@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks Top 3 NBA Trade Names Not Named Pascal Siakam or Jerami Grant Mavs Should Trade For

Mavericks Top 3 NBA Trade Names Not Named Pascal Siakam or Jerami Grant Mavs Should Trade For

Hey what’s up Mass fans Kevin gray Mavericks pre and post game host on 971 the freak appreciate you joining me here on my YouTube channel at kevinr sports be sure to subscribe and download to the official Mavericks podcast of 971 the freak inside the Mavs as I bring you the

Latest inside news and coverage on your Dallas Mavericks along with Grant ath make sure you give the podcast a fstar rating and also write a review for it for inside the Mavs you can download the podcast wherever you get your podcast for free on iHeart radio Apple podcast

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To Kevin gry Sports here talking all things Mavericks basketball we’re less than a month away from the NBA trade deadline as the NBA trading deadline is on February the 8th and things are starting to heat up when it comes to conversation around your Dallas Mavericks what will the Mavs do to try

And improve on a roster that right now is seven games above 500 playing pretty well at home right now doing some really nice things what’s up Kyrie Irving Luca Don doing their thing on a night to night basis especially since Kyrie Irving has returned from his heel contusion the question is can this

Mavericks team continue to get healthy as they move toward that February 8th trade deadline and what does it look like for them from a moves perspective do they potentially move on from someone like Tim Hardway Jr who’s been playing at a Sixth Man of the Year type of level

Do you part with young assets like Josh green or jayton Hardy to try and improve your roster to make a run toward the top four of the Western Conference all those questions will remain to be answered over the next few weeks but we are getting some information from sham

Shiria of the athletic who was on run it back on FanDuel TV talking about the idea that the Mavericks have done and looked into the likes of Pascal SE yakum for the Toronto Raptors and Jeremy Grant from the Portland Trailblazers which Sania going on to say that the Mavericks

Will look to try and upgrade their power forward position by the time we get to the end of the NBA trade deadline which is interesting because we thought coming into the year one of the Acquisitions that the mavi were able to make was a guy in Grant Williams someone who could

Play and guard multiple positions on the floor while being a knockdown three-point shooter so far it’s been an uneven year for Grant Williams coming over from the Boston Celtics while there is still time for him to continue to improve you saw how much better he played against the Minnesota

Timberwolves in their statement when on what was Sunday night the idea is though you may need to find another level and another gear at the power for four position with guys like Pascal SE yakum and Jeremy Grant is interesting we’ll start with sakam because of course he’s

In the final year of his max contract a deal fell apart between the rafters and the Kings because seaka said hey reportedly I’m not signing there in Sacramento which killed the deal the question will be what team will Pascal SE yakum commit to in order to make it

Worth it to trade whatever assets you have to give up in order to get him if you’re going to be a team Dallas that trades for Pascal seak you need to have assurances that he’s going to sign with you during this offseason to make it

Worth your while to trade for him at 29 years of age he still provides a lot of scoring and on the defensive end can help you you look at so far through 36 games this season he’s got a defensive rating of 11 14.8 he’s a plus nearly two

In net rating every single night we know what kind of score he is at averaging over 22 points per game shooting over 52% from the field so you’re going to get a lot from him in terms of Versatility especially on the offensive end and he’s not going to necessarily

Hurt you in 35 minutes a night playing on the defensive end so the question will be what can you give up or potentially give up to get him him I don’t know if the price will be worth it for the Mavericks sham shiran is saying in his reporting that the price for

Pascal SE yakum and Jeremy Grant may be too steep for the Mavericks which I’m sure Mavericks fans are not trying to hear especially now with the new ownership group and the adelon family and all the money that they’ve got running around in Mark Cuban still running the day-to-day operations on

What a team could look like under that kind of ownership is willing reportedly to spend money the question will be how do you handle luxury tax and all of those things moving forward there but that is something that has to be answered as time goes on but SE yakum

And Jeremy Grant as you look at Jeremy Grant for the Portland Blazers has played well look at what he’s been doing so far this year and more importantly a guy that’s got a lot of confidence especially having been a member of Team USA Grant averaging 22 points per game

So far this year also 29 years of age interesting with him is he’s already on a monster contract after the Portland chill Blazers thought that they would be able to not only have Grant but Damen Lillard moving forward as far as their future was concerned Damen Lillard said

Nope I’m ready to go ready to get out of here he gets moved on to the Milwaukee Bucks leaving Grant there who threw 31 games so far this year playing over 34 minutes tonight averaging nearly 22 points per game while shooting 42% from three on nearly six attempts per game so

Again a volume three-point shooter knocking down shots downtown wise over 40% from the year and yes while he’s been scoring the ball well defensively hasn’t been great he’s got a 116 16.9 defensive rating in overall a net rating of nearly negative 10 every single night so maybe a change of scenery for him

Could provide the kind of motivation for him to get back to the kind of Defender that he is especially for Jason kid and this defense a high score that can defend in multiple positions but may need some motivation given the fact that Portland right now is not in a position

To compete anytime soon with the youth movement that they’re on Jeremy Grant isn’t necessarily fitting the timeline and it’ll be interesting to see what Portland does by the time we get to February 8th if they feel like moving on from Jeremy Grant will help them recoup some assets

To be able to move toward a better future while building around guys like Anthony Simon scoot Henderson DeAndre Aon who was there as well so those are the two names that sham chirania has thrown out there and I’ve seen some of the names that y’all have thrown out

There and it’s interesting because you look at some of the names that are being considered a PJ Washington from Charlotte a Kyle kosma in Washington where he’s just getting a bunch of cardio it feels like every single night against worst player right now plus minus wise in the

N in Jordan pool and also there’s a known commodity by the name of Dorian finny Smith which I’ll get to here in just a moment but ultimately this conversation that we’re having today is very interesting because now you look at a team in the Mavericks who are playing

As well as they are but questions still remain about what their ceiling can be around Luca dones and Kyrie Irving even with the success of Derek Jones Jr and Don a who was trying to get back from his own heel contusion and the fact that the Mavericks still need to upgrade the

Power forward position to get some more size scoring and length there to help on the defensive end where you look at the Mavericks over the last couple of weeks this is a top six team in the NBA in terms of defensive rating this is a team that’s getting AED on the defensive end

By getting steals getting deflections and causing Havoc for opposing offenses so from a roster standpoint there are some things that you have liked so far that have surprised you based on what you’ve gotten from Derek livley II who’s been a really nice Rim Runner shot protector and a guy that’s providing

Them size and length in the middle while also getting some really good perimeter defense from the likes of Dante exam and Derrik Jones Jr and yes of course You’ got Luke and Kyrie doing the thing offensively and even Luca donic in this case playing much better on the

Defensive end so you’re looking for another piece to be able to complement those two and maybe complete what could be a possible big three to provide another scoring threat especially from downtown but also defend multiple positions on the defensive end so let’s look at some of the names that y’all

Have talked about that we go over here today and I’ll start in our nation’s capital with Kyle kozman you look at his numbers so far this year averaging nearly 23 points per game that’s pretty good shooting 35% from three on nearly seven attempts per game and getting six

Rebounds the question becomes what does he do on the defensive end because while yes shooting a decent percentage from three getting buckets on a night toight basis on a bad Washington team he’s got a defensive rating of 124.14 point2 so Allah Christian Wood the way that he was scoring on one end

He’s gonna give it all back up on the other end and again maybe for him though a change of scenery will be good to provide him opportunity around high level talent and better coaching that will allow him a better chance to be able to flourish defensively we know

What he was in Los Angeles playing with LeBron James and some of those things that happened there but Kyle kosman would definitely need a change of scenery and a much better motivation on defense if you feel like he could be a guy that could help you question would

Be what do you need to give up in order to get him I know I’m asking a lot of questions I know I’ve probably said that a few times more than what you’ve liked but that’s where we are lots of questions around the trade deadline for this Mavericks team then I go to

Charlotte with PJ Washington who of course Mavericks fans had an affinity with throughout the course of the summer maybe being a name that could be a lowlevel signing or excuse me low price signing that could help come in and help this Mavericks team and much like Kyle

Kosma PJ Washington might need a change of scener too let’s look at what he’s been doing so far in Charlotte this year again not a great basketball team so far this season PJ Washington shooting a career low 42% on 11 attempts per game shooting a career low 31% from three are

Nearly six attempts per game so far this year and my man’s got a defensive rating of 121.4 and a net rating overall of negative -10.6 while giving you five rebounds per game so a guy who’s not shooting the ball well from three not shooting the

Ball well on 11 attempts per game and a guy who so far this year isn’t giving you much on on defense either a guy playing alongside guys like Terry roier and others you would think for PJ Washington out of Kentucky he could utilize another set of circumstances

Around Luca donic and Kyrie Irving and you may not have to give up much in order to get PJ Washington which may be the attractive part of acquiring him is that you maybe not have to give up a lot in order in terms of assets significant

Assets that is in order to acquire him definitely a pick a second round pick and a player should be able to get something done to get PJ Washington so there’s PJ and Kyle kosma in that case and then I get to Dorian finny Smith you say Kevin are we really going down this

Road of Dodo possibly coming back to the Dallas Mavericks where of course he helped Luca dones take the Mavericks to the Western Conference Finals a couple of years ago and we saw and we know how much Dorian finny Smith is a fan favorite here in Dallas and of course

Was a part of the trade that netted you Kyrie Irving but let’s look at what Dorian FY Smith’s been doing so far this year in Brooklyn again in up and down uneven season for them where they’re building around Mel Bridges who’s turned himself into one of the best two-way

Players in all the NBA but for Dorian he’s playing 29 minutes per game my man is shooting 41% from three on six attempts per game with a defensive rating of 11 15.4 while giving you five rebounds per game and again and most importantly he’s a known commodity for Mavericks fans and

At 30 years of age maybe still has something left to give this Mavericks team and I don’t know if you’re looking at him and based on what he did for you a couple of years ago I thought that he and me have reached his Apex with this

Team when they went to that Western Conference Finals run him and Reggie Bullock played the most minutes in the NBA Playoffs during that run for the Mavericks but since then has played decently in Brooklyn and I’m sure getting alongside Luca donic once again to finish out his career would be

Something that Dorian finy Smith would be amable to and honestly based on the options that you may have right now whether it be in the Trad Market or even if you’re looking past the season t a free agency based on the matters of what they’re trying to do right now focusing

In on this year Dorian FY Smith lowkey might be your best option the question again what are you willing to give up to get Dorian finny Smith to come back here I would imagine not much we would see if Brooklyn would try to hold the Maverick’s feet to the fire knowing that

They did a deal to get Kyrie Irving to come to Dallas in the first place and giving up Dorian FY Smith to do it but I actually wouldn’t mind Dorian fit Smith back here based on what we’ve seen from him and what some of the numbers

Indicate from him so far this year and you don’t think he wouldn’t be motivated to be back here to play along side Luca dones and Kyrie Irving to try to help this team get to the top four of the Western Conference and what kind of leadership he would bring and he would

Definitely bring emotion and fire on the defensive end and most importantly can guard multiple positions as a highlevel Defender where he’s turned himself into one of the better 3 andd players in the NBA so all signs at least for this conversation anyway point to the idea

That Dorian finny Smith may not be a bad option among some others I’ve seen y’all throw in names like cam Johnson Denny Avia as well I’m not sure that those would be names that the Mavericks would be interested in but those names based off of what we know so far could provide

Enough interest and enough spark for the Mavericks to do something regardless though a move has to be made for this team to continue to increase their ceiling even as they get healthier throughout the course of the year with the returns of Derek Lively and Dante exom moving forward here and if they can

That provides you that much more versatility on both ends of the flooor and defensively raises your ceiling as well where the mavers find themselves hovering around 15th to 17th right now in defensive rating in the NBA again an average defensive team that’s going to be a team that scores a bunch of points

Every single night offensively should net you an opportunity to win a bunch of games and right now as we have this conversation seven games above 500 and playing some good basketball while yes you’ve paded that record against some bad teams where you’ve dominated them you finally got a signature statement

Win against ad midle to the Timberwolves who have the best record in the Western Conference so now the optimism continues to grow and what does that look like from an asset standpoint all of that will remain to be seen but so far there are some names and some options are the

Mavericks willing to pay the price or are they willing to find some value potentially in a PJ Washington who could use another opportunity somewhere else or or bringing back someone that we all know and love and Dorian finy Smith and what he could bring I guess we’re about

To find out but as things start to heat up trade deadline wise trust me we will be having plenty of conversations about what this Maverick team will look to do to try and improve their roster you can find me on Twitter kevinr Sports be sure to download And subscribe to the inside

The mass podcast wherever you get your podcast for free give it a five star reading and write a review for it while you’re there also make sure you like this video as well and subscribe to Kevin gry Sports here on YouTube you can catch me on 971 the freak as your

Mavericks pre and postgame host every single Mavericks game night as I take you through the rest of the season as the Mavericks try to continue to move forward in the Western Conference be sure to subscribe to Grant ath Channel at Grant ath and follow him on Twitter

For all your Mavericks coverage as he covers the Mavericks for Sports Illustrated again my name is Kevin gr that’s it for this mini of inside the Mavs here on Kevin Gra Sports here on YouTube I’ll talk to you later peace

#dallasmavericks #pascalsiakam #lukadoncic #jeramigrant

On this episode of ‘Inside The Mavs’, I break down the latest NBA trade rumors around the Dallas Mavericks with reported interest in Jerami Grant and Pascal Siakam and what it means for the upcoming NBA trade deadline. Plus I give you 3 more names to consider when it comes who the Mavericks should acquire to make their team better including a former Dallas Maverick who is currently in Brooklyn. I break down who the Mavericks may consider moving in order to faciliate a move going forward and much more!

Don’t forget to ‘LIKE’ and comment on the video in the comments section below!

Be sure to follow me on Twitter @KevinGraySports and download and subscribe to ‘Inside The Mavs’, the official Mavericks podcast of 97.1 The Freak, your home of Dallas Mavericks basketball!

Inside The Mavs Podcast:


  1. @KevinGraySports Why do spend almost half the vid talking about Siakam and Grant and then name the vid trade targets NOT named Siakam and Grant? 🤷‍♂️

    But what about a trade of Mavs and GS: THJ+Morris+2nds for Wiggins?
    From the Mavs side: Wiggins is trash right now but so is the whole team (except Steph). When Curry and Klay were both balling 2 years ago, Wiggins was great as a 3rd option. Would he be that again next to Luka and Kyrie? Then they can use their 1st over the summer to upgrade at PF
    For GS: Wiggins and JK just don’t work together and their offense desperately needs some firepower. THJ firing 3s in that offense just might be the spark they need off the bench.
    Has Wiggins value dropped low enough to get him for THJ+ 2 2nds? Would you take a chance and give up the 1st? Are the 2 2nds already too much?

  2. Do me a favor so that I can keep watching and supporting this channel… stop calling these young men commodities. Thanks

  3. I dont think getting a player like PJ or DFS changes things too much, i still think it leaves us short of true contention. A player like Jerami Grant or Pascal does. So if a move is coming, it has to be for an all star caliber talent or at least a fringe allstar player.

  4. Some say Grant and Kuz are still good but not great defenders. Some say Pascal isn't the D Dominant he used to be.
    Obviously Pascal is a 3rd star(and a max or near max guy with lots going out in a trade.
    Grant might be had for cheap due to rebuild and if no one wants his contract. (THJ, Holmes 2 2nds? or Hardy)
    Kuz has a great contract and I think is the youngest of the players. Also quite a better rebounder/Passer than Grant
    but will cost at least the picks, THJ and Hardy.(and they might have to find a 3rd team to route THJ from Rapts to another for a protected 1st.

    Pascal playing the 4 is a little bit more in his favor. But there are several factors.

    Now I don't know much about the CBA Penalties. Which one would you go for?

  5. P.J is probably a good back up 4 and 5.(Offensively he can spread the floor conceivably) .
    He didn't want to be there and they really didn't want him. Might be a cheap deal and a possible salary trade with picks next year if he doesn't work out.

    Doe Doe I like but not for what they pretend they want in return. Not giving up much more than THJ and a 2nd.

  6. Whatever they do. They can't clear out the cubbard on all the young talent(Green, Hardy, Omax) as they would be selling low on all of those. You can do one, but odds are one or two of those are gonna be good rotation guys for a long time. if not all 3.

    I think PJ might be had for filler and 2 2nds and would do a lot better here. Which if they keep and have their 3 1sts next year. he can be part of a larger package to get you improvements.

    Mavs have to know how they fit etc. They can't bring in McGee when the HC didn't want him and they can't have their heads up their butts evaluating the young guys like they did Brunson and set in motion him leaving for nothing when they could have had him for cheap.

    Course they want to compete for a title this and next year with kyrie locked down. And that requires a back up big who can play in the playoffs. Hopefully there is a cheap upgrade by the TDL.
    By they way, the mavs are certainly better on Defense with Lively and he's gonna be great. but look at the top 12 center's he's played this year. He's been absolutely destroyed almost every single time. So he's still got a ways to go. And the mavs still need a stop gap Center.

    If Isiah Stewart can do the job as a back up 5 and 4.that would solve 2 problems with one stroke. as well as bringing back the 5-out option that is so potent.

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