@San Antonio Spurs

Jeremy Sochan Just MADE US A PROMISE!

Jeremy Sochan Just MADE US A PROMISE!

Right so our boy soan has something to say to the haters he uh he’s letting you know it’s going to be all right I want Some are we having fun yet I love the optimism so this won’t be a long video uh let’s let’s just take a we’re just going to dive straight into what Jeremy Sohan had to say okay uh you guys know about the merch you know all that good stuff just leave a comment uh

Under underneath this video just say uh uh soan the Destroyer I know I never liked that name but you can do it just put in soan the Destroyer all right uh that helped the algorithm for me so look take take a look at this so uh big shout

Out to Bala here uh say we are seated so this is what Jeremy soan had to put on his Instagram uh uh story The Tide will turn very simple very sweet short and sweet to the point and he’s probably basing this off of I mean our record I

Not our record our schedule coming up too I mean it should turn I hope the ties turn uh but what I really want to talk about for this video is that play okay we all we all know what play I’m talking about the play I’m going to try

My best not to be copyrighted here thank thank thank God for slow motion all right let’s go ahead and bring this up so as you guys know he has been thrown under the ringer continuously okay people have talked so much trash about Jeremy soan now let me get this

Out the way all right cuz there’s a lot of people that get upset with me cuz they’re like you’re a Jeremy soan Homer and it’s like no I genuinely think he’s a good player as far as his Personality yeah he’s the type of guy that I want

Him to play for us and I would probably hate him if he was on another team uh yeah Pat Bev guys like that it is what it is right but I genuinely do like him as a player and I feel as if a lot of people aren’t watching the full games I

Feel like people just strip away any context you have and there’s these clips of soan that gets circled around Twitter at nauseum all the freaking time all the time and it’s from people that hate Sohan which I understand people outside of the San Antonio spars fan base that

Hate him I get it you probably should hate him he wants you to hate him yeah yeah you should hate him all right he’s a jerk he’s awful uh he he will he will mess with your favorite player for no reason okay he does this he does this

All the time he will troll you on Twitter he wants that type of energy I get it all right I get hating Jeremy soan me personally I love him but I love him because he plays for the Spurs and when I watch him play um even on the

Court I do think that his game is is is warranted to some type of compliment something but I don’t know it’s just this really weird sentiment going around where it’s just cool to hate uh Jeremy soan and because people already dislike him then they go ahead and strip away

Any context now with that being said this is what I wanted to show uh so this play in particular so this is this is this is my own thoughts on this play okay I feel as if everyone made the right play I know I know I know that’s

Crazy I know that that’s that’s just that’s just uncalled for if you’d even say that Clan like that that’s wild that you think oh my good you’re such a homer no I actually do think that everyone made the right play so you can see here

Wimy got the ball a little late he has the mismatch could he go ahead and go up right here he could but at the same time you have Jared Allen uh lurking so wimy makes a really good play and he passes it over to soan now right here this is

Where I get irritated because there’s a lot of people taking this and saying oh he just pulled a Ben Simmons he had a wide open layup for a millisecond unless he can just teleport uh yeah he doesn’t because as you can see here as soon as

He makes his step which this would have been the move to do the layup Allen is already in position to block that shot so he makes the right play as you can see basically a triple team here he passes over to Kin now ideally you know

In a perfect world he could do a bounce pass maybe even between Allen’s legs I’m just kidding uh but a bounce pass or dump off to wimy right here but it’s it’s a it’s a tough uh move to make uh nonetheless and with experience I think

He’ll be able to do it but the right play in this situation because you know Allen does have length though maybe he could have deflected that is to pass it over to Kellin now this where his where he’s angled right now is a really tough pass the problem that happened here was

Kellin Johnson he stayed at the wing the entire time when in actuality he should have been moving to the open space continuously to this corner to make the pass as easy as humanly possible soan he tries to make the play and it’s a very hard play to

Make now I think it’s a bad pass sure it is and I think Kellin didn’t move over where he could have now also I also think which I can believe this too I think he could have made the catch but he did zipped that thing I mean he

Zipped that thing it’s low it it’s a really tough pass to make and it’s a really tough uh pass to catch so it is what it is and that’s what resulted in this play but I don’t think anybody and that’s what really frustrates me about this whole thing cuz it’s cool to hate

On soan like I saw people just saying anything soan should have made shouldn’t have made the cut here like what he should have just stayed in the corner also soan can’t shoot I’ve been seeing that like the same person will say the same thing the same sentence uh and he

Took the ball and he made the right read this is the right read this is the correct read it’s a wide openen or should be a wide openen uh three-point shot but at the same time he also could have made the pass to wimy but would have been a tough pass to make

Nonetheless so either way uh I don’t think that it was a bad play I just think that it’s going to come with experience and this is just a mistake okay and everyone makes uh uh certain mistakes especially when you’re a freaking sophomore uh in in basketball

It’s okay it’s not a big deal I just want to bring this up because you will if you’re not on Twitter you have no idea what I’m talking about but just just take my word for it it has been exhausting when it comes to the Jeremy soan hate people will just justify

Anything because because they hate him or because they dislike him if your ey test is telling you that Jeremy soan is a bad player or he’s trash I just don’t know if we’re watching the same games I’ll be completely real now if you’re basing it off of stats which he’s never

Going to be a stat sheet stuffer okay um even though his stats are very similar to a 23-year-old Draymond Green even a 24y old Draymond Green he’s never going to be somebody that just Stacks uh uh uh the stack the stat sheet he’s he’s not going to be that type of player

Um but if you’re just taking one play or two plays out of a 48-minute game and you see it on Twitter and it’s trending and your thought is wow sohan’s been really bad I don’t know what to say to you okay in this same game his defense

Was phenomenal on uh your boy Donovan Mitchell I think while soan was guarding him he only made one of the one of five he went one for five from three I mean his percentages were terrible uh so he kept him far under his average it was really impressive uh his his his showing

Was really impressive if you go back to when he guarded LeBron he was impressive if you go and you look at his Advanced metrics nothing to scoff fed at all uh as far as his you want to talk about hustle plays two-point contest he’s right there with Paul George uh as far

As uh field I think his defensive field goal percentage he’s 2% under kawh Leonard which is also pretty impressive from the fact that Jeremy soan at his size he has the worst matchups most difficult matchups uh among guards so it’s going to be it’s really hard for

Him in every single night in the entire NBA he has the toughest matchups uh when when it comes to guard and I’m not just saying that it’s not me just giving you my opinion that that’s been factually proven uh he he has the most difficulty or difficult uh assignments uh night in

And night out sorry that I’m stumbling on my words really sleepy really tired uh long day but it’s just really frustrating that that people just instantly uh just assume that he’s just bad just because you saw a few Clips okay uh so this was this was bad it was

A bad pass but at the same time a lot of bad things happened in this play so anyways I’ll give with you guys later man all not a lot of bad things but a few bad things but give with you guys later uh that’s all I had to say let me

Know what you think in the comments till next time Bye oh


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  1. I saw this on his insta yesterday evening. screw the casual spurs fans and the fire pop idiots! they're ALL CLOWNS!

  2. Sochan's right. The Spurs are getting better and the schedule's getting easier.

    Anyone that says that Sochan's a bad basketball player doesn't watch the games, or don't know what they're watching.

  3. I am tired of the Sochan slander, he balls out, he’s young and makes mistakes. Keldon makes em, Devin makes em, and Victor makes em, and none of them get even remotely the same amount of hate that Jeremy gets.

    It’s infuriating because he’s being penalized for the Sochan Experiment which is bullshit because he did that for the team, he did what was asked of him, he was asked to do something that he has never done. Then the narrative that he hates Victor and is jealous of him, which we’ve seen NO evidence of outside of him not seeing him in passing lanes(not to mention how much he’s improved in finding Vic). Tired of these impatient fans this season.

  4. I don't hate Jeremy, I just get frustrated with some things that he does or doesn't do. Honestly, he's not ready yet.

  5. Bro, you're wrong on this call… I agree that Sochan is not a bad player, but he doesn't always make the right play or read… Sochan should have never been on the ground when receiving the pass from wymby… he should have been in the air ready for an ally… I would like to think that over time, the players will recognize that if Wymby looks like he's getting doubled, it's an opportunity for an easy ally.

  6. Yeah Sochan is frustrating, but the hate on him is too much, hes still a really young 20yo player (bro is younger than rookies Chet and Jaime Jaquez) And tbf the fault is more on Keldon than Jeremy

  7. a pop shot floater from Jeremy would have been the right play. his immediate reaction was to try and put the ball on the floor. That was a horrible decision.

  8. I like Sochan when he is playing at his natural spot. Trying to squeeze him in as a point was rough. But I will say it does seem like his basketball IQ improved while he was playing point. Now back at his spot he looks even better.

  9. I know the play was not scripted or called, but this is a good old fasioned hook and ladder. Throw the ball high, reciever catches it drawing all the attention, he then dumps the ball off to a wide open man. Jeremy was wide open, it would have taken Lavert a step and a half to even be in the play. a floater right there as soon as he catches the ball would have been wide open.

  10. To me Sochan should have gone for the dunk. People tell me Allen would have blocked it, I don't agree. I think Jeremy at least gets the two free throws, maybe the And 1, and most probably Allen couldn't prevent the dunk. All these situations are better than what ultimately happened because we at least gave ourselves a chance. Now I also get it, Sochan might now be in the best mindset these days and that may be why he opted for the pass, I'm not hating on it.
    But let's all agree this play is extremely frustrating for everyone.

  11. That’s the problem clan people don’t watch the games they look at Stats and 10 seconds and think they know what they’re talking about. If a player don’t can’t score 25-30 or shoot a 3 now a days yall these “fans” think you duck as a player like that’s the only part of basketball when it’s not.

  12. The play wasn’t written up for keldon to get the ball back they weren’t going for three they were going for a simple layup to win the game in overtime, panic pass to keldon who was never expecting the ball and because his low IQ he didn’t know how to slice the defenders he drew the attention but didn’t pass the ball back he’ll learn hopefully but right now he’s still struggling in his development and it’s showing. I understand you love love the man but cmon dude know a little bit about basketball if you’re gonna talk about it…

  13. I see that Atlanta is going to shop Murray around the league and see what they can get for him. Some people have been saying that the Knicks have been interested in a trade for him. I just read that the Spurs are too. If the Spurs can work out a trade and get DJ back – then they will start to win again…

  14. Sochan and Keldon and 1 first round pick for Dejounte
    >Inb4 theyre our "future"
    Those boys arent our future. Vassell and Wemby are..everyone else are disposable g leaguers. Sochan and Keldon gotta go away. Only thing we'd be losing is a first rounder

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