@Utah Jazz

Utah jazz @ Milwaukee Bucks Post Game

Utah jazz @ Milwaukee Bucks Post Game

Whoops welcome back gentlemen I messed up the original live that I had set up I was trying to connect my proper camera and it uh was not agreeing with me at all that said pretty darn good win right here scary but really good what’s up Henson my fault yeah he said bro Chris

Dunn yeah he did what needed to be done in the end right the biggest thing we expect from him is to be very well def very good defensively and be a table sitter he did both of those things he returned to his original 13 assists per game and

Honestly it was good it was good loving it tonight exactly that said let’s look at the negatives first we did win this game but uh Larry didn’t shoot too hot from inside the arc he was four of 10 outside but five 15 overall meaning that he was

One of five in on the interior uh Teo was two of six one of five from three a little bit concerning but those were the worst parts right the best parts were no it’s crazy how F Teo can shoot rough and still have a box plus minus of a plus4 I love

It let’s see um despite L market and going 5 15 4 10 from three 7 eight from the free throw line had 14 boards four of them being offensive by the way two assists a steal two blocks and no turnovers 21 points box plus minus plus

Eight the best box plus M well second tied for second best with oay abaji who was one of two of one from Beyond The Arc had a board and that was it his box minus was a plus 11 yeah I’m I’m I fumbled logic I’m not

Going to lie because when I tried to connect my uh my other camera to the laptop I reloaded the page thinging that it would save the comments but allow me to like actually connect it and it absolutely positively did not so I was sick yeah sitting there looking

Stupid um but you guessed it Chris Dunn despite only taking two shots the entire game had a box had the second highest boxon at a plus 11 right four boards 13 assists one steal two blocks only one turnover amazing assist of turnover ratio thinks of it reminds me back of the

First two or three games where he started where he started out with double digit assists he just didn’t score a lot of points I can live with that right that said set the tone defensively kept things in check at all times there were no major issues to be seen across the

Board for the team and honestly it was just one of the better performances overall from A team’s perspective you had John Collins going eight to 15 from the field three to seven from the three-point line had three boards one assist one steel he did have three turnovers which was actually

Surprisingly enough the most on the team but he did have 19 points his box plus M plus six right k seon eight of 13 61.5% from the field three of six from three we needed those right three assists one steel no turnovers bounce back from his five turnover game he had last time

Thank goodness right fonio also had one so great for both of them uh he had 19 points his box spus was only a plus a plus one though which was actually the the lowest out of anybody that played in today’s game Jordan Clarkson seven of 14 two of three from three five

Of five from the free throw line we needed those right four rebounds six assists one block actually and only one turnover so pretty pretty great pretty darn great performance from him 21 points box plus minus was the highest out of anybody shocker box plus minus of plus 13 right so that was definitely

Great Keon George seven of 13 from the field 53.8% four of nine from three loved it one hit the one free throw that he did take had six boards four assists and only two turnovers acceptable performance one of the best ones he’s had this year I’d would just say

Definitely top five because he’s not usually this efficient on this many shot attempts I loved it 19 points box plus minus of a plus seven Walker Kesler three of four from the field two of four from the free throw line had six boards two of them being offensive had a steal

Two blocks and no turnovers eight points and a box plus minus of a plus 10 which was was fourth best on the team you had Kelly oen four of six on the field two of two from the free throw excuse me from the three-point line three or four from the free throw line

Also had six boards two of his being offensive excuse me being offensive boards three assists and he did have two turnovers and four personal fouls um but dang Kelly over 17 in 17 and a half minutes he’s just foul prone at this point I mean we we’ve seen it a million

Times of War but nevertheless solid performance out of him great efficiency right 133 points box plus minus of a plus nine um we didn’t see tht we didn’t say Luca we didn’t see Omar um inactives were Taylor Hendricks Johnny Michael Potter Josh chrisopher and Bry sens ball that said things were

Not bad we closed it out got the thing done um got scary during the third quarter right because we played a really really matter of fact let me pull up this uh this score chart first quarter 4123 our way second quarter 3623 our way right went in a halftime like Up 77 46

If memory serves me right yeah um third quarter was absolutely we got punched in the mouth only scored 23 points and gave them 44 so we basically gave them back the first quarter that we earned and so we were relying on the lead that we G kept building in the second quarter fourth

Quarter came out Chris dun got the job done col ston got the job done everybody was locked in everybody made it happen out was scored him by six in the fourth frame to close this one out love that for us now to get into comments what we got

Here um Keon played really well too absolutely dun definitely control the team when the Bucs were on a run Chris dun help defense was strong yep didn’t catch the game but was pleased with the Box War I was too the gang defense on Giannis was key especially the recovery after he passed

The ball exactly exactly Giannis isn’t exactly the most ideal playmaker but if you force him to playmake instead of being a scorer and a downhill threat you stand more of a chance because you’re forcing the rest of his teammates to beat you and no offense if Dame’s not

Playing yeah Chris Middleton’s a threat you know yeah Brooke Lopez can hit some threes but Andre Jackson uh Malik Beasley’s pretty solid he was pretty solid today actually he was six of 12 five of eight from three um still a box plus minus of a negative2 uh but yeah overall the the

Offensive Firepower wasn’t there for them to get the job done when you force him the pass the ball and that’s what we did tonight so solid overall effort and great discipline too it’s it’s one thing to you’re supposed to execute it’s a whole another thing to actually

Execute we Tred trapping we tried a bunch of different things we even try man defense and sometimes people overh help or on several possessions and it really only takes one person to continually make a mistake for the team to get put in a rough situation um looking

Forward we said we had a lot of good talking points back there I’m sick what’s your opinion on Hendricks should we trade Collins to get Taylor somewhere playing time Collins is kind of over the past three-ish 4ish games making it a little making himself a

Little a little bit of a case to stay on the team right he’s already hard to trade because of his contract but he’s also presenting some good offensive value efficiency wise and he’s also being more aware defensively if that makes sense and that was our biggest issue with him wasn’t so much expecting

Him to shoot because he could shoot he just wasn’t scoring the we thought he was goingon to be a 20 and 10 guy he’s not a 20 and 10 guy for us right but the bigger issue is defensively he’s been a liability and over the past couple games

We’ve seen a lot of progress from him I would like to see more progress from him and that would justify even further the trade um side note the video that I dropped today I put uh what was it the John was the John Collins trade the worst trade in NBA history or something

Um I didn’t realize how much hyperbole people would have seen it as so a lot of people thought I was attempting to clickbait that was not an attempt to clickbait at all so in the comment section everybody’s flaming me for it and I was like wait what did I actually

Do and then I looked at the thumbnail and I saw Warriors Rudy Gay who kind of looks like Andrew wigg is in a way and so I like oh my thumbnail is selling me right now because I was like no this is a past storyline

But I asked in the comments and I want to say it was Tai Tai I can’t remember his full username but he uh suggested the new th the new uh title for it so thank you for catching that um that said let’s see I I still kind of think John cin

Might get traded now we’re winning right now that’s the hard hardest part like if he’s playing this if he’s playing like this and we’re losing it makes it easier to stomach trading him but if you’re in a situation like we are right now where we’re winning games he’s starting and

Playing roughly half the game to almost three quarters of the game some of the time and he’s actually being efficient from the field and not being horrendous on defense right he’s still not good but he’s not horrendous anymore and that’s one of those things where it’s like it

Makes you question things kind of like Jordan clarson right he’s had an up and down season when he was a starter it was even more downs and then up and then downs and then up right but now Off the Bench he’s a lot more he’s a lot more

Consistent I’m willing to say that right he has a good game every other game almost but it does pay dividends when he does have a good game and they’re now pulling him off the court when he has a bad game which is also mitigating the

Risk of having him on the floor with any of the other players that said I’m lowkey up in the air about Jordan Clark because his value is skyrocketing but it’s like if we can win and bear in mind this isn’t just some guy that’s a good

Player this is a guy that’s been he’s the longest ten player on the team and the fan favorite at that so when he has a really good game it’s a really big morale booster for everybody around him you see it just like when Colin sey gets hype it’s a really big morale booster

For everybody on the court and everybody plays better off of the strength of the fact that he’s eating when he’s on the court but then you also have to be willing to entertain the negatives of it so I’m kind of up in the air about it I haven’t really made a thoughtful

Decision if I’m being quite honest with you so I still have to think about that one but I would not be mad for anybody that says Taylor Hendricks should uh needs the minutes now and trade John Collins but it’s the fact that we’re winning in the in the fashion that we’re

Winning that makes me say maybe I could ride out with this a little bit long because I don’t have to trade him now right the the less money that other teams will have to take on and contract value when we trade him the better the

Deal is going to be for them and the more likely we’re going to be able to trade him so if he plays better I might be willing to stomach make the money that we’re paying him out of pocket even though it’s not ideal for the situation um Chris done 13 assists yes

Sir he said great win third quarter was rough but great resilience top three win of the Season I’m willing to buy that actually Brent Brent is that your first time commenting bro what’s up my guy but yeah I’m definitely I’m definitely with you on that one because this one showed

The resilience of this team because we’ve had games that were close and we really got out of it we had games where we had to come back and get back in the game and were able to close it out in you know the final frame or in overtime

But this was a win where it was like we weren’t despite not having Dame we still seem to be like the less favored team in this matchup but We Came Out Swinging right we played very disciplined in that first half that first half is honestly the most especially from a shooting

Standpoint because on the game we shot 52.2% from the field 47 of 90 shot attempts right we were also 20 of 44 from Beyond The Arc which is 45.5% from three-o range and League average shooting from the field is roughly around that percentage maybe a little bit lower but that’s just how

Good of a night we had shooting and hitting 20 the past couple games we’ve been struggling to hit 10 and 12 so this is definitely a more ideal situation for us and I did love what we saw right that first half was amazing the third quarter

Was rough but we showed the grit grind and from a coaching standpoint we put the right guys on the floor to make plays and those guys paay dividends and made plays which is something that we don’t always get but it’s really great that we got it tonight definitely top

Three win of the Season I’m with you colins gotta get traded he played no defense he’s been better the past couple GES but I do completely I respect that 100% though I go back and forth on John Collins and Jordan yeah do Roman I’m with you could you imagine if we had

Markin in with those D Mitch goar teams he liter Perfect Fit doesn’t even describe it I’m not going to lie like chef’s kiss kind of thing Marco you said bro I’m so done how Hardy treat 18 minutes he scored more points than he had minutes and we won the game

I mean at the end of the day he started that’s my biggest thing him being on the court first because we also saw a lot of games where Chris D was starting play 16 minutes play 14 minutes play 18 minutes and he was effective minutes that he

Played and then he would just sit on the bench and not call not cause a problem at all and after the post game he’d be hyped with everybody on the sidelines so so if we can keep that up I like the way things look do I love col seon only

Playing 18 minutes no but we had such a lead that we could play around and do some of things K seon is a guaranteed I believe cemented starter at this point for the team because of the efficiency that he’s had on such a large sample size right because I know he’s in double

Figure starts now I don’t know how deep in double figure starts he is though but in a similar number of starts Jordan Clark wasn’t nearly as efficient so between the two of them there’s a clear uh preferred option um yeah last season he played 48 games this season he’s playing he’s

Already at 38 and playing roughly the same minutes actually on better slightly more shot attempts slightly more threes yeah everything’s roughly up for him say sex been great the last month Jazz are 8 and0 without tht yeah he did play a couple games though oh did we

Lose those off top of my head I do not remember it took tooo long for the refs to give poris his Tech but Kelly set a great example for our young guys in handling calmly keeping cool head yes that’s important that’s part of that leadership quality might be the high of

The Season thus far I loved it I loved it tan agrian yes I’m with you I am with you where are we I just lost it all right yes unfortunately Hardley Harden favors Clarkson one seon yeah makes it hard Clarkson did fantastic yeah he had the bu box agreed fact accurate should

We trade Clarks when his value so high or should we keep him around I think we I’m leaning towards keeping him right now he’s been he’s been on and off still but he’s been we’ve been able to how do I put it in words okay so the biggest

Thing in any sport is winning right a lot of things can get swept under the run as long as you’re winning or you’re placing well depending on what sport it is so in basketball there’s a lot of times where somebody can give you 50 points but it came on like 40 shot

Attempts nobody pays attention to 40 shot attempts as long as you win the game they’re like oh he had 50 and they won now if you lose they’re going to say yeah he had 50 but he shot terrible from the field and they lost probably because

Of it so in this situation it’s one of those things where it’s like even when he has a bad shooting night will hardy is being willing to pull him off the floor after 17 to 24ish minutes and be like okay we’ve seen enough we love you

But this just isn’t your night next guy up we need you to lock in and the guys are getting after it and so as a team overall there is no like Ace in the Hole kind of thing it’s a lot of usually two to four guys on a nightly basis that

Really step up and get the job done and today for example we had dang we had five players with 19 or more points we had Keon with 19 we had Colin with 19 we had John Collins with 19 we had low with 21 and we had Jordan

Clarkson with 21 and then we had Kelly L with 15 excuse me with 13 so we had six double digit scores and correct me if I’m wrong but I think we I don’t think we’ve lost a game when we’ve had six double jit scores go figure share the rock give

Buckets is there problems with O Let’s see yes he did that’s why ready to go six man for a year for a reason yeah problems for sex in the night with size impossible concussion oh really like a concussion concussion I like keeping claron for bench purposes I only trade him if he

Was part of a package for a high level starting guard Fair like click the Utah Jazz are actually extremely good team it’s finally coming around two of Kelly oenux fouls on porst were Phantom calls while the ref tried to calm things down oh okay okay I got you all the coms

Clicking a thumbs up button uh Jason Preston got picked up on a two-way deal for the Jazz jobs Christopher has been waved oh really they haven’t updated on on the some NBA website that is I did not know they picked him I did not know they dropped him I I saw that

Uh what’s his name I saw that Preston was looking was on the Block to get the two-way deal signed on but I didn’t know that they let Josh Christopher go during the last 15 games we’ve done well maybe this could work maybe make the plane and maybe pull a first round

Upset back toback robe dubs yes and quali wins at that tht is gone and so is Kelly lenck for pick I don’t know if they’re going to get rid of Kelly yet Kelly brings a little bit more THD is a great player let me go and

Say that I know we say a lot about THD and like he’s not in the rotation but he is genuinely a good player he does a lot of things well it’s just that there’s so much Firepower and ability on this roster it makes it difficult to play the

Guy because there’s just not enough minutes to go around because in order for you to play him you have to say somebody else needs their minutes taken so are you goingon to say Colin seon who’s been the most consistent scoring starter starter for this season probably

Not are you going to say Chris Dunn who understands all the coverages and is a better floor General than tht and a floor General is what we need because Lowry John collinin uh who am I thinking of and guys like Walker Kessler ochai they’re not Playmakers in their own

Right can’t really go with that either okay so let’s look at the bench Jord over Jordan Clarkson Jordan Clarkson on a good night no K George the Future Point the future point guard of the team probably not all right so now we’re already four guys down right over ochai

Oai fits a very Niche position he relieves more so Lowry’s minutes so probably not and then that gets you into a position where okay I already have four guard four guards each of them are worthy of at least half a game’s play but I can’t even give them that so where

Does tht fit in there and it’s not so much that he’s bad because he’s a darn good player and the when he came back after everybody was getting injured for that short stand of like three or four games he played really really well as a starter along Colin SE which surprised

Me because on the bench together they were not playing well but that said he’s just in a situation where he’s between a rock and a hard place because there’s no way to really get him on the court and get him the minutes that he’s truly earned and probably deserves I think

That’s the biggest issue for that pass for his point guard will be setting up Taylor possibly allow Sensi run some off interesting interesting cenu what’s up my guy maybe even JC KO is the glue for the bench unit he’s a large part of the reason our bench is one of the best I’d

Agree with that toam Chris Dunn want his point guard tonight yeah he was it IRS me that we gave up for KO straight up though fair play fair play since we’re winning do we want still want to trade JC I lowkey think we leave it KO is

Better Bo I’m not gonna lie love him don’t get me wrong Fair if sex can maintain and preferably Elevate his game further Allstar is in his immediate future I’m willing to entertain that Jeff I’m definitely willing to entertain that I need to look at his efficiency numbers as well because I think that

Might play into it but this late run that this team’s that the team’s been making is important for that love duns play tonight ke also hit some nice shots yes sir Christian I’d agree with you can’t get rid of Clarkson unless you’re getting back a 15 plus Point per game

Player back which we won’t probably likely KO is better than both py playmaking bigs are rare great Shooters you can find a little bit easier still not super common but playmaking bigs are huge asset agreed I don’t know y’all bogey is a place in my

Heart too I went to the Pistons game so I could CSP oh wow interesting just wanted to give you a shout out you make great content always C your analysis Jaz fans are used to our team being Overlook it’s nice to have some love on the outside of the market

Oh thank you Tom I appreciate that man I do try right y’all y’all are just as important to me as I hope I am for you we got 37 people in here that’s probably one of the most I’ve ever had in the chat I love that I hope everybody’s enjoying themselves getting

Their stuff off let’s see I feel like we need to keep Clarks and if we want to actually keep and if we also want to make the playoffs because it’s hard to find someone who can’t who’s a spark plug Off the Bench Fair Play I Like The Jason

Preston fit in Utah now Christopher was good but wasn’t a passer also accurate Giannis did gave sex in elbow to stun a bit okay yeah yeah okay okay I see you say Carson didn’t even try to win the game single-handedly tonight that’s an important one right also six assists to

One turnover doesn’t do that often combine that with great shooting from him not only above 50% from the field right seven of 13 on Double Digit attempts but he also was four of nine from three which was slightly better than L who shot one more attempted just

Having to miss it um I loved it for lack of better phrasing SE was only a box plus minus uh plus one tonight because his defensive liabilities said this earlier but it got deleted there was some posss where we got destroy because we had Sexton guarding Yannis ah yeah that’ll do

It I think we something like 9-0 or 10-0 when the Jazz have six doublej scores yeah another fun fact is the Jazz are 11 to1 when the Jazz lead at the start of the fourth quarter and that was before we beat Philly so 13 and one nice we’re

Good at closing games Zack what’s good my guy he said great game tonight minus a third yeah I expected more from oai this year yeah I think oai is also a little bit of a casualty of everything else going on and it’s not so much that

He’s not as good a player now there have been some nights where he’s gone like 0 of five or one of six from three and those are slightly concerning to me but overall his percentages if memory Serv me aren’t as bad as I originally thought they were considering the recent numbers that

I’ve seen out of him as a matter of fact let me pull up this chart real quick I’ll tell you 44 45% from the field on five and a half attempts and 34% from three on 3.2 attempts literally playing 20 and a half minutes per game the same he played last

Season in 59 games we’re now 38 games in um his numbers overall are roughly in line with what they were last year a little bit higher overall but it’s hard because I think he’s another casualty of the situation not so much that he’s playing bad or he’s just

Not getting this getting the job done because he is doing things on defense that he’s supposed to do his IQ has definitely improved like last year yes he had the body yes he had the potential but this season he’s really stringing a lot more things together and making

Higher IQ plays which I love for him because that’s a very important thing when you pick a young guy if you can play if you can shoot well we’ll try and find minutes for you but if you’re a great defender we have to find minutes for you there’s no exception to that and

That’s why you have guys like dejonte Murray who gared so much respect and just honestly were were seen as like top tier players at one point because he made his name off defense in the beginning not offense and then the efficiency in the playmaking came afterwards but you get on the court with

Defense um tht is absolutely awful this is the thing this is the thing this is the thing he had a stretch of a couple games Mo his most recent games have been solid but he also hasn’t played in the actual more recent games that was probably the

Bigger thing and I think tht has played well enough in the more recent games for him to Garner some sort of trade interest you know whether it be from like maybe the Heat or somebody I’d be willing to I’d be willing to say somebody should gamble on him because

He’s definitely not a bad player and in the right situation he will Thrive right we just don’t have the we don’t have the available opportunity for him this time around confidently is super confident yeah he’s super confident yeah he him at one point him and Keon shooting from

Food was the most hilarious thing possible because they weren’t taking bad shots they just both breaking why did SE join the bucks hle after the game I have no idea actually that’s a good question O’s impact isn’t very visible in box scores in my opinion agreed just like

Taylor Hendricks the one game Taylor Hendricks uh somebody had the IQ of a freaking snail and I in my one video I said Taylor Hendrick had one game where he had literally like one board and one block in 20 minutes but he had other he had deflections and he was just playing

Good team defense but we ended up losing that game so the person in the comment section was like oh he he helped make a positive impact y’all lost the game and I was like all right you sorry we don’t use that [Laughter] word you uh interesting you intellectually challenged

Individual every great thing you do on the court will not be put into a major statistical category that’s what we have advanced metrics for right box Plus minus is important but that doesn’t always tell the entire Tale the immediate assists aren’t always the most important thing right you have those

People that make the extra pass that leads to the assist those also matter deflections also matter are those put on Sashi no do they put the the opposing team’s percentages that they shot against you even if you didn’t get a block no so to sit there and say

Something so ignorant is just what are you talking about brother you know and I feel like oi’s in a similar way but oai ends up having like a banger like dunk on a fast breaker or hits a three at the most timely moment possible and that’s

Something that also Garners him a lot of respect from a lot of guys you said I can’t play O High minut unless he Embraces see levels of aggression true I’m I’m willing to buy on that money I believe I believe that Spence what’s good my guy you said Su

Man how about them Jazz Chris 13 assist such a highlight absolutely absolutely minus the third quarter this was a great game this was a great honestly the whole thing was quality right we saw us hit we saw the high of the mountain we saw the low of the

Valley and then we found that middle ground at the end of it anyone new to the stream great stream stick around conversation Immaculate why thank you epic I appreciate you Derek with it that’s actually wild that epic I’m not gonna lie hoping the Lakers and Warriors keep losing so we can pass them

Yeah wishful thinking I would love to I actually think play better against the the Lakers specifically the Warriors I think we could lowkey beat I don’t think that’s crazy to say um Sim was getting dmps to start the year now he starts now because he tried

100% whether he is a factor or not yes important thing about that honestly yo shout out to the people and to the fans in Italy man supporting their guy because honestly my most viewed video now on the channel before it was one about B bowl and then the second one was

About the Utah Jazz rebuild my most viewed video is one of the two that I dropped in the past like two weeks about uh Sim and then the other one’s also doing very well because of the people in Italy supporting their guy and to that to his

Credit he can have bad shooting nights like this and he’s still playable because of the genuine effort he gives on defense night in and night out right we’ve seen a lot of games where he shot bad but he’s also played the most minutes on the floor why because his box

Plus doesn’t take a massive hit because he’s a pretty solid Defender and overall we’re not used to seeing him be a solid Defender because last year obviously he dealt with some lower body extremity issues and injuries but you’re just not used to seeing him adjust and now he’s

Had a full offseason of preparation at the NBA level right to really get things going and at the beginning of the Season it didn’t really work perfect but here he is right he can shoot poorly and he’s still going to give you you three boards he’s still going to give

You an assist he’s still going to play good defense get you a steal and a block and there’s other things that he does defensively playing great team defense that won’t show up on the stat sheet right and he still managed to have a positive BL box plus minus despite it

Right and that’s the kind of guy that you need he said t yeah tenner he said glad to see Keon is finally finding his rhythm again yeah that this is the kind of game we need to see out of him our team set a record for highest turnovers

Per game the past decade and blame he was a big point I’m not gonna lie he was not a floor General side note we only had 10 turnovers today we’re back in the positive for it and they still had less they had nine but we

We only had 10 so hey I’ll take it I’ll take it um there’s 300 different rosters somehow we had the worst one in terms of turnovers yeah that’s actually kind of crazy uh Hendrick and oai are totally underrated due to statline readers their momentum Builders and terrific Defenders

Yes they’re those cogs in the machine that don’t get looked at because they’re not the biggest n the biggest bolt or the biggest wheel turning but they’re in there and without them the machine doesn’t work as good right so you at times you can try and run it without

Them and you might have some okay success some decent success but the gears are going to be grinding because there is that missing piece and they are that piece but that piece never gets recognized to the fullest extent that it probably should be because other guys take up and make the biggest highlight

Plays unless they have some kind of you know crazy insane block at one point or another in the game or they get a steal and then slam it you know Tom hawk style whatever Jazz got off to a slow start but it’s starting to come around the defense is getting better and our

Rebounding is Elite yes that was one thing you miss a lot of shots you learn how to grab a lot of boards shout out to I’m still trying to figure out the entire Walker CER sit situation that said he played 21 minutes today really low 20s I’m wondering if this is going

To be a staple for the remainder of the Season or what we’re going to do all things considered but I’m not gonna I’m not going to argue because the recipe they’re using right now it’s the recipe is immaculate right the the plate we’re getting right now is just otherworldly

Because at the beginning season they could not cook like this will Hardy’s got the recipe he’s got the method and we’re seeing it on full display here HRI let me see I do like oai but I was hoping for high level stats for him yeah that’s definitely fair that’s definitely

Fair like the Jazz just didn’t use sex into his full ability yeah he was also getting banged up I’m not gonna lie guarding Y is not easy and there were too many situations where we saw him matched up Onis now he’s not going back down and that’s also

Part of the reason why he gets banged up because as a player like you see a lot of guys where they get back down twice three times and they’re under the rim and they just just give up the dunk they give up the life whatever the case may

Be conin sitting there fighting like he can legitimately hold his own against jannis and jannis is like yo get out the way so he gonna hit him a little bit harder because he’s not willing to just yield and that’s also what you want from a guy on your team especially somebody

That’s supposed to be a starter somebody that’s supposed that got brought in to be a leader on this roster you need somebody that’s going to make proper decisions and they’re not going to back down anybody they don’t care how big of a star you are how many posters are on

How big your contract is they’re going to get right up on you and if it’s a bad match up and lose matchup it is what it is but what you can’t do is tell them that they’re just going to sit there and roll over because he’s not a rollover

Kind of guy he’s a get the job done kind of guy or I’mma Die Trying that’s all it is and you can’t ask for really much more from a guy like that he’s all of what 6’2 right so against Giannis darn near seven foot frame it’s hard for lack of better

Phrasing it’s just hard and but he still hung in there so I have to give him credit for that um money you said we still need to trade for a veteran point guard in my opinion that’s if we’re seriously looking to make a push to be in a plan I’m

Wondering what Chris Dunn has in the tank like is this Chris Dunn is this the guy that I thought should have started at the beginning of the Season or is it or is it not I think that’s the biggest worry for me because he’s at the beginning of his starting

Stin he had double figure six and it kind of went down and then it was like you know fiveish sixish and then he has he popped out today with a 13 piece right so I love it but at the same time he’s his lack of scoring efficiency that

We’re seeing right now is low-key concerning that would be the one thing that might make me want to think about um probably still pushing for that trade want to stop by before my neck gets bed down from up my post game yes sir Lee glad to have you my guy 42 watch

Isn’t a record it is I wasn’t gonna say but yes it absolutely was it was um yeah we’re gonna have to consolidate before we see Taylor or oai impact more can we just Pride tius Jones off the Wizards I don’t know I don’t know because I I’m still confused by the direction the

Wizard are trying to go as well that’s part of it uh lry played maybe his best defensive Knight this season great to see him make an impact on D also that is a good point that is actually a really good point would we say this is his best defensive performance

I’m willing to buy I’m gonna buy it I’m gonna buy the stock that you’re selling actually because he did not have an easy job and he made it work I was impressed by his his effort and I lowkey that went over my head right there thank you um no one is going

To guard D in important games true that’s probably the bigger concern like and sub all yes sir thank you Lee I’m thinking Monte Morris or tyus Jones tyus man mate interesting see I’ve been so mean to see he’s been proving me wrong hey that’s a good thing though

It’s better he prove you wrong than prove you right especially since he plays for our team need a guy who’s somewhat of a scoring threat yeah Kelly lck needs around three more shot attempts per game sometimes he’s too unselfish I would agree that like five to 8ish I think is Kelly range there’s

Been a couple games where he shot like three four five shot attempts times does it doesn’t look like he’s being aggressive enough I appreciate the unselfishness but sometimes you can be so unselfish that you become a non-threat on offense yourself which makes you a slight liability if that makes

Sense um Collins is the only starting is only starting to stretch the floor and build trade value fair play fair play jazz vision is showing we did way better than I expected these past three games hope we can keep seon yeah I I don’t see any reason why we wouldn’t keep him

Honestly I he’s going to be a worthy trade piece right and there are going to be some teams that come calling but I would still I would still keep him he’s still young right he’s even younger than Lowry so I yeah I’m I’m still on board with

That uh sex’s ability to just flat out burn people off the dribble is fantastic his three-point shot is improving and he understands his role yes he’s finally giv the opportunity to be like hey do your thing we’re not gonna just throw you on the bench after well today was

Was a bit of an exception because he was getting banged up but by and large we’re letting him play more and not just yanking him off the floor and sitting him for 12 minutes and throwing him back in the game so he’s he’s able to get his rhythm back and

Look like the you know Cleveland Cavaliers version of Colin ston but with a better passing sense and more patience more deliberate desire to make a play happen not just get down hill and throw this throw up a shot or turn the ball over flailing right he’s making proper

Going downhill knowing when he needs to kick to the corner when he needs to kick to the wing whether it’s good to get a layup or whether he can try and draw that foul and if the refs might possibly give it to him you know that’s a big one

Two games out of the eighth seed which will give us homec Court in the second round and the play in which would be huge yes absolutely G out see you later yes sir logic I appreciate you my guy not sure if we can catch Pelicans

Who are four games ahead of us but one important thing is that we do have a tiebreaker lever on pelic that’s a good point that’s a good point I love for the Jazz to lock done down he’s perfect defensive inspiration for everybody especially Kon yes that’s what I said Keon I believe in

The long run he’s a more confident shot taker than Chris Dunn right the efficiency just hasn’t been there yet so when the efficiency does get there imagine Chris Dunn he he observes Chris Dunn every day in each game be a deliberate table setter for everybody

Else on the floor then you watch him be a great defensive player not just great manto man defense great in zone not overh helping not under helping and in properly communic and hearing all the terminology and just the communic the communicative cues that he has whether it be body language posture hand

Placement footwork words verbiage whatever the case may be just watching that will overall make him a better player by default and then when you come on the court you have to match that level of intensity and then you can add your little spice on top rookie you know

What I’m saying and I think Chris Dunn was the ideal guy especially watching them play in the preseason together he played his most confident basketball alongside Chris Dunn because he felt like it was okay to miss because my veteran is telling me I’m good like he’s

Got my back on defense I’m not great but he’s got my back I’m good and he keeps talking them up and I think that’s a really important thing that gets really underrated because a lot of times you just expect guys to just come in and perform and it’s like everybody’s not

Like that everybody that’s a very specific breed of person and you see a lot of guys trying to get thrust in front office will throw throw guys in front of the camera and put them on the court starting and their percentages aren’t up to par their play isn’t up to

Par their defense isn’t up to par but that team also doesn’t have somebody to put ahead of them or to sit behind them and relieve them and show them hey take it a little slower do it this way and you might see more success they don’t a

Lot of teams don’t have that and I believe Chris Dunn is that guy for Keon George specifically and he’s also not gonna be costly to maintain let’s let’s call it spay to spay we were the team that gave him an option he had will have an affinity for this team I believe unless

Somebody comes out their pockets with crazy money I don’t think they will just because of his lack of uh scoring efficiency as of late but as a table setter and a defensive centerpiece I love it right great rotation piece you know what you’re getting out of him on a

Night and Night Out basis the defense doesn’t take a night off right at worst playmaking you’re gonna get what five six assists cool he’s not GNA turn the ball over a lot also cool the only thing you gotta worry about is him miss taking four shots and missing all four not

Great but I’ll accept it it’s better than shooting two of 12 from the the field right as a starting point guard I’ll live with this one um is tus Jones that much better than dun I would say no it’s just that tyus is a more efficient scorer

Himself like and and also in the type of shots that he ends up taking our defense neutralized Giannis pretty well things all things considered I’m with you TOR Billy uh tus on the Wizards just like Pat Bev on the Jazz but instead move instead of being moved before the year he stuck around

Would love Washington to just accept tht for him that wouldn’t be a bad straight up trade I don’t think and then you can move uh what’s his name move Jordan pull to the shooting guard if he’s not already at shooting guard he plays like a shooting guard so

He should be but something tells me they would start him at point guard and have tius Off the Bench behind him I don’t know um scoring wise Jones is way better than D I think Dunn and tus are I just lost it I just lost it uh uh here we go

I think Dunn and tus are on the same level but tyus is a much better playmaker scorer shooter Dunn is a better Defender both get minutes and would be Hughes fair play how many points does he average like double he’s avering double figures like low double figures put double figures have my

Victory bowl of Top Ramen I understand I’m with you I I wish I had my Ramen on me right now I’m not gonna lie I’m hungry we need a point guard who can play off the ball and pass well doesn’t need to be someone crazy yeah tus averaging 12.5 points oh five

And a half assists 43% from three dang 43% is tough on how many attempts epic let me know how many attempts is he averaging that 43% on um Keon can pass them play well off the ball his shots just haven’t been falling yet that’s the biggest thing oh my God one second guys

Um the biggest thing I’ll say from that depending on how many how many shot attempts he takes from the three-point range that would be probably the biggest part because if it’s on really a sample size of anything more than like three and a half or three and

A half honestly I I I like that I like that K is not ready to start yeah no he hasn’t reached that point yet he’s an aggressiveness with this dribble to start they I’ll say something a little bit different to the contrary with to against you money um I say he I agree

With you he’s not ready to start but I think his aggressiveness isn’t quite the issue I like his shot selection usually he usually takes two or three shots where it feels like he’s settling so I think that might be part of what you’re playing towards and I’m with you on that

But I would say his ability to just hit those shots he takes good shots but his percentages are low because he just misses good shots and I like I would rather have a guy that Miss the good shots then takes terrible shots right but at the same time he has to get

Better at that shot making quality to make him a viable threat and make honestly just his playmaking more available to spread things out for him and it’s honestly impressive that Chris Duncan do what he does as a table setter because his floor his his court vision

And his just command as a floor General have to be so great because he’s not scoring so at no point does somebody guarding Chris Dun Say oh he’s about to give me 15 he’s about to give me 20 nobody thinks that when they’re guarding Chris dun so you know he’s probably

Going to pass the ball it’s just a matter of who is he passing two what read is he making how is he gonna get the ball to the person and somehow he still does it which is also an impressive it’s really honestly more impressive than most people will be willing to give him

Credit for let me see he said not winning a championship anyway was you can’t think that way Andrew he said we’re not winning any that’s the point yeah key is a long way to go and it’s okay but it’ll be good for him to have mentorship from guys like dun T I

Can’t argue with that is in Championship isn’t about Champion he I’m with you money after all after the All-Star break I expect him to start again for him to develop his game even more I wonder though because that first stin of him starting got really ugly now I’ll say

This if he can maintain roughly this level of efficiency right I don’t expect him to shoot above 50% from the field on nightly basis but if you can up his numbers to the point where he’s about like 20 ex me like like 44 percent from the field and 35ish

Percent from three he might be worthy of that you might want to start him at point guard because the biggest reason the biggest negative of him isn’t it kind of is his defense but on the other side of that is more so his shot making because if you can’t get a stop on

Defense because you just don’t have the instincts and the ability to like process it process the game properly yet and your shots not falling you become a double negative and we can’t have that on the court we said oh key said loving these facts you speaking wraith keep it coming thank you

It’s about one conveying the pick two getting some high level games in figure out what else can help this retool fair play I understand standed money D is an all defensive player if he gets minutes Fair yeah Bingo convey and figure out what to put around Larry yeah

I just joined but was Sexton out he is getting banged up my fault Al yeah he was getting he was getting banged up pretty bad most of the time when Yannis other than Yiannis hit he was out tonight he was doing good yeah it was one of those things where like you don’t

Want to play with it because like after a possible concussive blow if you’re fur if you’re partially concussed you can kind of wiggle your way out of it as time goes on with rest but if you keep aggravating it and your brain’s literally thumping back and forth

Against your skull um and you you continue to put extra pressure on it it reach a point where it’s like okay now you’re not mildly just out of it like no brother you’re concussed and now we got to put you in protocol and now you can’t play for a significant period of time

And for them he’s like hang on a second let’s be careful and will credit to Will Hardy and the coaching staff they were like all right let’s play him gingerly we have this one in the back it looks like and we’ll see how things go if we need him we’ll play him but

Preferably let’s hope we don’t have to and so he was credit to everybody he El playing well for the most part he only had to play 18 minutes despite taking that hit when he did um where we can’t do either with starting PJ Tucker Marcus Smart doesn’t

Score as much and impact the game well fair play fair play they have high level scores around them yeah we have one and a half tus Jones is 55 127 on the season for Washington from three that’s not I can live with that yeah that’s like three game

Yeah 3.6 three-point attempts from the from three within the absolutely worst full offense too saying low keason the team gets any this here I’m going buy yeah I actually like that then okay 42% on three and a half attempts that’s good that’s actually really good I can live

With that super impressive yeah tus does a great job table setting and holding things together then pool checks in it all falls apart every game it wouldn’t surprise me pres see SE as an efficient as too efficient to be a six-man yeah and the other thing is he doesn’t play

SE is one of those guys where he’s like how do I put it he’s kind of like how Cam Newton’s personality was right he’s a he’s great when you start him because he’s a big grandiose kind of guy he’s gonna do his job well and he’s gonna let you know

He’s doing it well but if you put him on the bench he doesn’t really he’s not accustomed to that Niche area that’s not his thing and he struggles to to translate his game to the bench because we saw at the beginning of the Season he

Had a lot of not so great games off the bench but then you saw injuries start hitting and he got a start and he was like uh oh hold on he can do it he’s healthy like he can move laterally properly he can get downhill stop on a dime and make the

Right read hold on we might got something here this might be the guy we wanted we want we thought was the top dog in the trade we thought Larry was the number two we thought Colin was the number one did we forget that one and it was easy

To forget because what did Larry do make an All-Star game last year what did Colin do was hurt um but that said it was big because these guys got after it and seon to his credit is showing why they traded for him last year and it’s looking like we really

Got like Donovan Mitchell was great right but it looks like we got a lot more than just Donovan Mitchell value back at this point in player Talent alone player Talent like like ignoring any picks or anything else just looking at the fact that we got con and Lowry

They more than replace the scoring output that he gave and I would say that Lowry is more to be overall scheme wise more important defensively than anything else so I like it um now I was really just saying like Keon isn’t confident in his ball handle

On this oh okay okay I got your money his dribble stance is more of a ball protection stance than attacking stance when ah ah okay I see what you’re saying I see what you’re saying I understand I understand my fault my fault my fault I definitely misread that um I honestly

Think getting tus to stay in Utah would be a huge deal he’s like a younger Mike con Leo has also been a name drop multiple times but Tony Jones Is Possible Target interesting yes he also I know a lot of people some people like timeline some people don’t like timeline the simple

Thing is you want to fit to where you can get the most amount of chances to be a good team and push push the pace and make things happen and tyus Jones is probably just a better candidate than Chris Dunn now Chris Dunn as a veteran piece I love right on the veteran

Minimum we’re getting a guy that’s starting and giving us great defensive effort and get dropping double digit assist games for for like $ 1.5 million this year they put they could have fit all his money inside of an envelope and put it in his in his locker and we’re getting this level of

Play out of him that’s great V like this is the polar opposite of John khin situation honestly because we’re overpaying John Collins and he’s underwhelming but he has enough games tore where it’s like maybe we could make this work we’re not losing these games he’s not playing great defensively but

He’s not as bad as he was at the beginning of the Season like how’s this going to work how much more time can we give him it’s similar with Chris Dunn but Chris Dunn is like he’s playing so well and his contract so cheap it’s like

How can we not play the guy he’s he’s doing everything that we need him to like the shot the only thing that he’s not giving us is scoring output but we have guys for that that’s Lowry’s job that’s John con she mean well yeah that is John khin’s job partially we have

That’s Fon teo’s job right we need somebody that can table set for them Kon can create his own shot but sometimes he likes to shoot off the catch from three as well can we get a guy that can set him up like that boom insert Chris D it’s

Working and that’s why I say it’s a really big thing that Chris dun Can Be an Effective passer while simultaneously not being a threat offensively scoring the ball because it’s borderline impossible like I don’t think a lot of people understand just how difficult cool that it is to be a great playmaker

When you’re not a great scorer because that makes your playmaking onedimensional because they know you have to pass you’re not like that you can’t score the Rock at a high level and with high levels of proficiency like other other great point guards shooting guards whatever position you play is in

That league right so if they know you’re gonna pass they’re not even trying to play a shot so if you pump fake they’re not respecting it if you try and drive they know you’re going to try and kick it they’re just trying to funnel you into a situation to where that ball gets

Deflected or the guy that you’re kicking it to knows the ball’s coming and they’re on that it’s just one of those things but yeah where we at his shot selection is excellent even on his drives he’s just not explosive enough at The Rim to convert some of his

Finishes so I have to figure that out yeah a little bit more size I don’t want him to gain too much weight but a little bit more weight I think would also help him overall especially with absorbing contact on his drives whether it be as he’s driving downhill or especially when

He gets Airborne because sometimes he gets pushed off his spot very easily and kind of rounds his drives as opposed to being straight north to south kind of action JZ won the Donan Mitchell trade absolutely being with J being out for the season I give sex in the fastest Le

Yeah I thought I’m not gonna lie I don’t know if anybody sees like on if any of y are on Twitter you have NBA Central who’s One Like official like NBA Source where you can trust the news and you have NBA sentel or cental and there the phony

Account so I read the post and I thought it was the phony account posting it then I looked and I realized it was the actual one and I was actually like lowkey sick because he’s actually been playing pretty well and the the the glies have looked good in the games that

He’s played they’ve won more than they’ve lost right it’s crazy crazy how the world Works Toren laam too that’s ah that’s not great at all um and out for the season I’ve been a huge supporter of Ty Jones but one other guy that’s more out there is jonay

Murray who I’m kind of convinced would fit like a glove I’m not gonna lie I’m not gonna lie epic epic epic you’re you’re speaking to my soul right now because I almost made a video last week about Deonte Murray because I it’s kind of hard because like you don’t realize

How like he’s kind of got buried because everybody when you think about Atlanta you think of Trey young you don’t think about Des it’s like bro they literally traded it was a big deal when it was a big deal when they brought him in because it was a lot of money and

Everything and it’s like where is he now and it’s like is he’s not playing terrible to my me to my knowledge matter of fact Let me let me pull this guy let me pull up to jeon Murray stats um stats survey says 34.6 minutes 20.9 basically

21 points a game shooting 46.7% from the field that’s his highest field goal percentage of his career 38.4% from three highest oh second highest aside from his rookie season with the Spurs um 4.6 boards five assists 1.4 steals give me that give me that please please pretty pleased with a cherry on

Top that would be amazing if we could get him obviously it’s going to be a lot harder to get him than like a lower tier like you know like a tius Jones but do jonay Murray got like that Colin seon dog in him but he’s an elite

Defender right he’s got that Chris Dunn Intelligence on defense I’m not gonna say I’m not willing to bite that he’s a perfect table setter but he’s definitely one of the best assist guys in the league like he will hunt down assists and while it’s slightly different from

Being a table setter right I don’t consider you there’s good table Setters that don’t average a million assists a game likewise there’s some players that average a million assists and are terrible table Setters but they just make the Easy Pass right that just happens with a lot of guys but Deonte

Murray is definitely one of those guys great defense great shot making as I said just now 46 and a half perc from the field and 38% from three high level efficiency he’s tough and if we could get that guy in a deal that would be one of the only ways

I would give up I’m not gonna lie on uh Jordan Clarkson was in a package for Deon Murray like I need somebody tough like I know the fit is going to fit like it it can’t be a questionable thing because Jordan clarson has played well

Enough as of late for me to back up off the horse and be like yo get him out of here like there’s no more pitch PE there’s no peasants with pitch Forks you know raising a ra raising raising raising hell in front of his front door anymore right because he’s played he’s

Still in inefficient but he’s been inefficient but efficient enough in the games that we need him to be and we’re winning games and we’ve won most of our games with Chris Dunn at the helm uh by by a large margin I think we’ve only lost like less than a

Handful Tony Jones said will likely be will likely not be in the market for Deon after that injury I could Tell Keon jump back up to around 200 pounds okay J would be perfect though yeah Russ and alow deal would be good too yeah but I don’t I don’t think we

Would end up getting Russ and then defensively he’s not as great he has the Colin ston dog in him def like as a player like there’s very few guys you can put in that little circle of guys and he’s he is that quality guy but I think he’s also found home and he’s

Comfortable where he is with the Clippers I for peace sake he took like a like what a $40 million pay cut like he was getting 44 million now he’s getting like 4 point 4.7 4.5 this year I think Colin ston has averaged 21.2 points and 2.5 rebounds 4.8 assists past

15 games he’s playing incredible basketball who they wander you’re spitting you’re talking about Soul right now dog when D starts the Jazz r93 when done doesn’t start the Jazz 97 I buy it I’m buying that stock all all the way because I I want to Chris start at the

Beginning of the season but it didn’t work out no shame to tht but you know it didn’t work I need SE to drop a career high on Cleveland next time they play that would be tough that that would be very tough I would be Beyond hype about that

But I don’t think we’re gonna be lucky enough unfortunately but he every now and then contest give me some gives me the vibe like he could he could give me a smooth 40 just out of nowhere just on a random Tuesday night not in a game that we need

Him to give us 40 just like a random night against a random team you know just doing it let’s see what a Lonnie Walker talk to me talk to me more about that talk to me more about that A1 but yeah this game was actually phenomenal shout out to all y’all vibing

In here man we got 38 people in here if you haven’t if you haven’t said anything in the chat ask a question man or just say what’s up we’re always welcoming this is this is this is a Vibe it’s home you know anybody can comment it’s not restricted

To you know pay donations though donations are loved um you know they just go towards video calls but on man who else is in here talk to me are the Jazz buyers or sellers at the deadline if you asked me this about 15 games ago I would say sellers

Easy now I think we’re low-key buyers but buyers by a small margin not like we’re going to do an overhaul but we’re probably going to ship out three or 4ish pieces to get one or two really good to Great pieces depending on who who’s available in the

Market right I think that’s the biggest thing because the availability of different good pieces going to ultimately determ what we end up doing said definitely going to condense the roster a bit yeah I agree with you yeah Lonnie’s more explosive than dun in my opinion great defensive presence I get I

Give the playmaking edge to dun but Lonnie is a way better scorer yeah okay I understand what you’re saying now but I think the big issue is we need that playmaking sense because low simply doesn’t have the playmaking for himself or for his teammates and unless you’re going to require uh

Somebody like fono to really step it up or expect Colin seon to start averaging like closer to eight assists instead of like his four four to five assists that he’s been giving us it’s not exactly the most ideal situation across the board if I’m being quite honest um I don’t hate the fit

Though because Lonnie Walker especially when he was with the Lakers that one year they didn’t hold on to him and they probably should have because it would have really paid dividends for them if I’m being quite honest with you I think that’s the biggest thing that would definitely be the biggest

Thing now we said what SE yakum I thought about SE yakum actually very much so but I don’t know if we I don’t know if they would take on John Collins and I feel like for SE what is how much is seak getting paid because ultimately his and also I heard he’s

Being a little bit of a primadonna and the he’s specific about like requesting where he wants to go which yeah to a certain extent he does have a right to decide but it’s the other side it’s like brother you’re going to go where we where we tell you to

Go um what about a veteran like Kevin Love I don’t think the heat will let go of Kevin Love and I think Kevin Love loves being on the heat that said a player similar to Kevin Kevin Love it’s weird but I kind of feel like Kelly oen fills that role because he has

He’s willing to make that extra pass he can shoot he does a lot of things well um but that those type of guys are important for roster ction just overall being a great team we said Jazz are neither buyers nor sellers in my opinion they’re just going to maximize the value where they

Can I can respect that epic I can respect that yeah you said seak is being picky yeah the Kings WRA his trade didn’t go down because seak said he isn’t signing the extension wow that’s crazy why wouldn’t he go to the kings that would be tough dearen SE yakum and sabonis I’m

Assuming they would have to give up Keegan Murray or would they keep if they if they keep Keegan Murray that would be tough yeah that would be insane but that’s that’s an interesting level of pickiness from him does he just not like the city of Sacramento or something that’s what I’m

Guessing but if they get goar like package maybe you tra low unlikely yeah I don’t think that they will but they have to entertain a package for low right you have to entertain trading anybody on the roster because a lot of guys are playing well and if you don’t think that they

Necessarily fit the timeline or you think that they might not be all that they’re cracked up to be like John cins ended up turning out to be you might want to go ahead and see what’s going on for one and then for two go and ship them out and then

Just do it under the guys of hey we tested everybody value we liked what we could get back from you we appreciate everything that you’ve done for the organization but at the same times we’re going to have to do this other thing uh we said if they let’s see with quickly being traded

To the Raptors we could try and get shooter he’s around seven assists I actually don’t hate that I thought shooter was actually gonna play a little bit better this year to start the season out but he’s been a little bit rough since uh being with the World Cup MVP so

OKC are the only contenders who have assets for the trade H over Kevin Love yeah at this stage in their careers I’d say yeah I’m with you the awkwardness of Kelly and love being teammates yeah fair fair fair fair fair fair yeah you’re right Freddy probably thinks he’s

Get more money on the market that’s a terrible thing to think because he’s really seak not I don’t want to be that guy but I have to be that guy is seak a good player AB absolutely but is he that guy no right because he was the he was the

1B 2A character for Kawhi Leonard the one year with they got that Championship he’s proven he can’t be the onea guy on the team for me right so are you gonna go Scotty Barnes like who you trade away OG so it’s got to be Scotty Scotty’s got to be the head of

Your snake and then you added RJ Barrett who I love in a in a guaranteed second offensive option position because before when he was on the it was some nights where Julius Randle and Jaylen Brunson were hot okay they’re going to be the guys you’re playing third then it would

Be a night where Jaylen Brunson would have a bad night and hey R.J we need you to step up and be the two guy and then you had other nights where Julius Randle would go down it’s like oh you know what we’re gonna need you to step up and then

It was it was too much fluctuation for him and I think him going back and playing in his home country one even though obviously it’s not his home City you know being in his home country being in front of his own fans feeling more comfortable there I think he’s just a

Better fit and then defensively I think he’s going to fit what they do well he’s long he’s rangy he shoots the ball pretty well and I just think that’s a more ideal fit than what he had going on in New York for sure we said OKC you probably offer

Something really good for marketing but I’m not sure if Utah will buy anyways yeah because the thing is if you help OKC you’re gonna have to see them for the next five to six years that’s that’s the biggest issue that I have with any trade we do with uh Oklahoma with the

Oklahoma City Thunder because effectively you’re saying hey we’re going to help you be a better team than us for the next half a decade at least because remember Shay’s young Chad is a rookie quotation air quotes a rookie right A lot of these guys are extremely young pieces either the same age or

Younger than some of our ke pieces so if we send Larry over there to help them out they’re going to be that much better that much earlier and for that much longer and we’re gonna have to deal with that on a consistent basis every time we go to the playoffs

I’m not really trying to do that I’m not gonna lie um let’s see we said we need to know exactly what they need yeah playoffs will give them the answer yeah let to see Li with and be as much as that would work I pray that doesn’t happen Dallas will overpay sakam

Lowkey I think they would because they do have the money there because their front Court isn’t of anything particularly great like Grant Williams e um no and it’s just Kyrie and Luca now Lively’s been tough though their Center their young Center has been tough um he said I think I think it’s

Like Derek Lively the Maverick starting Center Dallas let’s see somebody like lamelo would be a dream for the Jazz really the issue with lamelo is he doesn’t play great defense and if if you’re the Jazz you need somebody that’s going to be great a great defender because you’re gonna have to put him

Alongside con thing about lamelo is he has glass ankles for one like his lower body is just an L lower body but on top of that his effort defensively just isn’t the greatest he does get his hands in passing lanes and does deflect a lot of balls but at the same

Time I don’t know if that’s enough for me but if you want somebody that can give you know 20 to 20 28 on a nightly basis and give you some good assists that’s a guy you that’s a guy you can trust like he’s gonna be he’s GNA be

Consistent in that manner Lee said I’m back is I’m in my hot spot which sucks get one word every two sentences no I’m with you um uh could totally see John Collins for Joe Harrison two second rounders being a real a deal that happens since Detroit just needs

Something to happen at this point oh I actually don’t hate the hate the fit of John Collin alongside Trey K alongside Cunningham um that would add some shooting for their team it would make them a better defensive team but they’re already hot dog water defensive team so

There’s not much saving that but I actually think that would be that would help them get better and it would help us addition by subtraction a little bit RJ is a very negative player though so I don’t know how he helps Toronto granted I don’t like I haven’t heard

Like one word during the entire thing but I heard Barett I think the B the thing about RJ Barrett is because of the fluctuations in his role with the New York Knicks it made him look like a worse player than he actually is now he hasn’t been a great player don’t get it

Twisted I’m not saying that but I’m also expecting like that HomeField Advantage him having a defined role that will not change I think those two things will end up making him very important to and integral honestly to their success long term let’s see done is also a good

Rebound at First Position which gets overlooked High key Andrew you bring up a good point how do you feel about Marco folz I love Marco folz these days he’s been looking a lot better right I remember when he first came in leag he was supposed to be tough and then they

Had the mysterious oh he can’t shoot anymore and now he’s been like really really good I don’t know how he’s got to be like around Low’s age so I don’t hate that fit actually and he might be cheap lowkey but the the magic are winning

Games so he might come at a little bit of a cost I don’t know his numbers off the top of my head I’m not GNA lie to you might as well keep THD ah I see what you’re saying money I see what you’re saying that’s an interesting one that’s definitely an interesting one

I need to upgrade my network it’s difficult to see what’s going on during the live I can some of the things from the comments I’m sickly as long as that video goes up tonight and we can watch it I think SGA dor Williams and market and home ground would be a pretty good

Starting five that would be a great starting five like SJ is already an all NBA offensive and defensive defensive Talent Lou Dort hasn’t improved very much from last season but he’s a solid overall dog type mentality player Williams speaks for himself right marinan we see him on a nightly basis

Chad holgren tough young Kevin Durant tough with better efficiency tough better defense tough you can’t make that stuff up and I would hate to have to play that on a nightly basis forget the Celtics these guys would be tough all the time I couldn’t do that I

Couldn’t do that I would hate to do that say2 yes sir RJ helps Toronto because he’s a net positive to OG’s but offensive production while adding the extra 15 to 20 from IQ fair play I keep seeing Trey young to Utah rumors I despise them I’d love Trey

Young here here’s the thing about Trey young right defensively he would be a nightmare you cannot play him and Colin ston on the court at the same times and it’s like okay so we’re going to bench Colin ston right we can’t we can’t put Jordan Clarkson on the floor start that’s not gonna

Work okay so who do we parent with that’s the part that gets tricky because if you if you put Trey on the floor he’s gonna get ISO he’s gonna get exploited in pick and rolls as much as teams can get him into pick and rolls and get him active

They’re going to do it that’s the biggest issue with try now from an offensive skill set I love it right I think he’s been pretty efficient from three this season as well so great think of a great three-point shooter solid floater a good finisher at The Rim reads the court well not I

Wouldn’t say not as much of a um table setter as Chris Dunn but probably more liable to give you double figure assist games so in that S I do understand it I I do understand it um let’s see last thing on done he can guard one through four he physically

Strong he’s very he a very solid player all across the four and he communicates well too that’s a big important thing on defense I will say if you’re not giving up the core then maybe two F and maybe like two first sure I do it for Trey but

Like THD Clarkson who else for Trey and picks are we giving up good point Trey young with Colin is the same issue we have Mark Conley and Donovan it’s the reason Danny H wanted to trade for size fair play fair play fair play Trey young to the Jazz would be a blanket statement

Not gonna Happ I know he’s controversal about Ben Simmons his lack of he bro I could make a whole video about how much Ben Simmons pisses me off he’s one of those guys oh he’s the next LeBron James it’s like bro all he has to do is make a conscious decision to get a bucket Excuse excuse my me raising my

Voice but I’ve never seen somebody so big so capable choose not to be like that like he literally says he actively has to think in his mind y I’m lowkey tough nah like what like what goes on in his head cuz he’s really like that for

Real and he chooses not to be we see all the offseason workout videos of him taking fadeaways three-pointers all this stuff and then we don’t get to see it in reg it’s like bro what are you doing what are you doing lock in great defensive Talent great table setter right but

It’s it’s that offensive back and his lack of willingness to do it like Chris dun outright just hasn’t been the most efficient but Ben Simmons actively looks on the court like he’s trying not to get trying not to trying not to work the man in front of him and that’s what pisses

Me off the most throughout this game because it’s not even like oh if I was 610 I’d be doing everybody dirty it’s like no but darn it I’m I guarantee you 50% of the point guard you put in front of me can’t guard me so I’m about to put I’m about to put

Him on his butt like what be for real me personally though I don’t know that said Lee totally the only real difference between Utah having size at the 345 bonovich from Atlanta I don’t hate that offensively trade would work with L but defense worries me yeah you

Think Jazz are in a playoff run I wouldn’t believe that they won six or seven bucks on the road I do think so I don’t know if we’re uh you know a top five I don’t think we’re a top five NBA team in the west

Right right but do we deserve to be at least playing yes we’re definitely playing at least playing basketball I think we’re playing seventh eighth seed basketball right now Fringe I Fringe uh sixth Fringe sixth because I think in my prediction video at the very beginning of the season I said that jazz could

Peak at the six seed so this is making my prediction look a lot more realistic yo I’m not gonna lie I was just reading the chat and I thought y’all were talking about me my name’s sadik with two A’s actually so I saw sadik B and do me for I like yo who

Who from my personal life is in here oh that caught me off guard um but yeah yeah yeah I I do think we’re and player R can’t play Ben in the fourth how does that help true sadique B would be awesome for the Jazz I think so

I think so yeah you are correct Ben just choose to not be tough and I feel like Hardy can push in you think so interesting interesting what would you have to trade to get trade that’s the biggest thing because it’ be it be kind of costy right

He’s the core he’s the biggest guy he’s the Talk of the Town for Atlanta so to get the face of a team off that team it would it would cost a pretty penny right absolutely and he would also have to probably want to get traded because I don’t think it’s a

Situation where you could trade him and he just like he he doesn’t Voice anything and all the fans are accepting of that I don’t think that works um not been was aggressive prior last Sixers playoffs after that he think he had injury I say though he won’t shoot

Because he had bad he may have bad death perception really I didn’t know that bad death perception is crazy though seriously what is bro doing with his life not improve in this game I don’t hate him for wi Rook here either he did more the score he had LeBron type

Passing but he has no growth I think that’s the most irritating thing about him he’s been the same guy and it’s like at one point that was great but now it’s like that’s not enough buddy help you know Utah has a type of roster that could steal a playoff series but not

More than that I’m willing to entertain that epic I’m willing to entertain that jazz are playing like top five team the past 15 games all yeah but over I over a seven game series is the is the toughest part I think for me the potential of a seven game

Series where comes to we just trade for LeBron hey man just draft Brony just forget it just draft bronnie don’t even don’t even worry about it this year we’ll start LeBron at point guard next year and we’ll have bronny right behind K SEC well no we have Keon George not

Not Keon George we have uh Jordan Clarks still but yeah something that would be tough I’m trolling obviously but I would love to have LeBron even if it was just for one year just see how things would go um let’s see worst con word uh so the argument

For Ben to Jazz seriously a sophomore head coach can finally make him change something like that clearly born with lack of effort it’s tough because sometimes Ben just doesn’t look hungry like even his off the court Antics and what he does just outside of the game just doesn’t seem like it’s ideal I

Guess Hendrick adding 20 pounds slightly improving those handles and face up offense will make Utah look pretty dang good yes I think he has a I think he has a Kawai type Peak he does he’s not gonna have a crazy handle right at any point but considering the way he already

Shoots the ball if he can EV evolve his face up oh whoops if he can evolve his face up game I definitely love the situation that he put the situation that he puts us in overall I think he could be one of those big like missing piece kind of

Guys for this team most definitely uh Ben got his max contract and stopped improving that’s the way it feels honestly I’m not gonna lie to you yeah that’s that’s definitely the way itd be feeling he said can’t say his lack eff some play defense aggressive like effort it’s it’s difficult because

Like it’s a it’s a level of offensive intensity that he lacks so it’s like do we call the effort what do what should we name it because it’s difficult you said Lowry is like Dirk whiskey I can see that but Dirk had a tougher like dribble game like set his own offense up

And Lowry doesn’t seem to be able to exercise that aspect of his game too much that’s the biggest thing for sure realistically if he was given the chance how many points do you think seon would be able to average in his prime if you if you told K seon you are our main

Offensive um threat we need you to help us judging from like his decent three-point efficiency this is going to sound crazy a little bit but I think he could probably give you like 27 and night I don’t think I don’t think he’s gonna give you 30 on

Good efficiency at least I think he could give you 27 though I think 27 is definitely attainable for Colin ston and his style of play but he that also requires him to have a certain type of teammate and him to consciously understand this is his no matter what we

Do we’re willing to live and die by your shot selection basically that’s the other big thing for him but yeah 20 25 2 sish I don’t think would be crazy for him but I don’t know if he’ll ever actually like see that in a season in his career I

Think um just because small guards like him when you think of like winning teams Curry’s the only guy that actually did that you know what I’m saying that’s all um I think Lowry is a go has to go oh has to be an Allstar okay okay

Okay okay it’s a good Monday oh it’s a great Monday Mon it’s a great Monday DK can create his own shot L still developing it which he did great with tonight to be honest yeah lowkey actually thank you for calling that out Lee yeah uh he definitely did better we

Saw flashes today we don’t usually see flashes we usually see him just catch and shoot this was better or catch a dunk uh you think 27 is is reasonable Fair bow still two years 18 million or did I remember wrong uh ballpark I think it’s around the same

I think it’s around the same but regardless it’s it’s a good contract you just want to go ahead and like bump that extension so you don’t gotta worry about it later and he wants to he wants to sign so that’s that’s a big part too on a

Team option the last year marketing yeah if seon was on the Wizards he would average 25 he seon would seon on the Wizards would do everything that Jordan P wishes he was doing on the Wizards right now basically basically Derk was forced to creating his own shot the year after they let

Sten Ash his shot creation similar Low’s up until 70% those field goal made were assisted interesting fed van no that’s the hater in me lowkey wait wait are you saying us getting fredet or just scoring on his own let me know aan I don’t want to Mis Mis answer your

Question my hand started bleeding guys out of nowhere I was sick ouch Danny AG’s goal is to get Utah chip I’m wondering if his idea of this offseason he’s aging and clearly doesn’t want to drag it out just wondering who his next Target is yeah cuz like do you

Think you can draft a a one or do you think it’s just do you think do you think it’s just there do do you think you already have it are you going to try and just develop what you already have on your team and trade away some picks maybe trade up in

A draft and pick a specific person I don’t know scoring uh fan Le really around ballpark around Colin seon honestly like I would say 24 to 26 I he doesn’t strike me as a 30o per game score because of his size build and play style and sometimes like last year people accused

Him of shot chucking like people the Toronto fans specifically really didn’t like having on the team because yes he was averaging a lot of assists but it was like the way he was doing it was like in a stat Patty is way it it he’s never been known for

Being like a great defender so yeah and I felt like they overpaid for him but you know they’re winning they’re winning games so couldn’t have been crazy too crazy right from their overall Wasing their overall draft and selection percent es and just decisions honestly he makes 40 million a year yeah

Nasty I like Fred V if you’re not paying 80 million a year for him yeah he’s def if we think if people think John KH is overpaid that man fredman vle is overpaid because boy what absolutely not no no no no multiple guys can dribble shoot pass yeah they’re gonna try and go

To the Boston rout fair play fair play Dan probably isn’t the easiest guy to talk about trades yeah yo Martin that’s your first comment in here you must have felt that one with your whole chest I’m with you though he said I want Monte said I want 40 million

Year man I’ll take I’ll take a Chris dun contract give me the vet minow give me that give me that 2.1 mil I’m good I’m I’m happy I’m excited I’m ecstatic for myself like what so easy Boston especially the o 609 route seems to be what a wants here hard with

The new CBA to trade for two stars but I could see him doing that interesting they made it clear they want three three star level players so they probably not going to go for a number one yeah but you still have to have an alpha dog out of the number one unless

You’re willing to say that Colin seon is your alpha dog out of the will be the alpha dog out of the three and then the other one will fit in alongside Colin sex and L marketing type ability because somebody has to be your biggest dog in the fight at all times like regardless

Like if things get tough this is the man we’re deferring to and I think that’s gonna be the biggest thing for them to decide whether it’s going to be some between somebody they have on the team or if it’s gonna they’re gonna go out and get that third

Person or if they think Colin seon isn’t part of that big three that’s also a possibility right and then it’s like okay so we need two people and who are those two people going to be who is going to be the alpha out of the two you know um interest interesting

Interesting do you think the Jazz should make a trade to get a great player if it means sending one or multiple first round picks we have a lot of picks to play with depending on how many first we have I might be willing to entertain I might be willing to

Entertain um more like a unguardable team um honly Terry Rosier wouldn’t be bad at all he’s been having a good season yeah defensively he leaves a little bit of question marks though that’s the one thing about him they just need to have a shot created with size but they also

Have to be a great defender or have the size yeah with size so with size I’m assuming you’re saying a great defender because of their size I’m willing to bite I’m willing to bite on that one money I know it’s crazy I just want to

See this J te does in a playoff series going 100 so many fighters on the roster like Colin o Lowry C even Taylor dbh high effort fair fair well y in the Spurs I’m disappointed I’m not necessarily disappointed in the fact that they’re losing right I thought they

Would lose I thought they would decide you know we need another big piece that wouldn’t surprise me now the most animatic and hilarious thing possible would be if they’re tanking just to draft bronnie just because they know LeBron is going to want to play with his son and they bring that in and

That’s Pop’s final like Fu move to the league like haha um that would be actually like I can’t explain to you how hard I would be dying laughting at like at the start of that season if that happened obviously it’s a long shot they should

Lowkey trade for uh B bow I saw they had interest in doing the Twin Towers I made a joke about it earlier on in this season I love bbo um I apparently he has the attitude issues or whatever the case may be if the brother can ball and you

Guys can’t score a bucket put him on the floor put on the floor and put a noose not a noose put a leash on him that got that could got bad real quick and put a leash on him and just let that let the dog play right just just sit him down if

He needs to be sat down though because I think it’s ridiculous that we keep seeing we keep getting taste test and sample size of BU bowl and be like Victor wanyama was molded after this guy and it’s like well we’ve never also seen this guy actually go off he’s never had

The opportunity to genuinely just go off so just just interesting but wm’s wm’s tough like Chad has that young Kevin Durant game but then WBY has more of like not necessarily a back to basket but more of like a power 40 cish traditionalist type game and it’s like which one do you want

Because it’s different flavors it’s like chocolate and vanilla ice cream I like both but it’s like what am I feeling today because they’re both really good at what they do and that’s a great thing to have and the league is honestly in good hands and it’s like side note

LeBron you know Curry all the guys getting older LeBron trying to hand father the time is big as L dunking on Paul George like that from darn near the free throw line at 39 years old is absolutely insane side note but it’s the league is starting to get younger and it’s like a

Lot of a lot of guys are getting bigger um we said I want Kessler to play more no I understand I understand Trey man I don’t hate I don’t hate that I don’t hate Trey man I want Kessler to play more yeah I do too the only reason I’m

Not making a fuss about Walker not playing more I thought about making a video about it but I don’t really have any actual information to give you guys in a video like that it would just be like voicing my grievances I don’t think anybody cares that much but if I catch a window

Something I’m definitely gonna make it I’m gonna end up making a video about it because it’s just interesting to see that Walker’s been reduced to this again it’s it’s working right it’s working which is why I can’t say but too much about it but it’s like it’s also surprising because like what’s actually

Going on here um do you think if LeBron would take a vet min him just to play with his son he said he would do anything so I I would be willing to entertain that like no matter what team is up drafting him I I do genuinely think LeBron would go

There despite the despite despite losing out on Millions he a good way to get yourself yeah yeah I had I had to money I had to I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been a little bit wild lately I’ve been a little bit too free I rather get Trey

Jones and Ty Jones Trey is a better Defender fair play Walker has been a better scorer play more minutes has to be a better scorer to play more minutes you you think that’s what it is money I wonder if John Collins being put on a pedestal right now and like just

Shown at the auction is also what they’re waiting on so they can get Walker more minutes and then have Taylor Hendrick actually like spot fill in for Walker’s these 24 minutes that Walker been playing a night he said can’t afford to play nons scores with high yeah that’s true there

Are any good players Jazz could trade for that would want to play in Utah obviously any International player would probably not care um that said you just need someone that’s really evenly killed personality wise because a lot of it comes down to personality of the player

Like not even their place not even just their place out but you need to bring somebody in that’s going to like the roster like the coaching staff like the city and then just likes the ball in almost about in that order honestly um Trey Jones isn’t bad I think

Tyus is a little bit more polished but you want to go long-term guards I think Trey League Aver like 117 right now interesting interesting all right he’s like John Collins is a better Big Stretch big allowing dun the sex to attack the rim true sex can be a good second option only

Thing holding him back besides the size is his tunnel vision but his Improvement has been a good all around I also believe Keen up potential fair fair play fair play I’m with you I want more rebounding from Walker yeah sometimes Walker K doesn’t seem to clean up the

Glass the way I would love for him to right like six boards isn’t bad two offensive boards isn’t bad considering he also only played 21 minutes that’s that’s solid no no oh okay okay okay I’m still here I got scared um that’s also fair but yeah I wouldn’t be too too over the

Moon about it personally yeah keante yeah some people call him keyote some people say what what was the ni somebody say like the keynote of the jazz or something um which is which is a rather suit suit rather suiting uh nickname for him I’ll give them that I’ll give them

That har for Walker would be great rebounder given the position he’s put in on both sides of the floor Fair that’s another big thing I guess yeah because a lot of times he find himself under the rim not actually in rebound B position and we’re still a great rebounding team

With him on the floor or without him on the floor so I guess that also like really plays a big role in everything going on Fair play fair play yeah I’m definit I understand but yeah man 100% 100% 100% um let me think I’m still not terribly against Utah spending

Tht spending the THD Collins deals on an expiring Gordon Hayward plus second round pick I explained it months ago but he’s multi-positional and makes right reads I don’t hate it okay yeah I understand epic yeah I understand yeah yeah I’m not against you on that one not at all if I’m being honest

Not at all uh but any more thoughts questions anything to gentlemen let me know let me know let me know had a pretty solid stream tonight guys about 30 30 plus of us in here just fing out equality Utah Jazz w we don’t get well we have been getting a lot of those

Lately who am I kidding I was about to say we don’t get those often but like too used to that other one favorite color red I’ve always been a red guy but lately I don’t know that purple purple’s been talking to me talking crazy hearing a bunch of Names but not hearing who we’re going to give up for these guys yeah that’s the biggest thing it’s about who they want is R think he’s gonna cook nicely yo epic you’re a fool it is lowkey 1 a for me though I’m on the East

Coast who else is on the East Coast with me we got more people in the chat than usual today who else is on the East Coast it don’t matter where y’all is let me know something let me know let me let me know let me

Know but yeah we have fun we have fun man 100% look at the Celtics as many go-to guys you have the better Fair Midwest ah you don’t seem as tired as a stream a few weeks ago yeah I’m not gonna lie before the stream I laid down on the couch and I was out like a light and

Then I got up showered so when I was like when I watched the end of the game and I literally set up the stream and I was like all right guys just leave thoughts I’ll be back in 20 minutes I was like yeah I’m about to shower wake

Myself up and I’m going but yeah we’re we’re rocking out 7 AM 7:48 a.m. are you in are you in Finland perah or are you in uh somewhere are you in Italy somewhere somewhere in Europe right now cuz your seven your seven hour time difference dad

What’s up my guy Finland okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool nice Salt Lake City from New York New Jersey sh SHOT show shot that’s real the guys were giving up John Collins tht maybe Jordan Clarkson Kelly alen yeah yeah we got a lot of

Pcks to work with too I don’t know how many people are gonna take the pcks people would like to have them but those are definitely going to be on the table South Korea bro what we got we got we got people from people in Asian nations in the chat

That’s what I’m talking about I feel so accomplished that’s so awesome I’m glad to have you A1 really I’m from fin morning shift didn’t work you’re at work right now mvy City call cka really huh that’s interesting you’re in the Army though ah okay fair play fair play fair play that

Makes more sense but still that’s still tough you’re still in Korea that don’t change that somebody’s in Korea watching stream don’t care yep I’m claiming it I’m claiming it don’t care yep Jazz Nation worldwide that’s what I’m saying James what’s good my guy yes sir Monty said I’m at

Home yeah playoff bound shot I think lowkey we’re definitely play inbound right there’s nothing really stopping our momentum right now just watch the game let’s go yes sir do you think the Jazz could make the playoffs this year I definitely think so I thought so in the beginning of the

Season I still think so now think it’s more comfortable y epic you’re a fool yeah no actually realistically what’s three what’s 30 times 30 900 oh yeah actually yeah now that now that you mentioned epic yeah I’ll fly out there you can somebody somebody let me know can you take

Cameras into the arena can you take cameras into the Utah Jazz Arena cuz one of my friends told me like at the Charlotte uh Arena you’re able to bring them in but I don’t know if it’s like every Stadium thing or how that works so somebody let me know if you have the

Opportunity um what a game we now have six straight at home or something yeah yeah we we’re definitely the scariest part of the schedule where I said we needed to go at least one and one and two one and three we’re already two and one right so

Nuggets game coming at home I like our odds I love our odds actually it’s good stuff um I wasn’t sure about the playoffs a few weeks ago but now it seems possible yeah your phone is a camera true but Andrew like get in the film and like like b-roll from like

Because I have a I have a lumx g is it G35 or G37 one of the two like like a like a like I’ve got a couple videography cameras so lowkey if I go I want to get some like real smooth cinema cinema cinematography done yeah that thing yeah

He said we could sneak a c in if it’s not allowed they have metal detectors check if for weapons man I think cameras are fine okay cool cool cool cool very good Utah right now I’m saying two versus the top three east teams yeah admittedly they were a little bit

Hampered by injury but hey I’ll take the win anyways just Mouse Bridges to the Jazz I would not hate miles Bridges Josh giddy I don’t know 100% how I feel I don’t hate the fit right definitely don’t hate the fit but I don’t know how much I

Actually love the fit miles Bridges I think is very very attainable I don’t know if he would like being in Utah but at this point he would he would do better he would he would do socially better like off the court in Utah but I

Don’t know if if we would get that Delta is kind of strict no laser pointers for sure after the Harden incident no front row signs I assume cameras are okay but might get checked okay cool cool cool cool cool to much left until I’m off

This H spot got you got you Lee smooth cinnamon roll definitely upgrading my op no I understand no giddy please I feel you shock this team’s winning this was more or less the team that I saw starting the season out minus take out fanto and start Walker Kesler but I’m happy I’m

Happy with this I mean we’re all happy obviously we want to see our team win but this is this is a very contable situation if Utah Jazz fan I think no matter what can’t even right correct hey when he said we’ll take those wins any day yes I’m with you it’s okay I

Understood what you me perah I’m locked in yeah any win you can get is a good win especially against a quality team right even if they don’t have all of their big pieces if they have enough of them give it to me anyways I don’t care

And I’ll see you when I see you and we’ll worry about that when you’re fully healthy you think they could make the number six point yes yeah I’m willing to bite on it yeah even though it won’t happen Jimmy Butler would be perfect for this team intensity wise and everything

I would like to see Jimmy Butler out here but yeah you’re right the odds of Jimmy Butler caring enough about Utah to give them a shot is slim to none especially since he found his perfect spot where he is yeah ninth spot I think lowkey a a reasonable ceiling that I think is

Perfectly attainable if the West stays as Rocky as it is right now seventh sixth would be a little bit pushing it but I think it’s possible but I think seventh is a realistic ceiling for this team if I dislike a player it’s Lavine fair I’m not mad at that at all actually

Even though some people think I would lonzo’s running again just wait till he’s actually basketball running I would love that the Jazz make the playoffs can you come to a game honestly I just need the money to come to come to a game I will

End up going I will end up going at some point this season I told the boys like I keep telling everybody I will I don’t know when uh the Youtube ad revenue and everything is going to be enough but at some point we’re going to see how things are

Looking at the end of this month and really at the end of February because it might end up being March time that I have to come to a game but I do before the end of the season like before playoffs want to come to a game for sure like like

Undoubtedly no question in my mind because I’ve said i’ I’ve watched too much said too much like I’m all around here so I think I think that would be that would be big honestly and I really I really like that idea tell the Jazz to make the playoffs

So you have more time to save basketball fans waking up here in Finland because of lry we usually all about hockey that’s tough that’s tough I got you got to respect that at the end of the day because that’s that’s big he means something serious start making

Mark kazmo videos up a bag that’s what I’m going to start doing on my main Channel I’m not sure if I’m going to be as tough because I can’t do it like Mike right I can’t do it like uh what’s his name uh the goat the goat the goat y’all

Know who I’m talking about Jimmy High Roller I can’t I’m not Jimmy I’m not Jimmy I’m not I’m not cut like that I’m not gonna lie but but I’mma do something I’m I’mma find some way I’mma find something yo Lee Lee’s big money for real Lee is Big Money For

Real uh go to the Jazz game pay for your ticket hey we we we’re gonna find we’re gonna figure something out we’re gonna figure something out trust and believe Trust and Believe play so many bets in the summer took over the win total for the Jazz bet

Make the playoffs even bet them to win 40 if those hit I’m making good cash oh epic I know I oh I know you happy about that one what’s your main page um it’s just at The Wraith Hoops I don’t have any actual videos

Up hold on I’m I’m G drop in the chat at the Wrath Hoops that’s the app like if you look up that app in YouTube it should come up um I don’t have a video my first video I’m still yet to get it back from Sachi That

Was supposed to be a Lowry marketing video but what I might do is post that video on here and make a video about the one and only uh what’s his name I don’t know if y’all can see that but Lonzo ball that might be what I go

For instead I’m probably gonna do videos every Friday on that channel and then still keep like two to three-ish videos on this channel and then I’m live I’m live for basically every game for the most part I try to be but yeah for sure are you cheating on

The Jazz with your other account nah I could never this this account is what started at all I could never cheat on the Jazz that’s why I live stream every game regardless you feel me never Monty never shows up to Delta it’s GNA look like SpongeBob’s Neighborhood during the

Pretty yo epic you are hilarious by way I got your logo need to put together awesome yes sir Le a goat Le a goat did I tell y’all that oh I gotta does anybody know any really good like clothing vendors like for merchandise just out of question I know

This is completely off topic um I don’t I didn’t really have any more particular basketball takes by the way just for anybody out of my last 27 that was like just vibing here with us in case you just wanted to chat I say hey let me know something

Guys but uh he said lowercase go by the way um I would say if anybody knows like any good vendors for clothes hats anything like that bags I wanted to lowkey do merch and I wanted to do merch but I don’t know who to do it through because I

Personally obviously I’m in North Carolina so I don’t know like yeah Mr Beast is from North Carolina but is Mr Beast gonna put me on game no Mr Beast has bigger F to fry Wells to build and all that sort of stuff just crazy things but I don’t have that particular luxury

Um so if anybody knows of any like vendors or stuff like that let me know DM me on Twitter or IG whatever the case may be oh yeah follow me on Twitter and IG too by the way yeah just message me whenever things of that nature you be surprised who puts you on

That’s true I watched Larry Bird when growing up not even a Boston fan and of course Jordan piip and Robin ex said fair play fair play you think the Jazz are gonna trade anybody yeah there’s gon to be a couple trades there’s gon to be a couple traits

That go off or like it’s either going to be one big one but I feel like we’re not going to make a like a like a like a like a blast it’s gonna be like a calm little calm little trade for us like maybe two or three

Is you’re not neighbors with Mr Beast I wish I if I was out with Mr Beast me and Jimmy would be vibing I would have been I would have been there I would have Flo in a private jet what are you talking about man come on Monty

You know you know how Mr Beast get down I don’t have that same luxury but by and large yeah that’s just what it is favorite comfort food I don’t know because it kind of changes from time to time but you can’t go wrong with chocolate right like a

Simple Hershey’s chocolate bar can’t go wrong with chocolate I’m a chocaholic I love chocolate hoping Jason Preston ends up being like Chris Dunn all over again crazy overperforms and immediately becomes a huge piece LOL that’ll be fair dark or milk um Loki I like dark I like

Dark I I don’t I don’t hate either one by the way but um yeah probably dark yo this has been a really fire live y’all this this live has been for lack of better phrasing live um that’s good though that’s good though it makes me happy I’m glad that everybody like you

Know checks in pops out things of that nature makes things more interesting for everybody but uh anybody in the chat that hasn’t said something yet say what’s up man let me know who you are clearly you must like the Utah Jazz or else you wouldn’t have clicked on my

Live I’m just a random black guy yeah you walk on N it’s boring when I left when I missed the live of course Monty should the Jazz trade Lowry to Oklahoma if they get five first surrounders and young Talent the issue is Oklahoma will immediately become borderline Contender status give them

Another year and I would say people would call them legitimately contenders so the issue would be you’re go by the time you’re a good team because of the picks that you traded everybody for these guys are going to be an EST established tough season team that’s

Going to give you hell every time you’re in the playoffs and I think that would be the biggest issue with trading with the Thunder my personal gripe though of course said fun fact Utah is plus 69 over the past 15 games just plus 69 we didn’t only lose by 12 today we

Only did wi by 12 today yeah that’s fair that’s fair um since I rarely say anything I just want to say I’ll just say what’s up yes early we appreciate you brother you think they could trade for Trey young I don’t know if it would happen but I

Would love it you know I would love it but well what I love it it might cost too much and then defensively the fit is shaky that’s the biggest issue with him so I can’t say I love it love it but it wouldn’t be too bad due to the Boston game

That silly me yeah yeah that actually like destroyed our hearts yeah but overall it’s been a very solid season for these guys if I’m being honest um and I love that yes sir absolutely my thing’s not working my thing is selling my thing is selling still selling okay never mind just trying to

Do something W let me do it uh colins is a 47 in last 15 C was a plus 129 golly plus 129 is absolutely insane like I don’t think people actually understand how crazy that box plus minus is while playing simultaneously like 21 to 26 minutes a night that’s

Crazy yeah OKC doesn’t need more help they’re doing just F on their own yeah John Collins is the best value the Jazz have according to YouTube video I watched earlier really that’s crazy really I mean maybe I guess like that’s easily dispensable from the team I guess

You could say that so I can’t I can’t hate that I guess it makes sense it makes sense yeah I’m not mad at it no took me a second to wrap my mind around it though I will say that but yeah um what else we thinking about

Gentlemen feel low cost like $7 in playing a top 15 I’d say the best in terms of who they’d actually trade yeah yeah that’s fair fair play fair play fair play fair play but yeah bring Shaq back you can’t tell that guy is happy or angry I’m weak we’ve been vibing out for

Um do you have any siblings yes I am the oldest of seven yeah I laugh at all these warriors with Lowry would be dangerous sixes with ti cons yo those videos be making me sick to my stomach shout out to the other 15 listeners who are probably listening at

Work and can’t hype the chat can’t type in chat yo that’s real I’m not gonna lie if you hopped in and all you can do is listen I appreciate you a thousand per. it’s not happening GMS live with it how do you think we should trade for oh who

Who do I think we should trade for realistically I don’t hate our fit I’m up in the air right now because like we kind of have to offload John K to make us an even more lethal team but it’s like can you go with Walker Kessler at

The start and bring Taylor Hendricks Off the Bench or start Taylor Hendricks and keep Walker kler Off the Bench if that’s what you want to do and Walker’s like a definite bench piece right now if that’s the case may you could potentially get away with it I don’t know

100% um but it’s like at the end of the day you have to unload some guys because they’re not being net positives for the team they’re just kind of there yeah it’s it’s a curious situation and maybe you could upgrade at the point guard spot because obviously Chris Dunn

Doesn’t have the same playmaking ability or she he doesn’t have the same scoring ability as some other Premier point guards in the league but if Keon is ultimately your guy you know you’re not GNA make the finals right now I wouldn’t be too pressed about it but you do have

To offload some of your talent this this time get a couple assets back I would say will be your perfect weekend Um watching anime watching basketball and hooping like full week into that not worried about bills or anything going to QT or G some gas station and getting a slushy after a hoop session and then going home and watching basketball or watching anime yeah definitely The Vibes The

Vibes man I love I’d love to get Max I would not be mad at that actually I would not be mad at that at all I you bring up a good point with that I agree that Hendrick should get more minutes yeah Brogden Off the Bench is lethal but

Would stunt ke’s growth low key that’s the only thing you can do all those things in Utah while hanging out with your F all let me let me get the money to come out there Monti let me get the money to come out there at the end of this month right we

Are are what what is today today is I almost said it’s 102 that’s not the date uh today is the 9th right the end of January I’m gonna do a video on my IRL Channel about like my first you know those corn not corny but those videos

Where they’re like what I made my first month on YouTube I’ll probably do like one of those cutesy little videos just to like cue people in on the sports content creator space and then based how much I have after that I’ll let y’all I I’ll probably do a

Live dedicated to it honestly or something I don’t know maybe make a post or something and then we’ll go we we’ll figure that out and um yeah but I’m I’m trying to come see yall this this this season you said what’s a great stream per usual I’m going to fall asleep

There’s no hope in the ja Ste the Denver game here’s oh here’s the hope hoping we still the gous game yes sir epic I appreciate you like always brother how many hours do I need to watch to get you here you do enough Monty if as many

Times as you watch the videos and you’re just in the Stream and everything that’s enough because like that’s that’s the biggest thing for me if I’m being honest there’s not really much more that I could even request of you guys um it’s just it’s it’s fun it’s

Fun what do you think about Will Hardy I’m fond of Will Hardy he’s making more adjustments he’s liable to make mistakes but at the same time he also dang he also grows a lot from them and he’s he’s a criticizable coach right that’s a good thing to have somebody that’s willing to

Be held accountable for their own mistakes while simultaneously making the proper decisions and putting guys in the best positions to be successful and he’s one of those guys and I’m appreciative of that so I definitely am fond of him he has more growth to go obviously as

Many coaches do but overall he’s he’s a solid piece that really set for the team for the future eth for us you’re living in the future I forget but yeah yesly you’re right you should get set you should set up a goal of money to come for a trip to

Utah I could play videos on reaply bro if you come to a game let me know I’d love to be there with my family hanging out with you for sure for sure Lee of Lee you’re going to be one of the first ones that that find out obviously will hardy doesn’t seem afraid

To conflict to afraid of conflict and more important failure yes important important important yep Hardy will be the newfi Jackson I need he’s he’s tough he’s confident he’s willing to try he’s willing to make mistakes right he’s willing to admit I I messed up today I

Was bad today that’s my fault guys and you need some a coach that’s going to be accountable for his mistakes and then not only does he do that but he’s also willing to make adjustments just switch things up try new things and be proven wrong but also be proven right and

That’s a big thing because as a coach you want to be right you want to be able to prove to your guys you know what you’re talking about and you’re you’re creating a worthwhile Endeavor for them and it’s you don’t want to be that guy that just can’t basically if that makes

Sense but I think I think he’s definitely like one of those guys he’s one of those ones who’s on the hang on invite list man anybody that’s around I’ll I’ll find a way I’ll find a way we might we might have to all meet up at at McDonald’s or something but we’ll we

We’ll find a way we’ll find a way somebody who was it that had three rooms in their basement because their older brothers all moved out and it’s just them and their parents I don’t think he’s in the chat with us right now I cannot remember his username for the life of

Me but we were talking about this like two or three games ago go in the streams and it was wait Tyson it was you wait Tyson how old are you let me know it is you I don’t know how I forgot that at all actually that a very slow moment

Um you have to sell the thing to the guy me okay fair fair fair also side point with to Will Hardy he yells at Colin sex and Colin learns from it that alone will make you love him because not everybody is cachable yep being willing to be criticized and also accepting it and

Moving forward is a big thing and not all players are capable of that that’s why a lot of them no matter how good they are have their own ceiling set for them because they’re just too stubborn I was unculturable my coach still love me what an idiot Le you’re

Foolish but yeah man that’s that’s just what it is that’s all it is really for sure for sure yeah someone explained Michigan versus Washington in basketball terms oh my God that for me as a matter of fact who won that game Michigan versus Washington mington packed them up expeditiously goodness gracious

That wow that was crazy I I don’t even know how to put that into words I’m not gonna lie I have no idea how to put that into words it’s crazy though um ke makes us excited about our future Lowry is our floor but Kesler and

Ke are ceiling razors dun needs to be Untouchable I would agree with you vasper oh whisper that’s your first comment today brother how’s it going miss you be tough and don’t be afraid to tell your own mistakes we’re all human and great and great coaches about Tough Love sometimes exactly great love like

Always bro love the content gonna get ready for bed keep the live on good night all nightly appreciate you for all you do sir we’ll catch you um Dam we’ve we’ve we’ve had we’ve had a day today we’ve had an insane day if I’m being honest anything else on anybody’s

Mind anybody else having a a lovely night a rough night and anything interesting basketball-wise going on will you ever make a wall of fame like what explain explain to me what you think it would look like Monty D you’re you’re good nighting good night Sir appreciate you I’m about to

I’m about to lock Us in I’m about to lock Us in it’s 1 1:10 a.m. out here so but I did want to give everybody a w stream because we don’t what when’s our next game Friday today’s Monday no it might be Wednesday might Monday Wednesday Friday I let me look

Youz survey says yeah okay so it’s going to be Wednesday Wednesday Friday nuggets then the Raptors so yeah just wanted to give us give us a good one you know what I’m saying that’s that’s the biggest thing Wednesday nuget yeah list of favorite followers and favorite comments that’s a good idea

Monty that is a good idea I don’t know how I would do it but I would definitely look into doing it I like that idea that’s a good one thank for this I just found the channel yeah Pera am I saying your name

Right bro is it is it Pera is it Pera or is it like Pera like is it like is it American R like or like Pera or is it per sorry yeah I just don’t like saying people’s names wrong especially when you guys go out of your way because I know I

Do have like particularly for this team there’s going to be a lot of more International viewers so I want to make sure when I’m interacting with you guys in the chat I’m being completely genuine and like you guys feel like I actually care right because I do I don’t want

Y’all to be like this clown keeps say I love this guy’s content but he can’t say my name right worth a lick like I don’t I don’t want that because my my actual name is actually difficult to Ardo really that’s tough that’s tough Ardo that I’ve never heard that

Before in my life life that’s tough n no that’s tough oh Ty you said Friday I’m going to the Raptor game that’ll be cool absolutely I’m do on that one wait Tyson do you have uh you don’t have a season Game Pass do you or do you I don’t remember off top my

Head let me know but yeah man it’s definitely been fun it’s definitely been fun and we still got 23 people in here dog we’re all vibing you just go to a lot of games okay cool yeah like yo Tyson you be you be at games brother

Like you don’t be at games like T be at games but you be at games every time that man Titan that man tatan pop up in the chat he’s talking about how he’s uh what you call it how he’s sitting there in the middle of traffic coming home oh

He said 43 years young hey man years young I love it I love it as long as you’re having fun with it South Korean still here A1 yes sir pleasure pleasure pleasure pleasure it’s just the vibe having everybody out that’s what makes it the most enjoyable honestly

That J I’m one sub away from uh 1,320 who was the big Chinese guy in basketball Ying yeah yeah right now we have Japanese uh what’s his name Utah wab he’s tough he said dude I’m always L to stream traic yes sir Man look is Chris dun due for a new video is

Chris Dunn gonna be my next Target not my next Target that made it sound like he’s a victim is Lee gonna be is Chris dun gonna be the next topic for a video I’ve gotten a couple for font Taco I have another Lowry one coming out

Um I did a call sex one recently enough I think I think that’s worth it Tyson you say been here about that yeah yeah Tyson yeah oh Tyson I remember because this is the thing right my videos from before anybody that commented ever I still remember vaguely like

There’s one guy literally do I still have it there the background of my um I don’t know if y can see that but the background of my phone is literally a chat log in my comment section between me and this one guy Stephen Curry 6868 I

Have no idea where bro is now but he was a big cat one of those big people in the very beginning of the channel like back when I was getting like when when me hitting a 100 views was like I was hype like like he was one

Of those he was one of those main members right like early on early on crazy stuff but yeah it looks like Chris Dunn it’s like Chris I’mma do a Chris Dunn video now I’m debating because I could just do like a general video like I did updating

About fonia would that be good enough to you guys or would you prefer like a more in depth one oh make a video about Coach Hardy let me I could just screenshot on my MacBook but I’m not going to I’m gonna take a picture on my phone so I

Remember to look at that you got it Monty you got it are you a long time Utah fan I was a bulls fan forever in the golden air of the Bulls the thing that really brought me to Utah was um speak the devil and he shall appear con

Sexin himself because I watched K sex since he was in high school when he popped out on the ebl circuit and then he went on to Alabama and like the entire bench got ejected then uh was it Bryce Petty got injured and the other guy got ejected and so it was three on

Five like that cemented section is like an alltime like big guy to me and I was like bro nah he’s different and like going into leag I I didn’t care he was always tough to me he was just always tough um let me see my brain just logged out for a

Second yo I need one more memorable yo one sec I need to be me more memorable yo one sec Tyson you’re memorable enough but yeah yo YouTube eats so much of the profits dude shout out to YouTube though because that’s that’s what we’re on that’s where we get the chat on right

Now like yo they eat up a lot of profits like you remember that one day when when everybody was donating we got like $32 in the in the Stream they took $10 out of that I was like dang guys well they took 13 but yeah I was like dang can we get you

Know can can can can we get like 70% of the gang’s money like goodness um let me see where am I same here just like me seon brought me to Utah fair enough thought you started use mon you just H you just helped push me in the right

Direction I think but to become a a channel I think you just go on uh I think you have to be on desktop and it should come up if you open up just the the Utah Jazz Rays like if you go to my main page it should be like subscribe

And become a member or if you go to any V any vember any video it’ll say like subscribe become a member of the channel I think I think that’s how it is Um let me see let me see let me see it isn’t hard to guess why here in Finland is Utah a thing for same BR yeah no I got you I got you a video about who you expect to still be on our team passive trade deadline I can do that

Too I can do that too M of fact let me take a picture of that cooking now yeah I can do that too oh I want to member up so I got the badge okay okay okay I got you I got you I got you yeah yeah um you need a

Patreon bro take $13 it seem like a lot yeah it is I understand YouTube is like a big company and that’s why cpms and everything are bad but it’s just like ew I do uh well I don’t have a patreon I have the uh what you call it the buy me

A coffee thing if you go to like buy meac rith Hoops um they’re pretty good I get 80 is percent of the total profits I think if memory serves me right so they’re they’re a lot better about it they’re a lot more honest with it yeah Camp said bucks

Pack yeah it it is it’s a lot right now like if I was making say say all of my videos were doing 10K and I was making like I don’t know something crazy let’s say I was making like $500 per video for some odd reason I don’t know why like

That would be tough that would be tough venmo I could hold on do I have venmo I probably do what is my venmo what would you is your venmo like a number or is it like a a thingy is it a n oh okay hold on hold I think I found

It it’s at it’s like a what you call it hold on this might be it tell me if I’m an idiot I think that’s what it is because I have and I have a QR code that comes up but yeah I’m going do I’m going do

Both of those videos well all three of them actually third quarter sex and scored three straight possession to keep Jazz AOW still they found till they found their Groove we are in a better team we aren’t a better team without John CLS we gave Keon time to get his efficiency up and sex time and get work on office let’s give John time because his sufficiency is solid you know what Vesper I respect that I have to you

My your logic forces me to respect that I understand and I am willing to be light I I reserve a little bit of critic ISM for John because of how great his his uh his efficiency is funny how team named bucks can’t buy a bucket without Dame

Do yeah you’re a fool com denominator said John Collins went off both game for both games fair play is there member up option on your buy me a coffee page is that what I do um so on for YouTube Let me I’m gonna log into I can’t do it on

My phone you have to be on I’ve heard from i h Tayan are you still in the chat Lee went to bed and uh so did logic tton is the third member because I have three members right now all three of them um they said you have to be on a

Desktop and like when you just go to any video it should say like become a member or something like that now on buy me a coffee you can become a member and it just it’s like I think it’s like a $5 member membership every month Lee how

Did you how do you do the member thing I’m I’m slow lowkey oh it it says join thank you thank you Cam oh sorry yeah my brain cell sold me um but yeah but yeah I think there there’s there’s a membership on buy me a coffee but it’s separate like usually between both

Members like because there’s I think I have three members on both so they both pay for like the I get $ at everybody so I get like what is it it’s like $30 together because you on the only reason it’s $799 on YouTube I think it’s set at is because that will

YouTube will take like $280 so I’ll be left with $5 and the idea is that like for every three people three people paid for a video to get edited and I I don’t really get any money out of it because I usually pay for the videos out of pocket

Anyways for my editor but um it’s good though it’s and it’s it’s good because like uh these three people this month can contributed to this specific video and I might I might do member call outs at the end of videos now I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know if people

Would like that but I might think about it but yeah you said phone oh yeah yeah yeah it’s got to be on PC Some of these Ballers have unfortunately glass ankle yeah bad even for the greatest house yeah I’m with you I’m with you um yeah that’s that’s the biggest thing man that’s the biggest Thing absolutely nice my John Collins video is about to hit 1K guys woohoo I just hope that the uh the RPM and CPM on it is good because like for example quick quick uh informational thing not that anybody actually cared to ask but because I wanted to torture somebody’s eard drums

So for my uh Sim fono video the first one I dropped why is he start why is Sim funo starting that video is currently at it’s about to be 8,300 views which is my most viewed video ever by the way this will be my first video to hit 10K

Probably at this rate but because my RPM and CPM is so low I’ve been paid for I’ll tell yall how many views I’ve been paid for 7.5k views and for every every thousand viewers I’ve made 79 cents so overall I’ve made basically $6 and I think it cost me $20 to make the

Video but it it it it adds up over time it adds up over time hope you got a Discord uh let me think I I hold on before I say yes I need to make sure I have it updated because I know somebody should be in it

Is KO Koozie is not here with us tonight I don’t need that program Open actually hold on force quit Koozie is not here but he’s in the Discord um let me see if I can pull up a link what do I not have Discord download it no I don’t the

Heck did I delete it oh well whatever whatever the case may be hold on I’m I’m open a new tab for y’all uh Discord log in open Discord um all right cool cool cool cool cool where’s the share link there’s usually a share link for these things um settings no um how do

You my brain’s selling right now guys give me one second I’m sorry Um let me see how do I there’s no way no that’s my inbox that’s not what I need um show member list pinned messages notification settings threads there we go duhh all right copy all right this is the Discord server it’s dead but in case anybody wanted to join it by means still

Yeah let me see let me see uh B lari was injured also and there was press joking about it stop ah fair play fair play listening um the vegetarians got mad I’m broke loose the comment section wow watch the entire video that’s real coaster full how’s it going my guy

How you feeling brother where are you from actually that you’re just popping in the Stream now there’s no way you’re in on the East Coast because what do you you should not be up this late brother unless you’re like away oh hold on I’m actually looking at all of my

Um my channel ones now actually I have people in this Discord from a year ago that’s crazy oh I see you C but yeah man that’s that’s how it would Be ah you are in Utah okay that makes sense remember those 90s diss tracks I still listen to them fair play play I can’t even knock you for that should pin your Discord in every stream so people join that’s a good point that’s a good point Y

Fake they’re not fake they just they just they might not have Discord who knows but um yeah I’m I’m G clue everybody we’re gonna we’re gonna get on the same page um if you don’t got Discord you know follow me on Twitter TFS wraith follow me on IG

Uh is it just Co wraith or is it the cold wraith it might be Co wraith but yeah just follow me touch base with me man let me know how how you feel about the season all things of that things of that nature it’s obviously a smaller

Channel not a lot of people cover the Utah Jazz I’m here doing stuff you feel what I’m saying just hoping everybody enjoys man I live some real place here in feeling like Of fair play Yeah but yes sir absolutely we’re just out here vibing guys just another day at the office having fun like usual you know what I’m saying it’s crazy I think it’s 1:30 in the morning for me it doesn’t feel like it oh there we go 1,321 and my John Collins video Hit 1K

In 11 hours that’s that’s hard that is that is very nice decent clickr rate where we’re making changes we are seeing growth I need this one video to hit my lovely um Italian Brethren and I shall be ecstatic for sure you feel me yes sir oh yeah I definitely yes yes

Tyson I do remember you for that one I remember when you first changed it too that was what really had me mm 135 monthly earning which a lot yes sir wait no don’t do that do whatever you say we said what do you think as far as the

Chances of the Jazz making the plan I definitely think if they continue at this rate that they’re currently at play the playing is definitely reasonable for the Utah Jazz um going forward I don’t know how likely anything really is but I feel comfortable I like where they’re sitting I like the way they’re

Competing I like the lineups that are getting run I like the sets I like the defensive intensity I like the discipline um so definitely playing like reasonable ceiling seventh right seventh best best best best top of the line case scenario six seed but I think we’re probably a seventh

Realistically and that’s that’s that might be pushing the envelop a little bit but I still think I still feel comfortable went to a local bar my friend a few guys throw bouncer snow and lock the bar doors started fighting this St wow that’s insane bar or

Ardo Aro yeah they won’t even know I’m talking I’ll be like y Ardo do this yeah I got your voice locked in but yeah absolutely it’s one of those more interesting things for certain brother for certain 5050 for the chip hey I don’t hate that

I don’t hate that they get 80% win in the r for sure hey anything will take it man anything will take it yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir man oh man the vibrations but who wants title this year if you had if I had to guess the Celtic this might

Be the Celtics here lowkey you see the Celtics I want the Lakers to write their but they the things aren looking too good so it might be setim Wolves of the Celtics I’m willing to bet top of the blind I would love for the Jazz to be

It but um I don’t know 100% come from my phone oh is that me is my thing buzzing yeah okay see two young same with the timber wolves the timber wolves are pretty seasoned I think the lack of playoff success is what might get them in the

End want LeBron to win another Wing back but I don’t think he’s gonna not the way the teams set to operate right now so I don’t know your phone buz for a second oh oh yeah my fault my fault my fault yeah for sure for sure but yeah man any more thoughts

Before we before we close this thing down it’s been a very long night just Vibes well this might have been the most successful stream we’ve had today definitely hit the highest number of concurrent viewers had the most this was really a long sample size of everything um you think you like christs

I gotta go Luca wait does LCA count as Europe Luca counts as Europe right I will go if if Luca counts I’m gonna go Luca Pingus is tough right now and he’s healthy too but I might have to go Luca because Luca can do more for a

Team as a lone star than I think porzingis can so I’m I’m G lean Luca um so far while we’ve been live we’ve had 295 views and our highest concurrent was 41 we’ve never had more than I think 36 34 but yeah 30 31 32 likes chef’s

Kiss it’s great stuff yep and I know the I know the watch time on this is gonna be crazy because we’ve been live for two and a half hours and there’s been a consistent 20 people in here it’s a great night I might have made dare I say it $2 from this

Stream it’s crazy to say that but like the thing is the I I like streaming because it’s fun to talk to you guys and get like feedback on everything and then it doesn’t take much of any effort to like actually do it you just do it and

This the money that I get from my lives I just put towards my editor that’s what it does full circle until I make enough use to where I’m like oh I can work one day less at work and then eventually I’m just a full-time content creator one day one day one

Day he said voice get a kick your oh my goodness now that would have floored me yeah um what do you call it um I don’t know what it looks like on you guys’s phone but there is if you look at so there’s there’s two ways you can do it

You can either go on the buy me buy me a a basket or buy me a Hoops or you can just do a super chat and it I think on the phone it’s like a it’s like a little dollar bill with like a single dollar sign on it that does

It I’ve been watching the whole time even when I didn’t talk I was playing 2K was still watching for show bro my high school sophomore I didn’t get up for school bro I don’t want to call 68 they suck yo coer you gotta get it gang you

Gotta knock it out but sleep is sleep is important yeah sleep is crazy important sleep is insanely important but yeah it’s a it’s sleepy time gentlemen but like always I appreciate all you guys do anybody knew that popped out to the channel I appreciate you guys

Coming out I hope it was fun I hope that you enjoyed it probably more than you originally planned on it and I hope you stuck around for a little bit longer than you thought you would um with that being said as always I appreciate the support all donations are appreciated

They go to the filming cost and whatnot and edits um we’ll be back on the next live we I’ll do have a Lowry video coming on and it’s going to be cool you know what I’m saying we’re going to be out that said good morning good evening good

Night no matter where you are on the globe watching thanks for tuning in I’ll catch you guys in the next one peace what you say cam I imagine turn off and just sleep on the couch like a teacher do on her desk I’m not gonna lie I do sometimes I do sometimes

Absolutely ghost no work that’s rude Tyson I love you boy appreciate that I have to go to work oh have a good night hey get after it today coaster fool yep I appreciate y’all and I’ll catch you guys in the next one until then be safe please

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In this video we discuss the victory by the Utah Jazz over the Milwaukee bucks on the road. It was a game of extreme runs, and during the third quarter look like the Utah Jazz were about to lose it all but through a team effort, they were able to deal with Giannis, Antetokounmpo and Chris Middleton, putting on an onslaught of points in their attempt to come back into the game.

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#nba #basketball #utahjazz #jazz #laurimarkkanen #collinsexton #keyontegeorge #milwaukeebucks


  1. No Lillard, no Embiid and the next game logical step is no Jokic 😅

    Is this the first time I see ads on your video? Well done, keep it up.

  2. I really really hope Collin Sexton can elevate his game further and maybe even make All Star. Its so satisfying to see Sexton finally settle in.
    That said, we gave Sexton 1 season to acclimate, as did Minnesota for Gobert, so I'm going to extend John Collins that same courtesy

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