@Utah Jazz

As promised… let’s revisit this take

Since we’re about midway through the season, I thought this would be a good chance to remember one of the better takes we saw at the beginning of the season (after the bulls loss)

by _snapcrackle_


  1. I understand being frustrated with Will to start the season, but to say Hardy is worse than Corbin in any capacity is fucking insane.

  2. ahyesbaconandeggs

    people like that are just embarrassing. no perspective. they shouldn’t be allowed the Internet

  3. TheCapableFox

    Embarrassing comment. Likely made bc they were all up in their feelings at the time. We’ve all done it.

    Although if they still believe this then they just need to admit they don’t know ball and never comment again. Lol

  4. Hamburgling_Your_Mom

    Hardy is an enigma to me.

    He’s def a new generation coach that leans on advanced stats and metrics to make decisions. He ran lineups out solely based on those stats and an unorthodox approach. He kept tinkering until he found the right mix. It was frustrating as we all saw the problems with THT and Sexton driving and turning it over. Yet Hardy stuck with them until he didn’t. He’s all over the place with the young guys which will be interesting to watch play out. For all the things he does that I don’t agree with, he’s done an impressive job adjusting to what he has on the roster. Here’s hoping the Jazz can keep it rolling.

  5. Straight up we should go revisit some of these old takes more and more. The amount our fanbase just collectively gave up while we were injured is both understandable and incredible

  6. Unqualified4All

    I feel so called out because that was fucking me.

    I’m an idiot and don’t know anything, but I’ve been open about my moronic tendencies the entire time

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