@Golden State Warriors

Draymond Green Nearly Retires While Jonathan Kuminga’s Part of Golden State Warriors’ Long Term Plan

Draymond Green Nearly Retires While Jonathan Kuminga’s Part of Golden State Warriors’ Long Term Plan

Draymond Green said some interesting things today Steve Kerr has been saying a lot of interesting things even Klay Thompson is dropping some interesting sound bites kylin Mills and I are going to dissect the Golden State Warriors these are crazy times panic button times we’re going to break it all down next

This is locked on Warriors you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube We’re part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by the official Sports of the locked on podcast

Network FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 moneyline beted that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit locked on to get started you can follow kylin Mills on all social media platforms at her name it’s super easy at

Kyin Mills you can follow me on threads at dog wild kylin it is great to see you uh how are you doing before we get into the Draymond stuff how how was life how’s how’s everything doing well um but we got to dive right into it Sai because

No one wants to hear about me and going on but we want talk the Warriors I mean we are at a dire straight at this point yeah your internet connection is that a dire straight or is that me is one of us is having issues here oh you’re back you’re back okay you’re

Catching up uh yeah well it’s okay while you’re do while you’re figuring that out because because we’re live right now I’m going to get right into uh the Draymond Green sound bite he came out today it’s it was his first episode of the Draymond Green Show since I believe July been a long

Time I think part of it was the fact that uh him and the company I think what volume Sports I believe is the name of Colin coward’s podcast company uh they recently announced that they re reup their deal so maybe that’s why he hadn’t

Done a show in a long time I don’t know but whatever it was he he stayed away from the microphone for six seven months and then obviously the the the chaos happens where uh you know he gets suspended uh he’s had multiple issues this year uh just been a mess um so he

Said some interesting things on here and we’re gonna start off if we’re gonna play any soundbite I think the one that should be played is going to be his discussion of nearly retiring that that was quite a an anecdote that he dropped and here is Draymond Green talk talking

About conversations he had with Adam Silver and teammates and coaches and the whole gamut here is Draymond Green silver I had a conversation with Adam Silver commissioner R Le and I just told him Adam it’s too much for me like it’s too much like this is too much it’s all becoming

Too much for me and I’m going to tire and Adam said ah you’re making a very rash decision and I won’t let you do that I’m like no Adam like not really sure it’s a rash decision it’s just all too much and you know we had a long great

Conversation very helpful to me very thankful uh to play in a league with a commissioner like Adam uh who’s more about helping you than hurting you or helping you than punishing you or you know he’s more about the players and so I’m very lucky to have or to be in a

Position to be under the guidance of an Adam Silver of a Joe Dum Mars of uh someone who’s been really close to me hand in hand throughout as I’ve been walking through this Bob Myers and for the first five seven days of this thing I talked to him two two times a

Day and I’ve always said like Bob is uh our relationship go far past him being our general manager and I said that when he was our general manager and like going through things like this shows what it means to be a true friend

I only hope to be as good of a friend as he is to me remember when I first talked to Adam Adam like Bob’s called me so many times like Bob’s called me million times I keep talking to Bob and it’s just like this dude is

Like he just cares so much like I working ESPN and home with this family what does he care so thankful again it’s not often times in life that you have people like that out of your corner uh sorry about that kylin that was um dramatic would be the the the I think

The simplest way to describe that your what’s your reaction kylin that that was crazy to me yeah so I listened Beyond just that little blip uh that you heard there the clip that we just played um I listened to most of the episode I do want to set the record straight that he

Did start out the conversation by saying that he did take the situation too far with Rudy goar he did have some acknowledgement of wrongdoing saying I shouldn’t have done that you know I take responsibility for it he did say that he felt bad for embarrassing the Warriors Steph Curry which also was an

Interesting comment he did apologize to Steph Curry because of some of the ramifications and responses uh and criticism for Steph Curry’s leadership as a result of Draymond Green’s actions um he apologized to his family for embarrassing them the Warriors organization whatever else uh he did though come up short of apologizing to

The actual people that he hurt and that he physically was violent with which I think is interesting because he’s done that in the past as well when apologizing in these types of situations were like there’s no actual apology for Rudy goar uh or you know whoever the

Specific person may be in the situation so like damont sabonis is another one who he did Apologize after but didn’t really apologize to him directly it was more to those around Draymond Green who were affected by the situation uh so that’s just something to note take that

As you will but but this is a big But after those initial acknowledgments of wrongdoing Draymond Green immediately started weaving the backo the story around back to himself and back to him coming across as a victim him being negatively impacted by his own actions

Um like I said he talked a lot about his family and totally understand that you know he wants to protect his family and that’s at the top of mine but he talked about how you know I don’t want my kids to have to deal with you know people

Saying things about my behavior or you know anyone else in my family which is fine but it just felt very like I said as the comments went on and the episode went on it just felt much more like Draymond Green is the victim here and

That was the tone to me when he got to those comments about Adam Silver and him saying that he was going to retire and Adam Silver having to in some regard talk him out of it um and I just I still just felt like the tone wasn’t I don’t know it wasn’t humble

Enough for me um based on what he’s done and I feel like this is the way he’s acted in the past like a lot of people aren’t happy with the apology and quote unquote acknowledgement after the Damon sabonis situation happened in last last year’s playoffs um and I just I’m glad

That he got counseling I hope that he got the help he needed and that he can continue to grow moving forward but to me it just felt like the same Draymond it it felt like nothing changed it felt like he feels bad because his family and those around him and his teammates who

He likes were negatively affected but it’s still all about him um I just I don’t know to me the of that to say you know it’s just like it it feels like when you get in a fight with a significant other and you’re in the wrong and they’re upset with you so you

Say well you know what I you know I’m just gonna I’m just gonna break up with you I’ll just leave because you know and it’s just like there’s definitely something to a manipulation tactic there’s some kind of manipulation tactic at play there um where you’re the person

In the wrong so you say oh okay well you know if I’m so bad then you know I’ll just leave and you know and it’s just like to me that’s not really the thing to be saying right now um and I don’t think that I’m putting this eloquently enough

But you get what I’m saying like in a relationship you’re like oh well you know you’re the one at fault but if I’m such a terrible person then I guess I’ll just leave you alone then you know and it’s like that is definitely some type of manipulative response um well I was

Gonna ask you I was gonna ask you the question and and if you don’t mind answer when we come back uh the question I have and maybe this Falls in line with what you’re trying to say here is does Draymond Green suffer from the disease of

Me I hear I I hear me a lot and and the first time it really stuck out to me was following the Jordan pool incident when instead like instead of like instead of Contrition we saw this documentary on TNT it was it’s just everything revolves around Draymond and I I don’t I don’t

See an outward look in this all I’m seeing is just me me me I I I and I’m just I’m curious if that’s how you feel about it I also am curious kylin to know what your thoughts are on two other things and we’ll answer all this when we come back

Two was it selfish on draymond’s part to not be around the team so that now instead of being ready to play now we got to wait at least a week maybe two for him to get his conditioning back for him to get it for him to get back in

Game shape he could have been ready to go last night the Warriors got their Fest kick to chase Center if Draymond Green was with the team instead of going to birthday parties and doing whatever else I last I checked you could do therapy remotely and you know you don’t

Have to be at an office in a certain location we have no idea what the details were in terms of what he did but he could have been available for the team last night if he had stayed around the team during his mental Rehabilitation process that’s question two and I’ll repeat these questions

Again in case you forget and question three what what’s going to happen when we actually do see him like who’s going to suffer in terms of minutes how are the rotations going to work those are the three things I’m curious to get answers from you and the chat as well

Because I’m I’m reading everything there we’re going to talk about all that and so much more after we give some love I think this is an appropos segue to better help talk about a perfect sponsor for this topic it’s all about therapy it’s all about getting help for your whatever is

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Lockon NBA and get on your way to being your best self you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day the lockon podcast network has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube locked on

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Media platforms at her name it’s super easy kylin Mills tyen is it uh is am I oversimplifying things by asking you if Draymond is suffering from the disease of me is it more complicated than that is that kind of where you were going what are what’s your what’s your

Response to that question yeah no I agree I think that you know he does seem based on the comments that he’s made like he has a very you know self-centered Outlook and and the disease of me whatever you want to phrase it um I agree with uh what you’re

Saying that I think it’s an issue where he needs to gain perspective um I do want to move on though to the second thing that you asked about Draymond Green not being around the team and you were saying you think that was a selfish move or a bad move what exactly

Was your might have been I mean I mean when when I heard that when I heard his comments today I kind of uh it gave me New Perspective it it showed me that maybe he was really struggling and maybe he needed to be away from the team again

The birthday party was a bad look if you can go to LeBron’s birthday party I don’t know why can’t be practicing with your team and staying in shape instead of coming back collecting your paychecks but you’re a good week or two away from playing especially when the Warriors

Just got their ass kicked in a horrible game against the lottery bound Raptors team I thought that was a bad look I don’t know do you do you agree what are your thoughts on that uh so I don’t agree with you on this um I think that

Not just Draymond but the team needed a break from Dron after all of this the drama that had gone on and it’s something that Steve Kerr said point blank when speaking to the media is that and some of the players have mentioned it as well that they felt like this was

Needed for both sides uh this has affected the team this has affected the players and the coaching staff and I think everyone needed to step away to try to not only maybe cool off from the situation because tensions are high emotions were high after Draymond Green

You know makes so many mistakes and ends up getting a suspension like that the team isn’t playing well and then I think trying to take some time away is a to gaining perspective on the situation you know I don’t think that with him constantly around the team either side

Could necessarily heal and be able to move on from what had happened um and you know there were a lot of people on the team who were really disappointed in Draymond and his actions I think some time away just allows that to pass a little bit easier um versus him

Constantly being in your face and you know like I would have been angry put yourself as a player on this team and he’s you know done all this crap and you’re frustrated he is getting too emotional doing these things that are risking his availability with the team

And ends up getting suspended if I come back to practice the next day and Draymond Green’s yelling at me as I’m running up and down the floor I’m pissed I mean flat out who are you to come back in here after getting suspended multiple times this season multiple times the

Last couple Seasons risking your availability to play for this team well we’re trying to win a championship and you’re going to come back here and walk in the gym and be running around at practice and you’re going to be barking at me because Draymond Green is a vocal

Player I would be angry so I think this was needed for both sides I don’t think you can criticize Draymond Green for taking time away from the team I also think when there’s something that’s an issue that’s a trigger whether you’re burned out in work or something like

Whatever’s been going on with with Draymond has been triggering him to act out um excessively in in basketball games that has caused him to get technicals and flagrance and and all of these issues that have come up that have been violence flat out um you need to

Take time away from that trigger you need to step away and whatever that takes for you to have a mental break I have a hard time criticizing someone for going to a birthday party going and doing something that maybe is going to make him feel better and put him in a

Mental heads space I think I can sympathize because you know working in sports broadcasting I’ve been in a situation where I have been burned out with work I have needed a mental break um and sometimes that means just getting away doing something you enjoy being around people you like being around

People that you care about being able to just un you know just to be able to turn it off for a little bit um so if that’s what he needed I I have a hard time criticizing him I get what you’re were saying as far as Optics like oh he’s not

At the practice facility you know putting in work so he shouldn’t be going to a birthday party but to me if this was all about him truly taking a mental break he’s got to do what he’s got to do and if being around friends being around family letting off a little bit esteem

Is going to help him towards his recovery and getting back to the Draymond that the team needs him to be then I’m all for it um I also would hope that he was working out on his own because these are NBA players these are professionals they get paid millions of

Dollars he should be able to stay in shape without stepping inside the Warriors practice facility on his own he has all the money at his disposal he can hire personal trainers he can have his own personal gym he should have no shortage of access to workout facilities

Outside of the Warriors to allow him to stay in shape I don’t know what he did how much he worked out in his off time but to me just because he’s not in the gym doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s not staying physically active and I would hope that he would have been if

Cap if he was able to do that again I don’t know where his mental head space was at if he feel like his body needed a break whatever um but I just you know I don’t think necessarily we can guarantee because I had heard Steve cerr anyone say anything have they that Draymond

Didn’t work out at at all during this time away no well no but except for the fact that he he’s on this ramp up schedule and they said it could take a week or two weeks and um which is just bizarre but you know yeah so I mean my

Understanding is my understanding is and I and I asked some people about this to confirm is because I was curious I’m like if Draymond was actually with the team practicing would he still need this ramp up period and the response I God is no uh if he had been with the team he

Would have been good to go today I mean he would have been going through the regimen uh would have stayed in conditioning but the team was not monitoring him you know so they have no idea what he’s been doing we don’t know if he’s been working out at all uh but

What I do know is when he came back they took a look at him and they were like you’re not ready to do this and um so they started now they’re in this conditioning program so that that’s what my understanding of the situation is that he could have been ready to go if

He had stayed around with the team but yeah I don’t have a strong opinion at all because I Al I’m hearing what you’re saying and you’re absolutely right like you know there could have been a lot more to this where him staying away way was was beneficial for all parties

Involved uh when we come back I would love to know your thoughts on where Draymond Green minutes are gonna come from um I’m I’m I’ve lost all faith in cerr and on last night’s show kyen I don’t know if you agree with me or not but this Andrew Wiggins thing needs to

Be resolved immediately what I mean by that is either he’s benched or he’s traded but he’s done he’s cooked this is Andrew Wiggins is a player who should not be on the basketball court anymore because all he does is hurt the team and there are better players on this roster

Who should be taking those minutes I’m curious to know if you agree with that and where those minutes are going to come from for Draymond because if it’s gonna be if K’s just gonna just gonna you know give loyalty to the veterans this entire season that’s egregious to

Me I mean another year of just sacrificing kaminga and Moody’s development just so that you can make your veterans that you want these titles with happy that’s dude that’s that’s a very shortsighted View and there’s actually a clip that I want to play too of Steve Kerr admitting how shortsighted

He is so we got a lot to discuss and kyl I’d love to get your your thoughts on all of that uh first and foremost though got to give some love to our second sponsor for this evening and actually we got to do this new thing here and that sponsor is FanDuel the

Official sports book of the locked on podcast Network we got a college of football national championship going on right now if you folks have put money on that I don’t what’s the score right now we’re recording this live in the middle of the game it was 1710 have you seen

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NFL you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day right one final segment of locked on Warriors you could follow kylin Mills on all social media platforms at her name it’s super easy at kylin Mills and for

The everyday years this schedule for this show I’m going to be solo tomorrow with a trade show we were going to do that tonight originally but uh we’re going to push it back to tomorrow um I’ve done a lot of research I was up till 5 AM last night because once I

Started rolling I just couldn’t stop and I have a four tiered uh uh uh presentation of all the players in the NBA that are available for the Warriors um that would be a good fit for the Warriors each tier is dependent on the cost of the player so tier one for

Example is going to cost you five first round picks the the bottom tier will cost you a couple of second rounders and some good shmooing to get the deal made the point is we’ll save that for tomorrow Kevin Dan is going to join the show early Wednesday to talk about the

Warriors youngsters he hasn’t been on in a while and then Kyle on your back with me Wednesday night for warriors Pelicans postgame that’s the upcoming schedule uh but for now where are those minutes going to come from kylin uh Draymond is back this has been a point of contention

All season I don’t think people are going to be happy about the minutes that draymond’s gonna take unless it comes from Corey Joseph and it actually makes some damn sense but we haven’t seen that all year what are your thoughts on that uh you know I think there’s still

Opportunities for him to play in the front Court first I want to mention that I think Andrew Wigan should be on the trade block uh that’s where I’m at with the whole situation like I just don’t know it’s hard because you want to try to wait it out you want to try to

Continue to have confidence in the players who helped win you a champ Championship less than two years ago but the thing is he’s not getting any better he hasn’t turned a corner we’re into January at what point do the Warriors need to move on you know I’d be curious

Drop a comment in the chat if you have any thoughts on that um we’ll thr by Way Douglas Mike I know this is random and I love this idea because and the reason why I say that is because I really think the Hornets are one of the two or three

Teams who would take a flyer on Wiggins I mean considering the incompetency of that front office over the past 15 20 years Grant and Michael Jordan’s gone but still Gordon hayward’s on an expiring deal he I think he would be a great fit for the Warriors I would swap

Him for Wiggins yesterday sorry to interrupt you kylin but I just saw that and was like whoa that’s a good deal but I I I digress I apologize no no no that’s good Insight um and I I agree I actually would be totally open to that I

Mean I I think that there’s no reason at this point for Andrew Wiggins to be starting like he did against the Raptors uh even if he has little spurts here and there of better performances like he is not consistently playing well and the Warriors cannot keep starting him so

It’s got to be one or the other it’s got to be him benched or moved somewhere else um The Warriors do have Andrew Wiggins on a great contract he’s kind of here on a steal um or at least he took a pay cut uh to stick around so I don’t

Know do you keep him around on the bench hope that he figures it out do you move him before the trade deadline I think he certainly should be a player who’s in discussions if they’re looking to trade that’s for sure um I’ll tell you who’s not a player who should be in

Discussions and it’s been addressed actually in the media recently in reports is Jonathan Kinga jonath you want to talk about that real fast because we I haven’t touched on that at all uh do you want to let everyone know what what you’re were referring to Regarding why is not gonna get mov

They’re just at been reports out that I don’t know you can get into it if you know more of the specifics I just saw the headlines that Jonathan kaminga is not a piece said the Warriors would reportedly be willing to move which I think is a good thing because I am on

The same page as that I don’t know where that came from though like I said I just saw that in a bunch of headlines just to just to add on to that yeah and I’m sorry for not there’s just been so this Warrior season has been a circus it’s

There’s so much going on and last season was a circus can they give us a break yeah this is last season was a circus it is interesting but it’s not always fun uh so basically um this reporter with uh with like with a a TV network in Canada

I don’t know who his sources are but his name is I think Michael gra and um his report his is that I’m trying to find the actual report here so I can be uh accurate here oh here we go okay here it is Michael Grange of sportset has said he has multiple

Sources telling him that the Warriors are loed to trade kaminga um and his sources also to tell him that kaminga is set to have a very close relationship with Warriors owner Joe lob uh and who knows maybe that relationship is why kaminga felt the felt the audacity to even go public uh

With his criticism of cerr I I personally think it’s just him basically just legitimately dumbfounded over just all these decisions and he was confused but and on top of that Monty P wrote in in his piece last then I think he retweeted this as well uh so you’ve read

This also that the the night of a when when Wiggins was benched those final 18 minutes against the Denver Nuggets um and that and that’s what precipitated kaminga coming out and and complaining about his his role uh Joe lob showed up in the the interview room the interview

Room is where Kerr and usually two to three players each night following a game Kerr also was in there in the pre in the in the before the game for press conference as well that’s the that’s the room where the podium is where the mic

Is and Joe I’ve never seen Joe Lea in there and I’ve spent a lot of time in that interview room not this year obviously but uh and and so I so when monol reported that that that was eye opening to me and for some reason he

Saved that for the very bottom of his story where oftentimes the most interesting stuff does show up I’ve never understood why that is but um and I and I double checked with my with my people you know whether or not that is notable um it is Joe lob is not normally

In there so that’s what I know about kaminga and Joe lob um I love it I’m with you I don’t want him traded what are your thoughts on that yeah I don’t want him traded either it is unusual I will say in in a couple Seasons covering

The Warriors and I used to be able to go every single day Joe L’s never in there ever yeah um unless it’s like the end of season postmortem and he’s talking on the podium or for some reason you know they bring him in alongside Bob Meyers

To talk about a trade or something but otherwise you never see him in there so that’s interesting um no I would like to see JK stick around the organization he’s a player that has a super high ceiling we’ve seen him make strides forward in his development I think he’s

Gotten much better defensively um we’re seeing some of the potential in terms of his verticality and being able to work in the pick and rooll offensively I think he’s better about reading the game now but still has Room to Grow um so you know he’s a player that to me has a high

Upside to keep around and the Warriors have to start really investing in development because the core is aging there has to be some look ahead to the Future and the Warriors have been trying to walk this line of development and still win now championships it’s a tough

Line to walk but to me Jonathan kaminga is not a piece that you can move for win now you know they have to be careful about writing that line but that’s what’s been so disappointing to me about Moses Moody’s treatment this season to me he could be a great role player in a

Future Championship organization and the future Championship runs for this organiz ation I think he could be a key piece in the future but the Warriors are going to run him off by not giving him any opportunities not fairly working him into the rotation when he’s playing well

And deserves to be in there for veterans who are just not performing on a team that’s below 500 if the warriors were leading the West right now with the rotation they’ve got going of older guys then there’s not room for criticism win basketball games but the Warriors aren’t

Winning and you’re not playing young guys who are playing well what is to be gained from this situation so I think that’s some of my frustration is that they’re going to you know he’s a player who’s I’ve seen up for discussions and in the blogs and rumors or whatever Mill

About you know possibly being traded I think it’s unfortunate I think it’s fair to Moses Moody at this point if you’re not going to play him trade him but it’s just to me very frustrating when I think there’s a lot of potential with Brandon psky Trace Jackson Davis Jonathan

Kaminga Moses Moody could be future players for this organization these are lottery picks and you’re benching him for absolutely no reason JK getting benched late in games after playing extremely well for no reason and the Warriors aren’t getting any wins as a result of that they’re nowhere close

To Leading the West leading the division anything they’re below 500 yeah so exactly I’ll get off my pedestal here it’s frustrating it’s frustrating I personally like those four guys like I would like to keep those four youngsters the Warriors have to invest in the future at some point um but you know

That leaves who Who you gonna trade I guess future picks and to me Andrew Wiggins I don’t know again I’m I I I’m gonna have a a trade show tomorrow and i’ I’ve done again insane amount of research on this I I know exactly every Warriors draft pick until 2030 um I will

Say this with certainty if you trade kaminga no matter given all the players who are actually available out there for a trade you’re not going to win longterm and you’re not only going to not win longterm whoever you get back shortterm is not gonna result in a title like

Kaminga kaminga trade is not going to be some Difference Maker where like whether it’s Pascal seum whether it’s Jared Allen of the Cavaliers I kind of like Pascal seak but okay no no I like him too but I guess what I’m ask saying kylin do you think if the Warriors

Traded kaminga for Pascal they win a title this year um I don’t know that I would go that far to say that one move alone right would be the missing piece no so and that’s why that’s where I’m saying I don’t think it’s worth it if if you

Could trade kaminga for a play for a player that would guarantee a title and what by that I mean like a legit Superstar like a Giannis an Tumo even like a like a Kevin Durant at this stage of his career I I do think if you could trade hypothetically kaminga for Durant

You’re probably gonna get a title this year but that deal is not out there it’s just not a realistic thing um so anyways final thoughts kylin we’ll do the trade show tomorrow uh any final Thoughts with 20 seconds left no um the end of the show came quickly I’m very curious to

See what you say about some of the trades we’re going to be back together for postgame Wednesday I’ll have some followup uh with my own thoughts on trade situations but I’ll see you then great show thanks for joining us everyone and make sure you subscribe bye-bye bye

Kylen Mills and Cyrus Saatsaz start the week with a live episode to analyze Draymond Green’s comments on his podcast as he nears his return while Steve Kerr admitted publicly that he doesn’t plan for the future, which may explain why he’s struggled moving on from his aging core, and the crew discuss reports that Joe Lacob considers Jonathan Kuminga part of the Golden State Warriors’ long term plan and is likely safe from being traded away.

Note: Cy’s Trade Extravaganza Show is tomorrow, Jan. 9.

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  1. Kylen killed it, what great thoughts and insight. Cyrus was just juvenile about the situation, which I hope is a schtick.

  2. Green is a human as anyone, someone who has emotions just like the rest of us. Vietnam veterans returning home was labeled as drug attics and dangerous killers. His last episode was unsportsmanlike it was a human reaction to something physical in a very physical game. Look at the crime in this nation and possibly in your home. You are not on the court you don’t know what that opponent was doing to him prior to that incident. How of us don’t need psychological or even psychiatric therapy. Don’t judge because physicality is a human quality and you don’t have to be in sports obviously to be violent. If he performs well or maybe better then we should get another life and not make him my personal subject.

  3. Lacob is watching Kerr struggle with the roster. I am sure he noted it last year also. I would not be surprised if he found some alternative role for Kerr. Kerr is just not the coach for the younger players. Lot of other teams Moody and Kuminga would better treatment.

  4. Funny how people turn much more selfish and insufferable around Rich Paul (i.e. Draymond, Adele, James). Maybe a coincidence

  5. The thing with Wiggins is that there is too much unknown. If he had a situation last year (like let’s say his wife was cheating or something like that) then subject to psych reports and the passage of time etc it might not be that unlikely that he recovers his form. Kind of depends if the situation that caused his dip is resolved/resolvable.

    Don’t believe for a second the Warriors would be unwilling to trade Kuminga. IMO they are just trying to manage him and/or get his value up. Dunno what you would talk about if they did though

  6. I am waiting for the next on the court incident from Draymond Green. He will receive another slap on the wrist. He has the NBA Commissioner Adam Silver in his back pocket.

  7. Retire? Retire? This dude needs to be in PRISON not in front of a podcast mic ‘playing the VICTIM!’ 😂😂😂

  8. "This is too much for ME" that Me word says it all. If I were steph and klay i will not let this madafaker return to my team after all the drama and shortcomings the team have because of him acting tough when he cant even have an eye contact against stewart from Detroit.

  9. Draymond is a drama queen. He was not going to walk away from that huge contract. Him retiring would've been a major gift to the Warriors. I really hope that cancer is traded before he's ever allowed to return to action.

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