@Los Angeles Clippers

How The LA Clippers Smacked Up A Fully Healthy Phoenix Suns Squad

How The LA Clippers Smacked Up A Fully Healthy Phoenix Suns Squad

The LA Clippers got back to winning ways in the second night of a backtack with a big and I put the emphasis on big bounceback win over the Phoenix Suns that is now two wins out of two against the Suns this season the team that eliminated Us in the first round last

Year what went so well why was it so different than Sunday night and how great are these Clippers playing going to be talking about it all on today’s love locked on Clippers you are locked on Clippers your daily Los Angeles Clippers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Applause] Day yes sir you are locking in with the clips thank you for making lockon Clippers the first listen of your day your team every day I’m your host Daran vizeri born and raised in LA and in my 19th season as a Clipper fan you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram

At dim dropper pod And subscribe to my own YouTube channel dime dropper where I went live directly after the game to give my raw reaction and lockon Clippers is free and available wherever you get your podcast including YouTube where I want you to let me know who you thought

Was the player of the game and why some good choices in this one got great performances all the way around and this episode is brought to you by FanDuel America’s number one sports book right now I would suggest placing your bets for the Clippers to win the championship

On FanDuel because as I’ve been saying for the last couple of weeks the odds are only going to get better so if you want the bigger payout start doing it sooner rather than later all you got to do is visit lockon and make your first bet or your second bet if

You’ve already been on it I hope you’ve already been on it but let’s talk about the Clippers who have been on it for the past 26 games 20 out of 26 they are now 23 and 13 on the season 15 and four at home and let me tell you something the star

Power is shining through the continuity is really being felt you’re seeing the Clippers be healthy play the second night of a back toback and bounce back from a hardfought game with a blowout I mean we were up by as many as 30 in this

One and the crazy part was it was only a seven-point game at one point in the fourth quarter the way we made it a 10396 game we took it from that and then went up by 30 in the span of minutes was cra crazy I don’t remember the Clippers

Ever doing that to teams maybe Lob City you know had some moments but not against really really good teams like this although you know what let’s keep it real with the Suns they’re not a very very good team yet and I don’t want to sound Petty I’ll save that for dime

Dropper but look man I want to play the Phoenix Suns healthy in the playoffs like I want to finally get this we haven’t had a proper rematch with both teams healthy since 2006 that broke my heart as a kid I want all this smoke that Raj Bell shot will never fully like

Yeah we made it past the second round and we got over that and it doesn’t sting as much but I really want the smoke with the Suns I think kawh Leonard will get the better of them but I will say one thing that I love to see in this

Game was that Kevin Duran and kawhai were going at each other and then you saw Devon Booker guarding Paul George again Grayson Allen guarding James Harden uh Bradley Beal guarding Terrence man and then you saw zubats and nurkic matched up with each other and let me tell you something zubats absolutely

Destroyed him completely outplayed him in every single facet imaginable rebounds his defense was better he blocked a couple of shots he blocked one of his shots actually I think Zoo may have only had one block let me get a little double check on that if it’s j

Zubats yeah just one block and it was that block on nkit but his Rim protection was solid one thing I thought was interesting though in the first half was that we were playing zoo and drop coverage against the Suns big three I was shocked that we were doing that

Because I thought these last couple of games we had gotten Zoo comfortable with coming out to the level of the screen and taking away those pull-ups and there’s no team that’s going to be better at pull-up mid-ranges and jumpers than the Suns with Kevin Durant and

Devon Booker and Bradley Beal and it was hurting us in the first half I mean KD you know kawhai was guarding him but he was coming out screens and just walking into jumpers and floaters and on the other side I thought KD actually got the better of Kawai in the first half

Thought he was doing a really good job defensively I think that’s part of why Kawai only shot six shots in the first half and he was four for six but he wasn’t super aggressive and I thought KD did a really good job of preventing Kawai from getting right into his shot

Coming off of screens he did a good job trailing and using his length uh and size to bother him and I was pretty impressed by that and that wasn’t what we saw in the first round last year at all KD in the first half had 20 points

Kawhi Leonard on the other hand had only nine points so he was fantastic in the first half Kevin Durant was Devin Booker was pretty good as well he had nine points in the first half on 50% shooting and here’s the best stat of the entire game Kevin Durant shot 59% Devin Booker shot

57% and Bradley Beal shot 47% and the Clippers still won by damn near 30 138 to 111 was the final score and that’s how those three shot amazing I mean the Suns shot 49% from the field but they were only 33% from three they did however shoot 29

Free throws which was six more than us and they made 86% of them 25 of them Clippers finally didn’t shoot that well from the line in this game we’ve been shooting a lot better from the line recently 17 for 23 for us on 74% shooting but the shooting splits field

Goal and three-point crazy 62% from the field 52% from three again it just shows that last night I mean yeah the Lakers defense is better than the Suns but the Lakers defense hasn’t been crazy this year they have a better matchup with us than they used

To the last couple of years but the Clippers also just miss shots like they also got a lot of good looks and just miss shots and these are star players Paul George kawii Leonard James Harden sometimes as the defense you just got to do your best and hope they miss and

They’re not always going to miss like there were moments in this game where the Suns had a good hand up on these guys and it didn’t matter because they’re just that good like Paul George and Devin Booker I absolutely love that matchup and I want to be talking more

About the Stars versus the stars in the second segment but he played really well from the jump and I thought it really turned around in the second half I’ll talk about the stretch that closed the second quarter a little bit more later but that stretch in the second half

Where Kawai had legitimately like three consecutive steals was crazy and one of the big defensive adjustments we made which I don’t know why we didn’t start this way was blitzing Booker and KD with the screens zubats was coming out and Kawai got a couple of deflections and he

Got a couple of steals back to back to back and we took advantage of that one of them he went all the way for a dunk but I think that was in the third quarter where he went all the way for the dunk that was his first steal on K

In that pick and roll and then he got another deflection I remember he picked up a ball that James Harden was uh defending Beal and Beal his two turnovers in this game both of them he dribbled the ball off his foot one of them just went out of bounds in the

First half second half he was against Harden lost it Kawai picked it up we were Off to the Races and I thought what really buried the Suns though when we were up 103 96 was around that time but kawhai had those consecutive steals James Harden hit a three from the top of

The key when I forget which Defender it was on Phoenix it may have been aogi left James Harden to rotate onto Amir coffee which is just not the right decision and Amir being the high IQ player that he is made the extra pass over to James for the open three from

The top of the key and then you had this another steal kawhai transition three that would have brought the house down missed Daniel Ty put back dunk that put us up 111 to 96 and then coming off that timeout Norman pal got a three from James Harden off a turnover where he

Forced Grayson Allen Baseline he threw it away and then Kawai had that beautiful between the legs spin over his right shoulder into the fadea away and it’s funny because he doesn’t do it that fast he’s always at his own speed but Grayson Allen was right in his face and

It made no difference and that’s just pretty to watch from Kawai so that second half Blitz that’s really what took over the game it was the steals from Kawai who really tightened it up defensively in the second half and also so James Harden I got to give a lot of

Credit to defensively you know I don’t think he was that good in the first half you were seeing that Phoenix was going to attack him and try to get him switched on to KD and stuff and there was one time where ktie blew right by him and did a little Euro Step reverse

Layup but in the second half Harden was guarding basically everyone they were trying to put him in the action and I thought he did a pretty good job in the point of attack being pretty physical moving his feet and doing much more than I expected from him before we got him

Now he has been solid defensively as a Clipper but he obviously does have those games here and there where he’s just not good defensively I think yesterday he was okay actually didn’t have much criticism of him defensively in the last game but I think the game before that I

Did this game he was pretty damn good in the second half he was very good actually which is you’ll take that all day that’s huge I mean if he does that the championship is very possible really is and I like the way he took the challenge and besides all the other

Things he did for that reason James Harden is my player of the game he is he was Uber efficient he uh found a lot of guys for open shots got a lot of assists and coming up going to be talking more about the Stars their stats and how they were

Matched up against each other going to be talking about that coming up today’s episode of Locked on Clippers is sponsored by better help if you are ever in need of someone to talk to or you just want to get more clarity around you and your life well think about going

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Month that’s better help locked on NBA all right Clippers winning this one 138 to 111 over the Phoenix Suns they are now 15 and four at home 23 and 13 on the road per the Clippers telecast they have more 20 plus Point leads than any

Team this season what an amazing stat do you know how many times we waved the White Flag last year versus how many times we blew teams out we started the season with three home blowouts this year it’s been a different type of time from day one and James Harden and what

He’s done for the team has only helped that I mean it has been amazing so far I can’t lie it’s been even a little bit better than I expected even though I always expected James Harden to elevate Us in the regular season but you know this Russ Off the Bench Dynamic and

Let’s talk about that it’s really something I did not expect that Russ would be down with and it is it’s completely unlocked the team it really has even though the poor guy Russell Westbrook doesn’t look like he’s sad or anything like that but man sometimes it feels like he really can get more

Minutes let’s talk about the stars in this game of course you know four big names on the Clippers three on the Suns as far as the Suns I already mentioned their field goal percentages and how they still lost by 27 even even with that I thought all you needed was KD

Suns fans it’s the regular season though I’m not going to get too crazy but I can promise you we’re going to finish with a better record than them I can promise that and you know granted they’re still learning each other too you know they’re a young team not a young team they’re a

Team that’s been injured but Bradley Beal 15 points on seven for 15 shooting only two free throw attempts like that’s not scaring me at all Devin Booker he shot well but finally it felt like we were able to keep him at Bay and I thought the blitzing really helped just

Get the ball out of his hands 20 points five assists six turnovers so more turnovers than assists he was a minus 31 which was the worst of any any player in the game so even though he shot 57% 8 for 14 we will take that all day that’s

One of the worst games he’s played against us in a while and then Kevin Durant the best of the three 30 points seven rebounds but 10 for 17 from the field so that’s very good 59% but again I mean it just feel like the Suns had nothing left when we made that run

In the fourth quarter like absolutely nothing just rolled over and died look like a team that was not in sync a team that’s clearly still learning each other didn’t have much backbone not much fight Clippers on the other hand are flying they’ve built reps together they’ve been

More serious from day one and you know who’s serious against the Phoenix Suns Russell Westbrook his impact when he came into the game posting up Devin Booker twice oh my my God first he spun over the left shoulder for the Baseline layup then posting him up on the left side of the

Court turn around bank shot and he wanted a foul it may have been a foul and then he drew two Defenders and fed it off to I forget if it was Ty or Zoo but rust had so many good moments where he was driving and dishing it off to

Either tys or zo around the rim and what I liked is he only shot one three he stayed aggressive he of course had that defensive intensity but I will say Booker and KD were more mindful that he was going to come Trail for the and he

Was timing it cuz he wants to swat it you know how Russ is and they were pump faking and they got a foul or two on him but I absolutely just loved his two offensive rebounds like just his body language you can tell he wants he has that little extra something against the

Phoenix Suns like he wants to beat them badly and that’s clearly because of Kevin Durant like we already know that and oh my God I mean the intensity he played with I so yeah only one three-point at attempt in this game for him and what I really liked was when

Teams were sagging off of him and loading up on other guys he wouldn’t take that three he was driving and attack in the gaps and making plays and he had seven assists as a result of things like that nine points seven assists two steals one of them on KD on

Three for six shooting so another very efficient game for him three for three from the line in just 15 minutes of play he almost had a double double in 15 minutes and it was a shame you know that he had to sit out the entire second

Quarter when I say had to I don’t mean he had to but that’s what tyou just elected to do and it didn’t actually end up hurting us but for a while when we were neck and neck with them I was a little bit worried about it like just

That not worried but just like we should have probably given him more time and let him stay in the game in the fourth quarter he played 1 minute and 13 seconds I don’t know what happened to him after the game I know he wasn’t on

The bench to end but I don’t think it was anything serious I didn’t see him get injured or anything and he was still in good spirits when he came out of the bench or came out of the game so awesome performance by Russ I can’t emphasize

How much of a luxury it is to have a player of that caliber Off the Bench and he’s been very efficient lately and I love when he’s not selling for threes just attacking cuz they’re going to leave him open he needs to attack that open space go up strong and you know

What with the shooting that we have he’s going to find guys then there’s Paul George who has a vendetta against the Phoenix Suns it feels like he has he wants to beat them as badly oh let me put it this way it seems like he dislikes them as much as I kind of

Dislike them Paul George was amazing again that three he made over Devon Booker to end the first quarter I believe it was with a hand in his face that was so satisfying then he had that bank shot on the left wing in the second half he was just all over it

Making his open threes coming off screens for threes and how much mid post P did we get I love that stuff midp pee back to basket elbow pee just turn pivot face rise up over the the top like it’s nothing you put Bradley Beal on him cuz

The suns are switching one through four of course Clippers are switching one through four as well but we have better defensive Personnel than them I love the aggression of Paul George absolutely love it and his defense was great again just like the last couple of games pod

Cast P it’s amazing how well he plays against these guys 25 points seven rebounds only one steel no assists which is actually surprising he had this one really nice pocket pass to zoo at one point in the first quarter one turnover only you love to see that both teams

Turn the ball over 14 times in this game so take that for what you will 10 for 19 shooting and four for n from three for Paul he was one for two from the line only two free throw attempts so again I like to see that higher but hey I have

No issues with the way he played and then you have and yeah so Deon Booker was guarding him of course you know Paul’s guarding Beal we had Terren on Booker and I thought Terren did a pretty damn good job I’ll talk about Terence more in the third segment but I thought

Paul was pretty solid on Beal and just doing his thing when he needed to just playing good team defense but offensively I just loved his approach and then you had yeah so in the second quarter let’s see how many points Paul George had in the second quarter because

That’s when it felt like I mean he was cooking in the first quarter he had 10 points in the first five points in the second he had 15 at halftime so I loved how aggressive he was to begin the game and then to end the second quarter

This is when James Harden really started getting into the ACT I thought he made some good passes in the first quarter nurkic was in drop coverage but that drop coverage and he was on a high drop with Paul regular drop with kawhai and you started to see Harden kind of abuse

That towards the end of the second quarter Grayson Allen was guarding him but I thought he did a good job of embracing the mid-range game you know not passing those shots up taking them and he’s been making him at a decent rate with us and and I love I like when

He does that he’s been doing that since Philly I noticed watching him last year last yeah last year mainly um he needs to take those they CU in in drop coverage he doesn’t have the same even though it’s been looking better of late that same burst he once had and he’s not

As strong doesn’t get as much lift well actually no he is a strong he doesn’t get as much lift as he want did around the basket so you can’t just get and he didn’t fully get away with threes and layups and floaters uh with Houston I he didn’t win the championship this he

Needs to embrace that mid-range and I like how he’s doing it so far but let me tell you his passing at the end of that quarter he was Finding guys for a bunch of open shots he was starting to get hot himself and in the third quarter I

Thought he picked up right where he left off I thought he had his pulse on this game and he was so efficient seeven and I love that he was able to do all these things and he only shot eight times it didn’t feel like too much from Harden

Didn’t feel like like what I talked about yesterday that offensive intentionality the quickness of what we were doing things I wasn’t talking about as I said yesterday I wasn’t talking about oh we need more Westbrook to push the Pace I just meant even with Harden his you know dribbling and his intention

With the ball there’s just so much better in this game so much better and that’s reflected in the stat sheet as well with 19 points 10 assists so another double double for James seven rebounds three turnovers no steals or blocks are Harden he’s been really good

About that lately but he was 75% from the field and three six for eight from the field three for four from three four for four from the line and he played 29 minutes and 36 seconds so thankfully thankfully got to play less than 30 minutes which we need it shows up as 30

Minutes on the ESPN box score because it rounds up but I had the uh NBA box score as well so that was the exact amount of time Kawai Leonard Mr lennett it took a little while for him to really impose his well in the game

But he did on both ends and that’s why he’s been so special this year you’ll never tell from the stat line really but 17 points three rebounds two dimes how about five steals in a block though you can tell that he took over the game defensively H yeah he did in that fourth

Quarter stretch eight for 15 from the field so again another very efficient game for the claw one for three from the line from the three-point line no free throw attempts which is wild how about a zubats though 19 points eight rebounds three assists and coming up going to be

Talking more about Zoo Terren man Amir coffee and just how great the Clippers look and what this meant after last night I’m sorry Sunday night’s game going to be talking about that coming up I got to tell you a little something about FanDuel America’s number one sports book the NFL regular season has

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Suns 138 to 111 for one of the most commanding wins of the Season quarter breakdown first one 34 to 31 in favor of the clips wow we gave No Quarter got to love that 3732 in the second as I said we had a 71 63 lead at the half 3028 in

The third just a lot of trading baskets in the third quarter and then the fourth quarter is where we blew it open 37- 20 in that one let’s talk about oh by the way Daniel Ty he was blitzing on the screens from the beginning and I thought that was good it actually caused

Some turnovers but yeah so let’s talk about some of the bench players starting with Daniel Ty of course Neman rotation for us he played the least amount with 14 minutes and I thought he was very solid that put back dunk was awesome six points three rebounds three assists one

Steal one block on three for six shooting 0 for one from three no free throw attempts in 14 minutes he was a plus 15 continues to be so great in that role and right now even though Mason Plumley got some garbage minutes there’s no way you can make a case for him to

Play over him and I would not run Ty at the four like some are suggesting I just don’t think his shooting is good enough for that and I think we get more more quickness and defensive like good lateral guys defensively with uh not to say Ty is bad but plumbley and TI I

Think it’s a little big for today’s NBA personally then you had air coffee he played 23 minutes a lot of those were garbage minutes but he was really good in that fourth quarter Hidden Fall Away hidden reverse layup I loved how he got in on the action nine points two

Rebounds no turnovers for him on four for five shooting four for five shooting baby 80% one for one from deep and he defended the brew master continues to be very solid in his role and as I’ve you know continued to beat like a drum Amir coffee I love that he’s in the

Rotation as a homegrown Clipper and then you have Russell Westbrook who I already said nine points seven assists two steals in 15 minutes he was Stellar how about Brandon Boston getting in in garbage time and having Five Points with a little step back three over Eubanks I

Think it was over Eubanks five points for him then there’s Norman pal I haven’t even really mentioned him that much but he continues to just be so good in his role catching and shooting attacking Closeouts 14 points I’m not saying anything bad about his defense really 14

Points five rebounds on four for six shooting and two for three from deep and four for four from the line little bit of foul baiting Norm action 66% from the field and three and he was a plus 20 in 25 minutes he was incredible in his role and then you have

The starters all of which played over 28 minutes I already mentioned the stat lines for the big three in the starting lineup if it’s a zubot I said 19 points eight rebounds three assists a steal and a block but also no turnovers and he was

Eight for n from the field like all the zubot slander and now we’re seeing him play different kinds of defenses that needs to be shut up now he’s slowly proven to everyone and James Harden’s absolutely helped with it but if you think about it and I was making this

Point on dime dropper earlier other bigs around the league have had better pick and roll guys than zo’s had in his career the best one was what Reggie Jackson he play with Rondo for a little bit kawhai and Paul George they have gravity but they’re still not very good

Pick and roll guys you got guys like Clint capella getting free bunnies with Trey young you’ve got Dwight Powell playing with Luca donic you know Steph Curry even though their offense is more motion based he’s good in the pick and roll Jamal Murray is is good in the pick

And roll dearen Fox is good in the pick and roll Tyrese hurn is fantastic in the pick and roll Chris Paul James Harden these guys are pick and roll gods and now he’s playing with one and you’re starting to see he really has improved so for those that say he didn’t improve

He can’t be a starting center in the championship team I will promise you this he will not be the reason we lose this year oh he’s never been the reason we lose people are like oh he got played off the floor against Phoenix if he can

Show that he can come up on the screens and be solid like that he will be playing 30 plus minutes against everyone and and against Phoenix what lost is the series we didn’t have kawi Paul George not zubats and this and that so this game shows me me that game on Sunday

Night was a fluke we missed shots the Lakers played one of their best games of the season it’s not a big deal don’t even sweat it the fact that we’re smacking teams in the face on the second night of back to backs and last year every single back toback we were

Basically kaw’s out oh is Paul George out it’s such a 180 Health has been great knock on wood I’m going to continue to knock kawhai only missed four games Paul George has only missed two Harden and Russ have played every game it’s amazing but it has to continue

It’s not about right now it’s about the Long Haul but I’m enjoying it one day at a time I’m honored to be the host of this podcast and before I sign off I got something to say I told you guys I was wrong about a lot of things going into this season and

In the offseason but one thing I was not wrong about Terren man Terren man I always have faith in him why cuz we’ve watched him from day one and I can see an un confident player from a mile away it’s all in his head people just don’t magically get worse at

Shooting without some kind of injury or something he was in his head he was adjusting to player slower Pace than we were intended to play this season usually he comes in and plays with faster lineups he’s now playing with Harden and Kai together who are going to make it more of a halfcourt

Game he’s getting more open looks than ever but he’s also gotten the most pressure on him than ever as being that starter on a team with this much hype on a super team and you know what this new year has come and he’s been hitting again don’t tell me

About Terrence man and who he is as a player and how oh he shouldn’t even be starting anymore and you know he should get traded what will you do no I don’t give up on my guy this is the guy that I’m Not Crying by the way I had to cough so

Bad just now it’s crazy but Terren man is the guy that has always been good in his minutes for us every single year he always shoots better always shoots better as the season progresses how do you I know that because I’ve watched him every single

Year of his career and he’s the man for the big occasion he’s shown that plenty of times game seven against Dallas game five against Utah and of course the curse breaker Knight again if you just got off your U-Haul from Philadelphia or across the hall supporting Westbrook or

Harden less than a year ago being part of this fan base that you claim to be a part of which I think you’re all temporary but I still love you you have no right to tell Clipper fans what who Terren man is you can comment on what’s happening now but you

Don’t know him like we do so when you make these judgments about this needs to happen this needs to happen no be patient give him till the end of the season and it’s looking like he’s starting to turn this around I’m never going to he did after that game six he’s

Always going to get my support because that moment meant so much to me I can’t emphasize it enough how that second round thing was held over our heads in this city Laker fans used to mention it so much I couldn’t even like go a week without talking like in basketball

Growing up in La we talk basketball all the time like this is a basketball craze City Laker fans Clipper fans you know we keep going back and forth not one week could go by without them mentioning something about the second round or us blowing a 3-1 lead after we blew against

Houston so the fact I always said it was going to take a Herculean performance to do it to get out of it and you know who did it the herculan performance came Terren man and that wasn’t just one game last year all of us begged for him

To get more minutes and now we’re just going to some of us are just going to turn on him like that because he’s in a shooting slump very fickle for a guy who’s given everything to this franchise and been very available but anyway I rest my case how about 13 points or 14

Actually five five rebounds three assists solid defense one turnover five for nine from the field and three for six from three 50% in 28 minutes let’s see what teren man’s three-point percentages three-point percentage was coming into this game probably not good obviously what okay 25% and it’s going to get a little

Better uh tomorrow so by the time you listen to this they’ll have updated his stats on ESPN and it’ll probably like 26 maybe 27 Clippers win it 138 to 111 this right now I mean 20 wins out of 26 this is arguably the best stretch in franchise

History I mean of course we had the December to remember in 2013 where we won 17 straight you could argue we’ played some better teams in this one we did take advantage of some weak teams in that one but we still like that was still amazing West I think there was

More great teams in that one but there’s more good teams in this one if that makes sense and I’ll tell you what one of them just got a huge hit with John Mor ing his labor him that’s unfortunate but anyway so don’t take the Laker loss

Too seriously guys look at the way we responded in a second night of a back toback like listen to this team we’re talking about through 36 games guys this is the best chance we ever had to win a ring and it’s all about Kawhi Leonard’s Health like James

Harden has helped Westbrook coming off the bench is amazing but it’s all about kawh Leonard and Paul georg’s Health mainly number two he makes the difference he’s the only reason anyone takes a seriously to win a ring cuz James Harden and Paul georan Russ if it

Was just those three with like let’s say D rozan or something nobody would take them that seriously they’d be good but this is different with kawhai cuz he’s been there done that and he has that four-letter word the aura you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at dim

Dropper pod subscribe to my own YouTube channel dime dropper for even more LA Clipper and LA Sports content this was the fourth game I missed this season like going at home like home games we’re four and0 and all the games I didn’t go but we still have a good home record

When I’m there too 11 and4 but we are 4 and0 when I haven’t gone Warriors Paul George game winner the first win against Denver blowout against Sacramento and now this one so I’ve missed some good ones but it is what it is you know I’m living life I’m honored to be your host

For this first ever super team in Clipper history playing really well and looking like I was dead wrong you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Diamond dropper pot as I said also make sure you tell me who your player of the game was I’m going James

Harden but Paul George is right there with him and if it’s zubats also right there with him let me know what you think have a great day Clipper nation and the age old problem continues go Clippers

The LA Clippers bounced back from their Sunday loss to the Los Angeles Lakers with a commanding blowout over the fully healthy Phoenix Suns with a 138-111 win at Crypto.Com Arena.

Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, Russell Westbrook, and James Harden all impressed as the Los Angeles Clippers took over the 4th quarter led by Kawhi’s flurry of steals.

In this episode, die hard LA Clippers Fan and Host Darian Vaziri talks about what led to the Clippers blowing the game open. Then he discussed the star matchups on both sides and how they performed versus one another. Finally he closes with going through the box score for all rotation players and talking about what the last two games mean overall.

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  1. That’s the way to bounce back! Kawhi was playing defense like he was an octopus. Zu played like a confident championship-level center, Harden was in full command of the offense and looked totally different than he did a day before. PG was cooking. Theis looked more bouncy. Mann is out of his slump. Everyone played their part. That’s what I wanted to see after the game the night before!

  2. cant blame ya my dude. media got everyone thinking harden a scrub. think about rockets fans watching harden drop 35-10 every night and winning then you check online dudes saying he only scores by flopping…

  3. I hope this is just an anomaly but feels like Ty is beginning to tinker a bit again, also Kawhi has gone back a bit passive on the offensive end since the injury. After starting 3-3 he didn't shoot for the next 10mins or so. On the WB vibe I use to feel his energy and impact was huge until someone pointed out that he enters the game with us leading and by the time he sits we either lose the lead or its smaller. However good win and unlike the Lakers game I felt the team energy returned so that's a good sign

  4. Great bounce back win!! Plus the suns had KD and still blew them out!! Let's keep getting this W's! Go Clippers 👏 🎉

  5. we replaced our lakers killers with suns killers lol its almost as if the lakers went out to get wings to compete with the clippers , i hope losing a lakers series brings reverse juju and shoots us to the finals , suns suck , we shouldn't lose more then 3 games this month , bold prediction : nuggets and clippers take 1 and 2 seed by ASG in feb

  6. I don’t know where the zu slander is… but it should be nonexistent… zu is one of the better centers in the league while playing with 4 all stars.. if he was playing with the pistons he would be the center piece

  7. Thanks to Theis a real threat to take Zu’s spot as a starter and Harden better than Westbrook in getting Zu the ball, so Zu finally pushed to get better.

  8. So basically the NBA was like look: "this is the last season the Lucker's and the Clips are playing in the same arena. And since 1999-2000 the teams have been fairly close. If the Clips win one more game they win the Hallway Rivalry. We can't let this happen, so we will schedule the first two games as Lucker home games and we'll schedule them on the front and back end of a back to back. That way we can GUARANTEE (Charles Barkley voice) the Lucker's split or they win both… it'll be good for ratings etc…"

    Lucker fans disgust me. …I'm glad we killed the Suns…this is what a fairly officiated game looks like for us…a blow out win…

  9. Tmann is getting better but did have one bad air ball at the top of the key. Playing with the starting lineup might have lots of pressure as the stars hit their shots more and he feels like he ain’t contributing. I’m glad to see him doing better though

  10. Thoughts on getting reps with Plumlee over Daniel? Some fans have called for it but I don't we should entertain that until after Allstar break. This way Plumlee can get actual practice time with Harden so they can work an effective PnR

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