@Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics lose to Indiana Pacers: Tough foul call, horrible 3rd quarter, awesome Jaylen Brown

Boston Celtics lose to Indiana Pacers: Tough foul call, horrible 3rd quarter, awesome Jaylen Brown

The Celtics had their chances they had another terrible third quarter and yes I’m going to talk about that foul call it’s all right now on the lock on Celtics [Applause] podcast city of chance Boston baby we do what you can’t locked on number 18 Tatum

And brown J te step back we going to wet that and slate teams of course the Celtics who else could it be screaming like kg with the lario be Coralis above average assessing the team status best daily pod no cap salary matching clutch like bir the DJ keep on replay Prime

Time dapping up the truth on the sideline ring JS how we started raising BN how we finish locked on Celtics pod home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast Network where is your team every day I got you covered

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Think I’m John corales I used to play a long time ago now I am covering the Celtics 4 Boston Sports Journal all right Today’s Show uh is brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel is America’s number one sports book you can make every moment more right now you new customers

Get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning with any any $5 money line bet any $5 bet at all 150 bucks visit lockon to get started feel like I’m gonna I’m going to go backwards today because I’m I’ll talk about Jaylen Brown later I’ll talk about that third quarter

Later the Tyrese halberton injury which kind of fueled that third quarter um Jaylen was awesome GNA get to him for sure the bench the I think when the Celtics were short-handed with no no j Tatum no Sam Hower that kind of put the bench at a big disadvantage and they

Really did not come through at all scoring wise all of that stuff is later I’m gonna start with the big thing at the very end here at the very beginning because it’s what Jaylen Brown was talking about after the game Joe moula was very adamant after the game talking

About I can’t wait till 4 o’clock tomorrow which is when the last two-minute report comes out Jaylen Brown saying I’m pissed talking about the file call okay so let me start with this for all of the people who are hate watching maybe some Pacers fans maybe fans of

Other teams who just love to come in and just gloat whenever the Celtics lose the Celtics did not lose this game because of the foul call all right this is not about oh this cost them the game it did not cost them the game they had opportunities to win this

Game by playing a better third quarter if and this is for Celtics fans too by the way right I’m I’m gonna spend this whole first segment talking about the foul but let’s be clear the foul the way it was interpreted and Jaylen Brown not getting the free throws did not cost Boston the

Game there were 3.2 seconds left even if they had called called it and Jaylen Brown got the two free throws there’s no guarantee that Jaylen makes both free throws not only because of the way Jaylen Brown has shot free throws he’s not the most reliable three-point shooter also the Celtics missed nine

Free throws in this game another reason why this foul was not the reason why they lost okay so Jaylen still had to make two free throws the Pacers still had an opportunity with three plus seconds to get the ball up the floor and take a three-pointer which considering

How they shot in the second half them making a three-pointer even if Jaylen had made those two free throws them making a three-pointer was not out of the realm of possibility them finding a way to tie the game them drawing a foul to find a way to tie or win the game not

Out of the realm of possibility so let’s everybody list listening Celtics haters Celtics lovers let’s understand this the foul the way it was interpreted did not cost Boston the game because there was more to play and also there were other spots the third quarter which

I’ll get to a lot of other spots where they could have won make a couple of free throws if they shoot 80% from the line like they normally do in their season average that’s two free throws that they would have made in a two-point loss so okay that’s all established now

Right it’s all established we’re all on the same page the Celtics were right to be pissed off about that call that call was misinterpreted in my opinion that foul call should have been an actual foul on buddy hee the notion now Jaylen says that he talked to the ref and um that’s uh

What’s the ref’s name uh James Williams The Crew Chief and he said that the ref told him he didn’t get hit in the head well he obviously did get hit in the head right that’s obvious you can look at that replay and say that’s obvious

The shot was not blocked the shot the uh buddy heeld got his hand on the ball and then the hand comes off the ball and the arm either simultaneously or just after he touches the ball hits Jaylen Brown in the head all the while Jaylen Brown

Control the ball and this is where I have the issue here and this is why the last two-minute report will be interesting and why the Celtics have a point the rule is as I understand it if you block a shot first okay Jaylen goes up for the shot

Buddy heeld blocks it which means he dislodges it Jaylen Brown loses control and then the follow through is incidental contact that’s a that’s not a foul right it just goes down as a block shot but when you touch the ball the player re retains control continues to control the

Ball and then you have contact and then the player is shooting that’s a foul Jaylen Brown maintained control of the ball throughout the entirety of that play So the referee’s interpretation that the ball was touched first is incorrect because it doesn’t apply when the ball continues to be

Controlled by the offensive player that is my understanding of the rule the ball was not dislodged the ball was not blocked you can touch the ball first but if the player continues to control it then it’s not it doesn’t negate the contact that comes afterwards it’s kind

Of like an equivalent of the football rule where the ball can touch the ground on a catch if the player is controlling the ball throughout the entirety of the play like it’s okay if the the the ball touches the ground if you control if the ball doesn’t move same sort of concept

Here so I understand how a ref would say well he touched the ball first and so the contact that comes afterwards is you know that’s incidental but that’s the wrong interpretation that to me my understanding of the rule that is the wrong interpretation that is a mistake

That has was made now the Celtics have no recourse they they’re not going to I mean they could file an appeal but they’re not going to replay this game they’re not going to try to um replay this they’re not going to try to put three seconds on the clock and have

Jaylen Brown shoot free throws on an off day where both teams are around Indie like that this is it this is a loss the Celtics are 28 and eight they’ve got to move on maybe there’s some satisfaction in them being right they can take that sure fine but there is no recourse for

Them this is it the Celtics our rights to be upset about this call this was an incorrect interpretation of the rule now the only thing that can happen is some level of discipline for James Williams which may be like this is a strike against you and you don’t get to

Co uh ref in the playoffs that that’s a possibility but that’s that’s about it that’s the only possibility that I can think of uh other than that I think we’ve just got to sit there and if the last two-minute report comes back and says yeah Celtics you were right

Congratulations you were right about this I think they’re right I do think they’re right and I do think Jaylen Brown has a right to be upset I do think Joe Missoula has a right to be upset and I think fans have a right to be upset because that could have won them the

Game now I’ll get into this third quarter what I usually say at this point is there when a game is this close you have plenty of opportunities to win the game somewhere else you should never let it come down to a referee’s call it still applies I’m going to talk about

That third quarter in just a second Today’s Show is brought to you by better help I know therapy is beneficial I’ve gone through therapy myself and I have found it to to help uh improve my life now whether you need to talk through some stressful moment may maybe

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Game the POR the foul on porzingis is is fine like I’m not gonna I’m not going to get too crazy about like oh you call it at that point of the game that like that’s fine I don’t mind that they called it at that point in the

Game whatever um if you get to that point if you need a referee’s call to go the right way there’s always a chance that this could have been won somewhere else and I do agree I do agree with the people who are saying hey John every

Team makes a run the Pacers made their run the Celtics answered it they deserve the the opportunity to close this game out and that’s true that’s fine I’m not saying that the referee’s call was insignificant it was significant but the Celtics still could have lost and and more than that after Tyrese

Halberton went down in the second quarter which I hope that that’s it really is just a hamstring strain and it’s a a couple weeks or three or four weeks at most I hope it’s not as significant as it looked um but we’ll have to wait and see

So he goes down in the second quarter he gets carried off it doesn’t look great the Celtics and the Pacers in the first half have been playing this back and forth Rocky style I throw a Haymaker you throw a haym maker both teams shooting around 50% both teams really just going

At one another it was an amazing first half I loved it now halberton goes down the Celtics make a run in the midst of all of that they take a lead the lead got up to I think as much as 11 uh the it settled at nine heading into halftime and it looked

Like the Celtics were about to take control and maybe the Celtics thought that they were about to take control because that’s they came out in the third quarter and they weren’t matching the speed the urgency that the Pacers were playing with TJ McConnell changed this game TJ McConnell won this game for

The Pacers I know that Ben Maan was the hot shooter and and he hit a bunch of shots but and and he certainly is onea when it comes to winning this game for the Pacers but really honestly uh TJ McConnell’s third quarter was the Difference Maker the Celtics didn’t

Match not only his production 13 points in oh not 13 points eight points in that third quarter plus 13 in the third quarter they didn’t match his energy they didn’t match his um hustle any of that they didn’t match him at all he set the tone for the Pacers in that in that

Um third quarter and the Celtics just didn’t have it they didn’t they they turn the ball over a bunch in the third and it it cost them that that’s where this game was lost now I I can sit there and be like hey no problem that the

Celtics gave up a 21-1 run in the third quarter that that’s fine all right honestly if the Celtics had just said at that point after 2110 gotten a stop and then played the third quarter even then fine but the Celtics didn’t they the 21-10 Run turned into a

44-33 overall third quarter they gave up 44 points now I know the Pacers score a lot of points and the Celtics were short-handed but still 44 points defensively the Celtics for all of the great defense that they played in the in the first game against uh the

Pacers this was less than less than Stellar they’re um they gave up that 44-point quarter they gave up quarters of 33 26 44 and 30 so 25 is your like you want it to be 25 or less and and Joe said after the game like look they we we

Didn’t give up a single 25o quarter that one quarter was in the second quarter was 26 in the third quarter they they give up the 11-point quarter and that’s the difference in the game they were up nine heading into halftime they lost the third quarter by 11 the fourth quarter was even so

If the Celtics had just found a way to and and I think part of this is on Missoula because I think maybe he’s stuck with the double big maybe he should have gone with maybe Horford should have sat for a little bit and you should have gone with brassette

Uh a little bit more get get another energy guy in there a smaller guy uh a wing to to get out there and defend maybe they they could have gone a little bit of a different route at the beginning and gone gone to Horford you know in the fourth quarter obviously but

I think in that stretch it was obvious that McConnell was the driver and the Celtics didn’t have a guy out there that could match it maybe they could have gone to Pritchard earlier they could have I think Pritchard and brassette would have been a good kind of answer to

That because it was obvious that the the Pacers were playing at a different speed they were in fifth gear the Celtics were kind of stuck in third and they could not they could not get a single stop it felt like in the third quarter the

Pacers shot 15 of 22 four of seven from three in the third quarter and they got to the line 10 times Boston shot 12 of 21 four of eight they shot well they they shot overall the Celtics this is a game where the Celtics normally win they shot

48.6% from three now Missoula might sit there and be like we shot almost 49% from three why didn’t we shoot more threes they shot 35 of them he’ll probably sit there and be like we should have shot 53 pointers in a game like this you know

Which may not be wrong in some senses because look they they took one less shot than the Pacers they shot 47 of 90 the Pacers made they took one more they made one more but they made two more three-pointers the Celtics so that’s plus six the Celtics were plus two at

The line and there’s got to be a a two-pointer in there somewhere the Celtics you know had chances they shot well they turned it over 15 times for 20 points but they forced 13 turn turnovers for 20 points so that was even Second Chance points was kind of even

The the um points in the paint were were Boston by eight uh the bench the bench scoring is is really the the the huge kind of difference in this game the the benches Boston’s bench scored 27 the Pacers bench scored 75 75 points in Off the Bench and that had something to do

With halberton but like also this that that was Maan that was McConnell that was healed that was that was everybody um they just got a bunch of Great Performances Off the Bench Celtics short-handed so it stands the reason that they got less than what they would normally get off the bench but

That’s that’s the difference in this game that third quarter the bench scoring the Celtics had their chances Jaylen Brown was awesome jayen let’s talk a little bit about jayen Brown uh when I come back Today’s Show brought to you by FanDuel our good friends at FanDuel they

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Host I got the Wednesday show with Jake Madison and I’m actually going to do the Wednesday show this week I had a couple of weeks because the Celtics were playing now I’m back and that’s going to be a fun show tomorrow on the lockdown NBA podcast go check it out wherever you

Found this podcast I kind of feel bad that it’s taking me this long long to talk about Jaylen brown but he had amazing game I mean he he played I would say most of this game almost perfectly Jaylen was awesome in the first quarter especially the

First half I I I couldn’t gush about him enough I was tweeting about it I was writing about it on Boston Sports Journal it should this should have been the Jaylen Brown kind of like appreciation podcast instead of everything that it became but Jaylen was I mean spectacular all the way around he

Did have five turnovers right okay um two of those were live ball two steals out of those one of them was a I think one of them was an offensive foul one was a travel one was 3 seconds one pass one pass flew out about something like that uh

Um and that’s important that’s important you know because at least the pass out of bounds or the three second call that kind of stuff it’s a dead ball they blow the whistle they you know give the ball to the other team yes but you get to go back and set your

Defense so it’s not great but it’s not the worst so I I’m actually this is not the same as some of jaylen’s other five turnover games so I thought I thought he was uh really good shot 17 of 26 three of four from three the three of five

From the line you know obviously you want to see him hit another one or both of those but and even though it was only two assists I’m telling you he he moved the ball really really well what else can I say about Jaylen BR he started off the season the way he

Started it off I was critical and now he’s he’s grown adapted evolved however you want to say it he’s figured it out he’s figured it out this is Jaylen Brown now his he had a great pass he he was hot down the stretch he had a great pass

To Chris thops porzingis who hit a three-pointer that felt like it might have been a dagger that might have been a turning point I can nitpick and say that the the play that he got fouled on which got reversed but was a foul that there was an wideopen pass to Derek

White I think in the film session he’ll look at that they’ll look at that now he took a shot that he could hit that little Baseline fade away it’s not he normally takes that head on but that’s a shot that he stepped he stepped into it

He rose up he got hit and he still got the shot off that should have been a foul but nitpicking the right play would have been to pass to Derek white I think it would have been an amazing story The Written Story the podcast if Jaylen had scored 40 points and his

Third assist which would have been misleading because I think he had many more plays where he got the hockey assist or potential assists that the shots were missed but if he had made that pass and Derek White had hit the shot and that’s how the Celtics won this game

Oh man what a great story that would have been unfortunately because we’re in a results based business that wasn’t there and the entire story changes and the entire story is being pissed about a fou call but he was right there on the cusp of an amazing finish to this game all that being

Said Jaylen is just is playing out of his mind he’s playing the best basketball of his life and it’s it’s starting to get to a point where like maybe we we’ve been waiting for all right when is this gonna stop when is is he going to uh revert back or

Anything like that it’s I think we’re I’m I’m getting past that I’m getting past that like I’m starting to like I kind of trust that this is the Jaylen Brown that we’re going to see moving forward and it’s it’s been a while and it’s there’s a reason to not trust it because

I’ve seen such a long history of it not being like this but I do think he’s finding the right pass I think he’s he’s making the right play this is just an evolution of Jaylen Brown and and I I believe it to be real I think it’s very

Real so I I can’t say any more about how great Jaylen Brown has been and he deserved to get that file call he deserved to get that and have a chance to go to the line and put this game away but it’s a loss uh Kristof porzingis was really good in this seven

Assists I probably should have spent more time talking about porzingis but it’s unfortunately um that’s the way it goes when you lose the storylines change but if anything they should have had more porzingis 13 13 shots was not enough porzingis uh if I have one complaint

About this game it’s it really is that porzingis didn’t get enough shots the 13 shots uh it was um I mean I don’t know where they would have come from Al only took five white and holiday took 16 uh you can argue that maybe Derek white shouldn’t

Have taken 16 but it’s only 16 shots uh maybe maybe the Celtics needed to find a way to get a few more shots maybe if they had protected the ball a little bit more and didn’t turn it over 15 times maybe five of those could have gone to

Porzingis and 18 shots would have been a different story again a little nitpicky but 19 points five rebounds seven assists for por for porzingis excuse me he uh some of the passes he made the back door cut to Holiday uh that was that was really

Great uh a couple of other passes he’s a tremendous passer they needed to run the offense through him a little bit more maybe maybe the it’s hard for me to say this because Jaylen dropped 40 and shot 65% uh maybe maybe a couple of those shots could have gone porzingis his way

And that that could have helped I don’t know however it went somebody somebody needed to give porzingis the ball a little bit more um I thought you know holiday had a really good game 21 points six assists six rebounds his game’s kind of getting forgotten in all of this but

He he played pretty well Derek white I thought played well too just didn’t make some shots four of 16 but he hit some shots late that were important and he also had six assists Celtics had 26 assists that’s that’s pretty good um they didn’t they didn’t hit their free

Throws they were 20 of 29 from the free throw line which I mentioned earlier a couple more of those it would have been a tie game at the very least uh but this is normally a game the Celtics would win they they when they look they outrebounded the Pacers they

Outshot the the Pacers uh from three they never lose when they shoot 48% 48 and a half percent but the Pacers went on a stretch that third quarter with McConnell and then they just got like super crazy stupid hot from three later in the game and that

That level of confidence that level of shop making was just too much for Boston to overcome again no Tatum no Sam Hower so that that’s meaningful that’s meaningful am I overly concerned about this loss no because they the third quarter was kind of crappy they they

Should have had more energy there uh but they came all the way back and they had a lead in the fourth quarter so if you’re leading in the fourth quarter uh that’s you can look at that and say you should probably try to hold on to that lead

Uh overall it’s just it’s tough it’s tough to lose it’s tough to beat a um a team like the Pacers at home they they caught fir in that third and the Celtics didn’t match it and that that’s basically where the whole thing fell apart I am interested in seeing how

That last two-minute report’s going to go that’s going to be a fun one uh I have a sneaking suspicion that the league will find a way to justify that call again I don’t think that the that rule was interpreted correctly I just don’t think it was interpreted correctly

And whatever that last two-minute report says I’m sorry I just I I just feel like that’s that’s wrong it’s wrong if you’re gonna say that you can hit somebody after touching the ball first doesn’t matter if they control if the offensive player controls the ball then great then if I’m a defensive

Player and every time I touch the ball first I’m throwing an elbow I’m just following through I’m going straight across the guys arms I’m going I touch the ball first challenge the league if the league says you touch the ball first and that’s it then every time you touch the ball

First just truck the guy and see see how that that rule stands up you can’t do that because it’s not true but either way tough loss for the Celtics tough tough upcoming stretch too now Minnesota at home Wednesday Milwaukee on the road Thursday Friday off then Saturday at home Houston

Emay you DOA back in town that’ll be fun I will be podcasting after all of it uh except Friday I get to take Friday off so uh 13 podcasts and 14 today stretch this level of podcast I cannot believe it’s free but it is you don’t have to

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The Celtics had the Pacers where they wanted them, up nine at the half. Tyrese Haliburton had suffered an injury, and it looked like Boston could go for a knockout in the third, but it was TJ McConnell who controlled things at that point, leading Indy to a monster quarter and, eventually, the win. John Karalis talks about Boston’s third quarter failure, Jaylen Brown’s monster night, and, yes, the officiating mistake that cost the Celtics two free throws with the game tied with 3.2 seconds to go.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

#BostonCeltics #Celtics #NBA #JaysonTatum #JaylenBrown


  1. While I agree with the sentiment that Boston could have, in theory, won the game in areas so that the call made no difference, I don't think you can just write it off and say it didn't cost them the game. By over turning the call, it took away the "win in regulation" possibility for the Celtics. All they could do is force OT, or lose. Eliminating a whole outcome with a bad call can't just be handwaved like that imo.

  2. We agree with you John……….. it wasn't the foul call that cost the game, and when the "foul" happened I said oh boy.. Jaylen probably won't hit both shots.. STILL it might not have cost us the win but it costs us another chance to win.. I think we all went to bed upset last night

  3. There has to be a way to fill a Protest after a game.. when the refs get things so wrong!!! in 2 plays in the last 3 seconds.. 🙁 THEY REALLY SUCKED! The Refs should be Fined! or put on Probation.. when a blue collar worker does something that costs money AKA a Loss.. They are put on probation.. GRRRRRRR SOB REFS .. I think the ref had money on FanDuel …. Yes The Refs DID Cost them The Game!!! grrrrrrrrrr

  4. I commented last video that I didn’t trust our bench players outside of Al and a lot of ppl said they disagreed but they haven’t been that good for a championship or bust season and we haven’t seen them in the playoffs yet when the defense is allowed to be more physical to trust them so idk what can be done but we have to do something bc injuries happen too

  5. Nothing pisses me off more about this team for the last couple of years is the FT misses.
    Like come on, its the same shot every time. WHY ARE YOU MISSING SO MANY FREE THROWS!!!!!???

  6. Probably the only time I've disagreed with john, but… whether you want to say it or not, the call IS the direct reason they lost the game. It doesn't matter if he misses, or hits the free throws, the pacers come down and hit a winning shot, because then we could say that's how they lost. But as it stands, they lost directly because the refs blew a call. Did they deserve to win? Ehhhh….yes. Terrible 3rd, but they played great down the stretch, and good overall. I think this is a rare case where John, you gotta stick up a little more for the players (namely Jaylen). No more bullshit about "he could have missed the free throws." It doesn't matter. Cheated is cheated, and they got cheated.

  7. Once JB accepts and internalizes that he owns the 1st and third quarters and JT the 2nd and 4th, that’s when this team elevates to an unbeatable stature. every time they both play well i’m always screaming “there’s two of them‼️‼️” because you simply cannot stop both of them in a single game. overall great game, the pacers had better energy in the 3rd and that happens but i loved our fourth quarter execution which has been the other big question mark and last but not least, TJ McConnell is a DAWG

  8. Celtics need to be better at making subs when the other team energy is high. Run and gun and make them work on defense. I feel alot of the celtics games are against the refs this year. First game was no difference but they got separation and it was not a factor. This game should have gone to overtime but refs decided to end it so they can get paid. The nba needs to investigate these refs with fbi. It's corruption😂

  9. A key factor was that the Pacers bench scored 75 points. There were occasions we needed to match the offensive outburst with an energetic player like Lamar Stevens and more Pritchard bench minutes.

  10. My biggest problem was the actual shot JB took… he was being doubled and someone was open for a shot. I get he was hot all game but gotta pass imo in that instance

  11. While I mostly agree with you John, the foul on JB was a reason we didn't win. They would have had no timeouts and running up the court in 3 seconds with no star is bound to get them a terrible shot. We shouldnt have been in that position and played better in the third but that foul call 100% was why we actually lost.
    Sure, JB could have missed both. Or they could have made a hero shot at the end of the game still. But if that goes through we more than likely are at least going to overtime.

  12. The Celtics were lax on defense compared to to their game on Saturday. The delta is roughly 25 points between the two games! Both were in regulation time!

    On a separate note, Mazzulla has to get his team to take more time to practice free throws. The C's are giving up way too many free points every game.

    I hope Haliburton is going to recover soon. That guy is good for the league. That was so painful to watch. I grimaced every time they showed the replay.😮

  13. Actually, Williams not being able to ref in the playoffs IS a pretty big deal. For what those guys earn overall, that's a HUGE chunk lost (about $9k per game).

  14. Jon, I love how listening to this podcast has changed my way of thinking. Old thought process: “That’s a foul! No fair, the refs stole the game!” New thought process: “That’s a foul and the refs made an inexcusable call, BUT we lost this game in many other ways. 1) KP can’t foul the shooter, simple as that, 2) defensive coverages weren’t working when we weren’t playing at 100%, 3) we got out hustled but that’s just what the Pacers do

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