@Los Angeles Lakers

[Woike] NBA says it missed two calls in the final two minutes of Lakers-Raptors….but don’t show Darko. Both mistakes disadvantaged the Lakers

[Woike] NBA says it missed two calls in the final two minutes of Lakers-Raptors….but don’t show Darko. Both mistakes disadvantaged the Lakers

by daftmunt


  1. BritzlBen

    If I had a nickel for everytime r/nba had a meltdown about Lakers winning a rigged game only for the last 2 minute report to reveal multiple missed calls against the Lakers and none for them I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.

  2. And ofc lakers haters wont hear shit about this one and will say “well what did u expect” type of shit

  3. kongqueeftadore

    I remember that max christie incident too, it was a foul forsure

  4. Lebron on point saying just simple “they fouled and we didnt”

  5. MySweatyTh1ghs

    Salt to the wound, you LOVE to see it. r/nba meltdown is now complete and I enjoyed every minute.

  6. TalenHortonTuckMeIn

    These reports are notoriously fucked tbf

  7. PokerPlayingRaccoon

    If those kids over at r/nba could read they’d be very upset

  8. deezysteezy1

    Big market teams once again getting beneficial calls against family owned Lakers smh

  9. Firm_Contribution_44

    not to ruin the party but the final 2 minutes were the intentional fouls to prolong the game no? there’s still 10minutes lol

  10. Now r/nba is saying the L2M is pointless just bc it doesn’t fit their narrative. How delusional

  11. I live in Toronto and I’m enjoying the meltdown everyone is having. Also funny how everyone is saying “if this was the other way around” or “lakers getting saved by the refs as usual”. Like seriously? Lebron gets like no calls and the refs have screwed us over just as much as anyone if not more.

    In my group chat I just be like “that’s crazy, we still won tho” 😂

  12. AmiWrongDude69

    r/nba is full of braindead basement dwellers

  13. FaroutIGE

    how did we get so many intentional fouls??? refs are fucking up

  14. Transluminal_light

    Darko should be fined for saying Scottie Barnes will be the face of the league.

  15. AShinyTorchic

    We’ve seen multiple examples this season alone of why the l2m report doesn’t mean shit. Even against our own team

    I think the overreaction in r/nba to the foul disparity is dumb but let’s not act like the l2m report is suddenly accurate or reputable

  16. BizzyHaze

    People in r/NBA already dismissing it as propaganda and requesting 3rd party audits lol.

    Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

  17. needmoresleeep

    I thought the flagrant foul against Quickley was a horrible call, but that was with about 3.5 minutes to go.

  18. thehanssassin

    But when the Lakers dont get calls they’d be like: “Cry Faker fans”

    Shows you how we still relevant to them and living rent free in their heads.


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