@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Escape Charlotte with an OT Win Behind Coby White’s Big Night | CHGO Bulls Postgame

Chicago Bulls Escape Charlotte with an OT Win Behind Coby White’s Big Night | CHGO Bulls Postgame

N what’s going on bull Nation welcome in to Cho Bulls post game coming to you live from our studios here in the West Loop downtown Chicago I’m peek you can follow me on Twitter at Bulls join with my guys big da B bwl Sports will the go

Godly will _ Godly miss his handle and filling in for Joseph tonight our P producer Kev Wells on the controls let’s go get the yeah win over the Hornets 119 112 is the final it’s a win I don’t know if I’ve ever enjoyed a bulls Victory less than

That one you have just being bluntly honest with y’all right now that was garbage that was garbage basketball against garbage basketball mhm the Bulls I think went scoreless in the Final near four minutes of that game three minutes yeah okay just just trash absolute trash

You need overtime to be that joke of a half a squad mhm wow just you know what I know it’s a win but that needed to happen did it why are we doing this why got it that was that was the least fun win I’ve ever watched man it was trash

You a Bears fan saying that least fun win Bulls win oh least fun Bulls win gotcha all right all right least fun Bulls win uh yeah I just like winning winning is always fun to me me so yeah I’d rather take a win and look

Like pure [ __ ] than take a loss and look like pure [ __ ] because instead of that one hat throw it’s gonna be a trillion hat throws in a loss oh yeah oh yeah you know it I’ve watched this movie I know how this go but I will take the win

Every single time because as the great hermit was told us you play to win the game that’s what I’m here for and that’s what we’re here to do it wasn’t pretty at all at all it was bad oh my goodness but you walked away with a victory because I

Promise you going to overtime and walking away with a loss against them that no no absolutely not you had to come away with that Victory against them man but however you can get it come hell or high water you had to walk away with a victory and they did that wasn’t great

Didn’t look good didn’t Inspire anything at all but well maybe a hat throw from that but I’ll take the Victory and you move on winning ugly you ugly wins still get dates man ugly wins still get dates it’s it’s just a matter of how you feel

About this team where they are and where they’re headed to enjoy an ugly win or to not enjoy an ugly win well yeah I’m a bulls fan so so my team wins but I’m saying my team wins I’m going to be happy they got a win like and I was

Talking in pregame about how I’m terrified that at least mediocre record in January will prevent this front office from doing a goddamn thing and letting another transfer window just walk on by mhm Zach don’t want to be here don’t seem like it so that trade’s happening so that window trust me that

Window will not go on by without that young man going out of it so you’ll be fine that trade will happen but in the meantime I got to win I guess I I’ll take no one happy about getting a w I’ll take it I mean I really do not enjoy

Watching the hits play basketball but uh the Bulls did win and I thought they had some good moments throughout that game Kobe was really good um I just tweeted out a video of some of the finishes that he had like I was just noticing he was finishing off the glass in like really

Creative ways today um and just it’s good to see even with Zach back in the lineup him continue to be ball dominant and to be really an efficient scorer he had 27 points on 10 of 19 shooting um made a couple threes so it’s like back to just a normal good offensive night

From him it’s not going to be like a 9 for9 three-point shooting night or a zero for 15 stretch um I want like creative consistent basketball from k um so that was good but yeah I mean I just I think the Bulls are kind of firmly in the middle they

Got to continue to take care of business against these bad teams but that’s where they are that’s the reality of it and middle I don’t see I don’t see a way up or down frankly I mean even if like I think Dave you’re operating from an assumption of like Zach doesn’t want to

Be here the Bulls don’t want Zach to be here so he’s going to get traded I’m not so sure just because because I feel like the market around the league is just not really conducive to Zach getting traded like if they do like would would they

Have to throw a pick at a team to take on that contract I mean it just feels like that’s kind of the the place where it’s getting and at that point to me just keep them yeah I think as you get closer to the deadline uh I think that’s

When you’ll start seeing how I don’t want to say desperate but that’s the only word I could think of yeah you start seeing that’s how desperate teams are to make a move and to make changes Lakers are kind of getting in that situation they’re close right about now

Um Sacramento has already told you who they’ve made available um for for their team so they’re not in that same realm with the Lakers but they’re they’re almost getting there so just as it continues to go on I think you’ll see uh more and more of that and just again

Depending on how Zach plays but I haven’t seen it not I haven’t seen anything and it’s only been two games obviously but I haven’t seen anything for me to not believe that he’s still not going to be traded like it still just feels like yeah I’m going to I’m

I’m out of here you know this is going to happen um you can see it in the way he’s kind of playing you know that you could tell it that way like just extra passive you know like not even in the within the confines of the system

Passive just oh that’s a wide open shot nah you know no n no I’m gonna do that right there he’s trying to you know do his thing and find his way in but you see him hanging out more in the corner now uh during these stretches again the

Demar D roen stretch where he had the ball four straight times which was crazy by the way but he had the ball four straight times um in that fourth quarter during that thre minute stretch where they couldn’t score uh Zach was just chilling you know kind of in the corner

On on those East I think he took one three uh in that scenario but everything was going through Demar de rozan and Zach wasn’t trying to make himself readily available uh to be a guy that could be taking those shots I mean I I guess you have to give Zack some modum

Of credit for trying to obser like very easily observable trying to place a more team branded basketball and not force himself to get x amount of touches x amount of shots up sure I mean he still appears to be a bit Rusty with his shot

He was just two of nine tonight um and you know only taking nine shots and scoring nine points on those nine shots in 36 minutes off the bench it’s like you know that that worry uh h tically that you just tossed out will a minute

Ago of like if the Bulls are still very set on moving Zach and he’s set on them moving him you’re talking about a guy coming back from a month-long injury absence and trying to show some kind of value to a team like okay yeah credit to Zach he

Did also distribute a little bit tonight he made some nice passes um after he hit um that tough step back three he had a nice drive and dish on the next possession like you saw some of it but that’s that’s not in my in my opinion anyway

Enough to convince some team out there that what they need to go out and get right now before the deadline passes is Aline sure well they’re also just not playing to his strengths at all like he’s he’s to me yes he maybe is trying to overpass a little bit in order to fit

In but like they’re not utilizing any of Zach’s strengths it seems like they’ve already kind of moved on without him and he’s just still there yeah like he’s still just kind of hanging around until they like actually move him off the roster um it doesn’t it doesn’t feel like they’re

Really putting him in a position to succeed at all he he’s shooting you know spot up threes like he’s a rhythm player he’s a isolation scorer they got to like if they want him to look good they they need to feature him a little bit more

Peacock he’s got to fly but at the same time if you feature him then you’re just going back to the way that you used to play so it’s a it’s a tricky situation for the Bulls to navigate as they do this but it just seems like this this

Thing is like not helping itself resolve at all cuz they’re trying to move on without him but he’s still there yeah uh and again like you said it’s it’s two games I think you’ll have more time to figure that stuff out about how you know you get him more acclimated to the team

And him not actually forcing being passive but just actually doing it uh also his defense has been much much better I I’ll that as well multiple people in the comments uh mentioning Zach’s quality defense tonight like since he returns in the you know these couple of games his defense on the whole

Has looked solid uh rocki show in the comments specifically pointing out that stop he had one-on-one against Terry Rosier in I think it was the Hornets last possession of Regulation that could have been the game-winning possession yes Zach defended Terry pretty well on

That one he did he did he did he did a good job of that I was laughing because when will was saying like a team that’s just moved on I was just thinking of a guy who like graduated high school like years ago shows up at one of the high

School parties MCC yeah exactly confus exactly exactly he’s got a little you know soft pack of smoke she rolled up in his white te it’s like dude what are you here for sixe super senior just still hanging around still hanging around you know what I mean like just still there

You know a lot of people go to college for seven years yeah they’re called doctors but that’s yeah man like I think just as it goes on just trying to find his rhythm and find himself same with Vu I think uh but Vu is kind of found I

Thought he found a better rhythm with with uh the starting unit tonight especially in that fourth quarter and in that overtime I thought they played off him pretty well uh getting him the ball letting him make the extra pass and then making the pass off of that um that’s

The V that I remember them using um taking those bunnies in the lane those hooks you know and those things like that not hitting him but then he started scoring guys later on especially in that overtime he was solid in the overtime I’m G give him

That for sure um but yeah like he he kind of found his rhythm and found his way I think Zach as you mentioned is just a guy you who is not used to being in the system but I don’t want to say he’s harded like I am the system or

Nothing like that but he’s used to doing more uh within it so I think he’ll find his way but it’s just going to take him definitely more time and he’s coming off the bench something he definitely I don’t care what he say I don’t think he likes it coming off the

Bench but he understands it well and and that’s the other interesting thing and look for a while the Bulls bench was getting worked because the team was so short-handed yeah while Zach was out and while Vu was out and then you lose Tory Craig you miss Caruso for couple of

Games in there Pats out for a couple of games in there and suddenly Billy’s bench is pretty thin yeah now in the last couple of games the Bulls bench has still gotten worked but their bench features 30 plus minutes from LaVine and Vu yeah like the entire Bull’s uh bench

Was in in the net negatives tonight V was a minus 9 Zach a minus5 among them whereas your entire starting lineup even Pat who played limited minutes uh and finish as a plus two but I mean dear was even dear’s ugly hero ball in down the stretch in the fourth quarter jar ended

Up being a plus 14 Drummond was a plus 16 Gro 17 and Kobe 11 MH um will you you said in one of our recent chats that of course the assumption is that Billy will before too long just put Zach and vuj back into the starting lineup because that seems like the default

Decision to make yeah do you still think that that is the right decision and I’ve seen some people in our comments saying like look Drummond and Vu both put up big numbers tonight but Drummond looked better what do you make of that and the fact that Billy still has this sort of

Everyone Assuming he’s going to make this flip of who’s coming off his bench and who’s starting but it doesn’t look very pretty to me Drummond is like a specialist in the way that you have like a microwave scorer come in Off the Bench or a three and D Wing but he’s like he’s

A rebounder and that’s kind of it like that’s what he does and he gets a lot putbacks as a result of it and he has games where he has you know huge production like today when he had 21 points on 9 of 12 shooting uh 15 rebounds five offensive like that’s a

That’s a monster game in 23 minutes I would be stunned if uh V was not back in the starting lineup at some point I mean he played 30 tonight I know they’re trying to keep him down on minutes but he played all of overtime um and

Obviously that is an extra 5 minutes so you know 25 minutes without the overtime period that’s kind of I think the range where they wanted him but yeah I mean he’s he’s going to be I would be very surprised if he was not back in the starting lineup and I

Think that’s the way it should be like the offense runs better with him it just does um he’s able to make plays like you saw that back cut pass to Caruso for the layup like he Drummond’s not doing that stuff and it’s not a knock on Drummond

He’s really good at what he does and he’s better at that stuff than V is but there’s a certain style that the Bulls are trying to play and they need vu in order to do that yeah do you think some of of this also can be situational um like whatever team

They’re playing like even in the fourth quarter like Billy saying oh okay you know what drum I’m Gonna Roll with you on this one because sometimes a billy doesn’t feel like it’s situational it just feels like I’m going with v period well yeah I think he it should be that

Way um I think V is a much better Defender way he executes to a scheme like Drummond gets some steals like he gets these flashy plays that make it seem like he’s really good at playing defense overall but it’s just that he got that flashy play and I think it’s

Easy for a lot of people to gravitate towards that but like they they were top five defense last year mhm and it’s really hard to do that in general it’s really really hard to do that if you have a weak defensive Center so V was doing something right he was executing

To the scheme and they need him to be out there doing that I think he does not get enough credit for just being like a jack of all trades may not be a master of any but like he’s really good at a lot of different stuff and the Bulls

Kind of need him to steady the ship while he’s out out there but they also have a great backup center like I just I don’t understand why it has to be like oh drums now like edging them out for the starting job like no he’s just a

Good backup center and he played 23 Minutes tonight that’s that’s a lot I think it’s because the the chemistry of it feels different with with Drummond out there uh with the team like it’s good yeah yeah I’m not disagreeing with what you’re saying because I I do agree

With you in in the end I do agree with you but I I don’t think I think I’m doing it a disservice if I didn’t acknowledge how they look with Drummond out there and this it’s a different vibe and it’s a different feel that feels normal to them and some of those players

Like some of those guys are not used to a dynamic Center like Vu some of them are used to pick roll ball score you know and you see that with Demar de R rozan like I’ve watched him several times run that pick and roll he knows Here Comes Drummond like I’ve seen

Drummond get more Aly oops you know what I mean because they understand it better like that’s a simple easy play for you right there boom there’s a oop um it feels they it feels sometimes it feels more comfortable for them and they know when they get it inside just as far as

Him being a bully with his size not that he’s a better scorer or has more skill than Vu inside but it just feels more simplistic and sometimes I think they need a 2 plus 2 equals 4 instead of doing you know algebra you know and algebra’s better clearly you know what I

Mean but addition still works and it feels like on some of those occasions for some of those players it just works better sometimes with with drumming that’s why I was asking about it situationally sometimes because the players I think will dictate which one of those guys should be out there whenn

Yeah I mean I’m not saying Billy shouldn’t be flexible and open to different ideas um I’ve just heard Billy talk about it and like even just like in the way that he says it sometimes like Roman gets a little excited out there when he’s like trying to contain the

Ball up to touch like I just don’t think he really trusts him at that same level that part right there Y and if we’re being frank like there’s about a $15 million a year difference in what else is going on and you’re not paying V like I just think that would cause problems

Like Drummond to his credit has really accepted a bench roll like that’s a tough transition to be a guy who starts and plays 35 minutes a game for the first 10 years of his career on the Pistons has a ton of success the at the

Very least and now has to accept being a you know limited minute backup five that’s just that’s a tough thing to do he seems to be doing an admirable job accepting that role you know who hasn’t been asked to accept that role at any point in his career yet V who’s your

Starter who’s making 20 I it I think it would open up all kinds of cans of worms if Billy were to make a bold move like that um okay let’s take our first break we come back we’ll get into more uh thoughts on tonight’s Bulls win over the Hornets even if it

Was ugly it still counts the same in the win loss columns it definitely yes it does uh we’ll get to more of y’all’s thoughts as well throw us some more while we’re uh taking this quick ad break and you know what to do hit that Thumbs Up Button if you’re

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That’s the key got to stay on those skis sir got to stay right on them is there another name for the skis like a cool name like sticks or something like that I don’t know should should find that out I don’t think so uh snowboard is that that’s different yes

It is okay little bit little bit what about the uh Cross Country Skis are those the same kind of skis that are downhill skis or they different kind of skis different kind of skis it got to be a different type of wax on there probably oh now we getting into

Wax Ty aerodynamics they’re like super narrow and like pretty thick you got to like bounce on the snow a little bit whereas like downhill skis are pretty wide interesting yeah well to do all these things you need to be writing in shape and the place you can do that at

Is the Midtown Athletic Club they got that’s where we were going that’s where we were going Matt you see how I do things it a lovely tangent that’s thank you very much palentine in the northp suburbs bck bur in the NorthShore Willow Brook in the southwest suburbs and the

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About so head over to SL cgo and find out more and to tour the Midtown Athletic Club nearest you Midtown Athletic Club sweat it out swe it out got a quick little breaking news uh yeah I just saw that was going to bring it up um come on with just coming

Across my screen Memphis grizly Star John Morant undergoing season ending shoulder surgery uh well you know from a bulls fan perspective the Bulls have the Grizz coming up not too far from now on their schedule do we were talking in pregame about how that suddenly is a tougher

Test yeah cuz jaah had them playing better after his return from suspension he did that is just really unfortunate yeah January 20th um right man that’s tough man I mean he for he serves his suspension he comes back and I mean like even in his first game back just goes

Crazy JW yes he did game-winning bucket on an incredible drive he you know all of a sudden revives this pre you know um previously dead Grizzlies team that were just stuck in the basement of the standings while he was out man that is awful news it’s awful man and it’s stuff

We think about and up discust talking about John Morant and these injuries just by the way that he plays like it just was like bro how long is this going to be sustainable you know for him to be you know just super athletic like that but just throwing his body uh into

People and I’m sure like that’s the only way he knows you know it knows how to play and that’s what got him to where he is you know at this point in time but honestly man it was just like dude we kind of felt like this was going to

Start happening to him man and it sucks because he’s so good and I want to see him out there playing but man I don’t know maybe maybe it’s a new kind of form he has to learn and and I think having a guy like Derrick Rose there who who was

Like that for sure is is is a great thing to have that can kind of discuss how to change a game yeah I mean that suspension and the Steven Adams injury and the Brandon Clark injury just the season has felt really kind of lost for

The Grizzlies in a lot of ways I know they’re playing a lot better since J came back think they won four in a row lost four in a row and then won a couple more um but still 10 games under 500 they’re five and a half games out of the 10th seed

With three teams ahead of them so it’s just I don’t want to say a Lost season but it just felt like it was going to be really hard to overcome that kind of a hole we know how good of a a group they have and how talented they are and how

Effective they can be together when healthy and so hopefully they’ll be back next year maybe you add a high draft pick now in with this group so um yeah just just a really tough blow you always want to see like the best young players in the league out there competing yeah

And um yeah just tough for job it’s tough man and the city yeah uh wish him the best hopefully you know surgery goes fine and he can have the rest of the season offseason to to rehab and you know come back just as strong next season but yeah just it’s just a real

Blow not just for him and for for the Grizzlies but for the NBA me jaw’s incredibly entertaining seriously man um my favorit shout out to a handful of bulls fans it sound like um we’re at the whatever the hell they call the Hornets Arena uh downum Center uh there you go

In Charlotte tonight chis Chris Davis saying it was the first time seeing his Bulls in person uh down in NC uh one of our regulars in the comments 828 Lawson saying enjoyed watching the young bull in person for the first time that boy Kobe right on and uh somebody uh somebody was also

Just talking about um Terry Rosier in the comments I missed where it went oh Lord AO how did Terry scor 39 I was there and he was at 40 out of nowhere uh shout out to Bulls a well traveling fan base we know this we’ve always known this doesn’t matter

Where you know what stadium they’re in the broadcast can always cut to and find dozens of bulls fans especially in a very empty Hornet Arena uh like it was tonight Stacy said it’ll pump it in sound man um but yeah and I mean like

Not only did Terry drop in 39 but he was stuck on 39 for like the final couple minutes regulation and then all of overtime but yeah I it was just Terry Rosier and a whole bunch nothing yeah a lot of creative players uh out there tonight um that I just they’re I can’t

Count how many times I said who Smith Jr but not that Smith Jr but a different Smith J different Smith Jr not that Smith Jr but the other Smith Jun uh the guy whose name makes it sound like he’s like a female folk singer from the 90s mgaw or

Whatever yo boom roasted yes boom but it was like that like a lot of these flavors I just didn’t know and I don’t think a lot of people knew but they played well like especially from the three-point line like they were hitting their threes and keeping that game close

Like you like we all saw but man yeah it was just a lot of players I didn’t know don’t have the honor or pleasure of knowing uh but they got another game coming up against them uh at the end of the month so yeah they better get to

Know because you almost lost in this game to this uh underman team man I don’t know what it is with Bulls these underman teams like you know Cleveland is’s another one underman and they ran them out the gym and these two games against Charlotte were not were not

Blowouts by any stretch of the imagination so I don’t know what it is but that’s interesting but yeah I I didn’t know they were um I’m sorry I wasn’t familiar with your game but yeah man but I’ll take the win over over this team because they still

In the NBA so I I’ll take the W um shout out to Jamal in the comments who said love what you guys do I think LaVine is playing well enough to get traded I don’t know if I agree um if the Warriors get desperate would you want

Cb3 in kaminga or would you prefer a trade from Sacramento or Atlanta Sacramento uh Sacramento probably all you know they uh basically you know the whole like Barnes and herder trade package that Bulls fans have talked about is like being offered up everywhere right now apparently correct correct um but no

CP3 you mean like the the 85 point guard with a broken wrist CP3 we go no no no thank you all right no thank you even clear out $30 million of cap space so you could resign Demar de rzan and Patrick Williams and run it back one more time I’m so depressed with

Three no hitting them below the belt man no no um no what about this trade man you guys were talking about Drummond like 10 minutes ago there’s going to be teams calling on him no doubt I mean right oh yeah m for sure you what are you moving

Him for anything I mean bulls want players but you moving him for anything at this point you want to hang on to him and keep play the Bulls move him for yeah good question what would you move him for draft Capital draft I or maybe a young player who like you know has

Potential need you change of scenery Etc I I do not care about wins between now and April to me that is missing the boat you are focusing on the wrong [ __ ] if you’re making trades between now and the deadline they’re going to try and help you move from 10th to 9th between now

And the regular season finale in April excuse me they’re already ninth okay get that right sorry by a half game if you’re making trades before the deadline with the goal of staying at 9th and not falling to 10th I don’t think that’s the goal to stay at Ninth let get a little

Higher and you got a lot of time to do it so keep winning that’s all you can do keep winning keep playing keep going look at thatt I don’t want to no I don’t I legit hate this team so much right now like I I love the Bulls and I will

Forever love the Bulls I am cursed I am a lifelong Bulls fan I will be a lifelong Bulls fan but like right now I hate this team I hate where they are I hate what I am afraid that they are going to do SL not Doh in the next month

Before the trade deadline and a overtime win over a joke of a Hornets team does not make me feel any better about it if you already hate him why what would anything make you feel better about it you’re gonna be mad regardless so just be

Mad I’m be over here that’s cool be I I will be that’s cool man I’m be over here say it Bulls we let’s get another man play the next game I mean Silver Lining Kobe Kobe dear sweet Kobe yes like I’m I’m sorry I I know uh our one of our

Regulars P will supporters been sounding off in the comments mad about Patrick Williams is playing a very limited number of minutes tonight I mean I’m I what did you see from Pat tonight because I saw nothing special yeah uh it started off okay and then it

Was like it was it was one of those games that I’m used to Pat which is not a compliment I mean when I forget that he’s there yeah and it was one of those games I was just like oh yeah Pat’s on the team oh yeah I forgot he’s out here

That it was annoying uh doing it like that I want more from Pat um he makes these moves and he he just doesn’t have a finishing move when he gets to the bucket you know like he made a great Euro Step it was a one on Three fast

Break and he made a great Euro Step and it was like oh that was a great move and then he tries to lay it up now the play is to go up with a dunk because you’re huger than everyone you’re supposed to go up and try to slam it on these dudes

No went up with this little lady and didn’t go in so I try to put up a reverse it was like I don’t know what that was like like I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what it was but it’s timid timid Tim [ __ ] that we see from Pat

Regularly and then we occasionally see those explosive moments yeah and you’re like then you know why do you go up like Oliver Twist to the basket sometimes please sir would you would you mind if I score please sir wellam use your muscles well donee sir that was awesome be mind if I

Shoot now that was awesome man yeah I just I just wanted to be I just wanted to feel it more uh from him what did you 22 minutes is that what he played tonight yeah you know just it just I didn’t feel him out there against a

Squad that doesn’t have a lot to stop him and it feels like the only person stopping him is usually him so it just didn’t feel like you know he was out there and I don’t like saying that [ __ ] at all I like talking about Pat glowingly like I enjoy speaking about

Patrick Williams glowingly bro like it’s fun for me to talk about him like that but he started fast and then just kind of fizzled out a little bit I mean he had six shots and I think he had three of those in the first quarter so yeah I

Don’t I don’t know uh I want to see more I feel I’m saying the same things about I would like to see more from him uh more aggression and it’s okay for him to miss and to fail but it just has to be aggressive for me to do it yeah I think

That’s that’s all very fair I mean six field goal attempts did not really feel like he was out there at times I think I even said like at the second quarter oh yeah Pat right P’s back in the game forgot about him yeah um you know he

Does it’s like he’s doing the same stuff well he’s struggling with the other same stuff and even if you have like slow incremental growth or just are kind of flatlining yeah if you’re good that’s fine and he is kind of flatlined in the things that he’s good at and when I say

Flatline I mean he’s dead he’s just like consistently the same as a Defender he’s consistently the same as a spot up three-point shooter um but I just I haven’t really seen him take any steps he had a month there where he looked a lot better he was scoring the ball more

And even before Zach came back I think he started to decline a little bit again um and he’s got plenty of opportunities just not really a scorer and I just I think that’s okay I think that’s all right yeah I mean he doesn’t need to be like a 25 Point per game kind

Of guy I think it would be great if he could get up to 15 but he will support in the comments is really excited about a small sample size of games where he was averaging 15 and five boards mhm so you know there’s that that was great and

Now he’s back to Great eight to 10 points and if he can stay at 15 that would be ideal yeah but he’s just that’s what he’s got to do eight points five rebounds uh for him tonight in those and and 22 minutes to at least play somewhat

Of a defender of PE supporter in the comments who PE takes her out of control shut up love you um there is look and I I am not saying that I agree with the very common narrative among Bulls fans that the reason P will hasn’t developed

And blossomed is because dear and Vu and Zach you know this vet Trio are getting all the touches and all all the office floating through to him and he he doesn’t have the room to improve he doesn’t have the opportunity I’m not saying I agree with that but if the

Bulls actually were to call a spade a spade and be like well what should we prioritize for the rest of the season should we prioritize maybe trying to move from 9th to seventh or should we prioritize maybe still being competitive but Shifting the focus of who and what this team is about

Because it like you cannot deny that when Patrick Williams is asked to do more on this team we see him do more on this team and if you’re talking about a guy as you just mentioned with a contract decision this off season I know if P will is going to

Stick around I’d feel a hell of a lot better about it if I get more of the sample size of a guy who can get you closer to 15 or 16 uh and and you know some boards hopefully more per game than the absent ballot one that we see a lot mhm well

One when you see Zach leave I think I can bring that uh discussion back when Zach is traded like because he’ll have you know more room more time more everything on the floor but don’t know if that’s true cuz they’re trading they want to trade for players for help now

Like there there’s a chance that they could bring in they chip out Zach who’s not been playing and you bring in Kevin herder and Harrison Barnes but neither know them are going to start who’s heard is starting over uh who’s starting at two is Zack out it’s going to be

Caruso they’re not gonna put Caro on the bench for her I feel like Kobe herder Demar Barnes V is not it’s not a bad lineup but I don’t think they would I don’t think they would put Caruso on the bench for that unless they want to manage Caruso’s minutes though they want

Him to play they’ll close with him yeah yeah but it’s like even today like didn’t he start he started today right he didn’t like but two starters were on the bench today yeah true true indeed true indeed but I don’t know if they would do that I don’t know I don’t I

Don’t see that I don’t see them putting out there puto on the bench for herder nothing that they’ve done in the past three years has been a move that prioritizes the development of the young players like they’re not focused on Patrick’s growth they’re focused on winning games what about Kobe though

Kobe came in starting and has played really well because Zach’s been out like I think but there was never it was never like all right Kobe here’s the runway now you go take it it was Kobe earn the job let’s give it to him because that’s

What’s going to help us win and I think that’s the mentality for in all decisions is is earned the job is what will be what on the floor puts us in the best position to win to win got you and it’s because he earned the job got you

Got you like IO and how he got his the starting lineup got you 104 um but Harrison Barnes ain’t starting over nobody in that starting lineup we’ll see who you who you putting on the bench I think they start I for sure think they would start him at at the four Harrison

Barnes over at Patrick you me yeah I think I think for sure it would be having heart not on board with the Barnes starting over Pat idea interesting I think it would for sure be Kobe herder Demar Barnes V because they want veteran players out there they want to compete

Now and not saying Patrick wouldn’t be a big part of the rotation but I mean what we’ve been talking about with Patrick for a long time is like putting him in a position where he has more opportunity coming off the bench is going to be that

And I think if you get a couple of guys in there who shoot and move the ball like that’s going to make him look better but my point is now you’re bringing in an additional power forward you haven’t moved cruso Tory Craig’s coming back you still have Patrick

That’s a big crowded power forward room yeah it’s big and crowded big and crowded big and crowded baby just how I like it my life hey PE will P supporter no need no need for name calling no need for name calling he’s yelling a lot he

He’s upset man real upset uh if it was up to CH Javon would be the uh point guard and Kobe would be in San Antonio none of that is true who said that he also said that he will is the best defender on the team man like come on

Okay they have a first team all defensive you have a first team all defense guy but according to P will support Alex Caruso is trash and overrated so there’s that yeah you can’t yeah you can’t be first team all defense and then say I’m a better def one of

Them is that and one of them is not I uh okay let’s let’s quickly take our second break we’ll come back to wrap up a few more thoughts we’ll get to y’all super chats and of course it is a win yeah so we’ve got an Empire gr of the night to

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Like that though cuz it’s time I appreciate you throwing me the L on the first what I do man I was so worried in the pregame so worried I lost it he was so concerned I know everybody is on the floor man I give people the ball that’s

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Account redeem that code chg for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed cuz Matthew P what time is it give time who he’s always ready to shoot always what time is it pivot towards next season who just kidding four games under

500 here we go HC within sight only way to get to 500 is win the next game it’s the only way you can do it woo let’s get to the next one yes let’s yes um I I will people some people in our comments are freaking out I would for the record

Push back on the Barnes being a better starting option I’m not saying that you feel that way if if maybe you wanted to clarify that and maybe your assumption would be if that trade happened you think the Bulls and Billy would lean that way but

I I tend to agree with people in the comments who think Barnes is kind of and I would rather especially if they are going to reinvest in him see those minutes go to Pat yeah oh every day of my life yeah like yeah that’s how it is

I I want him out there that’s how goes oh yeah I’m just saying I don’t think they’re focused on investing in Pat like I think they want to develop him that’s why they brought in a Player Development coach but I just think that winning is more important and if you are not sure

About a guy that you have to pay this year it would be nice to have a backup option in case you want to let him walk or you want to trade him for something else I still think if winning is more important then you still start Pat like

I don’t think starting Harrison Barnes is a better option I just don’t I don’t feel that and you also I mean you do have Tory Craig under contract next season as well right he’s on a two-year deal he has a player option player option oh well jeez I’m Tory Craig I’m

Get on Up out of here why he’s having a good year enjoying so you know how dare he like where he at how dare he I hate it so everyone should I wouldn’t be enjoying myself V were him you know other than the millions of

Dollars uh all right uh shall we get to uh our Empire goon of the night Dave Kevin hit me with it one time in the face why don’t you sir goon of the night time give it to me what am I given to I’m I’m I’m conf

This is this is a new segment for oh he’s right he didn’t have there is AA the night graphic that we run at this time shoot that get the memo it’s fine he did not get the memo that’s not your fault no we don’t blame you for that at

All we blame will it’s all right it’s okay but just just like Goran drage he did not get the memo but it’s okay ladies to be the man no wait to beat the man to be the man you got to beat the man you got to beat

The man awkward and I am the man woo woo Empire today brings us goon of the night Empire today all they do is floors floors floors no matter what 588 2300 Empire today today keev wanted that Kev was ready with that well done sir all right well

Since you on that then Kev I’m coming to you first sir all right you tell me who is your goon of the night Andre Drummond man oh no hesitation Andre Drummond had a great game he did he played well I’m I’m I know he’s got no bag with the left

Hand and the post and stuff but his putbacks his defense I mean I’m I’m a fan I think teams are going to be calling uh to look at Andre Drummond he’s he’s the exact type of lowrisk purchase that a playoff team could acquire on a low-level deal that you

That you want and I think that for the Bulls good I’m I’m I’m liking the way Drummond’s playing man he’s playing himself onto a playoff roster for sure somewhere I don’t think it’s here damn the ninth seed I like that Chicago Bulls oh um I think I got to give M to

Kobe I mean I know I know you uh made him the official winner on Friday night I believe I believe so we’re playing a lot of minutes um I look yes we got production from both of our bigs tonight for a hornet team that’s pretty small uh

And that was certainly a key key to the win but Kobe was just making some tough buckets will touched on at the beginning of postgame the way that we’ve seen him improve the ways in which he’s not only getting to the basket but finishing through contact at the basket whether or

Not he’s drawing fouls I feel like Kobe’s strength and aerial balance oh is just like observably significantly better uh and it’s really fun to watch him make some of those really tough buckets inside Ariel Valance almost as fun as it was to hear you make that variety of

Nonverbal sound Valance man was not ready uh Co I mean Kobe’s just doing some beautifully goona [ __ ] uh and and he did more tonight in a game when I hated myself and the team I root for and hated that I was stuck watching it because that was trash basketball Kobe

Was the one who I enjoyed watching occasionally because he did some beautiful stuff tonight okay I dig it I dig it Goat I’m going with cruso for one simple play which was when he uh when he sold when he took that screen and sold it so much that he got the offensive

Foul good and he started flopping before he even took the contact that was just thing of beauty just a veteran play and that’s the kind of thing that I want to see when I think about Gins yeah that’s the kind of thing your best defender

Does I I believe Big Dave awarded him a Golden Globe on the re on seeing I did award him a my God Oppenheimer my ass y’all seen Caruso sell an illegal screen Christopher get out of here oh my god well need a drum road from you sir if you don’t mind let’s do

It goon of the night I had someone different but as I tell you this is why I listen to the arguments because I was just swayed goon of the night goes to Alex Caruso oh I agree I completely agree with Will goatly wow that is some goon [ __ ] I I get some goon

Points for that telling you all that I think I this what I hear for I think I need the Webster’s definition of goon well there are many varieties means what you want it to mean not it’s not about the the great the great way you play like it’s a part

Of it sure like having a lot of points around is cool but sometimes some player just does something within the game that is just like can only be described as goon [ __ ] that is some goon [ __ ] like watching D Terry Lasher on the sideline was goon [ __ ] you know what I mean just

Dancing going crazy doing all that stuff awesome stuff drumming yeah he’ll he I think he leads right now in in goon titles right now I think he’s leading because he definitely has done some goon things so yeah or it could be something someone has said Drummond hit him with

The two small tonight did he definitely did there I mean hey it’s only one can have the title there are many worthy candidates but again this is why there’s 82 games of this because there are many more to give out hopefully because he’s only giving out on wins but I agree with

Will wholeheartedly that was some goonish and the fact that he’s right I gave the man an award for his acting ability out there how can I not hand him also the title of goon of the night well done well done goat well done proud of you I feel great about

That that was the most accomplished I’ve felt all day and I did a podcast with Tim freaking legler optimistic Bulls fan said Zack Line’s goon of the night for that defensive stop on Scary Terry at the end speaking of which that’s why certain people people supporter Paul Williams among them upset with the

Caruso goon pick because they thought he played bad defense on Rosier tonight allowing 39 points I mean he was cooking he was cooking he was cooking man Terry Roser was on it tonight but yeah I give him that love shout out to him on that

All right uh we got a couple super chats to get to before we get out of here Mr Wells we got like five of them let’s do it thr come on with it will who said uh you guys guys we moved to ninth moved to Ninth Place let’s go it’s

Happening I’m hyped AF let’s go man # press the like button yeah man well Rock With You B hit that Thumbs Up Button congrats to Bulls who moved into sole possession of Ninth Place in the East winning fun with that hilarious win over the Hornets better than a hilarious loss

I’m so stoked can you tell how stoked I am oh I can it’s written all over your face AKA with a 1999 Super Chat shout out saying Bulls seem like they had pockets of Rhythm Zach’s value going further in the toilet dear’s ISO ill advised yeah agree to that uh 42 points

25 rebounds from your Center position team is not fun to watch unless led by Kobe mhm agreed agreed agreed um yeah I I’m not feeling great about Zach’s trade value with these games that he’s come back and played uh shout out to our man the Duke threw us

At a $20 Super Chat saying sitting in a dark room listening to everybody Hurts they just showed MJ in a box at the college football championship what of course he is what I’d give to go back to those days we were winners I was thin is

And I didn’t have to pee at 2 a.m. getting all this tough isn’t it Duke man appreciate you I did not know that MJ was uh at the with Stephen A Smith with Stephen A of course man and some other people but Stephen A was is

The one I had liner in the yes absolutely right um yeah I mean from Everybody Hurts is a jam no shame in listening to that in the dark if it helps you cope I’m sure Duke is also in rough shape we all know Duke is in

Addition to being a bulls fan a Die Hard Bears fan yes uh I’m guessing was rooting real hard to uh knock out the Packers at Lambo yesterday didn’t get it done I’m sure um didn’t happen so it was a tough Monday it was tough Monday for Chicago

Sports fans Conor Bard has a broken jaw his out for a while tough tough best thing that happened today is the Bulls got win won guess that’s right we’ll carry today uh AK with another couple super chats saying Kobe got that flicky flicker hair foul move down to Austin

Reeves level his hair flicks for fouls defy gravity glad he is on the team right um figy Flicka hair interesting that’s a new one I’ve never heard that Before but I did tell you as like they were coming out to the floor tonight I thought Kobe’s hair looked extra bouncy yeah well he brought back he got a cut yeah got a cut he’s back home beard is lined up right yeah yeah he’s back home

Zach had a nice cut too maybe they did together I not a fan of Zach’s current look the fade just looks off balance weird I like L he’s right I do kind of like low fade Zack L fade Zack was smooth and good man an aerial you know

Just yeah I like that one it’s not helping him play well I cut it off last AK Super Chat thank you AK did you guys see Zach put his head down in disgust when Deo didn’t pass open to open open Vu or Zack at the end of regulation I

Did not see that did you guys see that I didn’t see it who did apparently Zach put his head down in disgust when dear had ISO ball failure at the end of regulation ISO ball failure uh I mean wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen something like that yeah maybe he was

Mad well he could have been mad that he were going in overtime that could have been a thing too could have been the case none of us were happy about that game going to overtime no I was I was happy about winning I was happy about but I did not

Want to go to overtime no there zero reason yeah we should still be doing the show because we should have wrapped up 5 minutes ago because we should have started 5 minutes ago because the game should not have gone to overtime because the bull should have taken care of

Business in regulation every day I’m at about five minutes right now I am yeah yeah all right I’m let after let you r with that goat uh they should have won that game in regulation come on I’m not arguing yes they should have yes they absolutely should have no excuse to need overtime

Against that joke of a current Hornet Squad right you’re all NBA players no offense to you but for [ __ ] sake that’s embarrassing n um a loss is embarrassing that I mean I would have laughed my give me the win I instead of being cranky about this win I would have been laughing hysterically

About a loss oh yeah cuz you were ready already I was he had his cackle ready tear it down he couldn’t wait uh that’s it for tonight thank you all for tuning in I know that the college football championship’s going on and you chose to be here um maybe multitasking while

Doing so we appreciate it hit that thumbs up we appreciate that we appreciate the super chats all the chats uh we will be back on Wednesday Bulls back in action against the Rockets coming back home off tomorrow off tomorrow back in Action Wednesday and actually that Houston team is also

Dealing with some key absences they’ve been out they without Dylan Brooks for a minute they also without tar een so we’ll see what what kind of shape that Rockets team is in when they come to the UC on Wednesday we’ll see pregame 6:30 time for that one have a great rest of

Your Monday night have a great Tuesday we’ll talk to you Wednesday 6:30 until then shout out and thank you to Kevin Wells uh on the controls being our wonderful producer tonight filling in for Joseph uh will to go Godly follow him for all his Bulls reporting and

Updates will _ goly big DAV at bwl sports I’m Bulls forek we are choore bulls and we appreciate you we love you even you P will supporter even you talk your [ __ ] I’m not Harrison Barnes supporter see be Good sting like the man that was fish

It wasn’t a well-played game by either team, but a win is a win for the Bulls who captured their second straight.

Matt, Big Dave and Will have your postgame entertainment next.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  1. Idk ifI really blame Zach tho he went 3 quarters of his teammates not looking for him. He went from being the #1/2 option to not touching the ball multiple possessions. Like will said they're not even putting him in a position to even have a chance to do anything. Zach can make it better if they utilize him correctly. I don't understand it all. They ask of more defensive he provides it and doesn't ever get rewarded for it. It's like the team doesn't even look for him and when they do it's never putting him in a position to succeed

  2. Bulls Win, Bulls Win. So what's wrong First thing Zac and Vooch still played way to many minutes. Vooch is not playing better than Andre and Zac is a lost player in this system. Zac is not engaged on defense and should not be playing all those minutes on a team that doesn't want him. Andre should b getting 25 plus minutes a game. Vooch normal misses to many shots within 3 to 6 feet of the basket. To much Zac not enough P-Will

  3. Zach LaVine watch 👁️. I gotta give him credit for his effort , he’s trying to pass , setup guys, play d , looks like will and his bro in stepbrothers trying to hug each other. Gadamn, he looked lost and robotic as hell. We’ll see, tho. He needs 4-r more games to get back into form .

  4. For a team who needs to shoot more and doesn’t have any sharpshooters, a rebounding specialist is perfect for that…

  5. One goal only and that is to get a win. You can choose to utter dissatisfaction, or be happy and appreciative, whatever. I watch to have fun with my favorite team. This was a challenging one: not boring when too easy, not frustrating when too hard, just encouraging to keep playing and building confidence. Go Bulls!

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