@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks’ Griffin spoke after fourth loss in last five games

Bucks’ Griffin spoke after fourth loss in last five games

Down 33 in the first half just how disappointing was that first half effort well I think it’s just more the way that they were getting their uh points a lot of it was just uncontested threes were’re not into the body uh we were not physical enough with with their

Screening with our switches and um you know but at halftime I showed probably more clips than I usually show and you know just areas where we can you know respond you know sometimes as a coach you can come in and you know you can go uh Bonkers and but I also believe you

Got to you know show them the areas that we got to improve on and they responded I thought we had a really good second half again we we dug ourselves you know it’s two games in a row where we dug oursel in the hole but I’d like you know

We put some guys out there and in the second half and especially C some of our young guys and I thought we competed and we gave oursel a chance to get back in the game but you know we got to make our Corrections um it’s a long season you

Know we’ll get back in the drawing uh in the lab tomorrow and you know find ways that we can get better uh is there a trend line you see in these last two first halfs at all like the fact that you’ve come out to slow starts defensively or or low energy or whatever

You want to say uh no I think you know every game is different um again I thought tonight was just uh you know we just came back out and as as far as Personnel driven uh we you know the first play we gave Markin a a three we

Got a press up on him and you know it kind of went downhill from there so um but again I thought we made our Corrections in in the second half and uh I think rebounding in the first half was a issue you know the uh we couldn’t rebound for whatever reason you know

Long rebounds long threes we got to get to the elbows can’t Le leak out we also have to find a body you know we got to crack somebody and and then go pursu but I think the second half we only gave up I I may be wrong I I have to look go

Back and look at it but I think we only gave up one or two offensive rebounds in the in the second half so again you know uh it was a tell of two games or two halves you know and but I thought I love the way we kept fighting you know we

Could easily lost by 30 and and threw in the tower early but we kept fighting and it’s it’s something to grow on uh on the offensive end they’re obviously throwing a lot of help at Giannis and then on top of it with Andre on the floor like a

Non-shooter they threw even more how did you feel like you guys handled that or maybe got better as the game no every every game they’re going to double you know Giannis uh we just got to keep making plays and I thought Giannis always does a great job with the double

Teams you know he’s not going to be perfect you know over a 48 minute game they’re just you know it’s easy to look at um from the outside but every game he has multiple bodies uh in transition they load against them in in half court they load against them I’ve never had

That issue a lot of us never know will know what it’s like uh Yannis commands so much attention and you know there’s times where you know I feel like you know he gets uh beat up at times you know but he plays through it you know he’s he’s he’s incredible um but you

Know we got to help him and um I thought for the most part we we always handle it pretty well you know it’s not going to always fall and Dre is great like Dre his energy he’s on the glass you know he’s in a dunker um he spaced out he

Attacked the rim you know he he’s going to figure out he just needs more minutes out there you called on Chris Livingston in the third quarter what were you looking for from him and and what did you see once he got out on the floor

Well I thought this would be a game um that we can you know with uh Dame out there were and cam out there was a potential that we we can opportunity that we can play him and I wanted to see I like I’ve been intrigued with him with his size with

His athleticism has great feeli for the game and uh I thought he was tremendous throwing him in a game like that um man he play extremely hard he could defend he could rebound finish round the basket you know so you know hats off to our young guys I thought it really competed

Him and Dre they did a phenomenal job tonight after and AJ you know AJ came in uh we would have probably been down 40 without AJ in the first half he came in and hit a couple threes and and plays hard so um I like I like what our bench

Was able to bring tonight after they hit the 16 threes in the first half is it the adjustments just knowing the Personnel like you mentioned or or were there other things that you wanted to correct I just think we were a lot of it would we were close out short to certain

Shooters and then you know with our switching we we’re not aggressive with our switches enough and and you know they were just shooting behind our our our switches you know and that’s something we stress you know being physical pushing up switch under then switch out and be more aggressive espec especially with

Shooters but again I thought we made our adjustments in the second half um but you know we dug ourself in a hole but we we kept [Applause] fighting

Milwaukee Bucks head coach Adrian Griffin after the loss to the Jazz.


  1. I can’t stomach what’s gonna happen on Thursday with the Celtics. 💔💔 AG just go and Lopez you’re too fucking slow to stop any Fast wing player.

  2. Excuses don’t cover your failures. The last month the team is unwatchable, you loose hands down every game, and except Giannis and the rookies, everyone else is absolutely garbage

  3. This guy is holding AJ Greens career back.. He needs to play more he would replace grayson allen..

  4. I dnt wnna overreact, coz last season bucks wer number one and what happend? Its good he gave minutes to other players…we might find a gem

  5. This man has one of the worst offensive schemes I’ve seen we are standing around looking like let’s see what Gianas dose like and don’t get me stared on your defense it’s lazy and everyone is looking around like wtf cuz open lanes alll day and open 3s all day we just look at the ball getting shot fuck Man U gotta coach

  6. Dude why the hell is Griffin making excuses for the players!!?? There was NO EFFORT tonight, stop being so positive when it’s time to say it like it is Griffin!

  7. When Dame tells you he's out of his comfort zone and he's known to be a closer and doesn't have the ball in his hands in 4th That's on the coach.

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