@Minnesota Timberwolves

Do you agree?

Saw this on another team’s sub

by weesescups


  1. He’s far and away been the most disappointing. I’ve been disappointed by some of the little things from KAT, Ant, and Jaden but Kyle’s been almost unplayable for us.

  2. supercoolisaac

    It’s not even really the 3pt shooting for me, he’s just been missing 2 foot bunnies in the lane almost inexplicably all season. I havent looked at the stats so maybe that’s not even true but it’s how I feel when I watch him this year. Last season he felt automatic in the paint.

  3. GodILoveBeinATurtle

    Let’s play “count the former timberwolves”, Jeesusss

  4. pm_me_ur_tigols

    Did the Lakers think Vando would develop a jumper of something lol

  5. SHaMRecKs

    he was one of my favorite players on the team, and now I groan whenever he gets subbed in

  6. FishGoldenLite

    He shouldn’t have that high of expectations in the first place. He’s been disappointing but Jaden is more disappointing compared to his potential. If he scores like he did in Houston we will be unstoppable but his offense has regressed to the point it’s actively hurting us.

  7. DEM0NW0MB

    Wiggins should be on the wolves list instead of the warriors. They knew what they were getting.

    Current year or not.

  8. Therealrickyrubio

    Surprised no one has said Shake. Its him for me. I expected a solid rotation player and now he is getting DNP-CD. Wild.

  9. jus_build


    Jaden is close and he may surpass Kyle if he doesn’t get better as the season goes on. But, I think the rocky start to the season with the injuries is still impacting his game. I think a more aggressive Jaden on offense, which we saw in Houston, needs to be a part of the mix.

  10. Andy_Wiggins

    Shake Milton is a candidate as well. The coaching staff talked him up as an 8th or 9th man, but he’s been legitimately unplayable. The team is missing a scorer off the bench, and that was supposed to be his role.

    I feel like no one else mentioning him is a sign of just how disappointing he’s been: he’s literally been forgotten about because he was so bad he was out of the rotation.

  11. twinberkings

    The real question is if any other team can claim 5 current or former players on this list?

  12. Teespin420

    Based on expectations, Jaden has been more disappointing

  13. dfrank129

    Big amount of buddy haters among pacers fans but also a lot of supporters. Things are milder with Bruce brown, but almost universally negative/disappointed. So should be brown

    Edit: Also just now realizing this isn’t r/NBA, lol it just showed up on my feed and I responded.

  14. It’s Shake for sure. He’s not even in the rotation

  15. pollinium

    Lottsssss of huge contracts on this list. I don’t mind KA being our disappointment less than half way through the season

  16. frederick_the_duck

    It’s Slomo. Unfortunately, I think the cause is his eye injury. Just got unlucky. It’s out of his control. I really want him to retool his shot and get it back, but I’m not keeping my hopes up.

  17. americand0lphinMPLS

    Kyle is still a plus player. This is a wild choice.

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