@Phoenix Suns

Kevin Durant Reacts To Suns 138-111 Loss To The Clippers. HoopJab NBA

Kevin Durant Reacts To Suns 138-111 Loss To The Clippers. HoopJab NBA

Coach is talked about the Clippers and just the challenges of Defending and what was the the main thing tonight you feel like you guys just weren’t able to to do the slow them down yeah I mean they got they got some great scores over there great penetrators guys that can create for

Others as well um they got a good bench you know you got Russ coming off playing well nor power playing good ball so they make shots you know it’s a makeer Miss Lead they they’ve been shooting the ball well from the three U we finally got more three-point attempts up than our team

More three-point attempts up than our opponent but they just made more tonight they had a clicking curious just you know at one point I think it was in the fourth quarter I think it was four straight turnover I think you guys were down seven how huge was that stretch

There where you guys could have got it could have got it even closer yeah man that’s huge you can’t you can’t it’s tough to overcome those and especially on the road home crowd gets into it guys get out in Fast Break get easy points they get more

Confident um and that usually turns the game for you curious obviously it’s just six games and coach said you know the Clippers are further along with their cohesion than than you guys but how are you feeling just about the whole idea of that part of this team right now trying

To find that cohesion yeah we just keep grinding man that’s all I’m about come back to work the next day keep figuring it out Kevin uh I know Logistics probably played a role and how the fourth quarter went how how the game went at the end

But I know the fourth quarter has have been a real challenge for this team even though first three quarters you guys can overwhelmed teams like what was a challenge tonight specifically and in general what do you feel like has been an issue for this team late games yeah I

Think we started off the quarter well and then they went on a a little flurry there to just kind of we was already down going into the fourth so we cut it to seven and they got momentum and they went on the flurry and went up 15 16

It’s hard to overcome that so I think that’s what’s been happening we just have a bad two-minute stretch of basketball and that to turn the game sometimes for us we’ll be playing well and then you know a couple turnovers here and there miss shots and just problems compound themselves and just

Make for a bigger lead um and you know you try to take some positives from every game negatives from every game to watch it get better from we continue to keep watching and keep getting better keep putting in that work you know every day for us to be a better

Team moving forward what I’ve watched a lot of your games this year and uh you mentioned turnovers tonight like is there’s something in the fourth quarter where the ball just doesn’t move the same um the game gets harder for you specifically in those fourth quarters yeah I feel like sometimes we can

Simplify our attack a little bit more you know and you know just play to our strengths as individuals you know I think our game has been uh when we had some solid four quarters it was us driving Closeouts coming down making quick decisions uh getting into our offense a little

Earlier in the shot clock stuff like that so we got to lean on that type of stuff we play a little bit faster but under control in the forth um you know it start to turn forward like like I said we had some spurts a solid playing

Them for but we definitely have to be better Kev you said that before about starting the offense um earlier is that a matter of just having that mindset the whole time cuz sometime maybe you the team may fall in the laps where okay we just bring it up and and then get into

Something yeah I mean you got to get the other teams credit to a lot of times they scheming for us um coming into the games and a lot of pressure a lot of denials a lot of top block stuff that you know trying not to let us catch the

Ball cuz they know if they let us play freely then we can go off and score a lot of points so um we getting almost playoff like physicality and coverages sometimes when we play um and that’s something you just got to work through and keep grinding through and trying to

Figure out watch lot of film and trying to figure out the space in and what guys would be effect of that um and quite frankly we just haven’t put it all together but I feel like we moving in the right direction Kevin you’ve you keep talking about grinding your

Experience in this league about how long the seasons are do you talk to your teammates about that n they’re all Pros in here we got multiple guys that been in league for five plus years so if I got to tell them what’s coming next um I don’t think I should have to

Tell them what’s coming or what The Season’s about I think everybody here is experienced to enough to know what a flow of a season looks like and um you know we trust guys just come to work no matter how you feel no matter what happens what’s on your mind you still

Got to get up and go to work that that holds true for everybody in here so I think that’s the approach you have as as individual players that regardless of what happens we still got to go in there and be the best we can be every day you

Got a lot of experience playing on teams with multiple Stars though maybe maybe that’s an advantage that you have I mean should be a lot of these guys play with great players too you know you got ner play with Damen Lillard CJ mcum like they play with players that can score

The basketball and create for themselves as well so I don’t think it’s nothing new um you know I think you it’s basketball at the end of the day I think a lot of guys here got high IQ with the game and understand the game at a

Different level so we just like I said we keep putting that work in every day and and as players we got to come out there with more of a sense of urgency knowing that all right we just got to be better and I think we will Kevin um go

Ahead go ahead all kind of talking about like the league in it in its totality you know unfortunately hearing about like John Mor and his injury I feel like you handled your injury really well mentally is there any like advice that you would give some stars like that um

Regard yeah I don’t give too much advice now sure everybody’s giving J advice over the last year or so um and he’s been through injuries before uh and I’m sure this is probably his first tough one I think that’s a six month recovery or but for the most part just keep your

Mind straight keep your support system tight and like I’ve been saying it’s like regardless of how you feel days I didn’t want to come into the gym days where I you was feeling sorry for myself and didn’t believe in myself but you still got to go to work and get the

Rehab in get better you know so I think the J has a great mentality he’s been working hard his whole life to get where he is so he’ll bounce back Kevin I don’t know if you saw with Draymond talked about the comment that you made and basically was like he reflected and said

You know he took a positive from off about what I said initially and then he thought about it and found find the positive in it well you got to look at it from my perspective like before I had made those comments they saying draymond’s going to therapy and

Like what I’m supposed to think they say somebody going to therapy I’m hope he get better from that and hope he learn from whatever he feel like he needs to learn from going to therapy so that’s all I heard I’m glad he’s back I’m glad he can move past that Draymond is a

Incredible teammate he got his times where he lose his temper but everybody has those times and I’m sure they all Wonder all happy to have them back but I didn’t mean no ill will by what I said I know sometime some people look at me as this malicious

Snake passive aggressive like I I know how people feel about me sometimes so when I say I don’t mean no harm by nobody I don’t mean to disrespect him or his family if he felt that way I’m just glad he back on the court I think you

Reflected on it and solv yeah I just seen the I just seen the headline and I ain’t really look at the whole thing I ain’t want to I a I mean I’m just glad he’s back I’m glad he’s able to to talk about his situation and move forward from it and

Get back to playing and and finishing out his Hall of Fame career Kevin not sure how you and James’s uh 10e ended relationship ended but you guys still have a good relationship despite kind of how everything ended up with Brooklin yeah yeah I mean no doubt that

I was pissed about the situation I’m sure he was pissed about having to move with teams again but when the Smoke Clear you realize somebody that you came into the league with somebody I really really love as a brother I want the best for him as an

Individual I want him to play bad when we play against him but for the most part I want them I want what’s best for him and his family going forward and as much as it affected our team I just still had to look past that and and just move forward and realize we

Still had some solid moments together and I wish just wish for the best for everybody in that situation given the run that you Russ and James had together Inc a night like tonight special any more special no I ain’t no more I always always I’m competing against these guys

On other teams for the last 10 years it felt like you know so it’s past that point of being like special seeing these guys again it’s just another opponent we got respect for each other we never going to forget um those moments we Shar coming into the league because I feel like a

Lot of teams and a lot of franchises and sports looked at that young team and and and that’s something to emulate you know three guys that uh four or five guys I’m sorry young players that didn’t care about them being young just went out there and played the hardest that they

Can and has success so um it was a special time for me I don’t know how everybody else feels about that time but it was a special special time that I always pulled back from I always love playing with those guys so it’s good to see them have some success and still

Being in the league at 16 15 17 years in the league that’s always fun to see thanks thank you sir anybody else in here h no n in here let’s get ready for hoop Jab

Phoenix Suns superstar forward Kevin Durant speaks to the media following the Suns 138-111 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers. Durant finished the game with 30 points, & 7 rebounds.


  1. lol when KD said he loves James like a brother and wants the best for him as a individual but immediately followed up with but I want him to play bad when I play against him. Competitive good dude.

  2. KD plays best as a 3 stop trying to make him a PF. Suns are wayyy to small and defense is atrocious.

  3. Poor lebron & KD.They both are playing amazing basketball but there teammates are bringing nothing 2 the table🕎🙏🏾

  4. Durant bro if i were you. those mid range pull up shot is deadly bro. You could carry your team but you keep holding out. BRO BRING IT ON .

  5. Poor KD,he actually played well. It's just too bad he n his teammates met a team band on redemption 😢

  6. They fought close but not enough and clashed on the 4th qtr. Beal has to be more efficient, and Booker has been looking shit. Only Durant played well. I don't like Beal on this team.

  7. Poor KD that’s ridiculous. They lost a game on January 8th. Big deal there are about 45 games left. There will be wins and losses through it all.

  8. The suns trade always there best defender in bridges an all their depth for kd. An then when the lose it’s bcoz he doesnt have help . He was suppose to be the help, he was suppose to put them over the top

  9. dont feel bad, the Clippers are on a whole different level right now. they WAX the shit out of the Pels calling them babies the other day trying to play against grown men.

  10. I love KD's answers kept it simple and was being real, but I don't feel bad for what he's going through. He's playing with some great players imagine how Bron feels when he was playing alone when he had to face those Warriors with KD on that team, and just him by himself

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