@Brooklyn Nets

Do the Brooklyn Nets need to make some trades? | The Athletic NBA Show

Do the Brooklyn Nets need to make some trades? | The Athletic NBA Show

The Brooklyn Nets Brooklyn Nets are struggling I believe they’re three and 11 in their last 14 they violated the player participation policy over Spence tinty they’ve got some guys that they could move right like Dorian fny Smith nice guy to go get even Royce O’Neal

Wouldn’t be a bad guy to go get they got a lot of a lot of options there a lot of players they could move on a scale of one to five Jay where are you with the Nets I I I’m like a two they’re not good they’re not terrible I never expected terrible

Yeah they they need more maybe they need less I don’t I don’t know what direction they need more maybe they need they need less what does that even mean I just I just mean maybe maybe they tear it down maybe they tear it down this is a tear

Down this is a tear down it’s got what down no but I’m just saying like they need to start moving they need to start moving like kale is Untouchable to them I think for them I think he’s the only guy off limits right I think they’ve got

Some valuable pieces Claxton I think a lot of teams would like to have a guy like Claxton like cam Johnson Roy O’Neal Dorian Smith yeah good pieces that teams would like to have right like the other week we were talking about uh OKC somebody bringing a OKC we I was

Thinking maybe Claxton could be I think pH like would be cool to see come off the bench behind Chad a guy like Claxton he can play this speed they want he’s long and athletic like they’ve got valuable pieces that teams that want to win championships would like to have Roy

O’Neal plays good def three in D guy like can you know can be a a good piece on a championship team same with Cam Johnson same with Dorian Finn Smith like these are all guys who have Smith dog man like they have market value they’re not Stars only have a Supporting Cast

Like they have greatting cast and that’s it because every time they get Stars they’re either too old or they decide they want to leave like that’s say like like I think that teams that want to win the champion like are like on the cusp there that are trying to make a good St

Are looking at the Nets thinking there’s a team we can talk to about bringing there’s certain players on that team who can help give us that little extra that’s going to take us to the next level yeah I’m I I’m with like I think I’m a two like Jay yeah uh because I

Don’t they’re not supposed to be good this year I’m actually surprised they’ve been so good offensively and so bad defensively like to me that’s the the weirdest part of every like they’ve got Dorian FY Smith they got Royce O’Neal they got M Bridges they got Nick Clon

Like they’ve got a bunch they’ve got a bunch of defensive players they do sure but like you it’s hard to be good on defense when you play that small even if you have good Defenders but not that bad defensively and I also just don’t I it’s I mean I guess it’s regressed a

Little bit during these last couple of weeks but like that good offensively I just didn’t see coming you know like I just didn’t think this was a team that could flirt with like top 10 in offensive rating at all I thought they’ be a great defensive team that couldn’t

Score uh or couldn’t score consistently um but yeah like this is a team like you just lost Kyrie and KD and Harden over the last like year and a half you’re not supposed to be good I would move a couple of pces but I don’t yeah ke mcale

I’d keep Claxton I like him a lot everyone else like I’d even like I’d dangle like cam Johnson out there and see what you can get yeah I think I think I would I think winning teams would love to have Cam absolutely long shoot the ball plays hard longm yeah yes

He’s a perfect like seventh man sixth seventh man coming off the bench like he and this yeah I I would love to see cam on like a contender

The Athletic NBA Show discuss the Brooklyn Nets’ future.

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