disaster for them with the Suns not guaranteed to even make the playoffs. Weā€™ve already seen reports from Woj about KD being frustrated, so itā€™s not far fetched to see the Suns be the next team to below it up.

Why this is interesting for the Knicks:

Booker is a name thatā€™s been floated around here since heā€™s a CAA client and heā€™s obviously a superstar talent. One/Two years ago when the Suns were in a better position, a Booker wouldā€™ve seemed ridiculous. But with the Sunsā€™ mess right now, it isnā€™t something to dismiss

Now, the chances of the Suns blowing it up in February is incredibly low. But a disappointing 1st round / play-in exit (or even missing the whole thing) would make a offseason trade a lot more likely. What do we think?

by ygog45


  1. Apologies for all my spelling mistakes, Iā€™m tired AF

  2. ManufacturerNew9888

    Booker hasnā€™t been able to win surrounded by talent. And he crumbles when another alpha like Luca or Giannis is his foe. Hard pass.

  3. omicron_prime

    If Phoenix implodes, which all signs are pointing towards that happening, Booker is going to want out and it won’t take 8 picks to get him. I’d say 5 gets it done.

  4. MyDRoseQuickley

    It definitely is something that someone can think about it

  5. Struggle2Real

    You understand the Suns would want player(s) of a much higher weight class, and picks of more premium then this right

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