@Memphis Grizzlies

Ja Morant Will Undergo Season-Ending Shoulder Surgery | NBA GameTime

Ja Morant Will Undergo Season-Ending Shoulder Surgery | NBA GameTime

Grizzlies fan or a basketball fan in general cuz this guy is awesome John Morant out with a season ending surgery for torn laam injured his right shoulder during Saturday’s practice uh as a Grizzlies announced just minutes ago and I mean it stinks it’s almost like a Lost season for the Memphis Grizzlies in

Totality yeah I think it’s unfortunate because you saw some momentum um with the Grizzlies with jaw back with the way that you know you got baned playing with the way that JJ was playing um but a laam I I I was out for a season with a

Laam um it’s six months no contact you can have so it’s on a shooting arm which is tough but um I think as a franchise this is definitely one of those years that you look to in these closing games to be able to see kind of where you were

And what pieces you wanted to move forward with yeah and the momentum he was creating not only in Memphis but around the league like it was good just to have job back uh he got a taste obviously and the good thing is I don’t know about the contact part but he can

Still do some conditioning and things of that nature so he’s not all the way behind the eightball but he got a taste so it’ll be good to get him back but get healthy J he played nine games average 25 points per game and you went through

This kind of recovery what is that like uh it’s really slow and methodical honestly uh a lot of it is the healing process I mean obviously I did it years ago but um with that it’s surgery and then it’s you know you are limited Mobility wise you’re in a sling and then

It’s just gradually getting back and you know the healing process is the hardest part because you can’t do certain things uh during that rehab and as professional athletes you always want to push the envelope and this is one of those things where you have to be patient yeah when

You look at Memphis too I mean they’ve had so many other players it’s not just J it’s been you know Stephen Adams Brandon Clark they’ve been missing so many different guys that it’s so tough but they have done it without him so they just got to continue I guess

Continue on and I hope they keep some of the Vets like the Marcus smarts the Derrick Rose around for when J’s actually playing obviously he’s picking their brains and stuff right now but when he’s actually there learning from them on the court and then B with him and just different things the point

Guard like d roll sees why he’s out there with him like I think that’s a huge Advantage going forward I think mentally um it’s got to be really tough for J because you know obviously the suspension playing a certain amount of games you see how much he loves uh

Basketball and loves being back on the court and how much the Grizzlies franchise was impacted um you know having him back like Jamal said around the league impacted just by exciting plays I mean how many exciting plays do we get for J from J in nine games he

Might be the most viral player it’s in the last couple years right as far as like on X and highlights and just things like that I mean just the other day against Victor wanyama right those those couple plays that he made I mean you just don’t see most people do that

Against him exactly and so I think whether it’s win or loss for the Grizzlies the NBA is better with J out there so I know it’s got to be tough but you know I hope he he rests up heals up and and is back better uh for next year

If you had to combine two players who J plays like in the past who would you say I mean obviously it’s hard not to see AI you have to see AI you got to see AI um I honestly I mean the way that he attacks the basket I mean I I don’t say

This often but like a d Rish High Praise way that he attacks that’s a nice combo attacks the basket what about you n n could you imagine seeing a AI D Rose player in the future right like we I see it now but yeah for me I I

Thought Derrick Rose and Chris Paul and I thought the derck rose explosion but he’s like a basketball Savant the way he plays he sees things on the court so that was a Chris Paul element for me I like that I just love that I like yours

Better no I do I really the probing and all that stuff that’s totally that’s CP for sure as much as we talk about the offense even the defense right the blocks the big time blocks where he’s coming down those chase down blocks and just making plays on both ends so it

Just sucks for basketball fans in general but hopefully John Morant comes back healthy uh next season

NBA TV GameTime crew Candace Parker and Jamal Crawford react to Ja Morant being ruled out for the season after Grizzlies announced he will undergo surgery for a torn labrum in his right shoulder.

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  1. 3×4 = simple math 12’s the new Ai just like the league needed a Allen we need Ja!
    Get well brother we’ll be here for you when you’re ready…hurrrr’up!!

  2. If he comes back at 100%, he owes his surgical team one year of his contract. Labrum tears are rough.

  3. when d rose come back he needa step up as a point guard and play aggressive not like he used to for safety but just more aggressive for the team to win games

  4. Man thats fd up. Hes a young man whos made dumb mistakes. But yall mfrs judge like yall live life on flawless victory. If ur a fan of bball how can u joke about something severe. Grow up.

  5. Nahhhhh mannnn fuck that's his shooting shoulder too ok in all seriousness Ja one of my favorite players hope he is good

  6. You hate to see it — hopefully he keeps his head up and makes a full recovery

  7. I been playing with a shoulder impingement for about 2 years…. every time i shoot it kills me… but when you're a broke Mexican you deal with it.

  8. Wish Ja a full recovery! Hopefully D Rose can make a run when he comes back this season!

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