@New York Knicks

Poetic image of Thibs and Taj

Taj Gibson, Playoffs 2021: “When I talk to the young guys.they may not know where their path’s gonna lead them or where the game’s gonna take them: just trust your heart. Don’t worry about what nobody’s gonna say. Because I sat years ago as a rookie (maybe my 2nd year), I sat every day with Thibs after practice, and we talked about the Knicks, we talked about the battles, we talked about how great it would be to play there one day. And then for it to come true? And then I’m playing with Derrick, who I’ve been playing with my whole career? And we have the same familiar faces, but now we’re in New York City? God doesn’t make any mistakes man, you just gotta follow your path, you just gotta believe in yourself, stay the course – the course is always gonna be rocky – but you just gotta stay the course and believe in yourself, and truly believe man because, this is some magical stuff right now, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just every day that I come in it’s just – I don’t take anything for granted – but every day that I come in it’s just surreal.
And you gotta pinch yourself because you’re playing in the Garden. One of the toughest places to play, but it’s one of the beautifullest places to play when you right.
We’re trying to do some special things here. Right now we’re laying the groundwork for it. And it’s an awesome feeling”

by AyahuascaBudda


  1. BFF’s

    It is pretty wild that Thibs coached the guy on 3 different teams. Same with Drose

  2. KuntaWuKnicks

    Thibs has his reliable players and they play for him and love him

  3. Titaneuropa

    I would be surprised if he didn’t join Thibs after retirement.

  4. “So then they post a picture of you as the Taj Mahal when we win”

  5. LongBow1971

    Oh yes the great Taj gibson , Who we drafted and who won 5 titles for us ! He is also our all time leading scorer and rebounder …….

    WTF is wrong with people ? This dude is not a knick and never did anything for our franchise .

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